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Metapelites from the inverted Barrovian sequence in the Sikkim Himalaya (northeast India) are shown to be largely continuous with respect to their bulk rock compositions, microstructures and pressure–temperature–time–deformation (PTtD) histories. However, the upper garnet–lower staurolite zone demarcates a region of microstructurally anomalous post-kinematic garnet populations contained within strongly segregated matrices. The different microstructures within samples from this region cannot be attributed to differences in their thermobarometric histories or bulk compositions, but are instead interpreted to represent an otherwise unexposed level of the Daling Group that is now exposed along a post-metamorphic thrust splay. These heterogeneous samples contain several discrete garnet populations that progressively crystallized with increasing PT. Garnet populations that experienced the most protracted growth now form complex polycrystals that exhibit crystallographically controlled and morphologically irregular interfaces adjacent to micaceous and quartzofeldspathic domains respectively. Electron backscatter diffraction indicates that these polycrystalline garnet structures contain numerous coalesced porphyroblasts that are structurally uncorrelated across their grain boundaries. However, a crystallographically preferred orientation at the polycrystal scale is interpreted to derive from epitaxial crystallization of early-formed garnet porphyroblasts on precursor mica. Later-nucleated porphyroblasts within polycrystals preferentially concentrated towards quartzofeldspathic domains, with the overall nucleation distribution likely controlled by a complex interplay between chemical heterogeneities, strain partitioning and epitaxial crystallization. The subsequent growth of these polycrystals was equally spatially heterogeneous; it was moderated by differences in the efficiency of grain boundary transfer between quartzofeldspathic and micaceous domains that precluded thin section-scale chemical equilibration. In contrast to samples from Sikkim containing more typical porphyroblastic populations in continuous and disseminated matrices, heterogeneous availability of garnet-forming components within this strongly layered matrix is shown to have resulted in grain-scale variations in growth rates and the spatial juxtapositioning of interface-controlled microstructures and locally equilibrated chemical compositions with those that were transport controlled.  相似文献   

The growth history of two populations of snowball garnet from the Lukmanier Pass area (central Swiss Alps) was examined through a detailed analysis of three-dimensional geometry, chemical zoning and crystallographic orientation. The first population, collected in the hinge of a chevron-type fold, shows an apparent rotation of 360°. The first 270° are characterized by spiral-shaped inclusion trails, gradual and concentric Mn zoning and a single crystallographic orientation, whereas in the last 90°, crenulated inclusion trails and secondary Mn maxima centred on distinct crystallographic garnet domains are observed. Microstructural, geochemical and textural data indicate a radical change in growth regime between the two growth sequences. In the first 270°, growth occurred under rotational non-coaxial flow, whereas in the last 90°, garnet grew under a non-rotational shortening regime. The second population, collected in the limb of the same chevron-type fold structure, is characterized by a spiral geometry that does not exceed 270° of apparent rotation. These garnet microstructures do not record any evidence for a modification of the stress field during garnet growth. Concentric Mn zoning as well as a single crystallographic orientation are observed for the entire spiral. Electron backscatter diffraction data indicate that nearly all central domains in the snowball garnet are characterized by one [001] axis oriented (sub-)parallel to the symmetry axis and by another [001] axis oriented (sub-)parallel to the orientation of the internal foliation. These features suggest that the crystallographic orientation across the garnet spiral is not random and that a relation exists among the symmetry axis, the internal foliation and the crystallographic orientation.  相似文献   

Abstract An analytical electron microscope study of almandine garnet from a metamorphosed Al–Fe‐rich rock revealed detailed composition profiles and defect microstructures of resorption zoning along fluid‐infiltrated veins and even into the garnet/ilmenite (inclusion) interface. This indicates a limited volume diffusion for the cations in substitution (mainly Ca and Fe) and an interface‐controlled partition for the extension of a composition‐invariant margin. A corrugated interface between the Ca‐rich margin/zone and the almandine garnet core is characterized by dislocation arrays and recovery texture further suggesting a resorption process facilitated by diffusion‐induced recrystallization, diffusion‐induced dislocation migration and diffusion–induced grain boundary migration. Integrated microstructural and chemical studies are essential for understanding the underlying mechanisms of processes such as garnet zoning and its modification. Without this understanding, it will not be possible to reliably use garnet compositions for thermobarometry and other applications that rely on garnet chemical information.  相似文献   

