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一、填空题 1.我国第一个写进法律的基本国策是()。 2.中国是一个发展中国家,截至2003年底,全国耕种的耕地面积为()万公项,人均耕地面积()公顷。 3.2004年6月25日是第()个全国“土地日”。 4.按《城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》规定,下列土地出让的最高年限为:住宅用地()年;工业用地()年;教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育用地()年;商业、旅游、娱乐用地()年。 5.根据近日国土资源部、监察部联合下发的通知,全国协议出让经营性土地使用权的最后期限是()。 6.《中华人民共和国矿产资源法实施细则》列出了我国已发现的矿产资源分类细目,…  相似文献   

一、填空题: 1.我国第一个写进法律的基本国策是(十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地)。 2.中国是一个发展中国家,截至2003年底,全国耕种的耕地面积为(l 2339.22)万公顷,人均耕地面积(0.095)公顷。 32004年6月25日是第(14)个全国“土地日”。 4.按《城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》规定,下列土地出让的最高年限为:住宅用地(70)年;工业用地(50)年;教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育用地(50)年;商业、旅游、娱乐用地(40)年。 5.根据近日国土资源部、监察部联合下发的通知,全国协议出让经营性土地使用权的最后期限是(2004年8月3旧l。 6.…  相似文献   

笔者从2003年1月20日~21日在郑州召开的“河南省地质调查院国土资源大调查2002年度成果展评会”上获悉:去年,我省国土资源大调查工作又取得一批新成果。 国土资源大调查是上世纪九十年代末,国家根据实现现代化第三步发展战略目标对资源与环境的需求组织实施的。我省的国土资源大调查工作开始于1998年12月。4年来,足迹遍布河南、西藏、新疆、青海4省区,共承担国家国土资源大调查项目近60项,取得一批大调查成果。其中豫西南地区银铅锌多金属矿找矿项目成果被列入我国2001年度地质工作十大重要进展之一;青藏铁路沿线铜铅锌金等找矿成…  相似文献   

笔者从2003年1月20日~21日在郑州召开的"河南省地质调查院国土资源大调查2002年度成果展评会"上获悉:去年,我省国土资源大调查工作又取得一批新成果.  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,面对保护与保障的双重压力,面对政策与现实的诸多矛盾,河南国土资源人在省委、省政府和国土资源部的正确领导下,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持保护与保障并重、监管与服务相济的理念,勇于改革,奋力创新,积极探索科学管理的新路径,逐步理清了"两保一高"的工作思路和"积极主动服务、严格规范管理"的工作理念,全身心致力于国土资源事业的健康发展,致力于中原崛起、河南振兴的宏图伟业,取得了令人瞩目的成绩.回望"十一五",河南国土资源事业硕果累累.  相似文献   

为加强国土资源管理,建立“群防群治”长效机制,近日,潍坊市国土资源局制定出台了《潍坊市国土资源违法行为举报奖励办法》,鼓励群众监督举报,及时发现和制止各类国土资源违法行为。该办法规定,举报人应为年满十八周岁以上具有完全民事行为能力的公民、法人或社会团体,鼓励实名举报,对匿名举报的,实行密码管理,承诺对举报人严格保密。对非法转让买卖土地,非法占地,非法批地,破坏耕地,非法勘探、开采、买卖矿产资源,损毁、拆除、危害永久性测量标志,以及其他国土资源违法行为的,  相似文献   

~~省国土资源首届书法摄影展@刘长征 @殷开双 @张岳山~~  相似文献   

10月11-12日,浙江省国土资源系统首届运动会"双保双服务杯"网球比赛在嘉兴举行。省国土资源厅党组书记、厅长楼小东、嘉兴市人民政府副市长赵树梅、省国土资源厅执法监察局局长夏晓鸿出席开幕式。参加此次比赛共有11支代表队,分别为省国土资源厅代表队、省地质勘查局代表队和9个市国土资源局代表队,领队和运动员共计80余人。楼小东厅长还作为双打运动员参加比赛。经过两天的激烈紧张角逐,网球比赛产生了男子单打前六名、女子单打前六名和双打前六名。此次"双保双服务杯"网球比赛由嘉兴市国土资源局承办。  相似文献   

The urban development is a decisive factor for the landuse of the territory of Hong Kong, as a realm of a world city. A speed-up change of the landuse structure of Hong Kong and some contradictions in the landuse have been revealed after a brief mentioning of the characteristics of the limited land resources of Hong Kong. Hong Kong consists of peninsula and islands dominated by hilly terrain in south subtropical zone, 84% of the total area is slope, unfavorable for urban and agricultural development, only 16% is small plains. The land is barren and water resource is very limited. Urban landuse is taken as the dominant factor. Due to the expansion of the scale of the urban development, and the limitation of the land resource, there is a high degree of the urban land utilization, but the proportions of commercial and industrial landuse are not high, only 1.3% of the total developed land is used for commerce, 6.0% for manufacture industries, the road and railway lands amount to 14.6%. The great efforts were made in reclamation and construction of reservoirs in order to add land and water resources. The arable lands were reduced heavily and the farmlands were wasted seriously. The author proposed some view points on the present and future landuse in Hong Kong as follows: 1) the urban landuse remains as a guiding factor in the landuse of the whole territory of Hong Kong; 2) one of the problems is the fondness for the reconstruction of the old city, loosening up on the new town development; 3) the reclamation is not only very costly, but also causing some negative effects on the eco-environment; 4) the problem of the protection of the farmlands against wasting should be seriously; 5) the development and the landuse for the construction in Hong Kong should be considered with the relationship with the inland, especially Guangdong Province; 6) fully use the convenient condition of the territorial linkage of the city with the mainland, further to bring the role of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone into fully play for solving the landuse problems in the development of Hong Kong. The author is very grateful to Dr. David K. Y. Chu and Dr. Roger Chan for their comments and to Professor Gu Chaolin and Mr. Hu Tianxin for their helps in data collection.  相似文献   

