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Twenty runs of experiments are carried out to investigate non-equilibrium transport of graded and uniform bed load sediment in a degrading channel. Well-sorted gravel and sand are employed to compose four kinds of sediment beds with different gravel/sand contents, i.e., uniform 100%gravel bed, uniform 100% sand bed, and two graded sediment beds respectively with 53% gravel and 47% sand as well as 22%gravel and 78%sand. For different sediment beds, the experiments are conducted under the same discharges, thereby allowing for the role of sediment composition in dictating the bed load transport rate to be identified. A new observed dataset is generated concerning the flow, sediment transport and evolution of bed elevation and composition, which can be exploited to underpin devel-opments of mathematical river models. The data shows that in a degrading channel, the sand greatly promotes the transport of gravel, whilst the gravel considerably hinders the transport of sand. The promoting and hindering effects are evaluated by means of impact factors defined based on sediment transport rates. The impact factors are shown to vary with flow discharge by orders of magnitude, being most pronounced at the lowest discharge. It is characterized that variations in sand or gravel inputs as a result of human activities and climate change may lead to severe morphological changes in degrading channels.  相似文献   

A recent acoustic instrument (Gravel Transport Sensor, GTS) was tested for predicting sediment transport rate (bed load rate) in gravel bed streams. The GTS operation is based on the particle collision theory of submerged obstacles in fluids. When particles collide with the GTS cylinder their momentum is recorded in the form of ping rates. The GTS is attractive for further consideration here because of its potential to provide continuous unattended local bed load measurements, especially in areas found in streams that access may be difficult under extreme conditions. Laboratory experiments coupled with numerical simulations for the same flow conditions were performed in order to determine the conditions under which particles of different size will hit the GTS cylinder and be able to register a ping rate. The GTS was able to detect the number of particles with diameter in the range of 15.9 to 25.4 mm, with reasonable accuracy, if the applied Shields effective stress τ*e = τ* - τ*cr was in the range of 0.006 to 0.015. A drawback of the tested prototype GTS, however, was that it exerted increased resistance on the incoming particles. The added drag effects increased the overall resistance that was exerted by the flow on particles and thus increased the likelihood that particles will rest in the ambient region of the cylinder instead of hitting it. Numerical simulation of the flow around the GTS cylinder revealed that changing the prototype geometry from cylindrical to ellipsoid or rhomboid will increase the likelihood of the particles hitting the instrument under the same flow conditions failed by the original tested GTS cylinder.  相似文献   

Mountain streams with their tributary torrents build the upper part of the fluvial network. They are important regarding the transfer of sediment from headwaters to lower basins. Channels are typically steep with wide grain size distributions, ranging from fine sand up to large boulders, and a stabilized bed surface. Mountain streams often are supply-limited with respect to mobile bed load, which needs to be addressed when bed load transport equations are applied to such streams. To better understand supply limitation, laboratory experiments highlighting the effect of bed load supply on incipient motion and bed load transport rate are discussed. Experimental tests were done in which fine bed load was supplied to a previously armored channel bed, with flow conditions ranging from one-third to twice the critical dis-charge for the bed surface. At flows not exceeding the critical discharge, the time series of the bed load transport rate at the downstream model boundary featured consistent patterns which are attributed to distinct phases: (i) a temporal lag, (ii) an equilibrium state, and (iii) a post-supply phase. Bed load transport occurred even at flows distinctly below that for incipient motion of the bed surface. But, with the mass of total bed load outflow approaching the supply amount, the mass did not exclusively consist of supplied grains. The coarser the supplied bed load, the more sediment was mobilized from the bed surface. At higher flows, processes differed. Total bed load outflow exceeded the supply amount and the break-up of the armor layer caused a refining of the bed surface.  相似文献   

