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The UTR-2 antenna has been used to measure angular sizes of sources of narrow-band short-lived solar stria-bursts at frequencies 24–26 MHz. The majority of these sources have apparent diameters between 20 and 40. According to this parameter they do not differ noticeably from that of type III bursts at the same frequency. The short duration of the stria-bursts prevents explanation of the large diameter by scattering in the solar corona.  相似文献   

Das  T.K.  Sarkar  H. 《Solar physics》2002,207(2):381-388
The relationship between metric type II radio bursts and soft X-ray (SXR) flares is studied. Type II bursts are highly associated with SXR flares. The duration and drift rate of type II bursts are found to depend on the duration, asymmetry in duration (ratio of rise time to duration), as well as on the peak flux of SXR bursts. Important results obtained are: (i) the durations of type II bursts are linearly correlated with the durations of associated SXR bursts in case of long-lived events (duration >40 min), whereas in short-lived flares such a correlation is not found, (ii) the durations of type II bursts do not depend upon the SXR peak flux, (iii) more durable type II radio bursts are correlated with more symmetric SXR bursts, (iv) average drift rates of type II bursts are larger in the events associated with more powerful and more symmetric SXR bursts.  相似文献   

The 13 pairs of type III bursts with the bidirectional drift structures recorded with the spectrograph in the frequency ranges of 230–300 MHz and 625–1500 MHz at the Yunnan Observatory and 2600–3800 MHz at the Beijing National Astronomical Observatories are analyzed in this present article and the outstanding characteristics of these events are obtained. These bursts respectively reveal that the separatrix frequency between the bursts with positive and negative drifts comes between 250 MHz and 3420 MHz, with a gap being between 0.6 MHz and 110 MHz; the duration is 53 ms–1880 ms and the frequency drift rate is between 45 MHz/s and 56000 MHz/s. The drift rate at metric wavelengths is relatively low, only a few decades of MHz while it is comparatively high at microwave wavelengths, reaching 56000 MHz/s. The qualitative explanation of these events is given in this paper.  相似文献   

A number of inconsistencies between simple theory and observations of solar radio bursts indicate that mode-mode coupling in the solar corona is much stronger than predicted. The inconsistencies include the absence of predicted reversal of the sense of polarization in a type 1 storm at CMP, and the anomalously weak polarization of type II and type III emission. The strong mode coupling could be explained in terms of small scale inhomogeneities (L N? 100 km) throughout the relevant regions of the corona. The relevant regions are those with open magnetic field lines overlying active regions. It is suggested that the coronal plasma is confined to magnetically self-pinched sheets, and it is pointed out that another inconsistency, namely the anomalously small amount of Faraday variation in type III bursts, could be explained if the value of n e B in the inter-sheet region were two orders of magnitude less than in the sheets.  相似文献   

Extended time series (time resolution about 2–3 min) of spatially resolved observations (≫ 17 arcsec) in one dimension of solar S-component sources obtained at the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT) at 5.2 cm wavelength allow the detection of evolutional features of the growth and decay of active regions in the solar corona. Characteristic slow flux variations with timescales of about 1–2 hours occurring during the decay phase of the radio emission in the low corona above plages and sunspots are compared with recently detected step-like flux increases on timescales of about 10–20 min followed by quasi-constant periods appearing in the initial phase of the development of active regions. Superimposed on this basic behaviour, also fluctuations at shorter timescales (or even periodic oscillations) have been observed. As it is well known from emission-model calculations, the variations of the S-component radiation can be due to variations of the magnetic field and/or changes of the energy of the radiating particles, which is basically the same emission mechanism as for microwave bursts. Since the “S-component” is originally defined by its long timescale behaviour derived from whole-Sun flux density measurements, the presently detected small-timescale features in S-component sources require either a revised definition of S-component emission or must be considered as “burst-like”.  相似文献   

To find X-ray bursts from sources within the field of view of the IBIS/INTEGRAL telescope, we have analyzed all the archival data of the telescope available at the time of writing the paper (the observations from January 2003 to April 2009). We have detected 834 hard (15–25 keV) X-ray bursts, 239 of which were simultaneously recorded by the JEM-X/INTEGRAL telescope in the standard X-ray energy range. More than 70% of all bursts (587 events) have been recorded from the well-known X-ray burster GX 354-0. We have found upper limits on the distances to their sources by assuming that the Eddington luminosity limit was reached at the brightness maximum of the brightest bursts.  相似文献   

