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Secondary copper enrichment in tailings at the Laver mine, northern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
 Field and laboratory studies of the sulphide-bearing tailings at Laver, northern Sweden, show that the present release of metals from the tailings is low, especially with regard to Cu. A large part of the Cu released by sulphide oxidation is enriched in a distinct zone just below the oxidation front. The enrichment zone occurs almost all over the tailings area except in areas with a shallow groundwater table. The Cu enrichment is caused by formation of covellite and adsorption onto mineral surfaces. The transport of Zn, Co, Cd, Ni and S seems to be controlled mainly by adsorption. No secondary zone or secondary minerals containing these metals have been found. Just below the groundwater table, metals are released into solution when the enrichment zone reaches the groundwater due to the low pH. An increased release of metals, especially Cu, can be expected in the future, since the enrichment zone is moving towards the groundwater table. Received: 4 December 1997 · Accepted: 17 December 1998  相似文献   

黔西南Au-As-Hg-Tl矿化区毒害金属元素的水地球化学   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
研究了黔西南典型Au-As-Hg-Tl矿化区内毒害金属元素在采矿活动和自然状态影响下的水地球化学特征及其环境效应。结果表明,已开采的Hg-Tl矿区地下水和地表水中均有很高的毒害金属元素,煤采区地下水中亦表现出类似的特征,而Hg-Tl矿区外围地下水中金属元素保持在较低的水平。Hg-Tl矿区地素水中As和Tl的分布模式表明,其含量的变化受矿区地下水排泄和尾矿淋滤作用的控制。在尚未开采的金矿区,浅层地下  相似文献   

Early Proterozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Rappen district in northern Sweden were deposited at a destructive plate margin to the south of the Archaean craton of the western Baltic Shield. The volcano-sedimentary suite was intruded by two generations of early Proterozoic granites at ca. 1.89–1.85 Ga and ca.1.82–1.78 Ga, respectively, and metamorphosed at upper amphibolite facies conditions. Small stratabound iron, copper, and zinc deposits occur in felsic to mafic tuffs and arkosic sediments. Small deposits of molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium formed during the emplacement of the younger granites. The lead isotopic compositions of sulfide trace lead from the various deposits are highly heterogeneous. In the 206Pb/204Pb–207Pb/204Pb diagram they fall on mixing arrays between little evolved early Proterozoic lead and highly radiogenic Caledonian lead. The least radiogenic lead isotopic compositions from the various deposits have a wide range of 207Pb/204Pb ratios and thus indicate variable involvement of Archaean crustal lead in the Proterozoic deposits. Deposits hosted by siliciclastic rocks have higher 207Pb/204Pb ratios than deposits hosted in mafic to felsic tuffites. The lead isotopic heterogeneity suggests that the lead in the various deposits was locally derived and, furthermore, that the sedimentary rocks in part originated from the Archaean craton to the north. Lead mixing arrays in the 206Pb/204Pb–207Pb/204Pb diagram demonstrate that in Paleozoic time radiogenic lead was mobilized and transported in the basement. Source ages calculated from the mixing arrays (ca.1.9 Ga and ca.1.8 Ga) correspond to the age of the Early Proterozoic volcanism and metamorphism respectively. One group of deposits includes lead from at least three sources and illustrates that radiogenic lead was multiply mobilized and transported in the Proterozoic basement. It occurs in deposits that occur in zones that became permeable during the reactivations of the basement.  相似文献   

