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Chromites separated from the upper mantle or lower crustal portions of 18 ophiolites ranging in age from 900 Ma to 50 Ma are examined for Re-Os isotopic systematics. The ophiolites include both MORB and back arc types, although most are from supra-subduction zone (SSZ) settings. The chromites are robust indicators of the initial Os isotopic compositions of the systems sampled. There is very limited range in calculated initial γOs values, with the entire group averaging +1.31. Least squares linear regression of the age of chromite formation (in Ga) versus initial 187Os/188Os of a filtered suite yields a slope of −0.0058±0.0019 (2σ) and a present day intercept of 0.12809±0.00085 (2σ), equivalent to a γOs value of +0.9±0.6. Of the suite of 51 samples analyzed, 68% lie within ±1% of this evolution trajectory.Although most of the samples formed in SSZ environments, there is little evidence to suggest modification of the mantle Os isotopic composition via radiogenic melts or fluids derived from subducting slabs. The ophiolite data are interpreted as representative of the convecting upper mantle and suggest that the present isotopic composition of the convecting upper mantle averages approximately 1.2% less radiogenic than the estimated minimum composition of the primitive upper mantle of 0.1296±8 (Meisel et al., 2001). The most likely explanation for the difference is the formation, subduction and isolation of some portion of the mafic oceanic crust. Using models based on the assumption that the convecting upper mantle comprises 50% of the total mass of the mantle, and that the average isolation period for subducted oceanic crust is 1.5 to 2.0 Ga, it is estimated that approximately 2 to 3% of the total mass of the mantle is composed of subducted mafic oceanic crust that remains isolated from the convecting upper mantle. Because the isotopic compositions of the DMM and PUM overlap within uncertainties, however, the results do not require any isolated slab component.  相似文献   

The Taitao ophiolite of southern Chile lies 10 km from the buried extension of the Peru-Chile trench, and less than 50 km from the present position of the Nazca/South America/Antarctica triple junction. Plio-Pleistocene radiometric and paleontologic ages indicate its formation during ridge subduction, and an ultramafic rock, gabbro, sheeted dike, volcanic and sedimentary rock psuedostratigraphy suggests formation by typical accretionary processes for oceanic lithosphere. Yet major and trace element data show that mafic dikes and volcanic units are transitional from MORB to IAT, and there are abundant silicic volcanic units of calc-alkaline character that have high LIL element and light REE concentrations relative to oceanic plagiogranites. Sr and Nd isotopic data are consistent with that of modern oceanic suites, even though having a greater internal variability. Silicic volcanic units show the more enriched Sr and depleted Nd isotopic ratios relative to dike and gabbro samples. In addition to chemical distinctions, paleobathymetric data support a shallow water origin for some of the upper volcanic units and, assuming local compensation, suggest crustal thicknesses of continental proportion. In the vicinity of the Taitao ophiolite, and extending some 40 km landward of the plate margin, are a series of silicic stocks, sills, and plutons that were intruded into the forearc at the time of ridge collision and ophiolite generation. These calc-alkaline I-type granitoids are light REE enriched and have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of the main volcanic chain 200 km landward. Chemically, some of the silicic intrusions are indistinguishable from volcanic units of the ophiolite. In general, major, trace, REE, and isotopic variations of both the ophiolite and the distributed intrusions are atypical of simple fractionation trends for basaltic liquids. Intermediate to silicic units lie along mixing hyperbolae between Taitao gabbro and either forearc sediment or metamorphic basement on a Nd---Sr correlation diagram, and these two crustal components support, respectively, either a 10–25% or 5–10% assimilation. Shutdown of magmatism, and therefore probably partial melting as well, appears to occur within 40 km of the trench, roughly spanning the depth interval for the disappearance of the plagioclase-lherzolite stability field as the zone of mantle upwelling is overridden by an increasing thickness of continental lithosphere. A deeper and more landward absence of partial melt related to the subducted ridge is supported by the correlation of the shutoff and re-initiation of arc volcanism over the northern and southern trailing edges of the postulated subcontinental asthenospheric window. Here, as well as elsewhere in the circum-Pacific, the general restriction of magmatism related to ridge subduction to near-trench settings supports a shallow (0 to 15 km) shutoff mechanism for adiabatic decompressive melting and a rather abrupt return to single-phase (solid) convective rise of mantle into an evolving asthenospheric window.  相似文献   

