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Abstract— Activities of chromite in multicomponent spinels with compositions similar to those of H chondrites were experimentally determined by equilibrating Pt‐alloys with spinel at known temperature and fO2. Our results are consistent with predictions based on the spinel solid solution model incorporated into the MELTS program. Therefore, we combined literature formulations for the activities of components in spinel, the ferromagnesian silicates, and alloys with measured and literature (bulk alloy) compositions of the meteoritic phases to constrain T‐fO2 conditions for the H‐group chondrites Avanhandava (H4), Allegan (H5), and Guareña (H6). Log10fO2 values based on the assemblage of olivine + orthopyroxene + metal are 2.19–2.56 log units below the iron‐wüstite (IW) buffer for any equilibration temperature between 740 and 990 °C, regardless of petrographic type. Only lower limits on fO2 could be determined from spinel + metal equilibria because of the extremely low concentrations of Cr in the alloys of equilibrated H chondrites (≤3 ppb). Log10fO2 values required by spinel + metal equilibria are inconsistent with those for olivine + orthopyroxene + metal if equilibration temperatures were at or above those inferred from olivine‐spinel thermometry. This probably indicates that the closure for spinel + metal equilibria occurred under retrograde conditions at temperatures below ~625 °C for Allegan and Guareña and below ~660 °C for Avanhandava.  相似文献   

Ureilite meteorites are abundant, carbon‐rich, primitive achondrites made of coarse‐grained, equilibrated olivine and pyroxene (usually pigeonite). They probably sample the baked, heterogeneous, melt‐depleted mantle of a large, once‐chondritic parent body that was broken up catastrophically while still young and hot. Heterogeneity in the parent body is inferred from a considerable “slope‐1” variation from one meteorite to another in oxygen isotopes (?2.5‰ < Δ17O < ?0.2‰), which correlates with both molar FeO/MgO (range 0.03–0.35) and molar FeO/MnO (range 3–57), i.e., Δ17O correlates with the redox state. No consensus has yet emerged on the cause of these correlated trends. One view favors their inheritance via silicates from hot nebular (preaccretion) processes. Another invokes smelting (reduction of FeO by C in the hot parent body). Here, guided mainly by similar trends among equilibrated ordinary and R chondrites, studies of their unequilibrated counterparts, and work on other primitive achondrites, we propose a new model for ureilites in which the parent body accreted nebular ice with high‐?17O, Mg‐rich silicates with low ?17O, and varying amounts of metallic iron. Water from the thawing ice then oxidized the metal yielding secondary FeO‐bearing minerals with high ?17O that, with metamorphism, became incorporated into the ureilite silicates. FeO/MgO, FeO/MnO, and ?17O correlate because they rose in unison by amounts that varied spatially, depending on the local amount of metal that was oxidized. We suggest that the parent body was so large (radius ? 100 km) that smelting was inhibited and that carbon played a passive role in ureilite evolution. Although ureilites are regarded as complicated meteorites, we believe our analysis explains their mass‐independent oxygen isotope trend and related FeO variation through well‐understood processes and enlightens our understanding of the evolution of early planetesimals from cold, wet bodies to hot, dry ones.  相似文献   

A silicious impact melt rock from polymict impact breccia of the northern part of the alkali granite core of the Araguainha impact structure, central Brazil, has been investigated. The melt rock is thought to represent a large mass of impact‐generated melt in suevite. In particular, a diverse population of zircon grains, with different impact‐induced microstructures, has been analyzed for U‐Pb isotopic systematics. Backscattered electron and cathodoluminescence images reveal heterogeneous intragrain domains with vesicular, granular, vesicular plus granular, and vesicular plus (presumably) baddeleyite textures, among others. The small likely baddeleyite inclusions are not only preferentially located along grain margins but also occur locally within grain interiors. LA‐ICP‐MS U‐Pb data from different domains yield lower intercept ages of 220, 240, and 260 Ma, a result difficult to reconcile with the previous “best age” estimate for the impact event at 254.7 ± 2.7 Ma. SIMS U‐Pb data, too, show a relatively large range of ages from 245 to 262 Ma. A subset of granular grains that yielded concordant SIMS ages were analyzed for crystallographic orientation by EBSD. Orientation mapping shows that this population consists of approximately micrometer‐sized neoblasts that preserve systematic orientation evidence for the former presence of the high‐pressure polymorph reidite. In one partially granular grain (#36), the neoblasts occur in linear arrays that likely represent former reidite lamellae. Such grains are referred to as FRIGN zircon. The best estimate for the age of the Araguainha impact event from our data set from a previously not analyzed type of impact melt rock is based on concordant SIMS data from FRIGN zircon grains. This age is 251.5 ± 2.9 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.45, p = 0.50, n = 4 analyses on three grains), indistinguishable from previous estimates based on zircon and monazite from other impact melt lithologies at Araguainha. Our work provides a new example of how FRIGN zircon can be combined with in situ U‐Pb geochronology to extract an accurate age for an impact event.  相似文献   

