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Impact melt‐bearing clastic deposits (suevites) are one of the most important records of the impact cratering process. A deeper understanding of their composition and formation is therefore essential. This study focuses on impact melt particles in suevite at Ries, Germany. Textures and chemical evidence indicate that the suevite contains three melt types that originate from different shock levels in the target. The most abundant melt type (“melt type 1”) represents well‐mixed whole‐rock melting of crystalline basement and includes incompletely mixed mafic melt schlieren (“melt type 1 mafic”). Polymineralic melt type 2 comprises mixes between monomineralic melt types 3 and melt type 1. Melt types 2 and 3 are located within melt type 1 as small patches or schlieren but also isolated within the suevite matrix. The main melt type 1 is heterogeneous with respect to trace elements, varying geographically around the crater: in the western sector, it has lower values in trace elements, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, than in the eastern sector. The west–east zoning likely reflects the heterogeneous nature of crystalline basement target rocks with lower trace element contents, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, in the west compared to the east. The chemical zoning pattern of suevite melt type 1 indicates that mixing during ejection and emplacement occurred only on a local (hundreds of meters) scale. The incomplete larger scale mixing indicated by the preservation of these local chemical signatures, and schlieren corroborate the assumption that mixing, ejection, and quenching were very rapid, short‐lived processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— t‐Impact‐generated glasses from fallout suevite deposits at the Ries impact structure have been investigated using analytical scanning electron microscopy. Approximately 320 analyses of glass clasts were obtained. Four glass types are distinguished on the basis of composition and microtextures. Type 1 glasses correspond to the aerodynamically shaped glass bombs studied previously by many workers. Major oxide concentrations indicate the involvement of granitic rocks, amphibolites, and minor Al‐rich gneisses during melting. Type 2 glasses are chemically heterogeneous, even within individual clasts, with variations of several wt% in most of the major oxides (e.g., 57–70 wt% SiO2). This suggests incomplete mixing of: 1) mineral‐derived melts or 2) whole rock melts from a wide range of lithologies. Aluminium‐rich clinopyroxene and Fe‐Mg‐rich plagioclase quench crystals are present in type 1 and 2 glasses, respectively. Type 3 glasses contain substantial amounts of H2O (?12–17 wt%), low SiO2 (50–53 wt%), high Al2O3 (17–21 wt%), and high CaO (5–7 wt%) contents. This suggests an origin due to shock melting of part of the sedimentary cover. Type 4 glasses form a ubiquitous component of the suevites. Based on their high SiO2 content (?85–100 wt%), the only possible protolith are sandstones in the lowermost part of the sedimentary succession. Calcite forms globules within type 1 glasses, with which it develops microtextures indicative of liquid immiscibility. Unequivocal evidence also exists for liquid immiscibility between what are now montmorillonite globules and type 1, 2, and 4 glasses, indicating that montmorillonite was originally an impact melt glass. Clearly, the melt zone at the Ries must have incorporated a substantial fraction of the sedimentary cover, as well as the underlying crystalline basement rocks. Impact melts were derived from different target lithologies and these separate disaggregated melts did not substantially mix in most cases (type 2, 3, and 4 glasses and carbonate melts).  相似文献   

The occurrence of coesite in suevites from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure is confirmed within a variety of textural domains in situ by Raman spectroscopy for the first time and in mechanically separated grains by X‐ray diffraction. Microtextures of coesite identified in situ investigated under transmitted light and by scanning electron microscope reveal coesite as micrometer‐sized grains (1–3 μm) within amorphous silica of impact‐melt clasts and as submicrometer‐sized grains and polycrystalline aggregates within shocked quartz grains. Coesite‐bearing quartz grains are present both idiomorphically with original grain margins intact and as highly strained grains that underwent shock‐produced plastic deformation. Coesite commonly occurs in plastically deformed quartz grains within domains that appear brown (toasted) in transmitted light and rarely within quartz of spheroidal texture. The coesite likely developed by a mechanism of solid‐state transformation from precursor quartz. Raman spectroscopy also showed a series of unidentified peaks associated with shocked quartz grains that likely represent unidentified silica phases, possibly including a moganite‐like phase that has not previously been associated with coesite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Shocked quartz from the ejecta of the Ries impact structure has been investigated by analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM). Quartz grains display numerous planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs). Both are partly or fully replaced by a mineral of the kaolinite group (likely halloysite). Its formation involves fluid circulation into the dense fracture networks, dissolution and removal of the amorphous phase initially present in PDFs, and finally, precipitation and crystallization of the kaolinite group mineral from solutions resulting from the chemical alteration of adjacent minerals (feldspars and biotite). Kaolinite group minerals are typical of hydrothermal alteration at low temperature, in humid climate, and under moderately acid conditions and, thus, this alteration may not be directly related to the impact event itself. However, the weathering features were strongly enhanced by the shock‐generated microstructure, in particular by fractures that provided pathways for fluid circulation.  相似文献   

