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利用多个地震数据体的地震反射特征,分析了孟加拉湾若开盆地深水沉积体系的不同沉积结构单元类型(峡谷、水道及水道复合体、天然堤—漫溢沉积、朵体以及块体搬运沉积)的典型地震响应特征、及其发育的位置,构建了研究区陆架—陆坡—盆底的沉积结构单元演化模式。研究表明,一个深水沉积体系垂向上自下而上的组合样式为:底部块体搬运沉积及厚层大规模朵体沉积,上覆水道复合体沉积,之后为水道—天然堤复合体沉积、以及一些小规模朵体沉积,顶部为薄层深海泥岩沉积。横向上自陆架向深海盆地的发育模式表现为:陆架/上陆坡峡谷—上陆坡侵蚀型水道—下陆坡侵蚀沉积型水道—沉积型水道—盆地朵体。  相似文献   

Well-exposed, vertically dipping, glacially polished outcrops of the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup in the southern Canadian Cordillera include basin-floor deposits of the Upper Kaza Group overlain by slope channel complexes of the Isaac Formation. Within the 2·5 km thick Kaza and Isaac succession is an up to 360 m thick interval composed of diverse deep-water stratal elements including scour and interscour deposits, distributary channels, fine-grained turbidites, terminal splays, mass-transport deposits, erosional and levéed channels and avulsion splays, which collectively were formed during the development of an ancient passive-margin channel-lobe system. The proportion and vertical and lateral arrangement of stratal elements reveal three distinct complexes. The lower complex, consisting mostly of distributary channels and small and large scours, is interpreted to represent the detachment of lobes from an upflow levéed channel, wherein a well-developed channel-lobe transition zone was formed by efficient, siliciclastic flows during a period of sustained transport bypass and limited deposition coincident with the onset of falling relative sea level. The middle, comparatively thicker and more sandstone-rich complex, comprises distributary channel fills, fine-grained turbidites and lesser terminal splays that are interspersed with small scours, capped by a slope levéed channel filled with coarser-grained siliciclastic sediment. The abundance of basin-floor elements suggests negligible separation between the levéed channel and lobe, and therefore a poorly-developed channel-lobe transition zone, resulting from inefficient, siliciclastic-rich depositional flows that became dominant during lowstand and/or ensuing transgression. The stratal makeup of the upper complex resembles the lower detached complex, suggesting a return to efficient flows, and an abrupt change to mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sediments associated with highstand conditions. Accordingly, the stratigraphic architecture and stacking pattern of the Kaza–Isaac interval, which relate to the formation of multiple channel-lobe transition zones, were controlled by temporal changes in sediment supply and flow characteristics during the long-term progradation of the Laurentian continental margin.  相似文献   

Sandy lobe deposits on submarine fans are sensitive recorders of the types of sediment gravity flows supplied to a basin and are economically important as hydrocarbon reservoirs. This study investigates the causes of variability in 20 lobes in small late Pleistocene submarine fans off East Corsica. These lobes were imaged using ultra‐high resolution boomer seismic profiles (<1 m vertical resolution) and sediment type was ground truthed using piston cores published in previous studies. Repeated crossings of the same depositional bodies were used to measure spatial changes in their dimensions and architecture. Most lobes increase abruptly down‐slope to a peak thickness of 8 to 42 m, beyond which they show a progressive, typically more gradual, decrease in thickness until they thin to below seismic resolution or pass into draping facies of the basin plain. Lobe areas range from 3 to 70 km2 and total lengths from 2 to 14 km, with the locus of maximum sediment accumulation from 3 to 28 km from the shelf‐break. Based on their location, dimensions, internal architecture and nature of the feeder channel, the lobes are divided into two end‐member types. The first are small depositional bodies located in proximal settings, clustered near the toe‐of‐slope and fed by slope gullies or erosive channels lacking or with poorly developed levées (referred to as ‘proximal isolated lobes’). The second are larger architecturally more complex depositional bodies deposited in more distal settings, outboard more stable and longer‐lived levéed fan valleys (referred to as ‘composite mid‐fan lobes’). Hybrid lobe types are also observed. At least three hierarchical levels of compensation stacking are recognized. Individual beds and bed‐sets stack to form lobe‐elements; lobe‐elements stack to form composite lobes; and composite lobes stack to form lobe complexes. Differences in the size, shape and architectural complexity of lobe deposits reflect several inter‐related factors including: (i) flow properties (volume, duration, grain‐size, concentration and velocity); (ii) the number and frequency of flows, and their degree of variation through time; (iii) gradient change and sea floor morphology at the mouth of the feeder conduit; (iv) lobe lifespan prior to avulsion or abandonment; and (v) feeder channel geometry and stability. In general, lobes outboard stable fan valleys that are connected to shelf‐incised canyons are wider, longer and thicker, accumulate in more basinal locations and are architecturally more complex.  相似文献   