苏文  游振东等 《岩石学报》2001,17(4):643-647
通过透射电镜,我们在大别山榴辉岩的石榴石中识别出水分子团。这证明 在大陆地壳岩石俯冲的过程中,石榴石作为水的载体是可以将水携带到地幔深处。而石榴石中的水分子团为超高压变质过程中有流体存在提供了有力的证据。  相似文献   

In a Barrovian metamorphic sequence, garnetiferous mica schists document a heterogeneously developed superposition of sub‐orthogonal fabrics and multiple garnet growth episodes. In the variably deformed domains, four types of garnet porphyroblasts have been defined based on inclusion trail patterns. Modelled garnet zoning in the MnNCKFMASHTO system indicates a prograde evolution from 4–4.5 kbar and 490–510 °C to 5–6 kbar and 520–550 °C in the earliest subhorizontal fabric progressing towards 6.5–7.5 kbar and 560–590 °C in the subsequent subvertical foliation. This fabric is heterogeneously deformed into a shallow‐dipping retrograde foliation associated with garnet resorption. In situ electron backscatter diffraction measurements of ilmenite inclusions in individual garnet grains yield precise data on included planar and linear elements. Consistent orientations of internal foliations, lineations and foliation intersection axis sets indicate a superposition of three sub‐orthogonal foliation systems. Weak variations of internal records with increasing intensity of deformation suggest that a moderate buckling stage occurred, but apparent lack of porphyroblast rotation is interpreted as a result of dominant passive flow. Coupling the orientation of internal fabric sets with P–T estimates is used to complement the tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the thickened crust. We demonstrate that garnet porphyroblasts preserve features which reflect large‐scale tectonic processes in orogens.  相似文献   

在拉萨地块林芝杂岩体中新发现的石榴角闪岩矿物组合为石榴子石、角闪石、十字石、绿泥石、斜长石、钠云母以及少量的钛铁矿和磷灰石。石榴角闪岩中石榴石核部富锰(Xsps=0.12~0.15)贫铁(Xalm=0.45~0.50)而石榴子石边部相对贫锰(Xsps=0.01~0.03)富铁(Xalm=0.60~0.65),表明石榴子石的核部和边部分别形成于变质作用两个不同阶段。从核部到边部,镁铝榴石升高而钙铝榴石降低,表现为进变质环带特征,这表明石榴子石核部形成于进变质过程。生长在不同的变质阶段的角闪石具有不同的成分特征,作为变质基性岩中罕见的富铝矿物,十字石的结构特征记录了不同变质阶段的信息,结合石榴石的成分和结构特征,为相平衡模拟研究其P-T演化过程提供了可能。我们利用Perplex相图模拟软件在Mn-NCKMASHO体系中模拟出该石榴角闪岩的视剖面图,利用石榴子石边部镁铝榴石和钙铝榴石含量等值线确定出石榴角闪岩峰期温压为:610~630oC,12×105~13×105k Pa,对应峰期矿物组合为石榴子石,角闪石,十字石和白云母。同时结合十字石保存的退变信息得到该石榴角闪岩经历了一个顺时针的变质演化轨迹。  相似文献   

