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The Amazon River is the largest fluvial source of fresh water and sediment to the global ocean and has the longest tidally influenced reach in the world. Two major rivers, the Tapajós and Xingu, enter the Amazon along its tidal reach. However, unlike most fluvial confluences, these are not one‐way conduits through which water and sediment flow downstream towards the sea. The drowned‐river valleys (rias) at the confluences of the Tapajós and Xingu with the Amazon River experience water‐level fluctuations associated not only with the seasonal rise and fall of the river network, but also with semidiurnal tides that propagate as far as 800 km up the Amazon River. Superimposed seasonal and tidal forcing, distinct sediment and temperature signatures of Amazon and tributary waters, and antecedent geomorphology combine to create mainstem–tributary confluences that act as sediment traps rather than sources of sediment. Hydrodynamic measurements are combined with data from sediment cores to determine the distribution of tributary‐derived and Amazon‐derived sediment within the ria basins, characterize the sediment‐transport mechanisms within the confluence areas and estimate rates of sediment accumulation within both rias. The Tapajós and Xingu ria basins trap the majority of the sediment carried by the tributaries themselves in addition to ca 20 Mt year?1 of sediment sourced from the Amazon River. These findings have implications for the interpretation of stratigraphy associated with incised‐valley systems, such as those that dominated the transfer of sediment to the oceans during lowstands in sea level.  相似文献   

通过近年来对江苏沿海有影响的台风暴潮作用前后的滩面高程观测,结合台风浪资料分析,探究了江苏中部沿海潮滩对风暴潮的响应过程。结果显示:潮滩剖面在风暴潮期间呈现"低滩侵蚀、沿岸输运、高滩稳定",明显区别于沙质海岸在台风浪作用下"高滩侵蚀、离岸输运、低滩淤积"的演变特征。应用Delft3D平面二维水沙动力数学模型,模拟了正常天气和台风浪情况下的滩面演变,从动力学角度解释了潮滩间不同区域演变特征差异的原因,论证了台风浪对地貌演变的短历时"插曲式"作用,阐明了涨潮优势流是风暴侵蚀后泥沙沿岸向输运的主控因子。  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphological and sedimentological evolution of a macrotidal beach over a 20 day period under varying hydrodynamic conditions (significant breaker heights of 0·3–2 m and tidal ranges of 2–5 m). During the field campaign, an intertidal bar developed around the mid‐tide level, migrated onshore, welded to the upper beach and was then flattened under energetic wave conditions. The bar had a wave breakpoint origin and its formation was triggered by a reduction in tidal range, causing more stationary water‐level conditions, rather than an increase in wave height. Most of the onshore bar migration took place while the bar was positioned in the inner to mid‐surf zone position, such that the bar moved away from the breakpoint and exhibited ‘divergent’ behaviour. The depth of disturbance over individual tidal cycles was 10–20% of the breaker height. Such values are more typical of steep reflective beaches, than gently sloping, dissipative beaches, and are considered to reflect the maximum height of wave‐generated ripples. The grain size distribution of surficial sediments did not vary consistently across the beach profile and temporal changes in the sedimentology were mostly unrelated to the morphological response. The lack of clear links between beach morphology and sedimentology may be in part due to shortcomings in the sampling methodology, which ignored the vertical variability in the sediment size characteristics across the active layer.  相似文献   