Bed load transport rates were measured with continuously recording pit samplers on two small gravel-bed streams in the Goodwin Creek Research Watershed, northern Mississippi, U.S.A. When transport samples were grouped according to whether the stage was rising or falling, significant differences in mean bed load transport rates were found at nearly all flow strengths. At higher flow strengths, mean bed load transport rates were greater during rising stages than during falling stages. The greater transport rates measured during rising stages may be caused by a lag in the formation and destruction of bed roughness elements. One of the streams also showed evidence for greater transport rates for low flows as the stage declined. This may be caused by differences in the stability of the bed material at the beginning and at the end of a transport event.  相似文献   

One-dimensional numerical models are popularly used in sediment transport research because they can be easily programmed and cost less time compared with two- and three-dimensional numerical models. In particular, they possess greater capacity to be applied in large river basins with many tributaries. This paper presents a one-dimensional numerical model capable of calculating total-load sediment transport. The cross-section-averaged sediment transport capacity and recovery coefficient are addressed in the suspended load model. This one-dimensional model, therefore, can be applied to fine suspended loads and to hyperconcentrated flows in the Yellow River. Moreover, a new discretization scheme for the equation of unsteady non-uniform suspended sediment transport is proposed. The model is calibrated using data measured from the Yantan Reservoir on the Hongshui River and the Sanmenxia Reservoir on the Yellow River. A comparison of the calculated water level and river bed deformation with field measurements Shows that the improved numerical model is capable of predicting flow, sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting in various situations, with reasonable accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted on bed load transport in the Diaoga River, a mountain stream in southwest China, to study the variation of bed load transport with varying sediment supply. The rate of bed load transport is greatly affected by incoming sediment (load and size). Under the same flow conditions, bed load transport rates may differ by three orders of magnitude depending on whether measurements were taken before or after the first flood of the year. The relation of the "bed load transport rate versus flow intensity" appears to have similar characteristics as a clockwise looped-rating curve. Experiments also were conducted during the non-flood season to study bed load transport processes with different incoming load from an upstream section. Bed load with different sizes can be grouped into two types: traveling bed load and structural bed load. Traveling bed load is composed of sediment finer than a critical size, De, and its transport rate depends mainly on the incoming sediment rate. The incoming sediment rate can alter the rate of bed load transport by three orders of magnitude. Structural bed load is composed of coarser sediment and its transport rate closely relies on the flow intensity.  相似文献   

Suspended load in flows on erodible bed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Steady state suspended-load of sediment transported in flow over erodible beds usually is treated by the advection-diffusion approach, though in recent years, it is being treated as a two-phase flow phenomenon incorporating kinetics of sediment particles. Among the advection-diffusion approaches, Rouse's equation is the well-known, although a number of researchers in later periods have attempted to improve it by modifying the mixing length concept taking into account other aspects. In this paper, the advection-diffusion approach and associated logarithmic law of flow velocity are revisited. It is concluded from the logarithmic law that the Reynolds shear stress is a linear function of height above the bed, which reduces to bed shear stress in the case of a long horizontal channel. As a consequence, it is shown that the volumetric concentration of sediment is best approximated by the sum of two power laws of height above the bed. An equation is derived for the suspended-load transport rate in terms of elementary functions.  相似文献   

It is known that construction of large sewers based on consideration of flow with non-deposition without a bed deposit is not economical. Sewer design based on consideration of flow with non-deposition with a bed deposit reduces channel bed slope and construction cost in which the presence of a small depth of sediment deposition on the bed increases the sediment transport capacity of the flow. This paper suggests a new Pareto-optimal model developed by the multigene genetic programming (MGGP) technique to estimate particle Froude number (Frp) in large sewers with conditions of sediment deposition on the bed. To this end, four data sets including wide ranges of sediment size and concentration, deposit thickness, and pipe size are used. On the basis of different statistical performance indices, the efficiency of the proposed Pareto-optimal MGGP model is compared to those of the best MGGP model developed in the current study as well as the conventional regression models available in the literature. The results indicate the higher efficiency of the MGGP-based models for Frp estimation in the case of no additional deposition onto a bed with a sediment deposit. Inasmuch as the Pareto-optimal MGGP model utilizes a lower number of input parameters to yield comparatively higher performance than the conventional regression models, it can be used as a parsimonious model for self-cleansing design of large sewers in practice.  相似文献   