The ~15 Ma, 26 km diameter Ries impact structure in south‐central Germany was one of the first terrestrial impact structures where evidence of impact‐associated hydrothermal alteration was recognized. Previous studies suggested that pervasive, high‐temperature hydrothermal activity was restricted to the area within the “inner ring” (i.e., the crater‐fill impactite units). Here we present mineralogical evidence for localized hydrothermal activity in the ejecta beyond the crater rim in two previously unstudied settings: a pervasively altered lens of suevite ejecta directly overlying the Bunte Breccia at the Aumühle quarry; and suevite ejecta at depth overlain by ~20 m of lacustrine sediments sampled by the Wörnitzostheim 1965 drill core. A comprehensive set of X‐ray diffraction analyses indicates five distinct alteration regimes (1) surficial ambient weathering characterized by smectite and a minor illitic component; (2) locally restricted hydrothermal activity characterized by an illitic component and minor smectite; (3) hydrothermal activity at depth characterized by smectite, a minor illitic component, and calcite; (4) hydrothermal activity at depth characterized by smectite, a minor illitic component, calcite, zeolites, and clinochlore; and (5) pervasive hydrothermal activity at depth characterized by smectite, a minor illitic component, and minor clinochlore. These data spatially extend the Ries postimpact hydrothermal system suggesting a much more extensive, complex, and dynamic system than previously thought. Constraining the mineralogical alteration regimes at the Ries impact structure may also further our understanding of impact‐associated phyllosilicate formation on Mars with implications for climate models and habitability.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 24 km diameter Ries impact crater in southern Germany is one of the most studied impact structures on Earth. The Ries impactor struck a Triassic to Upper Jurassic sedimentary sequence overlying Hercynian crystalline basement. At the time of impact (14.87 × 0.36 Ma; Storzer et al., 1995), the 350 m thick Malm limestone was present only to the south and east of the impact site. To the north and west, the Malm had been eroded away, exposing the underlying Dogger and Lias. The largest proportion of shocked target material is in the impact-melt-bearing breccia suevite. The suevite had been believed to be derived entirely from the crystalline basement. Calcite in the suevite has been interpreted as a postimpact hydrothermal deposit. From optical inspection of 540 thin sections of suevite from 32 sites, I find that calcite in the suevite shows textural evidence of liquid immiscibility with the silicate impact melt. Textural evidence of liquid immiscibility between silicate and carbonate melt in the Ries suevite includes carbonate globules within silicate glass, silicate globules embedded in carbonate, deformable and coalescing carbonate spheres within silicate glass, sharp menisci or cusps and budding between silicate and carbonate melt, fluidal textures and gas vesicles in carbonate schlieren, a quench crystallization sequence of the carbonate, spinifex textured quenched carbonate, separate carbonate spherules in the suevite mineral-fragment matrix, and inclusions of mineral fragments suspended in carbonate blebs. Given this evidence of liquid immiscibility, the carbonate in the suevite therefore has—like the silicate melt—a primary origin by impact-shock melting. Evidence of carbonate-silicate liquid immiscibility is abundant in the suevites from the southwest to east of the Ries crater. The rarer suevites to the west to northeast of the crater are nearly devoid of carbonate melts. This correspondence between the occurrence of outcropping limestones at the target surface and the formation of carbonate melt indicates that the Malm limestones are the source rocks of the carbonate impact melt. This correspondence shows that the suevites preserve a compositional memory of their source rocks. From the regional distribution of suevites with or without immiscible carbonate melts, it is inferred that the Ries impactor hit the steep Albtrauf escarpment at its toe, in an oblique impact from the north.  相似文献   

