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Utilizing aircraft sounding data collected from the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA, 1998) campaign, the authors evaluated commonly-used profile methods for Arctic ABL height estimation by validating against the’true’ABL height from aircraft sounding profiles, where ABL height is defined as the top of the layer with significant turbulence. Furthermore, the best performing method was used to estimate ABL height from the one-year GPS soundings obtained during SHEBA (October 1997-October 1998). It was found that the temperature gradient method produces a reliable estimate of ABL height. Additionally, the authors determined optimal threshold values of temperature gradient for stable boundary layer (SBL) and convective boundary layer (CBL) to be 6.5 K/100 m and 1.0 K/100 m, respectively. The maximum ABL height during the year was 1150 m occurred in May. Median values of Arctic ABL height in May, June, July, and August were 400 m, 430 m, 180 m, and 320 m, respectively. Arctic ABL heights are clearly higher in the spring than in the summer.  相似文献   

The data-collection campaign for the 2008 International Polar Year–Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study saw the Canadian Coast Guard Ship (CCGS) Amundsen, a research icebreaker, overwinter in high-concentration unconsolidated sea ice in Amundsen Gulf. Environmental monitoring continued into the open-water season. During this period, the Amundsen registered five relatively deep mean sea-level pressure minima (less than 100?kPa). Three were selected for further analysis based on season and the nature of the underlying ocean or sea-ice surface: (1) a winter pressure minimum over unconsolidated sea ice, (2) a spring pressure minimum which likely contributed to the break-up of the sea-ice cover on Amundsen Gulf, and (3) a summer pressure minimum over open water. The characteristics of these pressure minima and the impact of their passage on the atmospheric boundary layer and on the sea-ice cover as they crossed Amundsen Gulf were examined. Several features were revealed by the analysis. (1) The winter and summer pressure minima were migratory cyclones accompanied by Arctic frontal waves with characteristics very similar to the polar frontal waves associated with the migratory cyclones found at more southerly latitudes, whereas the spring pressure minimum was attributed to an Arctic frontal trough of low pressure with the cyclonic centre remaining south of the Gulf. (2) The passage of the frontal-wave cyclone in winter and the frontal trough of low pressure in spring disrupted the equilibrium that had been established during more settled periods between the atmospheric boundary layer and the mosaic surface (leads, polynyas, and sea ice); however, equilibrium was quickly re-established. (3) In summer, the thermal structure of the lower atmospheric boundary layer persisted through the passage of the frontal-wave cyclone over the open-water surface. (4) The passage of the frontal-wave cyclone in winter and the frontal trough of low pressure in spring modified the mesoscale sea-icescape.  相似文献   

The atmospheric boundary layer mixing height (MH) is an important bulk parameter in air quality (AQ) modelling. Formulating this parameter under statically stable conditions, such as in the Arctic, has historically been difficult. In an effort to improve AQ modelling capacity in North America, MH is studied in two geographically distinct areas: the Arctic (Barrow, Alaska) and the southern Great Plains (Lamont, Oklahoma). Observational data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program, Climate Research Facility and numerical weather forecasting data from Environment Canada's Regional Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM15) model have been used in order to examine the suitability of available parameterizations for MH under statically stable conditions and also to compare the level of agreement between observed and modelled MH. The analysis period is 1 October 2011 to 1 October 2012. The observations alone suggest that profile methods are preferred over surface methods in defining MH under statically stable conditions. Surface methods exhibit poorer comparison statistics with observations than profile methods. In addition, the fitted constants for surface methods are site-dependent, precluding their applicability for modelling under general conditions. The comparison of observations and GEM15 MH suggests that although the agreement is acceptable in Lamont, the default model surface method contributes to a consistent overprediction of MH in Barrow in all seasons. An alternative profile method for MH is suggested based on the bulk Richardson number. This method is shown to reduce the model bias in Barrow by a factor of two without affecting model performance in Lamont.  相似文献   

