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Architectural element analysis and detailed mapping of a 300 m along-strike exposure of the middle member Wood Canyon Formation, southern Marble Mountains, California, USA, provides new evidence for extensive braided–fluvial channel-belt deposits with adjacent overbank environments. Three-dimensional models constructed using ‘Structure from Motion’ techniques, combined with field-based observations, allowed interpretation of outcrop-scale trends, barforms, channel fills and fine-scale features. The ca 80 m thick member is divisible into five distinct units, including units M1 to M3 that form the bulk of the stratigraphy. Units are defined by stacking patterns of three facies associations (Facies Association 1 to Facies Association 3), each representing the product of a subenvironment within the fluvial system. In Facies Association 1, stacked cosets, interpreted as low-relief fluvial bars and channel fills, preserve vertical-accretion and downstream-accretion elements under unimodal north-north-west palaeoflow, with minor lateral accretion near bar edges. Deposits of Facies Association 2 to Facies Association 3, linked to overbank environments, are found only in unit M2, in the middle 27 m of the middle member. Floodplains, represented by Facies Association 2, include crumbly red-orange intervals of fine to medium-grained sandstone and thinner sets of cross-bedding than Facies Association 1, interbedded with thicker cross-stratification indicative of overbank splay or overland flow aggradation from adjacent channel belts during flood stage. Possible aeolian beds of Facies Association 3 preserve broad festooned trough cross-strata that average 23 cm in thickness; their small size, medium-grained sandstone and iron oxide cement suggest a high water table. The diverse assemblage of interpreted subenvironments, paired with bedform and facies patterns, implies a perennial fluvial system that gradually built large sand bars as the channel belt migrated and avulsed across an unconfined braided–fluvial reach, leaving the overbank area on its flanks subject to weathering and aeolian transport. Despite the occurrence of strata deposited in low-energy and ponded settings, and a marine influence proposed for nearby sections of middle member, no ichnofossils were encountered.  相似文献   

To date, published studies of alluvial bar architecture in large rivers have been restricted mostly to case studies of individual bars and single locations. Relatively little is known about how the depositional processes and sedimentary architecture of kilometre‐scale bars vary within a multi‐kilometre reach or over several hundreds of kilometres downstream. This study presents Ground Penetrating Radar and core data from 11, kilometre‐scale bars from the Río Paraná, Argentina. The investigated bars are located between 30 km upstream and 540 km downstream of the Río Paraná – Río Paraguay confluence, where a significant volume of fine‐grained suspended sediment is introduced into the network. Bar‐scale cross‐stratified sets, with lengths and widths up to 600 m and thicknesses up to 12 m, enable the distinction of large river deposits from stacked deposits of smaller rivers, but are only present in half the surface area of the bars. Up to 90% of bar‐scale sets are found on top of finer‐grained ripple‐laminated bar‐trough deposits. Bar‐scale sets make up as much as 58% of the volume of the deposits in small, incipient mid‐channel bars, but this proportion decreases significantly with increasing age and size of the bars. Contrary to what might be expected, a significant proportion of the sedimentary structures found in the Río Paraná is similar in scale to those found in much smaller rivers. In other words, large river deposits are not always characterized by big structures that allow a simple interpretation of river scale. However, the large scale of the depositional units in big rivers causes small‐scale structures, such as ripple sets, to be grouped into thicker cosets, which indicate river scale even when no obvious large‐scale sets are present. The results also show that the composition of bars differs between the studied reaches upstream and downstream of the confluence with the Río Paraguay. Relative to other controls on downstream fining, the tributary input of fine‐grained suspended material from the Río Paraguay causes a marked change in the composition of the bar deposits. Compared to the upstream reaches, the sedimentary architecture of the downstream reaches in the top ca 5 m of mid‐channel bars shows: (i) an increase in the abundance and thickness (up to metre‐scale) of laterally extensive (hundreds of metres) fine‐grained layers; (ii) an increase in the percentage of deposits comprised of ripple sets (to >40% in the upper bar deposits); and (iii) an increase in bar‐trough deposits and a corresponding decrease in bar‐scale cross‐strata (<10%). The thalweg deposits of the Río Paraná are composed of dune sets, even directly downstream from the Río Paraguay where the upper channel deposits are dominantly fine‐grained. Thus, the change in sedimentary facies due to a tributary point‐source of fine‐grained sediment is primarily expressed in the composition of the upper bar deposits.  相似文献   

