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A seafloor lava field was mapped within the summit caldera of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, using SeaMARC I sidescan sonor and submersible observations. By analogy with similar subaerial features, we infer that several volcanic seafloor features here formed by the process of lava flow inflation. Flow inflation occurs within tube-fed lava flows when lava continues to be supplied to the interior of a flow that has ceased advancing, thus uplifting the flow's rigid surface and creating a suite of characteristic surface structures. Inflated lavas require a feeder lava tube or tube system connected to a remote lava source, and therefore we infer that inflated submarine lava flows contain lava tubes. Inflated flow features identified from sidescan sonar images elsewhere on Axial Volcano and within the axial valley of the southern Juan de Fuca ridge suggest that flow inflation is a widespread submarine volcanic process.  相似文献   

 We use a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from interferometrically processed SIR-C radar data to estimate the thickness of massive trachyte lava flows on the east flank of Karisimbi Volcano, Rwanda. The flows are as long as 12 km and average 40–60 m (up to >140 m) in thickness. By calculating and subtracting a reference surface from the DEM, we derived a map of flow thickness, which we used to calculate the volume (up to 1 km3 for an individual flow, and 1.8 km3 for all the identified flows) and yield strength of several flows (23–124 kPa). Using the DEM we estimated apparent viscosity based on the spacing of large folds (1.2×1012 to 5.5×1012 Pa s for surface viscosity, and 7.5×1010 to 5.2×1011 Pa s for interior viscosity, for a strain interval of 24 h). We use shaded-relief images of the DEM to map basic flow structures such as channels, shear zones, and surface folds, as well as flow boundaries. The flow thickness map also proves invaluable in mapping flows where flow boundaries are indistinct and poorly expressed in the radar backscatter and shaded-relief images. Received: 6 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

Clinker is a term used to describe massive or scoriaceous fragments commonly associated with ‘a‘ā lava flows. Clinker is generally considered to form by fragmentation of an upper vesiculated crust, due to an increase in apparent viscosity and/or to an increase in shear strain rate. Surface clinker is considered to be transported to the flow front and incorporated at the base by caterpillar motion. Clinker that we have observed on a variety of lava flows has very variable textures, which suggests several different mechanisms of formation. In order to study clinker formation, we examined several lava flows from the Chaîne des Puys Central France, where good sections, surface morphology and surface textures are widespread and clearly visible. We observed basal and surface ‘a‘ā clinker that has fragmentation textures similar to those observed in ash formed in eruptions under dry conditions. In two pāhoehoe flows we have observed basal clinker that formed in-situ. Two other flows display clinker features identical to those commonly observed in phreatomagmatic ash, such as adhering particles, blocky shapes, spherical glass and attached microphenocrysts. Another pāhoehoe flow has a flakey, angular basal breccia, with microfaulted and abraded clasts. These were probably formed at a cooled lava base by large amounts of simple shear and consequent intra-lava brittle faulting. Using these observations we propose three different ways of fragmentation. (1) Clinker can form at the surface and eventually produce roll-over basal breccia. (2) Water/lava interactions can form basal clinker by phreatomagmatic fragmentation. Water/lava ratio variations may produce different clinker structures, in a manner similar to observed textural changes in phreatomagmatic eruptions. (3) Clinker can be formed by brittle brecciation during basal simple shear. The different clinker can provide information about the mechanisms and environmental conditions during lava flow emplacement.  相似文献   

Cimino Volcano, in Northern Latium, is one of the most characteristic centers of the early Quaternary acid post-orogenetic volcanism in Central Italy. Three stages in the volcanic activity are distinguished: extrusion of several lava domes; ignimbrite cruptions; effusion of more or less differentiated lava flows. Ignimbrites, that form a shield of over 300 sq. km, show characters of welding variable with the distance from the source area and, in a single section, with the level in the sheet. Most part of the Cimino volcanics (domes and ignimbrites) have a quartzlatite composition. The olivine-trachyte (selagite) inclusions in the domes and ignimbrites, and the dark quartz-latite to olivine-trachyte lava flows, could be the products of a pneumatolitic differentiation in the various stages of the magmatic cycle.  相似文献   