Six new radiocarbon ages and a pollen sequence are provided for Laguna Stibnite, a small lake on the Taitao Peninsula, Chile (latitude 46°25'S, longitude 74°24'W). The sediments record a late-glacial to present sequence, with a basal age of 14 335 ± 145 yr BP (Q-2840). The radiocarbon ages provide the basis for a sound chronology in a region of Chile where few palynological studies have been made and where previous radiocarbon ages are ambiguous. The chronology from Laguna Stibnite supports the acceptance of a radiocarbon chronology based on wood fragments (rather than bulk analysis) at a site near Puerto Edén further south in the Chilean Channels (49°08'S). These data from Laguna Stibnite provide evidence for an early deglaciation (before 14 000 yr BP) in this region of southern Chile. The sequence provides no evidence for a climatic reversal between 11 000 yr BP and 10 000 yr BP, the so-called Younger Dryas chron.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Journal of Quaternary Science 17(7) 2002, 721. There is conflicting evidence concerning the extent and timing of late Quaternary climate variability in southern South America and how this may be linked to climate change in the Northern Hemisphere. Critical unresolved questions include whether or not a cool period occurred in southern South America during the Younger Dryas Chronozone (YDC) (11 000–10 000 14C yr BP; 13 000–11 200 yr BP), and the timing of wet and dry phases during the Holocene. To date most evidence is from glacial, pollen and beetle records but, in an attempt to resolve these questions, we have used chironomid midges as an independent proxy in one of the first studies of its kind in Patagonia. We investigated the dynamics of midge assemblages during the Late‐glacial and Holocene at Lago Stibnite on the Taitao Peninsula, southern Chile (46°S). Changes in the midge assemblage suggest that the climate may have become cooler and drier during the YDC. During the Holocene there were cyclical changes in the midge assemblage that may have been in response to trophic change and/or to changes in precipitation when conditions appear to have been drier than today at 9400–6300 14C yr BP and 2400–1600 14C yr BP. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Dramala massif, located in the Dinarides–Hellenides orogenic belt, forms the mantle section of the Neotethyan Pindos ophiolite complex in NW continental Greece. Its southern domain is comprised mainly of voluminous harzburgite masses with variable clinopyroxene and olivine modal abundances, ranging from clinopyroxene‐bearing to typical and olivine‐rich harzburgites. The harzburgite varieties are characterized by elevated Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al)] in Cr‐spinel (0.43–0.79), high forsterite (Fo) content in olivine (0.90–0.93), low Al2O3 content in clinopyroxene (≤1.77 wt.%) and poor whole‐rock abundances of Al2O3 (≤0.68 wt.%), CaO (≤0.68 wt.