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This paper describes the morphology of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) along 45°W longitude in east Brazil, where the ground magnetic (dip) equator is associated with the largest declination in the world. Daily range of the horizontal field (ΔH), as expected, was largest at the station in the chain closest to the dip equator, Sao Luiz (inclination −0.25°S). ΔZ was largest positive at Eusebio (inclination 9.34°S) and largest negative at Belem (inclination 7.06°N); both near the fringe of EEJ belt. ΔZ at Sao Luiz during the daytime was unexpectedly large negative in-spite of a small dip and also located south of the dip equator where ΔZ should be positive. Center of EEJ was found to be shifted southward of the dip equator by about 1° in latitude. During southern summer, ΔY started decreasing from 00 h and reached a minimum value in the afternoon, an abnormal feature not discussed for any station so far. The mid-day value of the direction of ΔH vector was 22°–24°W compared to the declination of 19°–21°W in the region.  相似文献   

The effect of solar flare, sudden commencement of magnetic storm and of the disturbances ring current on the equatorial electrojet in the Eastern Brazil region, where the ground magnetic declination is as large as \(20^{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) is studied based on geomagnetic data with one minute resolution from Bacabal during November–December 1990. It is shown that the mean diurnal vector of the horizontal field was aligned along \(2{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of north at Huancayo and \(30{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north at Bacabal during the month of December 1990. Number of solar flares that occurred on 30 December 1990 indicated the direction of solar flare related \(\Delta H\) vector to be aligned along \(5{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of north at Huancayo and \(28{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north at Bacabal. This is expected as the solar flare effects are due to the enhanced conductivity in the ionosphere. The SC at 2230 UT on 26 November 1990 produced a positive impulse in \(\Delta X\) and negative impulse in \(\Delta Y\) at Bacabal with \(\Delta H\) vector aligned along \(27{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north. At Huancayo the \(\Delta H\) vector associated with SC is aligned along \(8{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of north, few degrees east to the alignment of the diurnal vector of H. The magnetic storm that followed the SC had a minimum Dst index of –150 nT. The corresponding storm time disturbance in \(\Delta X\) at Huancayo as well as at Bacabal were about –250 nT but \(\Delta Y\) at Bacabal was about +70 nT and very small at Huancayo, that give the alignment of the H vector due to ring current about \(16{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north at Bacabal and almost along N–S at Huancayo. Thus alignment of the \(\Delta H\) vector due to ring current at Bacabal is \(14{^{\circ }}\hbox {E}\) of the mean direction of \(\Delta H\) vector during December 1990. This is consistent with the direction of ring current dependent on the dipole declination at the ring current altitude which is about \(5{^{\circ }}\hbox {W}\) of north over Bacabal and the deviation of declination due to the ring current during disturbed period given by the angle (\(\psi \)-D).  相似文献   

The opening of the Equatorial and South Atlantic Oceans is still a matter of debate, particularly as concerns the locations of the intraplate deformation. We propose here a critical review of the kinematic models published since Bullard et al., 1965, based on a series of constraints: new interpretation of the magnetic anomalies, seafloor isochrons, flow lines, fracture zones, continental and oceanic homologous structures and radiometric dating of igneous rocks. All of these models present numerous unexplained misfits (gaps, overlaps and misalignments). We present here a new evolution of the Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean from the tightest reconstruction to Chron C34. This new model confirms the hypothesis of a northward propagation of the South American deformation proposed by Eagles, but rejuvenates slightly the ages for this propagation and refines the plate reconstructions. In particular, we highlight the role of the kinematic «buffer» Santos block, located between the salty Aptian Central segment in the North and the Volcanic Hauterivian Austral segment in the South. The new initial fit presented in this study represents the tightest reconstruction that could be obtained and constitutes the base canvas on which the problem of the continental margin genesis should be addressed.  相似文献   

洛怡  李江海  杨梦莲 《中国地质》2021,48(1):120-128
非洲西部海岸盆地群经历了裂谷期、同裂谷期和漂移期构造演化阶段,构造演化和沉积充填有一定的相似性,但是由于后期局部构造和差异沉积的影响,现今盆地发育的构造样式和沉积建造有一定区别,导致勘探效果有较大的差异.本文通过对比南大西洋赤道段转换型、中段含泥型、中段含盐型和南段火山型盆地的综合柱状图,加上对尼日尔三角洲盆地和下刚果...  相似文献   

