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We present results of a magnetic survey of achondritic meteorites, representing the aubrites (A), diogenites (D), Irowardites (H), and eucrites (E) groups and relate their magnetic behavior to respective class characteristics and models of origin.Magnetic susceptibility (x) values cluster well within each group and decrease systematically between groups (from 2 to 0.1×10–3GOe–1 cm–3), with the average metal contents, (from 1 to <0.1 wt%) in the above order. The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) values range broadly within each group, but group averages decrease roughly as above. However, the considerable within-sample and intra-group variability in NRM level and its demagnetization characteristics attest to inhomogeneous and localized brecciation effects. Although petrological-chemical studies resolve a primary component of magmatic differentiation on the planetoid of origin, no clear magnetic record of such event has been preserved. The magnetization of achondrites is mainly the product of their complex, multi-stage impact brecciation and metamorphism history, in accord with other lines of evidence.The magnetic behavior of achondrites is remarkably similar to that characteristic of lunar breccias and impact-melt rocks and reinforces their analogous mode of genesis, as brought out by chemical and petrographic analyses.  相似文献   

Abstract– The nakhlites, a subgroup of eight clinopyroxenites thought to come from a single geological unit at the Martian surface, show melt inclusions in augite and olivine. In contrast to olivine‐hosted melt inclusions, augite‐hosted melt inclusions are not surrounded by fractures, and are thus considered preferential candidates for reconstructing parent liquid compositions. Furthermore, two types of augite‐hosted melt inclusion have been defined and characterized in four different nakhlites (Northwest Africa [NWA] 817, Nakhla, Governador Valadares, and NWA 998): Type‐I isolated inclusions in augite cores that contain euhedral to subhedral augite, Ti‐magnetite, and pigeonite plus silica‐rich glass and a gas bubble; Type‐II microinclusions that form trails crosscutting host augite crystals. Fast‐heating experiments were performed on selected pristine primary augite‐hosted melt inclusions from these four samples. Of these, only data from Nakhla were considered robust for reconstruction of a nakhlite parental magma composition (NPM). Based upon careful petrographic selection and consideration of iron‐magnesium ratios, our data are used to propose an NPM, which is basaltic (49.1 wt% SiO2), of high Ca/Al (1.95), and K2O‐poor (0.32 wt%). Thermodynamic modeling at an oxygen fugacity one log unit below the QFM buffer using the MELTS and PETROLOG programs implies that Mg‐rich olivine was not a liquidus phase for this composition. Our analysis is used to suggest that olivine megacrysts found in the nakhlites are unlikely to have coprecipitated with augite, and thus may have been introduced during or subsequent to accumulation in the magma chamber, possibly from more evolved portions of the same chamber.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging techniques, combined with electron microprobe analyses, have been used to determine the physical state of feldspathic phases that have been subject to varying levels of shock in the grouped lunar meteorites Miller Range 090034, 090070, and 090075. Six feldspathic phases have been identified based on spectral, textural, and chemical properties. A specific infrared wavelength band ratio (1064/932 cm?1 equivalent to 9.40/10.73 μm), chosen because it can distinguish between some of the feldspathic phases, can be used to estimate the pressure regimes experienced by these phases. In addition, FTIR spatial mapping capabilities allow for visual comparison of variably shocked phases within the samples. By comparing spectral and compositional data, the origin and shock history of this lunar meteorite group has been determined, with each of the shocked feldspathic phases being related to events in its geological evolution. As such, we highlight that FTIR spectroscopy can be easily employed to identify shocked feldspathic phases in lunar samples; estimate peak shock pressures; and when compared with chemical data, can be used to investigate their shock histories.  相似文献   

