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柴达木盆地盐湖是我国重要的硼资源富集区和成矿区。针对盆地内不同盐湖硼资源富集程度的差异性,采集柴达木盆地北缘河水和泉水样品,分析其硼和锂含量、矿化度和p H值,结合柴达木盆地不同流域补给水及蚀源区岩石已有的硼锂含量,总结盆地水—岩体系硼锂含量地球化学特征,并对柴达木盆地北缘富硼盐湖物源进行了探讨。结果表明,柴达木盆地北缘祁连山流域水体和岩石硼含量均较阿尔金山和昆仑山流域高,而其锂含量均较昆仑山那棱格勒河流域低,显示柴达木盆地北缘水—岩相对富硼贫锂的地球化学特征。综合对比柴达木盆地不同流域硼锂资源分布,显示出整个盆地硼锂含量的不均一性和不同步性特征。针对柴达木盆地北缘富硼盐湖的物源研究,主要归纳为祁连山系围岩(含电气石花岗岩)的风化淋滤、深部富硼地下水补给和含盐风成沉积溶滤输入成因,其中深部富硼地下水补给为最主要的来源。  相似文献   

The Muteh gold district with nine gold deposits is located in the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic zone. Gold mineralization occurs in a pre-Permian complex which mainly consists of green schists, meta-volcanics, and gneiss rocks. Shear zones are the host of gold mineralization. Gold paragenesis minerals include pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and secondary minerals. Pyrites occur as pre-, syn-, and post-metamorphism minerals. To determine the source of the ore-bearing fluids, fifty samples were selected for petrographical and stable isotope studies. The mean values of 12.4‰, and −42‰ for δ18O and δD isotopes, respectively, and a mean value of 7.75‰ of calculated fractionation factors for δ18O H2O, from quartz veins indicate that metamorphic host rocks are the most important source for the fluids and gold mineralization. Three generations of pyrite can be distinguished showing a wide range of δ34S. Gold mineralization is closely associated with intense hydrothermal alteration along the ductile shear zones. The characteristics of the gold mineralization in the study area are similar to those of orogenic gold deposits elsewhere. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

柴达木盆地盐湖是我国重要的硼资源富集区和成矿区。针对盆地内不同盐湖硼资源富集程度的差异性,本文采集柴达木盆地北缘河水和泉水样品,分析其硼和锂含量、矿化度和pH值,结合柴达木盆地不同流域补给水及蚀源区岩石已有的硼锂含量,总结盆地水岩体系硼锂含量地球化学特征,并对柴达木盆地北缘富硼盐湖物源进行了探讨。结果表明,柴达木盆地北缘祁连山流域水体和岩石硼含量均较阿尔金山和昆仑山流域高,而其锂含量均较昆仑山那棱格勒河流域低,显示柴达木盆地北缘水岩相对富硼贫锂的地球化学特征。综合对比柴达木盆地不同流域硼锂资源分布,显示出整个盆地硼锂含量的不均一性和不同步性特征。针对柴达木盆地北缘富硼盐湖的物源研究,主要归纳为祁连山系围岩(含电气石花岗岩)的风化淋滤、深部富硼地下水补给和含盐风成沉积溶滤输入成因,其中深部富硼地下水补给为最主要的来源。  相似文献   

戴劭勍  江辉仙  李佳佳  苏娴  吴娟  任引 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1235-1244
以Walk Score、CGT模型为测度,用Pearson相关系数、广义线性模型、广义地理加权回归模型分析H市城区步行环境对两抢一盗警情的影响。研究发现: H市城区可步行性对两抢一盗警情的影响可能以正相关作用为主,可步行性越好,两抢一盗警情案发次数可能越高。步行环境对于两抢一盗警情案发次数和嫌疑人居住地概率的影响可能均有空间异质性。在不同区域步行环境对两抢一盗案发次数与嫌疑人居住概率的影响各异。主要交通枢纽站及交通干道沿线区域步行环境较好,模型结果显示两抢一盗案发次数与嫌疑人居住概率也较高。具有较健全的安保系统,且对人员出入进行控制的高级酒店、商厦、旅游景区等区域步行环境较好,模型结果显示两抢一盗案发次数与嫌疑人居住概率较低。  相似文献   

藏传佛教寺院作为藏区独具特色的宗教景观而成为宗教地理学的研究热点之一,其不同教派寺院的空间分异格局是反映藏传佛教不同教派势力时空扩散过程的重要载体.着眼于滇藏川毗连地区,以四大教派寺院空间分异为视角,探讨藏传佛教寺院的地域分异特性及其历史形成机理.研究表明:滇藏川毗连地区藏传佛教四大教派寺院集中分布,但集中程度与集中地域各自不同,其寺院盲区范围及分布也不尽相同;宁玛派、萨迦派寺院与噶举派、格鲁派寺院呈金沙江东西两岸悬殊较大的分异格局;噶举派与格鲁派寺院数量上呈高度负相关.这些地域分异特性是滇藏川毗连地区的区域地理环境、不同教派主寺的分布以及藏传佛教四大教派传播扩散过程中教派间的斗争、土司的态度等多因子综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