This article evaluates whether a sediment budget for the South River, Maryland, can be coupled with metals data from sediment cores to identify and quantify sources of historic metal inputs to marsh and subtidal sediments along the estuary. Metal inputs to estuarine marsh sediments come from fluvial runoff and atmospheric deposition. Metal inputs to subtidal sediments come from atmospheric deposition, fluvial runoff, coastal erosion, and estuarine waters. The metals budget for the estuary indicates that metal inputs from coastal erosion have remained relatively constant since 1840. Historical variations in metal contents of marsh sediments have probably resulted primarily from increasing atmospheric deposition in this century, but prior to 1900 may reflect changing fluvial sources, atmospheric inputs, or factors not quantified by the budget. Residual Pb, Cu, and Zn in the marsh sediments not accounted for by fluvial inputs was low to moderate in 1840, decreased to near zero circa 1910, and by 1987 had increased to levels that were one to ten times greater than those of 1840. Sources of variability in subtidal cores could not be clearly discerned because of geochemical fluxes, turbulent mixing, and bioturbation within the cores. The sediment-metal budgeting approach appears to be a viable method for delineating metal sources in small, relatively simple estuarine systems like the South River and in systems where recent deposition (for example, prograding marshes) prevents use of deep core analysis to identify background levels of metal. In larger systems or systems with more variable sources of sediment and metal input, however, assumptions and measurement errors in the metal budgeting approach suggest that deep core analysis and normalization techniques are probably preferable for identifying anthropogenic impacts.Field and laboratory research conducted at the Department of Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 20742, USAField and laboratory research conducted at the Marine and Estuarine Environmental Science Program, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 20742, USA  相似文献   

The present study investigates the distribution of trace metals (Zn, Hg, Cd, Cu, and Pb), as indicators of pollution, in the surficial offshore shelf sediments along the northern coast of Heraklion Prefecture (Crete, Mediterranean Sea). The concentrations and the spatial distribution of the different trace metals, in relation to the sedimentological characteristics and the water circulation pattern of the entire continental shelf, are associated with human inshore sources of pollutants located along the coastline of the study area. Although the trace metal concentrations measured are higher than the background values, they are not considered to be dangerous to human health, as they are lower than the standard values given by the World Health Organisation, with only a few localised exceptions. Furthermore, results reveal the important role of local hydrodynamism that moves fine-grained material and associated trace metals offshore (seawards to wave breaking zone) and then transports them eastwards by entrapping them in the prevailing offshore shelf-water circulation.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering rates and erosionrates of granitic till in northern Sweden have beenestimated. The present-day chemical weathering rate iscompared with the long-term average weathering ratesince the last deglaciation approximately 8,700 yearsago. Also, the present-day release rates of major andtrace elements due to chemical weathering are comparedwith the mobility of these elements in a spodosolprofile as shown by soil water samples from the vadozezone. The estimation of the past weathering rate isbased on elemental depletion trends in a soil profile(typic haplocryod), whereas the present weatheringrate is based on elemental input/output budgets in asmall catchment (9.4 km2). The long-term averagechemical erosion rate, expressed as the sum of majorelement oxides (SiO2, Al2O3, CaO,Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, MnO, Na2O,P2O5, TiO2), was estimated to be4.9 gm-2 yr-1. The long-term base cation(Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) depletionwas 0.325 keq ha-1 yr-1. The currentchemical erosion rate was estimated to be2.43.0 g -2 yr-1, which is at least an order ofmagnitude higher than the rate of physical erosion,and the base cation flux due to chemical weathering is0.356–0.553~keq ha-1 yr-1. However,0.074 keq ha-1 yr-1 of this flux may be related tocation exchange processes induced by atmospheric inputof acid rain. There is no evidence for any recentlyincreased weathering rate of silicates in this area.The inputs of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn exceed the outputs,and hence, these elements are currently accumulatingin the soil.There is a distinct seasonal variation in thechemical composition of the soil water. Results fromthe soil water samples show that Na, followed by Siand S (Cl was not measured), are the most mobileelements in the spodosol profile between the E-horizonand the C-horizon, and that Al and Fe were the leastmobile elements. However, there is no simplerelationship between the mobility of an element in thespodosol profile and the current release rate due toweathering of that element. This fact may haveimplications for the validity of the comparisonbetween the past and present weathering rates asperformed in this study.  相似文献   

