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本研究基于稳定同位素技术对江苏近海春、夏、秋季采集的不同生物类群(鱼类、甲壳类、头足类和底栖动物等)进行稳定同位素的分析,利用SIBER模型计算不同季节消费者的营养生态位,并计算出6种营养结构的量化指标.结果表明,3个季节的δ13C值、δ15N值均差异不显著(p>0.05).春季δ13C值范围为?24.47‰~?14....  相似文献   

为了分析雅浦海沟中底栖生物群落的食物来源和营养级,本研究分析了雅浦海沟真光层中浮游植物和浮游动物、海底沉积物和巨型底栖生物(海绵、海参、海蛇尾、海星、海葵和钩虾)中的碳、氮稳定同位素组成。研究发现雅浦海沟真光层中的浮游植物和浮游动物δ13C值[(-22.8±0.4)‰和(-21.8±0.8)‰]和δ15N值[(5.4±0.4)‰和(6.8±0.2)‰]与巨型底栖生物的δ13C值(-20.1‰~-16.8‰)和δ15N值(11.9‰~17.9‰)的差异超过了一个营养级,表明作为底栖生物的初始食物来源的浮游植物和浮游动物在向下输送的过程中经历了食物链传递和细菌的降解。巨型底栖生物的δ15N和δ13C值之间无显著的相关性,此外不同物种之间营养级也存在明显差异,表现为海绵的营养级相对较高(3.4~4.7),海参(3.3~3.6)、海蛇尾(3.4~3.5)和海星(3.2~3.7)的营养级较为接近,钩虾(2.9~3.3)和海葵(3.1)的营养级则相对略低,反映了底栖生物不同物种之间食物来源的多样化。  相似文献   

The Río de la Plata (34° 36′ S, 55° 58′ W; Argentina and Uruguay) estuary, one of the most important South American estuarine environments, is characterized by weak seasonal freshwater discharge, low tidal amplitude (<1 m), a wide and permanent connection to the sea, and a salt-wedge regime. Using stable isotope analysis, we explored the relative importance of the different sources of primary production in the food web. Our results show that phytoplankton and macrodetritus from terrestrial salt and freshwater marshes both contribute to the food web of the Río de la Plata estuary. On the basis of the sampled species, we identified four trophic levels. The clam Mactra isabelleana, the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa, and the opossum shrimp Neomysis americana are the primary consumers. The rays Atlantoraja castelnaui and Squatina guggenheim and the shark Galeorhinus galeus are the top predators. The Río de la Plata food web shows an important input of nutrients derived from phytoplankton. Rays, sharks, and predatory gastropods reveal an important contribution of C4 plants (likely Spartina spp.). However, production derived from C3 plants is also important for some species. The fishes Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea; the stripped weakfish Cynoscion guatucupa; and the whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, showed differences in their isotopic signatures as juveniles and adults, indicating different food sources, and they were therefore treated as different components of the food web. Our data suggest that detritus from salt and freshwater marshes is reaching the Río de la Plata estuary and can be an important allocthonous source of energy to this environment.  相似文献   

The gametes of marine invertebrates are being spawned into an ocean that is simultaneously warming and decreasing in pH. Predicting the potential for interactive effects of these stressors on fertilization is difficult, especially for stenothermal polar invertebrates adapted to fertilization in cold, viscous water and, when decreased sperm availability may be an additional stressor. The impact of increased temperature (2–4 °C above ambient) and decreased pH (0.2–0.4 pH units below ambient) on fertilization in the Antarctic echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri across a range of sperm concentrations was investigated in cross-factorial experiments in context with near future ocean change projections. The high temperature treatment (+4 °C) was also used to assess thermal tolerance. Gametes from multiple males and females in replicate experiments were used to reflect the multiple spawner scenario in nature. For fertilization at low sperm density we tested three hypotheses, 1) increased temperature enhances fertilization success, 2) low pH reduces fertilization and, 3) due to the cold stenothermal physiology of S. neumayeri, temperature would be the more significant stressor. Temperature and sperm levels had a significant effect on fertilization, but decreased pH did not affect fertilization. Warming enhanced fertilization at the lowest sperm concentration tested likely through stimulation of sperm motility and reduced water viscosity. Our results indicate that fertilization in S. neumayeri, even at low sperm levels potentially found in nature, is resilient to near-future ocean warming and acidification.  相似文献   

