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The North Atlantic right whale, a seriously endangered species, is found in Cape Cod Bay (Massachusetts, USA) during the winter and early spring. During their residency in these waters, these whales are frequently observed feeding. This study evaluated spatial and temporal changes in the chemical composition (carbon weight and C/N ratio) of the food resource targeted by the right whales in Cape Cod Bay. The three taxa measured (Centropages typicus, Pseudocalanus spp., and Calanus finmarchicus) had highly variable chemical compositions resulting from the different life strategies and from fluctuations in their surrounding environment. The impact of seasonal variability in the energy densities of the food resource of right whales was calculated and compared to the energetic requirements of these whales. Calculations indicated that differences in the nutritional content of the zooplankton prey in Cape Cod Bay could have a considerable effect on the nutrition available to the right whales. Therefore, it is likely that using more precise estimates of the energetic densities of the prey of right whales would lead to a re‐evaluation of the adequacy of the food resource available to these whales in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Estuaries exhibit a large range in their responses to nitrogen loadings determined in part by characteristics of the driver, such as magnitude and frequency, but also by such intrinsic characteristics as physical/chemical factors (e.g., depth, volume, hypsometry, salinity, turbidity) and biological factors (e.g., nature of ecological communities, trophic interactions). To address the richness of estuarine response to driver variables, the aim ultimately is to establish a simple estuarine classification scheme, beginning with a river-dominated subset of estuarine systems and focusing on the role of water residence time in the estuary. Residence time (or flushing time) is related to other drivers (streamflow, nutrient, and sediment loads) and drives much of the biological response of estuaries because of flushing effects on plankton, temperature, nutrients, and light. Toward this goal, nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton (NPZ) models have been used to examine a range of subjects including effects of nutrient limitation and zooplankton predation on phytoplankton dynamics and fish predation. This class of model can admit a wide range of behavior, including multiple steady-states and oscillatory behavior. The NPZ equations include terms for nutrient recycling, phytoplankton settling, benthic regeneration, and zooplankton mortality. Analysis of the equations suggests that both the nature of nitrogen loading (i.e., whether it is correlated with discharge or independent of it) and residence time are critical in determining the steady-state response of the system.  相似文献   

This paper explores several simplified representations of complexity or ecological ‘texture’ in models of the marine planktonic ecosystem. It is relatively straightforward to formulate more complex models to include explicitly different functional groups of phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria, and to include regulation by multiple nutrients such a nitrate, ammonium, silica, and iron. However, the number of parameters that must be specified from observations increases approximately as the square of the number of compartments and quickly surpasses our ability to constrain them properly from observations. Moreover, ecosystem models often become unstable for small changes in parameter values, and increasing complexity may not lead to increased stability. Here we consider alternative formulations for ecosystem models that try to represent complex interactions, such as the microbial loop, in simpler, less explicit ways. Results are presented demonstrating diagnostic methods to represent (1) multiple size classes of phytoplankton according to total biomass of a single phytoplankton compartment, and (2) partitioning a single compartment for nitrogen into nitrate and ammonium according to the origin of incoming fluxes, nitrification by bacteria, and a relative preference algorithm for uptake by phytoplankton. Ambient concentrations of ammonium are simulated with this model and evaluated against observations from Ocean Station P in the subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Turbulence and zooplankton production: insights from PROVESS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zooplankton are directly influenced by turbulence in both a passive and an active manner. Passively, zooplankton are at the mercy of turbulence in how it affects their vertical mixing, encounter rate, detection abilities and feeding current efficiency. Many zooplankton species, however, are actively able to mitigate the effects of turbulence by modifying their behaviour, e.g. vertical migration, prey switching and habituation to hydromechanical stimuli. Both theoretical treatments of these processes and field observations from the northern North Sea are examined. Field observations show that some copepod species actively migrate to avoid high turbulence levels in surface waters. Furthermore, observations show a negative relationship between turbulence and zooplankton ingestion rates. This supports the paradigm of a dome-shaped response for zooplankton production with environmental turbulence. A theoretical treatment shows that the reaction distance, R, for an ambush-feeding copepod feeding on swimming organisms follows R−1/6 where is the turbulent dissipation rate, a result that shows close agreement with previously reported experimental results.  相似文献   

