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基于MIKE FLOOD建立秦皇岛入海河流及其近岸海域一维、二维耦合河流-海岸水动力和水质模型,研究了秦皇岛海域和入海河流的水动力和污染物分布规律。结果表明:(1)海域潮流为半日潮,其中石河口南北支入海口流速变化过程差别较大,但水位变化过程基本一致;(2)整体上河流入海口化学需氧量(COD)与流速呈正相关关系;(3)COD在近岸海域的扩散方向与涨落潮潮流方向一致,各入海河口海域落潮流期间的COD高于涨潮流。如上结论为赤潮爆发机理和应急处置研究提供科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

We construct new unidirectional coupling schemes for autonomous and nonautonomous drive systems, respectively. Each of these schemes makes the state of the response system asymptotically approach the first-order derivative of the state of the driver. From the point of view of geometry, the first-order derivative of the state of the driver can be viewed as a tangent vector of the trajectory of the driver, so the proposed schemes are named tangent response schemes. Numerical simulations of the Lorenz system and the forced Duffing oscillator verify the validity of the tangent response schemes. We further point out that the tangent response can be interpreted as a special kind of generalised synchronisation, thereby explaining why the response system can exhibit rich geometrical structures in its state space.  相似文献   

研究了基于Savart偏光镜的偏振干涉成像光谱仪在时空混合调制模式下图像形成、数据分布的特点,论证了视场补偿型偏振干涉成像光谱仪更适用于单色光条件下的时空混合调制工作模式,并提出了时空混合调制模式下数据采集与处理的基本原理及其需要注意的问题与解决方法.最后,应用这种方法对实验获取的干涉图进行了数据处理,并成功复原出了光谱.  相似文献   

温文媖  陈小刚  宋金宝 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7149-7157
基于波陡很小的假设, 利用摄动法, 讨论了任意深度的二维不可压缩、无黏性、无旋的三层流体系统. 在刚性上边界、平底不可渗透条件下, 给出了界面内波传播的统一理论以及描述其波剖面的近似非线性演化方程(NEEs). 最后讨论了几种特殊情形下的近似NEEs.结果表明文献导出的理论结果为本文的特殊情形.  相似文献   

Three small turbidite systems (Almeria, Sacratif, and Guadiaro), each tens of kilometres long, are developed in the complex morpho-structural setting of the northern Alboran Sea and have similar primary architectural elements (canyons, channel-levee systems, lobes). However, comparison reveals differences in the axial gradients of their canyons, depth/physiographic location, morphological framework, and lateral and longitudinal sedimentary shifts of turbidite deposition. The depositional architecture and sedimentary evolution from late Pliocene to Quaternary seems to be conditioned by number of submarine feeding sources (canyons), sea-level fluctuations and local tectonic (e.g. margin/canyon-channel gradients, faults). We group the Alboran turbidite systems into two models: mud/sand-rich submarine point-source and mud/sand-rich multiple submarine source ramp.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItiswellknownthattyphoonSareakindofmooscaleatmosphericvortexovertheoceaninthelOwerlatitudes.Thethree-dimenSionalstructures(Anthes,1976)oftyphoonS,inwhichthereareaneyeandthewarrncenterwheretherearealocallOwpressurewithcycloniccirculationan...  相似文献   

台风的定常运动和螺旋斑图   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用控制台风的大气运动方程组求得了台风的三维定常流场以及相应的气压场和温度场,其中的三维流场构成了物理空间的一个非线性自治动力系统。研究指出:根据台风运动的定常解,台风的下层中心是低气压且是正垂直涡度(气旋式涡度)和水平辐合,上层中心是高气压(反气旋式涡度)和水平辐散;根据台风自治动力系统所获得的两个鞍一焦点很好地说明了台风的螺旋斑图,下层空气螺旋向内,引起台风中心附近的上升运动,上层空气螺旋向外引起台风外围的下沉运动,这些都与实际台风结构相似,文中阐明,地球的旋转和大气粘性对台风的螺旋结构是至关重要的。  相似文献   

Analyses of six years of bottom trawl data collected from Northumberland Strait, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence revealed four major fish assemblages, two of which occurred in the same two geographic areas each year. One of the two persistent assemblages occurred in deeper water off northwestern Prince Edward Island and consisted mostly of demersal fishes. The other persistent assemblage contained a mixture of demersal and pelagic fishes and occurred primarily in shallow water of central Northumberland Strait. Analyses of abiotic (depth, bottom temperature, substratum type) and biotic (presence of American lobster Homarus americanus, northern lady crab Ovalipes ocellatus) factors revealed bottom temperature and catches of lady crab correlate best with the fish assemblage structure each year, but correlation values were low (ρw ≤ 0.48). Combinations of all abiotic and biotic variables only marginally improved the strength of the correlations in four of six years (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006). Changes observed in the Northumberland Strait ecosystem over the six years included an increase in the ratio of pelagic to demersal fishes, disappearance of one of the four assemblages, and increased spatial overlap between the two persistent assemblages, which coincided with an increase in bottom temperature. The increasing importance of pelagic fishes, relative to demersal fishes, suggests a shift in food web structure may be occurring in Northumberland Strait.  相似文献   