Low rates of lateral migration (centimetres to decimetres per year) combined with relatively high rates of vertical accretion (millimetres to centimetres per year) recorded in microtidal channels of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) give rise to point‐bar geometries and internal facies arrangements that differ substantially from widely accepted models of point‐bar sedimentary architecture. In this study, field data from the Venice Lagoon are combined with a three‐dimensional forward stratigraphic model, the ‘Point‐Bar Sedimentary Architecture Numerical Deduction’ (PB‐SAND), to predict the stratal geometries of point bars formed in aggradational settings. The PB‐SAND uses a combined geometric and stochastic modelling approach that can be constrained by field evidence. The model applied determines the geometry of four point bars generated by 9 to 11 m wide channels cutting through salt marshes. An iterative best‐fit modelling approach has been used to obtain multiple simulations for each case study, each of which fits the observations derived from the analysis of time‐series historical aerial photographs and 44 sedimentary cores. Results demonstrate how the geometry of the bars is determined by the development of two key stratal surfaces: the point‐bar brink and channel‐thalweg surfaces. These surfaces are defined by the progressive translation and vertical shift of the point‐bar brink (i.e. break of slope between bar top and bar slope) and the channel thalweg (i.e. deepest part of the channel) during bar evolution. The approach is used to: (i) reconstruct three‐dimensional point‐bar geometries; (ii) propose alternative reconstructions; (iii) provide insight to drive the acquisition of additional data to better constrain the proposed models; and (iv) provide insight into the mechanism of bar growth for slowly migrating channels in settings subject to relatively high rates of aggradation. This study highlights how interaction between styles of planform transformation and latero‐vertical shifts of meandering channels can determine the geometry of related sedimentary bodies.  相似文献   

The South Saskatchewan River has a long term average discharge of 275 m3/sec, with flood peaks in the range of 1500 to 3800 m3/sec. South of Saskatoon, the four major types of geomorphological elements recognised are channels, slipface-bounded bars, sand flats and vegetated islands and floodplains. Major channels are 3-5 m deep, up to 200 m wide, and flow around sand flats which are 50-2000 m long, and around vegetated islands up to 1 km long. At areas of flow expansion, long straight-crested cross-channel bars form. During falling stage, a small part of the crest of the cross-channel bar may become emergent, and act as a nucleus for downstream and lateral growth of a new sand flat. The dominant channel bedforms are dunes, which deposit trough cross bedding. Cross-channel bars deposit large sets of planar tabular cross bedding. Sand flats that grow from a nucleus on a cross-channel bar are mostly composed of smaller planar tabular sets, with some parallel lamination, trough cross-bedding, and ripple cross-lamination. A typical facies sequence related to sand flat growth would consist of in-channel trough cross-bedding, overlain by a large (1-2 m) planar tabular set (cross-channel bar), overlain in turn by a complex association mostly of small planar tabular cross-beds, trough cross-beds and ripple cross-lamination. By contrast, a second stratigraphic sequence can be proposed, related only to channel aggradation. It would consist dominantly of trough cross-beds, decreasing in scale upward, and possible interrupted by isolated sets of planar tabular cross-bedding if a cross-channel bar formed, but failed to grow into a sand flat. During final filling of the channel, ripple cross-lamination and thin clay layers may be deposited. In the S. Saskatchewan, these sequences are a minimum of 5 m thick, and are overlain by 0.5-1 m of silty and muddy vertical accretion deposits.  相似文献   

The large-scale (i.e. bar-scale) structure of channel deposits of the braided, low-sinuosity Calamus River, Nebraska, is described using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profiles combined with vibracores. Basal erosion surfaces are generally overlain by medium-scale, trough-cross-stratified (sets 3–25 cm thick), very coarse to medium sands, that are associated with relatively high amplitude, discontinuous GPR reflectors. Overlying deposits are bioturbated, small-scale cross-stratified (sets <3 cm thick) and vegetation-rich, fine to very-fine sands, that are associated with low-amplitude discontinuous reflectors. Near-surface peat and turf have no associated GPR reflectors. In along-stream profiles through braid and point bars, most GPR reflectors dip downstream at up to 2° relative to the basal erosion surface, but some reflectors in the upstream parts of bars are parallel to the basal erosion surface or dip upstream. In cross-stream profiles through bars, GPR reflectors are either approximately parallel to bar surfaces or have low-angle inclinations (up to 6°) towards cut banks of adjacent curved channels. Basal erosion surfaces become deeper towards cut banks of curved channels. These structures can be explained by lateral and downstream growth of bars combined with vertical accretion. Convex upwards forms up to 0·5 m high, several metres across and tens of metres long represent episodic accretion of unit bars (scroll bars and bar heads). Stratal patterns in channel fills record a complicated history of erosion and deposition during filling, including migration of relatively small bars. A revised facies model for this type of sandy, braided river has been constructed based on this new information on large-scale bedding structure.  相似文献   

