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Summary Geomagnetic storms belong to the most important phenomena of solar origin which affect the ionosphere and atmosphere. We study the responses of the lower ionosphere, middle stratospheric ozone, total ozone and the troposphere (vorticity area index at 500 hPa) to isolated and major geomagnetic storms. The expected positive effect is observed in the lower ionosphere. No observable effect is detected in the middle stratospheric ozone. An effect (not very significant) can be found in the total ozone and the troposphere.Contribution No, 109/90, Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague.  相似文献   

Summary The 45-year series of total ozone observations at Arosa, Switzerland, is used, after being homogenized, to study the significance of the trend in atmospheric ozone content which seems to exist during the past decade. Much larger trends than during the 1960s were observed at Arosa during certain periods in the past. Trend values are decreasing with increasing period length. Even trends observed in a world-wide network must be considered with caution as long as the network is not dense enough and not equally distributed over the globe.  相似文献   

本文给出了1个新的测量大气臭氧垂直分布的逆转方法,该方法将臭氧层分为6层,各层的臭氧含量,前后两次用图解法由联立方程定量的解出。使用这个方法,我们对在北京观测的10条逆转曲线作了计算,并将这些计算结果作了讨论及初步的误差估计。  相似文献   

Changes in solar ultraviolet flux produce changes in ozone concentration in the upper stratosphere with associated radiative and dynamical effects. At low latitudes, the response of ozone mixing ratio to solar UV variations on the time scale of the solar rotation period is well characterized observationally. In addition, there is some provisional evidence for an ozone response at intermediate periods of 60-80 days. Current two-dimensional stratospheric models simulate the observed 27-day response amplitudes and phase lags with reasonable accuracy in the upper stratosphere. The observed response of total ozone on the 27-day time scale is also in approximate agreement with the same models although observed ozone sensitivities and phase lags are slightly larger than expected theoretically. Future studies of the 27-day response at higher latitudes and altitudes are needed to test more completely our understanding of the direct effects of solar UV variability on the middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

All available data of the vertical ozone distribution measured with chemical sondes have been assembled and combined with one year's results from the BUV satellite to obtain the best possible information on the vertical ozone distribution averaged over longitude as a function of season (month by month). For the southern hemisphere Umkehr data have been used as a guideline in the necessary smoothing procedure. Especially in the northern hemisphere considerable adaptation to the observed latitudinal mean of the total amount was needed because most sounding stations, are situated in upper air trough positions.The results are presented as vertical distributions, as meridional cross sections of partial pressure and of mixing ratio and as partial pressure isolines as a function of latitude and season at different levels. The interaction between photochemical processes and transport resonsible for the observed distribution is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Observations of the vertical ozone distribution over Arosa, Switzerland, have been carried out routinely since 1956 (with one two-year gap). Long-term trends of ozone concentration at different levels indicated by this series are discussed in the light of the results obtained from five years of parallel measurements with two Dobson spectrophotometers. Further substantiation of the suggested correlation between ozone concentration in the upper stratosphere and solar activity (with a two- to three-year lag of ozone against sun-spot numbers) is needed because no full agreement was obtained from the two instruments with respect to the secular variation at those top levels.  相似文献   

Temporal variability of the relationship between the phases of quasi-decadal oscillations (QDOs) of total ozone (TO), measured at the Arosa station, and the Ri international sunspot number have been analyzed for the period of 1932–2009. Before the 1970s, the maximum phase of ozone QDOs lagged behind solar activity variations by about 2.5–2.8 years and later outstripped by about 1.5 years. We assumed that the TO QDOs in midlatitudes of the Northern Hemisphere were close to being in resonance with solar activity oscillations in the period from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s and assessed the characteristic delay period of TO QDOs. The global distribution of phases and amplitudes of TO QDOs have been studied for the period from 1979 to 2008 based on satellite data. The maximum phase of TO QDOs first onsets in northern middle and high latitudes and coincides with the end of the growth phase of the 11-year solar cycle. In the tropics, the maximum oscillation phase lags behind by 0.5–1 year. The maximum phase lag near 40–50° S is about two years. The latitudinal variations of the phase of TO QDOs have been approximated.  相似文献   

讀了魏鼎文同志的文章以后,我們想提出以下两点不同的看法,与魏鼎文同志商榷。 1.文献[1]中用两个实例表明,在目前实驗精度內,方法B得不出大气臭氧垂直分布的精細結构,这点对于如何利用方法B的結果是很有参考价值的。不过,我們认为,不能把精細結构方面的某种不定性,看成是方法B解不唯一的証明。  相似文献   

