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It is widely known that the seismic response characteristics of a soil site depends heavily on several key dynamic properties of the soil stratum, such as predominant frequency and damping ratio. A widely used method for estimating the predominant frequency of a soil site by using microtremor records, proposed by Nakamura, is investigated to determine its effectiveness in estimating the damping ratio. The authors conducted some microtremor measurements of soil sites in Hong Kong and found that Nakamura’s method might also be used to estimate the damping ratio of a soil site. Damping ratio data from several typical soil sites were obtained from both Nakamura’s ratio curves using the half power point method and resonant column tests. Regression analysis indicates that there is a strong correlation between the damping ratios derived from these two different approaches. Supported by: Research project (PolyU 5076/97E), of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  相似文献   

张家口地震台和兴隆地震台地脉动信号初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取河北省张家口和兴隆2个台站的数字化地震仪连续1年,每日02~03时的地脉动记录,计算功率谱和自相关函数。结果发现兴隆台脉动谱中有4个比较突出的峰值,分别为0.3Hz、3Hz、8Hz、15Hz,张家口台只有3个峰值0.3Hz、3Hz、15Hz。兴隆台UD向的自相关函数呈现出一种比较典型的“红噪声”形态,EW向则呈现出负相关特征,认为可能是只作用于水平向的倾斜脉动的影响。小幅度的仪器干扰信号无论从脉冲标定还是地震波形中都很难发现的,而对脉动进行谱分析则很容易分辨。兴隆台和张家口台地脉动卓越周期时间曲线,基本集中在0.3秒,比较稳定。  相似文献   

Introduction A good deal of attention was paid to the amplification response of soil layers under the earthquake waves,especially by the engineering seismologists.  相似文献   

气枪震源地震动效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
迄今为止,人类关于地球内部结构、组成和演化的知识仍主要来源于人们从天然地震引起的地震波中获取的信息.尽管天然地震能量大、探测范围广,但其发生的频率低、位置不确定、定位精度差,因此利用天然地震探测地球内部精度相当低.与天然地震相比,人工震源的位置及激发时间可以精确控制且重复性好,因此具有很高的探测精度.但常用的人工震源(如爆破震源、电火花震源、锤击震源及列车震  相似文献   

工程场地条件评定中的地脉动研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
为了研究开发更经济,更简便的场地动务特性探测方法,本文简要地回顾了工程场地条件评定中地脉动研究的演进,概述了地脉动观测技术的发展,循着地脉动分析方法的演进历程,叙述了谱和谱比分析方法,利用地脉动频散曲线反演场地速度构造的研究,讨论了各种分析方法的依据和适用条件,指出了目前存在的问题,并探讨了可能的改进途径。  相似文献   

An extensive investigation has been made into the interaction between topographic amplification and soil layer amplification of seismic ground motion. This interaction is suggested in the literature as a possible cause for the differences between topographic amplification magnitudes observed in field studies and those obtained from numerical analysis. To investigate this issue a numerical finite element (FE) parametric study was performed for a slope in a homogeneous linear elastic soil layer over rigid bedrock subjected to vertically propagating in-plane shear waves (Sv waves). Analyses were carried out using two types of artificial time history as input excitation, one mimicking the build-up and decay of shaking in the time histories of real earthquake events, and the other to investigate the steady-state response. The study identified topographic effects as seen in previous numerical studies such as modification of the free-field horizontal motion, generation of parasitic vertical motion, zones of alternating amplification and de-amplification on the ground surface, and dependence of topographic amplification on the frequency of the input motion. For the considered cases, topographic amplification and soil layer amplification effects were found to interact, suggesting that in order to accurately predict topographic effects, the two effects should not be always handled separately.  相似文献   

The relationships between the spectral characteristics of earthquake ground motions and those of micro‐tremors are investigated using the observed data from a dense strong‐motion network consisting of 108 stations in the Yun‐Li, Chia‐Yi and Tai‐Nan areas in southwestern Taiwan. Many high‐quality recordings, including those of the 921 Chi‐Chi earthquake (Mw=7.6), the 1022 Chia‐Yi mainshock (ML=6.4), the 1022 major aftershock (ML=6.0), as well as some weak motion events are selected to evaluate site responses. Microtremor measurements are also performed at most ground motion stations. With many stations in the area located on an alluvium structure, however, it is difficult to find good reference stations on rock sites, which therefore necessitates the calculation of single‐station H/V ratios. The predominant frequencies obtained from H/V ratios are consistent with those from spectral ratios. The site characteristics between the strong and weak events are different, however. This implies that a nonlinear effect probably occurred with the strong‐motion events. The main peak in the H/V spectra of the microtremors is in good agreement with the first peak obtained from the spectra of earthquake ground motions. It is reasonable to claim that the main peak reflects the deep underground structure. On the basis of the H/V ratios of the microtremors, it is concluded that the lower predominant frequencies appear in the plain area, while the higher values are near the mountainous region. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Theeffectoflocalirregulartopographyonseismic ground motionJIG-hoLIU(刘晶波)(DepartmentofCivilEngineering,TsinghuaUniversityBeiji...  相似文献   

