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Abstract— The lherzolitic Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 1950 consists of two distinct zones: 1) low‐Ca pyroxene poikilically enclosing cumulate olivine (Fo70–75) and chromite, and 2) areas interstitial to the oikocrysts comprised of maskelynite, low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxene, cumulate olivine (Fo68–71) and chromite. Shock metamorphic effects, most likely associated with ejection from the Martian subsurface by large‐scale impact, include mechanical deformation of host rock olivine and pyroxene, transformation of plagioclase to maskelynite, and localized melting (pockets and veins). These shock effects indicate that NWA 1950 experienced an equilibration shock pressure of 35–45 GPa. Large (millimeter‐size) melt pockets have crystallized magnesian olivine (Fo78–87) and chromite, embedded in an Fe‐rich, Al‐poor basaltic to picro‐basaltic glass. Within the melt pockets strong thermal gradients (minimum 1 °C/μm) existed at the onset of crystallization, giving rise to a heterogeneous distribution of nucleation sites, resulting in gradational textures of olivine and chromite. Dendritic and skeletal olivine, crystallized in the melt pocket center, has a nucleation density (1.0 × 103 crystals/mm2) that is two orders of magnitude lower than olivine euhedra near the melt margin (1.6 × 105 crystals/mm2). Based on petrography and minor element abundances, melt pocket formation occurred by in situ melting of host rock constituents by shock, as opposed to melt injected into the lherzolitic target. Despite a common origin, NWA 1950 is shocked to a lesser extent compared to Allan Hills (ALH) 77005 (45–55 GPa). Assuming ejection in a single shock event by spallation, this places NWA 1950 near to ALH 77005, but at a shallower depth within the Martian subsurface. Extensive shock melt networks, the interconnectivity between melt pockets, and the ubiquitous presence of highly vesiculated plagioclase glass in ALH 77005 suggests that this meteorite may be transitional between discreet shock melting and bulk rock melting.  相似文献   

We present a study of the petrology and geochemistry of basaltic shergottite Northwest Africa 2975 (NWA 2975). NWA 2975 is a medium‐grained basalt with subophitic to granular texture. Electron microprobe (EMP) analyses show two distinct pyroxene compositional trends and patchy compositional zoning patterns distinct from those observed in other meteorites such as Shergotty or QUE 94201. As no bulk sample was available to us for whole rock measurements, we characterized the fusion crust and its variability by secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) measurements and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (LA‐ICP‐MS) analyses as a best‐available proxy for the bulk rock composition. The fusion crust major element composition is comparable to the bulk composition of other enriched basaltic shergottites, placing NWA 2975 within that sample group. The CI‐normalized REE (rare earth element) patterns are flat and also parallel to those of other enriched basaltic shergottites. Merrillite is the major REE carrier and has a flat REE pattern with slight depletion of Eu, parallel to REE patterns of merrillites from other basaltic shergottites. The oxidation state of NWA 2975 calculated from Fe‐Ti oxide pairs is NNO‐1.86, close to the QFM buffer. NWA 2975 represents a sample from the oxidized and enriched shergottite group, and our measurements and constraints on its origin are consistent with the hypothesis of two distinct Martian mantle reservoirs: a reduced, LREE‐depleted reservoir and an oxidized, LREE‐enriched reservoir. Stishovite, possibly seifertite, and dense SiO2 glass were also identified in the meteorite, allowing us to infer that NWA 2975 experienced a realistic shock pressure of ~30 GPa.