Evolution and deposits of a gravelly braid bar, Sagavanirktok River, Alaska   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evolution, migration and deposits of a gravelly braid bar in the Sagavanirktok River, northern Alaska, are described in unprecedented detail using annual aerial photographs, ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) profiles, trenches and cores. Compound braid bars in the Sagavanirktok River form by chute cut‐off of point bars and by growth of mid‐channel unit bars. Subsequent growth is primarily by accretion of unit bars onto their lateral and downstream margins. The upstream ends of braid bars may be sites of erosion or unit bar deposition. Compound braid bar deposits vary in thickness laterally and are thickest in medial sections and near cut banks. Compound bar deposits are typically composed of three to seven sets of simple large‐scale inclined strata, each simple set formed by a unit bar. The simple large‐scale strata contain medium‐scale cross‐strata (from dune migration) and planar strata (from migration of bedload sheets). The upstream and medial parts of compound braid bar deposits show very little vertical variation in grain size, but downstream and lateral margins tend to fine upwards. The deposits are mostly poorly sorted sands and gravels, although sands tend to be deposited at the top of the braid bar, and open‐framework gravels preferentially occur near the top and base of the braid bar. The patterns of braid bar growth and migration, and the nature of the deposits, described from the Sagavanirktok River are generally similar to other sandy and gravelly braided rivers, and consistent with the theoretical braid bar model of Bridge (1993).  相似文献   

This study describes the structure of gravel bars in Nahal Zin, an ephemeral stream in the Negev desert. The internal structure of the bars was examined along trenches and in shallow pits. Gravel sheets and unit bars form during transporting flow events in the main channel, on intra-bar channels and near bar heads. Unit bars are dominated by the Go facies. Compound bars develop from accretion around, and modification of, unit bars. Compound bars are active under the current flow regime and the average depth of the fill layer is about 35 cm. The structure of compound bars is dominated by Gm (massive), containing large amounts of sand. The second most common facies is clast-supported, openwork, and well sorted sediments of the Go (pebbles) facies. Bar formation, and the development of the range of facies evident in the bars is controlled by sediment supply, particularly the high volumes of sand-sized sediment, the passage of gravel sheets and bedforms during floods, and the lateral and vertical instability of the channel. Repeated scour and fill events have produced a diverse arrangement of facies, with numerous erosional contacts between depositional units. Lateral and downstream shifts in the pattern of scour and fill due to flow and antecedent conditions shape the channel morphology and bar internal structure. Ephemeral river bars differ from those of humid and proglacial rivers in terms of the dominant facies present, the arrangement of the facies within the bars, and the sedimentary structures developed within the depositional units and on the bar surface.  相似文献   

基于对惠民凹陷和东营凹陷沙四上亚段滩坝相的解剖研究成果,提出了适合这2个地区滩坝沉积体研究的分类方案。通过对勘探研究程度较低的惠民凹陷和勘探研究程度较高的东营凹陷滩坝沉积特征的对比分析,明确了惠民和东营凹陷沙四上亚段滩坝的沉积特征和展布模式受可容纳空间、湖平面升降与古岸线变迁、沉积水动力转换带、物源、古地貌及地层坡度等因素的控制。其中,起主要作用的是构造运动对凹陷形成所造成的沉积地形上的差异性、物质供给来源以及沉积水动力对滩坝砂体空间分布的控制。滩坝相的2种空间分布模式:东营凹陷单断单超水下低隆型滩坝分布模式和惠民凹陷中央隆起型滩坝分布模式。  相似文献   