河口湾中的砂体是有利的油气储集层,但复杂的水动力变化导致古代河口湾识别困难。通过对现代钱塘江河口湾的研究表明,河口湾潮坪环境潮汐水道可以成为识别古河口湾的一种辅助标志。基于野外实地观测,结合卫星地图对潮坪环境潮汐水道的发育特征进行了详细的描述,并探讨了它的地质意义。结果表明:1)泥坪潮汐水道横截面形态主要有“V”型及宽缓的透镜状,平面上由海向陆可划分为曲折的A段、平直的B段和树状分叉的C段;2)砂坪潮汐水道横截面形态主要有“U”型和阶梯型,平面上由海向陆可划分为曲折或平直的A'段和树状分叉的B'段,A'段的平直与曲折主要受控于砂坪潮道规模的大小;3)在砂质潮坪中常见炭屑层、包卷层理、液化流痕、垮塌构造、波痕等特殊的沉积构造;不同形态和规模的潮坪潮道主要受控于潮坪坡度、沉积物粒度、河口湾形态及相对海平面高低的影响,高坡度、低海平面有利于完整序列潮道的发育;4)不同类型河口湾潮坪潮道的特征及其伴生的特殊沉积构造可以为确定地质历史时期的古河口湾及其演化提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ideology and materiality of ‘bio-socialism’, through which the Ecuadorian government is attempting to catalyse a ‘post-neoliberal’ transition from the ‘finite resources’ of Amazonian oil reserves to the ‘infinite resources’ of biodiversity and scientific knowledge. This experiment is embodied in Ikiam, a public university under construction in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Drawing on extensive field research, we argue that, despite its radical intentions, bio-socialism is functioning as a strategy for the real subsumption of nature to capital, which is being operationalized in Ikiam in ways that reproduce the neoliberal knowledge economy. However, the contradictions of this process imply that, in practice, Ikiam is only intensifying established patterns of the formal subsumption of nature, by commodifying the genetic wealth and indigenous knowledge of the Amazon, and legitimating the expansion of the oil and mineral frontiers. The case of bio-socialism demonstrates the paradoxical nature of actually-existing post-neoliberalism, and illustrates the tendency for utopian ideologies to reproduce the material conditions they are seeking to escape.  相似文献   

Previous studies of coastal groundwater resources have not properly explored the hydraulic conditions at coastal and estuarine boundaries, despite recognised influences of oceanic and estuarine water-level fluctuations (e.g. tides and waves) on groundwater near these boundaries. Such influences may have important implications for determining submarine groundwater discharge and seawater intrusion. In this paper, oceanic and estuarine controls on the hydrology of coastal aquifers are characterised for a macrotidal system—the Pioneer Valley coastal plain, northeastern Australia. The tidal water-table over-height (tide-induced increase in average water-table height at the coastline) is quantified at three locations and compared with theoretical estimates, which assume simplified physiographical conditions compared with those encountered at the field sites. The results indicate that local geological conditions, beach morphology and characteristics of tidal forcing control the behaviour of nearshore groundwater within the system. Existing analytical and numerical solutions that are commonly applied as first-pass estimates are found to be insufficient for predicting observed tidal water-table over-height in the Pioneer Valley, due to the sediment heterogeneities, non-uniform beach slopes and large tidal ranges of the system. The study reveals the spatial and temporal variability in tidally influenced hydraulic heads at the estuarine and coastal boundaries of the aquifer, and provides estimates of tidal water-table over-height up to 2.41 m during spring tides. These findings highlight the complexity of coastal groundwater systems, and the need to incorporate appropriate nearshore and near-estuary boundary conditions in models of regional groundwater flow in coastal aquifers.  相似文献   

为探索三峡坝下游淤沙型浅滩冲淤特性突变的成因,结合芦家河河段较为系统的水沙输移和河床冲淤观测资料,从来水来沙变化、河势调整等多种角度,分析了多因素变化条件下的浅滩演变机理。结果显示:水库下游悬沙来量大幅减少导致分汊河道冲刷变形,促使洪水流路过流能力增强、浅滩冲淤转换的临界流量减小;三峡水库进入175 m运行期后,来流退水过程加快,泥沙输移更集中于汛期。以上变化更利于汛期浅滩淤积,不利于汛后浅滩冲刷,各种因素迭加作用下,导致浅滩条件在2008年前后发生阶段性变化。未来冲刷过程中,研究河段的浅滩淤积现象仍可能出现,类似问题在长江中下游其他的主流年内交替型汊道浅滩也同样值得注意。  相似文献   

