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It is shown that, according to accepted theoretical concepts, there should be no intensity jump at the edge of the Balmer continuum, nor at that of other hydrogen series. We point out three reasons for a fairly smooth increase of the intensity to occur at the continuum edge. As a result, the jump sometimes spreads over hundreds of ångstroms, due mainly to the electron density inhomogeneity of solar plasma. Furthermore, the Doppler and Stark effects also give rise to a considerable spread of the series edge. We point out that excess continuum emission over a relatively narrow spectral interval before the continuum edge can result from overlapping of line wings.  相似文献   

Radiative cooling is central to a wide range of astrophysical problems. Despite its importance, cooling rates are generally computed using very restrictive assumptions, such as collisional ionization equilibrium and solar relative abundances. We simultaneously relax both assumptions and investigate the effects of photoionization of heavy elements by the metagalactic ultraviolet (UV)/X-ray background and of variations in relative abundances on the cooling rates of optically thin gas in ionization equilibrium. We find that photoionization by the metagalactic background radiation reduces the net cooling rates by up to an order of magnitude for gas densities and temperatures typical of the shock-heated intergalactic medium and proto-galaxies  (104 K ≲ T ≲ 106 K, ρ/〈ρ〉≲ 100)  . In addition, photoionization changes the relative contributions of different elements to the cooling rates. We conclude that photoionization by both the ionizing background and heavy elements needs to be taken into account in order for the cooling rates to be correct to an order of magnitude. Moreover, if the rates need to be known to better than a factor of a few, then departures of the relative abundances from solar need to be taken into account. We propose a method to compute cooling rates on an element-by-element basis by interpolating pre-computed tables that take photoionization into account. We provide such tables for a popular model of the evolving UV/X-ray background radiation, computed using the photoionization package cloudy .  相似文献   

An astrophysical electron acceleration process is described which involves turbulent plasma effects: the acceleration mechanism will operate in ‘collision free’ magnetoactive astrophysical plasmas when ion-acoustic turbulence is generated by an electric field which acts parallel to the ambient magnetic lines of force. The role of ‘anomalous’ (ion-sound) resistivity is crucial in maintaining the parallel electric field. It is shown that, in spite of the turbulence, a small fraction of the electron population can accelerate freely, i.e. runaway, in the high parallel electric potential. The number density n(B) of the runaway electron component is of order n(B)?n2(csU?)2, where n = background electron number density, cs = ion-sound speed and U? = relative drift velocity between the electron and ion populations. The runaway mechanism and the number density n(B) do not depend critically on the details of the non-linear saturation of the ion-sound instability.  相似文献   

The coherent plasma process such as parametric decay instability (PDI) has been applied to a homogeneous and unmagnetized plasma. These instabilities cause anomalous absorption of strong electromagnetic radiation under specific conditions of energy and momentum conservation and thus cause anomalous heating of the plasma. The maximum plasma temperatures reached are functions of luminosity of the radio radiation and plasma parameters. We believe that these processes may be taking place in many astrophysical objects. Here, the conditions in the sources 3C 273, 3C 48 and Crab Nebula are shown to be conducive to the excitation of PDI. These processes also contribute towards the absorption of 21cm radiation  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the diffusion coefficient for low energy particles, tied to a magnetic field which random walks, may be considerably larger than previously estimated in a strongly magnetized system — like the solar wind or the Galaxy. This is of interest with respect to propagation and lifetime considerations of low energy cosmic rays in the solar wind and the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Nonlinear magnetoacoustic waves in dense electron-positron-ion plasmas are investigated by using three fluid quantum magnetohydrodynamic model. The quantum mechanical effects of electrons and positrons are taken into account due to their Fermionic nature (to obey Fermi statistics) and quantum diffraction effects (Bohm diffusion term) in the model. The reductive perturbation method is employed to derive the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation for low amplitude magnetoacoustic soliton in dense electron-positron-ion plasmas. It is found that positron concentration has significant impact on the phase velocity of magnetoacoustic wave and on the formation of single pulse nonlinear structure. The numerical results are also illustrated by taking into account the plasma parameters of the outside layers of white dwarfs and neutron stars/pulsars.  相似文献   