Except for asteroid sample return missions, measurements of the spectral properties of both meteorites and asteroids offer the best possibility of linking meteorite groups with their parent asteroid(s). Visible plus near‐infrared spectra reveal distinguishing absorption features controlled mainly by the Fe2+ contents and modal abundances of olivine and pyroxene. Meteorite samples provide relationships between spectra and mineralogy. These relationships are useful for estimating the olivine and pyroxene mineralogy of stony (S‐type) asteroid surfaces. Using a suite of 10 samples of the acapulcoite–lodranite clan (ALC), we have developed new correlations between spectral parameters and mafic mineral compositions for partially melted asteroids. A well‐defined relationship exists between Band II center and ferrosilite (Fs) content of orthopyroxene. Furthermore, because Fs in orthopyroxene and fayalite (Fa) content in olivine are well correlated in these meteorites, the derived Fs content can be used to estimate Fa of the coexisting olivine. We derive new equations for determining the mafic silicate compositions of partially melted S‐type asteroid parent bodies. Stony meteorite spectra have previously been used to delineate meteorite analog spectral zones in Band I versus band area ratio (BAR) parameter space for the establishment of asteroid–meteorite connections with S‐type asteroids. However, the spectral parameters of the partially melted ALC overlap with those of ordinary (H) chondrites in this parameter space. We find that Band I versus Band II center parameter space reveals a clear distinction between the ALC and the H chondrites. This work allows the distinction of S‐type asteroids as nebular (ordinary chondrites) or geologically processed (primitive achondrites).  相似文献   

Abstract— We petrologically examined the Miller Range (MIL) 03346 nakhlite. The main‐phase modal abundances are 67.7 vol% augite, 0.8 vol% olivine, and 31.5 vol% mesostasis. Among all known nakhlites, MIL 03346's modal abundance of olivine is the smallest and of mesostasis is the largest. Augite occurs as cumulus phenocrysts having a homogeneous core composition (En36–38Fs24–22Wo40), which is identical with other nakhlites. They accompany thin ferroan rims divided into inner and outer rims with a compositional gap at the boundary between the two rims. Olivine grains have magnesian cores (Fa ≥ 55) and show normal zoning toward ferroan rims (Fa ≤ 84). Mesostasis consists mostly of glass (26.0 vol%) with minor skeletal fayalites, skeletal titanomagnetites, acicular phosphate, massive cristobalite, and sulfides. We conclude that MIL 03346 is the most rapidly cooled nakhlite among all known nakhlites based on the petrography. We obtain the intercumulus melt composition for MIL 03346 from the mass balance calculation using the modal abundances and discuss the crystallization sequence of MIL 03346 in comparison with that of Yamato (Y‐) 000593. Although magnesian olivines of Y‐000593 are phenocrystic, magnesian olivine grains of MIL 03346 seem to have texturally crystallized from the intercumulus melt. After the MIL 03346 magma intruded upward to the Martian surficial zone, the magnesian olivine crystallized, and then the ferroan inner rim formed on phenocrystic core augite. The outer rim of phenocrystic augites formed after the crystallization of skeletal fayalites and skeletal titanomagnetites, resulting in a compositional gap between the inner and outer rims. Finally, glassy mesostasis formed from the residual melt. This crystallization sequence of MIL 03346 is different from those of other nakhlites, including Y‐000593.  相似文献   