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 8657 is an incompatible trace element-enriched, low-Al basaltic shergottite, similar in texture and chemistry to Shergotty, Zagami, and NWA 5298. It is composed of zoned pyroxene, maskelynite, merrillite, and Ti-oxide minerals with minor apatite, silica, and pyrrhotite. Pyroxene grains are characterized by patchy zoning, with pigeonite or augite cores zoned to Fe-rich pigeonite mantles. The cores have rounded morphologies and irregular margins. Combined with the low Ti/Al of the cores, the morphology and chemistry of the pyroxene grains are consistent with initial crystallization at depth (30–70 km) followed by partial resorption en route to the surface. Enriched rare earth element (REE) equilibrium melt compositions and calculated oxygen fugacities (fO2) conditions for pigeonite cores indicate that the original parent melts were enriched shergottite magmas that staged in chambers at depth within the Martian crust. NWA 8657 does not represent a liquid but rather entrained a proportion of pyroxene crystals from magma chambers where fractional crystallization was occurring at depth. Variation between fO2 and bulk-rock (La/Yb)N of the enriched and intermediate shergottites suggests that oxidation conditions and degree of incompatible element enrichment in the source may not be correlated, as thought previously. Shock melt pockets are characterized by an absence of phosphates and oxide minerals. It is likely that these phases were melted during shock. REEs were redistributed during this process into maskelynite and to a lesser extent the shock melt; however, the overall normalized REE profile of the shock melt is like that of the bulk-rock, but at lower absolute concentrations. Overall, shock melting has had a significant effect on the mineralogy of NWA 8657, especially the distribution of phosphates, which may be significant for geochronological applications of this meteorite and other Martian meteorites with extensive shock melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— The newly found meteorite Northwest Africa 6234 (NWA 6234) is an olivine (ol)‐phyric shergottite that is thought, based on texture and mineralogy, to be paired with Martian shergottite meteorites NWA 2990, 5960, and 6710. We report bulk‐rock major‐ and trace‐element abundances (including Li), abundances of highly siderophile elements, Re‐Os isotope systematics, oxygen isotope ratios, and the lithium isotope ratio for NWA 6234. NWA 6234 is classified as a Martian shergottite, based on its oxygen isotope ratios, bulk composition, and bulk element abundance ratios, Fe/Mn, Al/Ti, and Na/Al. The Li concentration and δ7Li value of NWA 6234 are similar to that of basaltic shergottites Zagami and Shergotty. The rare earth element (REE) pattern for NWA 6234 shows a depletion in the light REE (La‐Nd) compared with the heavy REE (Sm‐Lu), but not as extreme as the known “depleted” shergottites. Thus, NWA 6234 is suggested to belong to a new category of shergottite that is geochemically “intermediate” in incompatible elements. The only other basaltic or ol‐phyric shergottite with a similar “intermediate” character is the basaltic shergottite NWA 480. Rhenium‐osmium isotope systematics are consistent with this intermediate character, assuming a crystallization age of 180 Ma. We conclude that NWA 6234 represents an intermediate compositional group between enriched and depleted shergottites and offers new insights into the nature of mantle differentiation and mixing among mantle reservoirs in Mars.  相似文献   

Grove Mountains (GRV) 020090 is an enriched lherzolitic shergottite, distinct from other lherzolitic shergottites, except RBT 04262/1. Its characteristics include high abundance of plagioclase (24.2 vol% in the nonpoikilitic area), presence of K‐feldspar, common occurrence of baddeleyite, high FeO contents of olivine (bimodal peaks at Fa 33 mol% and Fa 41 mol%) and low‐Ca pyroxenes (bimodal peaks at Fs 23.8–31.7 mol% and Fs 25.7–33.9 mol%), and significant LREE enrichment of phosphates (500–610 × CI). The bulk composition of GRV 020090 suggests derivation from partial melting of an enriched reservoir. However, the REE patterns of the cores of pigeonite oikocrysts and the olivine chadacrysts are indistinguishable from those of GRV 99027 and other moderately depleted lherzolitic shergottites, and reveal a LREE‐depleted pattern of the primordial parent magma. We propose that the primordial parent magma of GRV 020090 was derived from a moderately depleted Martian upper mantle reservoir, and later the residual melt was contaminated by oxidized and enriched Martian crustal materials as it ascended up to the subsurface. GRV 020090 and RBT 04262/1 may have sampled an igneous unit different from other lherzolitic shergottites.