Kyanite and staurolite occur in the Tananao Metamorphic Complex as submicron inclusions in almandine‐rich garnet from a metamorphosed palaeosol weathering horizon, near Hoping, eastern Taiwan. Quartz, rutile/brookite and zircon are also found as associated submicron inclusions in garnet. Employing the reaction ilmenite+kyanite+quartz=almandine+rutile, and the breakdown of staurolite and quartz as thermobarometers, these submicron‐scale minerals formed at >8.3–8.8 kbar and < 660–690 °C. This P–T estimate is different from that (i.e. 5–7 kbar and 530–550 °C) derived from matrix minerals, which include almandine‐rich garnet, muscovite, chlorite, chloritoid, plagioclase, quartz and ilmenite. These results suggest that submicron inclusions in garnet‐like materials may record portions of the otherwise undocumented prograde path or provide information about previous metamorphic events and thus yield new insights into orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Disequilibrium for Ca during growth of pelitic garnet   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
Compositional zoning in hundreds of almandine-rich garnets in amphibolite by facies micaceous quartzites from the Picuris Range, north-central New Mexico USA, indicates that although Mn, Mg and Fe achieve chemical equilibrium at hand-sample scale during garnet growth, Ca does not. Instead, Ca concentrations at the surface of growing garnets appear to depend strongly on kinetic factors that govern the local chemical environment, yielding disequilibrium for Ca at scales larger than the region immediately surrounding an individual porphyroblast. Detailed zoning profiles were obtained for 371 garnet crystals in a small volume of a single sample of garnetiferous quartzite, and core analyses were made of 97 additional crystals. Each analysis was made on a section that passed precisely through the morphological centre of the crystal, located by means of 3-D imagery from computed X-ray tomography. The data reveal strong correlations between crystal size and concentrations of Mn, Mg and Fe (but not Ca) in garnet cores; a relationship between crystal size and isolation; rigorous cross-correlations among concentrations of Mn, Mg and Fe (but not Ca); and systematic variations in Ca concentrations as a function of crystal size and core composition that are anomalous in comparison to the behaviour of the other divalent cations. We interpret these observations as the result of thermally accelerated diffusion-controlled garnet growth, in circumstances that promoted rapid intergranular diffusion and thus rock-wide equilibration of Mn, Mg and Fe, but that prevented equilibration at similar scale for Ca because of its more sluggish intergranular diffusion. The anomalous behaviour of Ca is made evident in these garnets by the presence of sharp spikes in Ca concentration, which are demonstrably not a consequence of any simultaneous rock-wide event, such as a change in pressure, temperature, or some other intensive parameter. Instead, Ca concentrations probably reflect the local extent of reaction in the immediate vicinity of each porphyroblast. To the degree that such kinetic factors introduce departures from chemical equilibrium for Ca, thermobarometric estimates that involve grossular contents of pelitic garnet will be in error.  相似文献   

Abstract Finite difference models of Fe-Mg diffusion in garnet undergoing cooling from metamorphic peak conditions are used to infer the significance of temperatures calculated using garnet-biotite Fe-Mg exchange thermometry. For rocks cooled from high grades where the garnet was initially homogeneous, the calculated temperature (Tcalc) using garnet core and matrix biotite depends on the size of the garnet, the ratio of garnet to biotite in the rock (Vgarnet/Vbiotite) and the cooling rate. For garnets with radii of 1 mm and Vgarnet/Vbiotite<1, Tcalc is 633, 700 and 777°C for cooling rates of 1, 10 and 100°C/Ma. For Vgarnet/Vbiotite= 1 and 4 and a cooling rate of 10° C/Ma, Tcalc is approximately 660 and 610° C, respectively. Smaller and larger garnets have lower and higher Tcalc, respectively. These results suggest that peak metamorphic temperatures may be reliably attained from rocks crystallized at conditions below Tcalc of the garnet core, provided that Vgarnet/Vbiotite is sufficiently small (<0.1) and that the composition of the biotite at the metamorphic peak has not been altered during cooling. Numerical experiments on amphibolite facies garnets with nominal peak temperatures of 550–600° C generate a ‘well’in Fe/(Fe + Mg) near the rim during cooling. Maximum calculated temperatures for the assemblage garnet + chlorite + biotite + muscovite + plagioclase + quartz using the Fe/(Fe + Mg) at the bottom of the ‘well’with matrix biotite range from 23–43° C to 5–12° C below the peak metamorphic temperature for cooling rates of 1 and 100° C/Ma, respectively. Maximum calculated temperatures for the assemblage garnet + staurolite + biotite + muscovite + plagioclase + quartz are approximately 70° C below the peak metamorphic temperature and are not strongly dependent on cooling rate. The results of this study indicate that it may be very difficult to calculate peak metamorphic temperatures using garnet-biotite Fe-Mg exchange thermometry on amphibolite facies rocks (Tmax > 550° C) because the rim composition of the garnet, which is required to calculate the peak temperature, is that most easily destroyed by diffusion.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies metamorphic rocks have been discovered from the Bizan area of eastern Shikoku, Sambagawa metamorphic belt. The eclogitic jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists occur as lenticular or sheet‐like bodies in the pelitic schist matrix, with the peak mineral assemblage of garnet + glaucophane + jadeite + phengite + quartz. The jadeitic clinopyroxene (XJd 0.46–0.75) is found exclusively as inclusions in porphyroblastic garnet. The eclogite metamorphism is characterized by prograde development from epidote–blueschist to eclogite facies. Metamorphic P–T conditions estimated using pseudosection modelling are 580–600 °C and 18–20 kbar for eclogite facies. Compared with common mafic eclogites, the jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists have low CaO (4.4–4.5 wt%) and MgO (2.1–2.3 wt%) bulk‐rock compositions. The P–T– pseudosections show that low XCa bulk‐rock compositions favour the appearance of jadeite instead of omphacite under eclogite facies conditions. This is a unique example of low XCa bulk‐rock composition triggered to form jadeite at eclogite facies conditions. Two significant types of eclogitic metamorphism have been distinguished in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, that is, a low‐T type and subsequent high‐T type eclogitic metamorphic events. The jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists experienced low‐T type eclogite facies metamorphism, and the P–T path is similar to lawsonite‐bearing eclogites recently reported from the Kotsu area in eastern Shikoku. During subduction of the oceanic plate (Izanagi plate), the hangingwall cooled gradually, and the geothermal gradient along the subduction zone progressively decreased and formed low‐T type eclogitic metamorphic rocks. A subsequent warm subduction event associated with an approaching spreading ridge caused the high‐T type eclogitic metamorphism within a single subduction zone.  相似文献   

