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Based on the analysis of siderite distribution,occurrence,chemical compositionk,structureal characteristics,carbon-oxygen isotopic characteristics and relationship between siderite and hematite,this paper presents a systematic study of siderite in the region studied.suggesting that the siderite in the Xuanlong area genetically resulted from organically reduced primary hematite during the diagenesis.The ferric and ferrous relations directly depend on organic contents.In the presence of organic matter ferrous iron can be converted to ferric iron through or ganic reduction.The above conclusion has also been proved by organic geochemistry.data.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) was measured in the Piauí River estuary, NE Brazil. A mass balance of C, N, and P was used to infer its sources and sinks. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations and fluxes were measured over a year along this mangrove dominated estuary. DIC concentrations were high in all estuarine sections, particularly at the fluvial end member at the beginning of the rainy season. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the entire estuary were supersaturated throughout the year and highest in the upper estuarine compartment and freshwater, particularly at the rainy season, due to washout effects of carbonaceous soils and different organic anthropogenic effluents. The estuary served as a source of DIC to the atmosphere with an estimated flux of 13 mol CO2 m?2 year?1. Input from the river was 46 mol CO2 m?2 year?1. The metabolism of the system was heterotrophic, but short periods of autotrophy occurred in the lower more marine portions of the estuary. The pelagic system was more or less balanced between auto- and heterotrophy, whereas the benthic and intertidal mangrove region was heterotrophic. Estimated annual NEM yielded a total DIC production in the order of 18 mol CO2 m?2 year?1. The anthropogenic inputs of particulate C, N, and P, dissolved inorganic P (DIP), and DIC were significant. The fluvial loading of particulate organic carbon and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was largely retained in two flow regulation and hydroelectric reservoirs, promoting a reduction of C:N and C:P particulate ratios in the estuary. The net nonconservative fluxes obtained by a mass balance approach revealed that the estuary acts as a source of DIP, DIN, and DIC, the latter one being almost equivalent to the losses to the atmosphere. Mangrove forests and tidal mudflats were responsible for most of NEM rates and are the main sites of organic decomposition to sustain net heterotrophy. The main sources for this organic matter are the fluvial and anthropogenic inputs. The mangrove areas are the highest estuarine sources of DIP, DIC, and DIN.  相似文献   

