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This article presents a case history of the performance of a full-scale test embankment constructed on a marine soft clay deposit improved by prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) in the east of China. For analyzing the subsoil behavior, a 2D FEM model is established, in which the PVD-improved effect is considered by a simplified method of equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity. The calculated results can predict the settlement behavior well; however, the FEM gives an underestimate for the value of excess pore pressures and it predicts similar values for the dissipation rate of excess pore pressures. The measured undrained shear strength of subsoil, Cu, is compared with the predicted value based on Ladd’s empirical equation and the Modified Cam-Clay model (MCC). The shear strength predicted by Ladd’s equation agrees well with the measured value, whereas the MCC overestimates the ability to improve subsoil shear strength during consolidation. The undrained shear strength of subsoil, Cu, increased as the construction progressed, and the shear strength incremental ratio, ΔCup′, decreased slightly with the degree of consolidation, U.  相似文献   

The use of the piezocone penetration test (CPTU) in a geotechnical site investigation offers direct field measurement on stratigraphy and soil behavior. Compared with some traditional investigation methods, such as drilling, sampling and field inspecting method or laboratory test procedures, CPTU can greatly accelerate the field work and hereby reduce corresponding operation cost. The undrained shear strength is a key parameter in estimation of the stability of natural slopes and deformation of embankments in soft clays. This paper provides the measurements of in situ CPTU, field vane testing and laboratory undrained triaxial testing of Lianyungang marine clay in Jiangsu province of China. Based on the literature review of previous interpretation methods, this paper presents a comparison of field vane testing measurements to CPTU interpretation results. The undrained shear strength values from both the field vane tests and cone penetration resistances are lowest at the mid-depths of the marine clay layers, and the excess pore water pressures are highest at the mid-depths of the marine clay layers, indicating that the marine clay layer is underconsolidated.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional consolidation-creep model test on the creep deformation of soft muddy clay in the littoral area of Tianjin is performed. A nonlinear rheologic model is established and the model coefficients are determined, in consideration of the characteristics of soft muddy clay. Furthermore, a settlement equation is deduced from the theologic model and verified by the field settlement measurements of Beitang Reservoir dam in Tianjin littoral area. Finally, the settlement e- quation is applied in calculating the settlement of "FAIRWAY-" suction dredger, which sunk in the external channel of Tianjin Port, induced by the soft clay consolidation of seabed. These results provide useful information for the decision of salvage plan.  相似文献   

A remarkable combined dry jet mixing (DJM) and prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) method was used to enhance the performance for soft ground improvement. In the combined method, PVDs are first installed and then DJM columns are installed between the PVDs at larger spacing. This combined method improves the effectiveness of the ground improvement and creates a more economical solution. This paper presents a case study of the combined method for marine clay improvement in Lianyugang of China. The excess pore water pressure in soils created by the installation of DJM columns with and without PVDs was monitored and compared. In situ standard penetration tests were conducted in the DJM columns and before-and-after piezocone penetration tests were performed in soils surrounding the columns. Long-term settlement monitoring under embankment loading was carried out for the ground improved by combined method and DJM method alone. The field tests, settlement monitoring and economic benefit analysis results demonstrated that the DJM-PVD method is technologically sound and cost-effective as compared with the conventional DJM method.  相似文献   

Stiffness degradation will occur due to the generation of accumulated pore pressure in saturated soft clays under cyclic loading. The soil static-dynamic multi-purpose triaxial and torsional shear apparatus in Dalian University of Technology was employed to perform different types of test on saturated soft marine clay in the Yangtze estuary. Undisturbed samples of the clay were subjected to undrained cyclic vertical and torsional coupling shear and cyclic torsional shear after three-directional anisotorpic consolidation with different initial consolidation parameters. Investigated were the effects of the initial orientation angle of the major principal stress, initial ratio of deviatoric stress, initial coefficient of intermediate principal stress and continuous rotation of principal stress axes on the stiffness degradation. It is found that the degradation index decreases (or degradation degree increases) significantly with increasing initial orientation angle of the major principal stress and initial ratio of deviatoric stress. Compared to the effects of the initial orientation angle of the major principal stress and initial ratio of deviatoric stress, the effect of initial coefficient of intermediate principal stress is less evident and this trend is more clearly reflected by the results of the cyclic torsional shear tests than those of the cyclic coupling shear tests. At the same cycle number, the degradation index obtained from the cyclic torsional shear test is higher than that from the cyclic coupling shear test. The main reason is that the continuous rotation in principal stress directions during cyclic coupling shear damages the original structure of the soil more than the cyclic torsional shear does. Based on a series of experiments, a mathematical model for stiffness degradation is proposed and the relevant parameters are determined.  相似文献   

生境系统重要性和开发利用可行性是无居民海岛开发利用的重要依托。文章采用层次分析法与德尔菲法确定指标权重,针对研究区域特点,建立无居民海岛开发利用适宜性评价指标体系,在各因子分值量化处理后,定义相应指数,利用互斥矩阵定位无居民海岛开发适宜性类型分级。研究表明:长三角的生态屏障——九段沙岛,为低度适宜开发型海岛,无居民海岛开发利用适宜性评价指标体系适用于九段沙海岛。在开发利用方面,遵循可持续开展角度原则,九段沙应该保护和修复生境系统环境、从严把控开发强度、开展湿地保护。  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋的世纪,海洋经济发展与海洋科技创新紧密相联,创新的本质是技术创新。文章结合文献总结法、企业访谈法和会议研讨交流等方法,对海洋科技中小企业的概念进行了界定;并通过研究海洋产业发展现状以及海洋科技中小企业的技术创新现状,发现海洋科技中小企业技术创新发展存在的问题;最后,根据实际问题提出建立海洋科技园区,带动海洋科技中小企业快速发展;政府做好海洋产业引导,加快海洋科技创新步伐;政府适当减免企业税收,鼓励中小企业技术创新;企业应当将财务分类系统化,减少财务混乱现象等对策建议。  相似文献   

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