%), Sc (≤11 ppm) and REE, which are indicative of their refractory nature. In terms of fO2 values, the southern Pindos harzburgites plot between the FMQ‐2 (Fayalite–Magnetite–Quartz) and FMQ + 2 buffers. Simple batch and fractional melting models are not sufficient to explain their depleted composition. Their Ni/Yb ratios vs. Yb bulk‐rock abundances can be reproduced by up to 22–31% closed‐system non‐modal dynamic melting of an assumed spinel‐bearing lherzolite source. Cr‐spinel chemistry data suggest that the southern Dramala harzburgites were formed in an oceanic centre and then were reworked in the mantle wedge above a subducted slab. Combined petrographic and compositional data indicate that the studied harzburgites interacted with arc‐derived tholeiitic melts. This interaction resulted in substantial olivine and minor Cr‐spinel addition to the studied harzburgites, thus enhancing their refractoriness. Cryptic metasomatism was plausibly responsible for the demolition of any strong geochemical signatures suggestive of a previous melting event in a spreading centre. Comparable observations from the neighbouring Vourinos suite imply that the southern Dramala harzburgites probably represent an arc/fore‐arc mantle region within the mutual Pindos–Vourinos, Mesohellenic lithospheric mantle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3):1242-1262
Basal peridotites above the metamorphic sole outcropped around Wadi Sarami in the central Oman ophiolite give us an excellent opportunity to understand the spatial extent of the mantle heterogeneity and to examine peridotites−slab interactions. We recognized two types of basal lherzolites (Types I and II) that change upward to harzburgites. Their pyroxene and spinel compositions display severely variations at small scales over < 0.5 km, and encompass the entire abyssal peridotite trend; clinopyroxenes (Cpxs) show wide ranges of Al2O3, Na2O, Cr2O3 and TiO2 contents. Primary spinels show a large variation of Cr# [= Cr/(Cr + Al)] from 0.04 to 0.53, indicating various degrees of partial melting. Trace-element compositions of peridotites and their pyroxenes also show a large chemical heterogeneity in the base of the Oman mantle section. This heterogeneity mainly resulted from variations of partial-melting degrees due to the change of a mantle thermal regime and a distance from the spreading ridge or the mantle diapir. It was overlapped with subsolidus modification during cooling and fluid metasomatism prior and/or during emplacement. The studied peridotites are enriched in Rb, Cs, Ba, Sr and LREE due to fluid influx during detachment and emplacement stages. Chondrite (CI)-normalized REE patterns for pyroxenes are convex upward with strong LREE depletion due to their residual origin, similar to abyssal peridotites from a normal ridge segment. The Cpxs are enriched in fluid mobile elements (e.g., B, Li, Cs, Pb, Rb) and depleted in HFSE (Ta, Nb, Th, Zr) + LREE, suggesting no effect of melt refertilization. Their HREE contents, combined with spinel compositions, suggest two melting series with 1–5% melting for type II lherzolites, 3– < 10% melting for type I lherzolites and ~ 15% for harzburgites. Hornblendes are enriched in fluid-mobile elements relative to HFSE + U inherited from their precursor Cpx. The clinopyroxenite lens crosscuts the basal lherzolites, forming small-scale (< 5 cm) mineralogical and chemical heterogeneities. It was possibly formed from fractional crystallization of interstitial incremental melt that formed during decompression melting of a normal MORB mantle source. The studied peridotites possibly represent a chemical heterogeneity common to the mantle at an oceanic spreading center.  相似文献   