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 10414 is an unusual shergottite with a cumulate texture. It contains 73% coarse prismatic pigeonite, plus 18% interstitial maskelynite, 2% Si‐rich mesostasis, 2% merrillite, and minor chromite‐ulvöspinel. It contains no olivine, and only ~3% augite. Phase compositions are pigeonite (En68‐43Fs27‐48Wo5‐15) and maskelynite An~54‐36, more sodic than most maskelynite in shergottites. Chromite‐ulvöspinel composition plots between the earliest and most fractionated spinel‐group minerals in olivine‐phyric shergottites. NWA 10414 mineralogically resembles the contact facies between Elephant Moraine 79001 lithologic units A and B, with abundant pigeonite phenocrysts, though it is coarser grained. Its most Mg‐rich pigeonite also has a similar composition to the earliest crystallized pyroxenes in several other shergottites, including Shergotty. The Shergotty intercumulus liquid composition crystallizes pigeonite with a similar composition range to NWA 10414 pigeonite, using PETROLOG. Olivine‐phyric shergottite NWA 6234, with a pure magma composition, produces an even better match to this pigeonite composition range, after olivine crystallization. These observations suggest that after the accumulation of olivine from an olivine‐phyric shergottite magma, the daughter liquid could precipitate pigeonite locally to form this pigeonite cumulate, before the crystallization of overlying liquid as a normal basaltic shergottite.  相似文献   

Abstract– Northwest Africa (NWA) 5298 is an evolved basaltic shergottite that has bulk characteristics and mineral compositions consistent with derivation from an oxidized reservoir in Mars. Chemically zoned clinopyroxene (64.5%, augite and pigeonite), with interstitial lath‐shaped plagioclase (29.4%, An40 to An55), constitutes the bulk of this meteorite. The plagioclase has been converted by shock to both isotropic maskelynite and spherulitic, birefringent feldspar representing a quenched vesicular melt. The remainder of the rock consists of minor amounts of Fe‐Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite), phosphates (merrillite and apatite), silica polymorph, fayalite, pyrrhotite, baddeleyite, and minor hot desert weathering products (calcite and barite). Oxygen fugacity derived from Fe‐Ti oxide thermobarometry is close to the quartz‐fayalite‐magnetite (QFM) buffer indicating that the late stage evolution of this magma occurred under more oxidizing condition than those recorded in most other shergottites. Merrillite contains the largest abundances of rare earth elements (REE) of all phases, thereby controlling the REE budget in NWA 5298. The calculated bulk rock REE pattern normalized to CI chondrite is relatively flat. The evolution of the normalized REE patterns of the bulk rock, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and phosphate in NWA 5298 is consistent with closed‐system chemical behavior with no evidence of crustal contamination or postcrystallization disturbance of the REE contents of these phases.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the discovery of a new shergottite from South Morocco. This single stone weighing 320 g is referenced as Northwest Africa (NWA) 856 with Djel Ibone as a synonymous name. It is a fresh, fine‐grained basaltic rock consisting mainly of two pyroxenes (total ?68 vol%: 45% pigeonite, En61‐16Wo9–22Fs26–68; 23% augite, En46‐26Wo34‐29Fs21–43) and plagioclase converted to maskelynite (?23 vol%, Ab43–57Or1–5An54‐36). Accessory minerals include merrillite, Cl‐apatite, pyrrhotite, ilmenite, ulvöspinel, silica (stishovite and glass), amorphous K‐feldspar and baddeleyite. Amorphous mixtures of maskelynite and silica occur most commonly as median layers inside maskelynite laths. In addition, melt pockets (?2 vol%) were recognized with relics of maskelynite, pyroxene and both dense silica glass and stishovite occurring as both grains and submicrometer needles. The compositions of the melt pockets are consistent with