Suevite and melt breccia compositions in the boreholes Enkingen and Polsingen are compared with compositions of suevites from other Ries boreholes and surface locations and discussed in terms of implications for impact breccia genesis. No significant differences in average chemical compositions for the various drill cores or surface samples are noted. Compositions of suevite and melt breccia from southern and northeastern sectors of the Ries crater do not significantly differ. This is in stark contrast to the published variations between within‐crater and out‐of‐crater suevites from northern and southern sectors of the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana. Locally occurring alteration overprint on drill cores—especially strong on the carbonate‐impregnated suevite specimens of the Enkingen borehole—does affect the average compositions. Overall, the composition of the analyzed impact breccias from Ries are characterized by very little macroscopically or microscopically recognized sediment‐clast component; the clast populations of suevite and impact melt breccia are dominated consistently by granitic and intermediate granitoid components. The Polsingen breccia is significantly enriched in a dioritic clast component. Overall, chemical compositions are of intermediate composition as well, with dioritic‐granodioritic silica contents, and relatively small contributions from mafic target components. Selected suevite samples from the Enkingen core have elevated Ni, Co, Cr, and Ir contents compared with previously analyzed suevites from the Ries crater, which suggest a small meteoritic component. Platinum‐group element (PGE) concentrations for some of the enriched samples indicate somewhat elevated concentrations and near‐chondritic ratios of the most immobile PGE, consistent with an extraterrestrial contribution of 0.1–0.2% chondrite‐equivalent.  相似文献   

The extent of impact‐generated hydrothermal activity in the 24 km sized Ries impact structure has been controversially discussed. To date, mineralogical and isotopic investigations point to a restriction of hydrothermal activity to the impact‐melt bearing breccias, specifically the crater‐fill suevite. Here, we present new petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic data of postimpact carbonate deposits, which indicate a hydrothermal activity more extended than previously assumed. Specifically, carbonates of the Erbisberg, a spring mound located upon the inner crystalline ring of the crater, show travertine facies types not seen in any of the previously investigated sublacustrine soda lake spring mounds of the Ries basin. In particular, the streamer carbonates, which result from the encrustation of microbial filaments in subaerial spring effluents between 60 and 70 °C, are characteristic of a hydrothermal origin. While much of the primary geochemical and isotopic signatures in the mound carbonates have been obliterated by diagenesis, a postimpact calcite vein from brecciated gneiss of the subsurface crater floor revealed a flat rare earth element pattern with a clear positive Eu anomaly, indicating a hydrothermal fluid convection in the crater basement. Finally, the strontium isotope stratigraphic correlation of the travertine mound with the crater basin succession suggests a hydrothermal activity for about 250,000 yr after the impact, which would be much longer than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution and petrography of surficial suevite breccias of the Ries impact crater in Southern Germany are reviewed, and the morphology, petrography and chemical composition of impact glasses in suevite breccias and their postdepositional devitrification is synthesized. Origin and thermal history of suevite breccia and suevite glasses are inferred from these data and from recent results of cooling and crystallization experiments with suevite glass melts under controlled conditions. In a montmorillonitic groundmass, the suevite breccia contains pieces of glass, up to some decimeters in size, and crystalline rock clasts of all stages of shock metamorphism. The glass particles originated in impact melt of basement gneisses and cooled by adiabatic pressure release from ~80 GPa to atmospheric pressure during ejection from the crater. They were deposited on the ground together with the other suevite components at a temperature of ~750 °C. Fractured glass pieces in the breccia show that during deposition of the suevite the temperature was below the temperature at which undercooled melt transforms to rigid glass. The suevite cooled after deposition mainly by convection of heat by emanating gases and vapors. In chilled layers at the base and at the top of suevite deposits, the glasses are preserved in vitreous state. Between these zones, the glasses were devitrified, yet crystallization of pyroxene, plagioclase and magnetite took place below the glass-transformation temperature. Annealing experiments show that this unusual devitrification below the transformation temperature can be explained by the impact origin of suevite glasses. Due to rapid adiabatic cooling on decompression, the glasses were oversaturated with water and internally strained. Under these conditions, devitrification, especially the formation of plagioclase, was possible at temperatures below the transformation range. The origin from adiabatically cooled impact melt of deep-seated rocks distinguishes water-bearing suevite glasses from the Ries-derived, water-free moldavite tektites, which are interpreted as condensates of vaporized, surficial sediments (Engelhardt et al., 1987).  相似文献   