北极低空急流和低层逆温特征观测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用北冰洋冰表面热量平衡计划1997年10月中旬至1998年10月上旬的探空气球探测结果,分析了北极地区近地层逆温和低空急流特征.结果表明,96%的观测时次(11:15和23:15,协调世界时)出现近地层逆温,其中22%的逆温为贴地逆温,70%的逆温厚度在250~850 m之间,冬半年贴地逆温发生频率、逆温层厚度和逆温层内的温度变化都明显要大于夏半年.全年间低空急流出现频率为41%,平均高度为520 m,最大频率出现在150 m附近,70%的急流出现在600m高度以下.急流平均风速为10.6m·s-1,风速在4~13 m·s-1范围内的急流约占总数的75%,东和东南方向为全年急流的主导风向.根据对急流核和地面风速之间转换角分布的分析,惯性震荡可能是北极低空急流的主要成因.  相似文献   

敦煌夏末大气垂直结构和边界层高度特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
韦志刚  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2010,34(5):905-913
本文利用西北干旱区陆-气相互作用野外观测试验 (NWC-ALIEX) 2008年8月11~18日的探空试验资料, 分析了中国西北干旱区敦煌地区的大气垂直结构和边界层高度特征。结果表明, 对流层顶大约在距地15000 m高度左右, 为第二 (副热带) 对流层顶; 水汽主要集中在距地6500 m以下对流层, 0℃层在距地3000~4000 m高度波动, 逆湿层高度在0℃层左右摆动; 在距地5000 m以上的对流层基本被西北风或偏西风统治, 在距地9000~13000 m左右的对流层高层, 存在一个风速为25~50 m/s的西北风或偏西风极大值; 敦煌夏末存在特厚边界层, 对流边界层高度可达4200 m, 稳定边界层高度可达1300 m。  相似文献   

In this study, the interaction between the tropical cyclone(TC) and the underlying ocean is reproduced by using a coupled atmosphere-ocean model. Based on the simulation results, characteristics of the TC boundary layer depth are investigated in terms of three commonly used definitions, i.e., the height of the mixed layer depth(HVTH), the height of the maximum tangential winds(HTAN), and the inflow layer depth(HRAD). The symmetric height of the boundary layer is shown to be cut down by the ocean response, with the decrease of HVTH slightly smaller than that of HTAN and HRAD. The ocean feedback also leads to evident changes in asymmetric features of the boundary layer depth. The HVTH in the right rear of the TC is significantly diminished due to presence of the cold wake, while the changes of HVTH in other regions are rather small. The decreased surface virtual potential temperature by the cold wake is identified to be dominant in the asymmetric changes in HVTH. The impacts of ocean response on the asymmetric distributions of HTAN are nonetheless not distinct, which is attributed to the highly axisymmetric property of tangential winds. The HRAD possesses remarkable asymmetric features and the inflow layer does not exist in all regions, an indication of the inadequacy of the definition based on symmetric inflow layer depth. Under influences of the cold wake, the peak inflow area rotates counterclockwise distinctly. As a consequence, the HRAD becomes deeper in the east while shallower in the west of the TC.  相似文献   

The height of the atmospheric boundary layer is derived with the help of two different measuring systems and methods. From radiosoundings the boundary layer height is determined by the parcel method and by temperature and humidity gradients. From lidar backscatter measurements a combination of the averaging variance method and the high-resolution gradient method is used to determine boundary layer heights. In this paper lidar-derived boundary layer heights on a 10 min basis are presented. Datasets from four experiments – two over land and two over the sea – are used to compare boundary layer heights from both methods. Only the daytime boundary layer is investigated because the height of the nighttime stable boundary layer is below the range of the lidar. In many situations the boundary layer heights from both systems coincide within ±200 m. This corresponds to the standard deviation of lidar-derived 10-min values within a 1-h interval and is due to the time and space variability of the boundary layer height. Deviations appear for certain situations and depend on which radiosonde method is applied. The parcel method fails over land surfaces in the afternoon when the boundary layer stabilizes and over the ocean when the boundary layer is slightly stable. An automatic radiosonde gradient method sometimes fails when multiple layers are present, e.g. a residual layer above the growing convective boundary layer. The lidar method has the advantage of continuous tracing and thus avoids confusion with elevated layers. On the other hand, it mostly fails in situations with boundary layer clouds  相似文献   