Subaqueous sediment gravity flow is the volumetrically most important process transporting sediment across our planet, which forms its largest sediment accumulations (submarine fan). Based on the previous studies, we tried to clear up the concept, classification and identification of subaqueous sediment gravity flow, and introduced the progress of modern direct observation and submarine fan model. Turbidity current and debris flow are two of the most important parts of the gravity flow, the former deposits layer by layer with normal gradation while the latter is en masse settling with chaotic disorder. The turbidity current transformed into the debris flow during the transportation is called hybrid flow. The hyperpycnal flow is the turbidity current formed by flood discharges into the ocean/lake. Modern direct observations show that the turbidity current can contain dense basal layers and last for a week. The structure of turbidity current can be different from those surge-like turbidity current observed in laboratory. Submarine fans are mainly composed of channel, levee, lobe, background deposits and mass transport deposits, which should be studied by architecture analysis and hierarchical classification. The channel deposits extend narrowly with abundant erosion structures; levee deposits are composed of thin layer mud-silty turbidites, wedge thinning laterally; the lobe deposits extend well laterally with narrow range of grain size. The hierarchy of channel deposits is channel unit, channel complex and channel complex system. The hierarchy of lobe deposits is bed, lobe element, lobe and lobe complex.  相似文献   

The Lauzanier area represents the northernmost extension of the Annot Sandstone series and contains deposits between 650 and 900 m-thick. This basin was active from upper Bartonian or lower Priabonian to early Rupelian. It is composed of two superposed units separated by a major unconformity. The sediment supply is due to channelled flows coming from the south. Flow processes include mass flow to turbidity currents. The size of the particles and the absence of fine-grained sediment suggest a transport over a short distance. The Lower Unit is made of coarse-grained tabular beds interpreted as non-channelled lobe deposits. The Upper Unit is made of massive conglomerates interpreted as the channelled part of lobes. These lobe deposits settle in a tectonically confined basin according to topographic compensation that occurs from bed scale to unit scale. The abrupt progradation between the lower and the upper unit seems related to a major tectonic uplift in the area. This uplift is also suggested by a change in the petrographic nature of the source and an abrupt coarsening of the transported clasts.This field example allows providing high resolution analysis for depositional sedimentary sequences of terminal lobe deposits in a coarse-grained turbidite system. The outcrop analysis shows the lateral evolution of deposits and the system progradation allows a longitudinal analysis of facies evolution by superposing on the same outcrops the channelled lobe system and the non-channelled lobe system. These results of high-resolution outcrop analysis can be extrapolated to results obtained on sedimentary lobes in recent deep-sea turbidite system that are either restricted to cores, or with a lesser resolution (seismic).  相似文献   