We discuss nonlinear mode-mode coupling phenomena in cosmic plasmas. Four problems are considered: (1) nonlinear three-wave processes in the planetary magnetosphere involving the interaction of auroral Langmuir, Alfvén and whistler waves, (2) nonlinear three-wave processes in the solar wind involving the modulation of Langmuir and electromagnetic waves by ion-acoustic waves, (3) order and chaos in nonlinear four-wave processes in cosmic plasmas, and (4) regular and chaotic dynamics of the relativistic Langmuir turbulence and its application to pulsar and AGN emissions. The observational evidence in support of nonlinear wave-wave interactions in space and astrophysical plasmas is presented.  相似文献   

Astrophysics and Space Science - In 1913 Henry N. Russell revealed to the astronomical community a diagram that would revolutionize stellar astronomy. He had plotted the absolute magnitude of field...  相似文献   

Plasma science is rich in distinguishable scales ranging from the atomic to the galactic to the meta-galactic, i.e., themesoscale. Thus plasma science has an important contribution to make in understanding the connection between microscopic and macroscopic phenomena. Plasma is a system composed of a large number of particles which interact primarily, but not exclusively, through the electromagnetic field. The problem of understanding the linkages and couplings in multi-scale processes is a frontier problem of modern science involving fields as diverse as plasma phenomena in the laboratory to galactic dynamics.Unlike the first three states of matter, plasma, often called the fourth state of matter, involves the mesoscale and its interdisciplinary founding have drawn upon various subfields of physics including engineering, astronomy, and chemistry. Basic plasma research is now posed to provide, with major developments in instrumentation and large-scale computational resources, fundamental insights into the properties of matter on scales ranging from the atomic to the galactic. In all cases, these are treated as mesoscale systems. Thus, basic plasma research, when applied to the study of astrophysical and space plasmas, recognizes that the behavior of the near-earth plasma environment may depend to some extent on the behavior of the stellar plasma, that may in turn be governed by galactic plasmas. However, unlike laboratory plasmas, astrophysical plasmas will forever be inaccessible to in situ observation. The inability to test concepts and theories of large-scale plasmas leaves only virtual testing as a means to understand the universe. Advances in in computer technology and the capability of performing physics first principles, fully three-dimensional, particle-in-cell simulations, are making virtual testing a viable alternative to verify our predictions about the far universe.The first part of this paper explores the dynamical and fluid properties of the plasma state, plasma kinetics, and the radiation emitted from plasmas. The second part of this paper outlines the formulation for the particle-in-cell simulation of astrophysical plasmas and advances in simulational techniques and algorithms, as-well-as the advances that may be expected as the computational resource grows to petaflop speed/memory capabilities.Dedicated to the memories of Hannes Alfvén and Oscar Buneman; Founders of the Subject.  相似文献   

The non-thermal shielding effects on the inverse Compton scattering are investigated in astrophysical non-thermal Lorentzian plasmas. The inverse Compton power is obtained by the modified Compton scattering cross section in Lorentzian plasmas with the blackbody photon distribution. The total Compton power is also obtained by the Lorentzan distribution of plasmas. It is found that the influence of non-thermal character of the plasma suppresses the inverse Compton power in astrophysical Lorentzian plasmas. It is also found that the non-thermal effect on the inverse Compton power decreases with an increase of the temperature. In addition, the non-thermal effect on the total Compton power with Lorentzan plasmas increases in low-temperature photons and, however, decreases in intermediate-temperature photons with increasing Debye length. The variation of the total Compton power is also discussed.  相似文献   

A set of three nonlinearly coupled equations governing the interaction between electromagnetic ion-cyclotron and magnetosonic waves is derived. In appropriate limiting cases, the set yields simplified equations. On the other hand, the full set of equations is used to derive a general dispersion relation for the parametric interaction of electromagnetically modulated ion-cyclotron wave packets. An analytical expression for the growth rate of the electromagnetic modulational instability is presented. The relevance of our investigation to non-thermal electromagnetic fluctuations in astrophysical and cometary plasmas is pointed out.  相似文献   