大别山碧溪岭和山东荣成分别发育壳源和幔源的石榴二辉橄榄岩.它们在扬子板块向华北板块的俯冲过程中与俯冲板片一起经历了超高压变质作用.这两种原岩来源不同的石榴橄榄岩中的橄榄石具有相似的结晶学优选方位(LPO):[100]轴主极密垂直于面理面,[010]轴主极密平行于线理,这种橄榄石结晶学优选方位明显不同于高温地幔橄榄岩包体中的橄榄石组构,也不同于最近在超高压变质地体中发现的水导致的橄榄石组构.我们认为碧溪岭和荣成石榴二辉橄榄岩中的这种橄榄石组构可能是在相对较干的超高压变质条件下形成的.本研究为大陆深俯冲超高压变质石榴橄榄岩橄榄石组构特征提供了第一手资料.  相似文献   

苏北高压变质带绿片岩中石榴石内文石包裹体的发现   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
苏北高压变质带位于苏鲁超高压变质带东南缘,露头多为绿片岩相的中—晚元古代云台岩群,典型的蓝片岩仅见于灌云县杨集的钻孔岩心中。本文通过拉曼光谱研究,在连云港地区的绿片岩内石榴石中发现文石(CaCO3)包裹体。文石呈细小包裹体残留于细粒半自形石榴石斑晶中。这些石榴石作为低扩散的刚性矿物,经历了多期变质变形作用,变质反应证据保存在石榴石的成分环带及包体矿物组合中。文石包裹体的存在证明苏北高压变质带北部的、即本区出露的这套岩系是早期经历了高压变质作用、晚期又叠加了绿片岩相变质作用的高压变质地体。  相似文献   

The Luliangshan garnet peridotite massif is an ultramafic complex in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China. The strongly layered complex comprising garnet-bearing dunite, garnet-harzburgite, garnet-lherzolite and garnet-pyroxenite and garnet-free dunite, occurs together with eclogite embedded in various continental gneisses. The geological setting, the internal structure, bulk-composition, rare earth elements, isotopic and mineral composition data show that the garnet peridotite derives from a middle Ordovician Alaskan-type layered sub-arc cumulate intrusion of ascending mantle wedge melts. An abyssal peridotite protolith can be excluded. During the Ordovician-Silurian continental collision, thickening and foundering, the Luliangshan peridotite complex was exposed to ultrahigh pressures (UHP) reaching 5.5 GPa possibly >6 GPa at temperatures of 900 °C (perhaps up to 1000 °C) corresponding to a depth of ∼200 km. The extreme pressure conditions have been derived from thermobarometry using mineral compositions of the garnet peridotite assemblages, but they are supported by a wealth of decompression-induced mineral exsolutions in UHP minerals and by diamond inclusion in zircon. The Luliangshan garnet peridotite has experienced four stages of retrograde overprint during exhumation that lasted into the Devonian: (i) decompression-induced unmixing of the UHP minerals; (ii) garnet kelyphitisation; (iii) amphibole overprinting and (iv) serpentinization. Hydrous minerals occurring within peak metamorphic assemblage represent pseudo-inclusions, that is reaction products of reactions related to various stages of decompression and cooling rather than prograde inclusions during porphyroblast growth.  相似文献   