In this paper a numerical study on the effects of the basin edge on the dynamic behavior of the model basins are investigated. For this purpose a range of bedrock inclinations at the valley sides from slighter $10^{\circ }$ and $20^{\circ }$ to steeper $30^{\circ }$ and $40^{\circ }$ are selected. A numerical study using nonlinear code which utilizes appropriate static and dynamic boundary conditions, and includes hysteresis damping formulation based on user defined degradation curves is conducted utilizing two sandy and clayey materials. Using several different real earthquake motions provide opportunity for the assessment of the site response to the variation of the motion intensity. The analyses results are presented in the form of the acceleration and spectral acceleration amplification curves. Also, by conducting 1D analyses along the valley the aggravation curve for every case are evaluated and discussed. It was seen that variation of the bedrock inclination not only affects the peaks of the spectral amplification curves, but also the position of the maximums of the curves on the valley surface are changed. Also, the frequency domain results show that different parts of the valleys are sensitive to different periods. While the lateral parts are sensitive to lower periods, the maximum amplification of the inner parts takes place at higher periods. Based on results the 2D behavior not only is dominant at the latreal parts of the valley, but also affects the behavior of the inner parts. Also, the use of the 1D analyes for the estimation of the 2D behavior remains insufficient. Finally, the results of this research show the important effect of the motion intensity on the 2D behavior of the valley specially on the increase of the resonance period at higher period.  相似文献   

Earthquake has left much life and property damages. The occurrence of such events necessitates the execution of plans for combating the earthquakes. One of the most important methods for combating earthquakes includes assessing dynamic characteristics of soil and site effect. One of the methods by which one can state dynamic characteristics of the soil of an area is the measurement of microtremors. Microtremors are small-scale vibrations that occur in the ground and have an amplitude range of about0.1–1 microns. Microtremor measurement is fast, applicable, cost-effective. Microtremor measurements were taken at 15 stations in the Babol, north of Iran. Regarding H/V spectral ratio method, peak frequency and amplification factor were calculated for all microtremor stations.According to the analysis, the peak frequency varies from0.67 to 8.10 Hz within the study area. Also, the authors investigated the validity of the results by comparing them with SESAME guidelines and geotechnical conditions of study area. The microtremor analysis results are consistent with SESAME guidelines and geotechnical condition of study area. The results show that the microtremor observations are acceptable methods for assessing dynamic characteristics of soil and site effect in the Babol City.  相似文献   

刘中宪  尚策  王小燕  王冬 《地震学报》2017,39(1):111-131
基于一种高精度间接边界元法(IBEM), 实现了沉积盆地三维地震响应的频域、 时域精细求解, 并以半空间中椭球形沉积盆地对平面P波和SV波的散射为例, 着重探讨了入射角度、 入射波型、 入射频率、 盆地长宽比和深宽比对沉积盆地地震动放大效应的影响规律. 结果表明: 盆地形状对地震波的放大效应和空间分布状态具有显著影响, 且具体规律受控于入射波频段. ① 随着盆地深度增大, 盆地边缘面波发育更为充分, 在较宽频段内均会出现显著的地震动放大效应, 且深盆地的放大区域集中于盆地中部. ② 圆形盆地对地震波的汇聚效应最为显著, 而狭长盆地对地震波的汇聚作用相对较弱, 高频情况下可在盆地内部形成多个聚焦区域. ③ 不同波型入射下, 盆地对地震动放大效应的机制有所差异: P波入射下, 竖向位移放大主要是由于盆地边缘面波由四周向中部汇聚所致; SV波入射下, 边缘面波汇聚效应相对较弱, 而当盆地较深时, 底部透射体波和边缘面波易形成同相干涉从而显著放大地震动. 按盆地内外介质波速比为1/2, P波和SV波垂直入射下频域最大放大倍数分别为25和15, 时域放大倍数约为4.0和3.7(雷克子波). ④ 低频波入射下, 位移从盆地中部向边缘逐渐减小, 且浅层沉积盆地对地表位移幅值的放大作用不明显. ⑤ P波和SV波的入射角度对盆地地震动放大幅值及空间分布特征也具有显著影响.   相似文献   

Topographic effect study is a very important research topic in seismology, seismic engineering,earthquake engineering, engineering earthquake construction and engineering seismology. This paper focuses on its present development status. Post-earthquake investigation has found that the existence of topography caused more serious earthquake damage. The actual seismographs also recorded the topographic amplification effect of 6 to 7 times and even more than 10 times. Numerical simulation is an important technique to study topographic effect, which complements the lack of observed records. However researches on 3-D topographic effect are not enough and need to be studied deeper. To find the main influence factors and the quantitative relationship between topography and ground motion are required very urgently. Obviously the achievements not only can be applied in the earthquake resistant design, but also can provide the quantitative pre-earthquake disaster prediction and quantitative post-earthquake disaster evaluation.  相似文献   

