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Full waveform inversion( FWI) is a challenging data-fitting procedure between model wave field value and theoretical wave field value. The essence of FWI is an optimization problem,and therefore,it is important to study optimization method. The study is based on conventional Memoryless quasi-Newton( MLQN)method. Because the Conjugate Gradient method has ultra linear convergence,the authors propose a method by using Fletcher-Reeves( FR) conjugate gradient information to improve the search direction of the conventional MLQN method. The improved MLQN method not only includes the gradient information and model information,but also contains conjugate gradient information. And it does not increase the amount of calculation during every iterative process. Numerical experiment shows that compared with conventional MLQN method,the improved MLQN method can guarantee the computational efficiency and improve the inversion precision.  相似文献   

Full waveform inversion ( FWI) is an effective tool for constructing high resolution velocity models, but it is affected by a local minima problem.Without long offsets and low frequency data, it is difficult to apply the conventional multi-scale FWI to actual seismic data.In this study, the large offset and low frequency infor-mation are provided by the method of wavelet packet envelope for the conventional FWI.The gradient can be computed efficiently with the adjoint state method without any additional computational cost.Marmousi synthetic data is used to illustrate that, compared with Hilbert envelope-based FWI, wavelet packet envelope FWI can provide an adequately accurate model for the conventional FWI approach even when the initial model is far from the true model and the low-frequency data are missing.  相似文献   

Spectral conjugate gradient method is an algorithm obtained by combination of spectral gradient me-thod and conjugate gradient method,which is characterized with global convergence and simplicity of spectral gradient method,and small storage of conjugate gradient method.Besides,the spectral conjugate gradient method was proved that the search direction at each iteration is a descent direction of objective function even without relying on any line search method.Spectral conjugate gradient method is applied to full waveform inversion for numerical tests on Marmousi model.The authors give a comparison on numerical results obtained by steepest descent method,conjugate gradient method and spectral conjugate gradient method,which shows that the spectral conjugate gradient method is superior to the other two methods.  相似文献   

Full waveform inversion is mainly used to obtain high resolution velocity models of subsurface. The size of full waveform inversion will lead to a gigantic computation cost. Under the available computer resource and the limitation of full waveform inversion,the authors propose L-BFGS algorithm as the optimization method to solve this problem. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the method,three different numerical experiments have been done to analyze the properties of full waveform inversion based on L-BFGS.  相似文献   

Full waveform inversion( FWI)is a high resolution inversion method,which can reveal detailed in-formation of the structure and lithology under comPlex geological background. It is limited by many kinds...  相似文献   

为对油田注水管网摩阻因数进行反演求解,将注水管网节点部分未知压力设为随机参数,建立注水管网管道摩阻因数反演的一类随机优化模型———期望值模型;给出利用随机模拟技术和遗传算法求解期望值优化模型的数值方法.通过对理想注水管网进行反演求解,验证模型的合理性和算法的可行性.  相似文献   

随着勘探开发的不断深入,地质目标逐渐由常规储层转向非常规储层。鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘砂岩储层纵向叠置、厚度薄、横向变化快,传统的反演技术无法满足薄储层精细预测的要求。波形指示模拟基于波形相控的思路,利用地震波形代替变差函数分析储层的分布特征,可以实现非阻抗参数模拟,是一种高精度反演技术。综合地质、地震和测井资料,基于自然伽马曲线,对鄂尔多斯盆地东缘MG区块进行了波形指示模拟,刻画出目的层砂岩储层的分布规律。结果表明,波形指示模拟具有较高的横、纵向分辨率,反演结果与钻井吻合度较好,与地震波形相关性强,能够反映储层的空间变化情况,且比较符合研究区的地质沉积规律。因此,波形指示模拟作为一种更高效的反演方法,为薄层、薄互储层的精细研究提供了有力支撑,有助于最大程度地实现对气藏资源的开发和利用。  相似文献   

We performed a long range acoustic propagation experiment in the South China Sea (SCS) in November 2004. The environment of the experiment was with an isothermal sound speed profile, where influence of water volume fluctuation was small, meaning that bottom parameters can be well estimated from acoustic signals. We inverted the acoustic parameters of sediment by using a hybrid inversion scheme that combines the matched field processing inversion with Hamilton sediment empirical relationship and transmission loss data. The numerical results show excellent agreement with the experiment data, indicating validity of the inverted parameters.  相似文献   

Large-scale gravity 3D interpretation depends on efficient and high-resolution 3D inversion processing of massive data.The authors applied the conjugate gradient method with minimum support function and prior model constraint to reduce multi-solutions in gravity inversion.Based on the parallel programming and compu-ting platform NVIDIA CUDA with C++language, we achieve fast 3D gravity inversion by adopting GPU parallel technique into the most time consuming part relating to sensitivity matrix.The results of theoretical model show that the abnormal body can be clearly located and the inversion speed is improved greatly.Comparing with in-version speed of the Matlab program, speed of inversion with GPU parallel technique has improved more than 100 times under the hardware condition of Geforce GTX 1060 graphics card.  相似文献   

