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The aim of this study is to establish a detailed and complete inventory of the landslides triggered by the Mj 7.3 (Mw 7.0) Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake sequence of 15 April 2016 (16 April in JST). Based on high-resolution (0.5–2 m) optical satellite images, we delineated 3,467 individual landslides triggered by the earthquake, occupying an area of about 6.9 km 2. Then they were validated by aerial photographs with very high-resolution (better than 0.5 m) and oblique field photos. Of them, 3,460 landslides are distributed in an elliptical area about 6000 km 2, with a NE-SW directed 120-km-long long axis and a 60-km-long NW-SE trending short axis. Most of the landslides are shallow, disrupted falls and slides, with a few flow-type slides and rock and soil avalanches. The analysis of correlation between the landslides and several control factors shows the areas of elevation 1000–1200 m, stratum of Q 3-H vf, seismic intensity VIII and VIII+, and peak ground acceleration (PGA) 0.4–0.6 g register the highest landslide abundance. This study also discussed the relationship between the spatial pattern of the landslides and the seismotectonic structure featured by a strike-slip fault with a normal component and the volcanism in the study area. 相似文献
The sequence of the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake, which included an initial M6.5 foreshock on April 14, followed by a larger M7.3 mainshock on April 16, and subsequently occurred high aftershock activity, caused significant damage in Kumamoto and neighboring regions. The near-field strong motion record by strong motion network (K-NET and KiK-net) and the intensity meter network demonstrated clearly the characteristics of the strong ground motion developed by the shallow ( H = 12 km), inland earthquake comprising short-time duration (<15–20 s) but large (>1G) ground accelerations. The velocity response spectra of the near-fault motion at Mashiki and Nishihara showed large levels (>300–550 cm/s) in the short-period range ( T = 1–2 s), several times larger than that of the near-field record of the destructive 1995 Kobe earthquake (M7.3) and that of the 2004 Mid-Niigata earthquake (M6.8). This period corresponds to the collapse vulnerability of Japanese wooden-frame houses, and is the major cause of severe damage during the Kumamoto earthquake. The response spectra also showed extremely large levels (>240–340 cm/s) in the long-period ( T > 3 s) band, which is potentially disastrous for high-rise buildings, large oil storage tanks, etc. to have longer resonant period. Such long-period motion was, for the most parts, developed by the static displacement of the fault movement rather than by the seismic waves radiating from the source fault. Thus, the extreme near-fault long-period motion was hazardous only close to the fault but it attenuated very rapidly away from the fault. 相似文献
This paper is based on data from engineering-geological research on the landslide slopes of the Moscow River valley from the site of a proposed bridge crossing reconstruction. A method for delineating the slippage surface is suggested, which allows a more reliable evaluation of landslide stability and pressure for planning and decision-making purposes during the reconstruction of the bridge crossing, and an appropriate mitigation strategy. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (MJMA7.3) struck central area of Kyushu Island, Japan. The presence of near surface low velocity layer greatly amplified the ground motions and caused... 相似文献
通过对永吉高速公路黑潭坪边坡的野外调查,详细地了解了研究区工程地质条件,探讨了边坡变形破坏机理,结合室内试验和计算反演获取岩土体强度参数,在此基础上建立三维地质模型,运用FLAC3D数值分析软件采用强度折减法对不同工况下的坡体稳定性进行详细分析并提出治理建议。研究表明:(1)边坡变形破坏是内外因素综合作用的结果,岩土体性质不良是边坡变形破坏的内在因素,坡脚便道开挖和地表水下渗是边坡变形破坏的诱导因素;(2)强度折减法应用于边坡三位稳定性分析具有较好的适用性;(3)数值模拟显示采用削坡结合锚固的综合治理措施具有明显的效果。 相似文献
In this article, the results of a study aimed to assess the landslide susceptibility in the Calaggio Torrent basin (Campanian
Apennines, southern Italy) are presented. The landslide susceptibility has been assessed using two bivariate-statistics-based
methods in a GIS environment. In the first method, widely used in the existing literature, weighting values ( Wi) have been calculated for each class of the selected causal factors (lithology, land-use, slope angle and aspect) taking
into account the landslide density (detachment zones + landslide body) within each class. In the second method, which is a
modification of the first method, only the landslide detachment zone (LDZ) density has been taken into account to calculate
the weighting values. This latter method is probably characterized by a major geomorphological coherence. In fact, differently
from the landslide bodies, LDZ must necessarily occur in geoenvironmental classes prone to failure. Thus, the calculated Wi seem to be more reliable in estimating the propensity of a given class to generate failure. The thematic maps have been reclassified
on the basis of the calculated Wi and then overlaid, with the purpose to produce landslide susceptibility maps. The used methods converge both in indicating
that most part of the study area is characterized by a high–very high landslide susceptibility and in the location and extent