Despite a globally growing seismic and outcrop analogue data set, the detailed (centimetre to decametre) internal stratal make up of deep‐marine basin‐floor ‘channelized‐lobe’ strata remain poorly known. An ancient analogue for modern, mixed‐sediment, passive margin, deep‐marine basin‐floor fans is the well‐preserved Neoproterozoic Upper and Middle Kaza groups in the southern Canadian Cordillera. This succession is a few kilometres thick and comprises six sedimentary facies representing deposition from different kinds of sediment‐gravity flows. Representative lateral and vertical assemblages of one or more of these facies comprise six stratal elements, including: isolated scours, avulsion splays, feeder channels, distributary channels, terminal splays, and distal and off‐axis fine‐grained turbidite units. The internal characteristics of the various stratal elements do not differ from more distal to more proximal settings, but the relative abundance of the various stratal elements does. The difference in relative abundance of stratal elements in the kilometre‐scale stratigraphy of the Kaza Group results in a systematic upward change in architecture. The systematic arrangement of the stratal elements within the interpreted larger bodies, or lobes, and then lobes within the basin‐floor fan, suggests a hierarchical organization. In this article a hierarchy is proposed that is based on avulsion but, also importantly, the location of avulsion. The proposed avulsion‐based hierarchical scheme will be a useful tool to bridge the scalar gap between outcrop and seismic studies by providing a single stratigraphic framework and terminology for basin‐floor stratal elements.  相似文献   

曲流河地层内部结构复杂,岩性界面具有穿时性,传统的地震相分析法不能满足油藏开发地质研究中对储层内部结构精细解释的需要,急需探索有效的地震解释方法。采用基于探地雷达的露头探测、点坝复合体三维正演模拟和实际地震资料相结合的方法,分析了地震资料频率和地层厚度对曲流河内部结构地震反射特征的影响,研究了利用地层切片解释曲流河沉积结构的原理和方法,建立了开发尺度的曲流河内部结构地震沉积学解释技术。研究发现:(1)高频地震资料中地震反射能够反映曲流河侧积复合体边界,而低频地震资料中反射同相轴与岩性界面一致;(2)不同厚度的点坝侧积单元地震反射特征存在差异,造成反射剖面的多解性。同时指出曲流河内部结构地震沉积学解释的技术关键:(1)发挥地震资料平面与剖面信息的相互约束和补充;(2)将地质体作为三维空间发育的成因体,利用其平面与剖面特征的成因联系指导解释;(3)级次化解释方法,在不同级次上采用针对性的解释方法。将该方法应用于墨西哥湾新近系地震沉积学解释,实现了曲流河点坝复合体内部结构的三维刻画。  相似文献   