Textural and petrological data of mantle peridotites sampled in the central and western parts of the Romanche Fracture Zone (Equatorial Atlantic) during the oceanographic expedition PRIMAR-96 (Russian R/V Gelendzhik) are presented. The studied rocks are mantle peridotites carrying patches, pockets and veins/dikes of magmatic origin, interpreted to be the product of various extents of magma impregnation on mantle partial melting residues. Estimated partial melting degrees based on clinopyroxene Ti/Zr ratios are in the ranges 5–13% and 18–20%. In highly impregnated samples, refertilization of residual peridotite minerals precludes a correct evaluation of the degree of melting. Magmatic products occur as pl±cpx±opx±ol±sp aggregates with various textural features. Interstitial pl-rich patches and gabbroic pockets are interpreted to derive from magma migration through the upper mantle by diffusive porous flow in the ductile part of the lithosphere and melt–rock reactions. Metasomatism of the host peridotites is testified by Ti and Cr increase in spinel and Ti, Sr, Zr, Y and LREE increase in clinopyroxene. Veins and dikes reflect channeled magma migration focused by brittle failures at shallower lithospheric levels. Minor or no chemical changes occurred in peridotites impregnated along fractures. The compositions of magmatic minerals in impregnated peridotites are consistent with derivation from variably fractionated melts of probably MORB type. Barometric estimates suggest that the Romanche peridotites were impregnated at minimum depths of ca. 9–12 km. Thermometric estimates for the peridotite hosts are in the range 750–1050 °C. The spread in temperature values is partly ascribed to localized heating by migrating melts of relatively cold peridotites. Our data and the occurrence of both fertile and depleted peridotites in a neighbouring area along the western Romanche FZ are in accord with the hypothesis of small-scale (<100 km) mantle heterogeneity along this fracture zone.  相似文献   

Co-rich Mn crusts from four different locations of the world ocean have been studied to understand the role of dissolved oxygen of the ambient seawater in the formation of Co-rich Mn crusts. WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment) oxygen profiles of modern seawater in the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean, Equatorial South Indian Ocean and the North East Atlantic Ocean have been evaluated with respect to the occurrence of Co-rich Mn crusts at depths ranging from 1500 to 3200 m. The oxygen content at these depths varied from ∼90–240 µmol/kg. The oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), with oxygen contents in the range ∼45–100 µmol/kg, is located in the depth range 800–900 m in these regions. The age of the ocean crust on which seamounts formed is in the range 80.3–180 Ma. Profiles of the oxygen contents of seawater with depth in the oceans are shown to be extremely useful in establishing the optimum conditions for the formation of Co-rich Mn crusts. The use of WOCE oxygen profiles to study geochemical processes in the oceans is highly recommended.  相似文献   

 Petrological and chemical variations, as well as oxygen and strontium isotopic data are presented for metagabbros from the Romanche and Vema fracture zones. These rocks were affected by several types and degrees of alterations ranging from slight hydrothermal alteration to complete amphibolitization. Five major kinds of alteration processes ranging from late-magmatic deuteric alteration (stage I) to low temperature (<150 °C) alteration (stage V) were identified. Water-rock interactions between 300 and 650 °C are the most dominant interactions resulting in the most prevailing secondary mineralogical assemblages which characterize the amphibolite and/or greenschist facies (amphibole ± plagioclase ± epidote ± titanite ± chlorite ± prehnite). Hydrothermal alteration of these gabbroic rocks results in isotopic exchanges between rocks and seawater-derived fluids. These exchanges lead to decrease of gabbroic δ18O toward values as low as +3.9‰, and larger Sr isotopic variations than other oceanic gabbroic rocks (87Sr/86Sr ratios shift to 0.7029–0.7051). Calculation of a chemical budget indicates that metagabbros are hydrated and enriched in Fe and probably in Mg and Cl, while Si, Ca and Ti are released to the hydrothermal fluids. In addition to metamorphic recrystallization and geochemical transformation, hydrothermal alteration of oceanic gabbros contributes to the control of the global ocean geochemistry. Received: 8 March 1999 / Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   

