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‘Urban re-generations' is written as an afterword to the special issue of Australian Geographer on ‘The Politics of Urban Greening in Australian Cities'. The collection prompts a deep questioning of reparative and regenerative work associated with greening, green spaces and green infrastructures. The climate-driven 2019-2020 bushfire crisis and COVID-19 have amplified the visibility of the more-than-human connectivity of our cities and the deep underlying structures of social and environmental inequity underpinning a variety of urban green spaces and agendas. Inspired by the articles in this special issue, the afterword explores how we might call back the grammars and practices of regeneration from their service to the neo-liberal, settler-colonial city and instead nurture reparative de-colonial practices that aid in the collaborative work of re-composing, becoming into better relation with, and working in modes of situated historical and cultural difference, with green and just cities.  相似文献   

始于1980年代的环境公平研究近年来重点转向环境资源,尤其是公园绿地在不同族群和不同收入人群中的空间分布。经过对国内外文献的梳理,从绿地空间环境公平研究主题、绿地公平性影响因素及其测度指标和方法进行了系统综述。分析发现:1)国内外关于绿地空间环境公平的研究主要集中在近十年,呈现稳步增长的态势。总体上从环境公平视角来关注城市绿地空间的研究仍不多,案例绝大多数来自发达国家的城市,更多集中在美国;2)研究主题集中在可进入性与环境公平、绿地空间改造与环境绅士化、绿地使用中的文化公平与环境公平问题以及绿地环境公平感知与地方依恋四个方面;3)城市绿地公平性的测度最常用的是可达性、服务面积等绿地供给性指标,近年越来越多研究开始使用绿地供给与使用者需求的综合测度指标。最后,基于中国快速城市化和快速工业化带来日益紧张的土地利用冲突与经济发展压力,再加上中国特殊的人口、环境特征与文化背景,中国城市普遍面临着对绿地空间需求的日益增长,未来应特别重视城市绿地空间的环境公平问题。  相似文献   

城市韧性研究进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全球环境变化和快速城市化的背景下,各种不确定风险成为制约城市安全和可持续发展的重要障碍。城市韧性作为一种城市风险治理的新思路,如何提高城市抵御、消解、适应不确定风险的能力,建设有韧性能力的城市,正成为当前地理学及其相关学科领域亟待探索的新课题。论文在概述城市韧性的研究缘起与概念内涵的基础上,从多种要素(人文要素、环境要素、灾害扰动)对城市韧性的影响、城市韧性框架、城市韧性评价及模拟研究等方面出发,对可持续发展视角的城市韧性研究现状进行探讨,并指出当前城市韧性研究在理论框架、作用机理、实证研究、差异性分析等方面仍存在诸多薄弱环节。最后,对城市韧性重点研究方向进行展望,即应以理论框架为引领,推动多目标、多层次、多视角的系统评价研究;以机理解析为支撑,实现城市韧性的动态模拟与决策预警的新突破;以实证研究为导向,继续加强多学科融合和探索城市韧性的应用模式;遵循差异性规律,实现城市规划治理从统一的“多城一策”向灵活的“一城一策”转变。  相似文献   

New York City has developed recent policy initiatives under the rubric of resilience. I consider the implications of extending the concept of resilience beyond the physical environment, analyze the effect of planning for adaptation rather than prevention, and finally examine the positive role played by community groups organized for environmental justice in responding to resiliency planning. My argument is that use of the term resilience tends to obscure distributional impacts and, even under a progressive mayor, supports neoliberal policy initiatives.  相似文献   

IntroductionImper'tant academic results concerning urballhation worldwide, especially the ongoing urban tranSihon ofdeVeloping world of Asia haVe been achieved in the past tWo decades. The theoretical frameWork ofurbaniZation discourse itSelf has been evolving by stages in accordance with the major historical advancesof social sciences. The attempt to explain the relationship between urbalhaation and economic growth ofindividual countries dominated the literatUre in the 1960s and the 1970s…  相似文献   

The promotion and preservation of biodiversity in urban areas remains scant, especially in Asian cities. This study focuses on spatial pattern and diversity of landscape trees in compact Taipei. Aggregate species diversity of three urban habitats (streets, urban parks and riverside parks) exceeded the countryside's secondary forests. Urban parks with site heterogeneity and multiple functions accommodate the highest richness, and streets with acute site limitations the poorest represented by popular native species. More affinities exist between urban and riverside parks. Low diversity in riverside parks echoes natural site constraints and primary use for river discharge and flood control. The compact urban form has not stifled species diversity and spatial variability of urban forests. Development history and park area have no significant relationship with species diversity. Understanding species composition in urban ecosystems could frame conservation strategies to augment species richness, appropriate site selection, habit preservation and wildlife recruitment.  相似文献   