Existing facies models of tide‐dominated deltas largely omit fine‐grained, mud‐rich successions. Sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the exceptionally well‐preserved Late Eocene Dir Abu Lifa Member (Western Desert, Egypt) aims to bridge this gap. The succession was deposited in a structurally controlled, shallow, macrotidal embayment and deposition was supplemented by fluvial processes but lacked wave influence. The succession contains two stacked, progradational parasequence sets bounded by regionally extensive flooding surfaces. Within this succession two main genetic elements are identified: non‐channelized tidal bars and tidal channels. Non‐channelized tidal bars comprise coarsening‐upward sandbodies, including large, downcurrent‐dipping accretion surfaces, sometimes capped by palaeosols indicating emergence. Tidal channels are preserved as single‐storey and multilateral bodies filled by: (i) laterally migrating, elongate tidal bars (inclined heterolithic strata, 5 to 25 m thick); (ii) forward‐facing lobate bars (sigmoidal heterolithic strata, up to 10 m thick); (iii) side bars displaying oblique to vertical accretion (4 to 7 m thick); or (iv) vertically‐accreting mud (1 to 4 m thick). Palaeocurrent data show that channels were swept by bidirectional tidal currents and typically were mutually evasive. Along‐strike variability defines a similar large‐scale architecture in both parasequence sets: a deeply scoured channel belt characterized by widespread inclined heterolithic strata is eroded from the parasequence‐set top, and flanked by stacked, non‐channelized tidal bars and smaller channelized bodies. The tide‐dominated delta is characterized by: (i) the regressive stratigraphic context; (ii) net‐progradational stratigraphic architecture within the succession; (iii) the absence of upward deepening trends and tidal ravinement surfaces; and (iv) architectural relations that demonstrate contemporaneous tidal distributary channel infill and tidal bar accretion at the delta front. The detailed facies analysis of this fine‐grained, tide‐dominated deltaic succession expands the range of depositional models available for the evaluation of ancient tidal successions, which are currently biased towards transgressive, valley‐confined estuarine and coarser grained deltaic depositional systems.  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys of unit and compound braid bars in the sandy South Saskatchewan River, Canada, are used to test the influential facies model for sandy braided alluvium presented by Cant & Walker (1978) . Four main radar facies are identified: (1) high‐angle (up to angle‐of‐repose) inclined reflections, interpreted as having formed at the margins of migrating bars; (2) discontinuous undular and/or trough‐shaped reflections, interpreted as cross‐strata associated with the migration of sinuous‐crested dunes; (3) low‐angle (< 6°) reflections, interpreted as formed by low‐amplitude dunes or unit bars as they migrate onto bar surfaces; and (4) reflections of variable dip bounded by a concave reflection, interpreted as being formed by the filling of channel scours, cross‐bar channels or depressions on the bar surface. The predominant vertical arrangement of facies is discontinuous trough‐shaped reflections at the channel base overlain by discontinuous undular reflections, overlain by low‐angle reflections that dominate the deposits near the bar surface. High‐angle inclined reflections are only found near the surface of unit bars, and are of relatively small‐scale (< 0·5 m), but can be found at a greater range of depths within compound bars. The GPR data show that a high spatial variability exists in the distribution of facies between different compound bars, with facies variability within a single bar being as pronounced as that between bars. Compound bars evolve as an amalgamation of unit bars and other compound bars, and comprise a facies distribution that is representative of the main bar types in the South Saskatchewan River. The GPR data are compared with the original model of Cant & Walker (1978) and reveal a much greater variability in the scale, proportion and distribution of facies than that presented by Cant & Walker (1978) . Most notably, high‐angle inclined strata are over‐represented in the model of Cant and Walker, with many bars being dominated by the deposits of low‐ and high‐amplitude dunes. It is suggested that further GPR studies from a range of braided river types are required to properly quantify the full range of deposits. Only by moving away from traditional, highly generalized facies models can a greater understanding of braided river deposits and their controls be established.  相似文献   

Seismic‐scale continuous exposures of an Upper Carboniferous (Bashkirian–Moscovian) carbonate platform (N Spain) provide detailed information about the lithofacies and stratal geometries (quantified with differential global positioning system measurements) of microbial boundstone‐dominated, steep prograding and aggrading platform margins. Progradational and aggradational platform‐to‐slope transects are characterized by distinct lithological features and stratal patterns that can be applied to the understanding of geometrically comparable, high‐relief depositional systems. The Bashkirian is characterized by rapid progradation at rates of 415–970 m My?1. Characteristic outer‐platform facies are high‐energy grainstones with coated intraclasts, ooids and pisoids, moderate‐energy algal‐skeletal grainstones to packstones and lower energy algal packstone and boundstone units. The Moscovian aggradational phase is characterized by aggradation rates of 108 m My?1. Coated‐grain shoals are less common, whereas crinoidal bars nucleated in well‐circulated settings below wave‐base. Boundstones form a belt (30–300 m wide) at the platform break and interfinger inwards with massive algal‐skeletal wackestones (mud‐rich banks). The progradational phase has divergent outer‐platform strata with basinward dips of 12° to 2°. Steep clinoforms with dips of 20–28° are 650–750 m in relief and possibly sigmoidal to concave in the lower part. The basinward‐dipping outer‐platform strata might be depositional for less than 6°, consistent with lithofacies deepening seaward. The basinward dip is attributed to the downward shift of upper‐slope boundstone, forced by late highstand and relative sea‐level fall, and to compaction‐induced differential subsidence during progradation. The aggradational phase is characterized by horizontally layered platform strata. Clinoforms steepen to 30–45° reaching heights of 850 m and are planar to concave. The evolution from progradation to aggradation, at the Bashkirian–Moscovian boundary, is attributed to increased foreland‐basin subsidence and decreased boundstone accumulation rates. Progradation was primarily controlled by boundstone growth rather than by highstand shedding from the platform top. Within the major phases, aggradational–progradational increments are produced by third‐ to fourth‐order relative sea‐level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Five coarsening upward shallow marine sandstone sequences (2–10 m thick), are described from the late Precambrian of North Norway, where they occur in a laterally continuous and tectonically undeformed outcrop. The sequences consist of five facies with distinct assemblages of sedimentary structures and palaeocurrent patterns. Each facies is the product of alternate phases of sedimentation during relatively high- and low-energy periods. Facies 1 to 4 are interpreted as representing prograding, subtidal sand bars. Sand bar progradation occurred during the highest energy periods when unidirectional currents flowed to the northwest, depositing trough cross-bedded sandstones (facies 3 and 4) on the bar crests and flanks, and sheet sandstone beds (facies 1 and 2) in the offshore environments. Weaker northwesterly flowing currents continued during moderate energy fair weather periods. Low energy fair weather periods were dominated by wave processes, which formed largescale, low-angle, westerly inclined surfaces on the bar flanks (facies 4) and wave rippled sandstone beds (facies 2) and flat laminated siltstone layers (facies 1) in the offshore environments. One sand bar was dissected by channels and infilled by tabular cross-bedded sandstones (facies 5). Bipolar palaeocurrent evidence, with two modes separated into two laterally equivalent channel systems, suggests deposition by tidal currents in mutually evasive ebb and flood channels. The inferred processes of these sand bars are compared with those associated with modern storm-generated and tidal current generated linear sand ridges. Both are influenced by the interaction of relatively low and high energy conditions. The presence of the tidal channel facies, however, combined with the inferred strong bottom current regime, is more analogous to a tidal current hydraulic regime.  相似文献   