The final dynamical collapse of oxygen cores of 103 and 104 M which undergo the pair formation instability is computed. These cores are found to suffer complete collapse, presumably to form black holes, in contrast to cores of 100M which have previously been found to explode completely, leaving no remnant. These calculations represent a first attempt to ascertain the outcome of evolution over several decades of mass previously unexplored. The outcome may have some relevance to models of X-ray sources in globular clusters.  相似文献   

The Astrophysics Directorate of CONIDA has installed two radio spectrometer stations belonging to the e-CALLISTO network in Lima, Peru. Given their strategic location near the Equator, it is possible to observe the Sun evenly throughout the whole year. The receiver located at Pucusana, nearby the capital city of Lima, took data from October 2014 until August 2016 in the metric and decimetric bands looking for radio bursts. During this period, this e-CALLISTO detector was unique in its time-zone coverage. To asses the suitability of the sites and the performance of the antennas, we analyzed the radio ambient background and measured their radiation pattern and beamwidth. To demonstrate the capabilities of the facilities for studying solar dynamics in these radio frequencies, we have selected and analyzed type Ⅲ Solar Radio Bursts. The study of this kind of burst helps to understand the electron beams traversing the solar corona and the solar atmospheric density. We have characterized the most common radio bursts with the following mean values: a negative drift rate of –25.8 ± 3.7 MHz s~(-1), a duration of 2.6 ± 0.3 s and 35 MHz bandwidth in the frequency range of 114 to 174 MHz. In addition, for some events, it was possible to calculate a global frequency drift which on average was 0.4 ± 0.1 MHz s~(-1).  相似文献   

Using a new type of oscillation map, made from the radio spectra by the wavelet technique, we study the 18 April 2014 M7.3 flare (SOL2014-04-18T13:03:00L245C017). We find a quasi-periodic character of this flare with periods in the range 65?–?115 seconds. At the very beginning of this flare, in connection with the drifting pulsation structure (plasmoid ejection), we find that the 65?–?115 s oscillation phase slowly drifts towards lower frequencies, which indicates an upward propagating wave initiated at the start of the magnetic reconnection. Many periods (1?–?200 seconds) are found in the drifting pulsation structure, which documents multi-scale and multi-periodic processes. On this drifting structure, fiber bursts with a characteristic period of about one second are superimposed, whose frequency drift is similar to that of the drifting 65?–?115 s oscillation phase. We also checked periods found in this flare by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)/Hinode and Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) observations. We recognize the type III bursts (electron beams) as proposed, but their time coincidence with the EIS and IRIS peaks is not very good. The reason probably is that the radio spectrum is a whole-disk record consisting of all bursts from any location, while the EIS and IRIS peaks are emitted only from locations of slits in the EIS and IRIS observations.  相似文献   

The relative intensities of FeXI-Fe XIII lines in the range 176–207 Å have been measured for various plasma structures of the solar corona using data from the XUV spectroheliograph of the SPIRIT instrumentation onboard the CORONAS-F satellite with an improved spectral sensitivity calibration. Electron density diagnostics of a plasma with temperatures 0.8–2.5 MK has been carried out in active regions, quiet-Sun and off-limb areas, and, for the first time, in extremely intense solar flares. The density range is (1.6–8) × 109 cm?3 for flares, (0.6–1.6) × 109 cm?3 for active regions, and ~5 × 108 cm?3 for quiet-Sun areas. The calibration accuracy of the spectral sensitivity for the spectroheliograph has been analyzed based on spectral lines with density-independent intensity ratios.  相似文献   