福建省地处我国东南沿海,每年5—10月都会受到台风的侵袭,目前建有厦门、漳州、福州三个连续重力观测台站。以2014年第10号强台风"麦德姆"为例,利用重力观测资料研究:(1)台风引起的地脉动信号的强度和卓越频率的变化规律;(2)台风卓越周期与台风强度和移动速度的关系;(3)连续重力资料非潮汐信息提取。结果表明:(1)台风靠近台站时地脉动信号增强,登陆后迅速减弱,福州台记录的信号卓越频率要比其他台站高;(2)台风卓越周期与台风强度和台风移动速度的关系比较复杂;(3)用现代滤波器能有效滤除长期存在的干扰信号。  相似文献   




地表不规则地形的存在往往会引起地震波的散射,进而产生局部地震动放大或衰减的现象.虽然地形效应最早在异常地震记录中被发现,然而利用地形影响台阵记录到的地震动数据却少之又少.基于1992年在我国台湾翡翠河谷上观测到的六条地形影响台阵记录,利用线源SH波入射下非对称V形河谷地震波传播解析理论,模拟得到了河谷台阵各点的地震动,...  相似文献   

地震动的频谱特征是影响结构动力反应的重要因素。以集集地震动记录为数据基础,对反映地震动频谱特征的4个参数周期(反应谱卓越周期Tp,平滑化反应谱卓越周期To,傅氏幅值谱平均周期Tm和反应谱特征周期Tg)进行了研究。依据理论模型,经非线性回归分析,给出了不同场地上地震动各周期分量随断层距变化的经验公式。结果表明,不同的频谱参数周期反映地震动不同的频谱特征;同一场地上各周期随断层距的增大而增大;To和Tm具有较好的可估性。  相似文献   

岩土介质随机性对沉积河谷地震动放大效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘中宪  于琴  何颖 《地震学报》2017,39(5):764-777
基于间接边界元法计算沉积河谷对平面P波和SV波的二维散射,着重考察沉积介质波速比和材料阻尼比的随机性对河谷地震动放大效应的影响.利用蒙特卡罗方法随机模拟产生了波速比样本和阻尼样本各30组,给出了不同入射角度和频率的P波和SV波入射下河谷随机响应的单频和频谱结果.算例分析结果表明:①地表位移响应幅值的变异系数极值均显著大于波速比变异系数,且波速比的随机性对地表位移的影响在体系共振频率处最为显著,地表位移的标准差最大可达7.168;低频情况下,沉积中部地震动反应的变异性更显著,高频情况下则在沉积河谷边缘变异性最大;②入射角对地表位移响应变异系数极值的影响不大,但对变异系数空间变化的影响显著;③阻尼比随机性对地表位移的影响在低频情况下较小,在高频情况下则较明显,尤其是在沉积河谷的体系自振频率处,其影响最为显著.   相似文献   

于琴  刘中宪  何颖 《地震学报》2017,39(6):1-14
基于间接边界元法计算沉积河谷对平面P波和SV波的二维散射,着重考察沉积介质波速和材料阻尼的随机性对河谷地震动放大效应。利用蒙特卡罗方法随机模拟产生了波速样本和阻尼样本各30组,给出了不同入射角度和频率P波和SV波入射下河谷随机响应的单频和频谱结果。算例分析结果表明:(1)地表位移响应幅值的变异系数极值均显著大于波速比变异系数,且波速比的随机性对地表位移的影响在体系共振频率处最为明显,地表位移的最大标准差可达7.168;低频情况下,沉积中部地震反应变异性更显著,高频情况下则在沉积河谷边缘变异性最大;(2)入射波角度对地表位移响应变异系数极值的影响不大,但对变异系数空间变化的影响显著;(3)阻尼的随机性对地表位移的影响在低频情况下较小,在高频情况下则较明显,尤其是在沉积河谷的体系自振频率处,其影响最为显著。   相似文献   

场地条件对地震动影响研究的若干进展   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
简要回顾了场地条件对地震动影响的研究历史,重点介绍了近年来这一领域研究的相关情况,内容包括场地的地形地貌、岩土的组成特征和动力特性参数等对地震动的影响。在论述研究进展的同时,对有关的研究内容进行了评述和讨论,并对今后的研究工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

局部地形条件对地震动放大有显著影响,解析法和数值法均可研究该问题,而解析法可以分析问题的物理本质和检验数值法的精度.将局部地形分为无盖层凹陷地形、有盖层凹陷地形(沉积谷地)、凸起地形和复合地形;分别综述了国内外关于各种局部地形对地震动影响的解析解研究成果.从以下4个方面分析和讨论当前研究成果:①研究方法;②计算介质模型;③各局部地形研究水平的不均衡;④研究存在不足之处.提出了未来发展方向:未来该领域应加强研究局部地形对Rayleigh波地震动响应规律,开展局部地形对多种波耦合入射下的地震动响应规律的研究,运用非线性波动理论研究局部地形对地震动的影响和开展三维非线性地震动数值模拟研究.  相似文献   

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