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An almost continuous layer of Upper Cretaceous deposits up to 1000 m thick was probably deposited across much of SW England. Phases of uplift in the late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic, each of which was followed by extensive erosion and dissolution, resulted in the removal of all except a few outliers of Chalk Group that crop out in east Devon and south Somerset. Those on the Devon coast between Sidmouth and Lyme Regis are some of the best exposed Cenomanian to early Coniacian successions in NW Europe and include the most westerly chalks preserved onshore in England. They form an integral part of the Dorset and East Devon World Heritage Site. In contrast to the Chalk of much of southern England, the older formations in Devon, the Beer Head Limestone, Holywell Nodular Chalk and New Pit Chalk, show marked lateral lithological variations that result from a combination of penecontemporaneous movements on local faults and relatively shallow-water environments close to the western edge of the Chalk depositional basin. The younger parts of the succession, the Lewes Nodular Chalk and Seaford Chalk Formations, comprise chalks that do not appear to have been greatly affected by penecontemporaneous fault movements. These formations include lithological marker beds that have been correlated with marker beds in the Sussex type area. The principal sedimentary breaks in the Devon succession cannot be correlated with confidence with eustatic changes in sea level.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2030-2059
Seismic and sequence stratigraphic analysis of deep-marine forearc basin fill (Great Valley Group) in the central Sacramento Basin, California, reveals eight third-order sequence boundaries within the Cenomanian to mid-Campanian second-order sequences. The third-order sequence boundaries are of two types: Bevelling Type, a relationship between underlying strata and onlapping high-density turbidites; and Entrenching Type, a significantly incised surface marked by deep channels and canyons carved during sediment bypass down-slope. Condensed sections of hemipelagic strata draping bathymetric highs and onlapped by turbidites form a third important type of sequence-bounding element, Onlapped Drapes. Five tectonic and sedimentary processes explain this stratigraphic architecture: (1) subduction-related tectonic tilting and deformation of the basin; (2) avulsion of principal loci of submarine fan sedimentation in response to basin tilting; (3) deep incision and sediment bypass; (4) erosive grading and bevelling of tectonically modified topography by sand-rich, high-density turbidite systems; and (5) background hemipelagic sedimentation. The basin-fill architecture supports a model of subduction-related flexure as the principal driver of forearc subsidence and uplift during the Late Cretaceous. Subduction-related tilting of the forearc and growth of the accretionary wedge largely controlled whether and where the Great Valley turbiditic sediments accumulated in the basin. Deeply incised surfaces of erosion, including submarine canyons and channels, indicate periods of turbidity current bypass to deeper parts of the forearc basin or the trench. Fluctuations in sediment supply likely also played an important role in evolution of basin fill, but effects of eustatic fluctuations were overwhelmed by the impact of basin tectonics and sediment supply and capture. Eventual filling and shoaling of the Great Valley forearc during early Campanian time, coupled with dramatically reduced subsidence, correlate with a change in plate convergence, presumed flat-slab subduction, cessation of Sierran arc volcanism, and onset of Laramide orogeny in the retroarc.  相似文献   

Calyx plates of the crinoid Uintacrinus anglicus are recorded from the top and bottom of a 5 m interval, 4 m above the disappearance of calyx plates of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius within the Flamborough Chalk Formation at Danes Dyke in North Yorkshire, UK. The U. anglicus Zone, as used here, comprises the interval from the disappearance of M. testudinarius to the disappearance of U. anglicus calyx plates, and therefore includes, but does not comprise, the total range of the index species. Two subzones are recognized in the M. testudinarius Zone; a lower subzone characterized by smooth Marsupites calyx plates and an upper subzone characterized by variably ornamented Marsupites calyx plates. A provisional study of the belemnite indicates the Gonioteuthis granulataquadrata appears in the highest part of the M. testudinarius Zone. The 1983 Copenhagen symposium on Cretaceous stage boundaries proposed that the base of the Campanian Stage should be drawn at a level close to the appearance of G. granulataquadrata. Consequently, the extinction of M. testudinarius is used to define the base of the Campanian here and U. anglicus Zone is placed in the basal Lower Campanian.  相似文献   

