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对西南极阿蒙森海A11-02孔沉积物进行粒度和地球化学元素分析,示踪了阿蒙森海沉积物来源,重建了中全新世以来的古气候演化历史。通过对稀土元素北美页岩平均标准化配分曲线以及(La/Yb)N、(Gd/Lu)N、(La/Sm)N等参数的分析和对比,认为A11-02孔沉积物主要来源于玛丽伯德地,而别林斯高晋海也有一定贡献。通过将化学蚀变指数、Na/K、<22.1 μm粒级组分含量以及>63 μm粒级组分含量等相关替代指标与其他古气候记录对比,识别出中全新世以来在阿蒙森海存在4个明显的寒冷阶段(P1-P4)。在时间和空间上,南极地区千年尺度的气候变化具有一致性,主要受日照强度变化和大气环流变化控制。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1914-1939

Global-scale Palaeozoic plate tectonic reconstructions have suggested that Laurentia was obliquely approaching against the northwestern margin of Gondwana until the final agglutination of Pangea. In this contribution integrated petrographic analysis, heavy mineral analysis, and tourmaline geochemistry were done, and U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology was obtained, in late Palaeozoic sedimentary and meta-sedimentary units from the Floresta and Santander Massifs in the Eastern Colombian Andes in order to constrain their provenance and related it with the magmatic, sedimentary, and deformational record of the Gondwana–Laurentia convergence until the late Carboniferous to Permian formation of Pangea. Late Devonian to early Carboniferous sandstones from the Floresta Massif changed from sublithoarenites to lithoarenites, tracking the progressive uplift and unroofing of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, with associated volcanic activity. The U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology from the sedimentary and metasedimentary of Floresta and Santander documents Mesoproterozoic and Palaeoproterozoic sources, and younger Ordovician to Silurian age populations, that can be related to the early to middle Palaeozoic plutonic rocks and the Amazon Craton. The limited Silurian to Early Devonian detrital ages that contrast with the more significant Middle to Late Devonian zircons that document the erosion of contemporaneous magmatic sources formed after a late Silurian to Early Devonian reduction on the magmatic activity along the proto-Andean margin. These rocks were apparently deformed and metamorphosed between the late Carboniferous and the early Permian. It is suggested that the filling and deformation record of these rocks documented the changes in plate convergence obliquity at the western margin of Gondwana associated with the migration of Laurentia until its final position in Pangea. Between the late Carboniferous and the early Permian, peri-Gondwanan continental terranes also collided with the continental margin. Over-imposed Mesozoic tectonics have contributed to the final redistribution of these terranes to their current position.

Abbreviations:LA: laser ablation inductively couple mass spectrometer; CL: cathodoluminiscence  相似文献   

从松潘-甘孜构造带东北部若尔盖盆地的红参一井内分别采取中三叠世晚期和晚三叠世早期的砂岩样品,用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)方法对其中的碎屑锆石颗粒进行了U-Pb年龄分析,结果显示锆石形成年龄的范围在2432 741 Ma间,主要峰值集中在240~290,400~480,1 800~2 000,2 200~2 500 Ma.通过对碎屑锆石年龄分布特征的研究,并结合古水流条件的约束,认为松潘-甘孜盆地东部中、晚三叠世沉积盖层内形成于240~290 Ma和400~480 Ma的锆石分别来自东昆仑南部和北秦岭,形成于1 800~2 000 Ma和2 200~2 500 Ma的锆石来自华北板块.由不同时期沉积物中碎屑锆石年龄分布特征的变化表明:晚三叠世中期以后有更多扬子板块的物质进入了松潘-甘孜盆地,使盆地内沉积物的组合发生了明显的改变,这样的变化反映了晚三叠世中期以后扬子板块西缘存在一个快速抬升的过程.  相似文献   