Recent flowing afterglow measurements have shown that the reaction of N+ with O2 produces 70 ± 30% of the oxygen atom product as O(1D) and < 0.1% as O(1S). These results indicate that this reaction does not contribute to the auroral green line emission (5577 Å), but can account for ~10% of the observed red line (6300 Å) auroral emission.  相似文献   

Miller Range (MIL) 090340 and MIL 090206 are olivine‐rich achondrites originally classified as ureilites. We investigate their petrography, mineral compositions, olivine Cr valences, equilibration temperatures, and (for MIL 090340) oxygen isotope compositions, and compare them with ureilites and other olivine‐rich achondrites. We conclude that they are brachinite‐like achondrites that provide new insights into the petrogenesis of brachinite clan meteorites. MIL 090340,6 has a granoblastic texture and consists of ~97 modal % by area olivine (Fo = molar Mg/[Mg+Fe] = 71.3 ± 0.6). It also contains minor to trace augite, chromite, chlorapatite, orthopyroxene, metal, troilite, and terrestrial Fe‐oxides. Approximately 80% by area of MIL 090206,5 has a granoblastic texture of olivine (Fo 72.3 ± 0.1) plus minor augite and chromite, similar to MIL 090340 but also containing minor plagioclase. The rest of the section consists of a single crystal of orthopyroxene (~11 × 3 mm), poikilitically enclosing rounded grains of olivine (Fo = 76.1 ± 0.6), augite, chromite, metal, and sulfide. Equilibration temperatures for MIL 090340 and MIL 090206, calculated from olivine‐spinel, olivine‐augite, and two‐pyroxene thermometry range from ~800 to 930 °C. In both samples, symplectic intergrowths of Ca‐poor orthopyroxene + opaque phases (Fe‐oxides, sulfide, metal) occur as rims on and veins/patches within olivine. Before terrestrial weathering, the opaques were probably mostly sulfide, with minor metal. All petrologic properties of MIL 090340 and MIL 090206 are consistent with those of brachinite clan meteorites, and largely distinct from those of ureilites. Oxygen isotope compositions of olivine in MIL 090340 (δ18O = 5.08 ± 0.30‰, δ17O = 2.44 ± 0.21‰, and Δ17O = ?0.20 ± 0.12‰) are also within the range of brachinite clan meteorites, and well distinguished from ureilites. Olivine Cr valences in MIL 090340 and the granoblastic area of MIL 090206 are 2.57 ± 0.06 and 2.59 ± 0.07, respectively, similar to those of three brachinites also analyzed here (Brachina, Hughes 026, Nova 003). They are higher than those of olivine in ureilites, even those containing chromite. The valence systematics of MIL 090340, MIL 090206, and the three analyzed brachinites (lower Fo = more oxidized Cr) are consistent with previous evidence that brachinite‐like parent bodies were inherently more oxidized than the ureilite parent body. The symplectic orthopyroxene + sulfide/metal assemblages in MIL 090340, MIL 090206, and many brachinite clan meteorites have superficial similarities to characteristic “reduction rims” in ureilites. However, they differ significantly in detail. They likely formed by reaction of olivine with S‐rich fluids, with only minor reduction. MIL 090340 and the granoblastic area of MIL 090206 are similar in modal mineralogy and texture to most brachinites, but have higher Fo values typical of brachinite‐like achondrites. The poikilitic pyroxene area of MIL 090206 is more typical of brachinite‐like achondrites. The majority of their properties suggest that MIL 090340 and MIL 090206 are residues of low‐degree partial melting. The poikilitic area of MIL 090206 could be a result of limited melt migration, with trapping and recrystallization of a small volume of melt in the residual matrix. These two samples are so similar in mineral compositions, Cr valence, and cosmic ray exposure ages that they could be derived from the same lithologic unit on a common parent body.  相似文献   

