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In the last four years, carbon-intensive, coal-dependent South Africa has become one of the leading global destinations for renewable energy investment. This investment can be attributed to the unprecedented take off of the country’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers’ Programme (RE IPPPP), a bidding process for the procurement of privately generated, utility scale renewable energy, launched in August 2011. Asserting that energy must be studied within the broader economic, political and social forces in which it is embedded, I explore the fundamental role that different modes of finance have played in shaping South Africa’s emerging renewable energy sector within the context of the country’s unique system of accumulation characterised by its minerals-energy complex (MEC) (Fine and Rustomjee, 1996). I focus on finance and financialisation as growing features within the MEC. I further examine the tension or incompatibility between commercial demands for ‘bankability’, short-term shareholder value and impatient finance and RE IPPPP’s unique requirements for community ownership of projects and the realisation of economic development criteria. I find that a reconfiguration of long-standing MEC actors, particularly in the realms of finance is taking place as they merge with new sources of foreign capital.  相似文献   

中资企业海外矿业投资面临公开资料少、距离远、工作程度低等问题,很难客观评估项目好坏,给海外投资带来巨大风险.本文以非洲铜矿项目为例,提出了一种定性与定量相结合的多因素综合评价方法,针对不同矿床类型,通过开展典型项目研究,构建综合评价指标体系,建立评价模型,从资源禀赋、资源潜力、开发条件以及可获得性四个方面开展项目综合评...  相似文献   

This article is a review of A. I. Perel'man's book "Landscape Geochemistry" (1961). The first part of the book deals with the theoretical aspects and basic theory of geochemical landscapes. This is followed by a short section on the main aspects of the geography of geochemical landscapes. Geochemical landscapes are classified on the basis of the motion of matter in the third part of the book, which is followed by a discussion of the geochemical features of landscapes of the geologic past. The last part of the book deals with the geochemistry of individual elements in landscapes, and contains sections on the practical applications of landscape geochemistry. The reviewer notes that geologists concerned with geochemical prospecting methods should make this well-written book part of their basic library. — R. D. DeRudder.  相似文献   

For risk analyses not only knowledge about the impact of different types of hazards, but also information about the elements and values at risk is necessary. This article introduces a methodology for a countrywide estimation of asset values for commercial and industrial properties using Germany as an example. It consists of a financial appraisal of asset values on the municipal level and a further disaggregation by means of land use data. Novelties are the distinction of 60 economic activities, the consideration of production site sizes and the application of a dasymetric mapping technique for a sector-specific estimation and disaggregation of asset values. A validation with empirical data confirms the feasibility of the calculation. The resulting maps can be used for loss estimations e.g. in the framework of cost–benefit analyses that aim to evaluate hazard mitigation measures or for portfolio analyses by banks and insurance companies. The approach can be used for other countries if the necessary data is available (mainly in industrialized countries). In any case, it reveals the critical points when estimating commercial and industrial asset values.  相似文献   

地球化学工程学——为环境治理服务的地球化学新分支   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
陈明  苏养水等 《地质通报》2002,21(7):441-449
地球化学工程学是地球化学的新分支学科,一经提出就由于富有哲理的科学思想、高效简单的技术、巨大的环境-经济-社会效益而受到地球化学家、环境学家、环保公司和政府部门的重视,并迅速进入NASDAQ市场。地球化学工程学的概念和应用包括稳定化、净化和适宜化,治理途径可归结为降解、中和、浓缩、稀释、隔离和固定等自然界常见的地球化学作用。许多看起来简单的地球化学过程在环境治理与管理中发挥了巨大作用。  相似文献   

Large national budgets are required for flood damage reduction projects, making it critical to ensure that public money used therein be spent efficiently. Accordingly, reliable assessment of flood damage is a critical issue in analysis of the economic aspects of flood damage reduction projects. To this end, this study aims to provide a GIS (geographical information system)-based technique for distributed flood damage assessment. We consider two aspects of flood damage assessment from an engineering and economic perspective, i.e. flood inundation analysis and multi-dimensional flood damage analysis (MD-FDA). To perform this assessment, we used a GIS-based framework and data processing method to assess damages. The proposed methodology was applied to flood control channel projects for flood disaster prevention in the Anyang Stream Basin in Korea and presents detailed GIS data processing and assessment results. Findings from this study may contribute to the improvement of usability of MD-FDA and may provide research directions for integrating economic and engineering factors. This distributed technique will also assist in the decision-making process when evaluating the economic feasibility of flood damage reduction projects for structural and non-structural measures.  相似文献   

