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为获取高升力系数和升阻比的舵翼外形特征参数,本文以某型水下机器人舵翼为研究对象,将其表征量简化为展弦比、梢根比、前缘后掠角、攻角和剖面翼型5个设计参数。采用计算流体力学方法(CFD)模拟了流速为2 kn时,平板翼型厚度为6 mm的常见平面形状舵翼在不同来流下的流场情况,得到舵翼平面形状参数与其水动力性能和铰链力矩之间的变化规律和相对灵敏度,并对基于径向基函数模型(RBF)的优化结果进行分析,随后对比了不同剖面翼型对舵翼性能的影响。研究结果表明:攻角为6°左右时,舵翼可获得最佳水动力性能;剖面翼型对舵翼的水动力性能有较大影响,NACA00xx系列翼型可以显著提升舵翼的升阻比,并且翼型厚度越小,性能越佳;舵翼面积一定的条件下,后掠形舵翼具有优良的水动力性能,但铰链力矩较大;攻角较小时,梯形舵翼表现出较好的水动力性能,铰链力矩很小;攻角较大时,切尖三角形舵翼水动力性能与后掠舵翼基本持平,铰链力矩适中。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍“探索者”号无缆自治水下机器人信息系统及构成,它分为水上、水下两大部分、最后,详细介绍了水上信息系统的特点。  相似文献   

无缆水下机器人是我国首次开展的高技术课题,组合导航系统是无缆水下机器人研究中的关键部分,本文介绍了多种导航设备同时工作,经过信息综合处理获得高精度导航信息的组合导航系统和组合导航系统中所需要的坐标转换及卡尔曼滤波器的计算,为无缆水下机器人建立一个较理想的导航方式。  相似文献   

针对自治水下机器人(Autonomous underwater vehicle,AUV)推力器布置和控制仿真的困难性及以往电机仿真难以进行的缺点,提出1种进行多推力器运动仿真的方法,该方法建立的模型克服了推力器推力控制系统不能与电机结合的问题,能较好地反映推力器布置和电机的响应情况,可为AUV的运动控制、布置设计及控制系统开发等提供验证模型.针对流线型AUV CRanger-2的推力器布置情况,在对其建立推力器模型的基础上,利用模型对设定推力下的推力器控制进行仿真.仿真结果表明:该方法能够有效地模拟推力器布置既定情况下的电机运动与推力控制,可为水下机器人控制策略优化提供仿真平台.  相似文献   

水下滑翔机器人系统研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
水下滑翔机器人是一种新型的水下机器人,可以作为水下监测平台用于大范围、长时间的大尺度海洋环境监测作业。文中调查了水下滑翔机器人的国内外发展现状,分析了其可能的应用领域。详细介绍了中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所开发的水下滑翔机器人系统,包括载体外形优化设计、载体结构设计和控制系统设计。分析了水下滑翔机器人定常滑翔运动和空间螺旋会转运动的运动性能。  相似文献   

深海采矿作业中,由于海底软泥稀软,采矿机器人极易打滑,以及海底地形、海流等干扰,采矿机器人容易偏离预定路径。针对采矿机器人的海底作业过程中路径跟踪问题,设计并分析了深海采矿机器人的路径跟踪控制系统。首先提出了艏向控制实现采矿机器人路径跟踪的控制算法,通过采矿机器人与当前目标点相对位置计算采矿机器人的目标艏向角,后基于运动学模型建立模糊比例积分微分(PID)的控制方法控制采矿机器人两侧转速差值进而控制采矿机器人艏向,从而使机器人按目标路径行走;同时为了防止输入过大引起打滑,基于动力学模型数值分析了采矿机器人主动轮角加速度与打滑率之间的关系,采取限制主动轮角加速度方式防止采矿机器人过度打滑;最后通过Matlab/Simulink建立系统模型对系统进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,该控制算法能够良好地完成采矿机器人的路径跟踪任务。  相似文献   

