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Hydrothermal pyrolysis of organic matter in Riphean mudstone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The catagenesis of organic matter (OM) was modeled by the hydrothermal pyrolysis of a source rock (Riphean mudstone from eastern Siberia). Isothermal experiments 72-h long were carried out in an aqueous environment in autoclaves at temperatures of 300, 310, 320,..., 370°. The pyrolysis products were analyzed for yield of extract, organic carbon, and parameters of Rock-Eval pyrolysis. The amount of the generated liquid hydrocarbon (HC) compounds increased to a temperature of 340°C and then decreased. The experimental trend of the hydrogen index (HI) dependence on the T Max temperature generally coincided with that for natural OM maturation. The carbon isotopic composition of the insoluble (in organic solvents) OM remained practically unchanged in the course of the experiments. The carbon structure of the solid remnants of the experimental samples was ordered (after the experiments) with the origin of turbostratic graphite with a spacing of d 002≈3.5 A°. We also conducted pyrolysis in a diamond anvil cell equipped with a digital camera in order to obtain additional qualitative and quantitative information on oil generation and emigration in the source rock and isolated kerogen. Chemical kinetic parameters of kerogen cracking were calculated for pyrolysis in an open system. The extrapolation of the high-temperature experimental results is discussed with reference to natural OM maturation.  相似文献   

泥岩有水热解产生低分子量有机酸实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直接采用泥岩岩屑进行有水热解,测定实验后水溶液中几种常见低分子量有机酸.结果表明,在实验的水溶液中检测到了丰富的低分子量有机酸,组成上主要为一元羧酸,其中又以乙酸占优势.讨论了不同热解条件对有机酸产率以及组成的影响.实验结果表明,有机酸总量随加热温度和时间增加而增加,并且溶液中不同有机酸相对组成也发生变化.当温度高于1...  相似文献   

Geochemical data available on concrete geological objects are examined in terms of catagenetic changes of kerogen elemental composition and amounts and compositions of chloroform extract and hydrocarbons. The results obtained by the authors testify to a significant influence of mineral matrix type and content on the dynamics and compositions of products derived from the organic matter alteration. This influence is primarily observable up to the middle catagenesis grades.  相似文献   

A least-squares inverse method is applied to the estimation of optimum kinetic parameters with statistical error bounds from concentration data obtained in isothermal hydrous pyrolysis experiments. The inverse method requires the specification of a data-parameter relationship (e.g., classical kinetic theory), the prior covariance matrices of data and parameter errors, as well as the prior central estimates of data and parameters. The reaction scheme considered is the common case of kerogen breakdown by Gaussian-weighted independent parallel first-order reactions and bitumen cracking by a single first-order reaction. The nonlinearity of the problem is reduced by a logarithmic transformation, which suggests a parameterization in terms of logarithmic concentrations, activation energies, and logarithmic Arrhenius factors. The linearized variance analysis is valid for the case studied, and the posterior covariance matrix reveals which parameters are constrained by the data. We find that the statistical errors in the average activation energy and the associated Arrhenius factor are strongly correlated. Hence, the parameters which determine the temperature dependence of the reaction rate have not been resolved independently. Furthermore, the kinetic results are very sensitive to the presence of a distribution of activation energies in kerogen breakdown. This distribution is not constrained by the data. As a consequence, neglecting the consideration of distributions of activation energies results in activation parameter values which are much too low. This is the major reason for the commonly encountered discrepancy between kinetic parameter values obtained from hydrous pyrolysis and micropyrolysis experiments, respectively.  相似文献   