Trace metal dynamics in a seasonally anoxic lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selected results are presented from a detailed 12-month study of trace metals in a seasonally anoxic lake. Dissolved concentrations of Fe, Mn, organic carbon, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and pH were determined in the water column and the interstitial waters on 39 occasions. Trace metal concentrations remained low throughout the year in both water column and pore waters. There was evidence for some remobilization at the sediment-water interface but sediments deeper than 3 cm acted as a sink throughout the year. Variations in the water concentrations were largely associated with increased loading during periods of heavy rainfall. During the summer, concentrations of Cu and Zn in the waters overlying the sediments were enhanced by release from decomposing algal material. Similarly, enhanced concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were observed during periods of much reduced mixing during ice-cover. Although there were large seasonal variations in the concentrations of dissolved and particulate Fe and Mn, there were no comparable changes in the concentrations of trace metals.  相似文献   

The distribution and Inventories of Pb in the sediments of Loch Tay have been strongly influenced by inputs from past Pb mining activity, as demonstrated by correlation with the characteristic 206Pb/207Ph signature of the Tyndrum ore deposit. A major depositional event, perhaps associated with the cessation of Pb mining in the area, has been dated at 1906–1928 by the 210Pb method. Zinc and Cu have been influenced to a lesser extent by mining, as shown by comparison with inventories in Loch Lomond. Profiles of As, Mn and Fe have been affected by post-depositional diagenetic remobilisation processes. The results serve as a benchmark, with Au mining set to commence at Cononish, near Tyndrum, in 1996.  相似文献   

 Water resources near a gold-mine waste site were studied for the distribution and contents of contaminants, and their behavior in the surface and groundwater systems. Arsenic, cadmium, and manganese were identified with levels exceeding the drinking water guidelines of WHO (World Health Organization), and their distribution depended upon the differences in source materials and in spatial pH variations. Originating from arsenopyrite, concentrations of dissolved arsenic were controlled by sorption with amorphous iron (Fe(OH)3) and carbonate minerals. Cadmium and manganese were derived from the mineral phase including sphalerite (ZnS), otavite (CdCO3), and rhodochrosite (MnCO3); their concentrations in water resources were limited by the solubility of mineral phases. All of these processes are significantly pH-dependent, implying that a small decline in pH could result in a drastic increase in contaminant concentrations and become a pollution threat to the water resources of the Gubong area. Received: 13 December 1999 · Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

The present investigation deals with sulphur isotope distribution in Lower Proterozoic iron and sulphide mineralizations in northern Sweden. The contrasting sulphur isotope patterns are indicative of different genesis. Some 267 sulphur isotope analyses of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and bornite from 23 occurrences have been performed. Some deposits exhibit uniform compositions, although the mean 34S values are clearly different, while other mineralizations have widely fluctuating values.The 34S values in syngenetic, exhalative sedimentary skarn iron ores, quartz-banded iron ores and sulphide mineralizations of the 2.0–2.5 Ga old (Lapponian) Greenstone group show a large spread, supporting the existence of bacteriogenic sulphate reduction processes. The spread of the sulphur isotope values ( 34S = -8 to +25), and the non-equilibrium conditions, point to a biogenic rather than to an inorganic reduction of seawater sulphate.The isotopic composition of the sulphides in the epigenetic Lannavaara iron ores which were formed by a hydrothermal scapolite-tourmalme-related process, indicates a sulphur source similar to that of the Greenstone group. The 34S values of Cu-(Au) sulphide mineralizations in the Malmberget region (e.g. Aitik), which were formed by a similar process and hosted by the volcanics-volcanoclastics of the 1.9 Ga old Porphyry group, are slightly below zero , indicating a magmatic origin. The existence of different sulphur compositions for these mineralization types formed by a similar hydrothermal process, probably reflects the influence of the host rock, the solutions leaching pre-existing sulphides.In southern Norrbotten, epigenetic, Cu-Zn-Pb veintype mineralizations in metavolcanics and metasediments have 34S values close to zero indicating a magmatic origin. The sulphur isotope data of the volcanogenic, massive sulphide ores of the Skellefte district, in particular the ores of the Adak dome, are close to zero .The lead and sulphur isotopic features of the sulphides in northern Sweden show that the ore-forming processes were of a different nature on both sides of the Archean-Proterozoic border, implying differences in the crustal development. Lead isotopes show that lead was mobilized from specific sources on each side of the border. The sulphur of the sulphides in the Greenstone group in NE Sweden and Finland was introduced by sedimentary processes, whereas the sulphur of the sulphide occurrences towards the SW, mainly in the Porphyry group, is dominated by a magmatic sulphur component.  相似文献   