Indices of the equatorial electrojet and counter-electrojet in the Indian region have been evolved based on certain reasonable assumptions, by a criterion depending on the difference in the horizontal field strength between a station under the electrojet axis (Trivandrum) and a station outside the jet influence (Alibag). The indices enable one to characterize each day of the year by an appropriate index. Distribution, in the months, seasons and over the years, of the electrojet and counter-electrojet frequencies at Trivandrum during a 20-year period, 1959–78, is examined. The salient features of the distributions are: (i) Strong electrojets (range 50 nT) and the afternoon counter-electrojets occur, on an average, on about 50% of the days in the year; (ii) For the counter-electrojet, the monthly frequencies show an annual variation with a summer maximum, and for the strong electrojet, a semi-annual variation with maxima in the equinoxes; (iii) A secondary maximum is noted in January in the occurrence frequency of both counter-electrojet and strong electrojet events; (iv) Intense electrojets occur with greater frequency in September.  相似文献   

Skolotnev  S. G.  Dobrolyubova  K. O.  Peyve  A. A.  Sokolov  S. Yu.  Chamov  N. P.  Ligi  M. 《Geotectonics》2022,56(1):1-20
Geotectonics - The paper presents new data on the Doldrums megatransform fault located in the northern Equatorial Atlantic (6.5°–9° N), which consists of four transform faults with...  相似文献   

An investigation of the distribution of thorium, uranium and potassium across the Levang granite-gneiss shows a significant increase in thorium and uranium from north to south. Although the mean thorium and uranium concentrations are comparable to average granitic values quoted in the literature, potassium is lower. The relative enrichment of thorium and uranium thus appears to be related to Sveconorwegian metamorphism recorded in the rocks of the adjacent Portør Peninsula to the south. The Levang granite-gneiss has recorded only the Svecofennian metamorphic event of approximately 1616 m.y.  相似文献   

The evidence for the extent and timing of Weichselian glaciation in Arctic regions shows that: (1) there were no major marine ice domes in the Arctic at 18,000 B.P. but that glaciers were relatively limited in extent; (2) there were no extensive ice shelves at 18,000 B.P. as envisaged by Hughes, Denton & Grosswald(1977); (3) the major periods of glacier expansion were between 125,000 and 80,000 B.P., just prior to 45,000 B.P., and between 11,000 and 8,000 B.P., and thus that glacier fluctuations at the southern margins of the Laurentide and Fennoscandian ice sheets were out of phase with those in the Arctic which advanced during southern interstadials. Phases of glacier advance in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic can be identified in deep sea cores by the peaks in concentration of iceberg-dropped detritus and an increase in sedimentation rates, which are highest when sub-polar water penetrates to the north. The key to the temporal pattern of Arctic glaciation and its association with oceanic changes is given by the intimate association of present-day Arctic glacierisation with the two major low pressure troughs which penetrate the Arctic in the Atlantic sector and in Baffin Bay. The chronology of glaciation in the Atlantic sector is associated with the activity of these troughs and the related oceanic circulation. Cooling of the Arctic due to reduction in solar radiation at the end of the last interglacial, when the pack ice lay north of 75d?N in the Atlantic, produced ideal conditions for Arctic glacier growth, with moisture transported by a strong cyclonic flux into a cooling Arctic from a strong North Atlantic Drift current. A positive feedback loop involving ocean and atmospheric circulation and pack ice, caused movement of the polar front to the south, thus slowly cutting off the supply of moisture to the Arctic. Further cooling at 75,000 B.P. caused a rapid extension of the polar front south of 45d?N, effectively cut off the northward movement of surface currents on the North Atlantic, and produced a strong zonal oceanic and atmospheric circulation which starved Arctic glaciers of nourishment and caused their retreat, and initiated rapid build up of the Fennoscandian and Laurentide ice sheets. Subsequent extensions of Arctic glaciers were associated with limited northward movement of sub-polar water and associated Atlantic depressions. The expansion of glaciers within the Arctic between 11,000 and 8,000 B.P. was associated with the first and diachronous penetration of moisture into a still cool Arctic during decay of the two great ice sheets.  相似文献   