土壤风蚀是中国北方干旱半干旱地区重要的生态环境问题。坝上地区位于中国北方农牧交错带核心地段,是典型风蚀治理区。本研究实测了2015年(翻耕地)和2016年(莜麦留茬地)13个单次风暴风蚀和8个时段风蚀距离上风向(不可蚀边界)50 m 和100 m输沙通量,并根据RWEQ模型预测出距离上风向50 m 和100 m处的输沙通量。通过对比预测和实测输沙通量对RWEQ模型进行验证。结果表明:对于单次风暴风蚀事件,RWEQ模型对莜麦留茬地的预测效果要好于翻耕地,距离上风向100 m处的输沙通量好于50 m处;对于时段风蚀事件,对翻耕地的预测效果要好于莜麦留茬地,距离上风向100 m处的输沙通量好于50 m处;虽然两种时间尺度对于小风蚀事件的预测效果较差,但是预测和实测风蚀通量总体相关性较好。RWEQ模型的预测结果具有参考性,对河北坝上地区的风蚀具有一定的预测能力,但是需要经过进一步的参数修订才能取得更精确的风蚀预报结果。  相似文献   

在分析阿尔泰山地质演化历史的基础上.讨论了相关地质体为该区砂金矿提供物源的可能性。指出从石炭纪到二叠纪。广泛发育的原生金矿床构成了该造山带金的专属成矿域。所以原生金矿是砂金最主要的物源。新生代,阿尔泰山在喜马拉雅运动影响下,发生差异性升降和遭受非均一性剥蚀.导致砂金矿在空间分布上和原生金矿成反消长关系。在砂金成矿过程中,氧化还原反应起着积极作用。  相似文献   

Gravel deposits on fluvial terraces contain a wealth of information about the paleofluvial system. In this study, flow direction and provenance were determined by systematic counts of more than 2000 clasts of imbricated gravel deposits in the Xining Region, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. These gravel deposits range in age from the modern Huangshui riverbed to Miocene-aged deposits overlain by eolian sediments. Our major objectives were not only to collect first-hand field data on the fluvial gravel sediments of the Xining Region, but also to the reconstruct the evolution of the fluvial system. These data may offer valuable information about uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the late Cenozoic era. Reconstructed flow directions of the higher and lower gravel deposits imply that the river underwent a flow reversal of approximately 130–180°. In addition, the lithological compositions in the higher gravel deposits differ significantly from the lower terraces, suggesting that the source areas changed at the same time. Eolian stratigraphy overlying the gravel deposits and paleomagnetic age determination indicate that this change occurred sometime between 1.55 Ma and 1.2 Ma. We suggest that tectonic activity could explain the dramatic changes in flow direction and lithological composition during this time period. Therefore, this study provides a new scenario of fluvial response to tectonic uplift: a reversal of flow direction. In addition, field observation and statistical analyses reveal a strong relationship between rock type, size and roundness of clasts.  相似文献   

论青藏高原范围与面积   总被引:80,自引:4,他引:80  
长期以来 ,种种因素导致学者们对青藏高原确切范围的认识和理解存在差异。根据青藏高原相关领域研究的新成果和多年野外实践 ,从地理学角度 ,充分讨论了确定青藏高原范围和界线的原则与涉及的问题 ,结合信息技术方法对青藏高原范围与界线位置进行了精确的定位和定量分析。得出 :青藏高原在中国境内部分西起帕米尔高原 ,东至横断山脉 ,横跨 31个经度 ,东西长约 2 94 5km ;南自喜马拉雅山脉南缘 ,北迄昆仑山 -祁连山北侧 ,纵贯约 13个纬度 ,南北宽达 15 32km ;范围为 2 6°0 0′12″N~ 39°4 6′5 0″N ,73°18′5 2″E~ 10 4°4 6′5 9″E ,面积为 2 5 72 4× 10 3km2 ,占我国陆地总面积的 2 6 8%。  相似文献   

The Xunhua, Guide and Tongren intermontane basin system in the NE Tibetan Plateau, situated near the Xining basin to the N and the Linxia basin to the E, is bounded by thrust fault‐controlled ranges. These include to the N, the Riyue Shan, Laji Shan and Jishi Shan ranges, and to the S the northern West Qinling Shan (NWQ). An integrated study of the structural geology, sedimentology and provenance of the Cenozoic Xunhua and Guide basins provides a detailed record of the growth of the NE Tibetan Plateau since the early Eocene. The Xining Group (ca. 52–21 Ma) is interpreted as consisting of unified foreland basin deposits which were controlled by the bounding thrust belt of the NWQ. The Xunhua, Guide and Xining subbasins were interconnected prior to later uplift and damming by the Laji Shan and Jishi Shan ranges. Their sediment source, the NWQ, is constrained by strong unidirectional paleocurrent trends towards the N, a northward fining lithology, distinct and recognizable clast types and detrital zircon ages. Collectively, formation of this mountain–basin system indicates that the Tibetan Plateau expanded into the NWQ at a time roughly coinciding with Eocene to earliest Miocene continental collision between India and Eurasia. The Guide Group (ca. 21–1.8 Ma) is inferred to have been deposited in the separate Xunhua, Guide and Tongren broken foreland basins. Each basin was filled by locally sourced alluvial fans, braided streams and deltaic‐lacustrine systems. Structural, paleogeographic, paleocurrent and provenance data indicate that thrust faulting in the NWQ stepped northward to the Laji Shan from ca. 21 to 16 Ma. This northward shift was accompanied by E–W shortening related to nearly N–S‐striking thrust faulting in Jishi Shan after 11–13 Ma. A lower Pleistocene conglomerate (1.8–1.7 Ma) was deposited by a through‐flowing river system in the overfilled and connected Guide and Xunhua basins following the termination of thrust activity. All of the basin–mountain zones developed along the Tibetan Plateau's NE margin since Indian–Tibetan continental collision may have been driven by collision‐induced basal drag of old slab remnants in the manner of N‐dipping and flat‐slab subduction, and their subsequent sinking into the deep mantle.  相似文献   

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