Tropical chemical weathering produces extensive lateritization and formation of deep weathering profiles. Both processes are fundamental to landscape evolution and slope instability. The Aburrá Valley of the northern Colombian Andes is characterized by tropical conditions. The valley slopes are mostly covered by hillslope deposits originating from four basement rock suites which comprise contrasting granitoid, volcanic–sedimentary, ophiolitic, and metamorphic sources, respectively. Tropical chemical weathering of the Aburrá hillslope deposits and their respective bedrock were examined using X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction analysis, to document and quantify their chemical weathering profiles, compositions, and mineralogical properties. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), loss on ignition (LOI), and the Mobiles index (Imob) were used to quantify the degree of weathering of hillslope deposits and bedrock source. Weathering trends were analyzed using A–CN–K and A–CNK–FM diagrams. The material mantling the slopes in the Aburrá Valley records an intense weathering history. Chemical weathering is characterized by increased development of clay minerals (kaolinite, halloysite) and iron and aluminum sesquioxides. Lateritization characterizes the final stage of the weathering profiles. Concentrations of CaO, Na2O, K2O decrease markedly in the weathering products compared to the fresh bedrock source, whereas concentrations of Al2O3, Fe2O3, and MgO increase significantly. CIA ratios of matrix slope deposits derived from all four sources near 100, whereas those of boulder slope deposits and saprolites are lower, but exceed source rock values. Different A–CN–K weathering paths are evident for each lithotype, validating the correlation established between the hillslope deposits and their various parents. Chemical weathering indices in some samples are strongly influenced by the presence of sesquioxides, as reflected by high LOI, anomalously low CIA, and varying enrichment trends on the A–CNK–FM diagrams. Consequently, different chemical indices based on different criteria need to be combined to obtain best results, as illustrated here by the combination of LOI, CIA, and Imob. The overall results suggest that tropical conditions have dominated for a long time in the northern Colombian Andes, leading to uniformly high weathering indices in matrix slope deposits irrespective of parent lithotype. Prolonged warm and humid conditions could thus be responsible for the weathering and remobilization of extensive old hillslope deposits during the Quaternary. However, in addition to the influence of climatic factors, tectonism has also undoubtedly influenced slope evolution in the Aburrá Valley.  相似文献   

Mark Dyer 《Engineering Geology》2003,70(3-4):321-329
The paper is based on a recent programme of groundwater monitoring at an industrial site in west London. Redevelopment of the site in 1997 revealed high levels of soil and groundwater pollution by hydrocarbon fuels, trichloroethylene (TCE) and soluble metal salts (e.g. free cyanide, chromium VI and nickel). The pollution originated from a previous metal plating and galvanising works at the site. As part of the redevelopment works, the owners undertook limited excavation works and groundwater extraction to remove the pollutant. However, groundwater sampling has continued to show high levels of pollution. Following discussion with the environment regulator in late 1998, a groundwater monitoring programme was agreed to investigate the potential for co-degradation of the petroleum fuel and TCE. Groundwater samples have been taken from six existing boreholes (1C to 6C). The location of the monitoring boreholes relates to past pollution spillages and the layout of the new factory building. Chemical analyses of groundwater samples show elevated aqueous concentrations of chloroethenes with a classical reduction pathway for trichloroethylene (TCE) leading to an accumulation of vinyl chloride.  相似文献   