利用那曲地区的微脉冲激光雷达探测资料,采用梯度法获取了那曲地区白天混合层高度随时间的演变信息及混合层特征参数,结果表明混合层在上午发展缓慢,中午以后发展迅速,14:00(北京时)前后达到稳定;强烈的对流热泡活动导致混合层高度起伏较大,参数化反演得到的卷夹层厚度达到0.4~0.5 km,卷夹比在0.2左右。利用探空资料结合日最大位温资料,采用气块法得到了高原地区7个站点的每日最大混合层高度数据集。通过对由激光雷达和探空资料得到的最大混合层高度结果进行对比,发现二者有很好的一致性(相关系数0.85,均值偏差0.11 km,均方根误差0.30 km,并通过0.05显著性水平的t检验)。最大混合层高度在7个站点均有明显的逐日变化特征。从年均值看,最大混合层高度与海拔高度之间没有明显相关关系。从季节均值看,格尔木与都兰站表现出明显的春高冬低的分布特征,而其它五个站点则表现为春高夏低,表明高原地区的盆地地形和山地地形对混合层高度有显著而不同的影响。通过定义热力稳定度和确定特征气压层高度,利用热力稳定度与最大混合层高度之间良好的线性关系,获取了一种简便地获取最大混合层高度的统计方法。  相似文献   

夏季青海湖局地环流及大气边界层特征的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
使用美国NCAR新版MM5V3.6非静力模式,采用两重嵌套方法,模拟了青海湖区域的局地环流及大气边界层特征,并且与无湖试验进行了比较。结果表明:白天由于青海湖的存在有很好的降温作用,夜晚则有保温效应,表现出明显的冷(暖)湖效应;青海湖对感热和潜热的影响有很强的日变化,白天湖面感热、潜热都小,夜间情况相反,这使得白天青海湖是冷干岛,夜间是暖湿岛;青海湖使得白天湖面边界层顶低,陆面边界层顶高,夜间相反。这样的边界层顶高度和温度、地面能量通量相配合,形成了一个很好的保护机制,对青海湖的水土保持和生态环境的维持有正效应;青海湖使得湖面上空大气下沉,陆面上空大气上升,从而产生了湖面上空大气冷干,陆面上空大气暖湿的边界层特征;青海湖边缘的陆面形成的较大的湿气柱围绕着湖面,起到了保护湖面的作用;青海湖低空白天有明显的湖面向四周的辐散气流,而夜间则为从北偏东方向来的陆风。  相似文献   

We have studied the role of low-level clouds in modifying the thermodynamic and turbulence properties of the Arctic boundary layer during autumn. This was achieved through detailed analyses of boundary-layer properties in two regions, one with low-level cloud cover and the other free of clouds, using measurements from a research aircraft during the Beaufort and Arctic Storms Experiment (BASE). Both regions were measured on the same day under similar synoptic forcing. The cloudy region was characterized by strong horizontal inhomogeneity in low-level temperature and moisture that varied with the cloud-top height. The clear region was relatively homogeneous in temperature and specific humidity with a strong temperature inversion extending between heights of 100 m and 3 km. From measurements at the lowest levels, we also identified a shallow mixed layer below the deep stable layer in the clear region.Our spectral analyses revealed significant modifications of boundary-layer properties due to the presence of low-level clouds. In the cloudy region, turbulent perturbations dominated the boundary-layer flow and made large contributions to the scalar variances. In the clear boundary-layer, wave motion contributed significantly to the observed variances, while turbulent flow was relatively weak. The clear region was saturated, although no detectable clouds were measured.  相似文献   

珠峰地区大气边界层结构及近地层能量交换分析   总被引:11,自引:20,他引:11  
利用2005年中国科学院珠穆朗玛峰地区科学考察期间的无线电高空探测资料和超声风温仪观测资料,分析了珠穆朗玛峰地区边界层高度、风速、风向和比湿的日变化以及两个海拔高度不同的观测站(珠峰站和曲宗站)的近地层能量交换特征,得到珠穆朗玛峰地区5月份边界层高度日变化比较明显,因冰川风的存在影响了大气边界层,边界层高度最高为3888 m;白天珠穆朗玛峰地区低层都存在逆湿现象。因珠峰站和曲宗站海拔高度、下垫面状况不同,能量交换特征也不同:4~5月份白天珠峰站感热大于潜热,而曲宗站潜热大于感热;珠峰站土壤热通量转为正、负值的时间早于曲宗站。  相似文献   

