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The extent of impact‐generated hydrothermal activity in the 24 km sized Ries impact structure has been controversially discussed. To date, mineralogical and isotopic investigations point to a restriction of hydrothermal activity to the impact‐melt bearing breccias, specifically the crater‐fill suevite. Here, we present new petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic data of postimpact carbonate deposits, which indicate a hydrothermal activity more extended than previously assumed. Specifically, carbonates of the Erbisberg, a spring mound located upon the inner crystalline ring of the crater, show travertine facies types not seen in any of the previously investigated sublacustrine soda lake spring mounds of the Ries basin. In particular, the streamer carbonates, which result from the encrustation of microbial filaments in subaerial spring effluents between 60 and 70 °C, are characteristic of a hydrothermal origin. While much of the primary geochemical and isotopic signatures in the mound carbonates have been obliterated by diagenesis, a postimpact calcite vein from brecciated gneiss of the subsurface crater floor revealed a flat rare earth element pattern with a clear positive Eu anomaly, indicating a hydrothermal fluid convection in the crater basement. Finally, the strontium isotope stratigraphic correlation of the travertine mound with the crater basin succession suggests a hydrothermal activity for about 250,000 yr after the impact, which would be much longer than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 1.07 Ma well‐preserved Bosumtwi impact structure in Ghana (10.5 km in diameter) formed in 2 Ga‐old metamorphosed and crystalline rocks of the Birimian system. The interior of the structure is largely filled by the 8 km diameter Lake Bosumtwi, and the crater rim and region in the environs of the crater is covered by tropical rainforest, making geological studies rather difficult and restricted to road cuts and streams. In early 1999, we undertook a shallow drilling program to the north of the crater rim to determine the extent of the ejecta blanket around the crater and to obtain subsurface core samples for mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical studies of ejecta of the Bosumtwi impact structure. A variety of impactite lithologies are present, consisting of impact glassrich suevite and several types of breccia: lithic breccia of single rock type, often grading into unbrecciated rock, with the rocks being shattered more or less in situ without much relative displacement (autochthonous?), and lithic polymict breccia that apparently do not contain any glassy material (allochtonous?). The suevite cores show that melt inclusions are present throughout the whole length of the cores in the form of vesicular glasses with no significant change of abundance with depth. Twenty samples from the 7 drill cores and 4 samples from recent road cuts in the structure were studied for their geochemical characteristics to accumulate a database for impact lithologies and their erosion products present at the Bosumtwi crater. Major and trace element analyses yielded compositions similar to those of the target rocks in the area (graywacke‐phyllite, shale, and granite). Graywacke‐phyllite and granite dikes seem to be important contributors to the compositions of the suevite and the road cut samples (fragmentary matrix), with a minor contribution of Pepiakese granite. The results also provide information about the thickness of the fallout suevite in the northern part of the Bosumtwi structure, which was determined to be ≤15 m and to occupy an area of ?1.5 km2. Present suevite distribution is likely to be caused by differential erosion and does not reflect the initial areal extent of the continuous Bosumtwi ejecta deposits. Our studies allow a comparison with the extent of the suevite at the Ries, another well‐preserved impact structure.  相似文献   

Suevite and melt breccia compositions in the boreholes Enkingen and Polsingen are compared with compositions of suevites from other Ries boreholes and surface locations and discussed in terms of implications for impact breccia genesis. No significant differences in average chemical compositions for the various drill cores or surface samples are noted. Compositions of suevite and melt breccia from southern and northeastern sectors of the Ries crater do not significantly differ. This is in stark contrast to the published variations between within‐crater and out‐of‐crater suevites from northern and southern sectors of the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Locally occurring alteration overprint on drill cores—especially strong on the carbonate‐impregnated