Flume experiments were performed to study the flow properties and depositional characteristics of high‐density turbidity currents that were depletive and quasi‐steady to waning for periods of several tens of seconds. Such currents may serve as an analogue for rapidly expanding flows at the mouth of submarine channels. The turbidity currents carried up to 35 vol.% of fine‐grained natural sand, very fine sand‐sized glass beads or coarse silt‐sized glass beads. Data analysis focused on: (1) depositional processes related to flow expansion; (2) geometry of sediment bodies generated by the depletive flows; (3) vertical and horizontal sequences of sedimentary structures within the sediment bodies; and (4) spatial trends in grain‐size distribution within the deposits. The experimental turbidity currents formed distinct fan‐shaped sediment bodies within a wide basin. Most fans consisted of a proximal channel‐levee system connected in the downstream direction to a lobe. This basic geometry was independent of flow density, flow velocity, flow volume and sediment type, in spite of the fact that the turbidity currents of relatively high density were different from those of relatively low density in that they exhibited two‐layer flow, with a low‐density turbulent layer moving on top of a dense layer with visibly suppressed large‐scale turbulence. Yet, the geometry of individual morphological elements appeared to relate closely to initial flow conditions and grain size of suspended sediment. Notably, the fans changed from circular to elongate, and lobe and levee thickness increased with increasing grain size and flow velocity. Erosion was confined to the proximal part of the leveed channel. Erosive capacity increased with increasing flow velocity, but appeared to be constant for turbidity currents of different grain size and similar density. Structureless sediment filled the channel during the waning stages of the turbidity currents laden with fine sand. The adjacent levee sands were laminated. The massive character of the channel fills is attributed to rapid settling of suspension load and associated suppression of tractional transport. Sediment bypassing prevailed in fan channels composed of very fine sand and coarse silt, because channel floors remained fully exposed until the end of the experiments. Lobe deposits, formed by the fine sand‐laden, high‐density turbidity currents, contained massive sand in the central part grading to plane parallel‐laminated sand towards the fringes. The depletive flows produced a radial decrease in mean grain size in the lobe deposits of all fans. Vertical trends in grain size comprised inverse‐to‐normal grading in the levees and in the thickest part of the lobes, and normal grading in the channel and fringes of the fine sandy fans. The inverse grading is attributed to a process involving headward‐directed transport of relatively fine‐grained and low‐concentrated fluid at the level of the velocity maximum of the turbidity current. The normal grading is inferred to denote the waning stage of turbidity‐current transport.  相似文献   

The main sediment depocenter along the Oman margin is the Al Batha turbidite system that develops in the Gulf of Oman basin. It is directly connected to the wadi Al Batha, and forms a typical sand and mud rich point source system that acts as regional sediment conduit and feeds a ~ 1000 km2 sandy lobe.The Al Batha lobe depositional architecture has been investigated in detail using very high-resolution seismic, multibeam echosounder data and sediment cores. Several scales of depositional architecture can be observed. The Al Batha lobe is composed of several depositional units, made of stacked elementary sediment bodies (thinner than 5 m) that are each related to a single flow event. The lobe is connected to the feeder system through a channel-lobe transition zone (CLTZ) that extends on more than 25 km. The lobe can be divided into proximal, middle and distal lobe areas. The proximal lobe is an area of erosion and by-pass with small axial feeder channels that rapidly splay into several small distributaries. They disappear in the mid-lobe area where deposits consist of vertically stacked tabular to lens-shaped sediment bodies, with a lateral continuity that can exceed 10 km. The distal lobe fringe shows a classical facies transition towards thin-bedded basin plain deposits.Sub-surface deposits consist of sandy turbidites and hyperpycnites, interbedded with fine-grained deposits (thin turbidites, hyperpycnites, or hemipelagites). Although these distal deposits are mainly related to flow transformations and concentration evolution, they highlight the importance of flooding of the wadi Al Batha on the sediment transfer to the deep basin. The thick sandy hyperpycnites recovered in such a distal area are also possibly related to the initial properties of gravity flows, in relation to the flooding characteristics of mountainous desert streams.Finally, the Al Batha lobe depositional architecture is typical of sand-rich lobes found within “small”, sand and mud rich turbidite systems fed by mountainous “dirty” rivers. Turbidite sedimentation in the Al Batha system appears to be primarily controlled by the strong climatic and geomorphic forcing parameters (i.e. semi-arid environment with ephemeral, mountainous rivers subjected to flash-flooding).  相似文献   

