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本文概述了我国海洋观测技术和仪器设备的现状,从海洋观测系统建设,海洋资源开发等方面,分析了海洋仪器设备的社会需求,提出了发展海洋观测高技术,加强基础工艺和基础器件研究,加强合作和参与国际市场竞争等六条建议。 相似文献
MCS-51单片机在智能仪器、仪表、数据采集及测量等领域中的应用日益广泛。它具有集成度高、系统结构紧凑、价格低廉等特点。但是它的内存空间与系统机相比较小。在某些海洋水文观测应用领域,如石油平台自动气象数据采集系统,水库大坝水位自动监测系统等需连续工作数月甚至1a以上,数据采集时间长、参数多、数据量大,MCS-51单片机的内存空间显然就不够用,必须把MCS-51单片机采集的原始数据传输到PC机中去,以便PC机进行大容量的数据存贮和做进一步的数据处理。本文介绍一种简便的接口电路及编程方法,能够方便地… 相似文献
海洋观测仪器是实施海洋观测活动的基础,其性能影响海洋观测数据的准确性和海洋观测活动的质量。按照不同观测平台对海洋观测标准体系进行分类,梳理了海洋观测要素及其仪器有关的基本参数;根据海洋观测活动的特点列出了海洋观测仪器的一般技术要求,有助于推进海洋观测仪器应用的标准化工作。从海洋观测仪器的检定校准和现场比测2方面整理了海洋观测数据的质量控制方法,为提高海洋观测数据质量提供支撑。 相似文献
海洋站业务化观测仪器是业务化海洋观测系统的重要实体支撑。将我国海洋站中典型的国产业务化测量仪器与美国同类仪器在性能指标方面进行了对比分析,结合世界前沿海洋仪器发展现状总结了未来主要发展趋势,探讨了我国业务化海洋仪器优先发展的主要方向。结果表明,相比美国,我国国产验潮仪精度低1个数量级,测波仪的波高、周期和波向精度分别平均低0.2 m、0.27 s和5°~10°,国产观测仪器在业务运行可靠性和稳定性方面存在不足。世界海洋观测装备将更加信息化、智能化、专业化和模块化,并通过谱系化发展使其功能日臻完善,可靠性不断提高。在此趋势下,我国业务化海洋观测仪器应优先重点发展高精度传感原件和材料、抗生物污损和防腐蚀技术以及智能电子电路、人工智能和自动化技术等。 相似文献
加强海洋仪器质量管理之我见郭长松质量是根本,质量是海洋技术所的生命。只有狠抓质量,强化管理,才能形成拳头产品,才能争得市场,赢得用户。海洋仪器是海洋环境监测、海洋资源开发中必不可少的手段。而海洋作业环境条件恶劣,这就要求海洋仪器必须先进可靠,其质量问... 相似文献
我国海洋观测技术三十年发展的回顾和展望 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文回顾了我国海洋观测技术发展三十年的基本情况、主要成就,结合全球海洋观测系统(GOOS)计划的实施,展望我国海洋观测技术今后的发展。 相似文献
宋文洋 《山东海洋学院学报》1985,(C00):278-279
随着近代科学技术的进展,出现了多种集成电路、半导体传感元件,促进了仪器仪表发生重大变革。弹性元件历史悠久,但由于近代化工、宇航、原子能工业发展的需要也促进了它的发展。因此在近代仪器仪表中弹性元件仍然起着十分重要的作用。 相似文献
P. Bourgain J.C. Gascard 《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》2011,58(7):745-756
As a key structure to understand the role of the ocean on the sea ice mass balance, the Arctic Ocean halocline and its spatiotemporal variability require serious attention. In this paper, we are proposing a new definition of the halocline, which is based on the salinity gradient structure, taking into account both the salinity amplitude and the thickness of the halocline. The Brunt Vaisala frequency is used as the halocline stratification index. CTD data collected from 1997 to 2008 and coming from various sources (icebreaker cruises, drifting buoys, etc.) are used to determine the halocline, and its time and space variability during three time periods, with a special focus on three main regions of the Arctic Ocean: the Canada basin, the Makarov basin and the Amundsen basin. Observations reveal that the halocline in the Amundsen basin was always present and rather stable over the three time periods. In contrast, the Canada and Makarov basins' halocline became more stratified during the IPY than before, mainly because of surface water freshening. In addition, observations also confirmed the importance of the halocline thickness for controlling the stratification variability. Observations suggest that both large scale and small scale processes affect the halocline. Changes in surface salinity observed in the Makarov basin are more likely due to atmospheric variability (AO, Dipole Anomaly), as previously observed. More locally, some observations point out that salt/heat diffusion from the Atlantic water underneath and brine rejection during sea ice formation from above could be responsible for salt content variability within the halocline and, as a consequence, being influential for the variability of the halocline. In spite of the existence of interannual variability, the Arctic Ocean main stratification, characterized by a stable and robust halocline until now, suggested that the deep ocean had a limited impact on the mixed layer and on sea ice in actual conditions. The drastic changes observed in Arctic sea ice during this period (1997-2008) cannot be attributed to a weakening of the halocline that could trigger an enhanced vertical heat flux from the deep ocean. 相似文献