都市不但是本土与跨国健身俱乐部聚集之所在,也是其宣传和散布生活美学的流行文化中心,更是其主要的市场,现今最新、规模最大且最具代表性的健身俱乐部旗舰店无不想尽办法挤身首要都市,其中选择性的在新兴消费中心掀起卡位战。都市不仅是地理空间,也是现代资本主义和消费主义的汇集地点,这个权力场驱动了健身产业的发展与转型,建构了健身意义内涵与实践的框架,以及健身地景的文化形式。本篇文章企图将健身产业的地景和都市发展之间的关系进行讨论,说明随着台北城市由戒严时期的战时首都、工业城市、投机城市、全球化城市,健身如何由都市空间上和以生产为主流的社会伦理中的双重边陲,成为进占都市中心的「企业」,并取代工业城市地景,成为全球化台北的生活风格地景。  相似文献   

哈大城市带网络结构韧性演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络结构韧性是城市空间组织未来发展的重要指向,是社会经济稳定性与恢复力的结构保障。论文借鉴复杂网络指标,构建城市网络结构韧性演化评价模型,以哈大城市带为例,对比分析多重城市网络结构韧性的演化特征。结果表明:① 多重城市网络层级性与匹配性存在分异,在层级性上,交通和金融网络趋于扁平,信息和创新网络趋于立体;在匹配性上,交通和创新网络分别表现为同配性与异配性且特征强化,金融和信息网络为异配性但特征削弱。② 网络结构韧性类型相对稳定,交通运输网络为“同配—核心边缘网络”,金融、信息与创新网络为“韧性网络”;韧性演化综合水平表现为创新合作网络>信息关联网络>0>金融联系网络>交通运输网络。③ 可以从整体结构、片区差异和要素流动三方面优化网络结构韧性演化水平。  相似文献   

解决好新疆环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展与水环境质量之间的关系,对"一带一路"倡议顺利实施及新疆社会稳定具有十分重要的作用。基于2004-2017年环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展与水环境变化状况,构建城市发展与水环境质量的综合评价模型及二者的协调度模型,以探讨环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展、水环境质量变化及二者的协调关系。结果表明:2004-2017年,(1)环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展综合指数呈现出逐年稳定上升的趋势,经济发展和城镇空间规模扩大是环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展的主要形式;(2)环塔里木盆地绿洲城市的水环境质量综合指数呈现出逐年降低的趋势,水环境质量形势严峻;(3)环塔里木盆地绿洲城市发展-水环境质量系统的协调度呈现倒U型的稳定发展趋势,但总体上两者的协调度较低,城市发展和水环境质量之间的矛盾日益突出。  相似文献   


Urban spaces have long been places to think through human relationships with nature. The recent shift in thinking from urban green space as outcome to urban greening as a process provides an opportunity to consider more explicitly how we engage with more-than-human worlds in urban spaces, in more differentiated ways, and for what ends. In this paper we contribute to growing interest in improved urban sustainability and well-being by bringing human geography perspectives on more-than-human worlds into conversation with the literature on urban greening. Drawing on key examples oriented around urban trees, we consider two main themes: sensibilities and belonging. We argue for an understanding of urban places as collective achievements that not only involve knowing and living with diverse humans and non-humans but also involve the re/making of sensibilities and belongings. Through this paper, we aim to open dialogue about how more-than-human geographies might help us to differently understand urban trees, contemporary urban greening, and people–plant relations.  相似文献   

基于“规模—密度—形态”的大连市城市韧性评估   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
修春亮  魏冶  王绮 《地理学报》2018,73(12):2315-2328
以建设安全城市为目标,依据地理学和景观生态思想方法,构建基于“规模—密度—形态”的三维城市韧性研究框架,并对2000-2016年大连市各县市区的城市韧性进行评估。其中规模韧性利用生态基础设施工具进行度量,密度韧性利用生态足迹与生态承载力工具进行度量,形态韧性基于源汇景观平均距离指数进行度量。还对各年份三类韧性的组合形式进行综合评判。本文认为,“规模—密度—形态”三位一体的韧性评估方法可有效识别城市的韧性特征,是建立城市规划与城市韧性研究之间有效联系的纽带。研究发现:① 规模安全是城市空间扩张的基本约束条件;② 生态承载力是城市密度的安全阈值;③ “源—汇”景观的空间耦合是优良城市形态的基本特征;④ 是“规模—密度—形态”三个韧性的组合状况而不是某一单项指标决定城市的安全性。基于规模、密度、形态韧性及其组合特征判定,为未来大连的城市发展提出建议:① 严格限制中心城区与金州区开发强度,遏制其蔓延式增长趋势;② 严格控制海岸带开发,维持山体和绿色植被斑块的完整性;③ 促进市域均衡开发,提升城市整体韧性;④ 优化新市区开发战略,形成良好城市形态。  相似文献   

