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Tree-ring series have been used to reconstruct 50 years of rockfall behavior on a slope near Saas Balen (Swiss Alps). A total of 796 cores and 141 cross sections from 191 severely injured conifer trees (Larix decidua Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus cembra L.), combined with a series of aerial photographs, were used to investigate the evolution of the forest stand so as (i) to reconstruct past rockfall rates; (ii) to analyze the spatial behavior of maximum bounce heights; and (iii) to analyze the spatial comportment of rockfall activity over the last five decades.Tree-ring analysis permitted the reconstruction of the age distribution at the study site; results were in perfect agreement with the afforestation process shown in the aerial photographs. The oldest are located in the lower, central part of the study site; the youngest individuals at its uppermost lateral boundaries. Reconstructed rockfall rates reveal strong interannual variations and single event years with increased activity, namely in 1960/1961 and 1995. Spatial analysis of the maximum bounce heights indicate highest values at the lateral boundaries and lowest heights in the lower central part of the forest stand, where a big boulder seems to shield trees growing below it. The spatial analysis of past rockfall activity shows high active zones at the uppermost north-facing boundaries of the forest and least active zones in the lowermost central part of the studied stand. The high rockfall activity at the slope is expressed by a mean rockfall rate of > 1 event m− 1 y− 1.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Rmer 《Geomorphology》2008,100(3-4):312-327
In southern São Paulo the Serra do Mar is characterized by three distinct terrain types: 1) highly dissected areas with closely spaced ridges and accordant summit heights; 2) multiconvex hills; and 3) terrains with highly elevated watershed areas, irregular summit heights, and locally subdued relief. The development of this landscape is considered to be the result of the Cenozoic block-faulting and of the influences that are exerted by the differing lithological and structural setting of block-faulted compartments on weathering and erosion processes.In areas characterized by pronounced accordant summits the close coincidence between hillslope angle and the angle of limiting stability against landsliding points to a close adjustment of hillslope gradients and the mechanical properties of the regolith. The relative height of the hillslopes is functionally related to the spacing of the valleys and the gradient of the hillslopes. In areas with a regular spacing of v-shaped valleys and uniform rocks, this leads to the intersection of valley-side slopes in summits and ridges at a certain elevation. This elevation is determined by the length and steepness of the valley-side slopes. Therefore, the heights of the summits are geometrically constrained and are likely to indicate the upper limit of summit heights or an “upper denudation level” that is adjusted by hillslope processes to the incising streams. Accordant summit heights of this type are poor indicators of formerly more extensive denudation surfaces as it is also likely that they are a result of the long-term adjustment of hillslopes to river incision.The steep mountain flanks of block-faulted compartments on the other hand, comprise regolith-covered hillslopes that are closely adjusted to the maximum stable gradient as well as rock-slopes that are controlled by the rock-mass strength. Their summits are usually not accommodated into uniform summit levels. Highly elevated watershed areas exhibiting a subdued relief are detached from the base level response. On granitoid rocks these areas are often characterized by the rocky hills and domal rock outcrops. However, differences in the elevation of interfluves and summits between rocks of differing resistance and in the elevation of lithologically distinct individual fault-blocks imply that long-term weathering and erosion has transformed and lowered these landscapes. Therefore, these areas cannot be interpreted as a remnant of a pre-uplift topography and it appears to be unlikely that the height of the summits correlates with formerly more widespread planation surfaces in the far hinterland.The studies indicate that concepts such as the parallel retreat of hillslopes cannot account for the observed differences in the landscape. It is suggested that the Serra do Mar is consumed from the Atlantic and the inland side by spatially non-uniform developmental states. These states are determined by local differences in the coupling and distance to the regional base level and sea-level or are due to lithological and structural controls between and within the block-faulted compartments.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(5):965-989
Progressive integration of drainage networks during active crustal extension is observed in continental areas around the globe. This phenomenon is often explained in terms of headward erosion, controlled by the distance to an external base‐level (e.g. the coast). However, conclusive field evidence for the mechanism(s) driving integration is commonly absent as drainage integration events are generally followed by strong erosion. Based on a numerical modelling study of the actively extending central Italian Apennines, we show that overspill mechanisms (basin overfilling and lake overspill) are more likely mechanisms for driving drainage integration in extensional settings and that the balance between sediment supply vs. accommodation creation in fault‐bounded basins is of key importance. In this area drainage integration is evidenced by lake disappearance since the early Pleistocene and the transition from internal (endorheic) to external drainage, i.e. connected to the coast. Using field observations from the central Apennines, we constrain normal faulting and regional surface uplift within the surface process model CASCADE (Braun & Sambridge, 1997, Basin Research, 9, 27) and demonstrate the phenomenon of drainage integration, showing how it leads to the gradual disappearance of lakes and the transition to an interconnected fluvial transport system over time. Our model results show that, in the central Apennines, the relief generated through both regional uplift and fault‐block uplift produces sufficient sediment to fill the extensional basins, enabling overspill and individual basins to eventually become fluvially connected. We discuss field observations that support our findings and throw new light upon previously published interpretations of landscape evolution in this area. We also evaluate the implications of drainage integration for topographic development, regional sediment dispersal and offshore sediment supply. Finally, we discuss the applicability of our results to other continental rifts (including those where regional uplift is absent) and the importance of drainage integration for transient landscape evolution.  相似文献   