mixtures of maskelynite and pyroxenes with an average of ?50 vol% maskelynite. The meteorite is highly fractured at all scales. The bulk composition of NWA 856 has been measured for 44 elements. It is an Al‐poor ferroan basaltic rock which strongly resembles Shergotty and Zagami in its major and trace element composition. The nearly flat rare earth element (REE) pattern (La/Lu)n = 0.9, is similar to that of Shergotty or Zagami and differs significantly from NWA 480, another Moroccan shergottite recently described. According to the U, Ba and Sr abundances, NWA 856 is not significantly weathered. The oxygen isotopes (δ18O = +5.03%, δ17O = +3.09%, and Δ17O = +0.47%) are in agreement with the martian origin of this meteorite. On the basis of grain size, pyroxene zoning and composition, abundance of silica inclusions associated with maskelynite, trace element abundances, REE pattern and oxygen isotopes, pairing with NWA 480 is excluded. The similarity with Shergotty and Zagami is striking. The only significant differences are a larger grain size, a greater abundance of silica and melt pockets, a slightly more restricted range of pyroxene compositions and the absence of significant mesostasis.  相似文献   

Abstract— NWA 1950 is a new lherzolitic shergottite recently recovered from Morocco and is the first sample of this group found outside Antarctica. Major constituent phases of NWA 1950 are olivine, pyroxenes, and plagioclase glass (“maskelynite”) and the rock shows a two distinct textures: poikilitic and non‐poikilitic typical of lherzolitic shergottites. In poikilitic areas, several‐millimeter‐sized pyroxene oikocrysts enclose cumulus olivine and chromite. In contrast, pyroxenes are much smaller in non‐poikilitic areas, and olivine and plagioclase glass are more abundant. Olivine in non‐poikilitic areas is more Fe‐rich (Fa29–31) and shows a narrower distribution than that in poikilitic areas (Fa23–29). Pyroxenes in non‐poikilitic areas are also more Fe‐rich than those in poikilitic areas that show continuous chemical zoning suggesting fractional crystallization under a closed system. These observations indicate that pyroxene in non‐poikilitic areas crystallized from evolved interstitial melts and olivine was re‐equilibrated with such melts. NWA 1950 shows similar mineralogy and petrology to previously known lherzolitic shergottites (ALH 77005, LEW 88516, Y‐793605 and GRV 99027) that are considered to have originated from the same igneous body on Mars. Olivine composition of NWA 1950 is intermediate between those of ALH 77005‐GRV 99027 and those of LEW 88516‐Y‐793605, but is rather similar to ALH 77005 and GRV 99027. The subtle difference of mineral chemistry (especially, olivine composition) can be explained by different degrees of re‐equilibration compared to other lherzolitic shergottites, perhaps due to different location in the same igneous body. Thus, NWA 1950 experienced a high degree of re‐equilibration, similar to ALH 77005 and GRV 99027.  相似文献   

The petrogenesis of the Northwest Africa (NWA) 7635 Martian meteorite involved the entrainment of xenocrystic olivine grains into a relatively magnesian and oxidized melt, followed by a redox-dependent reaction between olivine and melt that resulted in the crystallization of orthopyroxene and magnetite. Subsequent crystallization of the melt began with augite, plagioclase, and magnetite phenocrysts, and was followed by crystallization of augite, plagioclase, magnetite, ilmenite, and pyrrhotite in the groundmass, which took place under more rapid conditions of cooling, as reflected in the groundmass grain size. The petrogenetic history of NWA 7635 is similar in many ways to that of NWA 8159; this observation, coupled with similarities in geochemical and isotopic characteristics from other studies, suggests that the parent melts of the two rocks—as represented by all minerals except the xenocrystic olivine—were one and the same. The main distinctions between the two rocks are that their parent melts entrained xenocrystic olivine of different composition, and the cooling rate of the groundmass of NWA 7635 was more rapid than that of NWA 8159. The conclusion that the redox reaction took place between olivine and melt is in contrast to other work that suggests the reaction took place in the subsolidus, and has implications for the nature of the reaction in both NWA 7635 and NWA 8159.