Sorptive stabilization of organic matter in soils by hydrous iron oxides   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Strong correlations between iron oxides (FeOx) and organic matter (OM) in soils have implied the importance of the former in stabilizing the latter. One mechanism thought to be important in this stabilization is sorption. We tested this possibility by reductively dissolving FeOx in a wide variety of soils and measuring the organic carbon (OC) that was solubilized. The OC dissolved from non-FeOx phases via anion exchange was corrected for by parallel control extractions. The resultant pool, reductively soluble OC, made up a minor amount of total soil OC in all but one of these soils, indicating that simple sorption reactions do not stabilize the bulk of soil OC in most mineral soils. OC:Fe ratios in the extracts from 2/3 of these soils were less than 0.22 (wt/wt), consistent with a sorbed state for this OC and showing that OC sorption by FeOx in these soils is limited by the amount of FeOx. The remaining soils had low pH and high OM concentrations; their higher OC:Fe ratios indicate inclusion of precipitated organo-Fe complexes in the extracts, which are likely only partially extracted by our method. The high volumetric ratios of OM to FeOx found in correlations between them from the literature are inconsistent with a dominant sorption control and point instead to stabilization to other mechanisms such as organo-Fe complexes or ternary associations among FeOx, OM and other minerals.  相似文献   

The Oligocene Menilite Shales in the study area in the Polish Flysch Carpathians are organic-rich and contain varying mixtures of Type-II, Type-IIS and Type-III kerogen. The kerogens are thermally immature to marginally mature based on atomic H/C ratios and Rock-Eval data. This study defined three organic facies, i.e., sedimentary strata with differing hydrocarbon-generation potentials due to varying types and concentrations of organic matter. These facies correspond to the Silesian Unit and the eastern and western portions of the Skole Unit. Analysis of oils generated by hydrous pyrolysis of outcrop samples of Menilite Shales demonstrates that natural crude oils reservoired in the flysch sediments appear to have been generated from the Menilite Shales. Natural oils reservoired in the Mesozoic basement of the Carpathian Foredeep appear to be predominantly derived and migrated from Menilite Shales, with a minor contribution from at least one other source rock most probably within Middle Jurassic strata. Definition of organic facies may have been influenced by the heterogeneous distribution of suitable Menilite Shales outcrops and producing wells, and subsequent sample selection during the analytical phases of the study.  相似文献   

A number of bitumen samples have been recovered from vugs and fractures in outcropping Tertiary basalts of the Queen Charlotte Islands off the west coast of British Columbia, Canada. n-Alkanes and acyclic isoprenoids are not present and the polycyclic biomarker distribution of the four samples analyzed by GC and GC-MS has been altered. One sample contains no remaining recognizable biomarkers. Two bitumens were also obtained from Lower Jurassic potential source rocks, including one from the Sandilands Formation, which was considered previously to be the most likely source of the Tertiary bitumens. Although these two bitumens were also taken from outcrops, they are considerably less biodegraded. The Sandilands Formation bitumen contains 28, 30-bisnorhopanes and since these compounds were not detected in the Tertiary bitumens, there is no evidence from the initial results for a Sandilands Formation contribution to the hydrocarbons in the Tertiary basalts. The presence of 18α(H)-oleanane in the saturate fraction of two of the Tertiary bitumens from widely separated locations indicates that they are at least partially sourced from Tertiary organic matter.Because the distribution of biomarkers in some samples has been severely affected by biodegradation, the asphaltenes of the bitumens were hydrously-pyrolysed and the saturate fractions of the resulting pyrolysates analysed for possible additional information on the origin of the bitumens. The pyrolysates from the more degraded samples contain compounds not detected in the saturate fractions of the original bitumen and show some of the expected characteristics of the original non-degraded bitumen. However, the compounds most useful for correlation are not present in the pyrolysates apparently due to their non-incorporation into the kerogen macromolecule. Our results suggest that hydrous-pyrolysis of asphaltenes is of limited use in the correlation of biodegraded samples and in determining their origins.  相似文献   

