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The San Ignacio Fm, a late Palaeozoic foreland basin succession that crops out in the Frontal Cordillera (Argentinean Andes), contains lacustrine microbial carbonates and volcanic rocks. Modification by extensive pedogenic processes contributed to the massive aspect of the calcareous beds. Most of the volcanic deposits in the San Ignacio Fm consist of pyroclastic rocks and resedimented volcaniclastic deposits. Less frequent lava flows produced during effusive eruptions led to the generation of tabular layers of fine-grained, greenish or grey andesites, trachytes and dacites. Pyroclastic flow deposits correspond mainly to welded ignimbrites made up of former glassy pyroclasts devitrified to microcrystalline groundmass, scarce crystals of euhedral plagioclase, quartz and K-feldspar, opaque minerals, aggregates of fine-grained phyllosilicates and fiammes defining a bedding-parallel foliation generated by welding or diagenetic compaction. Widespread silicified and silica-permineralized plant remains and carbonate mud clasts are found, usually embedded within the ignimbrites. The carbonate sequences are underlain and overlain by volcanic rocks. The carbonate sequence bottoms are mostly gradational, while their tops are usually sharp. The lower part of the carbonate sequences is made up of mud which appear progressively, filling interstices in the top of the underlying volcanic rocks. They gradually become more abundant until they form the whole of the rock fabric. Carbonate on volcanic sandstones and pyroclastic deposits occur, with the nucleation of micritic carbonate and associated production of pyrite. Cyanobacteria, which formed the locus of mineral precipitation, were related with this nucleation. The growth of some of the algal mounds was halted by the progressive accumulation of volcanic ash particles, but in most cases the upper boundary is sharp and suddenly truncated by pyroclastic flows or volcanic avalanches. These pyroclastic flows partially destroyed the carbonate beds and palaeosols. Microbial carbonate clasts, silicified and silica-permineralized tree trunks, log stumps and other plant remains such as small branches and small roots inside pieces of wood (interpreted as fragments of nurse logs) are commonly found embedded within the ignimbrites. The study of the carbonate and volcanic rocks of the San Ignacio Fm allows the authors to propose a facies model that increases our understanding of lacustrine environments that developed in volcanic settings.  相似文献   

In the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino Massif (Lombardy Basin, Southern Alps, Italy) the lateral transition from Ladinian‐Carnian carbonate platforms to coeval intraplatform basins is preserved. The succession records the sedimentological evidence of a sea‐level fall on a flat‐topped platform with a narrow marginal reef rim and its effects in the adjacent deeper‐water basin. Repeated high‐frequency exposures of the platform top are recorded by a peritidal–supratidal succession that overlies subtidal inner platform facies of the former highstand system tract (HST). On the slope and in the basin, the sea‐level fall is recorded by a few metre thick succession of bioclastic packstones. These facies directly lie on coarse clinostratified breccia bodies (slope facies of the former HST) or on resedimented, well‐bedded, dark laminated limestones (basinal facies of the HST). This facies distribution indicates that during the sea‐level fall carbonate production on the platform top decreased rapidly and that sedimentation in the basin was mainly represented by condensed facies. Microfacies record an enrichment, during low stand, in pelagic biota (packstones with radiolarians and spiculae), whereas the occurrence of platform‐derived, shallow‐water materials is limited to thin lenses of reworked and micritized Fe‐rich oolites and bioclasts (mainly pelecypods and echinoderms). The facies association in the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino Massif demonstrates that a highly‐productive carbonate factory was almost completely turned off during the emergence of the platform top at a sequence boundary, leading to low‐stand starvation in the basin. The reconstruction of the stratigraphic evolution of the Concarena‐Pizzo Camino carbonate platform therefore represents a significant case history for the study of the behaviour of ancient carbonate systems during a fall in sea‐level, independent of its origin (eustatic or tectonic).  相似文献   


Siliciclastic sediments from the Upper Palaeozoic Konya Complex and its Mesozoic cover were studied by a multi-method approach combining thin-section petrography, bulk-rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry of rutile, and U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircons. Provenance sensitive data of samples from the Upper Palaeozoic Hal?c? Formation indicate sediment supply from mainly low- to medium-grade metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of felsic character, while the contribution from volcanic rocks was rare. The detrital zircon record of sediments from the Hal?c? Formation documents sediment supply from different sources and excludes a similar provenance. Some samples show great similarities with Palaeozoic sandstones from the cover sequence of the Saharan Metacraton and the Arabian–Nubian Shield, while the other samples indicate a provenance that must be sought in units with a southern Eurasian affinity. The upper limit for sediment deposition in the Hal?c? Formation is mostly constrained by Early Palaeozoic zircon populations; however, sediment accumulation in Pennsylvanian–Cisuralian time is more likely, contemporaneously with the Upper Palaeozoic succession on the Karaburun Peninsula (western Turkey). The provenance of sediments from the Upper Triassic Ard?çl? Formation remains enigmatic, but the source should be sought nonetheless in units close to the depositional site. In any case, detrital zircon age spectra and compositional data exclude recycling of underlying rock units (i.e. Hal?c? Formation). Overall, our new provenance data reveal great similarities between the Konya Complex and comparable units (Chios, Karaburun) but also highlight distinct differences in terms of sediment composition and provenance.  相似文献   

