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— The July 17, 1998 tsunami killed over 2,100 people, injured at least 800 severely enough to require hospitalization, permanently displaced over 10,000 and disrupted the social and economic framework of the coastal communities of eastern Saundaun Province, Papua New Guinea. Initial response to the disaster was delayed 16 hours because of the failure to communicate the magnitude of the impact outside the affected area. Once the scope of the disaster was known, international assistance was rapid and substantial. Medical teams, supplies, air transport and mobile field hospitals were provided to assist national medical personnel and facilities. Seven care centers were established for the displaced survivors. Nineteen countries and 17 NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) donated money, relief and rebuilding supplies valued at over 6 million US$ in addition to substantial contributions from national recovery funds and the Catholic Diocese. The three Malol villages, two Arop, four Sissano and the Warupu village were permanently abandoned and new villages established inland. Closure of the lagoon and restriction of coastal fishing impacted adjacent villages as well as tsunami survivors. By the second anniversary of the tsunami construction of schools, water and sanitation systems and some roads had been completed. Survivors were provided tools and building supplies to construct new homes, canoes and fishing equipment. Relief and recovery efforts were complicated by coordination difficulties among the many responding agencies and organizations, the disruption of daily routines for both survivors and villages hosting the care centers, and the intrusion of outside aid workers in a region that had been isolated before the disaster. Adaptation to the new village sites has been difficult due to their inland locations that are hotter, more insect-infested and have water and sanitation difficulties. The high number of casualties from the tsunami was the result of several factors: Population concentrated in the area of maximum tsunami impact. Date and time of occurrence. Siting of villages on vulnerable sand spits. Failure of residents to self-evacuate after feeling the earthquake. Substantial delay in mobilizing response. However, further losses were likely reduced because of the rapid deployment of air transport and medical teams, and massive international relief support. The tsunami has affected long-term tsunami mitigation in the Sissano region through the relocation of villages, heightened awareness and education programs. It has also had a significant effect on mitigation in other countries by illuminating the potential dangers of landslide-generated tsunamis and in media coverage of tsunami hazards.  相似文献   

— The unusual tsunami generated by the July 17, 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake was investigated on the basis of various geophysical observations, including seismological data, tsunami waveform records, and on-land and submarine surveys. The tsunami source models were constructed for seismological high-angle and low-angle faults, splay fault, and submarine slumps. Far-field and near-field tsunamis computed from these models were compared with the recorded waveforms in and around Japan and the measured heights along the coast around Sissano Lagoon, respectively. In order to reproduce the far-field tsunami waveforms, small sources such as splay fault or submarine slump alone were not enough, and a seismological fault model was required. Relocated aftershock distribution and observed coastal subsidence were preferable for the low-angle fault, but the low-angle fault alone could not reproduce the large near-field tsunamis. The low-angle fault with additional source, possibly a submarine slump, is the most likely source of the 1998 tsunami, although other possibilities cannot be excluded. Computations from different source models showed that the far-field tsunami amplitudes are proportional to the displaced water volume at the source, and the comparison with the observed tsunami amplitudes indicated that the displaced water volume at the 1998 tsunami source was ~0.6 km3. The near-filed tsunami heights, on the other hand, are determined by the potential energy of displaced water, and the comparison with the observed heights showed that the potential energy was ~2 × 1012 J.  相似文献   

— Simulation of tsunami propagation and runup of the 1998 Papua New Guinea (PNG) earthquake tsunami using the detailed bathymetry measured by JAMSTEC and adding bathymetric data at depths less than 60 m is carried out, reproducing the tsunami energy focus into Warapu and Arop along the Sissano Lagoon. However, the computed runup heights in the lagoon are still lower than those measured. Even if the error in estimating the fault parameters is taken into consideration, computational results are similar. Analysis by the wave ray method using several scenarios of the source size of the tsunami and location by the wave ray method suggests that a source characterized by small size in water 1,000-m deep approximately 25 km offshore the lagoon, best fits the arrival determined from the interviews with eyewitnesses. A two-layer numerical model simulating the interaction of the tsunami with a landslide is employed to study the behavior of a landslide-generated tsunami with different size sand depths of the initial slide just outside the lagoon. A landslide model with a volume of 4–8 × 109 m3 is selected as the best in order to reproduce the distribution of the measured tsunami runup in the lagoon. The simulation of a tsunami generated in two stages, fault and landslide, could show good agreement with the runup heights and distribution of the arrival time, but a time gap of around 10 minutes remains, suggesting that a tsunami generated by the mainshock at 6:49 PM local time is too small for people to notice, and the following tsunami triggered by landslide or mass movement near the lagoon about ten minutes after the mainshock attacked the coast and caused the huge damage.  相似文献   