All major streams draining the southwestern flank of the Edwards Plateau in south-central Texas transport large volumes of gravel and sandy muddy gravel and are developing meander lobe sequences consisting predominantly of coarse gravel. The largest of these streams, the Nueces River, has a sinuosity index of 1.3 and an average stream surface slope of 1.8 m/km in the study area. Stream discharge is variable and has ranged from no flow to more than 17,000 m3/s. Mean clast b-axis length for the ten largest clasts at thirteen sample sites ranged from 2.5 to 10.8 cm. Velocities of 2.7-4.4 m/s 1 m above the stream bed are required to transport these clasts. Stream velocities of these magnitudes occur about once in 8 years when discharge of the Nueces River exceeds 3300 m3/s. Mean grain size of Nueces River alluvium ranges from 1.2 to 3.4 cm. At a flow depth of 1 m, sediment of this size has a critical erosion velocity of 1.8-3 m/s. Velocities of this magnitude occur about once in two years when discharge exceeds 340 m3/s. Under these conditions flow is subcritical, with critical shear stresses on depositional surfaces ranging from 6.4 to 12.7 kg/m2. Gravel clasts are imbricated and channel bed forms are predominantly transverse gravel bars with slip faces ranging up to 2 m high and wavelengths in excess of 100 m. Stratification includes graded planar crossbeds and horizontal beds. Lower lateral accretion face sediments are also predominantly transverse bars; upper lateral accretion face deposits occur as longitudinal gravel ridges deposited in the lee of vegetation and, less commonly, as chute bars. Near the upper limit of meander lobes where vegetation is heavy, mud and muddy sand occur as overbank deposits; in these deposits sedimentary structures other than desiccation cracks are rare. Sedimentary sequences in gravel meander lobe systems deposited by low sinuosity streams are graded or non-graded horizontal beds and planar cross-beds overlain by mud and muddy sand interbedded with horizontally bedded gravels. Sequences may be several metres thick, but probably do not exceed 8-10 m in thickness. These deposits in turn are overlain by overbank deposits of mud and muddy sand. Similar sedimentary sequences occur in the extensive Quaternary terraces that parallel the Nueces River.  相似文献   

The sands and gravels form part of a once more continuous succession comprising parts of three delta lobes which advanced into a deepening pro-glacial lake. Normal delta construction was accompanied by sporadic rapid mass movement of coarse sediment. This generated turbidity currents which gouged and filled remarkable channels. The deposits are cut by a very large number of normal faults which bear a strike relationship to the bedding showing they were produced by down-dip extension of the beds as a result of slope instability. The consistently southwesterly current directions, deduced from various sedimentary structures, and the constant strike orientation of faults together show that the mounds cannot be ice-contact features as was previously widely believed. The external form of the deposits is related more to subsequent erosion than to their original mode of formation.  相似文献   

Lacustrine deposits are well represented in the lower part of the Late Carboniferous Agua Colorada Formation in the north-west Sierra de Narváez, Catamarca Province, Argentina. Lake Narváez was one of the several water bodies formed in the region immediately after the Gondwana glaciation. The lacustrine transport system has been divided into three distinct zones: delta, shallow lake and deep lake. Delta progradation proceeded from the ESE. Coarse-grained delta plain and turbidite delta front deposits suggest that the delta was formed close to the headwaters (‘short-headed stream delta’type). During periods of high discharge, river mouths acted as bypass zones and fine and very fine sands were transported further into the lake by underflow currents. The clastic material supplied by the deltaic system was partially reworked by wave action. Sands accumulated in unstable conditions at the upper delta front as a consequence of delta progradation. As a result of the addition of clastics in the steep delta front, turbidity currents were formed, spreading their load along the lower delta slope. Deep lacustrine deposits are typically stacked, forming two different kinds of progradational turbidite lobe sequences. Type I lobes were formed in a basinal setting and were probably detached from their feeder systems as a result of sediment-bypassing in a shallow lake during periods of low lake level. These turbidite lobes are replaced upwards by type II lobes, which were formed on the delta slope during periods of lake level rise that allowed the onset of delta progradation. The presence of highly deformed sandstone bodies suggests rapid depositional rates in a high slope setting, whereas the occurrence of hummocky cross-stratified sandstones indicates wave reworking of the sands initially emplaced by turbidity currents. Therefore, the inner part of type II lobes was formed above storm wave base. The depositional history of Lake Narváez can be traced through four evolutionary stages: lake transgression, formation of type I lobes, formation of type II lobes and delta progradation. Tectonic activity was probably important at the early stage of lake evolution, but the subsequent depositional history was mainly controlled by fluctuations of lake level.  相似文献   