The bulk composition of organic matter and saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons extracted from 16 samples collected from two Kuperschiefer profiles in the Rudna mine,Southwest Poland has been analyzed to study the role of organic matter during base metal enrichment in the Kupferschiefer shale.The results indicated that the extract yields and saturated hydrocarbon yields decreased with increasing base metal contents.GC and GC/MS analyses indicated that n -alkanes and alkylated aromatic compounds were depleted and may have served as hydrogen donators for thermochemical sulfate reduction.The enrichment of base metal is closely connected with the destruction of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The water quality of the Vacacaí River was assessed at different sites in the period between winter 2005 and autumn 2006. All samples were analyzed for 52 elements (Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Th, Li, Be, Mg, Al, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Ag, Cd, In, Cs, Ba, Tl, Pb, Bi, U, Na, K, Hg, B, Mo, Sn, Te, Ti), temperature, pH, ammonia, and alkalinity levels. Water from the Vacacaí River ranged from slightly acidic to alkaline. No difference was observed in the chemical composition at different sites of the Vacacaí River. Levels of Ba, Ca, Sr and Mg increase in the dry seasons and reach their highest concentrations in autumn; Be and U decrease in the dry season and reach their highest concentration in spring. Al, Fe, Cr, Ni, Th, U Mn, Ca and Mg are highly positively related, indicating a common origin. Se and Cu are probably from anthropogenic source, from the rice crops of the margins of the river. Waterborne Al and Fe levels were above the desirable level for drinking water at all sites during all seasons. These results demonstrate the need for constant monitoring of water parameters, which is crucial to ensure water quality for the population of this region.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations were determined in stream sediments from the Camaquã River Basin, located in the shield region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. The resulting geochemical data show that overbank floodplain deposits exhibit higher concentrations than sediments collected from the active channel bed. In addition, higher Hg concentrations were measured in the fine(<63 μm) sediment fraction of the samples. Total Hg concentrations in the fine fraction of active stream sediments from Lavras do Sul County, which have been influenced by past gold mining activities, have decreased during the last five years to values ≤142 ng g−1. However, in a settling pond containing abandoned mine wastes, the Hg concentration of a bulk sample remained exceptionally high (5220 ng g−1). Preliminary speciation results show that Hg0 is the predominant species in most of the samples. This was the form of Hg released by the gold amalgamation activities in the area, and appears to be relatively stable under the existing Eh and pH conditions.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory analyses of carbonate rock samples from the Qiangtang Basin,Tibet, indicate that carbonate source rocks are mainly developed in the Middle Jurassic Xiali Formation and Upper Jurassic Suowa Formation. Comprehensive studies showed that the Suowa Formation carbonate source rocks have a favorable hydrocarbon-generating potential. The abundance of organic matter in the carbonate rocks is controlled mainly by sedimentary environment and inorganic compounds in the rocks, which is higher in the restricted platform facies than in the open platform facies. Organic carbon contents decrease with increasing CaO contents in the source rocks.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the paleomagnetic data of the Amazonian Craton, with important geodynamic and paleogeographic implications for the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent (a.k.a., Nuna, Hudsoland). Despite recent increase of paleomagnetic data for several other cratons in Columbia, its longevity and the geodynamic processes that resulted in its formation are not well known. A paleomagnetic study was performed on rocks from the ∼1535 Ma AMG (Anorthosite-Mangerite-Rapakivi Granite) Mucajaí Complex located in the Roraima State (Brazil), in the northern portion of the Amazonian Craton, the Guiana Shield. Thermal and AF treatments revealed northwestern/southeastern directions with upward/downward inclinations for samples from twelve sites. This characteristic remanent magnetization is mainly carried by Ti-poor magnetite and in a lesser amount by hematite. Site mean directions were combined with previous results obtained for three other sites from the Mucajaí Complex, producing the dual polarity mean direction: Dm = 132.2°; Im = 35.4° (N = 15; α95 = 12.7°; k = 10.0) and a paleomagnetic pole located at 0.1°E, 38.2°S (A95 = 12.6°; K = 10.2). The Mucajaí pole favours the SAMBA (South AMerica-BAltica) link in a configuration formed by Amazonia and Baltica in Columbia. Also, there is geological and paleomagnetic evidence that the juxtaposition of Baltica and Laurentia at 1.76–1.26 Ga forms the core of Columbia. The present paleomagnetic data predict a long life 1.78–1.43 Ga SAMBA connection forming part of the core of the supercontinent.  相似文献   

Large rivers are a major pathway for the erosion products of continents to reach the oceans. The riverine transport of dissolved and particulate materials is generally related to a large number of interactions involving climate, hydrological, physico-chemical and biological aspects. Consequently, the investigation of large rivers allows the erosion processes at a global scale to be addressed, with information about biogeochemical cycles of the elements, weathering rates, physical erosion rates and CO2 consumption by the acid degradation of continental rocks. Today, good databases exist for the major dissolved ions in the world’s largest rivers. Since concentration of ions in river waters has to be considered in a compositional context, it is necessary to study the implications of considering the simplex, with its proper geometry, as the natural sample space. Using the additive (alr) or the isometric (ilr) log-ratio transformations, a composition can be represented as a real vector; but only in the second case can these coordinates be mapped onto orthogonal axes. Using data related to the dissolved load of some of the most important rivers in the world, the relationships among the major ions frequently used in molar ratio mixing diagrams have been investigated with alternative tools. Following the balances approach, an investigation of the properties of aqueous solutions of electrolytes that are often treated in terms of equilibrium constants is undertaken. The role played by the source—rain water, weathering of silic, carbonatic and evaporitic rocks, pollution—from which elements and chemical species can potentially be derived, has been checked through an investigation of a probabilistic model able to describe the relationships among the different components that contribute to the chemical composition of a river water sample.  相似文献   