suevite specimens of the Enkingen borehole—does affect the average compositions. Overall, the composition of the analyzed impact breccias from Ries are characterized by very little macroscopically or microscopically recognized sediment‐clast component; the clast populations of suevite and impact melt breccia are dominated consistently by granitic and intermediate granitoid components. The Polsingen breccia is significantly enriched in a dioritic clast component. Overall, chemical compositions are of intermediate composition as well, with dioritic‐granodioritic silica contents, and relatively small contributions from mafic target components. Selected suevite samples from the Enkingen core have elevated Ni, Co, Cr, and Ir contents compared with previously analyzed suevites from the Ries crater, which suggest a small meteoritic component. Platinum‐group element (PGE) concentrations for some of the enriched samples indicate somewhat elevated concentrations and near‐chondritic ratios of the most immobile PGE, consistent with an extraterrestrial contribution of 0.1–0.2% chondrite‐equivalent.  相似文献   

We report results of an interdisciplinary project devoted to the 26 km‐diameter Ries crater and to the genesis of suevite. Recent laboratory analyses of “crater suevite” occurring within the central crater basin and of “outer suevite” on top of the continuous ejecta blanket, as well as data accumulated during the past 50 years, are interpreted within the boundary conditions imposed by a comprehensive new effort to model the crater formation and its ejecta deposits by computer code calculations (Artemieva et al. 2013). The properties of suevite are considered on all scales from megascopic to submicroscopic in the context of its geological setting. In a new approach, we reconstruct the minimum/maximum volumes of all allochthonous impact formations (108/116 km3), of suevite (14/22 km3), and the total volume of impact melt (4.9/8.0 km3) produced by the Ries impact event prior to erosion. These volumes are reasonably compatible with corresponding values obtained by numerical modeling. Taking all data on modal composition, texture, chemistry, and shock metamorphism of suevite, and the results of modeling into account, we arrive at a new empirical model implying five main consecutive phases of crater formation and ejecta emplacement. Numerical modeling indicates that only a very small fraction of suevite can be derived from the “primary ejecta plume,” which is possibly represented by the fine‐grained basal layer of outer suevite. The main mass of suevite was deposited from a “secondary plume” induced by an explosive reaction (“fuel‐coolant interaction”) of impact melt with water and volatile‐rich sedimentary rocks within a clast‐laden temporary melt pool. Both melt pool and plume appear to be heterogeneous in space and time. Outer suevite appears to be derived from an early formed, melt‐rich and clast‐poor plume region rich in strongly shocked components (melt ? clasts) and originating from an upper, more marginal zone of the melt pool. Crater suevite is obviously deposited from later formed, clast‐rich and melt‐poor plumes dominated by unshocked and weakly shocked clasts and derived from a deeper, central zone of the melt pool. Genetically, we distinguish between “primary suevite” which includes dike suevite, the lower sublayer of crater suevite, and possibly a basal layer of outer suevite, and “secondary suevite” represented by the massive upper sublayer of crater suevite and the main mass of outer suevite.  相似文献   

We present and interpret results of petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical analyses of the 1511 m deep ICDP Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill core, with special emphasis on the impactite units. Using numerical model calculations of the formation, excavation, and dynamic modification of the Chicxulub crater, constrained by laboratory data, a model of the origin and emplacement of the impact formations of Yax‐1 and of the impact structure as a whole is derived. The lower part of Yax‐1 is formed by displaced Cretaceous target rocks (610 m thick), while the upper part comprises six suevite‐type allochthonous breccia units (100 m thick). From the texture and composition of these lithological units and from numerical model calculations, we were able to link the seven distinct impact‐induced units of Yax‐1 to the corresponding successive phases of the crater formation and modification, which are as follows: 1) transient cavity formation including displacement and deposition of Cretaceous “megablocks;” 2) ground surging and mixing of impact melt and lithic clasts at the base of the ejecta curtain and deposition of the lower suevite right after the