城市和城市群可持续发展指数研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是城市的世纪,城市的高质量发展对区域和全球可持续发展至关重要。中国城市化发展迅速,城市化率从1978年的17.9%增加到2019年的60.6%,2030年将达到70%,大部分人口居住在城市。城市是中国经济发展的引擎,以全国近7%的土地面积生产了70%的国内生产总值(GDP),而城市群更是集聚了全国大部分城镇人口和GDP。因此,城市和城市群的健康与可持续性将决定中国未来发展的质量与进程。识别城市和城市群发展的程度、存在的问题以及国内外差距,亟需进行城市可持续发展的评价。本研究系统综述了城市可持续发展评价的思想与指标体系的发展历程,重点基于联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)框架考察了开展城市可持续发展评价的方法,提出了构建城市和城市群可持续发展指数的途径,并从平台构建、大数据基础、跟踪发布等方面提出了推进城市可持续发展指数评价建立城市发展“仪表盘”的思路。基于联合国SDG框架的城市和城市群可持续发展指数可为目标城市对标其他城市、开展不同区域城市的对比、找准发展目标与识别存在问题等方面提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

The concerns of political ecology since its beginnings as a field have been predominantly set in rural areas with limited focus on urban industrial risks. Further, debates on the global South (often from Anglo‐American perspectives) have not fully appreciated the divergent and differentiated perceptions of urban risks and, therefore, everyday forms of resistance within civil society. Instead, work has mainly focused on civil society power relations against the state and industry that are driven by coherent populist political agendas. Against this setting, this paper's contribution aims to better contextualize ‘other’ third world localities in political ecology through a case study of urban industrial risks in the upper/middle income (as opposed to rural, low/lower middle income) country, South Africa. In doing so, the paper sheds light on the derelict aspect of civil society contestation, especially along class and ethnic lines, over urban landfill infrastructure as a livelihood resource or a health hazard. The paper draws upon frameworks of self‐reflexivity and reflexive localism as complementary to the mainstream political ecology to illuminate differentiated civil society reflexiveness and therefore, aims to advance the discussion of other political ecologies. The case study of the largest formal landfill site in Africa, the Bisasar landfill situated in Durban, highlights differences underlying power relations and constraints within civil society (in leadership, social networking, resources and mistrust) that have implications for mainstream political ecology notions of civil society coherence.  相似文献   

利用2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据中的东部沿海6省市数据集,将长期居住意愿、户籍迁入意愿和本地购房打算三部分指标的加和定义为城市居留意愿指标,将城镇基本公共服务分为就业关联和非就业关联两种类型,运用序次Logistic回归模型,系统考察两类城镇基本公共服务的获得特征对流动人口城市居留意愿的影响及其在不同规模城市间的差异特征。研究发现:流动人口城市居留意愿和城镇基本公共服务获得率呈现出随城市规模扩大而上升的梯度变动特征;在流动人口获得的城镇基本公共服务较为有限时,流动人口的城市居留意愿不高。从影响效应看,流动人口在流入城市获得的城镇基本公共服务是影响其城市居留意愿的关键因素,此类影响效应因公共服务内容和城市规模的不同而存在差异。大城市流动人口获得的医疗保险、失业保险和住房保障显著增进了流动人口的城市居留意愿,但上述影响效应在中小城市并不明显;健康档案和健康教育普及程度除了在个别规模城市中没有显著影响效应外,在其余规模城市中都具有显著的正向影响效应;在小城市,仅健康档案和健康教育普及程度对其流动人口城市居留意愿具有显著且正向的影响作用。  相似文献   


Urban greening, the improvement or increase of green spaces in cities, has purported environmental, individual, social and cultural benefits. The extent and qualities of urban green spaces, and our opportunities to engage with them, reflect and shape human responses to those spaces. Planning scholars recognise the traditional role and obligation of planning to help reduce social problems and see the potential for the public to be leaders in defining responses. However, use of technical, scientific and economic approaches by urban land managers can limit recognition of diverse connections to urban green and advance narrow conceptions of nature. We sample people’s responses to different forms of urban green and greening in three case studies from Melbourne, Australia. We show that modern connections and expressions are personal, social and dynamic. Human experiences are embedded in nature and connections develop from interactions with and about nature, in formal and informal spaces. Diverse connections prompt responses to nature, and actions affecting nature itself. Accordingly, we propose ways to develop more receptive, responsive, inclusive and connected forms of urban greening. These include recognising diverse connections and expressions, encouraging dynamic relationships with nature, and providing varied ways of engaging with urban green spaces that foster stewardship.  相似文献   

