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Internal gravity waves excited by overshoot at the bottom of the convection zone can be influenced by rotation and by the strong toroidal magnetic field that is likely to be present in the solar tachocline. Using a simple Cartesian model, we show how waves with a vertical component of propagation can be reflected when traveling through a layer containing a horizontal magnetic field with a strength that varies with depth. This interaction can prevent a portion of the downward traveling wave energy flux from reaching the deep solar interior. If a highly reflecting magnetized layer is located some distance below the convection zone base, a duct or wave guide can be set up, wherein vertical propagation is restricted by successive reflections at the upper and lower boundaries. The presence of both upward and downward traveling disturbances inside the duct leads to the existence of a set of horizontally propagating modes that have significantly enhanced amplitudes. We point out that the helical structure of these waves makes them capable of generating an α-effect, and briefly consider the possibility that propagation in a shear of sufficient strength could lead to instability, the result of wave growth due to over-reflection.  相似文献   

Paul R. Weissman 《Icarus》1983,55(3):448-454
D. J. Michels, N. R. Sheeley, Jr., R. A. Howard, and M. J. Koomen (Science215, 1097–1102, 1982) observed a comet which appears to have impacted the Sun. Z. Sekanina (Astron. J..87, 1059–1072, 1982) showed that the comet, 1979XI, was probably a member of the Kreutz group of sungrazing comets. The sungrazers typically have perihelia of 1.2–1.9 solar radii but Sekanina found q = 0.35 R for 1979XI. It is interesting to speculate how the perihelion may have been reduced to this small value. The change in perihelion can not be explained by planetary, stellar, or nongravitational perturbations. Tidal splitting of the nucleus on a previous perihelion passage is also ruled out, through a random splitting event near aphelion of the comet's orbit is a remote possibility. The most plausible explanation is collision with another body, most likely a comet, at large heliocentric distance. However, the expected probability of such an event is exceedingly small. Another aspect of the problem is whether the nucleus of 1979XI sublimated completely before impacting the Sun. Assuming a water ice nucleus, it is shown that a surface layer of only 5–15 m thickness would be sublimated prior to impact. Although it is likely that the nucleus tidally disrupted after crossing the solar Roche limit, the ultimate destruction of the nucleus probably resulted from the shock of hitting the denser regions of the solar atmosphere, just above the photosphere.  相似文献   

This issue presents proceedings of the "Stars and Interstellar Medium" section of the AllRussian Astronomical Conference VAK-2017. Sixteen papers(selected from about 70 talks) cover different problems related to stars, pulsars, interstellar gas and dust, and star formation. The preface briefly reviews these papers.  相似文献   

Summary. This review is primarily directed to the question whether photometric solar analogues remain such when subjected to detailed spectroscopic analyses and interpreted with the help of internal stucture models. In other words, whether the physical parameters: mass, chemical composition, age (determining effective temperature and luminosity), chromospheric activity, equatorial rotation, lithium abundance, velocity fields etc., we derive from the spectral analysis of a photometric solar analogue, are really close to those of the Sun. We start from 109 photometric solar analogues extracted from different authors. The stars selected had to satisfy three conditions: i) their colour index must be contained in the interval: –0.69, ii) they must possess a trigonometric parallax, iii) they must have undergone a high resolution detailed spectroscopic analysis. First, this review presents photometric and spectrophotometric researches on solar analogues and recalls the pionneering work on these stars by the late Johannes Hardorp. After a brief discussion on low and high resolution spectroscopic researches, a comparison is made between effective temperatures as obtained, directly, from detailed spectral analyses and those obtained, indirectly, from different photometric relations. An interesting point in this review is the discussion on the tantalilizing value of the of the Sun, and the presentation of a new reliable value of this index. A short restatement of the kinematic properties of the sample of solar analogues is also made. And, finally, the observational diagram, obtained with 99 of the initially presented 109 analogues, is compared to a theoretical diagram. This latter has been constructed with a grid of internal structure models for which, (very important for this investigation), the Sun was used as gauge. In analysing the position, with respect to the Sun, of each star we hoped to find a certain number of stars tightly neighbouring the Sun in mass, chemical composition and state of evolution. The surprising result is that the stars occupy in this HR Diagram a rather extended region around the Sun, many of them seem more evolved and older than the Sun, and only 4 of the evolved stars seem younger. The age of some stars in the sample is also discussed in terms of chromospheric activity and Li-content. Our conclusion is much the same as that contained in previous papers we have written on the subject: in spite of a much larger number of stars, we have not been able to nominate a single star of the sample for a “perfect good solar twin”. Another aim in beginning, 25 years ago, this search for solar analogues, was to have ready a bunch of stars resembling the Sun and analysed spectroscopically in detail, in order that, when planets hunters of solar type stars, finally would have found such a specimen, we would have been able to immediately compare the physical parameters of this star to those of the Sun. We have been lucky enough: one of the good solar analogues we present herewith, is 51 Pegasi (HD 217014) which, according to the very recent observations by Mayor and Queloz (1995), has a planet orbiting around it. And what is more: two other stars possessing planets: 47 Ursae Majoris (HD 95128) and 70 Virginis (HD 117176), have just been discovered by Marcy and Butler (187 Meeting of the AAS, January 1996). One of them, 47 Ursae Majoris, is also included in the list of photometric solar analogues. The other star, 70 Virginis, has only been included after the “Planets News”, because the colour index of this star is slightly higher than the prescribted limit of the selection, (, instead, 0.69). It would have been a pity to leave the third ” planet star out of the competition.  相似文献   