formation of the transient cavity; 3) deposition of a thin veneer of melt on top of the lower suevite and lateral transport and brecciation of this melt toward the end of the collapse of the transient cavity (brecciated impact melt rock); 4) collapse of the ejecta plume and deposition of fall‐back material from the lower part of the ejecta plume to form the middle suevite near the end of the dynamic crater modification; 5) continued collapse of the ejecta plume and deposition of the upper suevite; 6) late phase of the collapse and deposition of the lower sorted suevite after interaction with the inward flowing atmosphere; 7) final phase of fall‐back from the highest part of the ejecta plume and settling of melt and solid particles through the reestablished atmosphere to form the upper sorted suevite; and 8) return of the ocean into the crater after some time and minor reworking of the uppermost suevite under aquatic conditions. Our results are compatible with: a) 180 km and 100 km for the diameters of the final crater and the transient cavity of Chicxulub, respectively, as previously proposed by several authors, and b) the interpretation of Chicxulub as a peak‐ring impact basin that is at the transition to a multi‐ring basin.  相似文献   

We present the results of numerical modeling of the formation of the Ries crater utilizing the two hydrocodes SOVA and iSALE. These standard models allow us to reproduce crater shape, size, and morphology, and composition and extension of the continuous ejecta blanket. Some of these results cannot, however, be readily reconciled with observations: the impact plume above the crater consists mainly of molten and vaporized sedimentary rocks, containing very little material in comparison with the ejecta curtain; at the end of the modification stage, the crater floor is covered by a thick layer of impact melt with a total volume of 6–11 km3; the thickness of true fallback material from the plume inside the crater does not exceed a couple of meters; ejecta from all stratigraphic units of the target are transported ballistically; no separation of sedimentary and crystalline rocks—as observed between suevites and Bunte Breccia at Ries—is noted. We also present numerical results quantifying the existing geological hypotheses of Ries ejecta emplacement from an impact plume, by melt flow, or by a pyroclastic density current. The results show that none of these mechanisms is consistent with physical constraints and/or observations. Finally, we suggest a new hypothesis of suevite formation and emplacement by postimpact interaction of hot impact melt with water or volatile‐rich sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 24 km diameter Ries impact crater in southern Germany is one of the most studied impact structures on Earth. The Ries impactor struck a Triassic to Upper Jurassic sedimentary sequence overlying Hercynian crystalline basement. At the time of impact (14.87 × 0.36 Ma; Storzer et al., 1995), the 350 m thick Malm limestone was present only to the south and east of the impact site. To the north and west, the Malm had been eroded away, exposing the underlying Dogger and Lias. The largest proportion of shocked target material is in the impact-melt-bearing breccia suevite. The suevite had been believed to be derived entirely from the crystalline basement. Calcite in the suevite has been interpreted as a postimpact hydrothermal deposit. From optical inspection of 540 thin sections of suevite from 32 sites, I find that calcite in the suevite shows textural evidence of liquid immiscibility with the silicate impact melt. Textural evidence of liquid immiscibility between silicate and carbonate melt in the Ries suevite includes carbonate globules within silicate glass, silicate globules embedded in carbonate, deformable and coalescing carbonate spheres within silicate glass, sharp menisci or cusps and budding between silicate and carbonate melt, fluidal textures and gas vesicles in carbonate schlieren, a quench crystallization sequence of the carbonate, spinifex textured quenched carbonate, separate carbonate spherules in the suevite mineral-fragment matrix, and inclusions of mineral fragments suspended in carbonate blebs. Given this evidence of liquid immiscibility, the carbonate in the suevite therefore has—like the silicate melt—a primary origin by impact-shock melting. Evidence of carbonate-silicate liquid immiscibility is abundant in the suevites from the southwest to east of the Ries crater. The rarer suevites to the west to northeast of the crater are nearly devoid of carbonate melts. This correspondence between the occurrence of outcropping limestones at the target surface and the formation of carbonate melt indicates that the Malm limestones are the source rocks of the carbonate impact melt. This correspondence shows that the suevites preserve a compositional memory of their source rocks. From the regional distribution of suevites with or without immiscible carbonate melts, it is inferred that the Ries impactor hit the steep Albtrauf escarpment at its toe, in an oblique impact from the north.