Remapping the Chalk of the Central Chalk Mass of the Isle of Wight between Carisbrooke (Newport), Calbourne and Shalcombe, including the Bowcombe Valley, has identified a complex series of tectonic ‘rolls’ and ‘flats’ in a region that has been interpreted to be a relay ramp between the Needles and the Sandown faults. A major new WNW trending fault at Cheverton throws the Chalk down by >50 m to the SW in a 80-100 m wide zone of faulting within which some chalk blocks have near vertical dips. The fault location and trend closely follows the edge of the Cranbourne-Fordingbridge High and could also reflect, for the first time, the surface expression of part of the Needles Fault, a major inversion reverse fault. Located along this fault zone deep Quaternary weathering of the Chalk and Quaternary gravel deposits are present. The trend of the Cheverton Fault brings it towards Gotten Leaze where a groundwater pumping station is located and groundwater springs regularly cause flooding on the Brighstone-Calbourne Road. Analyses of the jointing in the Chalk show that stratabound fracture patterns typical of the Chalk formations elsewhere in Southern England are present in the Central Mass. In addition, there are numerous small faults along which valleys have formed. Tectonic structure and lithology have had a profound influence on the geomorphology and groundwater flow in the Chalk in the Central Mass.  相似文献   

A series of six thickness maps created at a formation scale for the Chalk of the Southern and Transitional Chalk provinces of SE England reinforce the difficulty in determining the controls on Chalk deposition. However, at the broad scale, they do appear to show that thickness patterns in the Cenomanian to Turonian chalks of the West Melbury Marly Chalk, the Zig Zag Chalk and the Holywell Nodular Chalk show correspondence with the underlying Mesozoic extensional basin structure. The major exception to this is the south Dorset area which was uplifted in the Early Cretaceous as an eastern extension to the Cornubian Ridge. The younger New Pit Chalk and Lewes Nodular Chalk show a switch toward thicker successions on the London Platform and thinner, more uniform successions across the Mesozoic basins to the south. This change may indicate some initial basin inversion starting in the mid Turonian which caused a shift in the main locus of Chalk deposition toward East Anglia. The work potentially suggests multiple control-modes shaping the geometry of Chalk deposits, involving an interplay of: 1) long-lived basin-defining faults and structural blocks acting to shape large-scale thickness trends through differential compaction and interaction with relative sea level change; 2) smaller scale structures that may function to more effectively dissipate stress created by intra-Cretaceous tectonic events, producing more localised/sub-regional thickness and facies variations; 3) early basin inversion reflecting the broader basin-scale response to intra-Cretaceous tectonics, potentially responsible for regional shifts in patterns of sedimentation.  相似文献   

Based on integration of seismic reflection and well data analysis this study examines two major contourite systems that developed during the late Cretaceous in the southern Baltic Sea. The evolution of these Chalk Sea contourite systems between the Kattegat and the southern Baltic Sea started when Turonian to Campanian inversion tectonics overprinted the rather flat sea floor of the epeiric Chalk Sea. The Tornquist Zone and adjacent smaller blocks were uplifted and formed elongated obstacles that influenced the bottom currents. As a consequence of the inversion, the sea floor west of the Tornquist Zone tilted towards the north‐east, creating an asymmetrical sub‐basin with a steep marginal slope in the north‐east and a gentle dipping slope in the south‐west. A south‐east directed contour current emerged in the Coniacian or Santonian along the south‐western basin margin, creating contourite channels and drifts. The previously studied contourite system offshore Stevns Klint is part of this system. A second, deeper and north‐west directed counter‐flow emerged along and parallel to the Tornquist Zone in the later Campanian, but was strongest in the Maastrichtian. This bottom current moderated the evolution of a drift‐moat system adjacent to the elevated Tornquist Zone. The near surface Alnarp Valley in Scania represents the Danian palaeo‐moat that linked the Pomeranian Bay with the Kattegat. The previously studied contourite system in the Kattegat represents the north‐western prolongation of this system. This study links previous observations from the Kattegat and offshore Stevns Klint to the here inferred two currents, a more shallow, south‐east directed and a deeper, north‐west directed flow.  相似文献   

