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基于TM和ETM+影像数据的东沙环礁珊瑚礁监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以东沙环礁为研究区域,选取1999年Landsat-7 ETM+影像数据和2001年、2009年Landsat-5 TM影像数据为主要数据源,应用基于统计学习理论的支持向量机(SVM)分类技术,通过选择训练时间较短的“一对一”SVM方法和RBF核函数,对3个年度的影像数据进行珊瑚礁信息提取。结果表明:2009年东沙环礁珊瑚礁面积为140.93 km2;1999-2009年,东沙环礁珊瑚礁面积减少了17.54 km2,珊瑚礁破碎化、白化现象趋于明显,珊瑚礁退化处于中期阶段。空间分辨率的提高可得到更准确详尽的珊瑚礁信息,尤其对小面积珊瑚礁的信息提取。  相似文献   

Fresh-water lenses are the major sources of water supply in many atoll islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, particularly in dry seasons. Several two- and three-dimensional models are currently available for the simulation of atoll-island aquifers; however, 2D models cannot include 3D spatial variability of material properties, they must simplify the boundary conditions, and they cannot correctly simulate pumping wells. In an attempt to overcome these difficulties, a 3D model, SALTFLOW, was adopted for the simulation of Home Island in the Indian Ocean. This exercise required a discretisation on the order of a few metres and time steps of a few hours requiring significantly high CPU times. High CPU demand proved to be a difficult challenge but cannot be considered a serious practical limitation with today's advanced computers. The exhaustive data demands of the model (e.g., 3D distributions of hydraulic conductivity, porosity, dispersivities, and spatial and temporal variations of recharge and extraction rates) proved to be more problematical. Although the Home Island data set is unusually comprehensive by any standards, nonetheless the quality and quantity of the available data proved inadequate to meet the calibration needs of a highly karstic aquifer system. The Home Island modeling demonstrates the practical limitations of 3D models. It raises the concern that our ability to develop computer codes capable of simulating complex systems now exceeds our ability to supply the input data necessary for reliable calibration. Finally, the paper demonstrates the importance of the transient calibration in reliable simulation of various management options and emphasises that transient calibration should be considered as an integral part of any similar 2D or 3D modeling. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Cold‐water coral ecosystems present common carbonate factories along the Atlantic continental margins, where they can form large reef structures. There is increasing knowledge on their ecology, molecular genetics, environmental controls and threats available. However, information on their carbo‐nate production and accumulation is still very limited, even though this information is essential for their evaluation as carbonate sinks. The aim of this study is to provide high‐resolution reef aggradation and carbonate accumulation rates for Norwegian cold‐water coral reefs from various settings (sunds, inner shelf and shelf margin). Furthermore, it introduces a new approach for the evaluation of the cold‐water coral preservation within cold‐water coral deposits by computed tomography analysis. This approach allows the differentiation of various kinds of cold‐water coral deposits by their macrofossil clast size and orientation signature. The obtained results suggest that preservation of cold‐water coral frameworks in living position is favoured by high reef aggradation rates, while preservation of coral rubble prevails by moderate aggradation rates. A high degree of macrofossil fragmentation indicates condensed intervals or unconformities. The observed aggradation rates with up to 1500 cm kyr?1 exhibit the highest rates from cold‐water coral reefs so far. Reef aggradation within the studied cores was restricted to the Early and Late Holocene. Available datings of Norwegian cold‐water corals support this age pattern for other fjords while, on the shelf, cold‐water coral ages are reported additionally from the early Middle Holocene. The obtained mean carbonate accumulation rates of up to 103 g cm?2 kyr?1 exceed previous estimates of cold‐water coral reefs by a factor of two to three and by almost one order of magnitude to adjacent sedimentary environments (shelf, slope and deep sea). Only fjord basins locally exhibit carbonate accumulation rates in the range of the cold‐water coral reefs. Furthermore, cold‐water coral reef carbonate accumulation rates are in the range of tropical reef carbonate accumulation rates. These results clearly suggest the importance of cold‐water coral reefs as local, maybe regional to global, carbonate sinks.  相似文献   

地下水系统径流带的模糊划分模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出了径流带划分的模糊划分模式,为准确进行水文地质参数分区和建立水文地质概念模型创造了条件.结合某水文地质单元的实际进行了应用,取得了满意的结果.  相似文献   