王烨  陈爱平 《岩矿测试》2012,31(2):355-360
土壤地球化学样品分析测试质量控制目前采用内部质量控制和外部质量控制相结合方法,重点从准确度、精密度、虚拟图等方面确保元素地球化学图成图质量,应用效果良好,不足之处是规范未规定统一的分析方法及评价分析质量等级的参数。分析系数是评价分析结果准确度和精密度的一个综合指标,既适用于实验室内部质量控制,又适用于实验室间质量控制,其评价方法简便易懂、量化直观,但在地矿实验室较少应用,有较好的推广应用价值。文章应用分析系数法评价河南省农业地质调查样品中4个日常监控土壤标准物质中52个项目的分析质量水平。依据多目标区域地球化学调查规范(1∶250000)相关指标计算出分析系数允许限,划分了质量评定等级并进行了实际应用。研究结果显示,4个土壤标准物质共208个分析项目中,其中138个项目达到优秀级,58个项目为良好级,12个项目为及格,总体分析质量好。对分析质量差的Se、Cr、I、Br、Th、C、Pb、Cd等8个项目,应查明原因,采取相应措施,提高这些项目分析的准确度和精密度。  相似文献   

泥石流防治工程效果后评价初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
防治工程效果后评价是泥石流灾害防治工作中的重要环节,一方面可用以检验防治工程质量、机理认识及方案选取合理性等,另一方面可以为后续泥石流灾害治理提供借鉴。依据大量西北地区典型泥石流防治工程实例,引入建设项目后评价理论,筛选出3项一级指标、10项二级指标,建立泥石流防治工程效果后评价指标体系如下:防治目标有效性,包括地形地貌变化度、固源物质固化度、疏导排水畅通度; 工程效果效益性,包括经济效益产出度、环境效益发挥度、社会效益明显度; 防治方案合理性,包括灾害机理认知度、参数取值安全度、防治工程协调度、工程实施难易度。采用层次分析法确定权值的模糊综合评判理论,建立泥石流防治工程效果后评价模型,以西安临潼大水沟泥石流防治工程为例,检验模型效果良好,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

自森林沼泽景观区1∶20万区域化探工作开展以来,各个单位、不同阶段工作方法技术各有不同,工作效果不明显。中国地质科学院地球物理地球化学勘查研究所近年来通过研究制定了新的工作方法技术,通过应用取得了较好的效果,为此本文仅以内蒙古一二五公里幅1∶20万区域化探新、旧方法技术的应用效果对比进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

Geochemical mapping in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
China's National Geochemical Mapping Project (Regional Geochemistry-National Reconnaissance, RGNR project) was initiated in 1979. From 1978 to 1982, cooperative research projects were carried out for the preparation and distribution of standard reference samples and for the development of field sampling techniques, multi-element analytical methodology and a unified data quality monitoring procedure. Large pilot surveys were also commenced in several provinces. After five years of technical preparation, the project came into its full implementation. More than 5 million km2 of Chinese land surface has been covered by this project. During 1993–1995, another national geochemical project, under the name of ‘Environmental geochemical monitoring network and dynamic geochemical maps in China’ as a pilot survey to choose the suitable sampling medium for the global geochemical mapping application, was carried out in China. The remarkable achievements of China's geochemical mapping projects are widely recognized. Nearly 66% of new discoveries of economic mineralization by MGMR were attributed to the RGNR project. New concepts and new methodologies have emerged through these projects. They also made a great contribution to the international activity toward standardization of geochemical mapping methodology and the possible realization of wide-spaced global geochemical mapping.  相似文献   

沪蓉西主干线施谭坝边坡工程最优坡比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李景  李彧磊  晏鄂川 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):439-441
山区高速公路建设中会遇到大量的边坡开挖,其坡比对工程的设计与投资影响较大。因此研究边坡坡比的优化问 题,具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。为了保证边坡开挖工程既安全可靠又经济合理,在分析边坡工程地质条件的基础上,采用剩余推力法计算天然斜坡的稳定性。并根据规范从经济效益考虑,确定在开挖与支护总费用最低时的边坡开挖坡比为最优坡比。实例分析表明,施谭坝边坡工程的最优坡比为1: 0.65,该稳定性分析方法及最优坡比优化设计方案具有实用性和合理性。  相似文献   

废弃露采矿山环境治理工程规划投资估算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章将废弃露采矿山治理概化为岩质边坡绿化和废弃地整治两大工程,采用单位面积标准投资估算法,分析确定治理工程投资的社会经济状况、岩质边坡形态特征、环境破坏程度等影响因素系数,并用工程实例确定岩质边坡工程绿化单价系数和废弃地整治单价系数。根据上述方法估算了镇江市规划期内(2006~2010年)废弃露采矿山环境治理工程总投资。  相似文献   

水土地质、工程地质、环境地质工作对经济建设和社会发展的关系十分密切,过去十年来,取得了多方面的成就。在这一进程中,物探、遥感、化探得到了不同程度的应用,发挥了显著的作用。在当前正在进行的新一轮水文地质、工程地质、环境地质勘察中,应当更加充分而有效地发挥物探、遥感、化探的作用。文中提出了实现这一目标的措施性意见。  相似文献   