Abstract– Melt‐bearing impactites dominated by suevite, and with a minor content of clast‐rich impact melt rock, are found within the central part of the Gardnos structure. They are preserved as the eroded remnants in the relatively small complex impact structure with a present diameter of 5 km. These rocks have been mapped in the field and in the Branden drill core, and described according to mineralogy/petrology, including matrix, litho clast, and melt content, as well as geochemistry. Based on our extensive field mapping, a simple 3‐D model of the original crater was constructed to estimate tentative volumes for the melt‐bearing impactites. The variations in lithic and melt fragment content and chemistry of suevite matrix can mostly be explained by incorporation of mafic rocks into a dominant mixture of granitic, gneissic, and quartzitic target rocks, reflecting mixing of material from different parts of the crater. Melt fragments within suevite occur with a variety of shapes and textures, probably related to different original target rock composition, to the various temperatures the individual fragments were subjected to during the impact event and deposition processes. This study discusses the impact‐related deposits based on a sedimentological approach. Their overall composition and structures indicate dominating gravity flow processes in the final transportation and deposition of the suevite.  相似文献   

The 26 km diameter Nördlinger Ries is a complex impact structure with a ring structure that resembles a peak ring. A first research drilling through this “inner crystalline ring” of the Ries was performed at the Erbisberg hill (SW Ries) to better understand the internal structure and lithology of this feature, and possibly reveal impact‐induced hydrothermal alteration. The drill core intersected the slope of a 22 m thick postimpact travertine mound, before entering 42 m of blocks and breccias of crystalline rocks excavated from the Variscan basement at >500 m depth. Weakly shocked gneiss blocks that show that shock pressure did not exceed 5 GPa occur above polymict lithic breccias of shock stage Ia (10–20 GPa), with planar fractures and planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz. Only a narrow zone at 49.20–50.00 m core depth exhibits strong mosaicism in feldspar and {102} PDFs in quartz, which are indicative of shock stage Ib (20–35 GPa). Finally, 2 m of brecciated Keuper sediments at the base of the section point to an inverse layering of strata. While reverse grading of clast sizes in lithic breccias and gneiss blocks is consistent with lateral transport, the absence of diaplectic glass and melt products argues against dynamic overthrusting of material from a collapsing central peak, as seen in the much larger Chicxulub structure. Indeed, weakly shocked gneiss blocks are rather of local provenance (i.e., the transient crater wall), whereas moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias with geochemical composition and 87Sr/86Sr signature similar to Ries suevite were derived from a position closer to the impact center. Thus, the inner ring of the Ries is formed by moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias likely injected into the transient crater wall during the excavation stage and weakly shocked gneiss blocks of the collapsing transient crater wall that were emplaced during the modification stage. While the presence of an overturned flap is not evident from the Erbisberg drilling, a survey of all drillings at or near the inner ring point to inverted strata throughout its outer limb. Whether the central ring of the Ries represents remains of a collapsed central peak remains to be shown. Postimpact hydrothermal alteration along the Erbisberg section comprises chloritization, sulfide veinlets, and strong carbonatization. In addition, a narrow zone in the lower parts of the polymict lithic breccia sequence shows a positive Eu anomaly in its carbonate phase. The surface expression of this hydrothermal activity, i.e., the travertine mound, comprises subaerial as well as subaquatic growth phases. Intercalated lake sediments equivalent to the early parts of the evolution of the central crater basin succession confirm a persistent impact‐generated hydrothermal activity, although for less time than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact ejecta eroded and transported by gravity flows, tsunamis, or glaciers have been reported from a number of impact structures on Earth. Impact ejecta reworked by fluvial processes, however, are sparsely mentioned in the literature. This suggests that shocked mineral grains and impact glasses are unstable when eroded and transported in a fluvial system. As a case study, we here present a report of impact ejecta affected by multiple fluvial reworking including rounded quartz grains with planar deformation features and diaplectic quartz and feldspar glass in pebbles of fluvial sandstones from the “Monheimer Höhensande” ?10 km east of the Ries crater in southern Germany.  相似文献   