It is well-versed that transport occurrence is vital for in stream rehabilitation, river restoration and installment of sediment sampler on river beds. Current practice emulates the use of continuous pre-diction using reach-averaged approach. However, prediction of transport occurrence entails the use of binary model through the execution of logistic regression analysis. Bed load and turbulence data were physically measured at mountainous region with divergent surface bedform in its presence. The para-meterization and statistical approaches are treated in the similar fashion with multiple regression except for the test for model fit and model selection criterion. The parameters on near-bed turbulence char-acteristics at the entrainment threshold were assigned as independent variables containing 15 pre-dictors. Almost 80 models were generated by selecting the best possible combination in accordance with the statistical precaution of alleviating multicollinearity issue. It is postulated that the model containing shields stress in the form of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) at vertical direction and fractional time for second quadrant provides better estimation of potential location for greatest sediment-entrainment;hence a high possibility for transport occurrence.  相似文献   

Bed load transport rate was measured in ten self-formed small-scale gravel braided streams developed in a laboratory flume at several different values of steady discharge and flume gradient. The streams are approximate Froude models of typical prototype braided streams but of no particular river. Slight viscous effects may be present in the models because particle Reynolds numbers are close to 70. Total bed load discharge was measured every fifteen minutes throughout each 60 hour run. In addition, 80 channel cross-sections were measured in each run to establish the average channel geometry. Total bed load transport rate correlates well with total discharge and total stream power, although at a given stream power bed load discharge is greater when braiding is less intense and the width/depth ratio is lower. Analysis using unit stream power and cross-section average bed shear stress reveals that the laboratory data conform to existing empirical bed load transport relationships. However, comparison with field data from gravel-bed rivers shows discrepancies that may be due to differences in bed material size gradation and bed sediment structure. At constant discharge, wide fluctuations in bed load discharge occur with some regularity. Periods range from 2 to 10 hours in the models, which is equivalent to several tens of hours in a prototype. The presence of these long-period fluctuations compounds the problems of field measurement of bed load in braided streams.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted on total load transport in the Chelichay River Basin,a mountainous catchment (1,400 km~2) located in north eastern of Iran,to evaluate total load formulas including four gravel bed rivers and a sand bed river(Qaresoo River).Gravel bed rivers in Chelichay River Basin can be grouped into two types;steep slope rivers with high shear values(Chehelchay River and Khormaloo River) and mild slope rivers with low shear values(Narmab River and Soosara River).Two depth integrating suspended load samplers(DH-48 and D-49),and two bed load samplers(Helley-Smith and BLSH) were used to measure total load.The performance is tested of 8 total load transport formulae including 4 macroscopic and 4 microscopic methods.A systematic and thorough analysis of 59 sets of data collected from sand bed river indicate that Yang and Engelund and Hansen reach to the better results, and from four gravel bed rivers confirmed that the methods of Karim and Kennedy and Engelund and Hansen yields the best results for steep slope rivers,and the methods of Einstein and Bijker are ranked highest in gradual slope rivers.  相似文献   

Research on in-channel sand mining is imperative as it may have a significant impact on channel morphology. Following this quest to quantitatively comprehend the phenomenon, experimental studies were done to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the migration of a mining pit. The evaluation of the migration rate of a mining pit in a physical scale model has found a rise in the migration rate of the pit's upstream edge with increasing discharge. A wavelet analysis applied for analyzing scale-dependent migration of the bed profile of a mining pit also revealed similar findings. Additionally, the wavelet analysis examined the length-scale dependent migration of a mining pit and a decrease in the migration rate has been observed with an increase in the length scale. The plan form of a pit (length-to-width ratio) governs the erosion and deposition processes around the pit. Both physical and statistical approaches show an increase in the migration rate with an increase in the length-to-width ratio of the pit. An empirical formulation has been developed for calculating the migration rate of the upstream edge of a mining pit based on pit geometry (length-to-width ratio), average flow velocity, and critical shear stress of the bed material. The results also show a higher bed load transport rate in the channel subjected to mining as compared to a plain bed channel.  相似文献   