— The Papua New Guinea (PNG) tsunami of 1998 is re-examined through a detailed review of the field survey as well as numerous numerical computations. The discussion of the field survey explores a number of possible misinterpretations of the recorded data. The survey data are then employed by a numerical model as a validation tool. A Boussinesq model and a nonlinear shallow water wave (NLSW) model are compared in order to quantify the effect of frequency dispersion on the landslide-generated tsunami. The numerical comparisons indicate that the NLSW model is a poor estimator of offshore wave heights. However, due to what appears to be depth-limited breaking seaward of Sissano spit, both numerical models are in agreement in the prediction of maximum water elevations at the overtopped spit. By comparing three different hot-start initial profiles of the tsunami wave, it is shown that the initial shape and orientation of the tsunami wave is secondary to the initial displaced water mass in regard to prediction of water elevations on the spit. These numerical results indicate that agreement between numerical prediction of runup values with field recorded values at PNG cannot be used to validate either a NLSW tsunami propagation model or a specific landslide tsunami hot-start initial condition. Finally, with the use of traditional tsunami codes, a new interpretation of the PNG runup measurements is presented.  相似文献   

— In September 1999, we collected seven high resolution seismic reflection profiles along the northern continental margin of Papua New Guinea, which targeted the source region of the 1998 tsunami that inundated Sissano Lagoon. We utilized swath bathymetry collected by the JAMSTEC/SOPAC groups in January 1999. The seismic profiles image several faults, bottom simulating reflectors, and a large rotational slump. The slump has a head scarp of 100 m vertical extent, coinciding with the headwall and tension cracks observed previously by submersible at the southern edge of the amphitheater. The central, back-rotated part of the slump is coherent with parallel reflections. The interpreted basal failure plane has a maximum depth of 760 m below the seafloor, and it crops out at a steep escarpment, about 100 meters high, located 4.5 km north of the head scarp. This escarpment separates the slide toe from a series of seafloor-parallel, coherent reflections that are top-lapped by basin deposits at the foot of the amphitheater to the north. The cross-sectional area of the displaced mass is 2.3 km2. From the bathymetry, the width is approximately 2.5–3 km, yielding a total volume (assuming parabolic shape) of 3.8–4.6 km3. Based on these interpretations, the slump was restored to its undeformed position. This technique yields a center of mass vertical drop of 380 m, horizontal movement of 840 m and slip of 980 m along the slide plane.  相似文献   

We analyze far-field Rayleigh and tsunami waves generated by the 1998 Papua New Guinea (PNG) earthquake. Using the normal mode theory and Thomson-Haskell matrix formalism we calculate synthetic mareograms of oceanic surface waves excited by finite-dimensional line source and propagated in a flat, multilayered oceanic structure. Assuming that the source of destructive sea waves was the main shock of the PNG event and based on the expression for seismic wave displacement in the far-field zone, we compute the energy of the seismic and tsunami waves and the Ez /Ets ratio. The results of our modeling are generally consistent with those obtained empirically for events with magnitude 7. Also, treating the results of a submarine slide as a single solitary wave and using the theoretical arguments of Striem and Miloh (1976) we estimate the energy of the tsunami induced by a landslide. The difference between the energy of the seismic tsunami and of the aseismic one is about one order of magnitude.The results of our theoretical modeling show that surface sea waves in the far-field zone account well for seismic origin, although additional tsunami energy from a landslide source could be required to explain the local massive tsunami in the Sissano Lagoon.  相似文献   