In this study, the distribution of channel‐bed sediment facies in the lowermost Mississippi River is analysed using multibeam data, complemented by sidescan sonar and compressed high‐intensity radar pulse seismic data, as well as grab and core samples of bed material. The channel bed is composed of a discontinuous layer of alluvial sediment and a relict substratum that is exposed on the channel bed and sidewalls. The consolidated substratum is made up of latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene fluvio‐deltaic deposits and is preferentially exposed in the deepest thalweg segments and on channel sidewalls in river bends. The exposed substratum commonly displays a suite of erosional features, including flutes that are quantitatively similar in form to those produced under known laboratory conditions. A total of five bed facies are mapped, three of which include modern alluvial deposits and two facies that are associated with the relict substratum. A radius of curvature analysis applied to the Mississippi River centreline demonstrates that the reach‐scale distribution of channel‐bed facies is related to river planform. From a broader perspective, the distribution of channel‐bed facies is related to channel sinuosity — higher sinuosity promotes greater substratum exposure at the expense of alluvial sediment. For example, the ratio of alluvial cover to substratum is ca 1·5:1 for a 45 km segment of the river that has a sinuosity of 1·76 and this ratio increases to ca 3:1 for a 120 km segment of the river that has a sinuosity of 1·21. The exposed substratum is interpreted as bedrock and, given the relative coverage of alluvial sediment in the channel, the lowermost Mississippi River can be classified as a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel. The analyses demonstrate that a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel boundary can be associated with low‐gradient and sand‐bed rivers near their marine outlet.  相似文献   

Vegetated mid-channel islands play an important though poorly understood role in the sediment dynamics and morphology of tide-dominated deltas. Meinmahla Island is a mangrove-forest preserve at the mouth of the Bogale distributary channel, in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar. In this relatively unaltered mid-channel island, sediment dynamics can be directly connected to morphology. Field measurements from 2017 to 2019 provide insight into the pathways for sediment transport and resulting morphological evolution. Water depth, salinity and turbidity were monitored semi-continuously, and velocity profilers with turbidity and salinity sensors were deployed seasonally in single-entrance (dead-end/blind) and multi-entrance tidal channels of the island. The morphological evolution was evaluated using grain size, 210Pb geochronology, remote sensing and channel surveys. The data show that ebb-dominant, single-entrance channels along the island exterior import sediment year-round to the land surface. However, these exterior channels do not deliver enough sediment to maintain the observed ca 0.8 cm/yr accretion rate, and most of the sediment import occurs via interior, multi-entrance channels. Interior channels retain water masses that are physically distinct from the water in the Bogale distributary, and estuarine processes at the tidal-channel mouths import sediment into the island. Sediment is sourced to the island from upriver in the wet season and from the Gulf of Mottoma in the dry season, as the location of the estuary shifts seasonally within the Bogale distributary. The salinity and biogeochemistry of the distributary water are affected by interactions with sediment and groundwater in the island interior. The largest interior channels have remained remarkably stable while the island has aggraded and prograded over decadal timescales. However, the studied multi-entrance channel is responding to a drainage-network change by narrowing and shoaling. Overall, mid-channel islands trap sediment and associated nutrients at the river–ocean interface, and these resilient landscape features evolve in response to changes in drainage-network connectivity.  相似文献   

The Pirabas Formation of Early Miocene age represents the final stage of the central western Atlantic carbonate platform in northeastern South America, predating the emplacement of the Amazon delta system. The otolith-based fossil fish fauna is represented by 38 species typical of a shallow marine environment. A total of 18 species are described new to science from the families Congridae, Batrachoididae, Bythitidae, Sciaenidae and Paralichthyidae. The fish fauna was associated with high benthic and planktic primary productivity including seagrass meadows, calcareous algae and suspension-feeders. The break of todays shallow marine bioprovince at the Amazonas delta mouth is not evident from the fish fauna of the Pirabas Fm., which shows good correlation with the Gatunian/proto-Caribbean bioprovince known from an only slightly younger time window in Trinidad and Venezuela. Differences observed to those Early Miocene faunal associations are interpreted to be mainly due to stratigraphic and geographic and not environmental differences. We postulate that the emergence of the Amazonas river mouth close to its present day location has terminated the carbonate cycle of the Pirabas Fm. and pushed back northwards a certain proportion of the fish fauna here described.  相似文献   