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 40 km diameter Mjølnir Crater is located on the central Barents Sea shelf, north of Norway. It was formed about 142 ± 2.6 Myr ago by the impact of a 1–2 km asteroid into the shallow shelf clays of the Hekkingen Formation and the underlying Triassic to Jurassic sedimentary strata. A core recovered from the central high within the crater contains slump and avalanche deposits from the collapse of the transient crater and central high. These beds are overlain by gravity flow conglomerates, with laminated shales and marls on top. Here, impact and post‐impact deposits in this core are studied with focus on clay mineralogy obtained from XRD decomposition and simulation analysis methods. The clay‐sized fractions are dominated by kaolinite, illite, mixed‐layered clay minerals and quartz. Detailed analyses showed rather similar composition throughout the core, but some noticeable differences were detected, including varying crystal size of kaolinite and different types of illites and illite/smectite. These minerals may have been formed by diagenetic changes in the more porous/fractured beds in the crater compared to time‐equivalent beds outside the crater rim. Long‐term post‐impact changes in clay mineralogy are assumed to have been minor, due to the shallow burial depth and minor thermal influence from impact‐heated target rocks. Instead, the clay mineral assemblages, especially the abundance of chlorite, reflect the impact and post‐impact reworking of older material. Previously, an ejecta layer (the Sindre Bed) was recognized in a nearby well outside the crater, represented by an increase in smectite‐rich clay minerals, genetically equivalent to the smectite occurring in proximal ejecta deposits of the Chicxulub crater. Such alteration products from impact glasses were not detected in this study, indicating that little, if any, impact glass was deposited within the upper part of the crater fill. Crater‐fill deposits inherited their mineral composition from Triassic and Jurassic sediments underlying the impact site.  相似文献   

The 26 km diameter Nördlinger Ries is a complex impact structure with a ring structure that resembles a peak ring. A first research drilling through this “inner crystalline ring” of the Ries was performed at the Erbisberg hill (SW Ries) to better understand the internal structure and lithology of this feature, and possibly reveal impact‐induced hydrothermal alteration. The drill core intersected the slope of a 22 m thick postimpact travertine mound, before entering 42 m of blocks and breccias of crystalline rocks excavated from the Variscan basement at >500 m depth. Weakly shocked gneiss blocks that show that shock pressure did not exceed 5 GPa occur above polymict lithic breccias of shock stage Ia (10–20 GPa), with planar fractures and planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz. Only a narrow zone at 49.20–50.00 m core depth exhibits strong mosaicism in feldspar and {102} PDFs in quartz, which are indicative of shock stage Ib (20–35 GPa). Finally, 2 m of brecciated Keuper sediments at the base of the section point to an inverse layering of strata. While reverse grading of clast sizes in lithic breccias and gneiss blocks is consistent with lateral transport, the absence of diaplectic glass and melt products argues against dynamic overthrusting of material from a collapsing central peak, as seen in the much larger Chicxulub structure. Indeed, weakly shocked gneiss blocks are rather of local provenance (i.e., the transient crater wall), whereas moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias with geochemical composition and 87Sr/86Sr signature similar to Ries suevite were derived from a position closer to the impact center. Thus, the inner ring of the Ries is formed by moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias likely injected into the transient crater wall during the excavation stage and weakly shocked gneiss blocks of the collapsing transient crater wall that were emplaced during the modification stage. While the presence of an overturned flap is not evident from the Erbisberg drilling, a survey of all drillings at or near the inner ring point to inverted strata throughout its outer limb. Whether the central ring of the Ries represents remains of a collapsed central peak remains to be shown. Postimpact hydrothermal alteration along the