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report petrography, mineral chemistry, and microdistribution of rare earth elements (REE) in a new lherzolitic shergottite, Grove Mountains (GRV) 99027. The textural relationship and REE patterns of minerals suggest precipitation of cumulus olivine and chromite, followed by equilibrium crystallization of a closed system with a bulk composition of the inferred intercumulus melt. Subsolidus equilibrium temperatures of pyroxenes and olivine range from 1100 to 1210 °C, based on a two‐pyroxene thermometry and Ca partitioning between augite and olivine. Oxygen fugacity of the parent magma is 1.5–2.5 (av. 2.0 ± 0.4) log units below the quartz‐fayalite‐magnetite (QFM) buffer at 960–1360 °C, according to the olivine‐orthopyroxene‐chromite barometer. The ilmenite‐chromite barometer and thermometer show much wider ranges of oxygen fugacity (1.0–7.0 log unit below QFM) and temperature (1130–480 °C), suggesting subsolidus equilibration of the oxides at low temperatures, probably due to deep burial of GRV 99027 on Mars. The low oxygen fugacity and LREE depletion of the parent magma of GRV 99027 suggest low contamination by martian crust. Characteristics of GRV 99027 demonstrate similarity of lherzolitic shergottites, suggesting a high possibility of launch pairing or a homogeneous upper mantle of Mars if they were ejected by individual impact events. However, GRV 99027 probably experienced severe post‐shock thermal metamorphism in comparison with other lherzolitic shergottites, based on the re‐crystallization of maskelynite, the homogeneity of minerals, and the low subsolidus equilibrium temperatures between chromite and ilmenite.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 6342 is an intermediate, poikilitic shergottite, found in Algeria in 2010. It is comprised of two distinct petrographic areas; poikilitic domains with rounded Mg‐rich olivine chadacrysts enclosed by large low‐Ca pyroxene oikocrysts, and a nonpoikilitic domain mainly comprised of subhedral olivine and vesicular recrystallized plagioclase. Oxygen fugacity conditions become more oxidizing during crystallization from the poikilitic to the nonpoikilitic domain (QFM?3.0 to QFM?2.2). As such, it is likely that NWA 6342 experienced a two‐stage (polybaric) crystallization history similar to that of the enriched poikilitic shergottites. NWA 6342 also experienced relatively high levels of shock metamorphism in comparison to most other poikilitic shergottites as evidenced by the fine‐grained recrystallization texture in olivine, as well as melting and subsequent crystallization of plagioclase. The recrystallization of plagioclase requires an extended period of postshock thermal metamorphism for NWA 6342 and similarly shocked intermediate poikilitic shergottites NWA 4797 and Grove Mountains 99027 most likely due to launch from Mars. The similarities in petrology, chemistry, and shock features between these three meteorites indicate that they have similar crystallization and shock histories; possibly originating from the same source area on Mars.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 7397 is a newly discovered, enriched, lherzolitic shergottite, the third described example of this group. This meteorite consists of two distinct textural lithologies (1) poikilitic—comprised of zoned pyroxene oikocrysts, with chadacrysts of chromite and olivine, and (2) nonpoikilitic—comprised of olivine, low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxene, maskelynite, and minor abundances of merrillite, spinel, ilmenite, and pyrrhotite. The constant Ti/Al ratios of pyroxene oikocrysts suggests initial crystallization of the poikilitic lithology at depth (equivalent to pressures of approximately 10 kbar), followed by crystallization of the nonpoikilitic lithology at shallower levels. Oxygen fugacity conditions become more oxidizing during crystallization ranging from fO2 conditions of approximately QFM‐2 to QFM‐0.7. Magma calculated to be in equilibrium with the major rock‐forming minerals is LREE‐enriched