曹毅    聂风军  丁成武  蒋喆  李强锋  王丰翔  张伟波 《地质通报》2015,34(06):1172-1181
比约克达尔(Bjokdal)金矿位于瑞典北部古元古代斯科勒费特(Skellefte)地块的东部。成矿母岩为花岗岩类侵入体。该金矿的石英、白钨矿、方解石中的包体有3类。石英的δ18O值为8.3‰~14.3‰,2个全岩样品的δ18O值分别为9‰和10.4‰。Sm-Nd同位素数据得出矿石中白钨矿等时线年龄为1915±32Ma (MSWD=0.25),白钨矿的ε(Nd)(t=1.88Ga)的值为+1.1~+1.7。通过对矿化石英脉中流体包裹体的研究,将矿化分为3个主要阶段。第一阶段发育的石英脉伴随少量的白钨矿和硫化物,矿化作用的主要阶段发生了岩浆流体和地表水的混合,混合的同时伴随压力下降和pH值增加,第三阶段发生在130~220℃,这时产生了金-方解石-碲化物矿化,并对原生矿石进行了部分改造。  相似文献   

Analysis of insect fossil remains retrieved from a bog close to the abandoned farm at Gammelhemmet, near Lycksele in Swedish Lapland, enabled the reconstruction of environmental changes at the site over the last 2500 years. These results represent the first late Holocene palaeoentomological succession studied for insect remains in the Västerbotten interior, and they provide new evidence for landscape change in the area. Around 2000 years ago, at the end of the early Iron Age, disappearance of the tree and leaf litter fauna and an increase in aquatic species indicate the expansion of wetlands in the area. Patches of a multi‐aged mixed woodland with a diverse assemblage of forest‐dwelling beetles succeeded the wetland ~1500 years ago, at the beginning of the late Iron Age. A marked change to open and drier conditions, and the presence of species often found in grassland and cultivated ground took place during the post‐Medieval period. Our evidence indicates drainage of the area prior to the 18th century, placing the initiation of agricultural activities in Gammelhemmet earlier than the documentary record. Our research shows the potential of the use of fossil insects for understanding environmental change and also human impact on the landscape, even of limited scale, from natural contexts.  相似文献   

Core samples were taken at two sites from a peat deposit buried by a sanitary landfill operated by the city of Vancouver since the 1960s and from a third site where the same peat bed is not covered by landfill. Twenty-nine subsamples from the three cores were analyzed by a variety of techniques to determine the concentration of as many as 34 constituents. The content of heavy metals, the principal object of this investigation, is highest in the lower part of the peat succession, in which there is a significant amount of interbedded inorganic sediment, rather than in the upper clean bog peat. Individual layers as little as 2.5 cm thick can hold concentrations of heavy metals ten times that of the nearby layers. The heavy metal contents show a high positive correlation with those of iron and manganese and a very low correlation with sulfur. Iron from the landfill has been transported by downward percolating groundwater in solution or colloidal suspension into the lower layers of peat deposit where the passing heavy metals were sorbed. A comparison of the amounts of heavy metals stored in the peat alone with the amount leaving the whole landfill annually suggests that some metals, notably lead and arsenic, might be retained in the peat for very long periods, whereas other metals such as zinc and mercury might be quickly lost.  相似文献   

The compositions of arsenopyrite and sphalerite from five Swedish metamorphosed Cu, Zn-sulfide deposits are related to T and P, according to the methods described by Kretschmar and Scott (1976) and Scott (1973). The As/S ratio of arsenopyrite indicates an equilibrium temperature around 400°C for all the deposits studied, whereas the sphalerite barometer shows pressures between 5 and 7 kb. The mineral assemblages of the bedrocks indicate a similar temperature but a lower pressure. A constant fs2 is probably only effective over distances of millimetres or a few centimetres in the samples studied. The fs2 has always been lower in the surrounding rocks than in the ores as indicated by a higher As/S in arsenopyrite, more FeS in sphalerites and the absence of pyrite.  相似文献   