Digital images from hand-held cameras are increasingly being acquired for scientific purposes, particularly where non-contact measurement is required. However, they frequently consist of oblique views with significant camera-to-object depth variations and occlusions that complicate quantitative analyses. Here, we report the use of oblique photogrammetric techniques to determine ground-based thermal camera orientations (position and pointing direction), and to generate scene information for lava flows at Mount Etna, Sicily. Multiple images from a consumer grade digital SLR camera are used to construct a topographic model and reference associated ground-based thermal imagery. We present data collected during the 2004–2005 eruption and use the derived surface model to apply viewing distance corrections (to account for atmospheric attenuation) to the thermal images on a pixel-by-pixel basis. For viewing distances of ~100 to 400 m, the corrections result in systematic changes in emissive power of up to ±3% with respect to values calculated assuming a uniform average viewing distance across an image.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that lavas behave as Bingham liquids, which are characterized by a yield stress σ and a plastic viscosity η. We consider two models describing downslope flows of a Bingham liquid with different aspect ratios A (= flow height/flow width): model 1 with A 1 and model 2 with A ≈ 1. Sufficiently uphill with respect to the front, such flows can be considered as laminar and locally isothermal. For both models, we obtain analytically the steady-state solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the constitutive equation for a Bingham liquid. We study the flow height and velocity as functions of flow rate, rheological parameters and ground slope. It is found that such flows remain in the Newtonian regime at low yield stresses (σ 103dyne/cm2), but the transition to the Bingham regime also depends on flow rate and occurs at higher values of σ for higher flow rates: for instance, a high aspect ratio flow (model 2) is still very close to the Newtonian regime at σ = 104 dyne/cm2, if the flow rate is greater than 105 g/s. In the Bingham regime, flow heights are generally greater and flow velocities are smaller than in the Newtonian regime; moreover, flow heights are independent of flow rate, so that a change in flow rate results exclusively in a velocity change. After assuming a specific temperature dependence of σ and η between the solidus and the liquidus temperatures of an ideal Bingham liquid (1000°C and 1200 °C respectively), flow heights and velocities are examined as functions of temperature along the flow. Several effects observed in lava flows are predicted by these models and allow a more quantitative insight into the behaviour of lava flows.  相似文献   

Magma transfer processes at persistently active volcanoes are distinguished by the large magma flux required to sustain the prodigious quantities of heat and gas emitted at the surface. Although the resulting degassed magma has been conjectured to accumulate either deep within the volcanic edifice or in the upper levels of the sub-edifice system, no direct evidence for such active accumulation has been reported. Temporal gravity data are unique in being able to quantify mass changes and have been successfully used to model shallow magma movements on different temporal scales, but have not generally been applied to the investigation of postulated long-term accumulation of magma at greater spatial scales within volcanic systems. Here, we model the critical data acquisition parameters required to detect mass flux at volcanoes, we review existing data from a number of volcanoes that exemplify the measurement of shallow mass changes and present new data from Poas and Telica volcanoes. We show that if a substantial proportion of degassed magma lodges within the sub-edifice region, it would result in measurable annual to decadal gravity increases occurring over spatial scales of tens of kilometres and propose that existing microgravity data from Sakurajima and, possibly, Etna volcanoes could be interpreted in these terms. Furthermore, such repeat microgravity data could be used to determine whether the accumulation rate is in equilibrium with the rate of production of degassed magma as calculated from the surface gas flux and hence identify the build-up of gas-rich magma at depth that may be significant in terms of eruption potential. We also argue that large magma bodies, both molten and frozen, modelled beneath volcanoes from seismic and gravity data, could represent endogenous or cryptic intrusions of degassed magma based on order of magnitude calculations using present-day emission rates and typical volcano lifetimes.  相似文献   