For inversion problems in which the theoretical relationship between observed data and model parameters is well characterized, a promising approach to the classification problem is the application of techniques that capitalize on the predictive power of class-specific models. Theoretical models have been developed for three zooplankton scattering classes (hard elastic-shelled, e.g., pteropods; fluid-like, e.g., euphausiids; and gas-bearing, e.g., siphonophores), providing a sound basis for model-based classification approaches. The covariance mean variance classification (CMVC) techniques classify broad-band echoes from individual zooplankton based on comparisons of observed echo spectra to model space realizations. Three different CMVC algorithms were developed: the integrated score classifier, the pairwise score classifier, and the Bayesian probability classifier; these classifiers assign observations to a class based on similarities in covariance, mean, and variance while accounting for model spare ambiguity and validity. The CMVC techniques were applied to broad-band (~350-750 kHz) echoes acquired from 24 different zooplankton to invert for scatterer class and properties. All three classification algorithms had a high rate of success with high-quality high SNR data. Accurate acoustic classification of zooplankton species has the potential to significantly improve estimates of zooplankton biomass made from ocean acoustic backscatter measurements  相似文献   

国际海洋浮游动物研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
综述了国际上有关海洋浮游动物种群、群落结构、多样性及浮游动物对全球气候变化响应等方面研究进展。海洋浮游动物种类繁多, 数量丰富, 分布广泛, 是海洋生态系统中最重要的生物类群。在海洋食物网中, 浮游动物通过摄食浮游植物控制初级生产力, 同时, 又被更高营养阶层的动物(鱼、虾、鲸、海鸟等)捕食, 充当次级生产者的角色, 其群落结构、种群动态和物种多样性影响鱼类和其他海洋动物资源量, 浮游动物是海洋食物网中关键环节。海洋生态系统动力学过程的关键环节是浮游生物的生物学和生态学过程, 多项国际研究计划以生物多样性和年际变化趋势为研究重点并联系全球变化及响应, 因此, 浮游动物的研究已成为海洋生态研究的核心内容之一。国际上对浮游动物的研究主要集中在以下6个方向:(1)浮游动物生境、种群的分布和扩散动力学研究;(2)浮游动物的群落结构和多样性;(3)浮游动物的实验生态和现场受控生态研究;(4)浮游动物对全球气候变化的响应;(5)深海、南北极、低氧区等极端生境的浮游动物生态学研究;(6)浮游动物研究新技术和方法。  相似文献   

Mesopelagic zooplankton may meet their nutritional and metabolic requirements in a number of ways including consumption of sinking particles, carnivory, and vertical migration. How these feeding modes change with depth or location, however, is poorly known. We analyzed fatty acid (FA) profiles to characterize zooplankton diet and large particle (>51 μm) composition in the mesopelagic zone (base of euphotic zone ?1000 m) at two contrasting time-series sites in the subarctic (station K2) and subtropical (station ALOHA) Pacific Ocean. Total FA concentration was 15.5 times higher in zooplankton tissue at K2, largely due to FA storage by seasonal vertical migrators such as Neocalanus and Eucalanus. FA biomarkers specific to herbivory implied a higher plant-derived food source at mesotrophic K2 than at oligotrophic ALOHA. Zooplankton FA biomarkers specific to dinoflagellates and diatoms indicated that diatoms, and to a lesser extent, dinoflagellates were important food sources at K2. At ALOHA, dinoflagellate FAs were more prominent. Bacteria-specific FA biomarkers in zooplankton tissue were used as an indicator of particle feeding, and peaks were recorded at depths where known particle feeders were present at ALOHA (e.g., ostracods at 100–300 m). In contrast, depth profiles of bacterial FA were relatively constant with depth at K2. Diatom, dinoflagellate, and bacterial biomarkers were found in similar proportions in both zooplankton and particles with depth at both locations, providing additional evidence that mesopelagic zooplankton consume sinking particles. Carnivory indices were higher and increased significantly with depth at ALOHA, and exhibited distinct peaks at K2, representing an increase in dependence on other zooplankton for food in deep waters. Our results indicate that feeding ecology changes with depth as well as by location. These changes in zooplankton feeding ecology from the surface through the mesopelagic zone, and between contrasting environments, have important consequences for the quality and quantity of organic material available to deeper pelagic and benthic food webs, and for organic matter sequestration.  相似文献   

