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国内外深水区油气勘探新进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
深水区油气资源丰富,近年来深水油气勘探不断升温。在全球6大洲18个深水盆地中已发现约580亿桶油当量的油气资源。目前,巴西、美国墨西哥湾的深水油气田已经投入生产,而且产量不断增加,西非地区也已进入开发阶段,西北欧、地中海以及亚太地区的许多国家也都在积极开展深水油气勘探或开发。海上油气钻探不断向深水区和超深水区发展,探井数目也在继续增加,投资力度不断加强,储量每年也有很大的增长。深水油气勘探成功率平均达到30%,其中,西非的勘探成功率最高。深水区烃源岩生烃潜力较好,最好的烃源岩主要分布于侏罗系、白垩系和第三系的地层中,储层以浊积岩储层为主,盖层通常比较发育,大多数圈闭都与地层因素有关。我国南海北部陆坡深水区盆地属准被动边缘盆地,从烃源岩、储层、盖层、圈闭到运聚条件等都具备了形成大型油气田的基本地质条件,具有丰富的资源前景。  相似文献   

Two suites of slumps from opposite margins of the Gulf of Mannar, between Sri Lanka and southern India, have met and coalesced. The “Eastern Comorin” Slump is the more coherent of the two with a length of 70 to 100 km. The “Colombo” side slump consists of two to four blocks 15 to 35 km in length. Both slump-suites decrease to the south. A paleoslump underlies the western toe of the East Comorin Slump at a depth of some 800 meters. To the south, an enlarging and deepening submarine canyon marks the area of slump coalescence.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of visually observed wave data off Madras, South East Coast of India reported for a period of ten years is presented and discussed in this paper. The wave characteristics include wave height, wave period and its direction with respect to North. About five different standard distributions were tried to fit the observed data and found that the wave characteristics off Madras do not follow any of these. The wave power potential off Madras is also discussed.  相似文献   

Massive, transient late syn-rift-to-breakup volcanism during separation between the Seychelles microcontinent and India formed the Deccan continental flood basalts and their equivalents on the Seychelles-Mascarene Plateau and on the conjugate continental margins, i.e. the Deccan Large Igneous Province. We estimate an original extrusive area of at least 1.8×106 km2, and a volume >1.8×106 km3, and suggest a plate tectonic model comprising: (1) development of the Seychelles microplate by fan-shaped spreading in the Mascarene Basin, and continental extension followed by fan-shaped spreading between India and the Seychelles during A29-27 time. (2) Cessation of fan-shaped spreading just after A27 time, followed by spreading along the India-Seychelles plate boundary. (3) Margin subsidence, modified south of Goa by the persistent, time-transgressive effects along the plume trail. The margin is divided into three regional provinces by the prolongation of regional transforms which formed the east and west boundaries of the Seychelles microplate during breakup and early sea floor spreading. In some aspects, the conjugate margins are different from other volcanic margins; e.g. regional wedges of seaward dipping reflectors along the continent-ocean transition have not yet been reported. We ascribe this to the eruption of the most voluminous lavas during chron 29r, i.e on continental lithosphere in a late syn-rift setting. The enigmatic Laxmi Ridge is a complex marginal high comprised of both continental and oceanic crust. It was probably created during breakup, but may have experienced later magmatic and/or tectonic deformation.  相似文献   


Keeping in view the paucity of information as to the nature of the marine sediments from the continental shelf adjoining the Indian subcontinent, a number of shallow seismic surveys were carried out, nearshore and offshore Bombay between 18°45'N and 21°00'N. Representative core samples preserving their natural state were also retrieved from the region in the water depths ranging from 5 to 70 m for the determination of physical properties in the laboratory. Data on the physical, acoustic, and elastic properties of the sediment cores are reported for the first time. Useful individual least‐squares relations are presented for acoustic impedance, reflection coefficient, and bulk modulus against density; for the dependence of rigidity and bulk moduli on the constrained modulus; for the association between impedance and field sediment velocity against P‐velocity; and for rigidity against Poisson's ratio. Results indicate that the bulk modulus and Young's modulus are higher for silty clay and clayey silt samples than for the clay samples. Similarly, the acoustic impedance, reflection coefficient, and constrained modulus of silty clay and clayey silt are also higher than clay. The results are found to be comparable to the North Atlantic and Bay of Bengal sediments.  相似文献   