A study of radiosonde observations for temperature at 850 hPa over Delhi for a period of 35 years was conducted. The influence of atmospheric oscillations and geophysical events like El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on tropospheric temperature variability showed indicative trends for changing urban climate in Delhi. The inter‐annual variation in surface temperature and its relationship with land use changes and land cover changes (LULCC) was also examined. LULCC and urban expansion into peripheral areas of Delhi (towards the West, North, North‐West and South) at the cost of agricultural and wasteland was found to be extensive. The upper range of the surface temperature has shifted by ~6°C. The post‐monsoon and winter months from November to February have experienced a considerable increase in the average temperature in the period examined. The monsoon months from June to September have undergone cooling of ~0.5°C–1°C at 850 hPa. An inverse relationship exists between the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the monthly averaged temperature. The temperature of the atmosphere over Delhi at 850 hPa has increased only marginally (~ 0.3°C) for the time period 1980–2015. Bi‐modal peaks were the most peculiar features observed in mean monthly temperature variation during 2000–2009.  相似文献   

运用港口首位度和修正的赫希曼-赫芬达尔指数, 从箱流的角度对1998-2010 年中国集装箱港口体系的空间结构转型进行了定量测度。结果表明:① 集装箱港口体系的重心由珠三角地区向长三角地区缓慢转移;② 集装箱港口体系总体进入“边缘挑战阶段”, 箱流的分散化成为中国集装箱港口体系空间变化的主流倾向, 但7 大港区首位港的极辐作用存在显著差异;③ 中国集装箱港口体系空间结构呈现低级均衡、单门户、多门户并存的多样化特征, 其中, 长三角、珠三角地区形成集装箱多门户港口区域的空间结构已成事实。政府宏观调控与政策引导, 枢纽港资源瓶颈约束, 边缘港口的设施、服务趋同, 港航企业网络扩展和腹地交通网络拓展与完善等因素是多门户空间结构形成的主要动力。  相似文献   

牛强  盛富斌  刘晓阳  严雪心 《地理研究》2022,41(8):2142-2154
中国城市的快速发展加速了城市内部人口的居住迁移,精细测度居民迁居行为及其空间分异特征,对于从人的行为视角来分析城市居住空间结构演进过程具有现实意义。本文以武汉都市发展区为例,基于手机信令大数据,提出净活跃度指标和总活跃度指标来量化描述迁居活跃度,并依据两个指标的分类及组合,将居民居住地划分为高迁入型活跃区、平稳型活跃区、高迁出型活跃区、高迁入型非活跃区、平稳型非活跃区与高迁出型非活跃区六种空间类型,进而探讨居民迁居的空间分布特征。结果表明:① 武汉都市发展区内部人口迁移总体呈现出从主城区向近郊区逐步迁移的趋势,且主城区人口总活跃度相较更高。② 主城区以高迁出型活跃区和高迁入型活跃区为主,近郊区则以平稳型非活跃区为主。③ 不同空间类型内的居住类型存在差异:高迁入型活跃区内以新建小区、高校住区、学区房、城中村为主;平稳型活跃区以农村居住地、园区周边住宅为主;高迁出型活跃区以老旧小区、园区周边住宅、城中村、农村居住地为主;非活跃区则以农村居住地为主。本文提出了一种基于时序手机信令大数据的居民迁居活跃度评价指标体系,并以实证研究证明其对于居民迁居地空间类型划分的有效性,研究结果可为相关规划决策部门掌控城市内部的人口迁移特征提供数据支撑、为城市不同区域针对性的进行公共资源配置提供参考依据。  相似文献   

In the Ebinur region of Western Dzungaria, strong wind flows from Dzungarian Gate predetermine the widespread development of deflation processes. As a result of human-induced desiccation of Lake Ebinur, a new source of the loose material—the dry lakebed—has formed, which has intensified dust storms in this region. Annual dynamics of the frequency and intensity of dust storms and the amount and chemical composition of salts in the eolian material deposited in the area have been studied. The frequency of dust storms and the intensity of dust and salt deposition regularly decrease with an increase in the distance from the dry lake bottom (playa). The amount of dust deposition ranges from 600 (near the lake) to 70 (100–200 km from the lake) g/m2/a. The amount of salts precipitating with dust is mainly from 14 to 27 g/m2/a; the maximum registered amount of salt deposition is 77 g/m2/a. As shown in our study, the farther from the lake, the higher the portion of sulfate and calcium and the smaller the portion of chloride and sodium ions in the composition of salts.  相似文献   

仝照民  安睿  刘耀林 《地理科学进展》2021,40(12):2048-2060
城中村作为带着农民特色和阶级混杂重塑的空间,为弱势劳动群体融入城市化体系、实现反资本而不反市场的城镇化进程提供了保障。探讨建成环境对居民通勤方式选择的影响机制,开展城中村建成环境改造,对于解决弱势群体通勤和就业困难意义重大。论文基于武汉市2018年LBS(Location Based Services)数据,以公共交通通勤方式选择作为二元分类因变量,采用梯度提升决策树(gradient boosting decision tree,GBDT)分析建成环境与城中村居民通勤方式选择的非线性关系与阈值效应,结果显示:普遍长距离通勤的城中村居民对公共交通系统依赖性强,建成环境的非线性影响和阈值效应明显,弥补了传统线性模型在可解释性上的不足;其中公交站可达性预测贡献度最大(19.89%),阈值分别在300 m和1000 m左右,在城中村改造时应尽量满足直线距离300 m公交站点可达,保证1000 m内存在公交线路,其余变量也有相似的可解释性。研究得到的建成环境影响的优先层次和最有效的空间属性范围将为提升城中村居民就业和通勤公平,实现区域包容、协调的城镇化提供参考。  相似文献   

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