— The 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake of M w 7.0 occurred near the Wewak trench where the North Bismarck plate is subducting beneath the Australian plate. Its mechanism is thrust-type, and one of the nodal planes is almost parallel to the plate interface. To determine which of the two nodal planes of the main shock is the fault plane, we relocated the main shock and aftershocks using a method of modified joint hypocenter determination. We combined and employed two types of data in this study. Firstly, we used data reported by the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), which includes three stations at the northeastern edge of Irian Jaya and one station in northern Papua New Guinea, from which the epicentral distances are less than 2 degrees. Secondly, in addition to the above permanent-station data, we used data from temporary aftershock observations near the epicentral area around the Sissano Lagoon carried out by Tsuji et al. (1998). Using three-component seismometers, they carried out observations from August 2 to October 2, 1998 at three sites. Although the network did not record the main shock and immediate aftershocks, the data obtained by temporary observation sites can clearly assist in identifying their absolute locations, since it is possible to apply the joint hypocenter determination (JHD) method. Hypocenters were relocated between the coastline and the Wewak trench, distributed along a nodal plane dipping shallowly to the southwest. Therefore, we can conclude that this nodal plane is the main shock fault and that the 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake was an interplate earthquake between the North Bismarck and Australian plates.  相似文献   

— The epicentral area of the 1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake and Tsunami off Sissano Lagoon, northern coast of Papua New Guinea (M=7.1; 17 July, 1998) was surveyed by the Research Vessel Kairei in January 1999. Precise bathymetric survey by use of SEABEAM-2112 and other geophysical surveys (bottom reflectivity, sub-bottom profiling, surface ship gravity and geomagnetic surveys) were carried out and four piston core samples were collected during the nine days' survey. The area was also surveyed by use of the Japanese deep sea research ROV Dolphin-3K and research submersible Shinkai-2000 after the regional geophysical survey, in order to locate the possible seismic faults and/or underwater landslides as the source of tsunami and to study the process which took place off Sissano Lagoon and the driving force of the event. The study area is characterised by substantial fan sediment supply from Sissano Lagoon. Straight small-scale submarine canyons and valleys are eroding the shelf slope constructed by the fan sediment. Topographic features of arcuate slumps caused by landslides are recognised at numerous sites of the study area. Most of them are old and the most recent is located 25 km northeast off the Sissano Lagoon. Two major topographic depressions on the shelf were located off Sissano Lagoon. The western is a depression of about 10-km width and the eastern is a meandering deep-sea canyon. Amphitheatre topographic features with slumps caused by landslides that were discovered by Kairei's cruise were extensively surveyed in the study area. Six dives by Dolphin-3K and seven dives by Shinkai-2000 revealed that a fresh crack of about 15 km in total length is located along the slope of the amphitheatre. The crack is apparently the upper slope of a large-scale slumping on the amphitheatre, characterised by tensional stress on it. The easternmost part of the fresh crack is accompanied by living chemosynthetic organisms such as mussels and tube worms. The chemosynthetic community is apparently associated with cold seepage along the crack suggesting that the crack was constructed very recently. The areas other than the crack were rather old with bioturbation.  相似文献   

中国地震台网中心和美国地质调查局(USGS)公布的该地震的参数如下:  相似文献   

Field investigations in 1999 confirmed that the tsunami that struck the Aitape coast of Papua New Guinea on 17 July, 1998 caused damage at points as far as 230 km to the west-northwest, particularly at locations where the coast is indented. Eyewitnesses saw the sea withdraw (in most cases), then surge to levels around 2 m higher than normal in a series of three waves. In some cases the time of arrival of the waves is known approximately by reference to the onset of darkness and to felt earthquakes. Seiche waves followed in some bays, notably in Yos Sudarso Bay, Indonesia, where waves persisted for 3–5 days. Damage was caused by the backwash from the waves. Bodies presumed to be those of Aitape victims were seen floating at sea off Jayapura five days after the tsunami. We record the recollections of people in the Yos Sudarso Bay area who experienced a number of tsunamis in the past 60 years; people that we interviewed on the Papua New Guinea side of the border recollected few or none.  相似文献   