relative to depleted or intermediate shergottites and has flat overall profiles. Therefore, we suggest that the parental magma for NWA 7397 had sampled an enriched, oxidized, Martian geochemical source, similar to that of other enriched basaltic and olivine‐phyric shergottites. We present a polybaric formation model for the lherzolitic shergottite NWA 7397, to account for the petrologic constraints. Three successive stages in the development of NWA 7397 are discussed (1) formation of a REE‐enriched parental magma from a distinct Martian mantle reservoir; (2) magma ponding and development of a staging chamber concomitant with initial crystallization of the poikilitic lithology; and (3) magma ascent to the near surface, with entrainment of cumulates from the staging chamber and subsequent crystallization of the nonpoikilitic lithology en route to the surface.  相似文献   

Abstract— Magmatic inclusions occur in both chadacrystic olivine and oikocrystic pigeonite in ALH 77005 but are different from each other. Magmatic inclusions in olivine consist mainly of aluminous pyroxenes, intergrowths of plagioclase and silica, silica-predominant glass, and rhyodacitic glass, with minor amounts of chromite, spinel, pyrrhotite, and whitlockite. Those in pigeonite consist mainly of aluminous pyroxenes, nonaluminous ferroan pyroxenes, kaersutite, spinel, and K-rich trachytic glass, with minor amounts of pyrrhotite and whitlockite. The magmatic inclusions in chadacrystic olivine formed from trapped melts that were basaltic, apparently dry and crystallized additional olivine metastably. The basaltic magma, with entrained olivine, experienced magma mixing with K-rich and wet magmas, or assimilation of such crustal rocks, in the early to middle stages of the crystallization sequence of ALH 77005 during crystallization of chadacrystic olivine prior to precipitation of oikocrystic pigeonite. However the amount of mixed magmas or assimilated rocks was minor in comparison to the basaltic magma. Crystallization of pigeonite, augite, and plagioclase in the host lithologies took place in a shallow magma reservoir under an open-system condition, and the pigeonite trapped basaltic andesite to trachyandesitic melts, which resulted in magmatic inclusions in oikocrystic pigeonite. The magmatic inclusions in both olivine and pigeonite were formed under a rapid-cooling condition, resulting in a variety of inclusions. Kaersutite in magmatic inclusions in oikocrystic pigeonite crystallized under a closed-system wet condition during the late-stage crystallization of the inclusions.  相似文献   

Abstract– We found a simple thin shock vein, less than or equal to about 60 μm in width and 1.8 mm in length, in the poikilitic area in the Yamato (Y‐) 000047 lherzolitic shergottite. The shock vein occurs only in magnesian Ca‐poor clinopyroxene, which may have transformed from orthopyroxene during the pressure increase at the shock event. The shock vein consists of (Mg0.8,Fe0.2)SiO3 pyroxene polymorphs, such as columnar akimotoite, two kinds of pyroxene glasses, dendritic akimotoite, and framboidal pyroxene glass, in the order from the periphery to the center. The compositions and textures suggest that columnar akimotoite in the periphery of the shock vein crystallized from solid‐state phase transition of clinopyoroxene during the cooling of the vein, and the remains in the shock vein solidified from shock‐produced melt. The glass includes two kinds of massive glass in the vein and framboidal glass in the vein center. The framboidal glass is the most magnesian and may have been vitrified from perovskite crystallized from high‐pressure melt produced at high temperature ≥3000 °C and high‐pressure 23–40 GPa. Dendritic akimotoites in the vein center metastably crystallized from residual shock melt. The formation sequences of the constituent phases in the shock vein happen in the following order: columnar akimotoites, rim glass, center glass, framboidal glass, and dendritic akimotoites. The increase of the Raman intensity of 660–670 cm?1 in the order of rim glass, center glass, and framboidal glass suggests that the formation of the pyroxene chain proceeds faster in the vein center than in the vein rim due to its slower