以1955~2004年遥感影像为数据源,结合野外调查,运用景观生态学原理,研究50 a间北海市滨海湿地的景观格局及其动态变化。结果表明,50 a间北海市滨海湿地呈整体退化趋势,潮间砂质海滩、潮间淤泥质海滩、红树林滩、小型岛屿湿地减少;景观格局指数显示1977年、1998年是北海市滨海湿地较明显变化的拐点。1977年人类活动影响增加,滨海湿地稍有退化,湿地景观多样性指数减小,优势度指数增加,均匀度指数减小、景观总面积指数降至最低值。1988年湿地保护力度加大,湿地略为好转,景观多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数则呈相反规律。1998年湿地受到的极端气候灾害、人类干扰程度加大,平均斑块分形维数下降,斑块密度指数、景观斑块数破碎化指数呈最高值。湿地景观格局指数的变化,反映了围垦改造、互花米草的生物入侵、城市污染、极端气候灾害等对景观格局的影响,人类活动是北海市滨海湿地景观格局变化的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

根据古地磁、古生物地理和地质构造分析,东亚大陆在中生代中晚期至新生代初期大幅度向南运动;新生代中晚期以来大幅度向北运动。运动学模式发生巨大转变的时期,大致在始新世与渐新世之间,这与全球运动学和动力学发生的重大改组的时间相一致。由此提出大陆后退这一新的南海形成演化的运动学模式。  相似文献   

Modelled channel patterns in a schematized tidal inlet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tidal inlets in the Dutch Wadden Sea show typical morphological features, i.e. westward oriented main inlet channel and ebb-tidal delta. The objective of this study is to find the governing physical processes of these morphological features. The study uses a 2DH process-based morphodynamic model (Delft3D) on a schematized model domain, with dimensions similar to the Ameland inlet in the Dutch Wadden Sea.Starting from a flat bed the models are forced by tides only. Short-term simulations are made to explore the hydrodynamic characteristics and initial sedimentation and erosion patterns. Long-term morphodynamic simulations are employed to investigate the governing parameters of the main inlet channel and the ebb-tidal delta evolution. Sensitivity of the evolution is described in terms of initial inlet width (1.0 km and 3.5 km), direction and asymmetry of tidal forcing (M2, M4), transport formulations (Van Rijn, 1993; Engelund and Hansen, 1967) and relative position of the tidal basin with respect to the inlet (East (existing), Middle, and West).The results tend to produce morphological features typical to the Ameland inlet. The direction of tidal forcing is the main governing parameter to the present orientation of the main inlet channel and the ebb-tidal delta. The model results generally prove the conceptual hypotheses that describe the orientation of the main inlet channel and the ebb-tidal delta.  相似文献   

Significant drag reduction of large displacement vessels can be achieved by applying multi-wave air cavities arranged on the hull bottom. Waves generated on the air–water interface of air cavities impose requirements on the dimensions of a hull recess that accommodates the air cavity. An approximate model for calculating wave patterns in the critical upstream part of long air cavities in a simplified, horizontal-plane geometry is presented in this paper. The influence of the recess planform boundaries and other factors on the wave patterns is studied parametrically. Some hydrodynamic aspects of multi-wave air cavities are discussed.  相似文献   

任杰  刘沛然  戴志军 《台湾海峡》2001,20(1):96-100
在分析粤西海陵湾表层沉积物分布特征的基础上,应用泥沙搬运矢量模型计算了泥沙净输运趋势。结果表明,海区南北两端均存在着一个泥沙聚集区,北侧是径流与涨潮上潮流交绥的响应,南侧是波浪与落潮下泄流交绥的响应。分选性好的中部广大区域受单一动力作用,泥沙净输移方向由北指向南。  相似文献   

Increasing attention by consumers to the social and environmental dimensions of the food they eat has generated many different responses, including certification programs, watch lists and local/slow food movements. This article examines the more recent entry of seafood into these consumer social movements. Although a concern with the family farm—as well as tendency to equate national security with food security—has long connected terrestrial food production with other cultural concerns, fisheries have tended to be regarded more as natural resources. Considering seafood as part of the “food system” would enhance the management of fisheries, while the long engagement in fisheries with co- and adaptive management and the politics of knowledge would enrich the debate in the agri-foods literature. The article also offers suggestions on how fisheries management could better govern for sustainable food systems, and provides further ideas about food, sustainability and governance.  相似文献   