单矿物地球化学分析是沉积物源分析研究的重要手段,运用广泛。沉积物中碎屑矿物的粒度组成,即水动力分选作用,是否影响到基于这种方法的物源解释,目前尚不清楚且受到的关注不多。通过研究柴达木盆地北缘地区第三系沉积物中的680颗碎屑石榴石(0.068~0.557 mm)的主量元素地球化学组成数据,解释了不同粒度的碎屑石榴石物源。结果显示,0.063~ 0.125 mm的碎屑石榴石的地球化学结果中Fe^2+与Mn^2+含量更高,表明其母岩的变质结晶程度较弱,故物源解释结果更可能为中—低级角闪岩相变沉积岩,而其他粒径的碎屑石榴石Ca^2+与Mg^2+含量更高,这说明其物源区的温压条件较前者高,因而物源解释结果为低级变质相,中酸性火成岩,榴辉岩等宽泛结果。这种碎屑石榴石粒度差异导致的地球化学组成的不同,说明碎屑石榴石的颗粒大小在一定程度上会影响物源解释结果。因此,在进行单矿物地球化学物源研究时,选取特定粒径(0.063~ 0.125 mm或0.125~ 0.25 mm)组成的碎屑矿物进行分析,可以消除水动力分选作用的影响,有助于获得更为准确的物源解释结果。  相似文献   

Lithic (or gravel) composition analyses of the Jurassic Sanjianpu Formation and Fenghuangtai Formation in the Hefei basin show that the sediment provenance consists mainly of four kinds of rock units: the basement metamorphic complex, granitic rocks, medium- and low-grade metamorphic rocks, and sandy and muddy sedimentary rocks, which are distributed along the bounding thrust belt. The whole stratigrapnic section can be divided into 2 lithic sequences and 7 subsequences. The regular distribution and changes of lithic fragments and gravels in lithic (or gravel) sequences reflect that the bounding thrust belt of basin has undergone 2 thrusting cycles and 7 thrusting events. Lithic (or gravel) composition analyses of the basin fully reveal that the northern Dabie basement metamorphic complex was exhumed on the earth's surface in the Middle and Late Jurassic, and extensive intermediate and acid intrusive rocks were developed in the southern North Huaiyang or northern Dabie Mountains during the basin's synde  相似文献   

砂岩副矿物的物源区分析新进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王建刚  胡修棉 《地质论评》2008,54(5):670-678
物源区分析是盆地分析和古地理重建的重要研究方法,有很长的研究历史。随着分析测试技术的进步,物源区分析的方法不断发展,分析精度也不断提高。电子探针、离子探针和LAICPMS等微区原位分析技术的发展,使得基于单矿物地球化学和同位素年代学的物源区分析方法取得了长足的进步,代表了物源区分析的最新发展方向。本文介绍了砂岩中常见副矿物铬尖晶石、金红石的地球化学分析以及锆石UPb年龄、白云母ArAr年龄在物源区分析中的应用。同时,作者认为物源区分析往往是基于碎屑矿物的化学成分或年龄与可能物源区的对比,且只具有统计意义。因此,深入了解区域地质情况和可能的物源区的地质信息,测试一定数量的颗粒进行统计分析,才能得出合理的结果。  相似文献   

张英利  贾晓彤 《地质学报》2024,98(2):363-380
扬子陆块西缘寒武系主要为一套碎屑岩- 碳酸盐岩的岩石组合,前人研究多认为形成于相对稳定的克拉通盆地。但同时期出现的大陆岩浆作用显然与前期认定的克拉通盆地性质不符,需要借助扬子西缘的物质来源探讨构造背景。基于野外露头等资料,本文通过对扬子陆块西缘会泽和会东附近寒武系3件砂岩样品进行重矿物分析、电气石电子探针和碎屑锆石U- Pb测年分析,确定扬子西缘寒武纪沉积物的源区;并结合沉积序列等综合探讨扬子陆块西缘寒武纪的构造背景。沉积序列表明,扬子西缘寒武系沧浪铺组、西王庙组和二道水组主要由砂岩和白云岩等组成,沉积环境为滨岸—潮坪。细—粗砂岩碎屑颗粒为次棱角状—次圆状,分选较差;碎屑组分主要为石英,岩屑几乎全部为燧石,长石含量较少。测试分析结果表明:重矿物分析指示扬子西缘寒武系砂岩重矿物主要由锆石、赤—褐铁矿、电气石、钛铁矿、金红石、磷灰石等组成,重矿物组合指示岩浆岩为其主要母岩;电气石电子探针分析结果表明,物源主要来自于贫锂花岗岩和变砂岩、变泥岩;碎屑锆石测年分析表明物源区母岩主要为983~540 Ma岩浆岩。碎屑锆石年龄对比等综合分析表明,寒武系沉积物部分源自康滇古陆983~708 Ma的岩浆岩和变沉积岩,部分源自冈瓦纳大陆东非造山带663~540 Ma的岩石,物源区岩石经历再旋回产物作用。扬子西缘寒武系的沉积序列、碎屑锆石年龄谱图和碎屑组成等特征综合分析表明,扬子陆块西缘寒武系形成于前陆盆地。  相似文献   