Garnet‐bearing peridotite lenses are minor but significant components of most metamorphic terranes characterized by high‐temperature eclogite facies assemblages. Most peridotite intrudes when slabs of continental crust are subducted deeply (60–120 km) into the mantle, usually by following oceanic lithosphere down an established subduction zone. Peridotite is transferred from the resulting mantle wedge into the crustal footwall through brittle and/or ductile mechanisms. These ‘mantle’ peridotites vary petrographically, chemically, isotopically, chronologically and thermobarometrically from orogen to orogen, within orogens and even within individual terranes. The variations reflect: (1) derivation from different mantle sources (oceanic or continental lithosphere, asthenosphere); (2) perturbations while the mantle wedges were above subducting oceanic lithosphere; and (3) changes within the host crustal slabs during intrusion, subduction and exhumation. Peridotite caught within mantle wedges above oceanic subduction zones will tend to recrystallize and be contaminated by fluids derived from the subducting oceanic crust. These ‘subduction zone peridotites’ intrude during the subsequent subduction of continental crust. Low‐pressure protoliths introduced at shallow (serpentinite, plagioclase peridotite) and intermediate (spinel peridotite) mantle depths (20–50 km) may be carried to deeper levels within the host slab and undergo high‐pressure metamorphism along with the enclosing rocks. If subducted deeply enough, the peridotites will develop garnet‐bearing assemblages that are isofacial with, and give the same recrystallization ages as, the eclogite facies country rocks. Peridotites introduced at deeper levels (50–120 km) may already contain garnet when they intrude and will not necessarily be isofacial or isochronous with the enclosing crustal rocks. Some garnet peridotites recrystallize from spinel peridotite precursors at very high temperatures (c. 1200 °C) and may derive ultimately from the asthenosphere. Other peridotites are from old (>1 Ga), cold (c. 850 °C), subcontinental mantle (‘relict peridotites’) and seem to require the development of major intra‐cratonic faults to effect their intrusion.  相似文献   

Prograde P–T paths recorded by the chemistry of minerals of subduction‐related metamorphic rocks allow inference of tectonic processes at convergent margins. This paper elucidates the changing P–T conditions during garnet growth in pelitic schists of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, which is a subduction related metamorphic belt in the south‐western part of Japan. Three types of chemical zoning patterns were observed in garnet: Ca‐rich normal zoning, Ca‐poor normal zoning and intrasectoral zoning. Petrological studies indicate that normally‐zoned garnet grains grew keeping surface chemical equilibrium with the matrix, in the stable mineral assemblage of garnet + muscovite + chlorite + plagioclase + paragonite + epidote + quartz ± biotite. Pressure and temperature histories were inversely calculated from the normally‐zoned garnet in this assemblage, applying the differential thermodynamic method (Gibbs' method) with the latest available thermodynamic data set for minerals. The deduced P–T paths indicate slight increase of temperature with increasing pressure throughout garnet growth, having an average dP/dT of 0.4–0.5 GPa/100 °C. Garnet started growing at around 470 °C and 0.6 GPa to achieve the thermal and baric peak condition near the rim (520 °C, 0.9 GPa). The high‐temperature condition at relatively low pressure (for subduction related metamorphism) suggests that heating occurred before or simultaneously with subduction.  相似文献   