Erbisberg section comprises chloritization, sulfide veinlets, and strong carbonatization. In addition, a narrow zone in the lower parts of the polymict lithic breccia sequence shows a positive Eu anomaly in its carbonate phase. The surface expression of this hydrothermal activity, i.e., the travertine mound, comprises subaerial as well as subaquatic growth phases. Intercalated lake sediments equivalent to the early parts of the evolution of the central crater basin succession confirm a persistent impact‐generated hydrothermal activity, although for less time than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract— The chemical composition of suevites, displaced Cretaceous target rocks, and impact‐generated dikes within these rocks from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill core, Chicxulub impact crater, Mexico, is reported and compared with the data from the Yucatán 6 (Y6) samples. Within the six suevite subunits of Yax‐1, four units with different chemical compositions can be distinguished: a) upper/lower sorted and upper suevite (depth of 795–846 m); b) middle suevite (depth of 846–861 m); c) brecciated impact melt rock (depth of 861–885 m); and d) lower suevite (depth of 885–895 m). The suevite sequence (a), (b), and (d) display an increase of the CaO content and a decrease of the silicate basement component from top to bottom. In contrast, the suevite of Y6 shows an inverse trend. The different distances of the Yax‐1 and Y6 drilling sites from the crater center (~60, and ~47 km, respectively) lead to different suevite sequences. Within the Cretaceous rocks of Yax‐1, a suevitic dike (depth of ~916 m) does not display chemical differences when compared with the suevite, while an impact melt rock dike (depth of ~1348 m) is significantly enriched in immobile elements. A clastic breccia dike (depth of ~1316 m) is dominated by material derived locally from the host rock, while the silicate‐rich component is similar to that found in the suevite. Significant enrichments of the K2O content were observed in the Yax‐1 suevite and the impact‐generated dikes. All impactites of Yax‐1 and Y6 are mixtures of a crystalline basement and a carbonate component from the sedimentary cover. An anhydrite component in the impactites is missing (Yax‐1) or negligible (Y6).  相似文献   

Abstract Petrographic, electron microprobe, and Raman spectrometric analyses of Yaxcopoil‐1 core samples from the Chicxulub crater indicate that the impact generated a hydrothermal system. Relative textural and vein crosscutting relations and systematic distribution of alteration products reveal a progression of the hydrothermal event in space and time and provide constraints on the nature of the fluids. The earliest calcite, halite, and gaylussite suggest that the impactite sequence was initially permeated by a low temperature saline brine. Subsequent development of a higher temperature hydrothermal regime is indicated by thermal metamorphic diopside‐hedenbergite (Aeg3Fs18‐33En32‐11Wo47‐53) after primary augite and widespread Na‐K for Ca metasomatic alkali exchange in plagioclase. Hydrothermal sphene, apatite, magnetite + (bornite), as well as early calcite (combined 3 to 8 vol%) were introduced with metasomatic feldspar. A lower temperature regime characterized by smectite after probable primary glass, secondary chlorite, and other pre‐existing mafic minerals, as well as very abundant calcite veins and open‐space fillings, extensively overprinted the early hydrothermal stage. The composition of early and late hydrothermal minerals show that the solution was chlorine‐rich (Cl/F >10) and that its Fe/Mg ratio and oxidation state increased substantially (4 to 5 logfO2 units) as temperature decreased through time. The most altered zone in the impactite sequence occurs 30 m above the impact melt. The lack of mineralogical zoning about the impact melt and convective modeling constraints suggest that this unit was too thin at Yaxcopoil‐1 to provide the necessary heat to drive fluids and implies that the hydrothermal system resulted from the combined effects of a pre‐existing saline brine and heat that traveled to the Yaxcopoil‐1 site from adjacent areas where the melt sheet was thicker. Limonite after iron oxides is more common toward the top of the sequence and suggests that the impactite section was subjected to weathering before deposition of the Tertiary marine cover. In addition, scarce latest anatase stringers, chalcopyrite, and barite in vugs, francolite after apatite, and recrystallized halite are the likely products of limited post‐hydrothermal ambient‐temperature diagenesis, or ocean and/or meteoric water circulation.  相似文献   