Examined are temperature and ozone variations in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere during the period 1958–77, as estimated from radiosondes rocketsondes, ozonesondes, and Umkehr measurements. The temperature variation in the low tropical stratosphere is a combination of the variation associated with the quasi-biennial oscillation, and a variation nearly out of phase with the pronounced 3-yearly temperature oscillation (Southern Oscillation) present in the tropical troposphere since 1963. Based on radiosonde and rocketsonde data, the quasibiennial temperature oscillation can be traced as high as the stratopause, the phase varying with both height and latitude. However, the rocketsonde-derived temperature decrease of several degrees Celsius in the 25–55 km layer of the Western Hemisphere between 1969 (sunspot maximum) and 1976 (sunspot minimum) is not apparent in high-level radiosonde data, so that caution is advised with respect to a possible solar-terrestrial relation.There has been a strong quasi-biennial oscillation in ozone in the 8–16 km layer of the north polar region, with ozone minimum near the time of quasi-biennial west wind maximum at a height of 20 km in the tropics. A quasi-biennial oscillation in ozone (of similar phase) is also apparent from both ozonesonde data and Umkehr measurements in 8–16 and 16–24 km layers of north temperate latitudes, but not higher up. Both measurement techniques also suggest a slight overall ozone decrease in the same layers between 1969 and 1976, but no overall ozone change in the 24–32 km layer. Umkehr measurements indicate a significant 6–8% increase in ozone amount in all stratospheric layers between 1964 and 1970, and in 1977 the ozone amount in the 32–46 km layer was still 4% above average despite the predicted depletion due to fluorocarbon emissions. The decrease in ozone in the 32–46 km, layer of mid latitudes following the volcanic eruptions of Agung and Fuego is believed to be mostly fictitious and due to the bias introduced into the Umkehr technique by stratospheric aerosols of volcanic origin. Above-average water vapor amounts in the low stratosphere at Washington, DC, appear closely related to warm tropospheric temperatures in the tropics, presumably reflecting variations in strength of the Hadley circulation.  相似文献   

The results of the observations of both total and layered ozone content of the atmosphere, the latter from C wavelength Umkehr observations, made in Lisbon (38° 46N; 09° 09W) during the period 1967 to 1971 by the Serviço Meteorológico Nacional, are analysed on a statistical basis in relation to the flow and temperature fields of the atmosphere, namely in relation to the position of the tropospheric jet axis and thê 100 mb air temperature.The preliminary results of the analysis show that the yearly mean variation of the total O3 follow the very well-known trend as observed for other geographical coordinates, with a winter to spring maximum. In addition, the same parameter is positively correlated to the 100 mb temperature field for the seasons of the year, and it was found, both on a large time-scale and for synoptic distributions, that the total amount of O3 is significantly higher a few hundreds of kilometres to the left of the jets looking downstream than to the right, so that mean cross-flow gradients of O3 are field features to be taken into account.The time-height distributions of ozone from the Umkehr technique has revealed, in the long-term mean used, a descent of the level of the maximum of around 20 mb depth from the summer-winter period to spring, but this descent may be much more pronounced on occasions, as revealed by the preliminary analysis of a few days' period of important ozone changes in relation to the potential temperature and jet axis position. this showed, in addition, the existence of varying gradients along the stream, whereby differences in circulation along the jet complex may be implied.Work done for the Project LF2 of the IAC  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2003,65(11-13):1235-1243
The aim of the present paper is to study the solar response in the vertical structure of ozone and temperature over the Indian tropical region and a search for any mutual relationship between their solar coefficients on a decadal scale in the lower stratosphere. For the purpose, the data obtained by ozonesonde and Umkehr methods for the lower stratospheric ozone and that of the total ozone amount from Dobson spectrophotometer during the period 1979–2001 have been analyzed. These data are analyzed using the multi-functional regression model, which takes into account most of the known natural and anthropogenic signals. The NCEP- and MSU-satellite data for the temperature over this region have been used. Results indicate an in-phase correlation of around 0.5 between ozone and solar flux (F10.7) in the vertical structure over the equatorial station, Trivandrum (8.3°N) but no significant correlation over Pune (18.3°N). The solar components of ozone and temperature indicate an in-phase but poor correlation in the lower stratospheric altitudes over both stations. However, when total ozone content data is analyzed, it indicates a very high correlation (⩾0.9) between the solar components of ozone and temperature. The solar trend in the vertical distribution of ozone is found to be of the order of 5–25% per 100 units of F10.7 solar flux for Trivandrum but it is relatively smaller (1.6–15.2%) over Pune. The solar dependence of temperature is found to be quite significant for the entire Indian tropical region with not much latitudinal variation.  相似文献   