A multi-method approach was applied to study changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) at three estuarine sites with varying salinity, as well as changes resulting from experimental photodegradation. Following measurement of ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra of bulk samples, DOM was isolated using C18 solid phase extraction. The extract was characterized using high performance size exclusion chromatography (HP-SEC) and molecular level characterization was conducted via direct temperature-resolved mass spectrometry (DT-MS) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The molecular weight distribution of DOM as determined from HP-SEC and ESI-MS varied between techniques, but generally decreased down estuary and with photodegradation for both approaches. Relative differences in molecular weight were significantly correlated with the ratio of absorption coefficients at 254/365 nm. Additionally, photobleaching was significantly correlated with mass spectral characteristics from both DT-MS and ESI-MS. Principal component analysis of DT-MS spectra showed that photoexposure removed different mass spectral characteristics depending on sampling site; however, upon photodegradation, the mass spectral characteristics of both marine DOM and terrestrially dominated DOM approached a common spectrum. We interpret this spectrum, characterized by fragments from aromatic and carbohydrate-like precursors, as photochemically refractory DOM. Our results show that multiple approaches that characterize different aspects of DOM can provide complementary information about its sources and transformation. More specifically, photobleaching results in decreased light absorbance, decreased molecular weight and shifts in the relative abundance of classes of compounds (and broad shifts in m/z values); moreover, these transformations result in photodegraded samples from a low-salinity site which are compositionally similar to samples collected from a mid-salinity site further downstream.  相似文献   

Three fractions of organic matter: lipid (benzene:methanol-extractable), humic acid (alkali-extractable) and kerogen (residue) were extracted from a young marine sediment (Tanner Basin, offshore southern California) and heated for different times (5–116 hr) and temperatures (150°–410°C). The volatile (gases) and liquid products, as well as residual material, were then analyzed. On a weight basis, the lipid fraction produced 58% of the total identified n-alkanes, the kerogen fraction 41%, and the humic acid <1%. Whereas n-alkanes produced from lipid show a CPI > 1.0, those produced by thermal alteration of kerogen display a CPI < 1.0. The volatiles produced by heating the lipid and humic acid fractions were largely CO2 and water, whereas those produced from heated kerogen also included methane, hydrogen gas and small amounts of C2–C4 hydrocarbons. A mechanism for hydrocarbon production due to the thermal alteration of organic constituents of marine sediment is discussed.  相似文献   

An immature sulfur-rich marl from the Gessosso-solfifera Formation of the Vena del Gesso Basin (Messinian, Italy) has been subjected to hydrous pyrolysis (160 to 330°C) to simulate maturation under natural conditions. The kerogen of the unheated and heated samples was isolated and the hydrocarbons released by selective chemical degradation (Li/EtNH2 and HI/LiAlH4) were analysed to allow a study of the fate of sulfur- and oxygen-bound species with increasing temperature. The residues from the chemical treatments were also subjected to pyrolysis–GC to follow structural changes in the kerogens. In general, with increasing hydrous pyrolysis temperature, the amounts of sulfide- and ether-bound components in the kerogen decreased significantly. At the temperature at which the generation of expelled oil began (260°C), almost all of the bound components initially present in the unheated sample were released from the kerogen. Comparison with an earlier study of the extractable organic matter using a similar approach and the same samples provides molecular evidence that, with increasing maturation, solvent-soluble macromolecular material was initially released from the kerogen, notably as a result of thermal cleavage of weak carbon–heteroatom bonds (sulfide, ester, ether) even at temperatures as low as 220°C. This solvent-soluble macromolecular material then underwent thermal cleavage to generate hydrocarbons at higher temperatures. This early generation of bitumen may explain the presence of unusually high amounts of extractable organic matter of macromolecular nature in very immature S-rich sediments.  相似文献   

Rock–Eval pyrolysis is increasingly used for the routine characterization of natural organic matter in soils and sediments. In this work the bulk composition of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) in sandy aquifer sediments is studied, as well as purified samples (isolation of SOM) by HCl/HF treatment. This treatment is necessary to avoid detection limit problems for samples with low SOM contents, but the results presented here indicate that this treatment influences the organic geochemistry of the aquifer sediment samples. The FID and CO2/CO pyrograms show a shift of 10–40 °C of the major peak to a lower temperature. Organic matter alteration or removal of components containing O-bearing groups may explain this. It is also suggested that destruction of the mineral matrix may lead to the reduced retention of the material. For the change of the CO2/CO pyrograms of the RC fraction only organic matter alteration seems to be likely. Concentrated organic matter samples may also accelerate the release of exothermic energy and influence the pyrograms. Results indicate that the organic matter concentration in the sample influences the measured total organic matter (TOM) content and the Tmax of the FID pyrogram, while the sample loading (absolute organic matter amount) up to 80 mg in the Rock–Eval apparatus does not. The FID pyrograms can be deconvoluted into four subpeaks, which allows comparison of samples at various depths. Rock–Eval pyrolysis may only be routinely applied to characterize SOM in aquifer sediments when such systematic and analytical phenomena are taken into account.  相似文献   