河流沉积的重矿物可以较为准确反映源区的母岩性质,进而揭示河流的演化过程。本研究以岷江下游河流阶地沉积与现代沉积的重矿物为主要研究对象,开展了古流向、重矿物组合特征、特征重矿物类型及重矿物特征指数分析。研究结果表明: 岷江下游Ⅴ级阶地至Ⅲ级阶地沉积中的重矿物以岩浆岩型重矿物为主,其物源来自龙门山构造带;现代沉积中的重矿物以变质岩型重矿物为主,其物源来自松潘—甘孜褶皱带。结合重矿物特征指数对比分析,认为造成这种重矿物类型差异的原因是青藏高原东缘阶段性隆升引起的岷江溯源侵蚀。受昆黄运动B幕影响,岷江于0.73—0.7 Ma下切至汶川附近,Ⅴ级阶地形成;受昆黄运动C幕影响,岷江于0.5—0.3 Ma强烈下切,Ⅳ级阶地形成;受共和运动影响,岷江在0.11—0.09 Ma下切至石大关,同时形成Ⅲ级阶地;此后岷江继续溯源侵蚀,在距今27 ka左右形成现代岷江。  相似文献   

Heavy minerals deposited on river terraces can be used to reflect source rock properties and reveal river evolutionary processes. This study focused on the heavy minerals deposited in the lower Min Jiang River terraces and in the modern deposits. We studied paleo-current direction, characteristics of the heavy mineral assemblages, characteristic metamorphic minerals and heavy mineral characteristic indices. The results show that the lower reaches of the Min Jiang River Ⅴ- to Ⅲ-level terrace deposits consist dominantly of magmatic rock type, which mainly comes from the Longmen Shan mountain tectonic belt. The heavy minerals deposited in modern sediment come from the Songpan-Ganzi fold belt. The heavy mineral characteristic indices suggest that this change is due to headward erosion of the Min Jiang River. Affected by the phase B of the Kunhuang movement, the Min Jiang River was incised to the Wenchuan area at 0.73-0.7 Ma and the Ⅴ-level terrace formed. The Min Jiang River was strongly cut down at 0.5-0.3 Ma due to the phase C of the Kunhuang movement, and as a result the Ⅳ-level terrace formed. Influenced by Gonghe movement, the Min Jiang River was incised to the stone mark and Ⅲ-level terrace formed in 0.11-0.09 Ma. After that, the modern Min Jiang River was formed at around 27 ka.  相似文献   

应用X射线衍射(XRD)对南海北部陆架海域225个站位表层沉积物黏土组分进行分析,结果表明,研究区黏土矿物总体以伊利石和绿泥石为主,高岭石和蒙脱石质量分数少,绿泥石、高岭石与蒙脱石质量分数呈明显的负相关关系。根据南海北部陆架海域表层沉积物中黏土矿物空间分布特征,结合邻近河流的黏土矿物组分以及洋流搬运作用,雷州半岛东部海域伊利石主要来源于广东沿海河流和珠江,绿泥石来自台湾岛,蒙脱石主要由吕宋河流提供,高岭石则由广东沿海河流和海南岛入海河流提供;雷州半岛西部海域伊利石来源于珠江,绿泥石和高岭石由红河提供,蒙脱石可能受广西入海河流携带的沉积物影响。  相似文献   