The equilibrium structure of two-dimensional magnetic current sheets is investigated for systems in which the plasma pressure dominates the bulk flow energy, as appears appropriate for the quiet time plasmasheet in the geomagnetic tail. A simple model is studied in which the field is contained between plane parallel boundaries and varies exponentially along the system, while the plasma pressure is anisotropic, the anisotropy being arbitrary but constant along the centre plane. When the field is highly inflated by the plasma current it is found that adiabatic solutions exist only when the plasma pressure is close to isotropic. For the case P > P it is argued that a thin, non-adiabatic current layer will in general form at the sheet centre, usually embedded within a much broader adiabatic current distribution. When P > P, a broad region of very depressed fields develops about the centre of the current sheet, terminated at its outer boundary by a spike in the current density. This central region becomes unstable to the mirror mode well before the limiting adiabatic solution is reached.  相似文献   

The physical conditions needed for the development of field-aligned force-free current in astrophysical circumstances are considered. It is shown that a large-scale differential motion of magnetic regions can lead to the development of magnetic field with the preferential enhancement of force-free current. Other physical consequences of force-free current in evolving magnetic field are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a possible emission mechanism based on the idea of the current sheet of magnetohydrodynamics. Since the excited plasma turbulences result in the anomalous resistance near the light cylinder of a pulsar, the frozen-in condition is partly dissolved. In addition the magnetic field lines in that area cannot perfectly corotate with the star due to the relativistic effect on partly frozen-in charged particles. Therefore, the currents sheets which emit energy are formed.  相似文献   

Low  B. C.  Hu  Y. Q. 《Solar physics》1983,84(1-2):83-98
Solar Physics - The free energy associated with current sheets formed by displacing magnetic dipoles in a highly conducting medium is discussed. Specific models are illustrated, based on the idea...  相似文献   

Y. Q. Hu  B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1982,81(1):107-119
This paper treats two problems on the formation of electric current sheets in the highly electrically conducting solar atmosphere. The first problem concerns a vertical current sheet formed by decreasing the distance between a pair of parallel magnetic line-dipoles lying on the photosphere. The solution to this problem was given previously by Priest and Raadu. With an interest in the flare phenomenon, they derived a formula for the energy stored through the presence of the current sheet. We show that this formula is incorrect. Firstly, there is an error of sign in the derivation of Priest and Raadu, so that, when corrected, the formula gives a negative value for the stored energy. Secondly, the formula is shown to refer to an energy quite different from the free energy associated with the current sheet. To calculate for the current free energy, it is important to account for the frozen-in condition in the highly conducting photosphere.The second problem of the paper concerns the current sheet formed by increasing the distance between the pair of line-dipoles. A different field configuration results, with a curved current sheet lying transverse to the vertical. An analysis of the energy properties is given, to compare with the properties of the Priest-Raadu model.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the coexisting low frequency oscillations in strongly degenerate, magnetized, (electron-positron) pair and warm pair-ion plasma. The dispersion relations are obtained for both the cases in macroscopic quantum hydrodynamics approximation. In pair-ion case, the dispersion equation shows coupling of electrostatic and (shear) electromagnetic modes under certain circumstances with important role of ion temperature. Domain of existence of such waves and their relevance to dense degenerate astrophysical plasmas is pointed out. Results are analyzed numerically for typical systems with variation of ion concentration and ion temperature.  相似文献   

Fully nonlinear features of heavy ion-acoustic solitary waves (HIASWs) have been investigated in an astrophysical degenerate relativistic quantum plasma (ADRQP) containing relativistically degenerate electrons and non-relativistically degenerate light ion species, and non-degenerate heavy ion species. The pseudo-energy balance equation is derived from the fluid dynamical equations by adopting the well-known Sagdeev-potential approach, and the properties of arbitrary amplitude HIASWs are examined. The small amplitude limit for the propagation of HIASWs is also recovered. The basic features (width, amplitude, polarity, critical Mach number, speed, etc.) of HIASWs are found to be significantly modified by the relativistic effect of the electron species, and also by the variation of the number density of electron, light ion, and heavy ion species. The basic properties of HIASWs, that may propagated in some realistic astrophysical plasma systems (e.g., in white dwarfs), are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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