THELANDRESOURCEANDLANDUSEOFHONGKONG①YeShunzan(叶舜赞)InstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100101,P.R.China(Re...  相似文献   

Hurqin Sand Land is regarded as the typical region for studying the problem of desertification.The integra-tion of 3S(GIS,GPS and RS)techniques offer a most helpful method to study and monitor the dynamics of desertification.Based on the data derived from 3 periodsˊmultitemporal Landsat TM imagery of the 1990s,the regional land use and dynamo-ics of desertification in Horqin Sand Land were studied.The main results revealed that :1)as long as the general change tendency was concerned,the desertification of Horqin Sand Land would continue to spread;2)there was a gradual de-crease in the area of both moving sand dunes and semi-stabilized ones,which meant that fruitful progress had been made to control the desertification during the 1990s;3)as a result of unreasonable cultivation,the total area of stabilized sand dunes and grassland in the middle and western region decreased obviously.It suggested that the increasing damage caused by human was leading to the hazard of further desertification.So in the future,it is necessary to take more effect-tive measures to control the spread of desertification and restore the degraded ecosystems for the purpose of optimizing the global eco-environment in Horqin Sand Land.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the experiences and models of land resources use in China. They are: (1) to protect farmland is as the basic state policy; (2) to carry out land resources survey and land use planning; (3) establishing a resource-saving agricultural production system with land saving as its priority; (4) to develop agriculture in the whole territory and explore food resources; (5) improving eco-environment and protecting land resources; (6) population control'and moderate consumption to release the pressure on land resources; (7) the integrated development and experiment of the typical regions.  相似文献   

土地储备制度的确立及其在实践中的发展已经对土地资产经营发挥了独特的作用。对土地储备的管理与制度模式、具体的操作方法及资金的筹措与运作进行了阐述,并提出了一些建议与对策。  相似文献   

Biography:CHEN Fu(1974- ), male,a native of Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, doctoral candidate.His research interests include land use management.1 INTRODUCTION Land use change may influence a variety of natural and ecological processes, including soil nutrient, soil moisture, soil erosion, land productivity (FU et al., 1999), biodiversity, cycle of biographical geochemistry, and so on (VITOUSEK, 1994). So, it is very important that the studies of land use changes understand re…  相似文献   

介绍了2002年全省国土资源工作的要点(1)围绕全省经济工作目标,积极做好资源保障和服务工作;(2)严格保护耕地,认真落实耕地占补平衡;(3)加强治理整顿和管理,促进矿产资源勘查开发有序健康发展;(4)认真做好地质灾害防治工作,最大限度地减少灾害损失;(5)深化资源有偿使用制度改革,进一步提高资源市场化配置程度;(6)加强国土资源法制建设,全面推进依法行政;(7)大力推进国土资源信息化建设,加强科技创新和成果转化;(8)加强基础业务建设,夯实国土资源工作基础;(9)加强党风政风建设,提高队伍整体素质.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has led to extensive land-use changes,particularly in developing countries.This research is aimed to investigate the role of land use and its effect on soil and water quality in Ziarat watershed focusing on four land uses:forest,pasture,cultivated and urban development.Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0-30 cm on each land use and were analyzed by completely randomized split-plot design in two geographical directions.Results showed that bulk density(BD),electrical conductivity(EC),pH,calcium carbonate equivalent(CCE),and soil particle density(DS) of the soil samples in pastures,cultivated and urban areas increased and the mean weight diameter(MWD),soil porosity(F),organic carbons(OC),total nitrogen(TN),exchangeable cations(Ca 2+,Mg 2+,K +,Na +),cation exchange capacity(CEC) and soil microbial respirations(SMR) decreased,respectively in comparison with the forest soils.For water quality evaluations,sodium adsorption ratio(SAR),electrical conductivity(EC),pH,total dissolved solids(TDS),bicarbonate(HCO 3),chloride(Cl),total hardness(TH),calcium(Ca 2+),potassium(K +),sodium(Na +) and magnesium(Mg 2+) were investigated in two areas:Nahrkhoran and Abgir stations.Results showed that the concentration of TDS,EC and HCO 3 in Naharkhoran station is higher than that in Abgir station.On the other hand,the concentration of TDS,EC and HCO 3 in Abgir station are the relatively higher due to its location.Total hardness had the same trend during the study years except in the last three years;however,TH showed an increase of 25% TH in Naharkhoran for the last two years.Cl,K + and SAR in Naharkhoran station increased by 61%,22%,78% and 56% respectively,in comparison with Abgir station.This study demonstrated that the trend of soil degradation and mismanagement of land use may increase the frequency of urban floods and human health problems.  相似文献   

Hainan Provine, with an land area of 34,170 km2, is the largest economic district for external development in China. With the further deepening of reform and openning up, some new problems of land resource exploitation and use have arisen. The changing tendency of land use is estimated as follows: Land use in economic exploitation, city development and traffic will be increased rapidly; hydraulic construction will occupy a part of land; the use of wasteland is increasing; and the total farmland and per capital farmland will decrease continously. In 2000, the occupied land should be controlled in 5 million mu (1 mu=1/ 15 ha), in which farmland is 160,000 mu. The farmland should be maintained in 6.5 million mu. Some measures to implement the strategy and object of land use are put forward: enhancing land management and administration; excuting land policy and making land management mechanism active; enhancing the efficiency of land use; and control the growth of population strictly.  相似文献   

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