MgAl2O4 spinels from Allende and NWA 763 carbonaceous chondrites were studied by X‐ray single crystal diffraction, SEM, electron microprobe, LA‐ICP‐MS, and Raman spectroscopy. Those from Allende are almost pure, but, in one case, we found a strong FeOtot zonation. Spinels from NWA 763 show Mg‐Fe2+ substitutions. Almost pure MgAl2O4 spinels from both meteorites underwent slow cooling and reached their intracrystalline closure temperature (Tc) in the range 460–520 °C. The NWA 763 spinel with higher FeO content shows a Tc of about 720 °C. X‐ray single crystal diffraction and Raman spectroscopy suggest a slow cooling and an ordered structure with trivalent cations in M site and divalent in T site. Among the trace elements, Ti and Co are enriched with respect to the terrestrial analogs, while Mn, Ni, and Sn show intermediate values between different terrestrial occurrences. Vanadium cannot be used as a tracer of extraterrestrial origin as for Cr‐spinels, because its content is similar in extraterrestrial and terrestrial spinels. In the zoned crystal from Allende, Co show a strong zonation similar to that of FeO.  相似文献   

The Maâdna structure is located approximately 400 km south of Algiers (33°19′ N, 4°19′ E) and emplaced in Upper‐Cretaceous to Eocene limestones. Although accepted as an impact crater on the basis of alleged observations of shock‐diagnostic features such as planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz grains, previous works were limited and further studies are desirable to ascertain the structure formation process and its age. For this purpose, the crater was investigated using a multidisciplinary approach including field observations, detailed cartography of the different geological and structural units, geophysical surveys, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, paleomagnetism, and petrography of the collected samples. We found that the magnetic and gravimetric profiles highlight a succession of positive and negative anomalies, ones that might indicate the occurrence of a causative material which is at least in part identical. Geophysical analysis and modeling suggest the presence of this material within the crater at a depth of about 100 m below the surface. Using soil magnetic susceptibility measurements, the shallowest magnetized zone in the central part of the crater is identified as a recently deposited material. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic experiments combined with petrographic observations show that detrital hematite is the main magnetic carrier although often associated with magnetite. A primary magnetization is inferred from a stable remanence with both normal and reverse directions, carried by these two minerals. Although this is supposed to be a chemical remagnetization, its normal polarity nature is considered to be a Pliocene component, subsequent to the crater formation. The pole falls onto the Miocene‐Pliocene part of the African Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP). Consequently, we estimate the formation of the Maâdna crater to have occurred during the time period extending from the Late Miocene to the Early Pliocene. Unfortunately, our field and laboratory investigations do not allow us to confirm an impact origin for the crater as neither shatter cones, nor shocked minerals, were found. A dissolved diapir with inverted relief is suggested as an alternative to the impact hypothesis, which can still be considered as plausible. Only a drilling may provide a definite answer.  相似文献   

The modern means of computation require mathematical relations in forms which take care of the data directly furnished to the computer by observational instruments. In this communication the general relation of the nth derivative of the function (R) is given.  相似文献   

Abstract— Partition coefficients of the rare-earth-elements (REE) between sulfides (FeS or CaS) and silicate melt were determined experimentally at 1200–1300 °C. The REE sulfide/silicate partition coefficients (D) are ≤1 under the experimental O and S fugacities, which demonstrates that the REE are mainly located in the silicate phase. Rare-earth-element partition coefficients in the FeS/silicate system decrease from light to heavy REE, while the opposite behavior is found for the CaS/silicate system, where partition coefficients increase from light to heavy REE. In both sulfide systems, Eu is preferentially incorporated into the sulfide phases, as also expected from thermodynamic calculations. The Eu sulfide/silicate partition coefficient is about a factor of ten higher than that of neighboring Sm and Gd, in accordance with thermodynamic predictions of REE sulfide/silicate partition coefficients. The low sulfide/silicate partition coefficients indicate that CaS (oldhamite) in enstatite achondrites (aubrites) cannot have gained its high REE concentrations during igneous differentiation processes. The high REE concentrations and the REE patterns in aubritic oldhamite are more plausibly explained by REE condensation into refractory CaS. The refractory nature of CaS prevented major exchange reactions of the oldhamite with other aubritic minerals during the short differentiation and metamorphism period on the aubrite parent body. Thus, oldhamite in aubrites may be relict condensates altered to different degrees during short heating events, as originally suggested by Lodders and Palme (1990).  相似文献   