T waves recorded at hydrophone and seismic stations following the Papua New Guinea earthquake of 17 July 1998 and its aftershocks show that a small event at 09:02 GMT featured source properties incompatible with an elastic dislocation of appropriate body-wave magnitude (m b=4.4). These include an exceptional duration (47 s at the Wake Island hydrophone station WK31), a spectrum rich in high frequencies (7 to 12 Hz), and a generally low spectral amplitude. These characteristics can be explained by the model of an underwater slump, accelerating from a standstill and eventually slowing down. The relocation of the 09:02 event is compatible with its location within an amphitheater inside which shipboard cruises in 1998 and 1999 documented the presence of a 4 – km3 geologically fresh slump. We propose that the slump took place at 09:02 on 17 July 1998, i.e., 13 minutes after the mainshock, and that it generated the locally catastrophic tsunami, whose properties (amplitude and distribution of runup; timing) could not be explained by a dislocation model.  相似文献   

The aseismic Willaumez-Manus Rise on the Bismarck Sea floor separates the Manus Basin from the New Guinea Basin. The rise does not appear to be an extinct spreading axis, or a remnant arc, but may be the result of excess magmatism possibly related to an inferred mantle hot spot beneath St. Andrew Strait. A preferred interpretation is that the rise is the raised edge of the New Guinea Basin, formed in response to a thermal anomaly beneath the extensional Manus Basin which formed later than the New Guinea Basin.  相似文献   

Clinoform mechanics in the Gulf of Papua, New Guinea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The largest islands of the Indo-Pacific Archipelago are estimated to account for 20–25% of the global sediment discharge to the ocean, and much (>50%) of this sediment is supplied to wide (>150 km) continental shelves. These conditions are conducive to creation of large-scale morphologic features known as clinoforms—sigmoidal-shaped deposits on the continental shelf. The Gulf of Papua (GOP) receives 3.84 ×108 tons of sediment annually from three principal sediment suppliers, the Fly, Kikori and Purari Rivers, and its prograding clinoform is the focus of this study. During three research cruises, 80 cores and 37 CTD/optical backscatter casts were collected, and an instrumented tripod was deployed twice. Sedimentological and radiochemical results indicate that the GOP clinoform has characteristics similar to those seaward of other major rivers (e.g., Amazon, Ganges–Brahmaputra), specifically sand/mud interbedding on the topset, rapidly accumulating muds on the foreset, and siliciclastic mud mixed with carbonate sand on the bottomset.Using core data and field observations, the mechanics of clinoform progradation are examined. Discrete, large sedimentation events are identified as processes building the clinoform feature. X-radiographs from foreset cores reveal thick beds (>5 cm) between bioturbated sections. Detailed 210Pb and grain-size data indicate that low activities and increased clay contents are associated with these beds. They are hypothesized to be formed by fluid–mud deposition in response to periods of large wave-tide bed shear stresses, more likely during the SE-tradewind season, and their regular occurrence produces high rates of mean accumulation (4 cm/y). Bed preservation is determined by the rates of sediment accumulation and bioturbation.To assess the influence of physical oceanographic factors on clinoform shape, bottom shear stresses from tides and surface waves were calculated using available wave and tripod data. This effort reveals that the depth range (25–40 m) of the clinoform rollover point (seaward edge of the topset region) is roughly consistent with the sediment-transport regime. Furthermore, calculations corroborate the core data that suggest possible seasonal sediment storage in the inner topset region (<15-m water depth, during the NW-monsoon winds) with subsequent transfer to foreset beds (more probable during SE-tradewind conditions).A 100-yr sediment budget created with accumulation rate data suggests approximately 20% of the total sediment supplied to the GOP accumulates on the clinoform (creating the clinoform morphology). Less than 5% is believed to escape to the adjacent slope, and much of the remaining 75% is likely trapped on the inner-topset region (<20 m water depth) and within the mangrove forests and flood/delta plains of the northern GOP.  相似文献   