Based on total ozone data from the World Ozone Data Center and stratospheric geopotential height data from the Meteorological Institute of Berlin Free University for the months of January through March for the time period of 1958–1996, the influence of the 11-year solar cycle and the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on total ozone and the stratospheric circulation at 30 hPa over Northern Europe is investigated. The analysis is performed for different levels of solar activity. The relationship of the equatorial QBO with ozone and the stratospheric circulation over the study region exhibits unique features attributed to strong opposite connections between the equatorial zonal wind and ozone/stratospheric dynamics during periods of solar minimum and maximum. Using the Solar/QBO effect, a statistical extraction of the interannual variations of total ozone and stratospheric circulation over Northern Europe has been attempted. The variations extracted and observed for late winter show very good correspondence. The solar/QBO effect in total ozone and stratospheric dynamics over Northern Europe appears to be related to planetary wave activity.  相似文献   

Ozone depression in the polar stratosphere during the energetic solar proton event on 4 August 1972 was observed by the backscattered ultraviolet (BUV) experiment on the Nimbus 4 satellite. Distinct asymmetries in the columnar ozone content, the amount of ozone depressions and their temporal variations above 4 mb level (38 km) were observed between the two hemispheres. The ozone destroying solar particles precipitate rather symmetrically into the two polar atmospheres due to the geomagnetic dipole field These asymmetries can be therefore ascribed to the differences mainly in dynamics and partly in the solar illumination and the vertical temperature structure between the summer and the winter polar atmospheres. The polar stratosphere is less disturbed and warmer in the summer hemisphere than the winter hemisphere since the propagation of planetary wave from the troposphere is inhibited by the wind system in the upper troposphere, and the air is heated by the prolonged solar insolation. Correspondingly, the temporal variations of stratospheric ozone depletion and its recovery appear to be smooth functions of time in the (northern) summer hemisphere and the undisturbed ozone amount is slighily, less than that of its counterpart. On the other hand, the tempotal variation of the upper stratospheric ozone in the winter polar atmosphere (southern hemisphere) indicates large amplitudes and irregularities due to the disturbances produced by upward propagating waves which prevail in the polar winter atmosphere. These characteristic differences between the two polar atmospheres are also evident in the vertical distributions of temperature and wind observed by balloons and rocker soundings.  相似文献   

We investigate the inclinations of heliospheric current sheet at two sites in interplanetary space, which are generated from the same solar source. From the data of solar wind magnetic fields observed at Venus (0.72 AU) and Earth (1 AU) during December 1978–May 1982 including the solar maximum of 1981, 54 pairs of candidate sector boundary crossings are picked out, of which 16 pairs are identified as sector boundaries. Of the remainder, 12 pairs are transient structures both at Venus and Earth, and 14 pairs are sector boundaries at one site and have transient structures at the other site. It implies that transient structures were often ejected from the coronal streamer belt around the solar maximum. For the 16 pairs of selected sector boundaries, we determine their normals by using minimum variance analysis. It is found that most of the normal azimuthal angles are distributed between the radial direction and the direction perpendicular to the spiral direction both at Venus and Earth. The normal elevations tend to be smaller than ≈45° with respect to the solar equatorial plane, indicating high inclinations of the heliospheric current sheet, in particular at Earth. The larger scatter in the azimuth and elevation of normals at Venus than at Earth suggests stronger effects of the small-scale structures on the current sheet at 0.72 AU than at 1 AU. When the longitude difference between Venus and Earth is small (<40° longitudinally), similar or the same inclinations are generally observed, especially for the sector boundaries without small-scale structures. This implies that the heliospheric current sheet inclination tends to be maintained during propagation of the solar wind from 0.72 AU to 1 AU. Detailed case studies reveal that the dynamic nature of helmet streamers causes variations of the sector boundary structure.  相似文献   

A variety of climate perturbations have the potential to alter the thermodynamic and dynamical characteristics of the middle atmosphere, which may then affect tropospheric climate. Increased thermal emission from rising stratospheric CO2 levels and scattering of solar radiation from stratospheric volcanic aerosols have a direct impact on surface temperatures, while variations in stratospheric water vapor and ozone can affect tropospheric temperatures. Observations and modeling experiments suggest that these perturbations, as well as solar irradiance variations operating through the stratosphere, may affect tropospheric dynamics, such as planetary wave amplitudes and Hadley cell intensity. In addition, climate changes will probably alter tropospheric/stratospheric exchange, with the potential for modifying trace gas distributions and climate forcing. These issues are reviewed in the light of the incorporation of middle atmosphere studies into IGBP.  相似文献   

利用地面遥感O3垂直分布的逆转方法〈C〉测量出的北京上空O3剖面资料,对雨云7号卫星的SBUV系统测量的同地区的O3垂直分布数据进行了订正.对订正后的长达8年(1979-1986年)的完整的SBUV资料进行了较为仔细的分析,得出了这一时期内的O3垂直分布长期演变呈下降趋势.并在上层O3含量的季节变化特征和周期振荡等方面,有新的发现,得出一些有意义的结果.  相似文献   