Abstract The 65 Ma Chicxulub impact crater formed in the shallow coastal marine shelf of the Yucatán Platform in Mexico. Impacts into water‐rich environments provide heat and geological structures that generate and focus sub‐seafloor convective hydrothermal systems. Core from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) hole, drilled by the Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project (CSDP), allowed testing for the presence of an impact‐induced hydrothermal system by: a) characterizing the secondary alteration of the 100 m‐thick impactite sequence; and b) testing for a chemical input into the lower Tertiary sediments that would reflect aquagene hydrothermal plume deposition. Interaction of the Yax‐1 impactites with seawater is evident through redeposition of the suevites (unit 1), secondary alteration mineral assemblages, and the subaqueous depositional environment for the lower Tertiary carbonates immediately overlying the impactites. The least‐altered silicate melt composition intersected in Yax‐1 is that of a calc‐alkaline basaltic andesite with 53.4–56 wt% SiO2(volatile‐free). The primary mineralogy consists of fine microlites of diopside, plagioclase (mainly Ab 47), ternary feldspar (Ab 37 to 77), and trace apatite, titanite, and zircon. The overprinting alteration mineral assemblage is characterized by Mg‐saponite, K‐montmorillonite, celadonite, K‐feldspar, albite, Fe‐oxides, and late Ca and Mg carbonates. Mg and K metasomatism resulted from seawater interaction with the suevitic rocks producing smectite‐K‐feldspar assemblages in the absence of any mixed layer clay minerals, illite, or chlorite. Rare pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite occur near the base of the impactites. These secondary alteration minerals formed by low temperature (0–150°C) oxidation and fixation of alkalis due to the interaction of glass‐rich suevite with down‐welling seawater in the outer annular trough intersected at Yax‐1. The alteration represents a cold, Mg‐K‐rich seawater recharge zone, possibly recharging higher temperature hydrothermal activity proposed in the central impact basin. Hydrothermal metal input into the Tertiary ocean is shown by elevated Ni, Ag, Au, Bi, and Te concentrations in marcasite and Cd and Ga in sphalerite in the basal 25 m of the Tertiary carbonates in Yax‐1. The lower Tertiary trace element signature reflects hydrothermal metal remobilization from a mafic source rock and is indicative of hydrothermal venting of evolved seawater into the Tertiary ocean from an impact‐generated hydrothermal convective system.  相似文献   

Abstract— Terrestrial impact structures provide field evidence for cratering processes on planetary bodies that have an atmosphere and volatiles in the target rocks. Here we discuss two examples that may yield implications for Martian craters: 1. Recent field analysis of the Ries crater has revealed the existence of subhorizontal shear planes (detachments) in the periphery of the crater beneath the ejecta blanket at 0.9–1.8 crater radii distance. Their formation and associated radial outward shearing was caused by weak spallation and subsequent dragging during deposition of the ejecta curtain. Both processes are enhanced in rheologically layered targets and in the presence of fluids. Detachment faulting may also occur in the periphery of Martian impacts and could be responsible for the formation of lobe‐parallel ridges and furrows in the inner layer of double‐layer and multiple‐layer ejecta craters. 2. The ejecta blanket of the Chicxulub crater was identified on the southeastern Yucatán Peninsula at distances of 3.0–5.0 crater radii from the impact center. Abundance of glide planes within the ejecta and particle abrasion both rise with crater distance, which implies a ground‐hugging, erosive, and cohesive secondary ejecta flow. Systematic measurement of motion indicators revealed that the flow was deviated by a preexisting karst relief. In analogy with Martian fluidized ejecta blankets, it is suggested that the large runout was related to subsurface volatiles and the presence of basal glide planes, and was influenced by eroded bedrock lithologies. It is proposed that ramparts may result from enhanced shear localization and a stacking of ejecta material along internal glide planes at decreasing flow rates when the flow begins to freeze below a certain yield stress.  相似文献   