The Petit-Rhône Fan Valley (north-western Mediterranean) is a broad, sinuous, filled valley that is deeply incised by a narrow, sinuous thalweg. The valley fill is differentiated into three seismic subunits on high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles. The lower chaotic subunit probably consists of channel lag deposits that seem to be in lateral continuity with high-amplitude reflections representing levee facies. The intermediate transparent subunit, which has an erosional base and clearly truncates levee deposits, is interpreted to be mass-flow deposits resulting from the disintegration of the fan-valley flanks. The upper bedded subunit shows an overall lens-shaped geometry and the seismic reflections onlap either onto the top of the underlying transparent subunit or onto the Rhône levees. Piston core data show that the upper few meters of this upper subunit consist of thin turbidites, probably deposited by overflow processes. The few available 14C ages suggest that the upper stratified subunit filled the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley between 21 and 11 kyr BP. The upper bedded subunit is deposited within the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley downslope of a major decrease in slope gradient. This upper subunit and the thalweg are genetically related and represent a small channel/levee system confined within the fan valley. Previous studies interpreted this thalweg to be an erosional feature resulting from a recent avulsion of the major channel course. Our interpretation implies that the thalweg is not a purely erosional feature but a depositional/erosional channel. This small channel/levee system is superimposed on a large muddy channel/levee system after the sediment supply changed from thick muddy flows during the main phase of aggradation of the Rhône Fan levees, to thin, mixed (sand and mud) flows at the end of Isotope Stage 2 (~16–18 ka BP). The pre-existing morphology of the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley played a determinant role in the sediment dispersal leading to the creation of this small and confined channel/levee system. These mixed flows have undergone flow stripping resulting from the changes in the slope gradient along the thalweg course. The finer sediment overflowed from the thalweg and were deposited in the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley. Coarser channelled sediment remaining in the thalweg were deposited as a ‘sandy’lobe (Neofan). As indicated by 14C dating, sedimentation on this lobe continued until very recently, suggesting a further evolution of the turbidity flows from small mixed flows to small sandy flows. the deposition of this study lobe and the sedimentary fill of the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley may be related to widespread shelf edge and canyon wall failures with a resulting downslope evolution of failed sediment into turbidity currents.  相似文献   

Seabed topography is ubiquitous across basin‐floor environments, and influences sediment gravity flows and sediment dispersal patterns. The impact of steep (several degrees) confining slopes on sedimentary facies and depositional architecture has been widely documented. However, the influence of gentle (fraction of a degree) confining slopes is less well‐documented, largely due to outcrop limitations. Here, exceptional outcrop and research borehole data from Unit A of the Permian Laingsburg Formation, South Africa, provide the means to examine the influence of subtle lateral confinement on flow behaviour and lobe stacking patterns. The dataset describes the detailed architecture of subunits A.1 to A.6, a succession of stacked lobe complexes, over a palinspastically restored 22 km across‐strike transect. Facies distributions, stacking patterns, thickness and palaeoflow trends indicate the presence of a south‐east facing low angle (fraction of a degree) lateral intrabasinal slope. Interaction between stratified turbidity currents with a thin basal sand‐prone part and a thick mud‐prone part and the confining slope results in facies transition from thick‐bedded sandstones to thin‐bedded heterolithic lobe fringe‐type deposits. Slope angle dictates the distance over which the facies transition occurs (hundreds of metres to kilometres). These deposits are stacked vertically over tens of metres in successive lobe complexes to form an aggradational succession of lobe fringes. Extensive slides and debrites are present at the base of lobe complexes, and are associated with steeper restored slope gradients. The persistent facies transition across multiple lobe complexes, and the mass flow deposits, suggests that the intrabasinal slope was dynamic and was never healed by deposition during Unit A times. This study demonstrates the significant influence that even subtle basin‐floor topography has on flow behaviour and depositional architecture of submarine lobe complexes. In addition, we present a new aggradational lobe fringe facies associations and recognition criteria for subtle confinement in less well‐exposed and subsurface basin fills.  相似文献   