The weathering products present in igneous terrestrial Antarctic samples were analyzed, and compared with those found in the four Miller Range nakhlite Martian meteorites. The aim of these comparisons was to determine which of the alteration phases in the Miller Range nakhlites are produced by terrestrial weathering, and what effect rock composition has on these phases. Antarctic terrestrial samples MIL 05031 and EET 96400, along with the Miller Range nakhlites MIL 03346 and 090032, were found to contain secondary alteration assemblages at their externally exposed surfaces. Despite the difference in primary mineralogy, the assemblages of these rocks consist mostly of sulfates (jarosite in MIL 05031, jarosite and gypsum in EET 96400) and iddingsite‐like Fe‐clay. As neither of the terrestrial samples contains sulfur‐bearing primary minerals, and these minerals are rare in the Miller Range nakhlites, it appears that SO42?, possibly along with some of the Na+, K+, and Ca+ in these phases, was sourced from wind‐blown sea spray and biogenic emissions from the southern ocean. Cl enrichment in the terrestrially derived “iddingsite” of MIL 05031 and MIL 03346, and the presence of halite at the exterior edge of MIL 090032, can also be explained by this process. However, jarosite within and around the olivine‐bound melt inclusions of MIL 090136 is present in the interior of the meteorite and, therefore, is probably the product of preterrestrial weathering on Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract– Miller Range (MIL) 05029 is a slowly cooled melt rock with metal/sulfide depletion and an Ar‐Ar age of 4517 ± 11 Ma. Oxygen isotopes and mineral composition indicate that it is an L chondrite impact melt, and a well‐equilibrated igneous rock texture with a lack of clasts favors a melt pool over a melt dike as its probable depositional setting. A metallographic cooling rate of approximately 14 °C Ma?1 indicates that the impact occurred at least approximately 20 Ma before the Ar‐Ar closure age of 4517 Ma, possibly even shortly after accretion of its parent body. A metal grain with a Widmanstätten‐like pattern further substantiates slow cooling. The formation age of MIL 05029 is at least as old as the Ar‐Ar age of unshocked L and H chondrites, indicating that endogenous metamorphism on the parent asteroid was still ongoing at the time of impact. Its metallographic cooling rate of approximately 14 °C Ma?1 is similar to that typical for L6 chondrites, suggesting a collisional event on the L chondrite asteroid that produced impact melt at a minimum depth of 5–12 km. The inferred minimum crater diameter of 25–60 km may have shattered the 100–200 km diameter L chondrite asteroid. Therefore, MIL 05029 could record the timing and petrogenetic setting for the observed lack of correlation of cooling rates with metamorphic grades in many L chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Experimental solid metal‐liquid metal partition coefficients have been used to model the crystallization of magmatic iron meteorites and understand the evolution of asteroid cores. However, the majority of the partitioning experiments have been conducted with trace elements doped at levels that are orders of magnitude higher than measured in iron meteorites. Concern about Henry's Law and the unnatural doping levels have been cited as one reason that two recent iron meteorite studies have dismissed the experimental partition coefficients in their modeling. Using laser ablation ICP‐MS analysis, this study reports experimentally determined solid metal‐liquid metal trace element partition coefficients from runs doped down to the levels occurring in iron meteorites. The analyses for 12 trace elements (As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ge, Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, and W) show no deviations from Henry's Law, and these results support decades of experimental work in which the partition coefficients were assumed to be independent of trace element concentration. Further, since our experiments are doped with natural levels of trace elements, the partitioning results are directly applicable to iron meteorites and should be used when modeling their crystallization. In contrast, our new Ag data are inconsistent with previous studies, suggesting the high Ag‐content in previous studies may have influenced the measured Ag partitioning behavior.  相似文献   

Mid-infrared (5–25 μm) transmission/absorption spectra of differentiated meteorites (achondrites) were measured to permit comparison with astronomical observations of dust in different stages of evolution of young stellar objects. In contrast to primitive chondrites, achondrites underwent heavy metamorphism and/or extensive melting and represent more advanced stages of planetesimal evolution. Spectra were obtained from primitive achondrites (acapulcoite, winonaite, ureilite, and brachinite) and differentiated achondrites (eucrite, diogenite, aubrite, and mesosiderite silicates). The ureilite and brachinite show spectra dominated by olivine features, and the diogenite and aubrite by pyroxene features. The acapulcoite, winonaite, eucrite, and mesosiderite silicates exhibit more complex spectra, reflecting their multi-phase bulk mineralogy.Mixtures of spectra of the primitive achondrites and differentiated achondrites in various proportions show good similarities to the spectra of the few Myr old protoplanetary disks HD104237A and V410 Anon 13. A spectrum of the differentiated mesosiderite silicates is similar to the spectra of the mature debris disks HD172555 and HD165014. A mixture of spectra of the primitive ureilite and brachinite is similar to the spectrum of the debris disk HD113766. The results raise the possibility that materials produced in the early stage of planetesimal differentiation occur in the protoplanetary and debris disks.  相似文献   