Abstract– Melt‐bearing impactites dominated by suevite, and with a minor content of clast‐rich impact melt rock, are found within the central part of the Gardnos structure. They are preserved as the eroded remnants in the relatively small complex impact structure with a present diameter of 5 km. These rocks have been mapped in the field and in the Branden drill core, and described according to mineralogy/petrology, including matrix, litho clast, and melt content, as well as geochemistry. Based on our extensive field mapping, a simple 3‐D model of the original crater was constructed to estimate tentative volumes for the melt‐bearing impactites. The variations in lithic and melt fragment content and chemistry of suevite matrix can mostly be explained by incorporation of mafic rocks into a dominant mixture of granitic, gneissic, and quartzitic target rocks, reflecting mixing of material from different parts of the crater. Melt fragments within suevite occur with a variety of shapes and textures, probably related to different original target rock composition, to the various temperatures the individual fragments were subjected to during the impact event and deposition processes. This study discusses the impact‐related deposits based on a sedimentological approach. Their overall composition and structures indicate dominating gravity flow processes in the final transportation and deposition of the suevite.  相似文献   

Impact melt‐bearing clastic deposits (suevites) are one of the most important records of the impact cratering process. A deeper understanding of their composition and formation is therefore essential. This study focuses on impact melt particles in suevite at Ries, Germany. Textures and chemical evidence indicate that the suevite contains three melt types that originate from different shock levels in the target. The most abundant melt type (“melt type 1”) represents well‐mixed whole‐rock melting of crystalline basement and includes incompletely mixed mafic melt schlieren (“melt type 1 mafic”). Polymineralic melt type 2 comprises mixes between monomineralic melt types 3 and melt type 1. Melt types 2 and 3 are located within melt type 1 as small patches or schlieren but also isolated within the suevite matrix. The main melt type 1 is heterogeneous with respect to trace elements, varying geographically around the crater: in the western sector, it has lower values in trace elements, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, than in the eastern sector. The west–east zoning likely reflects the heterogeneous nature of crystalline basement target rocks with lower trace element contents, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, in the west compared to the east. The chemical zoning pattern of suevite melt type 1 indicates that mixing during ejection and emplacement occurred only on a local (hundreds of meters) scale. The incomplete larger scale mixing indicated by the preservation of these local chemical signatures, and schlieren corroborate the assumption that mixing, ejection, and quenching were very rapid, short‐lived processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have carried out noble gas measurements on graphite from a large graphite‐metal inclusion in Canyon Diablo. The Ne data of the low‐temperature fractions lie on the mixing line between air and the spallogenic component, but those of high temperatures seem to lie on the mixing line between Ne‐HL and the spallogenic component. The Ar isotope data indicate the presence of Q in addition to air, spallogenic component and Ar‐HL. As the elemental concentration of Ne in Q is low, we could not detect the Ne‐Q from the Ne data. On the other hand, we could not observe Xe‐HL in our Xe data. As the Xe concentration and the Xe/Ne ratio in Q is much higher than that in the HL component, it is likely that only the contribution of Q is observed in the Xe data. Xenon isotopic data can be explained as a mixture of Q, air, and “El Taco Xe.” The Canyon Diablo graphite contains both HL and Q, very much like carbonaceous chondrites, retaining the signatures of various primordial noble gas components. This indicates that the graphite was formed in a primitive nebular environment and was not heated to high, igneous temperatures. Furthermore, a large excess of 129Xe was observed, which indicates that the graphite was formed at a very early stage of the solar system when 129I was still present. The HL/Q ratios in the graphite in Canyon Diablo are lower than those in carbonaceous chondrites, indicating that some thermal metamorphism occurred on the former. We estimated the temperature of the thermal metamorphism to about 500–600 °C from the difference of thermal retentivities of HL and Q. It is also noted that “El Taco Xe” is commonly observed in many IAB iron meteorites, but its presence in carbonaceous chondrites has not yet been established.  相似文献   