This study reports on trace metal uptake by the grass species Melinis repens, growing in roadside soils and sediments in tropical northeastern Australia. Median total Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in road edge soils (Cu = 61.1 mg/kg, Pb = 97.3 mg/kg, Ni = 28.6 mg/kg, Zn = 729 mg/kg) than in background soils collected away from roads (Cu = 5.8 mg/kg, Pb = 11.2 mg/kg, Ni = 3.7 mg/kg, Zn = 21 mg/kg). Significantly (P < 0.05) elevated Zn values were recorded in the stems of the M. repens specimens growing on roadside soils (231.6 mg/kg dry weight of tissue) compared with those of grasses growing on background soils (40.8 mg/kg dry weight of tissue). Moreover, median Cu, Ni and Zn values in the roots of roadside grasses (Cu = 29.1 mg/kg, Ni = 2.73 mg/kg, Zn = 169 mg/kg) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than their respective levels in the roots of background M. repens samples (Cu = 5.98 mg/kg, Ni = 0.70 mg/kg, Zn = 22 mg/kg). A greenhouse experiment showed that Cu and Zn in road sediments are labile and are available for uptake by M. repens. The studied roadside soils and sediments were leached with a diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid–CaCl2–triethanolamine–HCl extraction solution, which proved to be a rudimentary indicator of Zn availability and uptake to the root tissue of M. repens. The results demonstrate that trace metals in roadside grasses have the potential to be directed up the food-chain as grasses are consumed by herbivores. In addition, bioavailable metal contaminants hosted by road sediments have the capacity to impact on ecosystems downstream of roads because these sediments are mobilised by road runoff waters from road surfaces into adjoining catchments.  相似文献   

The Bälinge conglomerate has played a key role in the lithostratigraphy of northern Sweden. The conglomerate, with pebbles dominated by granodiorites and tonalites in a generally biotite-rich matrix, borders volcanic rocks with unclear relative age relationships. In nearby areas these volcanites have been intruded by plutonic rocks (c. 1.9 Ga) which are similar to the pebble material. On these grounds, the conglomerate has been regarded as younger than the volcanic rocks and an important marker in the geological evolution of the region. In this preliminary study, it is suggested that the features displayed by the Balinge conglomerate are not compatible with an epiclastic origin. On the contrary, they indicate that this rock represents a hydraulic breccia where the roundness of the granitoid 'pebbles' has resulted from erosion in a fluidised, heterogeneous and magmatic environment. In the actual area the 'conglomerate' must thus be dismissed as a stratigraphic marker horizon. It belongs to the early Svecofennian evolution.  相似文献   

The shelf area is the largest morphological unit of the Marmara Sea and is subjected to increasing population, urbanization, and industrial activities. Metal contents (Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co and Hg) of the surface sediments from the shelf areas of the Marmara Sea generally do not indicate shelf-wide pollution. The variability of the metal contents of the shelf sediments is mainly governed by the geochemical differences in the northern and southern hinterlands. Northern shelf sediments contain lower values compared to those of the southern shelf, where higher Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn are derived from the rock formations and mineralized zones. However, besides from the natural high background in the southern shelf, some anthropogenic influences are evident from EF values of Pb, Zn and Cu, and also from their high mobility in the semi-isolated bay sediments. Anthropogenic influences are found to be limited at the confluence of Istanbul Strait in the northern shelf. However, suspended sediments along the shallow parts of the northern shelf were found to be enriched in Pb and Hg and to a lesser degree in Zn, reflecting anthropogenic inputs from Istanbul Metropolitan and possibly from the Black Sea via the Istanbul Strait.  相似文献   

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