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The bucket foundation is a new type of foundation for offshore application to intermediate-depth waters. It has advantages over conventional ones. However, there is no consensus in the analysis and design of this type of foundation. In this paper, the lateral bearing capacity and the failure mechanism of multi-bucket foundations are studied with different connection stiffness and bucket spacing by use of a three-dimensional finite element method. Based on the numerical analysis results, a limit analysis method of plasticity for evaluating the lateral bearing capacity of large-spacing multi-bucket foundation with rigid connection in soft ground is proposed. This method provides a simple procedure that gives results comparable to those from the finite element analyses.  相似文献   

浅海桶形基础平台水平承载力与抗滑稳定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平台在海上受风、浪、流、冰等水平载荷作用产生滑移,而土壤粘结力、摩擦力和土抗力是平台的抗滑力,桶基平台应满足抗滑稳定的要求,以保证平台的整体稳定性.介绍了浅海桶形基础平台受水平力作用时桶形基础的破坏模式及其计算方法,并阐述了抗滑稳定计算方法.  相似文献   

滩海桶形基础极限水平承载力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桶形基础是90年代初期发展起来的一种新型海洋工程结构,与传统的海洋结构基础型式相比有很多优点。但是,目前尚无计算桶形基础的承载力的规范依据和简单实用的计算方法。文章在分析与研究室内、外模型试验结果的基础上,利用Winkler假定,按空间问题推出了一个形式简单的桶形基础水平极限承载力计算公式,并由试验结果验证了这一公式的合理性。  相似文献   

风机基础作为海上风机整体结构的重要组成部分,承受着上部风机所受到的风浪流荷载,并且对风机的安全性及可靠性至关重要。吸力式桶形基础由于其安装简单和可重复利用等优点,在海洋平台基础中得到了广泛应用,并逐步应用于海上风机基础中。但由于海上风机与海洋平台在海洋环境中的荷载工况有一定的差别,仍需要通过对其承载特性研究现状进行全面认识,以实现吸力式桶形基础在海上风机基础中的可靠应用。文中通过总结和评价现有研究对桶形基础在不同土体条件以及荷载条件下进行试验及数值模拟分析得到的研究结果,综述了静荷载和循环荷载作用下砂土和黏土中的吸力式桶形基础的承载特性研究现状,以及海上风机吸力式桶形基础的相关研究。文章展望了目前应用于海上风机基础的桶形基础仍缺乏的研究,为海上风机吸力式桶形基础的可靠应用及后续研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

使用了ANSYS软件对筒型基础进行地震分析,计算了砂土液化情况以及由此导致的承载力的损失,对比了在筒-土界面采用节点耦合和设置接触单元两种形式对该结果的影响,结果显示节点耦合形式既可以保证计算精度,也能提高计算效率。同时,分析了不同长细比筒型基础的砂土液化深度和承载力损失,结果显示较大的长细比有利于减少承载力损失。  相似文献   

根据桶形基础的特殊形式,采用普通经纬仪对桶基安装误差进行测量是比较困难的.提出了根据空间立体几何原理对桶形基础平台进行桶基安装误差测量并保证安装精度的方法.  相似文献   

对桶形基础平台负压沉贯过程中汲水泵机进行了初步水力分析,讨论了不同水深、不同泵机安装高度情况下,桶腔和泵机进口之间的压头关系.这些结果可作为实际工作中选择泵机类型及其安装高度的参考.  相似文献   

基于验证的三维有限元方法,考察了斜壁桶形基础的承载特性,得到了变形网格、位移增量分布、位移等值面分布等结果,探讨了斜壁倾角与各极限承载力之间的定量关系。计算表明,桶形基础发生竖向位移时,主要是桶体内部和桶基正下方的土体发生沉降,而桶侧的土体基本不发生沉降。桶形基础受到水平荷载发生转动时,转动中心轴大致位于桶基底面内,桶基水平承载力主要由桶内土体和桶基外侧中上部受压侧土体产生的抵抗反力构成。桶基因受到较大竖直向上荷载而失效时,桶内土体和桶基外侧靠近海床面附近土体产生了较大的向上位移。桶壁倾角β每增加1°,竖向抗压极限承载力、竖向抗拔极限承载力、水平极限承载力分别提高12%、17.4%及3.8%。  相似文献   

- Based on the theory of limit analysis, the Finite Difference Method (FDM) is established for evaluating the ultimate bearing capacity of subsoils to bear the unburied pipelines. The analytical results of bearing capacity of the ideal clay is given. The approach to bearing capacity evaluation of cohesionless subsoils without surcharge is suggested. The results from this method are consistent with those obtained from model tests.  相似文献   

—The offshore platform with bucket foundations is a new type of offshore platform that distin-guishes from traditional template platforms by replacing driven piles with bucket foundations.The suctionpenentration of bucket foundation is a complicated hydro-dynamic process.The key of this process is theseepage field caused by the difference of pressure applied on purpose inside and outside the bucket.The ap-pearance and developement of seepage field has a decisive influence on the suction penetration process.Inthis study,the finite element analysis method is applied to the dynamic simulation of the seepage field ofsuction penetration of bucket foundation.A criterion is suggested to distinguish the hydro-dynamic stabili-ty of the soil inside the bucket according to the critical hydraulic gradient method.The reliability of themodel and its applicability to engineering practice have been proved through comparison between the re-sults of model test and finite element calculation.  相似文献   