基于2018年1月~2020年12月中国气象局陆面数据同化系统(CLDAS)资料,利用罗氏法计算四川省大气混合层高度,分析其时空分布特征,并结合大气环境空气质量监测数据,讨论大气混合层高度变化与空气质量的关系。结果表明:四川省大气混合层高度呈西高东低分布特征。盆地与攀西地区、川西高原大气混合层高度季节变化有显著性差异,盆地春季最高,秋季最低;川西高原和攀西地区秋季最高,夏季最低。四川省各地区大气混合层高度月、日变化趋势基本一致。四川省大气混合层高度与O3质量浓度呈显著正相关关系,与PM2.5质量浓度呈显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

北极楚克奇海上空臭氧垂直变化的探测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年夏季,中国首次组织北极地区科学考察.分析此次考察中楚克奇海海域上空获得的大气结构和臭氧探空资料,结合臭氧总量观测光谱仪(TOMS)臭氧总量和NCEP大气环流资料,指出:考察期间楚克奇海海域上空臭氧总量与13 km以下臭氧含量关系密切,而在20 km附近最大臭氧浓度处的臭氧变化与大气臭氧总量关系较差,表明整层臭氧总量的变化主要受低层大气臭氧变化的影响.大气臭氧总量呈高-低-高变化,对流层顶高度呈低-高-低变化,分析500hPa高度场表明:考察期间的天气系统可能是造成局地臭氧变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

用激光雷达资料,采用小波变化法反演兰州远郊榆中地区兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)的边界层高度,并利用WRF中尺度数值模式,选取两种不同边界层参数化方案(YSU、MYJ)模拟了该地区边界层及其高度.分析表明激光雷达反演边界层高度与WRF模拟边界层高度结果基本一致;WRF选用YSU方案能较好反映热对流边界层,而MYJ方案对于动力作用边界层模拟较好.日出后08:00(北京时间,下同)SACOL不稳定边界层开始发展,17:00达到最大高度.热对流边界层可以达到2 km;动力作用边界层可达到1.5 km,之后热对流边界层下降速度明显高于动力作用边界层.  相似文献   

介绍了国家自然科学基金重点项目 "地表通量参数化与大气边界层过程的基础研究" 在河北省白洋淀地区进行的两次综合观测实验(时间分别是2004年11月16~22日和2005年9月8~27日),这两次实验获得了大量宝贵的资料,全面深入的资料分析正在进行中.此文主要限于白洋淀地区水陆不均匀地表近地面层微气象特征的分析.结果表明: 陆地上近地面层的气温日变化比水域上的大,而风速比水域上的小,其中9月份陆地上白天的气温比水域上的高,夜间比水域上的低,11月份两地白天气温接近,但夜间陆地上的气温明显偏低; 无论是9月还是11月,水域上近地面层都是以下沉气流为主,而陆地则在中午前后存在弱的上升运动; 9月份,两地的近地面层短波射入辐射比较接近,但水域上的短波射出辐射比陆地上的大; 长波射入辐射则是陆地比水域的大,而长波射出辐射则是水域的比陆地的大; 两地的净辐射白天接近,夜间水域地区负的净辐射值明显比陆地的大; 9月份,水陆两地的感热通量相差不大,为150~200 W/m2,而潜热通量比感热通量大,天气晴朗时可达到300 W/m2; 11月份,陆地的感热通量比潜热通量大,为100~120 W/m2,而水域地区的感热通量则与潜热通量相当; 两地的潜热通量相差不大,一般不超过50 W/m2.无论是9月还是11月,水域地区夜间都存在水汽向下输送的逆湿现象,而陆地只在9月份存在逆湿现象.2005年9月份的水温观测结果表明,白洋淀水体平均温度比水表平均温度明显偏高,而且日变化幅度很小,水表平均温度则日变化较大.  相似文献   

应用大气二维边界层数值模式,对2008年夏季洪河国家级自然保护区沼泽湿地1000m高度边界层的温度、湿度廓线进行了3次模拟试验,并模拟分析了风速和下垫面粗糙度对湿地边界层温、湿廓线结构的影响.结果表明:(1)大气二维边界层模式可以较好的模拟湿地下垫面边界层的温、湿结构,并且该模式对位温的模拟效果优于比湿;(2)风速和粗...  相似文献   