Varela  M. E.  Bjerg  E. A.  Clocchiatti  R.  Labudia  C. H.  Kurat  G. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1997,60(3-4):145-164
Summary Three generations of fluid inclusions can be recognized in upper mantle xenoliths from alkali basalts of the Somoncura Massif, Northern Patagonia, Argentina. The first (early, primary) one consists of dense CO2 inclusions which were trapped in the mantle-crust boundary zone (22–36 km minimum trapping depth). Their co-genetic relationship with silicate melt inclusions enables us to constrain their minimum trapping temperature at 1200°C, indicating a high temperature event in a cooler environment. The late (pseudosecondary and secondary) generations of fluid inclusions were classified in accordance with their homogenization temperature to liquid CO2 (L1) and vapor CO2 (L2) phase. The minimum trapping depth for the first of the late inclusions (L1) is about 16 km. In spite of the uncertainties related to this value, L1 inclusions indicate that the upper mantle rocks, of which samples were delivered by the basalts, had some residence time in the middle crust where they experienced a metasomatic event. The fact that this event did not destroy the earlier inclusions, places severe constraints on its duration. The second late inclusions (L2) are low-pressure CO2 inclusions with a minimum trapping depth of only 2 km, presumably a shallow magma chamber of the host basalts. The succession of fluid inclusions strongly points toward a fairly fast uprising upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia. The petrology and mineral chemistry of the peridotitic xenoliths support this view. Extensive partial melting and loss of these melts is indicated by the preponderance of harzburgites in the upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia, a fairly unusual feature for a continental upper mantle. That depletion event as well as several metasomatic events — including those which left traces of fluid inclusions — are possibly related to a high-speed diapiric uprise of the upper mantle in this area. The path can be traced from the garnet peridotite stability field into the middle crust, a journey which must have been unusually fast. Differences in rock, mineral, and fluid inclusion properties between geographic locations suggest a diffuse and differential type of diapirism. Future studies will hopefully help to map the full extent and the highs and lows of this diapir and elucidate questions related to its origin and future.
Fluid-Einschlüsse in Erdmantel-Xenolithen von Nord-Patagonien: Evidenz für einen Diapir im oberen Erdmantel
Zusammenfassung Erdmantel - Xenolithe in Alkali-Basalten des Somoncure Massivs, Nord-Patagonien, Argentinien, führen drei Generationen von Fluid-Einschlüssen. Die erste (frühe, primäre) Generation besteht aus dichten CO2-Einschlüssen, welche offenbar in der Mantel-Kruste Grenzzone (22–36 km Minimum-Tiefe) eingeschlossen wurden. CO2-Einschlüsse sind kogenetisch mit Silikat-Schmelzeinschlüssen. Dies erlaubt die Abschätzung der Einschließ-Temperatur mit minimal 1200°C, was auf ein Hochtemperatur-Ereignis in einer deutlich kühleren Umgebung hinweist. Die späten (pseudosekundäre und sekundäre) CO2- Fluid-Einschlüsse bilden zwei Generationen von denen die eine in die flüssige (L1), die andere in die Dampfphase (L2) homogenisieren. Die minimale Einschließ-Tiefe für die L1 Generation ist etwa 16 km. Dies bedeutet - auch bei Berücksichtigung der mit diesem Wert verbundenen Ungenauigkeit - daß diese Erdmantel-Gesteine einige Zeit in der mittleren Erdkruste verbrachten und ein metasomatisches Ereignis erlebten, bevor sie von den Basalten zur Erdoberfläche gebracht wurden. Die Tatsache, daß dieses Ereignis die frühen Einschlüsse nicht zerstörte, kann nur bedeuten, daß es von kurzer Dauer war. Die L2-Generation besteht aus Niedrigdruck CO2-Einschlüssen mit einer Minimum-Einschließtiefe von nur 2 km. Dies könnte in einer seichten Magmakammer des Wirt Basaltes geschehen sein.Die Abfolge von Fluid-Einschlüssen deutet auf einen relativ schnell aufsteigenden oberen Erdmantel unterhalb von Patagonien hin. Die Petrologie und Mineralchemie der peridotitischen Xenolithe unterstützen das. Die Vorherrschaft von Harzburgiten im Erdmantel unterhalb von Nord-Patagonien deutet auf umfangreiche Bildung partieller Schmelzen und deren Abfuhr hin — eine für einen kontinentalen Mantel ungewöhnliche Situation. Sowohl die Verarmungsereignisse, als auch die metasomatischen Veränderungen (einschließlich jene, welche Spuren in Form von Fluid Einschlüssen hinterließen) machen das Vorhandensein eines schnell aufsteigenden Daipirs im oberen Erdmantel dieser Gegend wahrscheinlich. Der Aufstieg kann vom Stabilitätsbereich der Granat-Peridotite bis in die mittlere Kruste verfolgt werden und muß daher relativ schnell erfolgt sein. Unterschiede in Gesteins-, Mineral und Fluid-Eigenschaften zwischen verschiedenen Lokalitäten legen einen diffusen und differenziellen Diapirismus nahe. Zukünftige Studien sollten es ermöglichen, das Gesamtausmaß und die unterschiedlichen Aufstiegshöhen des Diapirs zu kartieren und Hinweise auf seine Entstehung und zukünftige Entwicklung zu erhalten.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