Total magnetic intensity and bathymetric surveys were carried out in the offshore area of Ratnagiri on the western continental shelf of India and an isomagnetic anomalies map at a contour interval of 50 nT was prepared which reveals N-S trends of magnetic anomalies. Two-dimensional model and spectral studies of these anomalies were carried out, and subsurface models of the geology in the area have been derived from anomalies at a number of places. The results suggest that the anomalies occur over a magnetic crystalline basement at a depth of 1–1.2 km which is similar (in magnetization) to onshore basalts of northwest India. These anomalies are believed to be an expression of a considerable thickness (around 1.7 km) of basalt, underlain by sediments. Identification of these basalts in offshore areas along the northwestern continental shelf of India would support (1) the idea that the onshore Deccan basalts of western India and the rhyolitic tuffs at the Laccadive ridge system (DSDP Site 210) are related to the same volcanic events, and (2) subsequent downfaulting of onshore Deccan basalts into the Arabian Sea and submergence below the Tertiary sediments.  相似文献   

Thirty continental-shelf clays sampled off the east coast of India have been analysed spectrographically to determine the concentrations of Ge, Ga, Pb, Cu, Mo, Sn, V, Ni, Co, Zr, Cr, Ba, Sr and B. Most of these elements are detrital in origin and are primarily held up in clay minerals or adsorbed onto the clays in the nearshore mixing zone. Organic matter influences the concentrations of Ge, Sn, and to a lesser extent, Ga and Pb in the shelf.  相似文献   

Gas and fluid venting at the Makran accretionary wedge off Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Makran accretionary complex shows a distinct bottom-simulating reflector, indicating a thick gas-hydrate-bearing horizon between the deformational front and about 1350 m water depth which seals off the upward flow of gas-charged fluids. A field of presently inactive mud diapirs with elevations up to 65 m was discovered in the abyssal plain seawards of the deformation front, suggesting that in the past conditions were favorable for periodic but localized vigorous mud diapirism. Regional destabilization of the gas hydrate leading to focused flow was observed where deep-penetrating, active faults reach the base of the gas-hydrate layer, as in a deeply incised submarine canyon (2100–2500 m water depth). At this location we discovered seeps of methane and H2S-rich fluids associated with chemoautotrophic vent faunas (e.g., Calyptogena sp.). Driven by the accretionary wedge dynamics, the landward part of the gas-hydrate layer below the Makran margin is being progressively uplifted. Due to reduced hydrostatic pressure and rising ocean bottom-water temperatures, gas hydrates are progressively destabilized and dissociated into hydrate water, methane and H2S. Sediment temperatures lie outside the methane stability field wherever water depth is less than 800 m. Above this depth, upward migration of fluids to the seafloor is unimpeded, thus explaining the abundance of randomly distributed gas seeps observed at water depths of 350 to 800 m. Received: 14 June 1999 / Revision accepted: 6 February 2000  相似文献   

Coastal waters off the southwest coast of India draw special attention because of the occurrence of mud banks at certain locations during southwest monsoon period. The present study puts forward a hypothesis of a subterranean flow, which could be a plausible mechanism to initiate the mud banks. The subterranean flow is believed to be coupled with activated trending faults and originate from the adjacent watershed (Vembanad Lake) separated from the sea by a narrow strip of land where submerged porous lime shell beds are present. When the lake water injection occurs through the fault, the mud/clay gets excited by its thixotrophic properties (as the overlying water looses its electrolyte) and transforms into a flowing fluid. The lowering of salinity due to the introduction of fresh water keeps the mud suspension in the water column for longer duration, leading to the formation of mud banks. The idea of subterranean flow through lime shell beds initiating formation of mud banks may apply globally to any coastal regions hugged by wetlands and of similar geological conditions.  相似文献   

近百年来 ,黑海始终是科学家热衷研究的对象。沿岸国家对该海区的调查研究不计其数 ,但许多不解之谜却长期困惑着科学家们。 192 7年克里米亚大地震期间 ,发生了一场海面起火 ,无法查明原因 ,使人不可思议的奇特现象 ,直到今天才发现燃烧是海底天然气水合物向海面释放的结果。2 0 0 2年 1月 ,由德国联合俄罗斯、乌克兰的几十名海洋生物、化学、地质、地球物理的科学家乘“流星”号考察船对黑海进行综合考察。这次联合考察最重大的发现是黑海海底蕴藏有储量丰富的天然气水合物、俗称可燃冰。据估计 ,如果能将这种固态可燃冰从海底开采出来 ,…  相似文献   

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