Abstract— Since their discovery, fullerenes have been reported from various geological environments. One group of these findings has been related to bolide impacts, e.g., the Sudbury crater and the K‐T and P‐T boundaries. Impact rocks of the Ries crater, Germany, including samples of suevites, metamorphosed crystalline clasts, and glass bombs, have been collected in the Otting, Altebürg, and Seelbronn quarries. No fullerenes in concentrations above 1 ppb have been found in analyzed samples. Laser desorption time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (LD‐TOF‐MS) confirmed the absence of fullerenes in the analyzed samples. These results support the concept that the Ries impactor was a stony meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Clasts of deep-seated crystalline basement rocks in suevites of the Ries crater, Germany, were catalogued lithologically and classified with regard to their degree of shock metamorphism. The sample suite consisted of 806 clasts from 10 outcrops in fallout suevites and 447 clasts from drill cores encountering crater suevite in the crater interior. These clasts can be grouped into seven types of metamorphic and nine types of igneous rocks. One hundred forty-three clasts, representing these lithologies, were analyzed for major element bulk composition. The fallout suevite contains on average 4 vol% of crystalline basement clasts, 0.4 vol% of sedimentary rocks, 16 vol% of glass bodies (some of them aerodynamically shaped), and 79 vol% of groundmass. On average, 52% of all crystalline clasts are from metamorphic sources and 42% are of igneous origin. Using the shock classification of Stöffler (1974), 8% of all crystalline clasts appear unshocked (<10 Gpa), and 34, 30 and 27% of clasts are shocked to stages I (10–35 Gpa), II (35–45 GPa) and III (45–60 GPa), respectively. The bulk composition of suevite glasses is consistent with the modal proportions of crystalline rock types observed in the clast populations. This indicates that the glasses originate by shock-fusion of a similarly composed basement. The crater suevite contains the same crystalline rock types that occur in the fallout suevites. The bore hole “Nördlingen 1973” yields an average of 62 vol% metamorphic and 38 vol% igneous rocks. The crater suevite differs from fallout suevites by a higher clast/glass ratio, by preponderance (65–95%) of clasts shocked to stage I only, and by the absence of aerodynamically shaped glass bodies. The source of crystalline clasts and melt particles of suevites is a volume of rocks, located deep in the crystalline basement, to which the projectile transmittted most of its energy so that only rocks of the basement were shocked by pressures exceeding 10 GPa (deep-burst impact model). Fallout suevites were ejected, propelled by an expanding plume of vaporized rock, and withdrew preferentially from this volume melt and highly shocked clasts, leaving in the transient cavity the crater suevite with more clasts of modest shock levels and less melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Field studies and a shallow drilling program carried out in 1999 provided information about the thickness and distribution of suevite to the north of the Bosumtwi crater rim. Suevite occurrence there is known from an ?1.5 km2 area; its thickness is ≤15 m. The present suevite distribution is likely the result of differential erosion and does not reflect the initial areal extent of continuous Bosumtwi ejecta deposits. Here we discuss the petrographic characteristics of drill core samples of melt‐rich suevite. Macroscopic constituents of the suevites are melt bodies and crystalline and metasedimentary rock (granite, graywacke, phyllite, shale, schist, and possibly slate) clasts up to about 40 cm in size. Shock metamorphic effects in the clasts include multiple sets of planar deformation features (PDFs), diaplectic quartz and feldspar glasses, lechatelierite, and ballen quartz, besides biotite with kink bands. Basement rock clasts in the suevite represent all stages of shock metamorphism, ranging from samples without shock effects to completely shock‐melted material that is indicative of shock pressures up to ?60 GPa.  相似文献   