cooling. The finding of the shock vein consisting merely of high‐pressure polymorphs of pyroxene, akimotoite, and framboidal glass (vitrified perovskite) is the first reported among all Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Grove Mountains (GRV) 020090 is a “lherzolitic” shergottite found in the Grove Mountains, Antarctica. It exhibits two distinct textures: poikilitic and nonpoikilitic. In poikilitic areas, large pyroxene oikocrysts enclose subhedral olivine and chromite chadacrysts. Pyroxene oikocrysts are zoned from pigeonite cores to augite rims. In nonpoikilitic areas, olivine, pyroxene, and interstitial maskelynite occur as major phases, and minor phases include chromite and merrillite. Compared with typical “lherzolitic” shergottites, GRV 020090 contains a distinctly higher abundance of maskelynite (19 vol%). Olivine and pyroxene are more ferroan (Fa28–40, En57–72Fs24–31Wo4–14 and En46–53Fs17–21Wo26–35), and maskelynite is more alkali‐rich (Ab43–65Or2–7). The major phases, whole‐rock (estimated) and fusion crust of GRV 020090, are relatively enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE), similar to those of the geochemically enriched basaltic shergottites, but distinct from those of LREE‐depleted “lherzolitic” shergottites. Combined with a high oxygen fugacity of log fO2 = QFM ? 1.41 ± 0.04 (relative to the quartz‐fayalite‐magnetite buffer), it is clear that GRV 020090 sampled from an oxidized and enriched mantle reservoir similar to those of other enriched shergottites. The calculated REE abundances and patterns of the melts in equilibrium with the cores of major phases are parallel to but higher than that of the whole rock, suggesting that GRV 020090 originated from a single parent magma and experienced progressive fractional crystallization in a closed system. The crystallization age recorded by baddeleyite is 192 ± 10 (2σ) Ma, consistent with the young internal isochron ages of enriched shergottites. Baddeleyite dating results further demonstrated that the young ages, rather than ancient ages (>4 Ga), appear to represent the crystallization of Martian surface lava flow. GRV 020090 shares many similarities with Roberts Massif (RBT) 04261/2, the first enriched “lherzolitic” shergottite. Detailed comparisons suggest that these two rocks are petrologically and geochemically closely related, and probably launch paired.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 4898 is the only low‐Ti, high‐Al basaltic lunar meteorite yet recognized. It predominantly consists of pyroxene (53.8 vol%) and plagioclase (38.6 vol%). Pyroxene has a wide range of compositions (En12–62Fs25–62Wo11–36), which display a continuous trend from Mg‐rich cores toward Ca‐rich mantles and then to Fe‐rich rims. Plagioclase has relatively restricted compositions (An87–96Or0–1Ab4–13), and was transformed to maskelynite. The REE zoning of all silicate minerals was not significantly modified by shock metamorphism and weathering. Relatively large (up to 1 mm) olivine phenocrysts have homogenous inner parts with Fo ~74 and sharply decrease to 64 within the thin out rims (~30 μm in width). Four types of inclusions with a variety of textures and modal mineralogy were identified in olivine phenocrysts. The contrasting morphologies of these inclusions and the chemical zoning of olivine phenocrysts suggest NWA 4898 underwent at least two stages of crystallization. The aluminous chromite in NWA 4898 reveals that its high alumina character was inherited from the parental magma, rather than by fractional crystallization. The mineral chemistry and major element compositions of NWA 4898 are different from those of 12038 and Luna 16 basalts, but resemble those of Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts. However, the trace element compositions demonstrate that NWA 4898 and Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts could not have been derived from the same mantle source. REE compositions of its parental magma indicate that NWA 4898 probably originated from a unique depleted mantle source that has not been sampled yet. Unlike Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts, which assimilated KREEPy materials during their formation, NWA 4898 could