Building damage in Rabaul,Papua New Guinea, 1994   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

The Markham River is a small river draining a tropical mountain range with altitudes between 1000 and 3000 m and discharges directly into a submarine canyon, the head of which is at 30 m depth and reaches depths of 500 m only 4 km from the shore. As such, the Markham discharge system serves as a possible analogue for rivers discharging onto margins during low stands of sea-level. Located in a tectonically active area and with high rainfall, sediment supply is high and episodic and is sometimes related to catastrophic mountain landslides. The river has an estimated sediment load of 12 Mt yr−1. Occasionally, high energy flows are generated at the river mouth which is evident from the channel morphology and sediment distribution. Profiles of salinity and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) show that sediment is dispersed via a plume with components at both the surface, intermediate depth along isopycnal surfaces and near the sea bed. The dispersal pattern of the surface freshwater plume is largely determined by the buoyancy force. The surface plume is very thin with salinity gradients 15 ppt m−1 while a Richardson number greater than unity suggested that the mixing zone is highly stratified. Estimates of the horizontal sediment flux gradient of the surface plume along the estuary axis suggest that about 80% of the sediment discharged is lost from the plume within a distance of 2 km from the river mouth. Particle fall velocities estimated from the vertical flux indicate values less than those of flocculated material. Layers of sediment with SSCs between 500 and 1000 mg l−1 were observed at intermediate depths and near the seabed during periods of both high and intermediate discharge. The mass of sediment in a SSC layer at intermediate depths between 150 and 250 m within the canyon channel was estimated to be equivalent to an average of 2 to 3 days of Markham sediment discharge. SSCs near the seabed of between 250 and 750 mg l−1 suggest that layers of significantly elevated density exist near the seabed, moving under the influence of gravity down steep seabed slopes of the Markham canyon.  相似文献   

One active and ten extinct Quaternary volcanoes are described from the Cape Hoskins area, on the north coast of New Britain. They are mostly strato volcanoes built up of lava flows, lava domes, pyroclastic flows, lahars, tephra, and derived alluvial sediments. The volcanic products range in composition from basalt to rhyolite, but basaltic andesite and andesite predominate. Much of the area is covered by tephra, several metres thick, consisting mainly of rhyolitic pumice. The active volcano, Pago, is built up of several glacier-like lava flows, the last of which was formed during an eruption in 1914–18. Pago lies within a well-preserved caldera forming the central part of a broad low-angle cone, named Witori, which consists largely of welded and unwelded pyroclastic flow deposits. C-14 dates obtained on charcoal indicate that the caldera eruption occurred about 2500 years B. P. Another caldera of similar age lies south of Witori. Of the other eight volcanoes described four are relatively well-preserved steep-sided cones formed mainly of lava flows, one is a remnant of a low-angle cone with a caldera, and three are deeply eroded cones which have none of their constructional surfaces preserved.  相似文献   