For impact craters with dimensions such as the Ries crater (corresponding to a 1 km meteorite) it has become a standard reference in textbooks on planetary science that under terrestrial conditions distal transfer of boulders may reach as far as 200 km. In order to test this assumption we simulated the impact-induced ballistic transfer of limestone boulders ejected out of the Ries crater and have come to the conclusion that “Reutersche Blöcke” and “Ries-Brockhorizonte,” found at distances of up to 130 km away, are distal Ries ejecta. Boulders alleged to be Ries components found in Northern Switzerland at distances of up to 200 km away can be related to the Ries event, if the parameters of our numerical simulation are stretched to its limits. Our simulation includes the following assumptions and variables: (1) boulders are ejected from the interference zone at a very early stage of impact; (2) starting conditions may range between velocities of 1 and 4 km/s and 35° to 65° for the flight path angle; (3) drag-free and transitional conditions at the impact site have been incorporated into the density model of the atmosphere; (4) a typical boulder is represented by an suitable aerodynamic drag model; (5) an aerothermal heat model was used to determine heat load.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study examines the effects of shock metamorphism on fluid inclusions in crystalline basement target rocks from the Ries crater, Germany. The occurrence of two‐phase fluid inclusions decreases from shock stage 0 to shock stage 1, while single‐phase inclusions increase, likely as a result of re‐equilibration. In shock stages 2 and 3, both two‐phase and single‐phase inclusions decrease with increasing shock stage, indicating that fluid inclusion vesicles are destroyed due to plastic deformation and phase changes in the host minerals. However, quartz clasts entrained in shock stage 4 melts contain both single‐phase and two‐phase inclusions, demonstrating the rapid quenching of the melt and the heterogeneous nature of impact deformation. Inclusions in naturally shocked polycrystalline samples survive at higher shock pressures than those in single crystal shock experiments. However, fluid inclusions in both experimental and natural samples follow a similar trend in re‐equilibration at low to moderate shock pressures leading to destruction of inclusion vesicles in higher shock stages. This suggests that shock processing may lead to the destruction of fluid inclusions in many planetary materials and likely contributed to shock devolatilization of early planetesimals.  相似文献   

Abstract– 40Ar/39Ar dating of recrystallized K‐feldspar melt particles separated from partially molten biotite granite in impact melt rocks from the approximately 24 km Nördlinger Ries crater (southern Germany) yielded a plateau age of 14.37 ± 0.30 (0.32) Ma (2σ). This new age for the Nördlinger Ries is the first age obtained from (1) monomineralic melt (2) separated from an impact‐metamorphosed target rock clast within (3) Ries melt rocks and therewith extends the extensive isotopic age data set for this long time studied impact structure. The new age goes very well with the 40Ar/39Ar step‐heating and laser probe dating results achieved from mixed‐glass samples (suevite glass and tektites) and is slightly younger than the previously obtained fission track and K/Ar and ages of about 15 Ma, as well as the K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar age data obtained in the early 1990s. Taking all the 40Ar/39Ar age data obtained from Ries impact melt lithologies into account (data from the literature and this study), we suggest an age of 14.59 ± 0.20 Ma (2σ) as best value for the Ries impact event.  相似文献   

By analyzing impact glass, the evolution of the impact melt at the Mistastin Lake impact structure was investigated. Impact glass clasts are present in a range of impactites, including polymict breccias and clast‐rich impact melt rock, and from a variety of settings within the crater. From the glass clasts analyzed, three petrographic subtypes of impact glass were identified based on their clast content, prevalence of schlieren, color, texture, and habit. Several alteration phases were also observed replacing glass and infilling vesicles; however, textural observations and quantified compositional data allowed for the identification of pristine impact glass. Although the various types of glasses show significant overlap in their major oxide composition, several subtle variations in the major oxide chemistry of the glass were observed. To investigate this variation, a least‐squares mixing model was implemented utilizing the composition of the glass and the known target rock chemistry to model the initial melt composition. Additionally, image analysis of the glass clasts was used to investigate whether the compositional variations correlated to textural difference in the lithologies. We propose that the textural and compositional dichotomy observed is a product of the evolution, assimilation, and emplacement of the glass. The dichotomy is reflective of the melt either being ballistically emplaced (group 2 glasses: occurring in melt‐poor polymict breccias at lowermost stratigraphic position outside the transient crater) or the result of late‐stage melt flows (group 1 glasses, occurring in melt‐bearing polymict breccias and impact melt rocks at higher stratigraphic positions outside the transient crater).  相似文献   

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