为揭示岩溶洞穴沉积物对沉积环境与沉积过程的指示作用,文章在分析双河洞洞系形成过程及山王洞区域地质调查资料的基础上,选取贵州山王洞中段古河漫滩沉积物为研究对象,采用粒度分析法与萨胡公式对洞穴沉积物粒度特征与沉积环境的相关性进行分析,推断不同沉积韵律期的沉积环境演变过程,研究结果表明:(1)古河漫滩表层沉积物以极细砂、粉砂和黏土为主,平均含量达94.42%,且中上部含有一层粗砂砾夹层;(2)沉积模式主要为跳跃和悬浮沉积,水动力条件整体稳定,搬运颗粒粒径平均值为637 μm,其最大沉积物颗粒粒径为864.2 μm;(3)以沉积物粒度特征为依据,将古河漫滩沉积过程划分为三级沉积韵律,一级沉积韵律厚度为404~275 cm ,二级沉积韵律厚度为285~165 cm,三级沉积韵律厚度为165~0 cm。上述研究为确定区域侵蚀基准面和地层升降运动过程提供有力证明,也为山王洞古气候环境研究提供了重要依据。   相似文献   

Submarine slope channel systems have complicated three-dimensional geometries and facies distributions, which are challenging to resolve using subsurface data. Outcrop analogues can provide sub-seismic-scale detail, although most exhumed systems only afford two-dimensional constraints on the depositional architecture. A rare example of an accessible fine-grained slope channel complex set situated in a tectonically quiescent basin that offers seismic-scale, down-dip and across-strike exposures is the Klein Hangklip area, Tanqua-Karoo Basin, South Africa. This study investigates the three-dimensional architecture of this channel complex set to characterise the stratigraphic evolution of a submarine channel-fill and the implications this has for both sediment transport to the deep-oceans and reservoir quality distribution. Correlated sedimentary logs and mapping of key surfaces across a 3 km2 area reveal that: (i) the oldest channel elements in channel complexes infill relatively deep channel cuts and have low aspect-ratios. Later channel elements are bound by comparatively flat erosion surfaces and have high aspect-ratios; (ii) facies changes across depositional strike are consistent and predictable; conversely, facies change in successive down depositional dip positions indicating longitudinal variability in depositional processes; (iii) stratigraphic architecture is consistent and predictable at seismic-scale both down-dip and across-strike in three-dimensions; (iv) channel-base-deposits exhibit spatial heterogeneity on one to hundreds of metres length-scales, which can inhibit accurate recognition and interpretations drawn from one-dimensional or limited two-dimensional datasets; and (v) channel-base-deposit character is linked to sediment bypass magnitude and longevity, which suggests that time-partitioning is biased towards conduit excavation and maintenance rather than the fill-phase. The data provide insights into the stratigraphic evolution and architecture of slope channel-fills on fine-grained continental margins and can be utilised to improve predictions derived from lower resolution and one-dimensional well data.  相似文献   

辐射沙脊群内潮汐水道由于没有固定的边界,其稳定性对人类活动影响更加敏感。通过收集近20年来辐射沙脊群南翼小庙洪海域实测高分辨率水下地形资料,结合数学模型分析研究人类活动对小庙洪海域水动力和地形冲淤累积影响。研究结果表明:近20年来小庙洪水域边滩匡围面积达126.09 km2,边滩匡围导致小庙洪尾部、中部及口门段断面流量分别减小14.2%、15.79%和9.13%;尾部、中部及口门段深槽区平均流速分别减小20~30 cm/s、10~20 cm/s和5~10 cm/s。小庙洪水道南侧-5 m等深线变化幅度较小,基本保持稳定状态;-10 m等深线继续向西延伸,向南拓展。近20年来小庙洪边滩匡围虽导致水道内纳潮量和水动力有所减弱,但由于目前匡围区均处于高滩区域,各匡围工程所引起的泥沙冲淤仅限于工程区附近,对小庙洪水道整体稳定性、深槽主轴南逼、口门水道整体北淤南冲的演变趋势没有产生明显影响。  相似文献   