讨论了浅海桶形基础平台负压沉贯渗流场有限元分析方法.通过模型实验结果与有限元分析结果的对比,验证有限元法的可靠性.将有限元法用于桶形基础平台负压沉贯渗流场的计算,得到沉贯过程中许用负压随插深的变化,用于指导平台就位施工时的负压控制.不同插深时,相应许用负压下的桶内、外壁渗流水头和水头梯度分布的计算结果,用于沉贯阻力的计算.  相似文献   

The degradation strength of soils under cyclic loading is studied and a method for deter-mining the cyclic degradation strength with cyclic triaxial tests is given in the paper.Furthermore,a dum-my static method for estimating the undrained bearing capacity for offshore soft foundation under waveloads is developed.It can consider the effect of the difference of cyclic stress for different parts of the foun-dation on both the degradation strength of the foundation soil and the bearing capacity so that the esti-mated result can better reflect the real condition of foundation under cyclic loading.The method can be ap-plied to plane and space problem.  相似文献   

This article presents a procedure to calculate the bearing capacity of suction anchors subjected to inclined average and cyclic loads at the optimal load attachment point using the undrained cyclic shear strength of soft clays based on the failure model of anchors proposed by Andersen et al. The constant average shear stress of each failure zone around an anchor is assumed and determined based on the static equilibrium condition for the procedure. The cyclic shear strength of each failure zone is determined based on the average shear stress. The cyclic bearing capacity is finally determined by limiting equilibrium analyses. Thirty-six model tests of suction anchors subjected to inclined average and cyclic loads were conducted, which include vertical and lateral failure modes. Model test results were predicted using the procedure to verify its feasibility. The average relative error between predicted and test results is 1.7%, which shows that the procedure can be used to calculate the cyclic bearing capacity of anchors with optimal loading. Test results also showed that the anchor was still in vertical failure mode under combined average and cyclic loads if an anchor was in vertical failure mode under static loads. The anchor failure would depend on the vertical resistance degradation under cyclic loads if an anchor was in lateral failure mode under static loads. Cyclic bearing capacities associated with the number of load cycles to failure of 1000 were about 75% and 80% of the static bearing capacity for vertical failure anchors and lateral failure anchors, respectively.  相似文献   

桶形基础受负压作用下沉时,基础与地基土体之间产生相互作用.为了合理地模拟2种不同材料之间的相互作用,将有限元、无限元、接触单元耦合的数值计算方法引入到桶形基础与土壤相互作用的强度分析中,并将用该方法得到的计算结果与模型试验比较.其中,接触单元考虑结构与土壤之间的错动滑移及拉裂;而无限元可有效地反映地基土体无限域的远场效应.  相似文献   

对单片机传送的传感器数据进行处理 ,先实现对传感器运行状态的判断 ,以此为依据选择正常状态的传感器数据 ,对桶基沉贯过程进行智能控制 ,同时通过动态曲线、桶基三维姿态显示屏幕观察桶基沉贯状态。  相似文献   

A stability analysis of reinforced foundation soil is presented in this paper. A method based on the discrete element method (DEM) is suggested for calculating the bearing capacity on strip footings over multilayer soils reinforced with a horizontal layer of geosynthetics. The proposed method can estimate the ultimate bearing capacity and the distribution of tensile force developed in the geosynthetics of the footing system by Winkler springs to account for the compatibility between soil blocks and tensile elements to consider the tensile behavior between soil and geosynthetics. For footings on various multilayer soils with or without reinforcement of geosynthetics, the results of the method were compared to the field test results as well as to those obtained by various methods proposed by other researchers.  相似文献   

Centrifuge experiments are carried out to investigate the responses of suction bucket foundations under horizontal dynamic loading. The effects of loading amplitude, the size of the bucket and the structural weight on the dynamic responses are investigated. It is shown that, when the loading amplitude is over a critical value, the sand at the upper part around the bucket softens or even liquefies. The liquefaction index (excess pore pressure divided by initial effective stress. In this paper, the developmental degree of excess pore pressure is described by liquefaction index) decreases from the upper part to the lower part of the sand foundation in the vertical direction and decreases from near to far away from the bucket's side wall in the horizontal direction, large settlements of the bucket and the sand around the bucket are induced by the horizontal dynamic loading. The dynamic responses of the bucket of a smaller height (when the diameter is the same) are heavier. A cyclic crack some distance near the bucket occurs in the sand.  相似文献   

分析和描述了胜利石油管理局建成的CB20B浅海桶基平台桶形基础结构特点,讨论了结构设计应解决的主要问题、桶形基础结构型式和尺度、桶形基础结构设计以及强度和稳定性计算.  相似文献   

海上桶基平台基础边界条件的简化方法与结构优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
海上桶型基础平台采用桶型基础这一新型的基础型式,桶基平台在结构强度校核计算和结构优化中必须考虑其有限元分析模型的基础边界条件简化问题。本文提出了桶基平台有限元分析模型中的基础边界条件简化方法,将桶型基础边界简化为位移弹簧边界元,给出了弹簧刚度的计算方法。通过模型试验与本文提出方法的计算结果的比较,证明本文提出的方法是正确的。同时,将本文提出的方法应用于桶基火炬平台的结构优化,表明该方法是实际可行的并且对于桶基平台的结构强度校核计算与结构优化有重要意义。对于桶基火炬平台的结构优化采用了适合离散变量优化求解的遗传算法,优化的结果有效地降低了结构重量,降低了工程造价。  相似文献   

桶形基础采用负压沉贯法施工 ,与压桩、打桩等施工方法显著不同 ,且阻力特性受地基性质影响很大。介绍了一组粉土地基条件下的模型试验情况 ,探索了桶形基础的沉贯阻力与负压、渗流等的关系 ,并与实际平台沉贯过程进行了对比。  相似文献   

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