Macroscopic textures resulting from different atomic-scale mechanisms for metamorphic crystallization display different degrees of order, clustering, intergrowth and relative isolation of porphyroblasts. Data on the sizes and locations of thousands of crystals in a three-dimensional volume are required to identify reliably the mechanisms governing nucleation and growth of porphyroblasts from these textural features. These data can now be acquired by means of high-resolution computed X-ray tomography. Numerical models that simulate porphyroblast formation governed by either interface-controlled or diffusion-controlled reaction mechanisms indicate that quantitative textural analysis can discriminate between these possibilities. These numerical models also allow a comparison between textures predicted for different crystallization mechanisms and textures measured in natural samples, from which inferences can be drawn concerning the relative importance of these mechanisms in nature. An independent test of the validity of such inferences is possible for porphyroblasts such as garnet that may preserve prograde growth zoning and allow the examination of normalized radius–rate relations.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional quantitative textural analysis coupled with numerical modelling has been used to assess the dominant mechanisms governing crystallization of garnet porphyroblasts in rocks from diverse regional metamorphic environments. In every case, spatial dispositions, crystal size distributions, and compositional zoning patterns of porphyroblasts indicate the dominance of diffusion-controlled nucleation and growth mechanisms.
Nine samples from three geological areas were studied: a suite of semi-pelitic rocks from the Picuris Mountains, New Mexico (USA); a suite of mafic samples from the Llano Uplift, Texas (USA); and a kyanite schist from Mica Dam, British Columbia (Canada). The semi-pelitic suite exhibits post-deformational garnet growth, whereas garnet in the mafic suite and in the kyanite schist grew synkinematically in rocks displaying weak and strong penetrative fabrics, respectively.
For each sample, the centres and radii of thousands of garnet crystals were located and measured in three dimensions, using images produced by high-resolution computed X-ray tomography. Statistical measures of the degree of ordering and clustering of nucleation sites, and estimates of crystal isolation for each porphyroblast, were then computed from the measured spatial dispositions. These measures can be reproduced in simple numerical models only by diffusion-controlled nucleation and growth mechanisms. Normalized radius-rate relations computed from compositional zoning patterns in the garnets require thermally accelerated diffusion-controlled growth, providing independent confirmation of the conclusions based on textural analysis. The unexpected similarity of results from all samples indicates that diffusion-controlled nucleation and growth mechanisms may govern porphyroblast crystallization in many metamorphic regimes.  相似文献   

Mushroom‐ and atoll‐shaped garnet crystals were found in high‐pressure quartz‐rich pelitic layers from the Monte Mucrone area (Western Alps, Italy). These garnet crystals are characterized by a peninsula‐shaped core surrounded by a partially crystallized, dodecahedral external rim. Textural observations and thermodynamic modelling point towards growth of the atoll garnet from the Monte Mucrone area during two distinct orogenic cycles. The core region and the inner part of the ring forming the edge of the atoll grew under Barrovian metamorphic conditions of likely Hercynian age, while the outer rim of the atoll structure developed under Alpine high‐pressure conditions. Electron backscatter diffraction analyses indicate that the atoll‐shaped structure has one single crystallographic orientation, despite its complex compositional zoning. Thermodynamic modelling reveals marked changes in equilibrium assemblage leading to changes in stoichiometry of the garnet‐forming reaction, which in turn explain the characteristic garnet morphology. Small amounts of quartz are consumed during the earlier stage of garnet growth history, whereas the production of garnet requires a much larger amount of quartz during the final stage of its growth. This leads to a change from initial poikiloblastic to non‐poikiloblastic textures. This change is responsible for the formation of atoll‐shaped garnet. Finally, garnet in intercalated mica‐rich layers forms idiomorphic crystals, continuous from the centre to rim. This study highlights the importance of the difference between the local matrix composition and the aggregate composition of the reactants needed for the garnet‐forming reaction. Finally, we show that interaction between matrix and reaction stoichiometry can lead to porphyroblast precipitation inside the already grown porphyroblast.  相似文献   

A new mechanism of cleaving-healing of garnet in metamorphic rocks during exhumation is reported. Almandine garnet with submicron multiple-phase inclusions characteristic of the GRAIL reaction, garnet + rutile = kyanite + ilmenite + low-quartz, was found by analytical electron microscopy to have non-epitaxial rutile nanoparticles distributed along internal {110} microcrack trails at the acute corner of submicron multiple-phase inclusions defined by the intersecting (110) and (011) mould surfaces. Such garnet microcracks were formed during lithostatic decompression due to a relatively high compressibility of quartz in the inclusion pockets and stress concentration at the acute corner. Spontaneous healing with accompanied formation of non-epitaxial rutile nanoparticles was activated predominantly via the GRAIL reaction due to high surface tension at the tip of microcracks and, to a lesser extent, decreasing lithostatic pressure or increasing inclusion pressure upon exhumation. This new mechanism of microcracking and healing involves stress build up, fracture propagation, mineral reaction, transport of elements to the reaction site and lowering of reaction boundaries by capillarity effect, all under the influence of thermodynamic and kinetic factors at the submicron-scale. Thus, TiO2 nanoparticle trails in garnet provide additional information on the P–T path and may shed light on exhumation rates/mechanisms and metamorphic reactions/processes. Careful scrutiny of host minerals on the submicron scale is required to tell whether there are other metamorphic-reaction facilitated healing processes being overlooked by inappropriate techniques or being obliterated by the predominant healing processes of fluid infiltration and resorption zoning.  相似文献   

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