Coarse bed load was sampled in a gravel/cobble bed stream during two major floods in the snowmelt runoff season. The channel is characterized by high rates of bank erosion and, therefore, high rates of sediment supply and bed load flux. Peak discharge reached four times bank‐full, and bed load was sampled at flows 0·7–1·7 times bank‐full. A large aperture bed load sampler (1 m by 0·45 m) captured the largest particles in motion, and specifically targeted the coarse bed load size distribution by using a relatively large mesh (32 mm or D25 of streambed surface size distribution). Bed load flux was highly variable, with a peak value of 0·85 kg/s/m for the coarse fraction above 38 mm. Bed load size distribution and maximum particle size was related to flow strength. Entrainment was size selective for particles D70 and larger (88–155 mm), while particles in the range D30D70 (35–88 mm) ceased to move at essentially the same flow. Bed load flux was size selective in that coarse fractions of the streambed surface were under‐represented in or absent from the bed load. Painted tracer particles revealed that the streambed surface in the riffles could remain stable even during high rates of bed load transport. These observations suggest that a large proportion of bed load sediments was sourced from outside the riffles. Repeat surveys confirmed major scour and fill in pools (up to 0·75 m), and bank erosion (>2 m), which together contributed large volumes of sediment to the bed load. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data from flume studies are used to develop a model for predicting bed‐load transport rates in rough turbulent two‐dimensional open‐channel flows moving well sorted non‐cohesive sediments over plane mobile beds. The object is not to predict transport rates in natural channel flows but rather to provide a standard against which measured bed‐load transport rates influenced by factors such as bed forms, bed armouring, or limited sediment availability may be compared in order to assess the impact of these factors on bed‐load transport rates. The model is based on a revised version of Bagnold's basic energy equation ibsb = ebω, where ib is the immersed bed‐load transport rate, ω is flow power per unit area, eb is the efficiency coefficient, and sb is the stress coefficient defined as the ratio of the tangential bed shear stress caused by grain collisions and fluid drag to the immersed weight of the bed load. Expressions are developed for sb and eb in terms of G, a normalized measure of sediment transport stage, and these expressions are substituted into the revised energy equation to obtain the bed‐load transport equation ib = ω G 3·4. This equation applies regardless of the mode of bed‐load transport (i.e. saltation or sheet flow) and reduces to ib = ω where G approaches 1 in the sheet‐flow regime. That ib = ω does not mean that all the available power is dissipated in transporting the bed load. Rather, it reflects the fact that ib is a transport rate that must be multiplied by sb to become a work rate before it can be compared with ω. It follows that the proportion of ω that is dissipated in the transport of bed load is ibsb/ω, which is approximately 0·6 when ib = ω. It is suggested that this remarkably high transport efficiency is achieved in sheet flow (1) because the ratio of grain‐to‐grain to grain‐to‐bed collisions increases with bed shear stress, and (2) because on average much more momentum is lost in a grain‐to‐bed collision than in a grain‐to‐grain one. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in an 8 m long,40 cm wide,and 60 cm deep re-circulating fiume with vegetated banks and gravel bed to study the effects of accelerating and decelerating flows on the flow stru...  相似文献   