Abstract— Thermodynamic analysis of the compositional profiles across large chemically‐zoned Fe, Ni metal grains in the Bencubbin‐like chondrite Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94411 suggests that these grains formed by non‐equilibrium gas‐solid condensation under variable oxidizing conditions, isolation degree, and Cr depletion factors. The oxidizing conditions must have resulted from the complete vaporization of nebular regions with enhanced dust/gas ratios (~ 10–40 × solar). Because the origin of each of the metal grains studied requires different condensation parameters (dust/gas ratio, isolation degree, and Cr depletion factor), a high degree of heterogeneity in the formation region of the Bencubbin‐like chondrite metal is required. To preserve compositional zoning of the metal grains and prevent their melting and sulfidization, the grains must have been removed from the hot condensation region into cold regions where the accretion of the Bencubbin‐like asteroidal body took place.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Dawn spacecraft carries a gamma‐ray and neutron detector (GRaND), which will measure and map the abundances of selected elements on the surface of asteroid 4 Vesta. We compare the variability of moderately volatile/refractory incompatible element ratios (K/Th and K/Ti) in howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites with those in other achondrite suites that represent asteroidal crusts, because these ratios may be accurately measured by GRaND and likely reflect initial chemical compositions of the HED parent body. The K/Th and K/Ti variations can differentiate HED meteorites from angrites and some unique eucrite‐like lithologies. The results suggest that K, Th, and Ti abundances determined from GRaND data could not only confirm that Vesta is the parent body of HED meteorites but might also allow recognition of as‐yet unsampled compositional terranes on Vesta. Besides the K‐Th‐Ti systematics study, we propose a new three‐component mixing model for interpretation of GRaND spectra, required because the spatial resolution of GRaND is coarser than the spectral (compositional) heterogeneity of Vesta’s surface. The mixing model uses abundances of K, Ti, Fe, and Mg that will be analyzed more accurately than other prospective GRaND‐analyzed elements. We examine propagated errors due to GRaND analytical uncertainties and intrinsic errors that stem from an assumption introduced into the mixing model. The error investigation suggests that the mixing model can adequately estimate not only the diogenite/eucrite mixing ratio but also the abundances of most major and minor elements within the GRaND propagated errors.  相似文献   

Abstract— Minor element variations in MgAl2O4 spinel from the type B1 calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) Allende TS‐34 confirm earlier studies in showing correlations between the minor element chemistry of spinels with their location within the inclusion and with the chemistry of host silicate phases. These correlations result from a combination of crystallization of a liquid produced by re‐melting event(s) and local re‐equilibration during subsolidus reheating. The correlation of the Ti and V in spinel inclusions with the Ti and V in the adjacent host clinopyroxene can be qualitatively explained by spinel and clinopyroxene crystallization prior to melilite, following a partial melting event. There are, however, difficulties in quantitative modeling of the observed trends, and it is easier to explain the Ti correlation in terms of complete re‐equilibration. The correlation of V in spinel inclusions with that in the adjacent host clinopyroxene also cannot be quantitatively modeled by fractional crystallization of the liquid produced by re‐melting, but it can be explained by partial re‐equilibration. The distinct V and Ti concentrations in spinel inclusions in melilite from the edge regions of the CAI are best explained as being affected by only a minor degree of re‐equilibration. The center melilites and included spinels formed during crystallization of the liquid produced by re‐melting, while the edge melilites and included spinels are primary. The oxygen isotope compositions of TS‐34 spinels are uniformly 16O‐rich, regardless of the host silicate phase or its location within the inclusion. Similar to other type B1 CAIs, clinopyroxene is 16O‐rich, but melilite is relatively 16O‐poor. These data require that the oxygen isotope exchange in TS‐34 melilite occurred subsequent to the last re‐melting event.  相似文献   

Six Cr‐spinel grains from NWA 6077 brachinite‐like and NWA 725 winonaite achondrites have been studied by single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction and structural refinement. From a chemical point of view, spinels from NWA 6077 show Cr/(Cr + Al) (i.e., Cr#) and Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) (i.e., Mg#) values similar to other brachinites, while the Cr# of NWA 725 is lower than that of literature winonaites. Spinels from NWA 6077 and NWA 725 meteorites show similar cell edges, while the oxygen positional parameter is rather different being about 0.2629 for NWA 6077 and 0.2622 for NWA 725. Considering both parameters, NWA 725 shows structural features that are close to some terrestrial spinel occurrences as in komatiites, kimberlites, or included in diamonds; those from NWA 6077 show values that have no terrestrial analogs. Olivine‐chromite closure temperature ranges from ~737 to ~765° C for NWA 725, being similar to that of literature winonaites and ~846 to ~884° C for NWA 6077. The logfO2 ranges from ?19.8 to ?20.5 and ?17.0 to ?17.9 for the two meteorites, respectively. The u values for terrestrial samples can give information about the cooling history of the samples. For the extraterrestrial samples, it seems that it can give information about the cooling only for spinels where it is lower than 0.2625. For higher values, it appears related only to the chemistry of the spinels.  相似文献   