This study presents a semi‐analytic non‐iterative solution for the Monin‐Obukhov similarity equations under unstable surface conditions. The solution is represented in terms of the non‐dimensional Monin‐Obukhov stability parameter z/L. This parameter is given as a function of the bulk Richardson number and other surface parameters including the heat and momentum roughness lengths which are generally assumed to be different in this formulation. The proposed formulations give results that are both quantitatively and qualitatively consistent with the fully iterated numerical solution for a wide range of surface parameters.  相似文献   

济南章丘大气边界层风温场特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于章丘气象站2004—2009年实测资料,研究了当地大气边界层风向、风速、气温的时空分布特征,并利用SPSS 17.0数据统计软件的曲线参数估计法,探讨了符合章丘实际的风速随高度变化的拟合曲线及其数学函数关系。结果显示:研究地区大气边界层盛行风向为SSW,且呈现随高度增加沿顺时针方向偏转的特征;风速变化特征在10—300 m和350—1500 m不同高度层存在显著差异,春、夏、秋季和年平均风速随高度变化的指数曲线拟合结果总体好于幂函数曲线,而冬季则相反;气温变化特征四季基本一致,近地面层存在逆温现象,冬季逆温日数最多;逆温强度冬半年的大于夏半年的。  相似文献   

The turbulence structure of a stable marine atmospheric boundary layer in the vicinity of a coastal headland is examined using aircraft observations and numerical simulations. Measurements are drawn from a flight by the NCAR C-130 around Cape Mendocino on the coast of northern California on June 7 1996 during the Coastal Waves 96 field program. Local similarity scaling of the velocity variances is found to apply successfully within the continuously turbulent layer; the empirical scaling function is similar to that found by several previous studies. Excellent agreement is found between the modelled and observed scaling results. No significant change in scaling behaviour is observed for the region within the expansion fan that forms downstream of the Cape, suggesting that the scaling can be applied to horizontally heterogeneous conditions; however, the precise form of the function relating scaled velocities and stability is observed to change close to the surface. This result, differences between the scaling functions found here and in other studies, and the departure of these functions from the constant value predicted by the original theory, leads us to question the nature of the similarity functions observed. We hypothesize that the form of the functions is controlled by non-local contributions to the velocity variance budgets, and that differences in the non-local terms between studies explain the differences in the observed scaling functions.  相似文献   

徐祥德  王寅钧  赵天良  姚文清 《气象》2014,40(10):1165-1173
基于云南省大理2008年3、5、7月GPS加密探空试验时段(14和02时)资料,结合边界层铁塔综合观测资料,采用温度梯度法、逆温强度法和涡动相关法分别计算高原东南缘对流边界层(convective boundary layer,CBL)及稳定边界层(stable boundary layer,SBL)顶高度,通过计算获取感热通量、潜热通量、湍流动能、切变项以及浮力项与大气动力、热力过程垂直相关特征综合分析,可发现湍能方程中浮力项、感热、潜热通量与NCEP再分析资料计算获取的大气视热源相关特征显著,这某种程度反映了高原东南缘近地层大气湍流动量、热量输送对低层大气视热源Q_1的重要贡献。低层视热源Q_1亦表现出与湍能方程分量类似的日变化周期,此特征反映了高原东南缘大气热源变化与下垫面水热过程及其湍流输送日变化密切相关;浮力项与湍能等项对大气低层热源与涡动特征、热力混合结构的形成有重要作用;低层大气视热源、水汽汇均与边界层高度有显著相关,综合分析结果某种程度描述了青藏高原东南缘近地层湍流动量、热量输送状况与低层大气热源,热力混合边界层结构的综合相关物理图像,初步探索了高原东南缘对流活跃区大气湍流运动与大气动力、热力过程相互作用特征。研究表明近地层湍流通量变化某种程度可反映未来局地大气视热源垂直结构变化的"强信号"特征。本文上述研究结论也可启发我们进一步关注近地层湍流通量异常变化特征及其对局地降水过程大气热源结构演变的影响问题。  相似文献   

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