Marine strata are widely exposed in the Hushan and Chaohu areas, Lower Yangtze region. As biomarker geochemistry of the strata has not been well documented, this paper deals with the biomarker composition of representative samples collected from the Silurian, Carboniferous and Triassic systems and their geological implications, thus providing clues to marine organic matter. On the basis of experimental results, it is shown that abundant biomarkers (e.g. n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpanes and steranes) were detected. As organic matter in the strata is highly to over mature in general based on petrologic microobservation, some biomarkers (mainly n-alkanes) except terpanes and steranes cannot reflect the source, depositional environment and maturity of organic matter. Thus, primarily based on analyses of the terpanes and steranes, it is suggested that organic matter in the Silurian and Carboniferous strata is derived mainly from lower organisms, while higher plants are predominant in the Triassic organic matter. This further indicates that the depositional environment may have transformed from the marine to continental facies in the Late Triassic. These results provide new evidence for the study of regional depositional evolution, and have enriched the study of biological composition of organic matter. In addition, the biomarker geochemistry of organic matter at high to over maturation stage is addressed.  相似文献   

Microbial and photochemical decomposition are two major processes regulating organic matter (OM) transformation in the global carbon cycle. However, photo-oxidation is not as well understood as biodegradation in terms of its impact on OM alteration in terrigenous environments. We examined microbial and photochemical transformation of OM and lignin derived phenols in two plant litters (corn leaves and pine needles). Plant litter was incubated in the laboratory over 3 months and compositional changes to OM were measured using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We also examined the susceptibility of soil organic matter (SOM) to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Solid-state 13C NMR spectra showed that O-alkyl type structures (mainly from carbohydrates) decreased during biodegradation and the loss of small carbohydrates and aliphatic molecules was observed by solution-state 1H NMR spectra of water extractable OM from biodegraded litters. Photochemical products were detected in the aliphatic regions of NaOH extracts from both litter samples by solution-state 1H NMR. Photo-oxidation also increased the solubility of SOM, which was attributed to the enhanced oxidation of lignin derived phenols and photochemical degradation of macromolecular SOM species (as observed by diffusion edited 1H NMR). Overall, our data collectively suggests that while biodegradation predominates in litter decomposition, photo-oxidation alters litter OM chemistry and plays a role in destabilizing SOM in soils exposed to UV radiation.  相似文献   

The catalytic effect of indigenous minerals in the pyrolysis of Aleksinac (Yugoslavia) oil shale was studied in this paper. The substrates were prepared by gradual removal of the mineral constituents (carbonates, silicates, pyrite) and the free and bound bitumens. The substrates were analyzed by chemical methods, X-ray diffraction, porosimetry, thermal analysis, 13C NMR, and standard ASTM Micro Activity Test (MAT) designed for the investigation of cracking catalysts. The liquid pyrolysis products were analyzed by organic geochemical techniques as well. Based on the yields of gaseous and liquid products and the coke, conversion degrees, GC analyses (MAT parameters) and weight losses (TG parameter), the catalytic effect of indigenous mineral components in the pyrolysis of Aleksinac oil shale organic matter was found to be very low. The results suggested that principal organic matter changes should be attributed to thermal rather than to catalytic cracking.  相似文献   