We present noble gas data for 16 shergottites, 2 nakhlites (NWA 5790, NWA 10153), and 1 angrite (NWA 7812). Noble gas exposure ages of the shergottites fall in the 1–6 Ma range found in previous studies. Three depleted olivine‐phyric shergottites (Tissint, NWA 6162, NWA 7635) have exposure ages of ~1 Ma, in agreement with published data for similar specimens. The exposure age of NWA 10153 (~12.2 Ma) falls in the range of 9–13 Ma reported for other nakhlites. Our preferred age of ~7.3 Ma for NWA 5790 is lower than this range, and it is possible that NWA 5790 represents a distinct ejection event. A Tissint glass sample contains Xe from the Martian atmosphere. Several samples show a remarkably low (21Ne/22Ne)cos ratio < 0.80, as previously observed in a many shergottites and in various other rare achondrites. This was explained by solar cosmic ray‐produced Ne (SCR Ne) in addition to the commonly found galactic cosmic ray‐produced Ne, implying very low preatmospheric shielding and ablation loss. We revisit this by comparing measured (21Ne/22Ne)cos ratios with predictions by cosmogenic nuclide production models. Indeed, several shergottites, acalpulcoites/lodranites, angrites (including NWA 7812), and the Brachina‐like meteorite LEW 88763 likely contain SCR Ne, as previously postulated for many of them. The SCR contribution may influence the calculation of exposure ages. One likely reason that SCR nuclides are predominantly detected in meteorites from rare classes is because they usually are analyzed for cosmogenic nuclides even if they had a very small (preatmospheric) mass and hence low ablation loss.  相似文献   

Abstract— Platinum‐group element (PGE) concentrations and ratios obtained from samples of the Clearwater East impact melt have been used along with other siderophile element ratios to classify the impacting projectile as a carbonaceous chondrite. This is at odds with recent chromium isotope analyses that suggest ordinary chondrite‐type material is present. The present study reviews and reinterprets the available PGE data in the light of new PGE data from meteorites and concludes that the PGE ratios in the impact melt are most consistent with ordinary (possibly type‐L) chondrite source material, not carbonaceous chondrites. Therefore the structure was most probably formed by the impact of an asteroid composed of material similar to ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Miller Range 07273 is a chondritic melt breccia that contains clasts of equilibrated ordinary chondrite set in a fine‐grained (<5 μm), largely crystalline, igneous matrix. Data indicate that MIL was derived from the H chondrite parent asteroid, although it has an oxygen isotope composition that approaches but falls outside of the established H group. MIL also is distinctive in having low porosity, cone‐like shapes for coarse metal grains, unusual internal textures and compositions for coarse metal, a matrix composed chiefly of clinoenstatite and omphacitic pigeonite, and troilite veining most common in coarse olivine and orthopyroxene. These features can be explained by a model involving impact into a porous target that produced brief but intense heating at high pressure, a sudden pressure drop, and a slower drop in temperature. Olivine and orthopyroxene in chondrule clasts were the least melted and the most deformed, whereas matrix and troilite melted completely and crystallized to nearly strain‐free minerals. Coarse metal was largely but incompletely liquefied, and matrix silicates formed by the breakdown during melting of albitic feldspar and some olivine to form pyroxene at high pressure (>3 GPa, possibly to ~15–19 GPa) and temperature (>1350 °C, possibly to ≥2000 °C). The higher pressures and temperatures would have involved back‐reaction of high‐pressure polymorphs to pyroxene and olivine upon cooling. Silicates outside of melt matrix have compositions that were relatively unchanged owing to brief heating duration.  相似文献   