上海地区水平定向钻进铺管(HDD)钻遇不易成孔的砂性软土的概率甚高,这种地层对泥浆性能有特殊要求。但目前普遍使用的复配型增效商品土粉基调相近,难以就大量工程个案恰如其分地发挥关键功效。为此,论述了该类工程环境下泥浆性能设计要点,分析了材料添配的作用机理,重点给出了泥浆密度、粘度、切力以及失水量等参数调控的宜于实用的若干配材技术,以提供相类似工程条件下泥浆运用的可参考方法。  相似文献   

双排钢板桩结构是由两排钢板桩、桩间土和拉杆组成的挡土、止水复合结构,由于其较土石围堤占地面积小、施工速度快,较钢板桩整体性好,抗地震和波浪等动力稳定性好,在水利、水运、海岸工程中广泛应用。但由于钢板桩受地质条件影响较大,其使用效果和投入成本不尽相同。本文重点搜集和调查了国内外海岸带工程中使用双排钢板桩的工程案例,分别针对岩溶发育的岩性地基,高渗透性的砂性地基和深厚淤泥质软土地基对双排钢板桩的性能影响和设计约束进行分析。结合原有地质条件和设计资料,采用有限元软件补充计算分析,分析研究在各种不同类型的工程地质条件和水文条件下双排钢板桩的应用效果,总结双排钢板桩在海岸带不同工程地质条件下的适用性。发现在岩溶发育地层施工双排钢板桩需要防止打桩造成垂直度差和岩溶连通性带来的渗漏问题;在砂土地层需要防止钢板桩倾斜变形造成锁扣止水性能劣化,进而导致渗漏水甚至出现流砂;在淤泥地层施工时打入桩施工和桩身止水性能都能得到保证,但可能发生较大桩身整体变形,同时应考虑内侧坑底加固以避免踢脚稳定性破坏。本文的研究对发展海岸带生态工程地质和沿海韧性水工建筑物具有工程指导价值。  相似文献   

王秋舒 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1304-1314
赞比亚是非洲第二大铜钴矿资源国,不仅云集了嘉能可集团和第一量子集团等国际矿业巨头,也是中资企业第四大境外矿业投资国,在非洲乃至世界矿业领域占据重要的地位。本文从构造演化与成矿的关系角度划分赞比亚的地质构造单元,并通过跟踪研究赞比亚矿产资源勘查开发动态和矿业投资政策变化情况,分析研判矿业国际投资发展前景。本文认为赞比亚从太古代到中-新生代经历了5个大的构造事件,形成了8个构造单元,随着复杂的地质构造运动,境内产出了砂页岩型铜钴矿床、VMS型铅锌矿床、花岗伟晶岩型锡钨钽矿床等丰富的矿产资源,但全国仅18%的矿业项目进入了生产阶段,矿业发展潜力巨大,同时其投资环境相对良好。在此基础上,本文提出在赞比亚开展矿业投资,需谨慎评估矿业政策和运输贸易成本方面的因素,最大化的利用投资激励政策和产业园区的优势,赞比亚将成为矿业国际产能合作的热土。  相似文献   

介绍4种化学灌浆材料的性能、特点和优点,分析混凝土裂缝的形成,以及化学灌浆用于混凝土防渗堵漏与粘结补强的工艺流程和效果检测方法。并通过数个工程实例说明其应用,为类似工程提供实践经验。  相似文献   

This note presents the first results of the development of 3D high-resolution marine seismic method designed for scientific application. A particular attention was paid to the realisation of an operational system to be in agreement with the expected goals in term of acquisition and processing. To cite this article: Y. Thomas et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Australians have long been sensitive about water problems, and water management has been a highly politicised activity. The ‘making the desert bloom’ dream affected Australia as it did the Western United States. The 1950s and 1960s witnessed an extraordinary surge of engineering activity in major water development projects that could not be justified when proper economic analyses of the costs and resultant benefits were conducted. In this paper it will be argued that the ‘engineering fix’ approach owed its existence to the unanimous, unchallenged belief in the scarcity of Australia's water resources. The evidence and rationale for this belief are examined and it is argued that water is not scarce in a physical sense. However, the collection, storage and distribution of supplies are costly and economic scarcity exists, partly a product of resource misallocation and subsidised use.  相似文献   

成矿流体活动的地球化学示踪研究综述   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
成矿流体活动的地球化学示踪是近年来流体地球化学研究的一个新趋势。通过流体来源示踪、运移示踪和定位示踪可以追溯流体活动的全过程,对恢复流体活动历史、演化历程具有积极意义。对成矿流体活动的地球化学示踪方法进行了一定的总结,对人们常用的地球化学示踪方法--同位素地球化学示踪、无素地球化学示踪、包裹体地球化学示踪及气体地球化学示踪的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

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