J. Nieder 《Marine Ecology》1997,18(3):227-237
Abstract. Gut contents of a total of 180 specimens of the blennies Scartella cristata (L., 1758). Parablennius pilicornis (C uvier , 1829) and Lipophrys trigloides (V alenciennes , 1836) caught in the course of 1990 off Playa de la Mora (Prov. Tarragona, Spain) were analysed. The quantitative composition of food differed considerably between the 3 species (mostly algae in the herbivorous S. cristara. Amphipoda in the carnivorous L. trigloides and a variety of items in omnivorous P. pilicornis ). The 3 species in the course of a year overlap little in food resource use, with overlap reaching its maximum in April when juvenile Mytilus on the rock substrate are in ample supply. In S. cristata and L. trigloides , diversity of food items is similarly lowest in July and April, respectively, when these 2 species attain their optimal nutritional status. In contrast, diet diversity and food intake are inversely correlated in P. pilicornis. Evidently, resource sharing between blenniid species in the rocky shore habitat is clearly structured, but subject to seasonal dynamics. It is concluded that food niche analyses should consider seasonal plasticity in feeding patterns and refrain from premature conclusions based on short-term studies.  相似文献   

The evolution of the North Pacific Ecosystem Model for Understanding Regional Oceanography (NEMURO) family of models to study marine ecosystems is reviewed. Applications throughout the North Pacific have shown the models to be robust and to be able to reproduce 1D, 2D and 3D components of nutrient, carbon cycle and biogeochemical cycles as well as aspects of the lower trophic levels ecosystem (phyto- and zooplankton). NEMURO For Including Saury and Herring, an extension that includes higher trophic levels, can be run uncoupled or coupled to NEMURO. In the uncoupled mode, the growth and weight of an individual fish is computed using plankton densities simulated by NEMURO but with no feedback between fish consumption and plankton mortality. In the coupled mode, the feeding, growth and weight of a representative fish are computed, and prey removals due to feeding by fish appear as mortality terms on the prey. The NEMURO family of models continues to evolve, including effects of the microbial loop and iron limitation at lower trophic levels, and full life cycle, multi-species and multi-generational simulations at higher trophic levels. We outline perspectives for future end-to-end modeling efforts that can be used to study marine ecosystems in response to global environmental change.  相似文献   

The results of detailed morphological, experimental, field and modelling studies on various aspects of the trophic ecology of sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Benguela ecosystem are synthesised, and differences in the trophodynamics of these two species are highlighted. Anchovy possess a relatively coarse branchial apparatus; feed predominantly by particulate-feeding and maximise their net energetic gain by using this feeding mode; show higher weight-standardised clearance rates than do sardine for prey >580μm; are most efficient at assimilating nitrogen from zooplankton and excrete <50% of ingested nitrogen; feed inefficiently on phytoplankton and derive the bulk of their dietary input from larger zooplankton; and maximise their scope for growth on mesozooplankton. In contrast, sardine possess a relatively fine branchial apparatus; feed predominantly by filter-feeding and maximise their net energetic gain by using this feeding mode; show higher weightstandardised clearance rates than do anchovy for prey <580μm; are most efficient at assimilating nitrogen from zooplankton but excrete >50% of ingested nitrogen; are able to feed on phytoplankton but derive the bulk of their dietary input from smaller zooplankton; and maximise their scope for growth on microzooplankton. These differences provide compelling evidence that anchovy and sardine are trophically distinct, and indicate that the two species show resource partitioning based on zooplankton size. The implications of these trophic differences for ecosystem functioning are discussed, and support the hypothesis that species alternations between anchovy and sardine, both in the southern Benguela and in other upwelling ecosystems, are likely to be trophodynamically mediated.  相似文献   