The earliest comprehensive plankton sampling programme in the Southern Ocean was undertaken during the early part of last century by Discovery Investigations to gain a greater scientific understanding of whale stocks and their summer feeding grounds. An initial survey was carried out around South Georgia during December 1926 and January 1927 to describe the distribution of plankton during the summer, and to serve as a baseline against which to compare future surveys. We have reanalysed phytoplankton and zooplankton data from this survey and elucidated patterns of community distribution and compared them with our recent understanding of the ecosystem based on contemporary data. Analysis of Discovery data identified five groups of stations with characteristic phytoplankton communities which were almost entirely consistent with the original analysis conducted by [Hardy A.C., Gunther, E.R., 1935. The plankton of the South Georgia whaling grounds and adjacent waters 1926-1927. Discovery Report 11, 1-456]. Major groupings were located at the western end of the island and over the northern shelf where Corethron spp. were dominant, and to the south and east where a more diverse flora included high abundances of Nitzschia seriata. Major zooplankton-station groupings were located over the inner shelf which was characterised by a high abundance of Drepanopus forcipatus and in oceanic water >500 m deep that were dominated by Foraminifera, Oithona spp., Ctenocalanus vanus, and Calanoides acutus. Stations along the middle and outer shelf regions to the north and west, were characterised by low overall abundance. There was some evidence that groupings of stations to the north of the island originated in different water masses on either side of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front, the major frontal system in the deep ocean close to South Georgia. However, transect lines during 1926/1927 did not extend far enough offshore to sample this frontal region adequately. Interannual variability of zooplankton abundance was assessed from stations which were sampled repeatedly during seven recent British Antarctic Survey cruises (1995-2005) to the region and following taxonomic harmonization and numerical standardization (ind. m−3), a subset of 45 taxonomic categories of zooplankton (species and higher taxa) from 1926/1927, were compared with similar data obtained during the BAS cruises using a linear model. Initially comparisons were restricted to BAS stations that lay within 40 km of Discovery stations although a comparison was also made using all available data. Despite low abundance values in 1926/1927, in neither comparison did Discovery data differ significantly from BAS data. Calculation of the percentage similarity index across cruises did not reveal any systematic differences in species composition between 1926 and 1927 and the present. In the light of ocean warming trends, the existence of more subtle changes in species composition is not ruled out, but an absence of finely resolved time-series data make this impossible to determine. 相似文献
Surface layer atmospheric and ocean observations have been collected along the cruise track from a special scientific expedition to Antarctica. Bulk estimates of surface momentum flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux have been computed applying bulk algorithms from the data collected along cruise track during the time period January 27 to March 31, 2006, and compared the results with National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. Underestimation of surface momentum flux in roaring forties (40°S–50°S) area of Indian Ocean is seen from NCEP reanalysis. Systemic differences in sensible and latent heat fluxes between observed and NCEP reanalysis have been found. Along the cruise track, the average sensible (latent) heat flux was 9.45 Wm?2 (67.46 Wm?2) and 3.75 Wm?2 (64.45 Wm?2) from the direct measurement and NCEP reanalysis, respectively. The NCEP reanalysis is being widely used in numerical modeling studies, and the discrepancies shown in the NCEP reanalysis in present study will be of immense use to the modeling community of the Indian Ocean in general and Southern Indian Ocean in particular. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2017