K. Priestley 《Lithos》1999,48(1-4):45-56
The velocity model for southern Africa of Qiu et al. [Qiu, X., Priestley, K., McKenzie, D., 1996. Average lithospheric structure of southern Africa. Geophys. J. Int. 127, 563–587] is revised so as to satisfy both the regional seismic waveform data and the fundamental mode Rayleigh wave phase velocity data for the region. The revised S-wave model is similar to the original model of Qiu et al. except that the high velocity, upper mantle lid extends to 160 km depth in the revised model rather than to 120 km in the original model. Sensitivity tests of the regional seismic data show that the minimum velocity in the S-wave low velocity zone can be as high as 4.45 km s−1 compared to 4.32 km s−1 in the Qiu et al. model. The vertical S-wave travel time for the revised south African model is compared with the vertical S-wave travel times for the global tomographic models S12WM13 and S16B30, and they are found to be similar.  相似文献   

Christophe L  cuyer 《Lithos》1990,25(4):243-259
The Trinity ophiolite consists of small magma chambers inside a large mantle body. Xenoliths of mantle peridotite occur both in gabbroic cumulates along the walls and in the matrices of ultrabasic breccias on the floors of the magma chambers. Field relationships and petrographic data suggest that these fragments of original mantle peridotite were modified by contact with basic magmas by modal metasomatism. Quantitative elemental mass transfers determined from the composition, volume and density variations of reacting minerals demonstrate both closed and open system conditions for the major (Si, Al, Ti, Na, Ca, Fe and Mg) and trace elements (Cr, Ni). In the open system, material gains and losses provide information on the composition of the fluid taking part in the metasomatic reaction.

During a first stage of metasomatism the mantle xenoliths were affected by high-temperature reactions at 600 to 925°C. They resulted from the interaction between solid mantle lherzolites and basic melts. The reactions are:

1. (1)those forming orthopyroxene-magnetite simplectite

2. (2)those forming plagioclase-magnetite corona

3. (3)clinopyroxene+spinel I→pargasitic hornblende+spinel II.

Chemical interactions between the upper mantle and oceanic magma chambers occurred as soon as the basic magmas had ascended through the upper mantle. The chemically modified magmas, within oceanic magma chambers, were depleted in Ti, Fe and Na. This could partly explain regional variations of the chemical compositions of primary magmas produced beneath slow-spreading ridges. The breakdown of olivine to orthopyroxene and magnetite participates in the control of the partition of magnetic Fe---Ti oxides between oceanic crust and mantle.

During the second stage, the serpentinization of olivine and the production of talc were superimposed on the products of the first stage. These reactions require large amounts of H2O. The hydrothermal fluid was probably seawater. It circulated in the brecciated area along the walls and floors of the magma chambers located at shallow depths. Such structural discontinuities thus played the role of penetration channels favoring seawater circulation in the oceanic crust.

All the chemical reactions examined suggest a significant open-system element transfer by infiltrating melts or circulating fluids. The results of this study suggest that caution is required in the interpretation of mineralogical and chemical information provided by mantle xenoliths carried to the surface by ascending magmas.  相似文献   