龚彩霞  陈新军  高峰  余为 《海洋学报》2022,44(7):95-102
根据影响西北太平洋柔鱼栖息地分布的主导环境因子—海表面温度,基于最大熵模型,利用1996−2005年气候历史数据和两种不同情景(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)下的气候预估数据,分析了1996−2005年、2021−2030年、2051−2060年、2090−2100年主要捕捞月份(7−10月)柔鱼潜在栖息地变化。结果表明,柔鱼渔场纬度方向空间分布呈季节性南北移动;随着未来气候变化,在RCP4.5和RCP8.5两种情景下,2021−2030年、2051−2060年、2090−2100年7−10月柔鱼潜在栖息地分布较1996−2005年7−10月均呈现向北极移动趋势,适宜面积增加。推测柔鱼渔场季节性南北移动可能受各月适宜海表面温度范围变化的影响,在RCP4.5情景下,到21世纪末,各月柔鱼潜在最适宜生境向北移动1°~2°,适宜面积增加3%~13%;在RCP8.5情景下,到21世纪末,各月柔鱼潜在最适宜生境向北移动3°~5°,适宜面积增加42%~80%。  相似文献   

基于氮稳定同位素的九龙江口鱼类营养级研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用氮稳定同位素技术对2013年6—8月九龙江口采集到的隶属于13目42科61属共71种鱼类的营养级进行研究。结果表明,九龙江口鱼类的δ15 N值跨度较大,介于7.23‰~14.66‰之间。以菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)为基准生物估算出鱼类的营养级介于1.70~3.89之间,营养级最低与最高的鱼类分别为少牙斑鲆(Pseudorhombus oligodon)与多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama)。与Fishbase同种鱼类的营养级数据进行比较,83.1%的鱼类的营养级均值处于Fishbase同种鱼类的营养级范围内,但81.7%的鱼类的营养级均值比Fishbase同种鱼类的营养级均值略低;与传统的胃含物分析结果比较,58.3%的鱼类的营养级在0.5个营养级的误差范围内。基于氮稳定同位素估算的鱼类营养级较低的原因可能与本研究样品中低龄鱼及幼鱼比例较大有关。与其他方法相比,稳定同位素法在研究体型较小的幼鱼和低龄鱼营养级更具优势。鱼类营养级随其个体大小的变化明显,但存在种的差异性:不同体长的髭缟鰕虎鱼(Tridentiger barbatus)和绿鳍鱼(Chelidonichthys kumu)的营养级跨度较大,分别为1.54和1.43;而鳓(Ilisha elongata)等的营养级则跨度较小,这可能与不同鱼类的食性变化有关。  相似文献   

1引言海洋食物网是维系海洋生态系统发展的基础,也是海洋生态学基础理论研究的主要内容之一。海洋食物网研究是通过对多种海洋鱼类食物关系的综合分析,了解其种间关系,阐明营养级的能流途径,可为海洋生态系统修复、改善海洋生态环境、保护海洋生物多样性和进一步合理开发利用海洋生物资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The Arctic Ocean and its associated ecosystems face numerous challenges over the coming century. Increasing atmospheric CO2 is causing increasing warming and ice melting as well as a concomitant change in ocean chemistry (“ocean acidification”). As temperature increases it is expected that many temperate species will expand their geographic distribution northwards to follow this thermal shift; however with the addition of ocean acidification this transition may not be so straightforward. Here we investigate the potential impacts of ocean acidification and climate change on populations of an intertidal species, in this case the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, at the northern edge of its range. Growth and development of metamorphosing post-larvae were negatively impacted at lower pH (pH 7.7) compared to the control (pH 8.1) but were not affected by elevated temperature (+4 °C). The mineral composition of the shells did not alter under any of the treatments. The combination of reduced growth and maintained mineral content suggests that there may have been a change in the energetic balance of the exposed animals. In undersaturated conditions more mineral is expected to dissolve from the shell and hence more energy would be required to maintain the mineral integrity. Any energy that would normally be invested into growth could be reallocated and hence organisms growing in lowered pH grow slower and end up smaller than individuals grown in higher pH conditions. The idea of reallocation of resources under different conditions of pH requires further investigation. However, there could be long-term implications on the fitness of these barnacles, which in turn may prevent them from successfully colonising new areas.  相似文献   