王楠  李超伦 《海洋与湖沼》2012,43(3):480-485
海月水母在全球范围内大量暴发,严重危害海洋生态系统的健康以及鱼类资源的可持续利用。本文以卤虫无节幼体为饵料,初步研究了水母伞径和饵料密度对海月水母个体捕食率的影响以及海月水母的昼夜捕食节律。研究结果表明,海月水母的伞径对其捕食率的影响极显著(P<0.01),在1—8cm范围内,随着伞径的增加个体捕食率线性增加,两者之间的关系式为y=0.044x+0.125(R2=0.9036)。饵料密度对海月水母捕食率的影响显著(P<0.05),在0.25—26.11mgC/L范围内,随饵料密度的增加个体捕食率呈线性增加趋势,关系式为y=0.508x(R2=0.958)。在饵料充足时,海月水母没有昼夜捕食节律。在高饵料密度下海月水母出现过剩捕食,但是捕食行为依然活跃。上述结果既为量化评估海月水母对浮游动物群体的捕食压力提供了基础参数,同时水母过剩捕食行为说明依据生物量和代谢率的推算结果可能低估自然海域水母队浮游动物的捕食压力。  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected using 505, 160 and 77 μm mesh nets around a power plant during four seasons in 2011. We measured total length of zooplankton and divided zooplankton into seven size classes in order to explore how zooplankton community size-structure might be altered by thermal discharge from power plant. The total length of zooplankton varied from 93.7 to 40 074.7 μm. The spatial distribution of mesozooplankton(200-2 000 μm) populations were rarely affected by thermal discharge, while macro-(2 000-10 000 μm)and megalo-zooplankton(10 000 μm) had an obvious tendency to migrate away from the outfall of power plant.Thus, zooplankton community tended to become smaller and biodiversity reduced close to power plant.Moreover, we compared the zooplankton communities in three different mesh size nets. Species richness,abundance, evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the 505 μm mesh size were significantly lower than those recorded from the 160 and 77 μm mesh size. Average zooplankton abundance was highest in the 77 μm mesh net((27 690.0±1 633.7) ind./m~3), followed by 160 μm mesh net((9 531.1±1 079.5) ind./m~3), and lowest in 505 μm mesh net((494.4±104.7) ind./m~3). The ANOSIM and SIMPER tests confirmed that these differences were mainly due to small zooplankton and early developmental stages of zooplankton. It is the first time to use the 77 μm mesh net to sample zooplankton in such an environment. The 77 μm mesh net had the overwhelming abundance of the copepod genus Oithona, as an order of magnitude greater than recorded for 160 μm mesh net and 100% loss through the 505 μm mesh net. These results indicate that the use of a small or even multiple sampling net is necessary to accurately quantify entire zooplankton community around coastal power plant.  相似文献   

There is currently a critical knowledge gap in how eutrophication and climate variables separately and interactively impact the dynamics of marine ecosystems. Based on long-term monitoring data we quantified the separate and combined impacts of nutrient loading, temperature, salinity, and wind conditions on zooplankton, zoobenthos and fish inhabiting a brackish water ecosystem in the Gulf of Riga. Changes in zoobenthos communities and herring stock were largely explained by climate variables. Zooplankton species were related to both eutrophication and climate variables, and models combining all environmental variables explained additional variation in zooplankton data compared to the separate models of climate and eutrophication. This suggests that zoobenthos communities and herring stock are largely driven by weather conditions, whereas the combined effect of weather and nutrient loads are likely the cause for dynamic zooplankton communities in the Gulf of Riga.  相似文献   