Mid-Cretaceous strata within the Tintina Trench.3 km west of the community of Ross River, contain evidence of deposition in two distinct,alternating,fluvial settings.Coal-bearing,mud-dominated strata are commonly associated with high-constructive sandy channel systems,with extensive overbank. levee and splay deposits.Channels are between 3 and 30 m wide and 0.4-7 m thick.They show repetitive development of side and in-channel bar-forms,as well as up-channel widening of the rivers by selective erosion of associated overbank and levee deposits.Levees extended for several hundred metres away from the channels.In this setting low-angle inclined stratification and epsilon cross stratification may reflect lateral migration of crevasse channels or small streams.The paucity of exposure prevents recognition of the channels as products of multiple channel anastomosed systems or single channel high-constructive systems. Gravel-dominated strata,inter-bedded with,and overlying coal-bearing units,are interpreted as deposits of wandering gravel-bed rivers,with sinuosity approaching 1.4.In most exposures they appear to be dominated by massive and thin planar-bedded granule to small pebble conglomerates,which would traditionally be interpreted as sheet-flood or longitudinal bar deposits of a high-gradient braided stream or alluvial fan.Architectural analysis of exposures in an open-pit shows that the predominance of flat bedding is an artefact of the geometry of the roadside exposures.In the pit the conglomerates are dominated by large scale cross stratification on a scale of 1-5.5 m.These appear to have developed as downstream and lateral accretion elements on side-bars and on in-channel bars in water depths of 2-12 m.Stacking of strata on domed 3rd order surfaces suggests development of longitudinal in-channel bar complexes similar to those observed in parts of the modern Rhone River system.Mudstone preserved in some of the channels reflects intervals of channel abandonment or avulsion.Minimum channel width is from 70 to 450 m.  相似文献   

涠西南凹陷南坡H 1井区流二段发育了一定规模的滨浅湖滩坝砂体。在滩坝砂体沉积特征分析的基础上,利用地震沉积学分析方法和技术,对滩坝砂体分布规律及演化特征进行了研究。在沉积模型控制和钻井资料标定的基础上,地层切片属性分析能够较好的反映滩坝砂体的分布范围,并且能够较好的对坝砂和滩砂沉积进行区分和识别。地层切片分析表明MC1旋回内滩坝砂体早中期表现为进积特征,滩砂和坝砂沉积范围均明显扩大和迁移,中晚期表现为加积特征,坝砂厚度和范围明显增加;MC2旋回内滩坝砂体沉积过程中分布范围变化不大,滩砂和坝砂均呈明显的垂向加积特征。两个旋回内坝砂沉积主要呈相互平行的条带状分布在研究区东南部及中部。为了增加钻井成功率和探明滩坝砂体主体发育特征,建议目前的勘探重点应放在研究区东南部及中部坝砂沉积发育区。  相似文献   