A sequence of alternating lacustrine marls, peat and basalts was penetrated in the Notera-3 well in the northern part of the Jordan Rift, Israel. The 2781 m thick sequence, ranges from Upper Miocene to Recent, reflects high sedimentation rate in the active continental rift associated with the Dead Sea Transform. The deep burial and the relatively high geothermal gradient (40°C km−1) compensate for the short time span so that coalification expressed by vitrinite reflectance consistently increases with depth, from about 0.32% Ro at 1040 m to 0.48% Ro at 2495 m.Analysis of the peat reveals that the O/C, S/C and δ13C of the humic acids (HA) and the heavy to light normal alkane ratios are the only parameters sensitive enough to express this slight maturation increase with depth. A sharp δ13C change from about − 18‰ prevailing in the uppermost meters to an average of − 27.5‰ at 15 m and deeper reflects a change in the higher plant source of the peat (from C4 to C3 plants) rather than an early diagenetic modification.The δ13C, O/C, S/C and N/C ratios are usually lower in the kerogens than in the corresponding HA. The decrease in the δ13C and the O/C ratios are explained by elimination of oxygen-containing functional groups during transformation and by polymerization effects. The gradual decrease in the 12C and the O/C of the HA with depth are attributed to decarboxylation coupled with kinetic effects. The N/C depletion during the transformation from HA to kerogens probably results from the breakdown of amino acids. The S/C ratio which decreases both during this transformation and also with maturation is most readily explained by the breakdown of ester sulfate-containing groups such as sulfated polysaccarids, which formed diagenetically during the humification process.  相似文献   

The mechanism of petroleum migration is not fully understood. One approach has been to study the distribution of organic matter near contacts between rocks with source character and those with reservoir character. Published studies have been restricted to profiles across the bedding, but the ease of movement of hydrocarbons along and across the bedding may be very different. Gradients for volatile bitumens and kerogen both along and across shale bedding have been established by analyzing a shale clast encased in a sand matrix. In this case, the distribution of volatile bitumens is not controlled by the distribution of kerogen but shows evidence of bitumen movement through the clast. The amount and composition of the volatile bitumens and their distribution suggest that in part they have been introduced into the clast from the surrounding medium, and that the movement of hydrocarbons occurs preferentially along the shale bedding. The composition of the material moving into the clast is not the same as the bulk composition of the external supply but shows a preferential enrichment in normal alkanes, particularly those of shorter chain length.  相似文献   

Complex biogeochemical studies including the determination of isotopic composition of Corg in both suspended particulate matter and surface horizon (0–1 cm) of sediments (more than 260 determinations of δ13C-Corg) were carried out for five Arctic shelf seas: White, Barents, Kara, East Siberian, and Chukchi. The aim of this study is to elucidate causes that change the isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon at the water-sediment boundary. It is shown that the isotopic composition of Corg in sediments from seas with a high river runoff (White, Kara, and East Siberian) does not inherit the isotopic composition of Corg in particles precipitating from the water column, but is enriched in heavy 13C. Seas with a low river runoff (Barents and Chukchi) show insignificant difference between the value of δ13C-Corg in both suspended load and sediment because of a low content of the isotopically light allochthonous organic matter (OM) in particulates. Complex biogeochemical studies with radioisotope tracers (14CO2, 35S, and 14CH4) revealed the existence of specific microbial filter formed from heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms at the water-sediment boundary. This filter prevents the mass influx of products of OM decomposition into water column, as well as reduces the influx of a part of OM contained in the suspended particulate matter from water into sediment.  相似文献   

Hydrous pyrolysis, commonly used for the simulation of liquid hydrocarbon generation, is a potentially useful technique for the study of dissolved organic acid synthesis if modifications to conventional methods are made. Simple experiments demonstrate the thermal origin of formic, acetic, proprionic, and butyric acids. The use of stainless steel reactors at high temperatures ( ca. 300°C), however, results in short chain aliphatic acid yields and distributions that are a function of experimental conditions. Once generated, propionate is destroyed more rapidly than acetate during the experiments. Experimental artifacts can be reduced by using lower temperatures and less catalytically active reactor materials.With present methodology, hydrous pyrolysis provides a useful semi-quantitative method for assessing the organic acid generating capacities of different rocks and organic matter types. As much as 1.2 wt% of the organic C in low thermal rank kerogen can be converted to short chain aliphatic acids. However, carbon dioxide is the dominant oxygen-containing product, exceeding organic acid yields by roughly 10 times. Relative organic acid generating capacities can vary by a factor of two or more in narrow stratigraphic intervals (<3 m). Bulk geochemical parameters, like oxygen indices, and gross organic petrography (organic matter type) only partly explain the observed variations in organic acid yields between samples.  相似文献   

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