The down‐dip portion of submarine fans comprises terminal lobes that consist of various gravity flow deposits, including turbidites and debrites. Within lobe complexes, lobe deposition commonly takes place in topographic lows created between previous lobes, resulting in an architecture characterized by compensational stacking. However, in some deep water turbidite systems, compensational stacking is less prominent and progradation dominates over aggradation and lateral stacking. Combined outcrop and subsurface data from the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen provide a rare example of submarine fans that comprise progradationally stacked lobes and lobe complexes. Evidence for progradation includes basinward offset stacking of successive lobe complexes, a vertical change from distal to proximal lobe environments as recorded by an upward increase in bed amalgamation, and coarsening and thickening upward trends within the lobes. Slope clinoforms occur immediately above the lobe complexes, suggesting that a shelf‐slope system prograded across the basin in concert with deposition of the lobe complexes. Erosive channels are present in proximal axial lobe settings, whereas shallow channels, scours and terminal lobes dominate further basinward. Terminal lobes are classified as amalgamated, non‐amalgamated or thin‐bedded, consistent with turbidite deposition in lobe axis, off‐axis and fringe settings, respectively. Co‐genetic turbidite–debrite beds, interpreted as being deposited from hybrid sediment gravity flows which consisted of both turbulent and laminar flow phases, occur frequently in lobe off‐axis to fringe settings, and are rare and poorly developed in channels and axial lobe environments. This indicates bypass of the laminar flow phase in proximal settings, and deposition in relative distal unconfined settings. Palaeocurrent data indicate sediment dispersal mainly towards the east, and is consistent with slope and lobe complex progradation perpendicular to the NNW–SSE trending basin margin.  相似文献   

潘进  张昌民  庞雷  李鹏  朱锐 《古地理学报》2019,21(6):913-924
玛湖凹陷是准噶尔盆地最具规模的油气聚集带与勘探区,发育以砾岩为主、具有较强非均质性的粗粒沉积复杂地层。对粗粒沉积体的精细刻画有助于研究沉积体内部的非均质性特征。应用储层构型分析法,结合研究区岩心、测井、录井资料,对玛湖凹陷夏子街扇区三叠系百口泉组沉积体内部9个级次构型要素的几何形态、大小、方向以及相互之间的叠置关系进行了表征,识别出12种岩石相类型以及10种由岩石相组合而成的沉积微相类型。通过分析沉积微相在垂向、平面上的不同组合特征,扇体的类型受沉积环境影响发生变化,逐渐由冲积扇、河流扇转换为扇三角洲,整体反映了湖平面上升或沉积物供给量逐渐减小的沉积背景。分析夏子街扇区各期次的扇体特征,包括长轴、短轴距离、长轴短轴比、扇根与扇缘厚度变化、扇体坡度变化、扇体最大粒径变化等,认为扇体顺物源方向有以下变化趋势: 沉积物粒径大小随河道搬运逐渐减小,减小的幅度受扇体坡度影响,坡度越陡沉积物粒径减小的越快;河道数量减少,流量降低;河道沉积物在横向和纵向上的连通性逐渐降低;砂岩、砾岩厚度逐渐减小,泥岩厚度逐渐增加,湖相沉积变得较为发育。总结玛湖凹陷百口泉组的各期次扇体共可归纳出6种扇体模式: 冲积扇、冲积—河流扇、河流—末梢扇、河流扇—扇三角洲、扇三角洲、大型河流扇。  相似文献   

Status and Trends in Research on Deep-Water Gravity Flow Deposits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Deep-water gravity flows are one of the most important sediment transport mechanisms on Earth. After 60 years of study,significant achievements have been made in terms of classification schemes,genetic mechanisms,and depositional models of deep-water gravity flows. The research history of deep-water gravity flows can be divided into five stages: incipience of turbidity current theory; formation of turbidity current theory; development of deep-water gravity flow theory; improvement and perfection of deep-water gravity flow theory; and comprehensive development of deep-water gravity flow theory. Currently,three primary classification schemes based on the sediment support mechanism,the rheology and transportation process,and the integration of sediment support mechanisms,rheology,sedimentary characteristics,and flow state are commonly used.Different types of deep-water gravity flow events form different types of gravity flow deposits. Sediment slump retransportation mainly forms muddy debris flows,sandy debris flows,and surge-like turbidity currents. Resuspension of deposits by storms leads to quasi-steady hyperpycnal turbidity currents(hyperpycnal flows). Sustainable sediment supplies mainly generate muddy debris flows,sandy debris flows,and hyperpycnal flows. Deep-water fans,which are commonly controlled by debris flows and hyperpycnal flows,are triggered by sustainable sediment supply; in contrast,deep-water slope sedimentary deposits consist mainly of debris flows that are triggered by the retransportation of sediment slumps and deep-water fine-grained sedimentary deposits are derived primarily from finegrained hyperpycnal flows that are triggered by the resuspension of storm deposits. Harmonization of classification schemes,transformation between different types of gravity flow deposit,and monitoring and reproduction of the sedimentary processes of deep-water gravity flows as well as a source-to-sink approach to document the evolution and deposition of deep-water gravity flows are the most important research aspects for future studies of deep-water gravity flows study in the future.  相似文献   