The solar inertial motions (orbits) (SIMs) in the years 1840–1905 and 1980–2045 are of a disordered type and they are nearly identical. This fact was used for assessing predictive capabilities for the sizes of three future sunspot cycles and for the time variation of the geomagnetic aa-index up to 2045. The author found that the variations in sunspot numbers in the interval 1840–1867 and in the interval 1980–2007 are similar, especially after 1850 (1990). The differences may be ascribed to the lower quality of the sunspot data before 1850. A similarity between the variations in geomagnetic aa-index in the intervals 1844–1867 and 1984–2007 is also found. Moreover, the aa-index in these intervals have the same best fit lines (the polynomials of the fourth order) with close positions of the extrema. The extrema of the best fit line for the aa-index in the interval 1906–1928 which corresponds to the first half of the ordered, trefoil interval of the SIM have the opposite positions to them. The correlation coefficient between the aa-indices in the interval 1844–1866 and in the interval 1984–2006 is 0.61. In contrast, the correlation coefficient between the aa-indices in the interval 1844–1866 and in the interval 1906–1928 is ?0.43. Cautious predictions have been made: the author believes that the cycles 24–26 will be a repeat of cycles 11–13, i.e. they could have heights around 140 (100), 65 and 85, they will have lengths of 11.7, 10.7 and 12.1 years. The maxima of the cycles should occur in 2010, 2023 and 2033, the minima in 2007, 2018, 2029 and 2041. Up to 2045, the aa-index could repeat its values for the interval 1868–1905. The results indicate that solar and geomagnetic activities are non random processes. If these predictions may come true, then further evidence of the primary role of the SIM in solar variability is established.  相似文献   

The time variation and latitude dependence of the solar rotation are found using observational data on Hα filaments and compact magnetic features with different polarities during solar activity cycles 20 and 21 (1966–1985). Statistical analysis of the observational data shows that there is a north–south asymmetry in the rotation, both for the Hα filaments and for compact magnetic features (structures) with negative and positive polarities. The N-S asymmetry in the differential rotation of the Hα filaments and the compact magnetic features with both polarities shows up quite distinctly in solar activity cycles 20 and 21, but the asymmetry for the compact magnetic features with positive polarity is comparatively lower in cycle 21. The confidence level is lower the compact magnetic features with positive polarity than for the compact magnetic features with negative polarity.  相似文献   

We have studied the latitude-time distribution of the green (5303 Å) coronal line emission for 1940–1989 from observations by Waldmeier (1957), Kislovodsk, Lomnický tít, Norikura, and Pic-du-Midi - Q.B.S.A. (1955–1987). We have compared these data with the distributions of the weak magnetic field (Stenflo, 1988), of polar faculae and sunspots, and have given our interpretation of the results. We have found that a new cycle of coronal activity commences after the polar field reversal in the form of two components in each hemisphere. We identify the first component with the polar faculae that appear at latitude 40° and migrate polewards. The second component representing sunspots shows up at 40° latitude 5–6 years after and drifts equatorward. Thus the global coronal activity cycle has a duration of 16–17 years and is described by two components that reflect the activity of polar faculae and sunspots.  相似文献   

In the physics of solar flares, it is crucial to diagnose the physical conditions near the flare energyrelease sites. However, so far it is unclear how to diagnose these physical conditions. A solar microwave type Ⅲ burst is believed to be a sensitive signature of primary energy release and electron accelerations in solar flares. This work takes into account the effect of the magnetic field on the plasma density and develops a set of formulas which can be used to estimate the plasma density, temperature, magnetic field near the magnetic reconnection site and particle acceleration region, and the velocity and energy of electron beams.We apply these formulas to three groups of microwave type Ⅲ pairs in an X-class flare, and obtained some reasonable and interesting results. This method can be applied to other microwave type Ⅲ bursts to diagnose the physical conditions of source regions, and provide some basic information to understand the intrinsic nature and fundamental processes occurring near the flare energy-release sites.  相似文献   

The time dependence of Doppler shift and line-center intensity is simultaneously observed for the H emission of three solar prominences, each one during about two hours. Doppler oscillations with periods near one hour and amplitudes between 1 and 2 km s–1 are conspicuously visible in the recordings of all three prominences. Fourier analysis yields periods of 50, 60, and 64 min, as well as slight indications of short periods near 3 and 5 min. No oscillations are found in the line-center brightness.  相似文献   