Yongle atoll in the Xisha (Paracel) Archipelago is an isolated carbonate platform developed on Precambrian metamorphic and Mesozoic volcanic rocks since the early Miocene. To identify the 3D stratigraphic architecture and evolution of this platform, 13 high-resolution seismic profiles and shallow-to-deep water multi-beam data were processed and analyzed to reveal seismic facies, sequence boundary reflectors, seismic units, and platform architecture. Nine types of seismic facies were recognized based on their geometry, which included seismic amplitude, continuity, and termination patterns; additionally, six reflections, i.e., Tg, T60, T50, T40, T30, and T20, were identified in the Cenozoic strata. Five seismic units, SQ1 (lower Miocene), SQ2 (middle Miocene), SQ3 (upper Miocene), SQ4 (Pliocene), and SQ5 (Quaternary), were identified from bottom to top across the platform. The platform grew rapidly in the middle Miocene and backstepped in the late Miocene–Pliocene. Here, we discuss the developmental characteristics and evolution of the Yongle Atoll, in combination with drilling wells, which can be divided into four stages: the initiation stage in the early Miocene, the flourishing stage in the middle Miocene, the partial-drowning stage in the late Miocene–Pliocene, and modern atoll in the Quaternary.  相似文献   

珊瑚礁工程地质学——新学科的提出   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
珊瑚礁是一种特殊的岩土类型,珊瑚礁工程地质学是工程地质学的一个新的研究领域,本文简要介绍了珊瑚礁和珊瑚礁工程地质学的概念以及珊瑚礁工程地质性质的研究概况,提出了珊瑚礁工程地质学的学科方向与任务指出了珊瑚礁工程地质学研究面临的主要问题。  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善西部的水文地质研究程度很低,关于地下水的来源和流向仍然存在各种不同的认识,需要在沙漠腹地补充钻探资料加以验证。本研究在前人调查成果的基础上,选择巴丹吉林沙漠及其周边的4个控制点进行了水文地质钻探,获得关键性的含水层分布和地下水位数据,对地下水流向问题提出了新的认识。分析结果表明,阿拉善西部广泛发育厚度50 m以上的第四系孔隙含水层,与新近系和白垩系砂岩含水层一起构成主要的地下水渗透介质,使区域地下水流具有连续性。地下水总体自东向西、自南向北流动,水力梯度介于0.8‰与7.9‰之间。在区域尺度上,断裂带对浅层地下水的作用并不显著。  相似文献   

The onset of the Cambrian witnessed the diversification of “small shelly fossils (SSF)”, which affected carbonate depositional system. One of the problematic SSF, chancelloriids, are common components of the early to middle Cambrian carbonate and shale, and their contributions toward Cambrian carbonates are not yet fully understood. This study assesses distribution patterns of chancelloriid sclerites in the Cambrian Series 3 Daegi Formation based on microfacies analysis and discusses their sedimentologic implications. In the lower part of the formation, partially articulated chancelloriid sclerites occur mainly in bioclastic packstone and grainstone facies, with isolated sclerite rays in nodular packstone to grainstone facies. In the middle part of the formation, chancelloriid fragments occur only sporadically in bioclastic wackestone to packstone, bioclastic grainstone and oolitic packstone to grainstone facies, whereas boundstone facies are nearly devoid of their fragments. There are no chancelloriid fragments in the upper part of the formation, which consists of oolitic packstone to grainstone facies. Chancelloriids are interpreted to have primarily occupied platform margin shoal environments, shedding their sclerites to surrounding areas, and thus contributed as sediment producers. The distribution of Daegi chancelloriid sclerites is similar to other Cambrian examples, with the exception of common chancelloriids in Cambrian Series 2 reefs and their apparent near absence in the Daegi and other Cambrian Series 3 reefs. This disparity resulted from changes in the ecologic niche of chancelloriids after the end-Cambrian Series 2 reef crisis, coupled with an overall decline of chancelloriids in the middle Cambrian.  相似文献   

阳山金矿区第四系残坡积物分布面积较广,厚度较大。地下水有孔隙潜水、基岩裂隙水和构造带脉状裂隙水三种类型。地下水在各种含水介质中运移时,在宏观与微观上具有不同的规律。借助计算机技术对矿区地下水等水头线进行了模拟,确定了区内地下水流的运移规律。  相似文献   