关键海区潜沉率对全球变暖停滞的可能影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从潜沉率入手,探究了潜沉率在全球变暖停滞过程中可能发挥的作用。本文利用SODA资料首先分析了全球潜沉率的时空分布特征,然后基于EOF分解明确了北大西洋翻转流区域和南极绕极流区域是潜沉率变率较大的两个海区,在此基础上选出了4个关键海区研究了局地潜沉率变化与全球海表温度异常之间的相关关系,最后对关键区潜沉率变化的原因进行了初步探索。结果表明,北大西洋翻转流和南极绕极流范围内的关键区域与全球变暖停滞之间存在超前10年的相关关系,潜沉过程可能是北大西洋翻转流和南极绕极流对全球变暖停滞产生作用的一种机制。平流项在这些关键区域的潜沉率变化中起主导作用。在南极绕极流地区,海面风应力的大小与该区域的潜沉变化密切相关。  相似文献   

饵料生物在海洋生态系统中处于承上启下的关键地位,为准确评估东海中南部海域饵料生物的营养关系,基于2018年11月和2019年4月两个航次调查中收集的饵料生物的碳氮稳定同位素数据,对其营养生态位的季节变动特征及种间竞争关系进行了研究。结果表明:该海域饵料生物的碳氮稳定同位素比值跨度较大,海域整体食源多样性水平较高,营养结构较稳定;饵料生物δ13C和δ15N值存在明显的季节差异,春季饵料生物的营养级显著低于秋季;浮游动物的营养生态位在两个季节间未发生明显的偏移,但其他饵料生物的生态位的位置和重叠度发生了一定变化,这或许与饵料生物摄食选择的季节差异有关;鱼类、虾类和头足类的营养生态位在不同采样时期分别表现出不同的重叠和分化特征,证明了不同饵料生物对食物选择的差异性。相关研究结果可为类似海域生物营养生态位的研究提供参考,也可为东海海域渔业资源的可持续开发利用和生态环境的保护提供科学资料。  相似文献   