水下机器人-机械手系统构建与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了一水下机器人——机械手系统研究平台的搭建,详细介绍了三功能水下电动机械手的设计与实验,给出了载体分系统的设计结果,利用Matlab工具箱和M函数构建了系统仿真模型,可以有效地对系统规划和控制算法进行验证(包括分别对载体分系统和机械手分系统的控制),可为进一步的现场试验提供指导和方法验证。  相似文献   

自治水下机器人机械手系统协调运动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单描述了自治水下机器人搭载的三功能水下电动机械手的设计,鉴于自治水下机器人-机械手系统运动学冗余、内部可能干涉以及载体圆筒式外形等特点,将惩罚调节因子引入系统运动学伪逆矩阵,保证了关节在允许范围内运动,避免载体大幅度姿态变化及载体与机械手之间的干涉,同时采用梯度投影法优化海流作用下的系统推力。仿真表明,该算法在解决系统冗余度的同时,有效地协调多任务下的系统动作。  相似文献   

水下机器人作业机械手的研究与发展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
水下作业机械手是水下机器人核心组成部分,研究第二、第三代水下机械手技术是水下机器人的重要课题,本文仅就水下作业机械手当前的发展状态,设计原则及智能化技术的研究,提出有关看法,仅供研究水下机械手课题展开讨论。  相似文献   

Underwater vehicle plays an important role in ocean engineering.Depth control by fin is one of the difficulties for underwater vehicle in motion control.Depth control is indirect due to the freedom coupling between trim and axial motion.It includes the method of dynamic analysis and lift-resistance-coefficient experiment and theory algorithm.By considering the current speed and depth deviation,comprehensive interpretation is used in object-planning instruction.Expected depth is transformed into expected trim.Dynamic output fluctuation can be avoided,which is caused by linear mapping of deviation.It is steady and accurate for the motion of controlled underwater vehicles.The feasibility and efficiency of the control method are testified in the pool and natural area for experiments.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the robust control synthesis of autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV) for general path following maneuvers.First,we present maneuvering kinematics and vehicle dynamics in a unified framework.Based on H∞ loop-shaping procedure,the 2-DOF autopilot controller has been presented to enhance stability and path tracking.By use of model reduction,the high-order control system is reduced to one with reasonable order,and further the scaled low-order controller has been analyzed in both the frequency and the time domains.Finally,it is shown that the autopilot control system provides robust performance and stability against prescribed levels of uncertainty.  相似文献   

汤士华  李硕  吴清潇  李一平  张奇峰 《海洋工程》2006,24(2):112-117122
以7 000 m载人潜水器的工程需求为背景,以水下单目摄像机为视觉传感器,进行了水下机器人动力定位方法研究。该动力定位方法利用视觉系统测量得到水下机器人与被观察目标之间的三维位姿关系,通过路径规划、位置控制和姿态控制分解,逐步使机器人由初始位姿逼近期望位姿并最终定位于期望位姿,从而实现了机器人的4自由度动力定位。通过水池实验验证了提出的动力定位方法,并且机器人能够抵抗恒定水流干扰和人工位置扰动。同时,该动力定位方法还可以实现机器人对被观察目标的自动跟踪。  相似文献   

A randomized kinodynamic path planning algorithm based on the incremental sampling-based method is proposed here as the state-of-the-art in this field applicable in an autonomous underwater vehicle. Designing a feasible path for this vehicle from an initial position and velocity to a target position and velocity in three-dimensional spaces by considering the kinematic constraints such as obstacles avoidance and dynamic constraints such as hard bounds and non-holonomic characteristic of AUV are the main motivation of this research. For this purpose, a closed-loop rapidly-exploring random tree (CL-RRT) algorithm is presented. This CL-RRT consists of three tightly coupled components: a RRT algorithm, three fuzzy proportional-derivative controllers for heading and diving control and a six degree-of-freedom nonlinear AUV model. The branches of CL-RRT are expanded in the configuration space by considering the kinodynamic constraints of AUV. The feasibility of each branch and random offspring vertex in the CL-RRT is checked against the mentioned constraints of AUV. Next, if the planned branch is feasible by the AUV, then the control signals and related vertex are recorded through the path planner to design the final path. This proposed algorithm is implemented on a single board computer (SBC) through the xPC Target and then four test-cases are designed in 3D space. The results of the processor-in-the-loop tests are compared by the conventional RRT and indicate that the proposed CL-RRT not only in a rapid manner plans an initial path, but also the planned path is feasible by the AUV.  相似文献   