Abstract— Alteration of surficial suevites at Ries crater, Germany was studied by means of X‐ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Here, we discuss the origin of hydrous silicate (clay) phases in these suevites that have been previously interpreted as resulting from post‐impact hydrothermal processes. The results of this study indicate that the dominant alteration phases are dioctahedral Al‐Fe montmorillonite and halloysite, which are typical low temperature clay minerals. We suggest that the surficial suevites are not altered by hydrothermal processes and that alteration occurred by low temperature subsurface weathering processes. If the surficial suevites were indeed hydrothermally modified during the early stages of post‐impact cooling, then the alteration was of limited character and is completely masked by later weathering.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 50,000 year old, 1.8 km diameter Lonar crater is one of only two known terrestrial craters to be emplaced in basaltic target rock (the 65 million year old Deccan Traps). The composition of the Lonar basalts is similar to martian basaltic meteorites, which establishes Lonar as an excellent analogue for similarly sized craters on the surface of Mars. Samples from cores drilled into the Lonar crater floor show that there are basaltic impact breccias that have been altered by post‐impact hydrothermal processes to produce an assemblage of secondary alteration minerals. Microprobe data and X‐ray diffraction analyses show that the alteration mineral assemblage consists primarily of saponite, with minor celadonite, and carbonate. Thermodynamic modeling and terrestrial volcanic analogues were used to demonstrate that these clay minerals formed at temperatures between 130°C and 200°C. By comparing the Lonar alteration assemblage with alteration at other terrestrial craters, we conclude that the Lonar crater represents a lower size limit for impact‐induced hydrothermal activity. Based on these results, we suggest that similarly sized craters on Mars have the potential to form hydrothermal systems, as long as liquid water was present on or near the martian surface. Furthermore, the Fe‐rich alteration minerals produced by post‐impact hydrothermal processes could contribute to the minor iron enrichment associated with the formation of the martian soil.  相似文献   

The Ries crater is a well‐preserved, complex impact crater that has been extensively used in the study of impact crater formation processes across the solar system. However, its geologic structure, especially the megablock zone, still poses questions regarding crater formation mechanics. The megablock zone, located between the inner crystalline ring and outer, morphologic crater rim, consists of allochthonous crystalline and sedimentary blocks, Bunte Breccia deposits, patches of suevite, and parautochthonous sedimentary blocks that slumped into the crater during crater modification. Our remote sensing detection method in combination with a shallow drilling campaign and geoelectric measurements at two selected megablocks proved successful in finding new megablock structures (>25 m mean diameter) within the upper approximately 1.5 m of the subsurface in the megablock zone. We analyzed 1777 megablocks of the megablock zone, 81 of which are new discoveries. In our statistical analysis, we also included 2318 ejecta blocks >25 m beyond the crater rim. Parautochthonous megablocks show an increase in total area and size toward the final crater rim. The sizes of allochthonous megablocks generally decrease with increasing radial range, but inside the megablock zone, the coverage with postimpact sediments obscures this trend. The size‐frequency distribution of all megablocks obeys a power‐law distribution with an exponent between approximately ?1.7 and ?2.3. We estimated a total volume of 95 km3 of Bunte Breccia and 47 km3 of megablocks. Ejecta volume calculations and a palinspastic restoration of the extension within the megablock zone indicate that the transient cavity diameter was probably 14–15 km.  相似文献   

The term “suevite” has been applied to various impact melt‐bearing breccias found in different stratigraphic settings within terrestrial impact craters. Suevite was coined initially for impact glass‐bearing breccias from the Ries impact structure, Germany, which is the type locality. Various working hypotheses have been proposed to account for the formation of the Ries suevite deposits over the past several decades, with the most recent being molten‐fuel‐coolant interaction (MFCI) between an impact melt pool and water. This mechanism is also the working hypothesis for the origin of the bulk of the Onaping Formation at the Sudbury impact structure, Canada. In this study, the key characteristics of the Ries suevite, the Onaping Formation and MFCI deposits from phreatomagmatic volcanic eruptions are compared. The conclusion is that there are clear and significant lithological, stratigraphic, and petrographic observational differences between the Onaping Formation and the Ries suevite. The Onaping Formation, however, shares many key similarities with MFCI deposits, including the