The structure of the solar neighborhood and its position in the galaxy, including the galactocentric distances, are analyzed. Catalogues are examined of near-sun stars and substars, which are compiled from ground and space based observations in the optical and infrared spectral regions. The problem of classifying celestial bodies in the galaxy by astrophysical and cosmogonic criteria is discussed. The problem of determining the main characteristics of the nearest stars and substars is analyzed. The statistical relationships are investigated between the main characteristics of stars and substars on the basis of their physical evolutionary models. The physical sense of these relationships is discussed. The calculated differential distribution functions of the astrophysical properties of stars and substars are examined.  相似文献   

On fourteen days in July and August 1992 and June 1993, we used the 7-element synthesis radio telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory to make full-disc, arc-min resolution images of the Sun at 21 cm, with the objective of budgetting the contributions to the slowly-varying component of solar radio emission. This instrument has the advantage that the mapping field at this wavelength is about 2.5° wide. However, it has also the severe disadvantage that with only 12 hours to record each image, the brightness distribution is severely undersampled. This difficulty, along with solar rotation and declination motion during each observation, required development of special image correction procedures.The two observing sessions spanned about 25% of the activity range over a solar cycle. Over this range, comparable contributions to the slowly-varying component came from active region sources and a weak emission, widely-distributed over the solar disk. Both these contributions are correlated with the total photospheric magnetic flux and with the 10.7 cm flux.  相似文献   

We are conducting a systematic study of a carefully selected sampleof nearby E/S0 galaxies and Sa bulges using the unique panoramic integral-fieldspectrograph SAURON, mounted at the WHT. The goal of the SAURON projectis to fully map the gaseous/stellar kinematics and the stellar populations of a representative sample of 80 early-type galaxies up to 1 Re,probing different environments (clusters, field). These data, used in combination with existing ground-based and HST observations, and fed to the theoretical machinery we have developed, will allow to determine theintrinsic dynamical structure of the galaxies. We will also measure the masses of central black holes, relate the internal dynamics to the ageand metallicity of the stellar populations, and establish the historyof metal enrichment as a function of Hubble type and environment. Some brief results on two targets observed during the SAURON campaign will serve as an illustration of the unique and high quality data we are currently gathering. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Robert Howard 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):437-437
A series of digitized synoptic observations of solar magnetic and velocity fields has been carried out at the Mount Wilson Observatory since 1967. In recent studies (Howard and LaBonte, 1980; LaBonte and Howard, 1981), the existence of slow, large-scale torsional (toroidal) oscillations of the Sun has been demonstrated. Two modes have been identified. The first is a travelling wave, symmetric about the equator, with wave number 2 per hemisphere. The pattern-alternately slower and faster than the average rotation-starts at the poles and drifts to the equator in an interval of 22 years. At any one latitude on the Sun, the period of the oscillation is 11 years, and the amplitude is 3 m s-1. The magnetic flux emergence that is seen as the solar cycle occurs on average at the latitude of one shear zone of this oscillation. The amplitude of the shear is quite constant from the polar latitudes to the equator. The other mode of torsional oscillation, superposed on the first mode, is a wave number 1 per hemisphere pattern consisting of faster than average rotation at high latitudes around solar maximum and faster than average rotation at low latitudes near solar minimum. The amplitude of the effect is about 5 m s-1. For the first mode, the close relationship in latitude between the activity-related magnetic flux eruption and the torsional shear zone suggests strongly that there is a close connection between these motions and the cycle mechanism. It has been suggested (Yoshimura, 1981; Schüssler, 1981) that the effect is caused by a subsurface Lorentz force wave resulting from the dynamo action of magnetic flux ropes. But, this seems unlikely because of the high latitudes at which the shear wave is seen to originate and the constancy of the magnitude of the shear throughout the life time of the wave.  相似文献   

In this presentation we briefly describe the Sun through large number of illustrations and pictures of the Sun taken from early times to the present day space missions. The importance of the study of the Sun is emphasized as it is the nearest star which presents unparallelled views of surface details and numerous phenomena. Our Sun offers a unique celestial laboratory where a large variety of phenomena take place, ranging in temporal domain from a few milliseconds to several decades, in spatial domain from a few hundred kilometers to thousands of kilometers, and in the temperature domain from a few thousand degrees to several million degrees. Its mass motion ranges from thousandths to thousands of kilometers per second. Such an object provides us with a unique laboratory to study the state of matter in the Universe. The existing solar ground-based and space missions have already revealed several mysteries of the outer environment of our Sun and much more is going to come in the near future from planned new sophisticated ground-based solar telescopes and Space missions. The new technique of helioseismology has unravelled many secrets of the solar interior and has put the Standard Solar Model (SSM) on firm footing. The long-standing problem of solar neutrinos has been recently sorted out, and even the ‘back side’ view of the Sun can be seen using the technique of holographic helioseismology.  相似文献   