The ophiolite suite from south Andaman Islands forms part of the Tethyan Ophiolite Belt and preserves the remnants of an ideal ophiolite sequence comprising a basal serpentinized and tectonised mantle peridotite followed by ultramafic and mafic cumulate units, basaltic dykes and spilitic pillow basalts interlayered with arkosic wacke. Here, we present new major, trace, rare earth(REE) and platinum group(PGE) element data for serpentinized and metasomatized peridotites(dunites) exposed in south Andaman representing the tectonized mantle section of the ophiolite suite. Geochemical features of the studied rocks, marked by Al_2 O_3/TiO_2 23, LILE-LREE enrichment, HFSE depletion, and U-shaped chondrite-normalized REE patterns with(La/Sm)N 1 and(Gd/Yb)N 1, suggest contributions from boninitic mantle melts. These observations substantiate a subduction initiation process ensued by rapid slab roll-back with extension and seafloor spreading in an intraoceanic fore-arc regime. The boninitic composition of the serpentinized peridotites corroborate fluid and melt interaction with mantle manifested in terms of(i) hydration, metasomatism and serpentinization of depleted, MORB-type, sub-arc wedge mantle residual after repeated melt extraction; and(ii) refertilization of refractory mantle peridotite by boninitic melts derived at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. Serpentinized and metasomatized mantle dunites in this study record both MOR and intraoceanic arc signatures collectively suggesting suprasubduction zone affinity. The elevated abundances of Pd(4.4-12.2 ppb) with highΣPPGE/∑IPGE(2-3) and Pd/Ir(2-5.5) ratios are in accordance with extensive melt-rock interaction through percolation of boninitic melts enriched in fluid-fluxed LILE-LREE into the depleted mantle after multiple episodes of melt extraction. The high Pd contents with relatively lower Ir concentrations of the samples are analogous to characteristic PGE signatures of boninitic magmas and might have resulted by the infiltration of boninitic melts into the depleted and residual mantle wedge peridotite during fore-arc extension at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. The PGE patterns with high Os + Ir(2-8.6 ppb)and Ru(2.8-8.4 ppb) also suggest mantle rejuvenation by infiltration of melts derived by high degree of mantle melting. The trace, REE and PGE data presented in our study collectively reflect heterogeneous mantle compositions and provide insights into ocean-crust-mantle interaction and associated geochemical cycling within a suprasubduction zone regime.  相似文献   

The Naein ophiolite is the most complete ophiolitic exposure in Cental Iran and considered as a remnant of the Mesozoic Central East Iranian microcontinent (CEIM) confining oceanic crust. In the northeastern part of this ophiolite (Darreh Deh area) within the mantle peridotites, a few hundred meters below the top of the Moho transition zone (MTZ), the hornblendites are present as dykes (former cracks and joints) from a few millimeters to nearly 50 cm wide. They have sharp boundaries with the surrounding mantle harzburgites and dunites. These hornblendites are pale green and coarse-grained in hand specimen and composed of magnesio-hornblende (Mg# = 0.93), chlorite (penninite and clinochlore, Mg# = 0.95), Cr-spinel (chromite, Cr# = 0.67 and Mg# = 0.55), tremolite, calcite and dolomite. Tremolites were formed by retrograde metamorphism of hornblendes. Calcite and dolomite occur as late-stage veins. Very high amount of primary hydrous phases (~94 vol % hornblende and chlorite), as well as peculiar mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the Naein ophiolite mantle hornblendites, do not match a magmatic origin. They are possibly products of the reaction between mantle peridotites and seawater-originated supercritical fluids, rich in silicate components. The presence of primary hydrous phases (hornblende and chlorite) may reveal high activity of H2O in the involved solution. The chemical composition of chromite in the hornblendites is near to the average chromite composition from the surrounding harzburgite and dunite. This suggests that the main source of Cr should be chromites of nearby peridotites, which were totally or partly dissolved by hydrothermal fluids. The positive anomaly of Eu in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of hornblendes, high modal abundance of Ca-rich hornblende, as well as presence of calcite and dolomite, point to seawater ingression through the gabbros in to the uppermost mantle peridotites. The higher value of MgO than CaO, presence of high-Cr chromite and Cr-enrichment of hornblendes and chlorites indicate a higher contribution of peridotites rather than gabbros to the chemical characteristics of the involved fluids. This study shows that circulation of possibly seawater-derived high temperature hydrous fluids in the upper mantle can leach and provide necessary elements to form hornblendite in joints and cracks of the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   