Since 1964, the Iron Ore Company of Canada has deposited iron tailings resulting from mining operations into Wabush Lake, Western Labrador, Canada. This activity has resulted in a continuous hyperpycnal flow flowing over the lake floor. Bathymetric surveys were carried out between 1999 and 2008 as part of the overall environmental Iron Ore Company of Canada plans to maintain safe disposal strategies of tailings into the lake. Here, this dataset is used to study the evolution of different channels present in Wabush Lake and their link with knickpoints found at the head of most of these channels. The channels show notable evolution from one survey to the next. Some knickpoints and channels may be followed throughout more than one survey; the evolution of these knickpoints is the process responsible for the creation of erosional channels. The context in which they appear, as well as the evolution of some of the subaqueous channels is analysed. Cyclic steps and sediment waves are also found in the lake. These rhythmic bedforms, also created by the passage of turbidity currents, are analysed. Sediment waves found in Wabush Lake show values for both wavelength and wave height that are approximately one order of magnitude smaller than most of those found in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The Barataria barrier coast formed between two major distributaries of the Mississippi River delta: the Plaquemines deltaic headland to the east and the Lafourche deltaic headland to the west. Rapid relative sea‐level rise (1·03 cm year?1) and other erosional processes within Barataria Bay have led to substantial increases in the area of open water (> 775 km2 since 1956) and the attendant bay tidal prism. Historically, the increase in tidal discharge at inlets has produced larger channel cross‐sections and prograding ebb‐tidal deltas. For example, the ebb delta at Barataria Pass has built seaward > 2·2 km since the 1880s. Shoreline erosion and an increasing bay tidal prism also facilitated the formation of new inlets. Four major lithofacies characterize the Barataria coast ebb‐tidal deltas and associated sedimentary environments. These include a proximal delta facies composed of massive to laminated, fine grey‐brown to pale yellow sand and a distal delta facies consisting of thinly laminated, grey to pale yellow sand and silty sand with mud layers. The higher energy proximal delta deposits contain a greater percentage of sand (75–100%) compared with the distal delta sediments (60–80%). Associated sedimentary units include a nearshore facies consisting of horizontally laminated, fine to very fine grey sand with mud layers and an offshore facies that is composed of grey to dark grey, laminated sandy silt to silty clay. All facies coarsen upwards except the offshore facies, which fines upwards. An evolutionary model is presented for the stratigraphic development of the ebb‐tidal deltas in a regime of increasing tidal energy resulting from coastal land loss and tidal prism growth. Ebb‐tidal delta facies prograde over nearshore sediments, which interfinger with offshore facies. The seaward decrease in tidal current velocity of the ebb discharge produces a gradational contact between proximal and distal tidal delta facies. As the tidal discharge increases and the inlet grows in dimensions, the proximal and distal tidal delta facies prograde seawards. Owing to the relatively low gradient of the inner continental shelf, the ebb‐tidal delta lithosome is presently no more than 5 m thick and is generally only 2–3 m in thickness. The ebb delta sediment is sourced from deepening of the inlet and the associated channels and from the longshore sediment transport system. The final stage in the model envisages erosion and segmentation of the barrier chain, leading to a decrease in tidal discharge through the former major inlets. This process ultimately results in fine‐grained sedimentation seaward of the inlets and the encasement of the ebb‐tidal delta lithosome in mud. The ebb‐tidal deltas along the Barataria coast are distinguished from most other ebb deltas along sand‐rich coasts by their muddy content and lack of large‐scale stratification produced by channel cut‐and‐fills and bar migration.  相似文献   

赵秧秧  高抒 《沉积学报》2015,33(1):79-90
以江苏如东潮滩为研究区,采用沉积动力学垂向二维概念模型来模拟正常天气和台风期间潮滩沉积的空间分布特征,探讨台风风暴潮对潮滩正常沉积层序的改造作用.模拟结果表明,在涨落潮时间-流速对称特征明显的如东海岸,潮汐作用使潮滩沉积呈显著的分带性,且剖面形态向“双凸形”演化,两个“凸点”分别位于平均高潮位和平均低潮位附近.在台风期间风暴增水效应下,开边界悬沙浓度差异将导致潮滩冲淤和沉积分布格局的变化,潮上带和潮间带上部均堆积泥质沉积物,潮间带中下部在风暴过程中普遍遭受不同程度的砂质沉积物侵蚀或之后堆积泥质沉积物,在沉积层序中形成风暴冲刷面.因此,潮滩的风暴沉积记录存在于潮间带上部或更高部位.以此模型为基础,可进一步综合考虑极浅水边界层水动力结构、沉积物粒度分布变化、波-流联合作用、台风降水、互花米草等生物活动、潮沟摆动及人工围垦等因素,从而建立风暴事件在沉积层序中的时间序列,更好地解译沉积记录中的古环境信息.  相似文献   