Logging of 55 recent boreholes, together with remapping, has resulted in a fundamental reassessment of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Dinantian Kingscourt Outlier. Despite the present isolated position of the outlier within the Longford-Down Massif, the Kingscourt rocks are an integral part of the Dublin Basin succession. The newly defined Ardagh Platform marks the most northerly limit to basinal sedimentation in the Dinantian Dublin Basin. The Courceyan is a typical but thinner, north Dublin Basin succession with two new formal units: the Rockfield Sandstone Member and the Kilbride Formation. The latter, a coarse-grained, well washed limestone of latest Courceyan to early Chadian (late Tournaisian) age is the shallow water equivalent of the Feltrim Formation (Waulsortian facies), which is absent in the outlier. The Courceyan interval in the north of the outlier is markedly attenuated. In the succeeding Chadian-Brigantian interval basinal facies predominate in the south, but on the Ardagh Platform an almost complete coeval Viséan shallow water sequence is found. A new platform unit (Deer Park Formation) of latest Asbian to Brigantian age is defined in the Ardagh area. The Dee Member (Chadian) is newly defined for the lower part of the basinal Tober Colleen Formation and the Altmush Shale Member is formally defined for the upper part of the Loughshinny Formation. Two major structures dominate the Kingscourt Outlier: the NE-SW trending Moynalty Syncline in the south and the N-S trending Kingscourt Fault. Both are Hercynian structures, but probably represent reactivated Caledonide basement-controlled structures. Dinantian syn-depositional faulting is indicated in both the Courceyan (‘Kingscourt Sag’) and Chadian-Asbian. The latter period of faulting in the Ardagh area separates platform facies in the north from basinal facies to the south. In the late Asbian, platform facies with carbonate build-ups prograded south into the basin as far south as Nobber, but in the latest Asbian to Brigantian, basinal facies extended northwards over the collapsed platform margin.  相似文献   

Mitchell and Ramsook comment on the lithostratigraphic assignment of Jamaican Cenozoic ichnofossils discussed in Donovan et al. They argue that the Paleogene Richmond Formation should be subdivided to produce a ‘Moore Town formation’ in eastern Jamaica, but the latter remains undefined as a lithostratigraphic unit and no new lithostratigraphic evidence is produced to support their supposition. Further, their use of a flawed table of trace fossil distributions does not support their thesis. The distribution of trace fossils in the White Limestone Group presented by Donovan et al. follows the lithostratigraphic scheme that was current at the time that the research was originally undertaken in the early 2000s. Yet, whatever lithostratigraphic scheme is utilised for the island, it is apparent that the more accurate data is provided by the biostratigraphy of the larger benthic foraminifers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the Late Cretaceous Vilquechico Group (formerly Vilquechico Formation) of the Southern Andes allows the recognition of three major sedimentary sequences, defining Lower, Middle and Upper Vilquechico lithologic formations (LVF, MVF and UVF respectively). Some of them (MVF and UVF) include in turn minor sedimentary sequences. In addition to dinosaur trackways, they contain a marine fauna (selachians, actinopterygians, molluscs) in their transgressive basal parts, and lacustrine fossils (charophytes, ostracods, gastropods) in their regressive continental upper parts. Two charophyte biozones characterize the MVF and the UVF respectively. The lithologic and sedimentary features of the major sequences, as well as their palaeontological contents allow large-scale correlations with other Andean series. Such correlations permit us to tentatively ascribe the unfossiliferous LVF to the Coniacian-early Santonian (?) time-span, and the MVF to the Santonian late Campanian interval. The UVF is of latest Campanian-late Maastrichtian age. As a consequence, the assumed correlations between the Vilquechico Group and some of the vertebrate-bearing Andean localities are revised.  相似文献   