The Northwest Africa (NWA) 090 meteorite, initially classified as an acapulcoite, presents petrological, chemical, and isotopic characteristics comparable to a group of seven primitive winonaites: Dhofar 1222, NWA 725, NWA 1052, NWA 1054, NWA 1058, NWA 1463, and NWA 8614. Five of these samples were previously classified as acapulcoites or ungrouped achondrites before being reclassified as winonaites based on their oxygen isotopic compositions. These misclassifications are indicative of the particular compositional nature of these primitive achondrites. All contain relict chondrules and a lower closure temperature of metamorphism of 820 ± 20 °C compared to other typical winonaites, as well as mineral elemental compositions similar to those of acapulcoites. The oxygen isotopic signature of these samples, δ17O of 1.18 ± 0.17‰, δ18O of 3.18 ± 0.30‰, and Δ17O of −0.47 ± 0.02, is in fact resolvable from both acapulcoites and winonaites. We investigate the relationship between these eight primitive achondrites, typical winonaites, and acapulcoites, to redefine petrological, mineralogical, and geochemical criteria of primitive achondrite classification. Distinguishing between winonaites, acapulcoites, and this group of eight primitive achondrites can be unambiguously done using a combination of several mineralogical and chemical criteria. A combination of olivine fayalite content and FeO/MnO ratio, as well as plagioclase potassium content allow us to separate these three groups without the absolute necessity of oxygen isotope analyses. NWA 090 as well as the other seven primitive achondrites, although related to winonaites, are most likely derived from a parent body distinct from winonaites and acapulcoites–lodranites, and define a new group of primitive achondrites that can be referred to as tissemouminites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Whole‐chondrule Mn‐Cr isochrons are presented for chondrules separated from the Chainpur (LL3.4) and Bishunpur (LL3.1) meteorites. The chondrules were initially surveyed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. LL‐chondrite‐normalized Mn/Cr, Mn/Fe, and Sc/Fe served to identify chondrules with unusually high or low Mn/Cr ratios, and to correlate the abundances of other elements to Sc, the most refractory element measured. A subset of chondrules from each chondrite was chosen for analysis by a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive x‐ray spectrometer prior to high‐precision Cr‐isotopic analyses. 53Cr/52Cr correlates with 55Mn/52Cr to give initial (53Mn/55Mn)I = (9.4 ± 1.7) × 10?6 for Chainpur chondrules and (53Mn/55Mn)I = (9.5 ± 3.1) × 10?6 for Bishunpur chondrules. The corresponding chondrule formation intervals are, respectively, ΔtLEW = ?10 ± 1 Ma for Chainpur and ?10 ± 2 Ma for Bishunpur relative to the time of igneous crystallization of the Lewis Cliff (LEW) 86010 angrite. Because Mn/Sc correlates positively with Mn/Cr for both the Chainpur and Bishunpur chondrules, indicating dependence of the Mn/Cr ratio on the relative volatility of the elements, we identify the event dated by the isochrons as volatility‐driven elemental fractionation for chondrule precursors in the solar nebula. Thus, our data suggest that the precursors to LL chondrules condensed from the nebula 5.8 ± 2.7 Ma after the time when initial (53Mn/55Mn)I = (2.8 ± 0.3) × 10?5 for calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), our preferred value, determined from data for (a) mineral separates of type B Allende CAI BR1, (b) spinels from Efremovka CAI E38, and (c) bulk chondrites. Mn‐Cr formation intervals for meteorites are presented relative to average I(Mn) = (53Mn/55Mn)Ch = 9.46 × 10?6 for chondrules. Mn/Cr ratios for radiogenic growth of 53Cr in the solar nebula and later reservoirs are calculated relative to average (I(Mn), ?(53Cr)I) = ((9.46 ± 0.08) × 10?6, ?0.23 ± 0.08) for chondrules. Inferred values of Mn/Cr lie within expected ranges. Thus, it appears that evolution of the Cr‐isotopic composition can be traced from condensation of CAIs via condensation of the ferromagnesian precursors of chondrules to basalt generation on differentiated asteroids. Measured values of ?(53Cr) for individual chondrules exhibit the entire range of values that has been observed as initial ?(53Cr) values for samples from various planetary objects, and which has been attributed to radial heterogeneity in initial 53Mn/55Mn in the early solar system. Estimated 55Mn/52Cr = 0.42 ± 0.05 for the bulk Earth, combined with ?(53Cr) = 0 for the Earth, plots very close to the chondrule isochrons, so that the Earth appears to have the Mn‐Cr systematics of a refractory chondrule. Thus, the Earth apparently formed from material that had been depleted in Mn relative to Cr contemporaneously with condensation of chondrule precursors. If, as seems likely, the Earth's core formed after complete decay of 53Mn, there must have been little differential partitioning of Mn and Cr at that time.  相似文献   

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