Abstract— Petrographic, compositional, and isotopic characteristics were studied for three calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and four plagioclase‐bearing chondrules (three of them Al‐rich) from the Axtell (CV3) chondrite. All seven objects have analogues in Allende (CV3) and other primitive chondrites, yet Axtell, like most other chondrites, contains a distinctive suite of CAIs and chondrules. In common with Allende CAIs, CAIs in Axtell exhibit initial 26Al/27Al ratios ((26Al/27Al)0) ranging from ~5 × 10?5 to <1.1 × 10?5, and plagioclase‐bearing chondrules have (26Al/27Al)0 ratios of ~3 × 10?6 and lower. One type‐A CAI has the characteristics of a FUN inclusion. The Al‐Mg data imply that the plagioclase‐bearing chondrules began to form >2 Ma after the first CAIs. As in other CV3 chondrites, some objects in Axtell show evidence of isotopic disturbance. Axtell has experienced only mild thermal metamorphism (<600 °C), probably not enough to disturb the Al‐Mg systematics. Its CAIs and chondrules have suffered extensive metasomatism, probably prior to final accretion. These data indicate that CAIs and chondrules in Axtell (and other meteorites) had an extended history of several million years before their incorporation into the Axtell parent body. These long time periods appear to require a mechanism in the early solar system to prevent CAIs and chondrules from falling into the Sun via gas drag for several million years before final accretion. We also examined the compositional relationships among the four plagioclase‐bearing chondrules (two with large anorthite laths and two barred‐olivine chondrules) and between the chondrules and CAIs. Three processes were examined: (1) igneous differentiation, (2) assimilation of a CAI by average nebular material, and (3) evaporation of volatile elements from average nebular material. We find no evidence that igneous differentiation played a role in producing the chondrule compositions, although the barred olivine compositions can be related by addition or subtraction of olivine. Methods (2) and (3) could have produced the composition of one chondrule, AXCH‐1471, but neither process explains the other compositions. Our study indicates that plagioclase‐bearing objects originated through a variety of processes.  相似文献   

Tuite is a high‐pressure γ‐form of Ca3(PO4)2. An occurrence of tuite partly transformed from merrillite and chlorapatite was observed in the chondritic area adjacent to the shock veins in the Suizhou meteorite. Tuite grains are found in contact with both merrillite and chlorapatite, indicating two different transformation pathways. Tuite isochemically transformed from merrillite contains much higher contents of Na2O and MgO than those transformed from chlorapatite. Tuite transformed from merrillite does not contain Cl, but tuite transformed from chlorapatite contains 1.90–3.91 wt% of Cl, hence indicating an incomplete phase transformation from chlorapatite to tuite. P‐T conditions of above 12 GPa and 1100 °C are probably required for the transformation from merrillite and chlorapatite to tuite. A temperature gradient from the hot vein at 2000 °C to the surrounding chondritic area at 1000 °C corresponds to the partial phase transitions in the Suizhou phosphates. Fast cooling of the thin shock veins plays a key role in the preservation of phosphates that suffered partial high‐pressure phase transformation.  相似文献   

We analyze our monitoring data for the water-vapor maser in the source W31(2), associated with a region of vigorous star formation, a cluster of OB stars. The monitoring was performed with the 22-m radio telescope at Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory during 1981–2004. The variability of the H2O maser in W31(2) was found to be cyclic, with a mean period of 1.9 yr. Two flares were most intense (superflares): in 1985–1986 and 1998–1999. In each activity cycle, we observed up to several short flares, subpeaks. The fluxes of many emission features during the flares were correlated. We also observed successive activation of individual emission features in order of increasing or decreasing radial velocity, suggesting an ordered structure and, hence, a radial-velocity gradient of the medium. There is a clear correlation of the emission peaks of the main components in the spectra at radial velocities of ?1.7, ?1.3, 0.5, and 1.3 km s?1 with activity cycles and of the emission at VLSR < ?8 km s?1 with short flares. During the superflares, the emission in the low-velocity part of the H2O spectrum and a number of other phenomena related to coherent maser-emission properties were suppressed. The maser spots are assumed to form a compact structure, to have a common pumping source, and to be associated with an accretion flow onto the cluster of OB stars.  相似文献   