The silver contents of organic matter in the host rocks of the Songxi shale-hosted Ag-Sb deposit of northeastern Guangdong, South China, have been directly determined using the electron microprobe technique. The silver contents in two types of organic matter, marine vitrinite and solid bitumen, vary in the range from 100×10-6to 350×10-6, which are from tens of times to thousands of times higher than those of the host rocks in the ore deposit. The average silver content of the organic matter is also several times higher than the pay grade of silver for commercial mining of the ore deposit. It is quite obvious that the organic matter of the host rocks in the ore district is characterized by an anomalous enrichment of silver. The results of this study indicate that the silver anomalies in the organic matter have been derived from both the host rocks and the silver-bearing fluids of the Songxi black shale ore source. In the course of sedimentation and later hydrothermal reworking, organic matter was able  相似文献   

Organic component in the Lower Permian salt sequence in the southern part of the Yakshinskoe deposit of the Upper Pechora potassium basin is represented by dispersed organic matter, liquid hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions in halite, as well as inclusions of bacterium, algae, spore and pollen of plants. Analysis of saturated and aromatic bitumen fractions from salts, halopelites, and clayey–silty interbeds revealed the presence of organic matter of type II and mixed type II–III. It is shown that the cover sequence and potassium bed from the southern part of the Yakshinskoe potassium–magnesium salt deposit contain autochthonous immature organic matter, whereas underlying rock salt and host rocks contain significant amount of immature allochthonous components. These migration hydrocarbons are likely immature condensates.  相似文献   

The Carrancas Formation outcrops in east-central Brazil on the southern margin of the São Francisco craton where it comprises the base of the late Neoproterozoic Bambuí Group. It is overlain by the basal Ediacaran cap carbonate Sete Lagoas Formation and was for a long time considered to be glacially influenced and correlative with the glaciogenic Jequitaí Formation. New stratigraphic, isotopic and geochronologic data imply that the Carrancas Formation was instead formed by the shedding of debris from basement highs uplifted during an episode of minor continental rifting. Reddish dolostones in the upper Carrancas Formation have δ13C values ranging from +7.1 to +9.6‰, which is a unique C isotopic composition for the lowermost Bambuí Group but similar to values found in the Tijucuçu sequence, a pre-glacial unit in the Araçuaí fold belt on the eastern margin of the São Francisco craton. The stratigraphic position below basal Ediacaran cap carbonates and the highly positive δ13C values together indicate a Cryogenian interglacial age for the Carrancas Formation, with the high δ13C values representing the so-called Keele peak, which precedes the pre-Marinoan Trezona negative δ13C excursion in other well characterized Cryogenian sequences. Hence, The Carrancas Formation pre-dates de Marinoan Jequitaí Formation and represents an interval of Cryogenian stratigraphy not previously known to occur on the southern margin of São Francicso craton. Documentation of Cryogenian interglacial strata on the São Francisco craton reinforces recent revisions to the age of Bambuí Group strata and has implications for the development of the Bambuí basin.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to investigate the changes in copper behavior in Igua?u River, a body of water strongly affected by urban inputs. This work was carried out in a subtropical Brazilian watershed suffering with high loads of raw sewage discharges from the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. A comparison between sampling sites located upstream and downstream from the urban region revealed that human inputs are able to modify the water chemistry of the river in a short distance basis, that is, approximately nine miles. Probably, the most important alterations were the creation of an anaerobic environment as well as the enhancement of humic-coated suspended solids. These two aspects were determinant to explain the high concentrations observed for particulate copper (57% of total recoverable copper) and dissolved copper sulfide species (13%) in the water column. Copper in the sediment was also higher in the downstream site, probably due to the sedimentation of the Cu-enriched particles. However, copper sulfides at the bottom sediment may also be a potential source for the metal in the water column due to the creation of anaerobic conditions in both compartments. Labile copper concentration was not affected by the changes in water chemistry. Despite the fact that sewage discharges motivate the enhancement of organic matter, but not the increase in potential complexing agents, additional ligands such as chloride, carbonates, and anthropogenic dissolved organic ligands can be now computed as a part of the labile fraction.  相似文献   