Major hypotheses on the formation of the Iceland region are considered. It is noted that plate- and plume-tectonic genesis is the most substantiated hypothesis for this region. Model estimations of the effect of hot plume on the formation of genetically different oceanic ridges are obtained. Computer calculations are performed for the thermal subsidence rate of aseismic ridges (Ninetyeast and Hawaiian-Emperor) in the asthenosphere of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Comparative analysis of the calculated subsidence rates of these ridges with those in the Iceland region (Reykjanes and Kolbeinsey ridges) is performed. The results suggest that the thermophysical processes of formation of the spreading Reykjanes and Kolbeinsey ridges were similar to those of the aseismic Ninetyeast and Hawaiian-Emperor ridges: the genesis of all these ridges is related to the functioning of a hotspot. Analysis of the heat flux distribution in the Iceland Island and Hawaiian Rise areas is carried out. Analysis and numerical calculations indicate that the genesis of Iceland was initially characterized by the plume-tectonic transformation of a continental rather than oceanic lithosphere. The level of geothermal regime near Iceland was two times higher (100 mW/m2) relative to the Hawaiian Rise area (50 mW/m2) because the average lithosphere thickness of the Reykjanes and Kolbeinsey ridges near the Iceland was approximately two times less (40 km) relative to the thickness of the Pacific Plate (80 km) in the Hawaiian area. The main stages of evolution of the Iceland region are based on geological and geothermal data and numerical thermophysical modeling. The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the region is considered. Paleogeodynamic reconstructions of the North Atlantic in the hotspot system at 60, 50, and 20 Ma are obtained.  相似文献   

复杂地质地貌区地球化学异常识别非线性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用现代数学非线性理论与方法对西南地区三江北段恒星错测区1:50000水系沉积物测量数据进行了异常识别的非线性研究。率先尝试用人工免疫算法对地球化学数据降噪,并采用分形含量面积法对降噪数据寻求异常下限,从而弥补传统方法确定异常下限出现的缺陷。在此基础上构造了测区地球化学元素分布的分形插值曲面,做出异常等值线图和异常分形插值图。处理结果令人满意。  相似文献   

Wiener filters are derived from the horizontal field data of two adjacent equatorial electrojet stations, Adis Ababa and Trivandrum from several sequences of quiet days. The time invariant property of the filter is established and the filter is applied to conditions marked by afternoon counter electrojet events. The prediction efficiency is shown to be consistently high. Possible uses of this technique in studies related to generating mechanisms of counter electrojet events and the day-to-day variability in electrojet currents are indicated. Inter-relationships and day-to-day variability of different components of the fields at the two stations are highlighted.  相似文献   

Manifestations of fluids and deformations in the sedimentary cover, which are both factors of brightening (blanking anomalies) in seismoacoustic records, in the equatorial segment of the Atlantic coincide with the sublatitudinal zones of the activated passive parts of transform faults and with zones of lower gravity anomalies and higher values of remnant magnetization, which form as a result of serpentinization. The cause-and-effect sequence of intraplate phenomena includes: the contrasting geodynamic state → horizontal movements that form macrofractures → water supply to the upper mantle → serpentinization of rocks in the upper mantle → deformations associated with vertical uplift of basement and sedimentary cover blocks, coupled with fluid generation → and fluid accumulation in the sedimentary cover, accompanied by the formation of anomalies in seismoacoustic records. Based on the seismic data, we have identified imbricate-thrust deformations, diapir structures, stamp folds, and positive and negative flower structures, indicating the presence of strike-slip faults in the passive parts of transform faults. The general spatial distribution of deformation structures shows their concentration in cold mantle zones. Correlative comparison of the structural characteristics of deformations shows the direct relationship between the heights of structures and the development of serpentinization processes. As per the age of the basement, deformations range from 27–38 to 43–53 Ma; a quite thick sedimentary cover makes it possible to reveal them based on the characteristic types of seismoacoustic records. The formation of the Antilles arc ca. 10 Ma ago affected the equatorial segment of the Atlantic; it formed kink bands where lithospheric blocks underwent displacements with counterclockwise rotations, deformations related to compression and vertical uplift of crustal fragments, and local extension that favored degassing of endogenous fluids. Sublatitudinally oriented imbricate-thrust deformations with different vergences indicate irregularity and alternating strike-slip directions as blocks between fractures were laterally influenced.  相似文献   

The Quaternary island Bouvetøya is situated near the triple junction on the South Atlantic Ridge. It is the top of a volcano of about 2000 km8, evolved beyond the stage of caldera collapse. Basic, intermediate and peralkaline silicic rocks of a transitional rock series are recorded. Major and trace element chemistry, model calculations and petrographic observations do not favour a closed system fractional crystallization from one parent. The rocks may have evolved from slightly different parents by fractional crystallization under varying P,T and PH2O conditions, or from one parent modified by crustal contamination and/or volatile transfer.  相似文献   

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