以蓝鳍金枪鱼为蓝本,进行了仿鱼尾推进小型水下航行器方案设计与模型制作,包括设计主体外形、主体结构及安装形式、传动机构、尾鳍形状等。在水池中开展了自航实验,测定了尾鳍的摆幅、频率、形状及刚度对航速的影响,结果表明在相同条件下提高尾鳍摆动频率或增大尾鳍摆幅,能提高水下航行器的速度;当采用柔性尾鳍时,航行器的速度明显增加。  相似文献   

K. D. Do  J. Pan  Z. P. Jiang 《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(16):1967-1997
This paper proposes a nonlinear robust adaptive control strategy to force a six degrees of freedom underactuated underwater vehicle with only four actuators to follow a predefined path at a desired speed despite of the presence of environmental disturbances and vehicle’s unknown physical parameters. The proposed controller is designed using Lyapunov’s direct method, the popular backstepping and parameter projection techniques. The closed loop path following errors can be made arbitrarily small. Interestingly, it is shown that our developed control strategy is easily extendible to situations of practical importance such as parking and point-to-point navigation. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

基于分布式控制力矩陀螺的水下航行器轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于控制力矩陀螺群(CMGs)的水下航行器具有低速或零速机动的能力。采用基于分布式CMGs的水下航行器方案,并研究其水平面的轨迹跟踪控制问题。通过全局微分同胚变换将非完全对称的动力学模型解耦成标准欠驱动控制模型,并根据简化的模型构建其轨迹跟踪的误差动力学模型,将轨迹跟踪控制问题转化为误差模型镇定问题。基于一种分流神经元模型和反步法设计了系统的轨迹跟踪控制律,该控制器不需要对任何虚拟控制输入进行求导计算,且能确保跟踪误差的最终一致有界性。仿真结果表明该控制器能够实现在不依赖动力学参数先验知识的情况下对光滑轨迹的有效跟踪。  相似文献   

In the paper, a hydrodynamic model including the characteristics of maneuvering and seakeeping is developed to simulate the six-degree of freedom motions of the underwater vehicle steering near the sea surface. The corresponding wave exciting forces on the underwater vehicle moving in waves are calculated by the strip theory, which is based on the source distribution method. With the hydrodynamic coefficients relevant to the maneuvering and seakeeping, the fourth-order Runge–Kutta numerical method is adopted to solve the equations of motions and six-degrees of freedom of the motions for the underwater vehicle steering near the free surface can be obtained. The wave effect on the corresponding motions of the underwater vehicle is investigated and some interesting phenomena with respect to different wave frequencies and headings are observed. The hydrodynamic numerical model developed here can be served as a valuable tool for analyzing the ascending and descending behaviors of the underwater vehicle near the sea surface.  相似文献   

近年来微气泡减阻技术应用于水面舰船的相关研究取得重要进展,许多舰船已经采用了此类技术。然而该技术在潜航器上的应用整体上仍处于理论分析和试验测试阶段。以回转体潜航器简化模型为研究对象,利用多孔介质来简化喷气小孔,并结合不可压缩水体和可压缩理想气体的流体体积(VOF)方法,建立了Realizable ε-k湍流计算模式。通过拖曳试验验证了多孔介质等效喷气小孔的合理性和数值模式的准确性,结合试验和数值结果探究了微气泡减阻技术对潜航器航行阻力的影响。数值结果显示,气泡对潜航器尾流低速区的改变使尾部压力分布产生变化从而导致压差阻力增高。同时气泡可以显著降低其覆盖区域的黏性阻力。并且随着来流速度的提高,气泡覆盖范围扩大,黏性减阻率持续增加。进一步地,建立了加长改进模型,数值模拟结果表明,微气泡减阻技术不仅能大幅减小黏性阻力,还能有效减小模型总阻力。  相似文献   

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