峨眉山大火成岩省在形成后遭受了强烈的风化剥蚀,与右江盆地构成了独特的源-汇沉积体系,相关的碎屑沉积记录是重建峨眉山大火成岩省晚期火山序列、揭示大火成岩省岩浆演化的关键。本文对黔西南地区右江盆地北缘下三叠统下部飞仙关组开展了详细的沉积物源研究。飞仙关组泥岩由长石、石英和黏矿物等组成,具有低SiO2、高TiO2含量和低Al2O3/TiO2值的特征,具Eu的弱负异常,微弱的Nb、Ta负异常。基于Al2O3/TiO2和La/Sm物源图解分析,研究样品的主要物源由峨眉山大火成岩省的高-Ti玄武岩和少量酸性火山岩构成,这与右江盆地晚二叠世的碎屑沉积物源组成一致。碎屑锆石具有~260 Ma的年龄峰值,对应锆石具有较低的Th/Nb和较高的Nb/Hf值,均支持峨眉山大火成岩省作为主要的沉积物源区,而同时存在的>400 Ma的碎屑锆石则对应于峨眉山玄武质岩浆上升时所捕获的华南地壳物质。与上二叠统的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄组成和锆石...  相似文献   

于涛  王宗起  马昌前  王东升  王涛  黄凡 《地质学报》2021,95(11):3266-3281
浙西北地区寒武系沉积环境及物源分析是重建扬子板块东南缘古地理格局的关键,进而可以为华南大地构造演化提供证据.本文根据沉积相时空展布、斜层理与同沉积褶皱恢复的物源方向以及碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb测年,综合探讨寒武系的陆源碎屑物源方向以及物源区.浙西北地区寒武纪地层主要由碳硅质岩、硅质页岩、砾屑灰岩、砂屑灰岩、泥灰岩、泥岩等组成.沉积序列、沉积相标志研究表明,寒武系沉积构造以泄水构造、滑塌褶曲、流动构造、层间滑动、同沉积褶皱和断层等为特征,发育大量滑塌沉积及碳酸盐岩浊积岩,整体为深水盆地及斜坡环境.沉积相时空展布及古流向研究表明,水体向北西方向加深,寒武系陆源碎屑物质主要来源于南东方向,非前人通过古生物地层判断的盆地基底北西高南东低.碎屑锆石年代学研究表明,物源集中于574 Ma、747 Ma、1768 Ma以及2131 Ma,与邻区碎屑锆石年龄图谱对比分析表明,江山-绍兴断裂带及浙江中部地区为主要物源区,陆缘碎屑物质主要来自于陈蔡群、双溪坞群、河上镇群及八都群.寒武纪时期,斜坡盆地沉积基底向北西倾斜,位于盆地西北部的章里地区为沉积中心,华夏地块露出水面为剥蚀区.  相似文献   

大别山周缘盆地物源研究:新结果及运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李任伟 《沉积学报》2010,28(1):102-117
叙述单颗粒碎屑矿物在大别山周缘盆地物源分析中的运用。现代河流沉积与大别山源区的对比研究表明碎屑石榴石、K 白云母和电气石的化学组成可以有效地被用于物源分析。它们在侏罗纪—白垩纪—古近纪沉积中的特征揭示了大别山源区岩石组成的复杂性,由扬子大陆深俯冲折返所形成的高压—超高压变质岩在白垩纪—古近纪逐渐向东南缘盆地提供了重要的物源, 在侏罗纪时期主要分布在大别山北缘盆地的源区。石炭纪时期大别山北缘盆地中碎屑Cr 尖晶石的化学组成和碎屑锆石U Pb年龄结构指示源区岩石组成主要为早古生代华北大陆南缘活动大陆边缘的特征;此外,锆石U Pb年龄指示源区岩石也具有扬子大陆的特征。  相似文献   