太平洋海温场两种不同时间尺度气候模态的分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用经验正交函数分解、多元线性回归分析、小波分析和离散功率谱等方法,对太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)和ENSO的关系进行研究,发现太平洋海温场中主要存在着PDO和ENSO两种气候模态.用线性回归分析方法对这两种模态进行分离,结果表明,去除ENSO信息后,太平洋海温变化的关键区出现于北太平洋中纬度地区,PDO的信号很明显;而去除PDO信息后,海温变化的关键区位于赤道中、东太平洋地区,ENSO的信号较明显,此时ENSO循环不具有年代际振荡的特征,表明PDO对ENSO的调制作用是ENSO事件具有年代际变化特征的重要原因.  相似文献   

在复杂的风浪流海洋环境中,Spar及其系泊系统的耦合作用受多方面的影响。对极限海况下的某Classic-Spar平台及其系泊缆索的动力响应做了时域非线性耦合研究。重点分析了极限海况下一根或者多根系泊缆索断裂时平台运动及其缆索张力动力响应的统计特性。分析结果表明,在风浪流同向且共线的极限海况下,不同位置处的系泊缆索发生断裂,对整个平台系泊系统安全的影响程度不尽相同,尤其以迎浪方向系泊缆索的断裂影响显著。  相似文献   

A number of coastal and ocean observation systems exist throughout the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), but the network of systems is not currently linked or integrated and at present not fully implemented. The network of local systems are diverse, typically involving unique mandates and several different funding sources at various levels of permanence. The purpose of this paper is to describe the ocean observation systems that currently exist in the GOM, and to identify and quantify the expected economic benefits that may result from the implementation of an integrated regional network. Improved ocean observation systems are expected to reduce the uncertainty of ocean/weather forecasting and to enhance the value of ocean/weather information throughout the Gulf region. The source of benefits and the size of activity from which improved ocean observation benefits may be derived are estimated for private sector, non-market, and public sector activities categorized according to marine transportation, commercial fishing, recreational fishing, search and rescue operations, and pollution management. The benefits of improved ocean observation systems to energy exploration, development, and production activities are estimated, and a discussion of potential benefits to lightering activities, environmental monitoring, royalty payments, and engineering design are highlighted.  相似文献   

Marine social-ecological systems are complex, inter-connected, and highly dynamic, in particular when forced with global changes. However, their human social components are often treated separately from their biophysical components, and by different scientific disciplines. To help bridge these gaps, and to explore conceptual, comparative, and governance issues relating to marine social-ecological systems and global change, an international symposium was held on “Coping with global change in marine social-ecological systems”. This short paper provides an introduction to this topic, and briefly describes nine papers which arose from this symposium and which comprise this special issue of Marine Policy. It is concluded that good progress is being made towards studying marine social and ecological systems as coupled systems, but that many issues remain to challenge natural scientists, social scientists, and humanists to work together. These include incorporating multi-stakeholder participation, the need for a long-term perspective, and development of flexible livelihood and governance strategies.  相似文献   

The significance of a sheltering effect of seagrass against predators influencing the distribution patterns of benthic juveniles of the streaked goby Acentrogobius sp. was investigated by field experimentation in and around seagrass habitats at Moroiso and Aburatsubo Bays, Miura Peninsula, Japan. In the former bay, juveniles were always restricted to the seagrass bed, whereas at the latter, they also occurred over the surrounding bare sand substrate. Juveniles never occurred inside predator-exclusion cages over unvegetated sand in Moroiso Bay. Additionally, a tethering experiment resulted in similarly small numbers of juveniles being preyed upon in both the seagrass bed and over bare sand, suggesting that the predation risk for juveniles may not differ between the habitat types and was thus not responsible for their distribution patterns. The availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, which were scarce in bare sand in Moroiso Bay but abundant in a similar area in Aburatsubo Bay, was also hypothesized as a determinant of distribution pattern. In a manipulative experiment at Aburatsubo Bay, however, juveniles showed no response to alterations in the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, indicating that neither the sheltering effect of seagrass against predators nor the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows was a significant factor in streaked goby juvenile distribution. Food availability may be a determinant, because food abundance patterns were concordant with the juvenile distribution pattern.  相似文献   

Three systems are outlined which indicate the potential of microprocessor systems as control devices in the generation of specifically varying environmental mental conditions. The use of an RCA 1802 Cosmac microprocessor to generate salinity cycles, tidal cycles and temperature cycles is described.  相似文献   

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