毛颚类是热带近岸海域中上层鱼类的食物来源, 同时又是重要的肉食性浮游动物, 数量丰富, 然而其维持种群结构的生存策略尚不清晰。本文运用分子生物学技术, 分析了三亚湾海域毛颚类优势种肥胖软箭虫(Flaccisagitta enflata)成体与幼体的肠道食物组成, 以期从食物资源利用的角度揭示其维持种群结构的营养策略。研究结果显示, 幼体和成体摄食的浮游生物种类分别为21种和19种, 共同的食物类群有桡足类、小型水母类、硅藻和多毛类。成体与幼体食物偏好差异显著, 成体主要的食物来源是小型水母类(59%), 而幼体主要的食物来源是桡足类(60%); 幼体营养生态位(5.16)高于成体(2.89), 且二者食物重叠度低(0.21), 表明成体与幼体食物分化明显。研究结果揭示, 即使成体与幼体大量共存, 它们也可以通过摄食分化避免食物资源竞争, 这种分配策略对毛颚类保证足够幼体存活率和维持种群数量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management of marine fisheries requires the use of simulation modelling to investigate the system-level impact of candidate fisheries management strategies. However, testing of fundamental assumptions such as system structure or process formulations is rarely done. In this study, we compare the output of three different ecosystem models (Atlantis, Ecopath with Ecosim, and OSMOSE) applied to the same ecosystem (the southern Benguela), to explore which ecosystem effects of fishing are most sensitive to model uncertainty. We subjected the models to two contrasting fishing pressure scenarios, applying high fishing pressure to either small pelagic fish or to adult hake. We compared the resulting model behaviour at a system level, and also at the level of model groups. We analysed the outputs in terms of various commonly used ecosystem indicators, and found some similarities in the overall behaviour of the models, despite major differences in model formulation and assumptions. Direction of change in system-level indicators was consistent for all models under the hake pressure scenario, although discrepancies emerged under the small-pelagic-fish scenario. Studying biomass response of individual model groups was key to understanding more integrated system-level metrics. All three models are based on existing knowledge of the system, and the convergence of model results increases confidence in the robustness of the model outputs. Points of divergence in the model results suggest important areas of future study. The use of feeding guilds to provide indicators for fish species at an aggregated level was explored, and proved to be an interesting alternative to aggregation by trophic level.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on cyanobacteria‐zooplankton interactions have largely focused on the inadequacy of cyanobacteria as a food source. Some features of cyanobacteria can be regarded as anti‐herbivore defences. Large colonies of Aphanizomenon, Anabaena and Microcystis cannot be handled by zooplankton, but do not interfere seriously with the filtering process. Small colonies and filaments, however, may cause severe inhibition of the feeding process by mechanical interference. This reduces zooplankton growth, reproduction, and survival. Copepods, rotifers, and Bosmina are less affected by mechanical disturbance than cladocerans. If ingested, some cyanobacteria may be poorly digested or may not provide essential nutrients. Some cyanobacteria are reported to be toxic to zooplankton. Several strains of Microcystis produce an endotoxin, but the amount of toxin produced differs among strains and with the condition of Microcystis. Zooplankton encountering toxic cells cease feeding. Some evidence of an extra‐cellular herbivore deterrent was found for Anabaena. Thus, cyanobacteria may either be individually protected or may create an environment that is unfavourable for efficient grazers (e.g., Daphnia).  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONNoctilucascintillansandProrocentrumsigmoidesredtideshavebecomeacommondisasteralongthecoastoftheDapengBay,theSouthChinaSea(QiandHuang,1991;HuangandQi,1992a,b,1993,1995,1996;Huangetal.,1998a).Zooplanktonhasbeenstudiedintheoryandapplicationofgreymodel(Huangetal.,1998b).Someresearchersbelievethatthemagnitudeofthesespectacularoutbreakshasconsiderablyincreasedespeciallyintheeutrophicareas.AlthoughNoctilucaandProrocentrumbloomsaretheso-calledharmless,theiroutbreaksinChinahavebe…  相似文献   