合肥盆地位于华北板块东南缘,形成于华南、华北板块碰撞过程中。合肥盆地形成时表现为大别造山带向北逆冲形成的前陆挠曲盆地,早白垩世在区域伸展背景下转变为断陷盆地。中侏罗统圆筒山组是合肥盆地前陆挠曲阶段的沉积地层之一,主要表现为湖泊相沉积,与下伏的防虎山组典型的河流相沉积明显不同。为了获得圆筒山组更详细的物源信息,对肥西地区出露的圆筒山组紫红色粉砂岩开展了碎屑锆石LA-ICP MS U-Pb定年。定年结果显示,两个粉砂岩样品均获得了约2.0 Ga和约770 Ma两个主要峰值以及约2.4 Ga次要峰值。该特征与扬子板块锆石年龄分布特征几乎完全一致,指示圆筒山组物源应来自扬子板块。考虑到盆地地层的物源不应来自其周边隆起区分水岭的另一侧,因而推测圆筒山组物源应来自张八岭隆起中侏罗世时地表出露岩石。在燕山运动A幕影响下,下扬子地区发生逆冲褶皱活动,张八岭隆起发生明显隆升,上部岩石被剥蚀殆尽,仅保留现今出露的新元古代张八岭群及肥东杂岩,被剥蚀的岩石搬运沉积于合肥盆地内,形成圆筒山组。  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the Upper Triassic sandstones in the western Ordos Basin were studied to provide insight into weathering characteristics, provenance, and tectonic implications. Petrographic features show that the sandstones are characterized by low-medium compositional maturity and textural maturity. The CIA and CIW values reveal weak and moderate weathering history in the source area. The geochemical characteristics together with palaeocurrent data show that the northwestern sediments were mainly derived from the Alxa Block with a typical recycled nature, while the provenance of the western and southwestern sediments were mainly from the Qinling-Qilian Orogenic Belt. The tectonic setting discrimination diagrams signify that the parent rocks of sandstones in the western and southern Ordos Basin were mainly developed from continental island arc, which is closely related to the evolution of the Qinling-Qilian Orogenic Belt. However, the sandstones in the northwestern Ordos Basin show complex features, which may be resulted from a typical recycling process. Overall evidence from petrography, geochemistry and sedimentology, together with previous researches suggest the Kongtongshan and Helanshan areas were the southwestern and northwestern boundary of the Ordos Basin, respectively, and there was no clear boundary between the Hexi Corridor Belt and Ordos Basin, where a large, uniform sediment dispersal system developed during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

选择地貌特征(包括地形坡度、沟谷切割状况、洼地封闭状况、前缘临空状况)、滑面特征(包括滑面倾角、滑面形态、滑面阻抗比)、滑体结构和近期活动迹象4大类9个因子作为古(老)滑坡类潜在滑坡的判识指标,以三峡库区和岷江上游地区相同数量的典型滑坡作为学习样本,依据距离判别分析(DDA)和Fisher线性判别分析(FLDA)方法,分别建立了两个研究区潜在滑坡的DDA判识模型和FLDA判识模型。实例分析结果表明,DDA方法对两个研究区学习样本和测试样本的误判率均为0,而FLDA方法对两个研究区测试样本的误判率分别为5.56%和11.11%,对学习样本的错判率分别为11.1%和0%。因此,在三峡库区和岷江上游地区潜在滑坡的判识中,DDA法比FLDA法判识准确性更高、适用性更强。  相似文献   