The distribution of clasts deposited around a volcano during an explosive eruption typically contoured by isopleth maps provides important insights into the associated plume height, wind speed and eruptive style. Nonetheless, a wide range of strategies exists to determine the largest clasts, which can lead to very different results with obvious implications for the characterization of eruptive behaviour of active volcanoes. The IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling has carried out a dedicated exercise to assess the influence of various strategies on the determination of the largest clasts. Suggestions on the selection of sampling area, collection strategy, choice of clast typologies and clast characterization (i.e. axis measurement and averaging technique) are given, mostly based on a thorough investigation of two outcrops of a Plinian tephra deposit from Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) located at different distances from the vent. These include: (1) sampling on a flat paleotopography far from significant slopes to minimize remobilization effects; (2) sampling on specified-horizontal-area sections (with the statistically representative sampling area depending on the outcrop grain size and lithic content); (3) clast characterization based on the geometric mean of its three orthogonal axes with the approximation of the minimum ellipsoid (lithic fragments are better than pumice clasts when present); and (4) use of the method of the 50th percentile of a sample of 20 clasts as the best way to assess the largest clasts. It is also suggested that all data collected for the construction of isopleth maps be made available to the community through the use of a standardized data collection template, to assess the applicability of the new proposed strategy on a large number of deposits and to build a large dataset for the future development and refinement of dispersal models.  相似文献   

Crust formation on basaltic lava flows dictates conditions of both flow cooling and emplacement. For this reason, flow histories are dramatically different depending on whether lava is transported through enclosed lava tubes or through open channels. Recent analog experiments in straight uniform channels (Griffiths et al. J Fluid Mech 496:33–62, 2003) have demonstrated that tube flow, dictated by a stationary surface crust, can be distinguished from a mobile crust regime, where a central solid crust is separated from channel walls by crust-free shear zones, by a simple dimensionless parameter ϑ, such that ϑ<25 produces tube flow and ϑ>25 describes the mobile crust regime. ϑ combines a previously determined parameter ψ, which describes the balance between the formation rate of surface solid and the shear strain that disrupts the solid crust, with the effects of thermal convection (described by the Rayleigh number Ra).Here we explore ways in which ϑ can be used to describe the behavior of basaltic lava channels. To do this we have extended the experimental approach to examine the effects of channel irregularities (expansions, contractions, sinuosity, and bottom roughness) on crust formation and disruption. We find that such changes affect local flow behavior and can thus change channel values of ϑ. For example, gradual widening of a channel results in a decrease in flow velocity that causes a decrease in ϑ and may allow a down-flow transition from the mobile crust to the tube regime. In contrast, narrowing of the channel causes an increase in flow velocity (increasing ϑ), thus inhibiting tube formation.We also quantify the fraction of surface covered by crust in the mobile crust regime. In shallow channels, variations in crust width (d c) with channel width (W) are predicted to follow d cW 5/3. Analysis of channelized lava flows in Hawaii shows crustal coverage consistent with this theoretical result along gradually widening or narrowing channel reaches. An additional control on crustal coverage in both laboratory and basaltic flows is disruption of surface crust because of flow acceleration through constrictions, around bends, and over breaks in slope. Crustal breakage increases local rates of cooling and may cause local blockage of the channel, if crusts rotate and jam in narrow channel reaches. Together these observations illustrate the importance of both flow conditions and channel geometry on surface crust development and thus, by extension, on rates and mechanisms of flow cooling. Moreover, we note that this type of analysis could be easily extended through combined use of FLIR and LiDAR imaging to measure crustal coverage and channel geometry directly.Editorial responsibility: A. Harris  相似文献   

 Lineated sheet flows are flat-lying, glassy lava flows characterized by a regular surface pattern of parallel grooves or furrows aligned with the flow direction. They are unique to the submarine environment. We propose that the lineations are developed within the collapsed interiors of partially ponded lobate sheet flows that initially inflate and then drain out during emplacement. During lava drainout, the original lobate crust founders and a new crust begins to grow on the subsiding lava surface. Lineated flow texture is created where molten lava emerges laterally from beneath a growing crust. The lineations are formed by raking of the emerging lava surface by irregularities on the bottom edge of the crust and are preserved owing to rapid chilling by seawater. Therefore, lineated sheet flows are the product of a specific sequence of events over a short period of time during the course of a deep submarine eruption. Received: 23 November 1998 / Accepted: 22 February 1999  相似文献   