The Bir Umq ophiolite is one of the most important ophiolitic successions in the Arabian Shield, and represents an excellent case for the study of the tectonomagmatic evolution of the earliest Precambrian events in the juvenile part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). It is a dismembered ophiolite, which includes a serpentinized peridotite with small amounts of gabbro and mélange, and is overlain by the Sumayir formation. The mantle section of the Bir Umq ophiolite has been pervasively sheared and folded during its emplacement and is extensively serpentinized, carbonated and silicified, resulting in the common development of magnesite and listwaenite along the shear zones. Listwaenite occurs in the form of upstanding ridges due to its resistance to erosion. Antigorite is the main serpentine mineral, which, however, has low amounts of lizardite and chrysotile, indicating that the present serpentinites formed by prograde metamorphism. The ophiolitic rocks of Bir Umq have undergone regional metamorphism up to the greenschist to amphibolite facies. The presence of mesh and bastite textures indicates harzburgite and dunite protoliths. The serpentinized peridotite preserves rare relicts of primary minerals such as olivine, pyroxene and Cr-spinel. The serpentinized ultramafics of Bir Umq have high Mg# [molar Mg/(Mg+Fe2+); 0.90–0.93), low CaO, and Al2O3 contents similar to that of the environment of the suprasubduction zone. Additionally, they are characterized by the depletion of some compatible trace elements (e.g., Nb, Sr, Ta, Zr, Hf and REE), but show a wide variation in the Rb and Ba. Moreover, they are enriched in some elements that have affinities for Mg-rich minerals such as Ni, Cr, V, and Co. Fresh relics of olivine have high Fo (av. 0.91) and NiO (av. 0.42) contents, similar to those in the mantle olivine. The fresh Cr-spinel has high Cr# (0.68) and low TiO2 content (av. 0.11), similar to those in modern fore-arc peridotites. The composition of both orth- and clinopyroxenes confirms the fore-arc affinity of the studied ultramafics. The present study indicates that the protoliths of the serpentinized ultramafics of Bir Umq have high partial melt degrees, which is consistent with the characteristics of ultramafic rocks formed in a subarc environment (fore-arc) within a suprasubduction zone system.  相似文献   

董洪凯 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):767-777
阿民乌素地幔橄榄岩属芨芨台子-小黄山蛇绿岩带一部分,该构造带南北两侧地质体无明显差异,不具分界断裂的构造特征。本文对阿民乌素地幔橄榄岩与月牙山地幔橄榄岩进行岩石化学、地球化学对比分析,为芨芨台子-小黄山蛇绿岩构造属性提供新依据,并对阿民乌素蛇绿岩成矿潜力进行分析研究。笔者所在团队在地幔橄榄岩上部的辉长岩中获得LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素年龄值为462.5±3.2 Ma,属中奥陶世。其上发育奥陶纪-志留纪公婆泉组岛弧拉斑玄武岩。该期地幔橄榄岩轻重稀土之比LR/HR=1.63~3.68, (La/Sm)N=1.70~6.92,(Gd/Yb)N=0.36~0.52,表明岩石轻稀土略富集,稀土配分曲线呈不规则“U”型,估算其为原始地幔橄榄岩经过10%~20%部分熔融的残留物。原始地幔标准化蛛网图富集高场强元素U、Zr、Hf、Yb和大离子亲石元素Rb、Sr,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ti和大离子亲石元素Ba。与月牙山地幔橄榄岩标准化蛛网图对比,最大区别在于阿民乌素地幔橄榄岩明显亏损高场强元素Ti。初步研究认为阿民乌素地幔橄榄岩属SSZ型、高压型蛇绿岩,是岛弧裂谷的产物。该橄榄岩具有形成大型铬铁矿的成矿构造背景,是寻找蛇绿岩型铬铁矿的有利部位。  相似文献   