A Palaeoaplysina reef occurs in the Gzhelian-Asselian interval of the Panthalassan atoll carbonates, Akiyoshi Terrane, SW Japan. An alga, Palaeoaplysina was paleogeographically distributed mainly along the northern margin of Pangea and is regarded as a boreal element. Its distribution extended to the tropical or subtropical area of the Panthalassa Ocean caused by global cooling during an icehouse period. The Palaeoaplysina community was succeeded by a calcisponge community in the late Early Permian. This biotic turnover almost corresponds to the climatic change from icehouse to greenhouse conditions and coincides with the timing of a superplume activity in the mid-Panthalassa Ocean.  相似文献   

结合工程勘察实践及现场载荷试验成果,提出将珊瑚砂分为海洋类珊瑚砂和濒海类珊瑚砂两大类,并在此基础上对珊瑚砂进行了规范定名,通过现场载荷试验对各类珊瑚砂的岩土力学特性进行了研究分析,阐明了各类珊瑚砂的岩土力学特性,对今后进一步研究珊瑚砂的岩土力学特性及工程实践具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

More than 430 C and O isotope analyses were carried out on carbonates from six coral species collected during June 1995, July 1998 and February 1999 at Rocas atoll, offshore northeastern Brazil: Siderastrea stellata Verrill 1868, Porites branneri Rathbum 1887, Porites astreoides Lamarck 1816, Mussismilia hispida Verrill 1902, Madracis decactis Lyman 1859 and Montastrea cavernosa Linnaeus 1886. Samples were collected in pools within the ring of the atoll, at water depths from 1.0 to 7.0 m. Oxygen isotope chemistry demonstrated that the studied species experienced several periods of bleaching; calculated temperature for one species vary, suggesting important changes within the time scale of coral growth. The species P. branneri, P. astreoides, M. cavernosa and the Brazilian endemic species M. hispida registered temperature variations during coral growth more accurately than did S. stellata and M. decactis. Carbon isotope behaviour in coral skeletons of the species examined at this atoll seems to have maintained a close relationship between density and/or zooxanthelar productivity: the greater the algal density, the heavier the δ13C values in skeletons.  相似文献   

The evolution and architecture of a set of retreating Lower Frasnian patch reef outcrops in the Canning Basin of Western Australia were evaluated, and their depositional and stratigraphic contacts spatially recorded using digital surveying tools. The geological data, together with high‐resolution digital elevation models, were assembled in three‐dimensional visualization and modelling software and subsequently used for building two‐dimensional surface models and three‐dimensional volumetric models. Numerical data on geometry and shape were extracted from these models and used to quantitatively assess the retrogradation motif of patch reef development. The development of the patch reefs comprises three stages. During stages 1 and 2, the patch reefs exhibited an overall retrogradational escarpment‐type configuration displayed by, on average, 60° steep reef‐margin walls that lacked the support of coeval slope deposits. The subdivision between stages 1 and 2 is based on minor backstepping reducing less than 10% of the platform‐top area. The onset of stage 3 is recognized by stromatolite development fringing reef‐margin walls. During stage 3 an aggrading accretionary reef‐margin developed, comprising allochthonous and autochthonous slope deposits. Both types of slope deposit onlap the previous stages and are distributed unevenly with allochthonous slope deposits being noticeably absent around the smaller and more elongate patch reefs. The variation in distribution of slope sediment type can be explained by the amount, linked to platform size, of platform‐top shedding. Small patch reefs were unable to fill the available accommodation adjacent to escarpments with allochthonous slope sediments and were thus encroached by autochthonous slope sediments. The variation, which cannot be explained by the size difference in the platform‐top factory, has been related to the difference in perimeter length. For patch reefs with similar platform‐top production areas, a more elongate patch reef inherits a longer perimeter and a proportionally smaller volume of allochthonous slope sediment per margin length will be transported to the flanks. Thus, the more elongate patch reef intrinsically contained more sites within which autochthonous slope sediments developed. Digital outcrop modelling and numerical evaluation of the evolution of the patch reefs revealed the major differences in retrogradation motif. The quantified variations in progressive decline of platform‐top area with height were confirmed by hypothetical decline curves for ellipse‐shaped carbonate systems for which aspect ratio (ratio between length and width) varied. This mathematical model demonstrates that the progressive decline of the production area is highly sensitive to shape and can be used to numerically assess and predict the relative timing of drowning, i.e. when the platform‐top production area becomes nil, of retrogradational isolated carbonate platforms that are controlled by high accommodation. Wider implications can be surmised for highstand systems tracts and prograding carbonate systems. For example, for equally sized platforms with hypothetically similar carbonate factories and identical external forces, the potential to prograde by platform‐top shedding is higher with a smaller aspect ratio because the shorter perimeter implies less accommodation space needing to be filled up to commence slope progradation. Clearly, there are intrinsic effects of shape on the development of carbonate platform systems.  相似文献   