The Thukela Bank, KwaZulu-Natal, supports a diverse ecosystem and South Africa’s only prawn fishery. Oceanographic studies suggest riverine input is not important for the biology of this system, whereas biological studies suggest the contrary, with prawn catches increasing with increased fluvial run-off. The aim of this study was to determine (i) the importance of riverine and marine organic matter for the Thukela Bank food web; and (ii) whether there are seasonal changes in the Thukela River stable isotope values, and, if so, whether these are reflected in the isotope values of demersal organisms. Estuarine organic matter, sediments and demersal organisms were collected from several sites across the bank in the wet and dry seasons of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Marine particulate organic matter was also collected in 2010 and analysed for δ13C and δ15N, as well as C/N ratios. There were strong seasonal changes in isotopic values of organic matter and fauna, especially faunal δ13C. There was an apparent time-lag in organisms assimilating riverine organic matter isotopic values, with the isotopic signature of demersal organisms reflecting that of riverine organic matter from the previous season, which is likely the result of tissue turnover time. In 2010, Thukela Bank sediment organic matter was of riverine origin and this maintained the demersal food web. We conclude that Thukela River organic matter is an important input to the food web of the Thukela Bank, indicating that any future damming of the catchment area could have serious consequences for this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Mesopelagic fishes represent an important component of the marine food web due to their global distributions, high abundances and ability to transport organic material throughout a large part of the water column. This study combined stable isotope (SIAs) and gut content analyses (GCAs) to characterize the trophic structure of mesopelagic fishes in the North‐Central Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, this study examined whether mesopelagic fishes utilized chemosynthetic energy from cold seeps. Specimens were collected (9–25 August 2007) over three deep (>1,000 m) cold seeps at discrete depths (surface to 1,503 m) over the diurnal cycle. GCA classified 31 species (five families) of mesopelagic fishes into five feeding guilds: piscivores, large crustacean consumers, copepod consumers, generalists and mixed zooplanktivores. However, these guilds were less clearly defined based on stable isotope mixing model (MixSIAR) results, suggesting diets may be more mixed over longer time periods (weeks–months) and across co‐occurring species. Copepods were likely important for the majority of mesopelagic fishes, consistent with GCA (this study) and previous literature. MixSIAR results also identified non‐crustacean prey items, including salps and pteropods, as potentially important prey items for mesopelagic fishes, including those fishes not analysed in GCA (Sternoptyx spp. and Melamphaidae). Salps and other soft‐bodied species are often missed in GCAs. Mesopelagic fishes had δ13C results consistent with particulate organic matter serving as the baseline organic carbon source, fueling up to three trophic levels. Fishes that undergo diel vertical migration were depleted in 15N relative to weak migrators, consistent with depth‐specific isotope trends in sources and consumers, and assimilation of 15N‐depleted organic matter in surface waters. Linear correlations between fish size and δ15N values suggested ontogenetic changes in fish diets for several species. While there was no direct measure of mesopelagic fishes assimilating chemosynthetic material, detection of infrequent consumption of this food resource may be hindered by the assimilation of isotopically enriched photosynthetic organic matter. By utilizing multiple dietary metrics (e.g. GCA, δ13C, δ15N, MixSIAR), this study better defined the trophic structure of mesopelagic fishes and allowed for insights on feeding, ultimately providing useful baseline information from which to track mesopelagic trophodynamics over time and space.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotopic composition of particulate organic matter in the ocean, δ13CPOC, shows characteristic spatial variations with high values in low latitudes and low values in high latitudes. The lowest δ13CPOC values (−32‰ to −35‰) have been reported in the Southern Ocean, whereas in arctic and subarctic regions δ13CPOC values do not drop below −27‰. This interhemispheric asymmetry is still unexplained. Global gradients in δ13CPOC are much greater than in δ13CDIC, suggesting that variations in isotopic fractionation during organic matter production are primarily responsible for the observed range in δ13CPOC. Understanding the factors that control isotope variability is a prerequisite when applying δ13CPOC to the study of marine carbon biogeochemistry. The present model study attempts to reproduce the δ13CPOC distribution pattern in the ocean. The three-dimensional (3D) Hamburg Model of the Oceanic Carbon Cycle version 3.1 (HAMOCC3.1) was combined with two different parametrizations of the biological fractionation of stable carbon isotopes. In the first parametrization, it is assumed that the isotopic fractionation between CO2 in seawater and the organic material produced by algae, P, is a function of the ambient CO2 concentration. The two parameters of this function are derived from observations and are not based on an assumption of any specific mechanism. Thus, this parametrization is purely empirical. The second parametrization is based on fractionation models for microalgae. It is supported by several laboratory experiments. Here the fractionation, P, depends on the CO2 concentration in seawater and on the (instantaneous) growth rates, μi, of the phytoplankton. In the Atlantic Ocean, where most field data are available, both parametrizations reproduce the latitudinal variability of the mean δ13CPOC distribution. The interhemispheric asymmetry of δ13CPOC can mostly be attributed to the interhemispheric asymmetry of CO2 concentration in the water. However, the strong seasonal variations of δ13CPOC as reported by several authors, can only be explained by a growth rate-dependent fractionation, which reflects variations in the cellular carbon demand.  相似文献   

长心卡帕藻(Kappaphycusalvarezii)是主要生长于热带海域的大型经济红藻,在营养物生物提取方面具有重要的经济和生态价值,作为提取κ-卡拉胶的重要原料,广泛应用于食品和医学等多种行业。由于人类活动导致大气中CO2浓度持续升高,引发海洋表层海水逐渐酸化和升温,对大型海藻产生耦合效应。因此,本文设置了两种CO2浓度梯度(450×10–6和1 200×10–6)和三种温度梯度(26℃、29℃和32℃),从光合作用、细胞代谢产物、碳氮积累和酶活性方面探讨长心卡帕藻响应海洋酸化和海水升温的环境适应性变化。结果表明, CO2浓度与温度变化对长心卡帕藻的Fv/Fm影响显著(P<0.05),在两种CO2浓度条件下,Fv/Fm均随温度升高而增加;酸化条件与非酸化条件下可溶性糖浓度变化趋势相反,海水升温对游离氨基酸浓度影响极显著(P<0.01),在两种CO2水平下,升温均会降低藻体游离...  相似文献   