With the development of gravity gradient full tensor measurement technique , three-dimensional (3D) inversion based on gravity gradient tensor can provide more accurate information .But the forward calcula-tion of 3D full tensor sensitivity matrix is very time-consuming, which restricts its development and application . According to the symmetry of the kernel function , the authors reconstruct the underground source of geological body to avoid repeat computation of the same value , and work out the corresponding relationship between the re-sponse of geological body to the observation point and the response of reconstructed geological body to the obser -vation point .According to the relationship , rapid calculation of full tensor gravity sensitivity matrix can be achieved .The model calculation shows that this method can increase the speed of 30-45 times compared with the traditional calculation method .The sensitivity matrix is applied to the multi-component inversion of gravity gradient .The application of this method on the measured data provides the basis for the promotion of the meth -od.  相似文献   

针对高密度电阻率成像法反演计算中存在的困难,探讨了基于序列二次规划(SQP)方法建立可行的电阻率反演算法的问题。在对三维点电源二维地电体电位场模型有限元法正演计算的基础上.建立了基于SQP方法的高密度电阻率成像法反演算法。根据勘测中测量电极间距的不同,提出按不同的电极间距分别建立优化模型进行参数优化。通过对模拟电阻率模型和实际观测资料的反演计算.表明该算法进行高密度电阻率反演是可行的,其具有对初始模型无特殊要求、收敛速度快的特点。这一反演算法可望在高密度电阻率成像的反演计算中得到应用。  相似文献   

Depth inversion in coastal water based on SAR image of waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wave-number spectrum technique is proposed to retrieve coastal water depths by means of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image of waves. Based on the general dispersion relation of ocean waves the wavelength changes of a surface wave over varying water depths can be derived from SAR. Approaching the analysis of SAR images of waves and using the general dispersion relation of ocean waves, this indirect technique of remote sensing bathymetry has been applied to a coastal region of Xiapu in Fujian Province, China. Results show that this technique is suitable for the coastal waters especially for the near-shore regions with variable water depths.  相似文献   

The authors use the common offset ground penetrating radar(GPR) data inversion based on ray theory to estimate interval velocity and to obtain the relative permittivity. In the ray-tracing based inversion, the input data are the offset distance between antennas, the velocity of the first layer, the pick-up amplitude and re-ference amplitude of each reflection layer. The thickness and velocity of each layer are calculated by this recursive method. Firstly, the horizontal homogeneous layered medium model is established, and the ideal inversion results are obtained. Subsequently, Monte Carlo method is used to establish a randomly undulating homogeneous layered medium model. The common offset GPR data for the built geological model is then simulated by finite-difference time-domain(FDTD). It proved that this ray-tracing based inversion method is feasible for the horizontal layered geological model, even the layered geological model with random undulation. Undulation, represented by RMS height and CL(correlation length), influences the inversion results. Finally, a more complex geological model--pinch-out model was established. In the pinch-out model, the pinch-out interface can be clearly identified, though there is a false anomaly, which will not significantly affect the identification of the underground medium structure.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric(MT)inversion and seismic inversion are important methods for the interpretation of subsurface exploration data,but separate inversion of MT and seismic produces ambiguous and non-unique results due to various factors.In order to achieve accurate results,the authors propose a joint inversion method of two-dimensional MT and seismic data in the frequency domain.The finite element method is used for numerical simulation of electromagnetic data in the forward modelling,and the Gauss-Newton method is used for the inversion.The 9-point-finite-difference method is used to solve the seismic wave field in the acoustic wave equation,and the inverse problem of seismic data is solved by full waveform inversion with a conjugate gradient,a simple and fast method.Cross gradient functions are used to provide constraint structure between resistivity and velocity parameters to carry out the joint inversion.The joint inversion algorithm is tested by double-rectangular model synthesis data,and the accuracy of the algorithm is verified.The results show that the joint inversion results are better than those from separate inversion.The algorithm is applied to a geophysical model of a metalliferous deposit in Jinchuan and is compared with the separate inversion results.It shows that the results obtained with joint inversion are much closer to the real model.  相似文献   

获取含水层水力参数空间非均质分布信息是研究地下水渗流、地下水污染物运移等诸多地下水问题的重要基础。然而,受常规勘察技术所限,含水层的非均质性难以直接刻画,尤其在裂隙介质含水层中,水力参数分布的非均质性更加突出,进一步增加了刻画的难度。针对该问题,本研究首先通过德国哥廷根大学北校区内的Neutra试验场地进行的64次抽水试验,获取了该场地不同深度观测点的水头响应曲线,然后使用解析方法对64组数据进行分析和参数评估,同时采用水力走时的方法对井间水力参数分布进行反演计算,最后将得到的结果分别与经典解析解参数估计和热示踪试验结果进行对比验证。结果表明,解析解参数估计的结果虽然能够在一定程度上展现含水层的垂向非均质性,但是无法刻画井间含水层水力参数的非均质分布;与热示踪试验结果的对比验证了基于水力走时反演的水力层析法在刻画裂隙介质水力参数的空间非均质分布的可靠性。   相似文献   

油田开发早期区块井资料少、井距大,难以对储层进行精确描述。采用叠后地震反演数据进行沉积相研究,定量分析扇根亚相各微相,为三维沉积相模型提供地质参数;以测井数据为硬数据,采用沉积相控制、反演协同体等信息约束建立储层的泥质质量分数模型。结果表明,应用包括地震反演信息在内的多种信息进行约束建模,可以综合测井资料纵向高精度和地震资料横向高精度的优点,解决勘探开发阶段储层精细描述的问题。  相似文献   

提出了一种扩展客体层次的权限策略模型,通过重新定义客体域、扩展安全定义和操作规则,更加适应多级复杂客体权限系统的要求.  相似文献   

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