Middle Eocene Fulra Limestone and Oligocene Maniyara Fort Formation represent platform carbonate deposits of Kutch at the north-western margin of India. These carbonates contain larger benthic foraminifera, including Alveolina, Assilina, Discocyclina, Lepidocyclina, Miogypsina, Nummulites and Spiroclypeus. This study presents paleodepositional and paleobathymetric interpretations for both formations using benthic foraminifera in combination with lithological association, sedimentary structures and early diagenetic features. The six carbonate facies comprising the Fulra Limestone indicate a depositional spectrum ranging from bar-lagoon to mid-ramp depositional conditions. It records several shallowing upward cycles, leading to emergence and formation of paleokarst. The four carbonate facies of the Maniyara Fort Formation represents deposition within the inner ramp setting in bar-lagoon and patch-reef environment, while intervening fine siliciclastics correspond to episodes of relative sea level fall. Nummulitic accumulations form low-relief bars within the fair weather wave base in both the formations. The depositional setting of the Paleogene carbonate in Kutch broadly resembles Eocene platformal deposits in the circum-Tethys belt.  相似文献   

我国生物礁研究的发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵焕庭 《第四纪研究》1996,16(3):253-262
黄汲清教授研究我国南方二叠系,引发了我国对古代生物礁的研究工作。60年代起我国开始对古代生物礁的研究。现代珊瑚礁研究从20年代末兴起,80年代以来正在深入发展,同全球变化研究和珊瑚礁开发紧密联系,拓展了研究领域,积累了许多新知。  相似文献   

桂林泥盆纪碳酸盐台地礁组合的层序地层研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
桂林的泥盆系以发育碳酸盐台地和礁组合沉积为特征,岩相多样,地层对比和时代确定的难度较大。本文应用层序地层学原理,结合生物地层和岩石地层特征,研究桂林泥盆系露头的相结构及碳酸盐台地礁组合不同亚相的9个剖面中的不整合界面,识别出该区中、晚泥盆世地层的5个层序界面:(1)牙形刺下varcus亚带和中varcus亚带之间;(2)牙形刺hermmani-cristatus带和disparilis带之间;(3)牙形刺下rhenane亚带和上rhenane亚带之间;(4)牙形刺expansa带内部;(5)牙形刺praesulcata带和sulcata带之间。这些层序界面在岩石学上的特征为具有生物铸模溶孔的白云岩和不同规模的暴露溶蚀面。比较明显的大的海泛面有2次:(1)牙形刺ensensis带和varcus带之间;(2)牙形刺linguiformis带和下triangularis亚带之间。  相似文献   

西北某放射性废物处置场预选区,区域地下水系统包含多级独立第四系储水洼地,洼地出口以泉水排泄地下水,继而回渗补给下级洼地。根据含水层底板起伏特征,利用GMS模拟软件中的排水沟模块与溪流模块概化了泉水,通过泉流量校准与监测孔水位拟合,校正了研究区渗透系数、给水度、和储水率等水文地质参数,计算了地下水流速、流向以及地下水资源量。结果显示,研究区地下水由南向北东径流,东北部为最终排泄洼地,地下水流速缓慢,水资源相对匮乏,有利于放射性废物处置的安全。  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg–1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg–1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

广西田林县石炭纪礁内海百合生态功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以石炭纪的后生动物格架礁为例,从礁体生长过程和群落竞争关系的角度,对赋存于造礁生物群落中的海百合与造架珊瑚之间的关系,以及其在礁体发育过程中的作用进行详细探讨,揭示了礁生态系统内的生物因子之间的关系。研究发现:在礁体发育初期,以海百合为主的群落是造架珊瑚定殖的初始条件;在礁体的生长过程中,海百合与造架珊瑚之间存在一种受环境控制的竞争关系,两者在数量上呈现此消彼长的关系。当环境变化导致造架珊瑚死亡,礁体停止生长,海百合仍存活并不间断地为礁体提供沉积物,对已停止发育的珊瑚格架起到覆盖作用,从一定程度上保护了礁体  相似文献   

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