The spinel peridotite xenoliths of Group I in Quaternary basanites from Nushan,Anhui province,can be classified as two suites:a hydrous suite characterized by the ubiquitous occurrence of (Ti-) pargasite and an anhydrous suite.The nineral chemistry reveals that the anhydrous suite and one associated phlogopite-bearing lherzolite are equilibrated under temperature conditions of 1000-1100℃,whereas amplhibole-bearing peridotites display distinct disequilibrum features,indicating partial reequilibration from 1050 to 850℃ and locally down to 750℃. The amplhbole-bearing peridotites were probably the uppermost part of the high temperature anhydrous suite which was modally modifed by fractionating H2O-rich metasomatic agent during regional upwelling.This relatively recent lithospheric uplift event followed an older uplift event recognized from pyroxene unmixing of domains in local equilibrium,as well as the dominant deformation texture in the anhydrous suite.The first thermal disturbance can be linked with the regional extension and widespread basaltic volcanism in Jiangsu-Anhui provinces since Early Tertiary and the formation of the nearby Subei(North Jiangsu) fault-depression basin during the Eocene,while the second event in association with the formation of amphiboles probably indicates the continuation but diminution of upwared mantle flux since Neogene in response to the change in tectonic regime for eastern china.  相似文献   

赋存于碱性玄武岩中被岩浆带到地表的地幔橄榄岩捕掳体中发育有大量的包裹体,这些包裹体为地幔流体研究提供了直接信息。本文对江苏六合地区地幔捕掳体中的CO2包裹体开展了详细的岩相学、显微测温学及激光拉曼光谱学工作,并对获得的数据进行计算分析。结果显示地幔橄榄岩矿物中发育有两类流体包裹体:早期原生CO2包裹体,晚期次生CO2包裹体。本次研究通过对这两类包裹体的分析,初步探讨了CO:包裹体的成因,并对六合地区及中国东部上地幔岩石圈演化提供了进一步的P—T限制:早期包裹体捕获于≥0.83GPa(对应28km深处)压力,晚期包裹体形成于6~18km深处的再平衡过程。  相似文献   


The Neo-Tethys-related Chaldoran ophiolite peridotites in NW Iran are remnants of mantle lithosphere, exhumed tectonically during the Late Cretaceous. Harzburgite is the predominant peridotite type, associated with oceanic lower crust cumulate gabbros occasionally. The ophiolite rocks are unconformably overlain by Late Cretaceous-Paleocene sediments. New whole-rock geochemistry of the variably serpentinized harzburgites shows a depleted nature, exemplified by low Al2O3, CaO, TiO2, V and Y and high Ni, Cr and Mg and also low rare earth element (REE) contents. The harzburgites present LREE enrichment. Positive correlations between some LREEs and high field strength elements (HFSE) suggest enrichment of LREEs by melt re-fertilization processes. Cr-spinels have Cr number of [Cr# = Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.53–0.67], showing medium to high degree of partial melting (F = ~17-20%). Both whole-rock and mineral chemistry data show a supra-subduction zone setting and progressive depletion along with increase in spinel Cr# (MOR to fore arc). The cumulate gabbros have high MgO and SiO2, low TiO2 and Ti/V < 10 and also low chondrite normalized Dy (<8.5). The gabbro samples show enriched LREEs and LILEs and depleted HREEs and HFSEs with respect to MORBs.

Subduction initiation (SI) model in a fore-arc/proto-fore-arc environment is suggested for the upper mantle evolution of the Chaldoran ophiolite. The rocks have experienced depletion in a second melting process at the later stages of SI and compositions were probably modified by extraction of island arc tholeiitic (IAT) and possibly boninitic (BON) melts. The chemostratigraphic progression for ‘subduction initiation rule (SIR)’ is likely traceable in Chaldoran mafic-ultramafic sequence, which corresponds to the most Neo-Tethyan ophiolites and is similar to MOR to supra-subduction zone (SSZ) evolution of most Iranian ‘Inner’ and ‘Outer Zagros’ ophiolitic peridotites.  相似文献   

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