Two Palaeogene fluvial fan systems linked to the south‐Pyrenean margin are recognized in the eastern Ebro Basin: the Cardona–Súria and Solsona–Sanaüja fans. These had radii of 40 and 35 km and were 800 and 600 km2 in area respectively. During the Priabonian to the Middle Rupelian, the fluvial fans built into a hydrologically closed foreland basin, and shallow lacustrine systems persisted in the basin centre. In the studied area, both fans are part of the same upward‐coarsening megasequence (up to 800 m thick), driven by hinterland drainage expansion and foreland propagation of Pyrenean thrusts. Fourteen sedimentary facies have been grouped into seven facies associations corresponding to medial fluvial fan, channelized terminal lobe, non‐channelized terminal lobe, mudflat, deltaic, evaporitic playa‐lake and carbonate‐rich, shallow lacustrine environments. Lateral correlations define two styles of alluvial‐lacustrine transition. During low lake‐level stages, terminal lobes developed, whereas during lake highstands, fluvial‐dominated deltas and interdistributary bays were formed. Terminal lobe deposits are characterized by extensive (100–600 m wide) sheet‐like fine sandstone beds formed by sub‐aqueous, quasi‐steady, hyperpycnal turbidity currents. Sedimentary structures and trace fossils indicate rapid desiccation and sub‐aerial exposure of the lobe deposits. These deposits are arranged in coarsening–fining sequences (metres to tens of metres in thickness) controlled by a combination of tectonics, climatic oscillations and autocyclic sedimentary processes. The presence of anomalously deeply incised distributary channels associated with distal terminal lobe or mudflat deposits indicates rapid lake‐level falls. Deltaic deposits form progradational coarsening‐upward sequences (several metres thick) characterized by channel and friction‐dominated mouth‐bar facies overlying white‐grey offshore lacustrine facies. Deltaic bar deposits are less extensive (50–300 m wide) than the terminal lobes and were also deposited by hyperpycnal currents, although they lack evidence of emergence. Sandy deltaic deposits accumulated locally at the mouths of main feeder distal fan streams and were separated by muddy interdistributary bays; whereas the terminal lobe sheets expand from a series of mid‐fan intersection points and coalesced to form a more continuous sandy fan fringe.  相似文献   

Deepwater/deep-marine turbidite lobes are the most distal part of a siliciclastic depositional system and hold the largest sediment accumulation on the seafloor. As many giant hydrocarbon provinces have been discovered within deepwater lobe deposits, they represent one of the most promising exploration targets for hydrocarbon industry. Deepwater exploration is characterized by high cost, high risk but insufficient data because of the deep/ultra–deepwater depth. A thorough understanding of the deepwater turbidite lobe architecture, hierarchy, stacking pattern and internal facies distribution is thus vital. Recently, detailed outcrop characterizations and high–resolution seismic studies have both revealed that the deepwater lobe deposits are characterized into four–fold hierarchical arrangements from "beds", to "lobe elements", to "lobes" and to "lobe complex". Quantitative compilations have shown that hierarchical components of lobe deposits have similar length to width ratios but different width to thickness ratios depending on different turbidite systems. At all hierarchical scales, sand–prone hierarchical lobe units are always separated by mud–prone bounding units except when the bounding units are eroded by their overlying lobe units thus giving rise to vertical amalgamation and connectivity. Amalgamations often occur at more proximal regions suggesting high flow energy. A mixed flow behavior may occur towards more distal regions, resulting in deposition of "hybrid event beds". These synthesized findings could(1) help understand the lobe reservoir distribution and compartmentalization therefore benefit the exploration and development of turbidite lobes within the deep marine basins(e.g. South China Sea) and(2) provide rules and quantitative constraints on reservoir modeling. In addition, the findings associated with deepwater turbidite lobes might be a good starting point to understand the sedimentology, architecture and hierarchy of turbidites in deep lacustrine environment.  相似文献   