As part of an integrated consortium study, we have undertaken O, Cd, Cr, Si, Te, Ti, and Zn whole rock isotopic measurements of the Winchcombe CM2 meteorite. δ66Zn values determined for two Winchcombe aliquots are +0.29 ± 0.05‰ (2SD) and +0.45 ± 0.05‰ (2SD). The difference between these analyses likely reflects sample heterogeneity. Zn isotope compositions for Winchcombe show excellent agreement with published CM2 data. δ114Cd for a single Winchcombe aliquot is +0.29 ± 0.04‰ (2SD), which is close to a previous result for Murchison. δ130Te values for three aliquots gave indistinguishable results, with a mean value of +0.62 ± 0.01‰ (2SD) and are essentially identical to published values for CM2s. ε53Cr and ε54Cr for Winchcombe are 0.319 ± 0.029 (2SE) and 0.775 ± 0.067 (2SE), respectively. Based on its Cr isotopic composition, Winchcombe plots close to other CM2 chondrites. ε50Ti and ε46Ti values for Winchcombe are 3.21 ± 0.09 (2SE) and 0.46 ± 0.08 (2SE), respectively, and are in line with recently published data for CM2s. The δ30Si composition of Winchcombe is −0.50 ± 0.06‰ (2SD, n = 11) and is essentially indistinguishable from measurements obtained on other CM2 chondrites. In conformity with petrographic observations, oxygen isotope analyses of both bulk and micromilled fractions from Winchcombe clearly demonstrate that its parent body experienced extensive aqueous alteration. The style of alteration exhibited by Winchcombe is consistent with relatively closed system processes. Analysis of different fractions within Winchcombe broadly support the view that, while different lithologies within an individual CM2 meteorite can be highly variable, each meteorite is characterized by a predominant alteration type. Mixing of different lithologies within a regolith environment to form cataclastic matrix is supported by oxygen isotope analysis of micromilled fractions from Winchcombe. Previously unpublished bulk oxygen isotope data for 12 CM2 chondrites, when combined with published data, define a well-constrained regression line with a slope of 0.77. Winchcombe analyses define a more limited linear trend at the isotopically heavy, more aqueously altered, end of the slope 0.77 CM2 array. The CM2 slope 0.77 array intersects the oxygen isotope field of CO3 falls, indicating that the unaltered precursor material to the CMs was essentially identical in oxygen isotope composition to the CO3 falls. Our data are consistent with earlier suggestions that the main differences between the CO3s and CM2s reflect differing amounts of water ice that co-accreted into their respective parent bodies, being high in the case of CM2s and low in the case of CO3s. The small difference in Si isotope compositions between the CM and CO meteorites can be explained by different proportions of matrix versus refractory silicates. CMs and COs may also be indistinguishable with respect to Ti and Cr isotopes; however, further analysis is required to test this possibility. The close relationship between CO3 and CM2 chondrites revealed by our data supports the emerging view that the snow line within protoplanetary disks marks an important zone of planetesimal accretion.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured the concentrations of 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca and 14C in the metal and/or stone fractions of 27 Antarctic chondrites from Frontier Mountain (FRO), including two large H‐chondrite showers. To estimate the pre‐atmospheric size of the two showers, we determined the contribution of neutron‐capture produced 36Cl (half‐life = 3.01 times 105 years) and 41Ca (1.04 times 105 years) in the stone fraction. The measured activities of neutron‐capture 36Cl and 41Ca, as well as spallation produced 10Be and 26Al, were compared with Monte Carlo‐based model calculations. The largest shower, FRO 90174, includes eight fragments with an average terrestrial age of (100 ± 30) × 103 years; the neutron‐capture saturation activities extend to 27 dpm/kg stone for 36Cl and 19 dpm/kg stone for 41Ca. The concentrations of spallation produced 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl constrain the radius (R) to 80–100 cm, while the neutron‐capture 41Ca activities indicate that the samples originated from the outer 25 cm. With a pre‐atmospheric radius of 80–100 cm, FRO 90174 is among the largest of the Antarctic stony meteorites. The large pre‐atmospheric size supports our hypothesis that at least 50 of the ~150 classified H5/H6‐chondrites from the Frontier Mountain stranding area belong to this single fall; this hypothesis does not entirely account for the high H/L ratio at Frontier Mountain. The smaller shower, FRO 90001, includes four fragments with an average terrestrial age of (40 ± 10) × 103 years; they contain small contributions of neutron‐capture 36Cl, but no excess of 41Ca. FRO 90001 experienced a complex exposure history with high shielding conditions in the first stage (150 < R < 300 cm) and much lower shielding in the second stage (R < 30 cm), the latter starting ~1.0 million years (Ma) ago. Based on the measured 10Be/21Ne and 26Al/21Ne ratios, the cosmic‐ray exposure ages of the two showers are 7.2 ± 0.5 Ma for FRO 90174 and 8 ± 1 Ma for FRO 90001. These ages coincide with the well‐established H‐chondrite peak and corroborate the observation that the exposure age distribution of FRO H‐chondrites is similar to that of non‐Antarctic falls. In addition, we found that corrections for neutron‐capture 36Ar (from decay of 36Cl) result in concordant 21Ne and 38Ar exposure ages.  相似文献   

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