of the low-susceptible areas. However, an increase of both the high–very high and moderate–high susceptible areas occurs in
using the second method. Both the produced susceptibility maps have been compared with the geomorphological map, highlighting
an excellent coherence which is higher using method-2. In both methods, the percentage of each susceptibility class affected
by landslides increases with the degree of susceptibility, as expected. However, the percentage at issue in the lowest susceptibility
class obtained using method-2, even if low, is higher than that obtained using method-1. This suggests that method-2, notwithstanding
its major geomorphological coherence, probably still needs further refinements. 相似文献
当进行滑坡地震稳定性分析时,一般对滑体取某一固定的加速度,这忽略了地震波的传播过程。滑坡在地震中破坏的根本原因是地震波在岩土体中传播时,在滑体和滑床间形成了加速度差。推导了加速度差的计算公式,以青海省玉树机场路3号滑坡为原型,以玉树机场强震观测台的实测加速度时程为动力输入,采用传递系数法计算滑坡动力稳定系数时程曲线。结果表明,天然状态滑坡的稳定系数为1.269,最小动力稳定性系数为0.962,最小平均稳定系数为1.069。滑坡的整体稳定性较好,不会形成整体失稳,但会有局部变形,与震后实测现象一致。 相似文献
Landslide susceptibility evaluation is one of the most important issues in watershed management. After an earthquake, the landslide susceptibility decreases functionally with increases in the distance from the epicenter. Under the same rainfall intensity, landslides are more likely to occur in an area where earthquakes occur more frequently. However, the questions of how much an earthquake should be weighted and how to evaluate the effects of an earthquake still need to be studied. To understand how earthquakes affect rainfall-triggered landslides, the horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) data from the Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network is used as the earthquake factor and combined with other factors to determine the weight of earthquakes in landslide susceptibility using logistic regression. The results indicate that the ability of landslide prediction is better when considering the earthquake factor. This study also proved that although there are no co-seismic landslides (after earthquakes) in the study area, the earthquake factor is still required to increase the model accuracy. PGA has been described as a usable factor. In areas with frequent earthquakes and high geological activity, when using historical data to evaluate landslide susceptibility, the earthquake factor should be taken into consideration to prevent errors. 相似文献
In recent years SAR interferometry has become a widely used technique for measuring altitude and displacement of the surface
of the earth. Both these capabilities are highly relevant for landslide susceptibility studies. Although there are many problems
that make the use of SAR interferometry less suitable for landslide inventory mapping, it’s use in landslide monitoring and
in the generation of input maps for landslide susceptibility assessment looks very promising. The present work attempts to
evaluate the usefulness and limitations of this technique based on a case study in the Swiss Alps. Input maps were generated
from ERS repeat pass data using SAR interferometry. A land cover map has been generated by image classification of multi-temporal
SAR intensity images. An InSAR DEM was generated and a number of maps were derived from it, such as slope-, aspect, altitude-
and slope form classes. These maps were used to generate landslide and rockfall susceptibility maps, which give fairly well
acceptable results. However, a comparison of the InSAR DEM with the conventional Swisstopo DEM, indicated significant errors
in the absolute height and slope angles derived from InSAR, especially along the ridges and in the valleys. These errors are
caused by low coherence mostly due to layover and shadow effects. Visual comparison of stereo images created from hillshading
maps and corresponding DEMs demonstrate that a considerable amount of topographic details have been lost in the InSAR-derived
DEM. It is concluded that InSAR derived input maps are not ideal for landslide susceptibility assessment, but could be used
if more accurate data is lacking. 相似文献
For those working in the field of landslide prevention, the estimation of hazard levels and the consequent production of thematic
maps are principal objectives. They are achieved through careful analytical studies of the characteristics of landslide prone
areas, thus, providing useful information regarding possible future phenomena. Such maps represent a fundamental step in the
drawing up of adequate measures of landslide hazard mitigation. However, for a complete estimation of landslide hazard, meant
as the degree of probability that a landslide occurs in a given area, within a given space of time, detailed and uniformly
distributed data regarding their incidence and causes are required. This information, while obtainable through laborious historical
research, is usually partial, incomplete and uneven, and hence, unsatisfactory for zoning on a regional scale. In order to
carry this out effectively, the utilization of spatial estimation of the relative levels of landslide hazard in the various
areas was considered opportune. These areas were classified according to their levels of proneness to landslide activity without
taking recurrence periods into account. Various techniques were developed in order to obtain upheaval numerical estimates.