Disparities in park provision raise environmental and health justice concerns. With public agencies stepping back from providing environmental amenities in increasingly neoliberal urban regimes, nonprofits in the U.S. have assumed a prominent role in the parks and recreation sector. But very few studies have comprehensively assessed whether and how park nonprofits contribute to increasing or closing the equity gap in park provision. Focusing on Los Angeles, I analyze how park nonprofits operate and which demographic groups benefit from new and improved parks supported by nonprofits. Based on interviews with local practitioners and geospatial analyses, I find that nonprofits are leading a park equity movement in Los Angeles and helped address park disparities. To do so, nonprofits built diverse coalitions, leveraged complementary strengths, coalesced with public agencies, and helped generate public funds for parks. These findings show that equity-oriented nonprofits can successfully challenge the unjust outcomes of neoliberal governance.  相似文献   

Research has documented how grass-roots activists deploy the environmental justice frame to convey their grievances and demand their right to health and safety. While scholars have highlighted the widespread success of this frame, little attention has been paid to instances where the environmental justice frame fails to resonate. Drawing from social movements and environmental justice literatures, we examine how local discursive and cultural contexts can pose barriers to environmental justice claims. Our case is based on legacy pollution from a decommissioned creosote facility in Southern Mississippi. When black residents discovered the pollution in their neighborhood, they made repeated appeals to authorities for remediation and compensation. After being denied inclusion in a lawsuit filed by white residents, they formed an environmental justice organization to mobilize support for their campaign. Findings reveal the importance of both historical contextualization and the social situation of frame deployers in analyses of the environmental justice frame.  相似文献   

陈果 《地理学报》2015,70(12):1973-1986
社会公正是当前地理学的一个热点也是传统研究课题。住房问题往往是社会公正研究和实践的重点案例。中国住房制度改革之后,中国住房拥有率及人均住房面积均大幅度提高。然而在住房分配的过程中,不平等和不公正现象时有发生。如何区别平均和公正,如何看待中国住房改革中的社会公平与不公共存的现象,是了解中国新城市现象的一个重要途径。本文从近期西方政治学和地理学关于住房权(housing rights)、社会公正以及城市权利等文献的讨论出发,通过在广州的实证研究,运用结构方程模型和Pratt指数对涉及住房权主要方面的住房分异的发生途径及其公正性进行综合分析。实证研究说明在住房分配领域,存在着制度因素延续下来所导致的分异。一些制度因素已经转化为市场因素,直接或间接影响个人居住条件和住房所有权的获得,并通过后者进一步影响住房分异。与此同时,纯粹市场因素的影响则相对薄弱。上述结论有助于了解当前中国城市住房权的核心问题,认识社会公正的发展前景,以及探寻减少社会不公正的制度利器。  相似文献   

Ongoing urbanisation makes cities a key focus for global environmental change (GEC) research, creating an imperative for a new, city-scale, research agenda. The vulnerability of urban populations to the multiple stresses of GEC lies at the core of overlapping domains of knowledge that could be better integrated in advancing research. The urban development, global change and disasters literatures are fragmented and reveal fundamental cleavages over the role that government could play in mitigating vulnerability to multiple threats and challenges. Important empirical gaps exist, especially on cities of the South. While there are significant knowledge gaps and numerous tensions within and between schools of thought, this overview suggests useful entry points for framing an invigorated research agenda on urban GEC.  相似文献   

王毅  苗转莹  陆玉麒  朱英明 《地理学报》2022,77(10):2529-2546
在中国经济和城镇化都逐步迈入高质量发展阶段的背景下,厘清经济发展对城市宜居性的影响规律具有重要的学术价值和应用价值。本文将宜居性作为一项“要素”引入生产函数研究框架,构建了经济发展对城市宜居性影响的理论模型,并基于2005—2019年中国40个大中城市的面板数据,利用系统GMM、面板门槛模型等方法对其进行实证检验。结果表明:① 2005—2019年中国大中城市的宜居性水平总体呈上升态势,但存在明显的维度分异和空间分异特征。② 总体上经济发展对城市宜居性的提高具有抑制效应,但这种效应在不同时间阶段和不同城市规模中呈现出明显的异质性。对于进入经济新常态阶段前,以及规模较大的直辖市和部分经济发达的省会城市,这种抑制作用比较显著;而进入新常态阶段后,经济发展对城市宜居性提升具有明显的促进作用。③ 经济发展对城市宜居性的影响还存在门槛效应,随着居民收入水平的提高,其影响效应呈现出显著的倒“N”型门槛特征。当经济发展使职工平均工资处于6万元至8万元时,经济发展能明显提高城市宜居度。经济发展本身对城市宜居性的影响表现出显著的单一门槛抑制效应,但其负向影响呈现出边际效率递减规律。最后,根据本文的研究发现从“宏观指引”和“微观行动”两个层面提出相应的政策启示。  相似文献   

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