have formed by closed‐system fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Abstract– Rb‐Sr and Sm‐Nd isotopic analyses of the lherzolitic shergottite Grove Mountains (GRV) 99027 are reported. GRV 99027 yields a Rb‐Sr mineral isochron age of 177 ± 5 (2σ) Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (ISr) of 0.710364 ± 11 (2σ). Due to larger uncertainties of the Sm‐Nd isotopic data, no Sm‐Nd isochron age was obtained for GRV 99027. The ε143Nd value is estimated approximately +12.2, assuming an age of 177 Ma. The ISr of GRV 99027 is distinguishable from other lherzolitic shergottites, confirming our previous conclusion that it is not paired with them ( Lin et al. 2005 ). The new data of GRV 99027 support the same age of approximately 180 Ma for most lherzolitic shergottites, and fill the small gap of ISr between Allan Hills A77005 and Lewis Cliff 88516 ( Borg et al. 2002 ). All available data are consistent with a single igneous source for the intermediate subgroup of lherzolitic shergottites.  相似文献   

Martian meteorites, in particular shergottites, contain darkened olivine (so‐called “brown olivine”) whose color is induced by iron nanoparticles formed in olivine during a shock event. The formation process and conditions of brown olivine have been discussed in the Northwest Africa 2737 (NWA 2737) chassignite. However, formation conditions of brown olivine in NWA 2737 cannot be applied to shergottites because NWA 2737 has a different shock history from that of shergottites. Therefore, this study observed brown olivine in the NWA 1950 shergottite and discusses the general formation process and conditions of brown olivine in shergottites. Our observation of NWA 1950 revealed that olivine is heterogeneously darkened between and within grains different from brown olivine in NWA 2737. XANES analysis showed that brown olivine contains small amounts of Fe3+ and TEM/STEM observation revealed that there is no SiO‐rich phase around iron metal nanoparticles. These observations indicate that iron nanoparticles were formed by a disproportionation reaction of olivine (3Fe2+olivine → Fe0metal + 2Fe3+olivine + Volivine, where Volivine means a vacancy in olivine). Some parts of brown olivine show lamellar textures in SEM observation and Raman peaks in addition to those expected for olivine, implying that brown olivine experienced a phase transition (to e.g., ringwoodite). In order to induce heterogeneous darkening, heterogeneous high temperature of about 1500–1700 K and shock duration of at least ~90 ms are required. This heterogeneous high temperature resulted in high postshock temperature (>900 K) inducing back‐transformation of most high‐pressure phases. Therefore, in spite of lack of high‐pressure phases, NWA 1950 (= Martian meteorites with brown olivine) experienced higher pressure and temperature compared to other highly shocked meteorite groups.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 1950 is a new member of the lherzolitic shergottite clan of the Martian meteorites recently found in the Atlas Mountains. The petrological, mineralogical, and geochemical data are very close to those of the other known lherzolitic shergottites. The meteorite has a cumulate gabbroic texture and its mineralogy consists of olivine (Fo66 to Fo75), low and high‐Ca pyroxenes (En78Fs19Wo2‐En60Fs26W14; En53Fs16Wo31‐En45Fs14Wo41), and plagioclase (An57Ab41Or1 to An40Ab57Or3; entirely converted into maskelynite during intense shock metamorphism). Accessory minerals include phosphates (merrillite), chromite and spinels, sulfides, and a glass rich in potassium. The oxygen isotopic values lie on the fractional line defined by the other SNC meteorites (Δ17O = 0.312 %o). The composition of NWA 1950 is very similar to the other lherzolitic shergottites and suggests an origin from the same magmatic system, or at least crystallization from a close parental melt. Cosmogenic ages indicate an ejection age similar to those of the other lherzolitic shergottites. The intensity of the shock is similar to that observed in other shergottites, as shown by the occurrence of small melt pockets containing glass interwoven with stishovite.  相似文献   

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