The Betic Ophiolitic Association, cropping out within the Mulhacén Complex (Betic Cordilleras), is made up of numerous metre- to kilometre-sized lenses of mafic and/or ultramafic and meta-sedimentary rocks. Pre-Alpine oceanic metasomatism and metamorphism caused the first stage of serpentinization in the ultramafic sequence of this association, which is characterized by local clinopyroxene (Cpx) breakdown and Ca-depletion, and complementary rodingitization of the basic dykes intruded in them. Subsequent eo-Alpine orogenic metamorphism developed eclogite facies assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes, which were partly retrograded in Ab-Ep-amphibolite facies conditions during a meso-Alpine event. The heterogeneous development of the oceanic metasomatism in the ultramafic rock-types led to the patchy development of highly serpentinized Ca-depleted domains, without gradual transition to the host, and less serpentinized, Cpx-bearing ultramafites, mainly lherzolitic in composition. The high-pressure eo-Alpine recrystallization of these ultramafites in subduction conditions originated secondary harzburgites in the Ca-depleted domains, consisting of a spinifex-like textured olivine+orthopyroxene paragenesis, and a diopside+Ti-clinohumite paragenesis in the enclosing lherzolitic rocks. During the meso-Alpine event, secondary harzburgites were partly transformed into talc+antigorite serpentinites, whereas the diopside and clinohumite-bearing residual meta-lherzolites were mainly transformed into Cpx-bearing serpentinites. Relics of mantle-derived colourless olivine may be present in the more or less serpentinized secondary harzburgites. These relics are overgrown by the eo-Alpine brown pseudo-spinifex olivine, which contains submicroscopic inclusions of chromite, ilmenite and occasional halite and sylvite, inherited from its parental oceanic serpentine. The same type of mantle-derived olivine relics is also preserved within the Cpx-bearing serpentinites, although it has been partly replaced by the eo-Alpine Ti-clinohumite. The dolerite dykes included in the ultramafites were partly rodingitized in an oceanic environment. They were then transformed during the eo-Alpine event into meta-rodingites in their border zones and into eclogites towards the innermost, less-rodingitized portions. Estimated PT conditions for the high-pressure assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes range from 650 to 750°C and 16–25 kb.  相似文献   

The Bou Madine ore deposit is located SW of Jbel Ougnat, the easternmost inlier of the Anti-Atlas Pan-African belt in Morocco. The host rocks are high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks, that are part of the Neoproterozoic Tamerzaga-Timrachine Formation (TTF, lower PIII). The TTF consists of ignimbrites of rhyolitic to dacitic compositions, andesite flows and hypovolcanic bodies (andesite dykes and rhyolite chonoliths) emplaced along N160°E tension gashes associated with a regional N30°E sinistral fault system. The mineralization is related to a high enthalpy geothermal system, eventually evolving into a low temperature epithermal system. A regional propylitisation (T around 260 °C) overprinted the TTF rocks prior to the emplacement of the mineralization. There were two main hydrothermal stages. During the first stage, massive veins with pyrite, arsenopyrite and minor pyrrhotite and cassiterite were formed. The veins were emplaced along N160°E-trending en echelon joints related to N120°E dextral arrays. A quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration overprinted the propylites around the veins (“bleached haloes”), at temperatures up to 300–310 °C. The second stage of mineralization was coeval with dextral re-activation of the N160°E veins, in relation with a NE-ward shift of the shortening direction. First, polymetallic sulphides (sphalerite, chalcopyrite, stannite, galena) were deposited at temperatures 260 °C. Younger quartz veinlets contain arsenopyrite and minor micrometre-size sulphides and sulpho-salts, hosting the precious metals. This was the low temperature epithermal stage (≈150 °C), in relation with invading meteoric water.  相似文献   

Deltas are important coastal sediment accumulation zones in both marine and lacustrine settings. However, currents derived from tides, waves or rivers can transfer that sediment into distal, deep environments, connecting terrestrial and deep marine depozones. The sediment transfer system of the Rhone River in Lake Geneva is composed of a sublacustrine delta, a deeply incised canyon and a distal lobe, which resembles, at a smaller scale, deep‐sea fan systems fed by high discharge rivers. From the comparison of two bathymetric datasets, collected in 1891 and 2014, a sediment budget was calculated for eastern Lake Geneva, based on which sediment distribution patterns were defined. During the past 125 years, sediment deposition occurred mostly in three high sedimentation rate areas: the proximal delta front, the canyon‐levée system and the distal lobe. Mean sedimentation rates in these areas vary from 0·0246 m year?1 (distal lobe) to 0·0737 m year?1 (delta front). Although the delta front–levées–distal lobe complex only comprises 17·0% of the analysed area, it stored 74·9% of the total deposited sediment. Results show that 52·5% of the total sediment stored in this complex was transported toward distal locations through the sublacustrine canyon. Namely, the canyon–levée complex stored 15·9% of the total sediment, while 36·6% was deposited in the distal lobe. The results thus show that in deltaic systems where density currents can occur regularly, a significant proportion of riverine sediment input may be transferred to the canyon‐lobe systems leading to important distal sediment accumulation zones.  相似文献   

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