利用地面遥感O_3垂直分布的逆转方法〈C〉测量出的北京上空O_3剖面资料,对雨云7号卫星的SBUV系统测量的同地区的O_3垂直分布数据进行了订正.对订正后的长达8年(1979—1986年)的完整的SBUV资料进行了较为仔细的分析,得出了这一时期内的O_3垂直分布长期演变呈下降趋势.并在上层O_3含量的季节变化特征和周期振荡等方面,有新的发现,得出一些有意义的结果.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term (11-year solar cycle) solar UV variability on stratospheric chemical and thermal structure has been studied using a time-dependent one-dimensional model. Previous studies have suggested substantial variations in local and total ozone, and in stratospheric thermal structure from solar minimum to solar maximum. It is shown here that significant variations also occur in some of the trace constituents. Members of the HO x family and N2O exhibit the largest variations, and these changes, if detected, may provide additional means of verifying the presence of solar UV variability and its effects. Some of the species show large phase differences with the assumed solar flux variation. The role of chemical and transport time constants on the time variations of the trace species is examined. Comparisons with reported ozone and temperature data show reasonable agreement for the period 1960 to 1972.  相似文献   

A lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a tethered balloon platform were jointly used to investigate three-dimensional distributions of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations within the lower troposphere (1000 m) at a localized coastal area in Shanghai, China. Eight tethered balloon soundings and three UAV flights were conducted on May 25, 2016. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to quantitatively describe the relationships between air pollutants and other obtained parameters. Field observations showed that large variations were captured both in the vertical and horizontal distributions of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations. Significant stratified layers of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations as well as wind directions were observed throughout the day. Estimated bulk Richardson numbers indicate that the vertical mixing of air masses within the lower troposphere were heavily suppressed throughout the day, leading to much higher concentrations of ozone and PM2.5 in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The NO and NO2 concentrations in the experimental field were much lower than that in the urban area of Shanghai and demonstrated totally different vertical distribution patterns from that of ozone and PM2.5. This indicates that aged air masses of different sources were transported to the experimental field at different heights. Results derived from the GAMs showed that the aggregate impact of the selected variables for the vertical variations can explain 94.3% of the variance in ozone and 94.5% in PM2.5. Air temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure had the strongest effects on the variations of ozone and PM2.5. As for the horizontal variations, the GAMs can explain 56.3% of the variance in ozone and 57.6% in PM2.5. The strongest effect on ozone was related to air temperature, while PM2.5 was related to relative humidity. The output of GAMs also implied that fine aerosol particles were in the stage of growth in the experimental field, which is different from ozone (aged air parcels of ozone). Geographical parameters influenced the horizontal variations of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations by changing underlying surface types. The differences of thermodynamic properties between land and sea resulted in quick changes of PBL height, air temperature and dew point over the coastal area, which was linked to the extent of vertical mixing at different locations. The results of GAMs can be used to analyze the sources and formation mechanisms of ozone and PM2.5 pollutions at a localized area.  相似文献   

Summary Ozone observations made during 1964 and 1965 at nine Mediterranean, central and southeast European stations (latitudes 38–52°N, longitudes 9–23°E) reveal patterns of seasonal and shorter time-variations in total ozone as well as in vertical ozone distribution. During the winter-spring season, a significant increase (20%) of ozone occurs essentially simultaneously with the spring stratospheric warming, and is noticed at all stations.—Autocorrelation coefficients show that the total ozone on any day is strongly related to the total ozone of the preceding four days in summer or one or two days in winter-spring or autumn. Changes of total ozone in southeast Europe correlate closely with those in Mediterranean Europe, and less closely with those from north central Europe.—Power spectrum analysis detects the dependence of ozone changes on processes with periods longer than 6–8 days, and indicates a significant oscillation with a period of 14–15 days, perhaps a result of the direct influence of lower stratospheric circumhemispheric circulation. — Reliable vertical ozone soundings were not available from all stations. The mean vertical profiles at Arosa, Switzerland (47°N) and Belsk, Poland (51°) are very similar. More than 60% of the variability of the total ozone is contributed by changes in ozone concentration between 10 and 24 km; less than 10% is due to variations above 33 km. Changes in ozone partial pressure at different altitudes, and relationships of those changes to total ozone, indicates that a mean vertical ozone distribution may be described adequately by considering the ozone changes in four layers: a) the troposphere, b) the lower stratosphere up to 24 km, c) a transition layer from 24 km to a variable upper border at 33–37 km, and d) the layer above 33–37 km.Part of this paper was presented at the Ozone Seminar in Potsdam, Germany, 27 September 1966.  相似文献   

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