In the North-east Atlantic Ocean there are 550 inshore and offshore MPAs established to accomplish a high diversity of objectives, which can be classified into 24 different types of MPA designations. Only 153 of these MPAs have a management plan (MgP) --the basic tool required for an effective management. Amongst these, only 66 are actually managed, i.e. they have the staff and resources required to operate the plan. A common characteristic of these MPAs is the lack of standardized indicators of their performance. In order to address this issue, an alternative approach was developed based on the assessment of management performance using the expert knowledge and perceptions of managers operating MPAs, a universal source of information that could allow overcoming the usual gaps due to the restrictions in coverage of scientific monitoring and assessments. MgPs showed differences among countries but were homogeneous within each country, reflecting the usual top-down approach in the establishment of MPAs. Compliance with the qualitative objectives present in MgPs was higher than compliance with quantitative ones (87% versus 50%), and the MPAs that most successfully achieved their objectives were those with regular monitoring. This analysis also shows that beyond these objectives, the establishment of an MPA and the activities developed as a consequence of its creation have a positive socio-economic impact on the local human community. 相似文献
基于2000-2017年的MODIS-Terra气候态月平均海表温度数据检测了东印度洋季风带海域的温度锋,统计了各锋面每月发生的锋点数量、锋面平均强度及中心线长度,并基于2000—2017年逐年海表温度数据,研究了以恒河-雅鲁藏布江河口锋和爪哇岛锋为代表的典型温度锋面的年际变化。结果发现:在3、4月,东印度洋季风带海域的锋面最弱、数量最少;5-10月期间,5°~15°N及5°~15°S一带的温度锋出现并发展;12、1、2月最北部锋面发展并趋向成熟。研究区存在恒河-雅鲁藏布江河口锋、爪哇岛锋、Palk海峡锋、东锡兰锋及伊洛瓦底江河口锋5个温度锋,其中最北部的恒河-雅鲁藏布江河口锋全年存在,东北季风时期长度较长,强度较大,最南部的爪哇岛锋存在于4—11月,西南季风时期较强,长度和数量也处于较高水平,其余锋面主要发生于西南季风盛行时期,且强度、长度等变化相对较小。两个典型温度锋空间位置的年际变化均不大,恒河-雅鲁藏布江河口锋平均强度的年际变化较大,最大超过0.03℃/km,长度变化相对较小;爪哇岛锋平均强度的变化相对平稳,但锋点数量和中心线长度存在较大的年际变化。 相似文献
近年来海洋工程建设项目随着海洋经济的繁荣日益增多,在带动海洋经济发展的同时也增加了危害海洋环境的可能性,过度的海洋开发活动加重了对海洋环境的污染及生态系统的破坏程度。我国虽在立法上制定了一系列法规政策、专门条例为海洋工程污染防治保驾护航,但是目前海洋工程污染防治并未引起法学界的过多关注和深入研究。在我国海洋工程污染防治中仍然存在如下问题亟待解决:海洋工程环境影响评价制度的程序及责任设定问题、海洋工程听证制度公众参与度不足、海洋工程环境高风险领域责任保险制度不够完善、监管力度不足、公民对海洋工程污染防治知情权的缺失等。通过对以上问题进行法律分析及原因分析,对相关条例、法律及政策进行总结评析,提出解决对策。通过完善环境影响评价制度,健全听证制度相关规定,加强环境污染责任保险制度建设,提升对海洋工程污染防治的监管力度,明确公民知情权等方式来解决所提出的问题,为海洋工程污染防治提供更多的法律助推力量。 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2017
Given competing objectives vying for space in the marine environment, the island of Bermuda may be an ideal candidate for comprehensive marine spatial planning (MSP). However, faced with other pressing issues, ocean management reform has not yet received significant traction from the government, a pattern seen in many locations. Spatial planning processes often struggle during the proposal, planning, or implementation phases due to stakeholder opposition and/or government wariness to change. Conflict among stakeholders about management reform has also proven to be a deterrent to MSP application in many locations. With these obstacles in mind, a detailed stakeholder survey was conducted in Bermuda to determine awareness, attitudes and perceptions regarding ocean health, threats to ocean environments, the effectiveness of current ocean management, and possible future changes to management. How perceptions vary for different types of stakeholders and how attitudes about specific concerns relate to attitudes about management changes were examined. Overall, the results indicate a high degree of support for spatial planning and ocean zoning and a high level of concordance even among stakeholder groups that are typically assumed to have conflicting agendas. However, attitudes were not entirely homogeneous, particularly when delving into details about specific management changes. For example, commercial fishers were generally less in favor, relative to other stakeholder groups, of increasing regulations on ocean uses with the notable exception of regulations for recreational fishing. Given the results of this survey, public support is likely to be high for government action focused on ocean management reform in Bermuda. 相似文献