The largest natrocarbonatite lava flow eruption ever documented at Oldoinyo Lengai, NW Tanzania, occurred from March 25 to April 5, 2006, in two main phases. It was associated with hornito collapse, rapid extrusion of lava covering a third of the crater and emplacement of a 3-km long compound rubbly pahoehoe to blocky aa-like flow on the W flank. The eruption was followed by rapid enlargement of a pit crater. The erupted natrocarbonatite lava has high silica content (3% SiO2). The eruption chronology is reconstructed from eyewitness and news media reports and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data, which provide the most reliable evidence to constrain the eruption’s onset and variations in activity. The eruption products were mapped in the field and the total erupted lava volume estimated at 9.2 ± 3.0 × 105 m3. The event chronology and field evidence are consistent with vent construct instability causing magma mixing and rapid extrusion from shallow reservoirs. It provides new insights into and highlights the evolution of the shallow magmatic system at this unique natrocarbonatite volcano.  相似文献   

We studied the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of 22 basaltic flow units, including S-type pahoehoe, P-type pahoehoe, toothpaste lava and 'a' emplaced over different slopes in two Hawaiian islands. Systematic differences occur in several aspects of AMS (mean susceptibility, degree of anisotropy, magnetic fabric and orientation of the principal susceptibilities) among the morphological types that can be related to different modes of lava emplacement. AMS also detects systematic changes in the rate of shear with position in a unit, allowing us to infer local flow direction and some other aspects of the velocity field of each unit. 'A' flows are subject to stronger deformation than pahoehoe, and also their internal parts behave more like a unit. According to AMS, the central part of pahoehoe commonly reveals a different deformation history than the upper and lower extremes, probably resulting from endogenous growth.  相似文献   

The Meseta and Fuego volcanoes closely overlap and collectively are known as the Fuego Volcanic Complex. Historic activity occurs exclusively at Fuego, the southern center, and consists of high-Al basalts. Meseta, the inactive northern center, is predominantly composed of basaltic andesites with minor basalt and andesite. A thick sequence of lava flows and dikes is exposed by a steep collapse escarpment on the east flank of Meseta. The upper 75% of the sequence was sampled from three interfingering stratigraphic sections consisting of 27, 10 and 4 lavas, respectively. Temporal geochemical trends of each section indicates a complex evolutionary history. A major trend toward more evolved compositions upward in the section is consistent with crystal fractionation. This trend is sharply interrupted by the youngest lavas which become distinctly more mafic in composition. Magma mixing is apparently the dominant magmatic evolution process that generated these lavas. The two trends have distinct Sr signatures that suggest a change in parental magma compositions. This abrupt change in composition is interpreted to signal high input rates of mafic magma into the subvolcanic magma chamber. These changes eventually led to sector collapse of Meseta volcano and deposition of the Escuintla debris avalanche. Eruptive activity then migrated to the Fuego volcano where historic activity is similar to that of Meseta immediately prior to its collapse.  相似文献   

Natrocarbonatitic magmas are characterized by their extremely low viscosities and fast elemental diffusion, and as a consequence of this, their chemistry and crystallinity can change significantly during residence in shallow reservoirs or even due to cooling during lava flow emplacement. Here, we present the results of a series of crystallization experiments conducted at 1-atm confining pressure and in a temperature range between 630°C and 300°C. The experiments were set up to characterize the chemistry and growth processes of the phenocryst phases present in natrocarbonatites. The results are applicable to (1) processes occurring during residence in shallow magma reservoirs and/or (2) during lava flow emplacement. We show that during crystallization of natrocarbonatites at atmospheric pressure, gregoryite is the first mineral to crystallize at 630°C, followed by nyerereite at 595°C. Crystal size distributions of the gregoryites show that the crystals grow rapidly by textural coarsening (i.e., Ostwald ripening). As the crystallization is a continuous process at this pressure, the composition of the residual melt changes in response to the crystallization. However, the experiments also show that individual crystals completely reequilibrate with the changes in melt composition in as little time as <11 min. We therefore conclude that crystallization and diffusion are extremely fast processes in the natrocarbonatitic system and that the measured chemical variations in phenocrysts from Oldoinyo Lengai can be explained by different cooling histories. Finally, we model the rheological control on the emplacement of highly crystallized natrocarbonatitic lavas at Oldoinyo Lengai.  相似文献   

A Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image acquired on 23 July 1991 recorded widespread activity associated with the Episode 48 of the Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. The scene contains a very large number (>3500) of thermally elevated near infrared (0.8–2.35 m) pixels (each 900 m2), which enable the spatial distribution of volcanic activity to be identified. This activity includes a lava lake within Pu'u 'O'o cone, an active lava tube system (7.9 km in length) with skylights between the Kupaianaha lava shield and several ocean entry points, and extensive active surface flows (total area of 1.3 km2) within a much larger area of cooling flows (total16 km2). The production of an average flux density map from the TM data of the flow field, wherein the average flux density is defined in units of Wm-2, allows for the chronology of emplacement of active and cooling flows to be determined. The flux density map reveals that there were at least three breakouts (>5000 Wm-2) feeding active flows, but on the day that the data were collected the TM recorded a waning phase of surface activity in this area, based on the relatively large amount of intermediate power-emitting (cooling) flows compared to high power-emitting (active) flows. The production of a comparable flux density map for future eruptions would aid in the assessment of volcanic hazards if the data were available in near-real time.  相似文献   

A major carbonate reef which drowned 13 ka is now submerged 150 m below sea level on the west coast of the island of Hawaii. A 25-km span of this reef was investigated using the submersibleMakali'i. The reef occurs on the flanks of two active volcanoes, Mauna Loa and Hualalai, and the lavas from both volcanoes both underlie and overlie the submerged reef. Most of the basaltic lava flows that crossed the reef did so when the water was much shallower, and when they had to flow a shorter distance from shoreline to reef face. Lava flows on top of the reef have protected it from erosion and solution and now occur at seaward-projecting salients on the reef face. These relations suggest that the reef has retreated shoreward as much as 50 m since it formed. A 7-km-wide shadow zone occurs where no Hualalai lava flows cross the reef south of Kailua. These lava flows were probably diverted around a large summit cone complex. A similar shadow zone on the flank of Mauna Loa volcano in the Kealakekua Bay region is downslope from the present Mauna Loa caldera, which ponds Mauna Loa lava and prevents it from reaching the coastline. South of the Mauna Loa shadow zone the - 150 m reef has been totally covered and obscured by Mauna Loa lava. The boundary between Hualalai and Mauna Loa lava on land occurs over a 6-km-wide zone, whereas flows crossing the - 150 m reef show a sharper boundary offshore from the north side of the subaerial transition zone. This indicates that since the formation of the reef, Hualalai lava has migrated south, mantling Mauna Loa lava. More recently, Mauna Loa lava is again encroaching north on Hualalai lava.  相似文献   

Thermal–mechanical analyses of isotherms in low-volume basalt flows having a range of aspect ratios agree with inferred isotherm patterns deduced from cooling fracture patterns in field examples on the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, and highlight the caveats of analytical models of sheet flow cooling when considering low-volume flows. Our field observations show that low-volume lava flows have low aspect ratios (width divided by thickness), typically < 5. Four fracture types typically develop: column-bounding, column-normal, entablature (all of which are cooling fractures), and inflation fractures. Cooling fractures provide a proxy for isotherms during cooling and produce patterns that are strongly influenced by flow aspect ratio. Inflation fractures are induced by lava pressure-driven inflationary events and introduce a thermal perturbation to the flow interior that is clearly evidenced by fracture patterns around them. Inflation fracture growth occurs incrementally due to blunting of the lower tip within viscoelastic basalt, allowing the inflation fracture to pivot open. The final stage of growth involves propagation beyond the blunted tip towards the stress concentration at the tapered tip of a lava core, resulting in penetration of the core that causes quenching of the lava and the formation of a densely fractured entablature. We present numerical models that include the effects of inflation fractures on lava cooling and which support field-based inferences that inflation fractures depress the isotherms in the vicinity of the fracture, cause a subdivision of the lava core, control the location of the final portion of the lava flow to solidify, and cause significant changes in the local cooling fracture orientations. In addition to perturbing isotherms, inflation fractures cause a lava flow to completely solidify in a shorter amount of time than an identically shaped flow that does not contain an inflation fracture.  相似文献   

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