The Early-Middle Devonian Shugouzi Formation in the Quruqtagh block consists mainly of clastic rocks.However,their provenance has been scarcely studied since it was named.Geochemistry of clastic rocks was commonly used to interpret the provenance.Detrital heavy mineral analyses help frame the U-Pb age from zircon grains,integrated with geochemical data from detrital tourmaline and spinels.These techniques were used to characterize components of the sediment flux and define erosion areas in the Qurugtagh block,further providing evidence about the tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan and Tarim plate.The maximum depositional age constrained by detrital zircon dating was Early-Middle Devonian.Multiple diagrams for sedimentary provenance using major and trace elements indicate that continental island arc-related felsic rocks were the major source rocks for the Shugouzi Formation.Detrital tourmalines are dravite and schorl.The results of detrital tourmaline electron probe microanalysis(EPMA)show that the source rocks are mainly metasedimentary rocks and granitoids.The detrital chromian spinels within the sediments are characterized by high chroumium(Cr#)and varying magnesium(Mg#).The discrimination plots reveal that these spinels were sourced from island arc magmatic rocks.The laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS)U-Pb chronology of detrital zircons suggests that the sediments were derived mainly from 414-491 Ma and 744-996 Ma magmatic rocks.Paleocurrent restoration,sandstone geochemistry,EPMA,and detrital zircon geochronology indicate that the source rocks were predominantly derived from Late Ordovician and Devonian magmatic rocks and subordinately from recycled Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks.Comprehensive analyses of the source areas suggest that a remnant arc still existed in the Early Devonian and the Shugouzi Formation was deposited in a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

沉积岩物源分析对揭示盆地砂体展布、物质组成、储集层性质及砂岩型铀矿床铀源等科学问题具有重要的意义。对取自鄂尔多斯盆地东北部8个钻井中的中侏罗统直罗组砂岩进行了详细的岩石学和地球化学研究,试图鉴别岩石的源区和形成的构造环境。研究表明,砂岩以中粗粒杂砂岩为主,其w(SiO2)值及w(Al2O3)/w(SiO2)值中等到较高,w(K2O)值相对较高,Fe2O3、MgO、TiO2含量较低,暗示碎屑物质的富长英质、贫镁铁质特征。Nb、Ta、Ti、P等不活动元素的强烈亏损和K、Rb、Sr、Ba等LILE的富集,共同指示源区具有明显的俯冲带的特征;而w(TFe2O3+MgO)-w(TiO2)、w(TFe2O3+MgO)-w(Al2O3)/w(SiO2)、w(Th)-w(Sc)-w(Zr)/10、w(Th)-w(Co)-w(Zr)/10等判别特征则表明砂岩源区岩石可能形成于大陆弧-活动大陆边缘环境。而且,在球粒陨石标准化分配模式中,LREE强烈富集,HREE无明显分异、有着较平坦的曲线,Eu无异常或表现为弱的正、负异常;在PAAS标准化曲线中,轻重稀土均无明显分异,仅Eu表现为明显正异常。本区直罗组砂岩与华北北缘显生宙闪长岩-花岗闪长岩有着很强的亲缘性。  相似文献   

The right-rectangular parallelepiped resonance (RPR) form of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) is applied to monoclinic crystal symmetry to determine the 13 adiabatic elastic constants, Cij, of single-crystal chrome-diopside Di0.93Hd0.03Ur0.02X0.02 (Di, diopside; Hd, hedenbergite; Ur, ureyite; X, other or unknown). These data represent the first published values of the elastic tensor for a monoclinic single-crystal determined by the RPR method, thus demonstrating the feasibility of this method for studying elasticity of low-symmetry crystals. The lowest 62 modal frequencies of a gem-quality specimen were measured and identified at ambient temperature and pressure. Inverting the modal frequencies results in, respectively C11, C22, C33, C44, C55, C66, C12, C13, C23, C15, C25, C35, C46 values (GPa) of 228.1(1.0), 181.1(0.6), 245.4(1.3), 78.9(0.3), 68.2(0.2), 78.1(0.2), 78.8(0.5), 70.2(0.7), 61.1(0.7), 7.9(0.5), 5.9(0.5), 39.7(0.4), and 6.4(0.2), where numbers in parentheses indicate experimental uncertainty. The corresponding isotropic bulk, KS, and shear, G, moduli are 116.5 (0.9) and 72.8(0.4) GPa, respectively. When comparing these results with other pyroxene data, we find systematic correlations between M2 site composition and Cij values for most, but not all, moduli. Unusual compositional dependence near end-member diopside is seen for a few moduli, and is propagated to the KS and G moduli, which should prompt a reexamination of some Cij values of end-member diopside.  相似文献   

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