An explanation is offered for the impulsive increase in the concentration of cosmogenic radiocarbon in annual tree rings (Δ14C ~ 12‰) from AD ?775. A possible cause of such an increase could be the high-energy emission from a Galactic gamma-ray burst. It is shown that such an event should not lead to an increase in the total production of 10Be in the atmosphere, as distinct from the effect of cosmic-ray fluxes on the atmosphere. At the same time, the production of an appreciable amount of 36Cl, which can be detected in Greenland and Antarctica ice samples of the corresponding age, should be expected. This allows the effects caused by a gamma-ray burst and anomalously powerful proton events to be distinguished.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the long-term evolution of outbursts in the neutron star soft X-ray transient GRS 1747–312. Observations taken from ASM/RXTE, in the 1.5–12 keV passband, are utilized. We reveal a cyclic behavior in the residuals of the outburst recurrence time with respect to the mean value of TC = 136 ± 2 days. The profile of this cycle is approximately sinusoidal; the remaining cycle-to-cycle fluctuations possess a considerably smaller amplitude. We find that, although the peak flux of the outbursts displays a significant scatter at a given phase of the cycle, the most luminous outbursts occur after the longest TC. The fluence displays a large scatter for the individual outbursts and tends to decrease with time. We argue that although the cycle-length of ~5.4 yr is compatible with that of the presumed magnetic activity of the late-type donor, it cannot be explained by variations of the mass outflow from the donor to the disk. In our interpretation, the stellar activity is translated to variations of TC via interaction of the magnetic field of the spots on the donor with the magnetic field of the disk. This gives rise to a variable efficiency of the removal of the angular momentum from the quiescent disk during the activity cycle of the donor. This mechanism can be strengthened by accompanying variations of the radius of the optically thin advection-dominated accretion flow in quiescence. We show that the peak mass accretion rate onto the neutron star in the individual outbursts of GRS 1747–312 is considerably more stable than in two other similar systems with frequent outbursts, Aql X-1 and 4U 1608–52; this allows the cyclic modulation of TC to show itself in GRS 1747–312.  相似文献   

Coordinates of polar faculae have been measured and processed using daily photoheliograms of the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo observatory with the final goal of studying their latitude distribution during the solar cycles 20–21. The results obtained are as follows:
  1. The first polar faculae emerge immediately after the polarity inversion of the solar magnetic field at the latitudes from 40° to 70° with the average ?-55°.
  2. The zone of the emergence of polar faculae migrates poleward during the period between the neighbouring polarity inversions of the solar magnetic field. This migration is about 20° for 8 years, which corresponds to a velocity of 0.5 m s-1.
  3. The maximum number of polar faculae was reached at the activity minimum (1975–1976).
  4. The last polar faculae were observed in the second half of 1978 at the latitudes from 70° to 80°.

《New Astronomy》2003,8(6):529-536
Peculiarities in the characteristics of the solar differential rotation are investigated using hydrogen filaments as tracers. The existence of North–South (N–S) asymmetry in hydrogen filaments rotation is confirmed statistically. The connection of asymmetry with the solar activity cycles is established. It is found that the northern hemisphere rotates faster during the even cycles (Cycles 20 and 22) while the rotation of southern hemisphere dominates in odd one (Cycle 21). The mechanism of the solar activity should be responsible for the N–S asymmetry of the solar differential rotation.  相似文献   

We utilized aerosol extinction coefficient inferred from Cassini/CIRS spectra in the far and mid infrared region to derive the extinction cross-section near an altitude of 190 km at 15°S (from far-IR) and 20°S (from mid-IR). By comparing the extinction cross section that are derived from observations with theoretical calculations for a fractal aggregate of 3000 monomers, each having a radius of 0.05 μm, and a fractal dimension of 2, we are able to constrain the refractive index of Titan’s aerosol between 70 and 1500 cm?1 (143 and 6.7 μm). As the real and imaginary parts of the refractive index are related by the Kramers–Kronig equation, we apply an iterative process to determine the optical constants in the thermal infrared. The resulting spectral dependence of the imaginary index displays several spectral signatures, some of which are also seen for some Titan’s aerosol analogues (tholins) produced in laboratory experiments. We find that Titan’s aerosols are less absorbent than tholins in the thermal infrared. The most prominent emission bands observed in the mid-infrared are due to CH bending vibrations in methyl and methylene groups. It appears that Titan’s aerosols predominantly display vibrations implying carbon and hydrogen atoms and perhaps marginally nitrogen. In the mid infrared, all the aerosol spectral signatures are observed at three additional latitudes (56°S, 5°N and 30°N) and in the 193–274 km altitude range, which implies that Titan’s aerosols exhibit the same chemical composition in all investigated latitude and altitude regions.  相似文献   

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