Organic geochemistry and comparisons of characteristics of the organic matter in wall rocks of the ore-controlling strata and ores of the Lower Jurassic Songling black shale formation and the related Songxi silver-antimony deposit of northeastern Guangdong have been studied in this paper.The results show that the Lower Jurassic Songling shale formation is a suite of biologic-rich and organic-rich ore-bearing marine sedimentary rocks.Micro-components of the organic matter in the Songling black shale formation consists primarily of algae,amorphous marine kerogen,solid bitument,and pyrobitument.The thermal evolution of organic matter is at the over-maturity stage.There is a general positive correlation between total organic carbon(CO)and metallogenetic elements such as Ag and Sb in the black shale formation.Organic matter in the host rocks in the Songxi ore deposit played a role in controlling the silver-antimony depositing environment during the forming process of the black shale ore-bearing formation.In the absence of vitrinite,the relative level of thermal maturity calculated by solid bitument reflectance indicates that the ore-forming temperatute of the Songxi silver-antimony deposit was about 150-170℃,which was considered as an epithermally reworked ore deposit.The roles of organic matter in the formation of the Sonxi ore deposit are a primitive accumulation of the metallogenetic elements(Ag,Sb) in the sea-water cycle system for ore source and a concentration of metals by ion exchange of chelation as well as reductionn of the oxidzed metals.  相似文献   

Studies on organic geochemistry indicate that the origin, type and maturity of organic matter are different among coal-bearing, copper-bearing and evaporite formations in the Mesozoic continental Chuxiong Basin, Yunnan, China. A mechanism has been proposed that (1) during the diagenetic mineralization stage the short-chain organic acids dervied from kerogen played an important role in remobilizing copper from source beds, while oils acted as important carrier of copper, and that (2) during the transformation or remolding mineralization stage, meteoric water leached the evaporite layers and formed downward-percolating oxidizing SO42-rich fluids; meanwhile, the copper-bearing fluids migrating upwards along growth faults from the basement was contaminated by the coal-bearing series on the way and formed reducing organic-rich fluids; oxidation-reduction occurred and sulfides formed when the two kinds of fluids met within sandstones.  相似文献   

The Distrbution of Various Mercury Species in Soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
According to the mercury species with different solubilities,the analytical procedure involving sequential chemical extraction has been applied to partitioning the mercury species in soils into seven fractions.Soil samples collected from five localities in different areas (the high-mercury ares.the man-made mercury-polluted area and the reference area)were an alyzed for the seven mercury species.It is found that high mercury contents of soils can be attributed to both man-made pollution and geological processes,but the two kinds of solis show obvious differences in the distribution of their mercury species.  相似文献   

On the basis of different photosynthetic pathways.there is an obvious difference in δ^13C values between C3 and C4 plants,In terms of this characteristic,we analyzed the organic carbon content (forestlands:1.81%-16.00%;farmland:0.45%-2.22%) and δ^13C values(forestlands:-23.86‰--27.12‰;farmland:-19.66‰--23.26‰)of three profile-soil samples either in farmland or in forestland near the Maolan Karst virgin forest,where there were developed plant C3 plants previously and now are C4 plants.Results showed that the deforestation has accelerated the decomposition rate of soil organic matter and reduced the proportion of active components in soil organic matter and thus soil fertility.  相似文献   

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