The method used in this study, which was applied in the area of Potenza, is based on techniques derived from artificial intelligence
(Artificial Neural Network—ANN). This method requires the definition of appropriate thematic layers, which parameterize the
area under study. These are recognized by means of specific analyses in a functional relationship to the event itself. The
parameters adopted are: slope gradient, slope aspect, topographical index, topographical shape, elevation, land use and lithology. 相似文献
Slope instability is very common phenomenon, especially in tectonically active hills of the lesser Himalaya. The deformed, weathered and fragile rocks of the lesser Himalaya are often vulnerable under natural or anthropogenic influences. There were several cases of slope failure along highway sections in Uttarakhand Himalaya. The study was carried out along a highway section of NH-109. The factor of safety (FoS) is commonly most acceptable parameter that analyses the health of slopes. The two dimensional (2D) numerical analysis techniques are commonly used to obtain the FoS. It is observed that many times FoS obtained from 2D analysis techniques do not qualify the actual conditions and are usually lower in value as compared to ground conditions. This, in turn, increases the cost of remedial measures used for protection of slopes. This paper presents a comparative study of 2D and 3D numerical analysis based on the finite difference method (FDM) using fast Langrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) codes. The study indicates that there is no appreciable difference between FoS values obtained from 2D and 3D analysis based on the selected slope conditions. The difference ranges from 0.02 to 0.07 for analysed cases in uniform rock mass. The study also exhibits some of the important analytical observations and effects of variables on resultant FoS. 相似文献
High-steep slopes in open pit mines are much more likely to collapse due to mining operations. Challenges such as data acquisition, precise numerical models and adaptable methodologies have impeded more reliable results of slope stability analysis based on the current methods. Within this context, this paper proposes a combined methodology using light detection and ranging technology to capture high-resolution slope geometry, three-dimensional geological and geotechnical modeling technologies for creating high-quality numerical simulation models and finite-element slope stability analyses combined with a new automatic strength reduction technique to analyze complex geotechnical problems. At the end, the methodology introduces a time series analysis to improve the reliability of the calculated factor of safety. A case study in the deepest open pit mine in Hambach, Germany, was conducted to test and demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed methodology. 相似文献
Landslides - By utilizing the Green-Ampt infiltration equation and the infinite slope stability model, a method for analyzing shallow slope failures caused by rainfall is developed. With rainfall... 相似文献
Prediction on landslide displacement plays an important role in landslide early warning. Many models have been proposed for this purpose. However, the accuracy of the prediction results by these models often varies under different conditions. Rational evaluation and comprehensive consideration of these results still remain a scientific challenge. A new comprehensive combination model is proposed to predict the landslides displacement. The elementary displacement prediction is made by the support vector machine model, the exponential smoothing model, and the gray model (GM)(1,1). The results of the models are comprehensively evaluated by combining the results and introducing the accuracy matrix. The optimal weight in the evaluation work is obtained. A rational prediction result can be attained based on the so-called combination model. The proposed method has been tested by the application of Qinglong landslides in Guizhou Province, China. The comparison between the prediction results and in situ measurement shows that the prediction precision of the proposed model is satisfactory. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the combination model can be reduced to 1.4316 (monitoring site JCK2), 1.2623 (monitoring site JCK4), 2.3758 (monitoring site JCK6), 2.2704 (monitoring site JCK8), 1.4247 (monitoring site JCK11), and 0.9449 (monitoring site JCK12), which is much lower than the RMSE of the individual models. 相似文献