New borehole geophysical log interpretations between Wiltshire and north Norfolk show detailed lateral changes in the spatial relationships of Chalk Group marker beds. They show how marker beds in the Turonian and Coniacian Chalk Group in East Anglia pass laterally into their correlatives further west, and reveal unusual lateral thickness changes affecting stratigraphical intervals in the East Anglian succession. Newly enhanced regional gravity and magnetic data indicate that these thickness changes are probably related to WNW to ESE trending structural lineaments in the Palaeozoic basement rocks of the buried Anglo-Brabant Massif.The later part of the Mid Turonian and early part of the Late Turonian succession across East Anglia is greatly thickened, and shows almost no lateral variability. These relatively soft, smooth-textured chalks equate with thinner, hard, nodular beds formed in both shallow marine and deeper basinal settings elsewhere in southern England. Since it seems unlikely that there was greater sediment accommodation space across East Anglia at this time compared to basinal areas, this thickening may reflect a localised coccoliths productivity pulse, or perhaps a sheltered palaeogeographical position that protected the area from sediment-winnowing marine currents.A residual gravity low across north Norfolk, previously interpreted as a granite pluton, may instead represent two elongated (fault-bounded) sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous outcrop belt of the Mississippi Embayment in the Gulf Coastal Plain (GCP) spans the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. A detailed reconstruction of this time interval is critical for understanding the nature of biotic and environmental changes preceding the end-Cretaceous Mass Extinction event and for deciphering the likely extinction mechanism (i.e., bolide impact versus volcanism). Eight sections encompassing the K/Pg succession across the Mississippi Embayment were analyzed using biostratigraphic sampling of ammonites, dinoflagellates, and nannofossils. An upper Maastrichtian ammonite zonation is proposed as follows, from oldest to youngest: Discoscaphites conradi Zone, D. minardi Zone, and D. iris Zone. Our study documents that the ammonite zonation established in the Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) extends to the GCP. This zonation is integrated with nannofossil and dinoflagellate biostratigraphy to provide a framework to more accurately determine the age relationships in this region. We demonstrate that ammonites and dinoflagellates are more reliable stratigraphic indicators in this area than nannofossils because age-diagnostic nannofossils are not consistently present within the upper Maastrichtian in the GCP. This biostratigraphic framework has the potential to become a useful tool for correlation of strata both within the GCP and between the GCP, Western Interior, and ACP. The presence of the uppermost Maastrichtian ammonite D. iris, calcareous nannofossil Micula prinsii, and dinoflagellates Palynodinium grallator and Disphaerogena carposphaeropsis suggests that the K/Pg succession in the GCP is nearly complete. Consequently, the GCP is an excellent setting for investigating fine scale temporal changes across the K/Pg boundary and ultimately elucidating the mechanisms causing extinction.  相似文献   

Three palynological biozones are proposed for the Maastrichtian Stage of South Carolina. In ascending stratigraphic order, the biozones are the Carolinapollis triangularis (Ct) Interval Biozone, the Holkopollenites chemardensis (Hc) Interval Biozone, and the Sparganiaceaepollenites uniformis (Su) Interval Biozone. Integration of the biostratigraphy with lithologic and geophysical log data suggests that within the study area, the upper and lower boundaries of each zone are bounded by regional unconformities, and that a three-fold subdivision of the Maastrichtian Stage is warranted. The biozonation is based on the analysis of 114 samples from 24 subsurface and three outcrop sections from the Coastal Plain of South Carolina; samples from an additional seven subsurface and 18 outcrop sections from North Carolina and Georgia were examined to evaluate the geographic extent of the biozones. One new genus and five new species of pollen are described, and emendations are presented for two genera and one species of pollen.  相似文献   

Sedimentary geochemistry of fine-grained strata of the Great Valley Group (GVG) in California documents a provenance signal that may better represent unstable, mafic minerals and volcanic clasts within sediment source regions than the provenance signal documented in the petrofacies and detrital zircon analysis of coarser sedimentary fractions. Geochemistry of the GVG provides an overall provenance framework within which to interpret sandstone petrofacies and detrital zircon age signatures. The geochemical signature for all Sacramento Valley samples records an overall continental arc source, with significant variation but no clear spatial or temporal trends, indicating that the geochemical provenance signal remained relatively consistent and homogenized through deposition of Sacramento basin strata. The San Joaquin basin records a distinct geochemical provenance signature that shifted from Early to Late Cretaceous time, with Lower Cretaceous strata recording the most mafic trace element geochemical signature of any GVG samples, and Upper Cretaceous strata recording the most felsic geochemical signature. These provenance results suggest that the early San Joaquin basin received sediment from the southern Sierran foothills terranes and intruding plutons during the Early Cretaceous, with sediment sources shifting east as the southern Sierran batholith was exhumed and more deeply eroded during the Late Cretaceous. The GVG provenance record does not require sediment sources inboard of the arc at any time during GVG deposition, and even earliest Cretaceous drainage systems may not have traversed the arc to link the continental interior with the margin. Because the GVG provenance signature is entirely compatible with sediment sources within the Klamath Mountains, the northern and western Sierran foothills belt, and the main Cretaceous Sierran batholith, the Klamath-Sierran magmatic arc may have formed a high-standing topographic barrier throughout the Cretaceous period.  相似文献   