南极大磷虾(Euphausia superba)为南大洋生态系统中的关键种,也是南极生态系统食物网中的重要枢纽。该种秋冬季转换期的营养信息对于理解其知之甚少的越冬机制非常重要。但关于此方面的少数研究在时空变化上仍存在着差异。为此,我们调查了南极半岛秋季(4-5月)和冬季(6月)磷虾成体δ13C和δ15N值的个体、月份及区域性差异。我们的目标旨在检验该期间磷虾的营养变化以及磷虾与其在南极海洋生态系统中的摄食环境之间的关系。结果如下:(1)磷虾δ13C值与体长之间无显著关系,但δ15N值与体长之间则存在显著相关性;(2)秋季磷虾δ13C值呈现增长趋势,但冬初季节并无显著变化,此期间δ15N值无显著不同;(3)布兰斯菲尔德与南设得兰群岛之间的δ15N平均值显著不同。我们的数据表明南极半岛秋至初冬转换期间磷虾成体营养呈现个体、季节性及区域性变化。  相似文献   

海洋酸化对贝类的生理生态学影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着工业化进程的发展,温室气体二氧化碳(CO2)大量排放,约四分之一被海洋吸收,导致海水pH值和碳酸钙饱和度降低,出现了海洋酸化的现象.海洋酸化及引起的碳酸盐化学体系的变化已对各种海洋生物产生影响.贝类作为海洋生态系统中的代表性生物类群,自身具有一定的酸碱平衡调节能力,但其属于钙化生物,极易受到海水酸化的影响.在对贝类...  相似文献   

The significant underestimation of sea surface temperature (SST) and the temperature in the upper ocean is one of common problems in present climate models. The influence of the wave-induced mixing on SST and the temperature in the upper ocean was examined based on a global climate model. The results from the model coupled with wave-induced mixing showed a significant improvement in the simulation of SST and the temperature in the upper ocean compared with those of the original model without wave effects. Although there has still a cold bias, the new simulation is much closer to the climatology, especially in the northern ocean and tropical ocean. This study indicates that some important physical processes in the accurate simulation of the ocean may be ignored in present climate models, and the wave-induced mixing is one of those factors. Thus, the wave-induced mixing ( or the effect of surface waves) should be incorporated properly into climate models in order to simulate or forecast the ocean, then climate system, more accurately.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that continental shelf ecosystems export a major fraction of the carbon produced by the phytoplankton during the spring bloom was tested during the Shelf Edge Exchange Processes (SEEP) experiment off the north-east coast of the United States in 1984. The total benthic standing stocks in terms of organic carbon (macrofauna, meiofauna and bacteria) have been estimated in the SEEP area. Their preponderance on the continental shelf was partial evidence that little organic matter escapes to the upper continental slope. Measurements of the metabolism of the biota allowed calculation of turnover times of organic detritus and the total biota. The turnover time of detritus increased as grain size decreased, suggesting that fine-grained deposits contain mostly refractory, non-reactive compounds, especially on the deep slope. Turnover times of the total biota were about the same in the coarse- as in the fine-grained shelf deposits, but a far larger fraction of the turnover was attributed to the bacteria in the fine sediments. On average, about 25 per cent of the primary production appeared to be utilized by the aerobic benthos on the continental shelf in the SEEP area. The role of anaerobes at depth in the sediments remains uncertain. This study, along with a review of other recent work, leads to the conclusion that only a small fraction of continental shelf phytodetritus is exported across a distinct shelf-slope hydrographic frontal system. What is not consumed in the spring is utilized on the shelf during the ensuing stratified season. More open ended ecosystems may export production more readily.  相似文献   

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