Partitioning of temperature resources amongst an estuarine fish assemblage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Temperature (i.e. habitat at any given temperature) is an ecological resource for which organisms compete to maximise growth and other fitness measures, but the temperature (thermal habitat)-resource concept has not been widely applied to the study of estuarine fish. Temperature–abundance relationships for 16 fish and four invertebrate species from the Thames estuary were analysed to test hypotheses regarding temperature resource partitioning. Significant temperature–abundance models were apparent, explaining >65% of the variability in 13 fish species and 50% of variability in three invertebrate species. Fish demonstrated differential responses to temperature across the range. Invertebrates generally preferred warmer conditions than fish. Calculated thermal niche breadths indicated species preferenda spread across the recorded temperature range and some separation along the thermal niche axis within the same functional guild or taxonomic group. Calculated overlap coefficients and resource separation ratios provided some evidence for resource separation and demonstrated that species closely aligned on other niche axes (e.g. physical habitat use, feeding type) were most likely to be separated in terms of their use of thermal habitat resources, suggesting where other niche axes variables are not separating species, division of the temperature resources may be preventing competition between fish species. Few fish species demonstrated significant overlap with potential invertebrate prey, suggesting facultative use of the estuary to exploit optimal thermal habitat rather than food supply. The temporal migration pattern of fish in estuaries is therefore interpreted as a response to resource separation along the temperature axis which limits potential competition between functionally or taxonomically similar species. Thermal resource partitioning in estuaries has temporal rather than spatial dimensions and provides an example of the niche compression/expansion hypothesis.  相似文献   

海洋生态系统动力学模型是研究海洋生态环境的重要手段。随着模型的发展, 生态参数取值不确定性增加, 对模型结果的影响逐渐增大, 因此模型参数优化显得尤为重要。本研究在南海北部应用一维物理-生态耦合模型, 通过对模型生态参数进行敏感性分析, 获取关键生态参数, 利用遗传算法对参数进行优化。结果表明, 模型中的敏感参数主要集中于浮游植物生长和浮游动物生长、摄食和死亡以及碎屑沉降等过程。针对以上参数利用遗传算法优化, 发现仅加入表层卫星数据, 模型表层和垂向模拟误差分别降低27.80%和21.40%; 加入垂向观测数据, 表层和垂向模拟误差分别降低14.90%和32.70%。遗传算法应用于海洋生态模型的关键参数优化研究, 所获取的参数对模型有明显的改善效果, 提高了耦合模型对生态系统的模拟精度, 为参数优化在三维模型中的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

Platynereis dumerilii is found in large numbers in parchment-like tubes attached to sublittoral accumulations of detached maroalgae (principally Laminaria saccharina) in Kames Bay, Isle of Cumbrae and Lochranza, Isle of Arran. Its rôle in weed decomposition has been examined by comparing its responses (behavioural choice, growth rates, absorption efficiencies of both carbon and protein, gut retention times and rate of faecal output) to fresh and rotting weed. Worms grew significantly on either diet, with older individuals gaining more weight than small individuals. Animals of a standard size (derived from measurements of maximum bite size) feeding on fresh weed, however, grew significantly faster than those feeding on rotting weed. The former had a significantly higher protein absorption efficiency which was linearly related to protein content of ingested weed. This was not so on rotting weed. Organic carbon absorption efficiencies did not differ significantly between the two groups, neither did gut retention times nor rates of faecal output. Given a choice, Platynereis chooses to build its tube, and to feed, on fresh kelp—a strategem which ensures both maximum scope for occupancy before fronds decay and a superabundance of preferred food. Platynereis feeds around its tube entrance, recropping small areas for 2–3 days, prior to switching to another area nearby. Ciliate population densities on Platynereis faeces are much lower than on either homogenized or intact weed, associated with their lower, nutritional value (at first). Platynereis bubes act to bind kelp fronds together stabilizing the faecal input to infaunal detritivores. Platynereis is an example of a detritivore which exploits the detrital substratum directly.  相似文献   

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