To monitor land deformation in detail, we ran a large-scale field test in which an artificial landslide was induced by the application of a load to a natural slope. The measured landslide displacement was reproduced numerically through the use of finite element model analysis with a two-dimensional elasto-viscoplastic model. The analysis suggested that the strength of the sliding surface decreased as the landslide mass moved. We propose a simple method for estimating safety factors. The method involves back-calculation of shear strength parameters through reproduction of observed landslide displacements and calculating the ratio of driving force to resisting force acting on the sliding surface as modeled by joint elements. This ratio, the “stability index”, shows the same trend as safety factors calculated by a two-dimensional limit equilibrium method and a shear strength reduction method that use back-calculated shear strength parameters estimated from the limit equilibrium state. The results indicate that the stability index may be applicable to the assessment of slope stability. 相似文献
Around hundred landslides were triggered by the Kumamoto earthquakes in April 2016, causing fatalities and serious damage to properties in Minamiaso village, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. The landslides included many rapid and long-runout landslides which were responsible for much of the damage. To understand the mechanism of these earthquake-triggered landslides, we carried out field investigations with an unmanned aerial vehicle to obtain DSM and took samples from two major landslides (Takanodai landslide and Aso-ohashi landslide) to measure parameters of the initiation and the motion of landslides. A series of ring-shear tests and computer simulations were conducted using a measured Kumamoto earthquake acceleration record from KNet station KMM005, 10 km west of Aso-ohashi landslide. The research results supported our assumed mechanism of sliding-surface liquefaction for the rapid and long-runout motion of these landslides. 相似文献
The October 2005 earthquake triggered several thousand landslides in the Lesser Himalaya of Kashmir in northern Pakistan and
India. Analyses of ASTER satellite imagery from 2001 were compared with a study undertaken in 2005; the results show the extent
and nature of pre- and co-/post-seismic landsliding. Within a designated study area of ~2,250 km 2, the number of landslides increased from 369 in 2001 to 2,252 in October 2005. Assuming a balanced baseline landsliding frequency
over the 4 years, most of the new landslides were likely triggered by the 2005 earthquake and its aftershocks. These landslides
mainly happened in specific geologic formations, along faults, rivers and roads, and in shrubland/grassland and agricultural
land. Preliminary results from repeat photographs from 2005 and 2006 after the snowmelt season reveal that much of the ongoing
landsliding occurred along rivers and roads, and the extensive earthquake-induced fissuring. Although the susceptibility zoning
success rate for 2001 was low, many of the co-/post-seismic landsliding in 2005 occurred in areas that had been defined as
being potentially dangerous on the 2001 map. While most of the area in 2001 was (very) highly susceptible to future landsliding,
most of the area in 2005 was only moderate to low susceptible, that is, most of the landsliding in 2005 actually occurred
in the potentially dangerous areas on the 2001 map. This study supports the view that although susceptibility zoning maps
represent a powerful tool in natural hazard management, caution is needed when developing and using such maps. 相似文献
Landslides are one of the most widespread natural hazards in high mountain terrains such as the Himalayas, which are one of the youngest tectonically and seismically active mountain ranges in the world. The crustal movements along the longitudinal thrusts and transverse faults give rise to earthquakes and in turn initiate landslides in the region. In fact, in addition to various static factors causing landslides, earthquakes are one of the major causes of landslides. It is thus imperative to incorporate seismic factor also while carrying out landslide susceptibility zonation map preparation in a seismically active areas like Garhwal Himalayas. In this paper, a study on the effect of earthquakes on landslide susceptibility zonation has been demonstrated by taking Chamoli earthquake as an example. 相似文献
GIS-based landslide susceptibility maps for the Kankai watershed in east Nepal are developed using the frequency ratio method and the multiple linear regression technique. The maps are derived from comparing observed landslides with possible causative factors: slope angle, slope aspect, slope curvature, relative relief, distance from drainage, land use, geology, distance from faults and mean annual rainfall. The consistency of the maps is evaluated using landslide density analysis, success rate analysis and spatially agreed area approach. The first two analyses produce almost identical quantitative results, whereas the last approach is able to reveal spatial differences between the maps and also to improve predictions in the agreed high landslide-susceptible area. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - The earthquake outbreak on 12 May 2008, in Wenchuan County caused long-term instability and frequent geological hazards on the mountain slopes in the earthquake area. Considering... 相似文献