The evolutionary behaviour of rotating solar models with different initial angular-momentum distributions has been investigated through the pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence phases. The angular momentum was removed from the convective evelope of the solar models according to the Kawaler's model of magnetic stellar wind (Kawaler, 1988). The models show that (i) the surface rotational velocities of the solar mass stars are independent of initial angular momentum for ages greater than 108 years and (ii) it is not possible to explain the neutrino problem and the sufficient depletion of lithium in the Sun.  相似文献   

Macrospicules have been observed in H and He i D3, on the disk and above the limb. In 1975, a rate of 1400 (A day)–1 is inferred, and the ratio of equatorial to polar rates 2. D3 intensities are a few × 10–3 of the disk center, and do not decrease in coronal holes. The ratio of H to D3 intensities is 10. The integral number of macrospicules with D3 intensity I 0 is proportional to I 0 –1.  相似文献   

We compile a sample of Sun-like stars with accurate effective temperatures, metallicities and colours (from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared). A crucial improvement is that the effective temperature scale of the stars has recently been established as both accurate and precise through direct measurement of angular diameters obtained with stellar interferometers. We fit the colours as a function of effective temperature and metallicity, and derive colour estimates for the Sun in the Johnson–Cousins, Tycho, Strömgren, 2MASS and SDSS photometric systems. For  ( B − V )  , we favour the 'red' colour 0.64 versus the 'blue' colour 0.62 of other recent papers, but both values are consistent within the errors; we ascribe the difference to the selection of Sun-like stars versus interpolation of wider colour– T eff–metallicity relations.  相似文献   

The solar transition region(TR) is the temperature regime from roughly 0.02 MK to 0.8 MK in the solar atmosphere. It is the transition layer from the collisional and partially ionized chromosphere to the collisionless and fully ionized corona. The TR plays an important role in the mass and energy transport in both the quiet solar atmosphere and solar eruptions. Most of the TR emission lines fall into the spectral range of far ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet(~400-1600). Imaging and spectroscopic observations in this spectral range are the most important ways to obtain information about the physics of the TR. Static solar atmosphere models predict a very thin TR. However, recent highresolution observations indicate that the TR is highly dynamic and inhomogeneous. I will summarize some major findings about the TR made through imaging and spectroscopic observations in the past20 years. These existing observations have demonstrated that the TR may be the key to understanding coronal heating and origin of the solar wind. Future exploration of the solar TR may need to focus on the upper TR, since the plasma in this temperature regime(0.1 MK-0.8 MK) has not been routinely imaged before. High-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations of the upper TR will not only allow us to track the mass and energy from the lower atmosphere to the corona, but also help us to understand the initiation and heating mechanisms of coronal mass ejections and solar flares.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to revisit the lost siblings of the Sun candidates within 100 pc. The solar siblings should have some similar characteristics as their ages, chemical compositions and kinematics properties. Considering their chemical compositions, age and kinematics properties only three potential candidates have been found in the literature: HD28676, HD83423 and HD175740. The first two stars are mentioned by [Brown et al., 2010] and [Bobylev et al., 2011], respectively. HD175740 is, to our knowledge, the first giant to be proposed as potential candidate.  相似文献   

The 1974–1988 Crimean measurements of the solar line-of-sight velocity continue to show the presence of a statistically significant periodicity P 1 = 160.009 (±) min with an average harmonic amplitude of about 21 cm s–1. The period is supposed to be that of the global pulsation of the Sun but with a little-known physical mechanism of excitation.The new observations give some evidence for the existence of a second periodicity, P 1 = 160.014 (±) min. It is hypothesized that the appearance of P 1 might be a sidelobe mode (of the P 0-oscillation) induced by rapid rotation of the central solar core.It is also noted that the spacing, in frequency, between P 0 and P 1, corresponds to a beat period of 10 ± 3 yr, which happens to be in good agreement with the average duration of the 11 yr cycle of the magnetic activity of the Sun. Accordingly, we suppose that the phase shift of the P 0-mode between the 1974–1982 and 1986–1988 time intervals reflects a remarkable change of the general magnetic field of the Sun in the course of the 22 yr solar cycle.  相似文献   

Observations of the magnetic fields in the polar regions of the Sun are presented for the period 1960–1971. At the start of this interval the fields at the two poles were consistently of opposite sign and averaged around 1 G. Early in 1961 the field in the south decreased suddenly and the field in the north decreased in strength slowly over the next few years. By the mid-1960's the fields at both poles were quite weak and irregular. Throughout the period of these observations the fields at both poles often showed a remarkable tendency to vary in unison. About the middle of 1971 the north polar field became significantly positive, first at lower latitudes, then above 70 °. An autocorrelation analysis of the polar fields in the north shows a weak rotation peak, indicating significant features in these regions. A comparison of field strengths in the east and west quadrants in the north suggests that even at the extreme polar latitudes the following polarity fields are inclined slightly toward the rotation and the preceding polarity field lines are inclined slightly to trail the rotation.  相似文献   

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