钱塘江尖山河段北岸治江工程对环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用实测资料分析、数模计算和比尺模型试验等手段,研究比较尖山河段顺直和弯曲两种河势对钱塘江河口上游河床冲淤、潮汐、潮流、涌潮、盐水入侵等重要环境因子的差异.从钱塘江河口治理“减少进潮量、增大山潮水比值”的原则及多目标综合开发治理的目标和消除治理过程中已出现的不利因素考虑,应该采取弯曲河势更为有利.  相似文献   

Sinha  P. C.  Guliani  Pragya  Jena  G. K.  Rao  A. D.  Dube  S. K.  Chatterjee  A. K.  Murty  Tad 《Natural Hazards》2004,32(2):239-255
Sedimentation is of vital concern in the conservation, development and utilization ofour soil and water resources. The suspended sediment in estuarine waters is hazardousto navigation in estuaries, which have important ports and harbours. A breadth-averagednumerical model to study circulation and sediment transport is presented in this paper.The model is applied to Hooghly estuary, along the east coast of India. The model is fullynon-linear and uses a semi-explicit finite difference scheme to solve mass, momentum andadvection diffusion equation for suspended sediments in a vertical plane. The erosion anddeposition have been computed by empirically developed source and sink terms in thesuspended sediment equation.  相似文献   

Nd data from the Paleoproterozoic magmatic rocks of Vila Riozinho and Jamanxim (Tapajós gold province) indicate that original magmas were not produced exclusively by the remelting of Archean sialic crust and point to dominant Paleoproterozoic sources. εNd(T) values preclude derivation from mantle sources for the ca. 2.0 Ga Vila Riozinho volcanics and older São Jorge granite. They may represent a subduction-related magmatic arc with magmas modified by interaction with crust or a post- to late-orogenic remelting of an older Paleoproterozoic juvenile arc with minimal contribution from the Archean crust. The origin of the 1.88 Ga Parauari, Maloquinha, Iriri, and Moraes Almeida igneous associations and the Jamanxim rhyolites has been attributed to large-scale taphrogenesis that marked the breakup of a large Paleoproterozoic continent. Derivation of the original magmas from the remelting of crustal sources older than ca. 1.9 Ga is consistent with geochemical and Nd isotopic data. Archean remnants probably occur between the Paleoproterozoic terrains of the Ventuari-Tapajós province. Archean terrains of the Amazon craton extend from the Xingu to the Itaituba region but have not been identified in the southern Guyana shield. Thus, data reveal that the boundaries between the central Amazon and Ventuari-Tapajós provinces need better definition and more detailed field and geochronological work.  相似文献   

During a semi-lunar tidal cycle from full moon till new moon, tide is characterized by the periodic change in spring and neap tide. Under the in situ conditions of light and temperature, the influence of a semi-lunar spring and neap tidal cycle on nutrient cycling in intertidal flat of the Yangtze estuary was simulated in the laboratory in July 2002. Lab experiments showed that NH4+ and PO43– were always released into overlying waters, while NO3 was directed into sediments in the permanently waterlogged systems, suggesting that the long-term waterlogged sediment acts as a significant source for NH4+ and PO43–, and a sink for NO3 in water columns. In contrast, reflooding of intertidal sediments after long-term desiccation promoted the considerable effluxes of NH4+, NO3 and PO43– into overlying waters, reflecting that the long-term exposed sediment is an important source for nutrients in overlying waters. In addition, the semi-lunar tidal cycle led to the intricate depth distribution patterns of nutrients in intertidal sediments. During long-term exposure, NH4+ in sediments was quickly transformed into NO2 and NO3, while organic P pool might be converted to slightly adsorbed and iron-bound P. Therefore, it is considered that the semi-lunar tidal circulation has the significant influence on the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients in intertidal systems.  相似文献   

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