presence of layering, their well‐sorted and fine‐grained nature, and the predominance of vitric particles with similar shapes and lacking included mineral and lithic clasts. These differences argue against the viability of MFCI as a working hypothesis for genesis of the Ries suevite and for a required alternative mechanism for its formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The well‐preserved state and excellent exposure at the 39 Ma Haughton impact structure, 23 km in diameter, allows a clearer picture to be made of the nature and distribution of hydrothermal deposits within mid‐size complex impact craters. A moderate‐ to low‐temperature hydrothermal system was generated at Haughton by the interaction of groundwaters with the hot impact melt breccias that filled the interior of the crater. Four distinct settings and styles of hydrothermal mineralization are recognized at Haughton: a) vugs and veins within the impact melt breccias, with an increase in intensity of alteration towards the base; b) cementation of brecciated lithologies in the interior of the central uplift; c) intense veining around the heavily faulted and fractured outer margin of the central uplift; and d) hydrothermal pipe structures or gossans and mineralization along fault surfaces around the faulted crater rim. Each setting is associated with a different suite of hydrothermal minerals that were deposited at different stages in the development of the hydrothermal system. Minor, early quartz precipitation in the impact melt breccias was followed by the deposition of calcite and marcasite within cavities and fractures, plus minor celestite, barite, and fluorite. This occurred at temperatures of at least 200 °C and down to ?100–120 °C. Hydrothermal circulation through the faulted crater rim with the deposition of calcite, quartz, marcasite, and pyrite, occurred at similar temperatures. Quartz mineralization within breccias of the interior of the central uplift occurred in two distinct episodes (?250 down to ?90 °C, and <60 °C). With continued cooling (<90 °C), calcite and quartz were precipitated in vugs and veins within the impact melt breccias. Calcite veining around the outer margin of the central uplift occurred at temperatures of ?150 °C down to <60 °C. Mobilization of hydrocarbons from the country rocks occurred during formation of the higher temperature calcite veins (>80 °C). Appreciation of the structural features of impact craters has proven to be key to understanding the distribution of hydrothermal deposits at Haughton.  相似文献   

Drill core UNAM‐7, obtained 126 km from the center of the Chicxulub impact structure, outside the crater rim, contains a sequence of 126.2 m suevitic, silicate melt‐rich breccia on top of a silicate melt‐poor breccia with anhydrite megablocks. Total reflection X‐ray fluorescence analysis of altered silicate melt particles of the suevitic breccia shows high concentrations of Br, Sr, Cl, and Cu, which may indicate hydrothermal reaction with sea water. Scanning electron microscopy and energy‐dispersive spectrometry reveal recrystallization of silicate components during annealing by superheated impact melt. At anhydrite clasts, recrystallization is represented by a sequence of comparatively large columnar, euhedral to subhedral anhydrite grains and smaller, polygonal to interlobate grains that progressively annealed deformation features. The presence of voids in anhydrite grains indicates SOx gas release during anhydrite decomposition. The silicate melt‐poor breccia contains carbonate and sulfate particles cemented in a microcrystalline matrix. The matrix is dominated by anhydrite, dolomite, and calcite, with minor celestine and feldspars. Calcite‐dominated inclusions in silicate melt with flow textures between recrystallized anhydrite and silicate melt suggest a former liquid state of these components. Vesicular and spherulitic calcite particles may indicate quenching of carbonate melts in the atmosphere at high cooling rates, and partial decomposition during decompression at postshock conditions. Dolomite particles with a recrystallization sequence of interlobate, polygonal, subhedral to euhedral microstructures may have been formed at a low cooling rate. We conclude that UNAM‐7 provides evidence for solid‐state recrystallization or melting and dissociation of sulfates during the Chicxulub impact event. The lack of anhydrite in the K‐Pg ejecta deposits and rare presence of anhydrite in crater suevites may indicate that sulfates were completely dissociated at high temperature (T > 1465 °C)—whereas ejecta deposited near the outer crater rim experienced postshock conditions that were less effective at dissociation.  相似文献   

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