The Mgeni Estuary is situated on the subtropical, mainly microtidal Natal coast. Modern sedimentary environments in the estuary comprise two groups. Barrier-associated environments include inlet channel, inlet beachface, tidal delta, washover fans, transverse intertidal bars and aeolian dunes. Estuarine environments include subtidal channels, interidal bars, back-barrier lagoon, tidal creek, tidal creek side-attached bars, creek mouth bar, mangrove fringe and supratidal mudflats. Each sedimentary facies is described in terms of grain-size, sedimentary structures, and sedimentary processes. The distinctive flora and fauna play an important role in facies recognition. Vertical sequences produced by infilling of the estuary and subsequent coastal erosion are discussed. The facies are considered sufficiently distinct to warrant recognition in the geological record.  相似文献   

As an important reservoir type in the Bohai Bay Basin, China, lacustrine beach and bar sands which refer to the shallow water complex deposited mainly by nearshore, delta‐rim and buried hill‐related beaches as well as longshore bars were developed in a particular stage in the evolution of those faulted Cenozoic continental depressions. In the Chezhen Depression, for example, the Second Member of the Oligocene Shehejie Formation (abbr. as Es2 hereafter) formed during the rifting‐to‐thermal subsidence transitional stage. Although well developed in Es2, beach and bar sands are difficult to recognize owing to their relative thinness. The paper summarizes sedimentary characteristics of lacustrine beach and bar sands on cores and logs. Low‐angle cross‐stratification, swash stratification, as well as occasional small‐scale hummocky cross‐stratification resulted from storms can be observed in beach and bar sands. The paper distinguishes bars and beaches from each other in Es2 mainly based on the grain‐size, bed thickness, facies succession and log responses. In order to predict the distribution of beach and bars, a chrono‐stratigraphic correlation framework of Es2 in the study strata is established using a high‐resolution sequence stratigraphic approach. Es2 strata are sub‐divided into six medium‐scale cycles and the mapping of the high‐frequency cycles allows the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of both beach and bar sands to be predicted. The study shows that beach and bars are better developed in times of base‐level fall than in base‐level rise. Factors such as lake‐level fluctuation, sediment supply, palaeogeomorphology and palaeowind direction have exerted control on the formation and distribution of beach and bar sands. Finally, the genetic pattern of beach and bar sands in the Es2 unit has been constructed, which provides a foundation for the prediction of beach and bars reservoir in continental basins in general. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Late Palaeocene uplift of the Beartooth Range in northwestern Wyoming and southwestern Montana generated the Beartooth Conglomerate along the eastern and northeastern flanks of the range. Systematic unroofing sequences and intraformational unconformities, folds, and faults in the conglomerate attest to deposition during uplift. Along the eastern flank, at least three ancient alluvial-fan systems and a braidplain system can be distinguished on the bases of petrofacies and lithofacies. The two southern fans consist of 700+ m of sedimentary-clast conglomerate and subordinate sandstone, dominated by hyperconcentrated-flow and stream-flow facies. The next fan to the north is dominated by plutonic and metamorphic clasts and contains abundant mud-matrix-supported debris-flow facies, as well as stream-flow facies. The northernmost depositional system consists of arkosic, channellized fluvial conglomerate and sandstone, overbank mudstone, and crevasse-splay sandstone units. Palaeocurrent data indicate eastward dispersal, away from the Beartooth Range. Outstanding exposure of the Beartooth Conglomerate allows facies to be mapped on lateral photographic mosaics. A seven-fold hierarchy of bounding surfaces and enclosed lithosomes exists in the Beartooth Conglomerate. First- through fourth-order surfaces are analogous to first- through fourth-order surfaces that recently have been documented in sandy fluvial facies, with one exception: sediment gravity flows are bounded by first-order surfaces. Fifth-order surfaces are either erosional (e.g. lateral migration of fanhead trench) or accretionary (e.g. aggradation of fan surface during backfilling of trench, and construction of lobes on lower fan during entrenchment on upper fan). Some fifth-order surfaces coincide with intraformational angular unconformities and are thus the result of long-term fanhead entrenchment following uplift of the upper part of the fan. Sixth-order surfaces bound individual fan packages that are several hundred metres thick and ~ 10 km2 in area. The enclosed sixth-order lithosomes are distinguishable in terms of petrofacies and lithofacies. A single seventh-order surface bounds the entire Beartooth Conglomerate. Lower-order lithosomes are produced by intrinsic processes of fan construction. Fifth-order lithosomes can be attributed to both extrinsic and intrinsic controls. Sixth- and seventh-order lithosomes are generated by extrinsic controls.  相似文献   

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