Normark  Piper  & Hiscott 《Sedimentology》1998,45(1):53-70
Hueneme and Dume submarine fans in Santa Monica Basin consist of sandy channel and muddy levee facies on the upper fan, lenticular sand sheets on the middle fan, and thinly bedded turbidite and hemipelagic facies elsewhere. Fifteen widely correlatable key seismic reflections in high-resolution airgun and deep-towed boomer profiles subdivide the fan and basin deposits into time-slices that show different thickness and seismic-facies distributions, inferred to result from changes in Quaternary sea level and sediment supply. At times of low sea level, highly efficient turbidity currents generated by hyperpycnal flows or sediment failures at river deltas carry sand well out onto the middle-fan area. Thick, muddy flows formed rapidly prograding high levees mainly on the western (right-hand) side of three valleys that fed Hueneme fan at different times; the most recently active of the lowstand fan valleys, Hueneme fan valley, now heads in Hueneme Canyon. At times of high sea level, fans receive sand from submarine canyons that intercept littoral-drift cells and mixed sediment from earthquake-triggered slumps. Turbidity currents are confined to ‘underfit’ talweg channels in fan valleys and to steep, small, basin-margin fans like Dume fan. Mud is effectively separated from sand at high sea level and moves basinward across the shelf in plumes and in storm-generated lutite flows, contributing to a basin-floor blanket that is locally thicker than contemporary fan deposits and that onlaps older fans at the basin margin. The infilling of Santa Monica Basin has involved both fan and basin-floor aggradation accompanied by landward and basinward facies shifts. Progradation was restricted to the downslope growth of high muddy levees and the periodic basinward advance of the toe of the steeper and sandier Dume fan. Although the region is tectonically active, major sedimentation changes can be related to eustatic sea-level changes. The primary controls on facies shifts and fan growth appear to be an interplay of texture of source sediment, the efficiency with which turbidity currents transport sand, and the effects of delta distributary switching, all of which reflect sea-level changes.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the evolution of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system during the last 200 kyr, over a series of glacial to interglacial cycles. Six individual deep‐sea fans were identified from an extensive field data set. Each fan comprises a canyon, channel system and terminal lobes. Two of these fan systems were possibly active at the same time, at least during some periods. Large‐scale slope failures destroyed channel segments and caused the formation of new submarine fan systems. These slope failures thus played an important role in the overall evolution of the turbidite system. During the last glacial maximum (ca 25 to 14·8 ka) the central and eastern parts of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system were relatively inactive. This inactivity corresponds to a lowstand in sea‐level, and a period of arid climate and relatively low sediment discharge from the Nile fluvial system. Rapid accumulation of fluvial flood‐derived deposits occurred across the shallower part of the submarine delta during sea‐level rise between ca 14·8 and 5 ka. The most recent deep‐sea channel–lobe system was very active during this period of rising sea‐level, which is also associated with a wetter continental climate and increased sediment and water discharge from the Nile. Increased sediment deposition in shallower water areas led to occasional large‐scale slope failure. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system was largely inactive after ca 5 ka. This widespread inactivity is due to retreat of the coastline away from the continental shelf break, and to a more arid continental climate and reduced discharge of sediment from the Nile. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system may be more active during periods of rising and high sea‐level associated with wetter climates, than during lowstands, and may rapidly become largely inactive during highstands in sea‐level coupled with arid periods. These acute responses to climate change have produced sedimentary/stratigraphic features that diverge from traditional sequence models in their nature and timing. This large‐scale sedimentary system responded to monsoon‐driven climate change and sea‐level change in a system‐wide and contemporaneous manner.  相似文献   

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