A function for the bed-load sediment transport rate is derived. This function is obtained by using the entrainment probabilities of the rolling and lifted sediment grains, and by introducing two travel lengths, respectively. The predictions from the new bed-load function agree well with experimental results over the entire experimental range and show significant improvement over the commonly used formula for the bed-load transport rate. The new function shows that, in terms of contributing to the bed-load transport rate, the total entrainment probability of the sediment grains is a weighted summation of those for the lifted and rolling grains, rather than a simple addition of the two. The function is also used to predict the total entrainment probability, saltation length, and the bed layer thickness at a high bed-load transport rate. These predictions all agree well with the experimental results. It is found that, on average, the travel length for the rolling sand grains is about an order of magnitude less than that of the lifted grains.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments of depth-limited open-channel flows over a gravel bed were conducted in the study.Two gravel patches with identical individual element size and different lengths(3.81 m and 7.5 m)were tested.The depth-limited uniform flow regime with relative submergence S_r(= D/k_s) ranging from2.68 to 5.94 was produced by adjusting the tailgate weir.The velocity profiles were measured by using both an ultra-sound velocity profiler(UVP) and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter(ADV).The conventional methods used to determine the zero-plane displacement and estimate the bed shear velocity were then reviewed and compared.The measured double-averaged(DA) velocity profiles were found to fit well with the log law and defect law with a non-universal Karman constant κ./κ-value remains nearly constant and in the range from 0.2 to 0.3 for the long patch(LP) cases and κ-values are scattered within a wider range from 0.3 to 0.5 for the short patch(SP) cases.While the Br-value in log law remains constant and equal to 8.5 for LP cases,the Br-value was found to decrease with the increase of the dimensionless roughness height k_s~+ for SP cases.The streamwise turbulence intensity distributions were found to be independent on the patch length and agree well with the available experimental data in the intermediate region and wall region.The Manning resistance coefficient and Darcy-Weisbach friction factor were analyzed.The κ-value decreases to 0.22 for the fitting of the logarithmic flow resistance law under small relative submergence.The value of the integration constant Ar in the logarithmic law falls within the normal range between 3.25 and 6.25.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional stochastic Lagrangian particle tracking sediment transport model is developed to solve the discrete advection-dispersion equation using a combination of empirical dispersion equations.The performance of three widely-used longitudinal dispersion coefficient equations was examined to select one of them as the primary dispersion equation term in the developed model. Also, a conditional empirical equation was used to consider the effect of vertical dispersion term in top layers n...  相似文献   

Pebble clusters are reported widely as characteristic of gravel river beds and are known to influence the initial entrainment of bedload. A field assessment suggests that their distribution is not ubiquitous, favouring channel bars, but also reveals a tendency towards a preferred stream wise spacing. A series of laboratory flume experiments shows that flow resistance rises to, and falls from, a peak value as the longitudinal spacing of pebble clusters decreases, in a manner similar to that shown by others for strip roughness, isolated blocks, and simulated ripples and dunes. The experiments also reveal a strong inverse relationship between bedload flux rates and the flow resistance induced by the concentration of pebble clusters. It is concluded that pebble cluster spacing tends towards an equilibrium that is regulated by a feedback process involving sediment transport rates and that the spatial concentration of these microforms will adjust to the point where they induce maximum flow resistance.  相似文献   

Bed-load transport plays a critical role in river morphological change and has an important impact on river ecology.Although there is good understanding of the role of the variation of river bed grain size on transport dynamics in equilibrium conditions,much less is understood for non-equilibrium conditions when the channel is either aggrading or degrading.In particular,the relative role of different grain sizes in the promotion and hindering of the transport of coarse and fine fractions in a degrading channel has yet to be investigated.The current study attempts to provide new understanding through a series of flume experiments done using uniform and graded sediment particles.The experiments revealed coarser grain-size fractions for a poorly-sorted sediment,relative to uniform-sized sediment,reduced the transport of finer grains and finer fractions enhanced the transport of coarse grains.This hinderingpromotion effect,caused by relative hiding and exposure of finer and coarse fractions,increased with bed slope and decreased with relative submergence.In particular,as relative submergence increased,the graded fractions tended towards behaving more like their unifo rm-sized counterparts.Also,the bed-load parameter of the graded fractions increased more with a rise in bed slope than observed for the uniformsized counterparts.These results revealed,for degrading channel conditions,such as downstream of a dam,bed-load equations developed for uniform bed sediment are inappropriate for use in natural river systems,particularly in mountain streams.Furthermore,changes in river bed composition due to activities that enhance the input of hill-slope sediment,such as fire,logging,and agricultural development,are likely to cause significant changes in river morphology.  相似文献   

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