An updated, annotated list of all tetrapods from the Adamantina, Uberaba and Marília formations (Bauru Group), which constitute some of the best studied Upper Cretaceous units in Brazil, is presented. Tetrapod diversity in the Bauru Group is remarkable, including an admixture of typically austral Gondwanan taxa (e.g., abelisaurids, notosuchians) and boreal Gondwanan forms (e.g., carcharodontosaurids). Of note is the absence of Laurasian taxa in the upper portion of the Bauru Group. With the exception of some turtles, an anuran, mesoeucrocodylians and one titanosaur, most taxa from the Bauru Group are based on fragmentary and isolated bones, and as such many specimens can be identified only to a higher taxonomic level. Fishes, turtles, anurans, mesoeucrocodylians, dinosaurs, birds and mammals from the Adamantina and Marília formations resemble the latest Late Cretaceous vertebrate faunas from southern South America, except for the absence of ornithischian dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The Lower Devonian (Lochkovian‐Emsian) Cosheston Group of south Pembrokeshire is one of the most enigmatic units of the Old Red Sandstone of Wales. It consists of a predominantly green, exceptionally thick succession (up to 1.8 km) within the red c. 3 km‐thick fill of the Anglo‐Welsh Basin, but occupies a very small area (27 km2). Four formations—Llanstadwell (LLF), Mill Bay (MBF), Lawrenny Cliff (LCF) and New Shipping (NSF)—group into lower (LLF + MBF) and upper (LCF + NSF) units on stratigraphical and sedimentological criteria. Two palynostratigraphic associations (Hobbs Point and Burton Cliff) are recognised in the LLF. Overall, the Cosheston succession comprises a fluvial, coarsening‐upward megasequence, mostly arranged in fining‐upward rhythms. It is interpreted as the fill of an east‐west graben bounded by faults to the north and south of the Benton and Ritec faults, respectively. Both ‘lower Cosheston’ formations were deposited by east‐flowing, axial river systems draining a southern Irish Sea landmass. Drainage reversal, early in the deposition of the LCF, resulted in ‘upper Cosheston’ lateral, SW‐flowing rivers which carried predominantly second‐ and multi‐cycle detritus. The ‘lower Cosheston’ is characterized by an abundance of soft‐sediment deformation structures, probably seismically triggered by movements along the graben's northern bounding fault. A minimum average (≥ mesoseismic) earthquake recurrence interval of c. 4000 yr is estimated for the MBF. This and the correlative Senni Formation of south‐central Wales form a regionally extensive green‐bed development that represents a pluvial climatic interval. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

西藏羌塘阿木岗群硅质岩段时代归属   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对阿木岗群硅质岩段与上覆和下伏地层的接触关系,灰岩砾石、灰岩夹层中所发现的生物化石及才玛尔错和绒马硅质岩中放射虫化石资料的对比研究表明,硅质岩段不属于基底地层,其时代相当于三叠纪,大致可与晚三叠世结扎群相对比。  相似文献   

The Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale are Upper Cretaceous deposits that extend across Texas from the northeast to southwest. These formations contain organic carbon enriched mudstones and chalks that were deposited during transgressions of the Cretaceous epeiric sea in North America. Recent workers in petroleum geochemistry have demonstrated that these organic enriched rocks possessed attributes common to oil source rocks. The present study of these Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale rocks is from the perspective of organic petrology, and it augments the earlier geochemical work that documented source variability within units of these formations. As with the earlier work, the results of this study show that both formations contain intervals that are, when mature, capable of generating commercial quantities of liquid hydrocarbons. However, this work further revealed that Eagle Ford rocks not only exhibit greater or ganic carbon contents, but also have greater quantities of oil-prone kerogen (fluorescent amorphinite and exinite) when compared with rocks from the Austin Chalk. These source rock differences relate to levels or degrees of organic preservation. Dysaerobic to oxic depositional settings seem to be more characteristic of the Austin Chalk than of the Eagle Ford Shale. Such oxic environments do not consistently favor the preservation of organic matter. Usually, well-preserved kerogen forms under more anoxic conditions, such as those that occurred during deposition of some Eagle Ford units. These anoxic conditions suggest that the geographically more extensive Eagle Ford Shale is a more important source for oil than is the Austin Chalk.  相似文献   

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