Rabaul Caldera is the most recently active (1937–1943) of four adjoining volcanic centres aligned north-south through the northern extremity of eastern New Britain. Geological mapping after the 1983–1985 Rabaul seismic and deformation crisis has partially revealed a long and complex eruption history dominated by numerous explosive eruptions, the largest accompanied by caldera collapse. The oldest exposed eruptives are the basaltic pre-caldera cone Tovanumbatir Lavas K/Ar dated at 0.5 Ma. The dacitic Rabaul Quarry Lavas exposed in the caldera wall and K/Ar dated at 0.19 Ma, are overlain by a sequence of dacitic and andesitic pyroclastic flow and fall deposits. Uplifted coral reef limestones, interbedded within the pyroclastic sequence on the northeast coast, suggest that explosive eruptions in the Rabaul area had commenced prior to the 0.125 Ma last interglacial high sea level stand. The pyroclastic sequence includes the large Boroi Ignimbrites and Malaguna Pyroclastics both 40Ar/39Ar dated at about 0.1 Ma, and the Barge Tunnel Ignimbrite 40Ar/39Ar dated at around 0.04 Ma. Few reliable ages exist for the many younger eruptives. These include Holocene ignimbrites of the latest caldera-forming eruptions—the Raluan Pyroclastics variously dated (14C) at either about 3500 or 7000 yr B.P., and the ca. 1400 yr B.P. Rabaul Pyroclastics. At least eight intracaldera eruptions have occurred since the 1400 yr B.P. collapse, building small pyroclastic and lava cones within the caldera.A major erosional episode is evident as a widespread unconformity in the upper pyroclastic stratigraphy at Rabaul. Lacking relevant radiometric ages, this episode is assumed to have occurred during last glaciation low sea levels and is here arbitarily dated at ca. ?20 ka. At least five, possibly nine, significant ignimbrite eruptions have occurred at Rabaul during the last ?20 ka. The new eruptive history differs considerably from that previously published, which considered ignimbrite eruption and caldera collapse to have first occurred at 3500 yr B.P.Rabaul volcanism has been dominated by two main types: (a) basaltic and basaltic andesite cone building eruptions; and (b) dacitic, and rarely andesitic or rhyolitic, plinian/ignimbrite eruptions of both high- and low-aspect ratio types. The 1400 yr B.P. Rabaul Ignimbrite is a type example of a low-aspect ratio, high-energy, and potentially very damaging eruption. Fine vitric ash deposits, common in the Rabaul pyroclastic sequence, demonstrate the frequent modification of eruptions by external water probably related to early caldera lakes or bays. Interbedding of these fine ashes with plinian pumice lapilli beds suggests that many early eruptions occurred from multiple vents, located in both wet and dry areas.  相似文献   

The 2006 western Java tsunami deposited a discontinuous sheet of sand up to 20 cm thick, flooded coastal southern Java to a depth of at least 8 m and inundated up to 1 km inland. In most places the primarily heavy mineral sand sheet is normally graded, and in some it contains complex internal stratigraphy. Structures within the sand sheet probably record the passage of up to two individual waves, a point noted in eyewitness accounts. We studied the 2006 tsunami deposits in detail along a flow parallel transect about 750 m long, 15 km east of Cilacap. The tsunami deposit first becomes discernable from the underlying sediment 70 m from the shoreline. From 75 to 300 m inland the deposit has been laid down in rice paddies, and maintains a thickness of 10–20 cm. Landward of 300 m the deposit thins dramatically, reaching 1 mm by 450 m inland. From 450 m to the edge of deposition (around 700 m inland) the deposit remains <1 mm thick. Deposition generally attended inundation—along the transect, the tsunami deposited sand to within about 40 m of the inundation limit. The thicker part of the deposit contains primarily sand indistinguishable from that found on the beach 3 weeks after the event, but after about 450 m (and roughly coinciding with the decrease in thickness) the tsunami sediment shifts to become more like the underlying paddy soil than the beach sand. Grain sizes within the deposit tend to fine upward and landward, although overall upward fining takes place in two discrete pulses, with an initial section of inverse grading followed by a section of normal grading. The two inversely graded sections are also density graded, with denser grains at the base, and less dense grains at the top. The two normally graded sections show no trends in density. The inversely graded sections show high density sediment to the base and become less dense upward and represents traction carpet flows at the base of the tsunami. These are suggestive of high shear rates in the flow. Because of the grain sorting in the traction carpet, the landward-fining trends usually seen in tsunami deposits are masked, although lateral changes of mean sediment grain size along the transect do show overall landward fining, with more variation as the deposit tapers off. The deposit is also thicker in the more seaward portions than would be produced by tsunamis lacking traction carpets.  相似文献   

巴布亚新几内亚在大地构造位置上位于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块的结合部位.本文介绍了自晚白垩世以来巴布亚新几内亚经历的复杂地质构造演化过程,不同板块间的汇聚、碰撞、俯冲和拆离、扩张等地质作用形成了以区内南部克拉通、中部褶皱带及北部岛弧带为特点的地质构造单元,在区内形成了具有活动大陆边缘特色的成矿系统,对寻找以斑岩型和浅成低温热液型铜金矿、红土型镍矿为主要成矿类型具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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