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The Cepheus A star-forming region has been investigated through a multiline H2S and SO2 survey at millimetre wavelengths. Large-scale maps and high-resolution line profiles reveal the occurrence of several outflows. Cep A East is associated with multiple mass-loss processes: in particular, we detect a 0.6-pc jet-like structure which shows for the first time that the Cep A East young stellar objects are driving a collimated outflow moving towards the south.
The observed outflows show different clumps associated with definitely different H2S/SO2 integrated emission ratios, indicating that the gas chemistry in Cepheus A has been altered by the passage of shocks. H2S appears to be more abundant than SO2 in high-velocity clumps, in agreement with chemical models. However, we also find quite small H2S linewidths, suggestive of regions where the evaporated H2S molecules had enough time to slow down but not to freeze out on to dust grains. Finally, comparison between the line profiles indicates that the excitation conditions increase with the velocity, as expected for a propagation of collimated bow shocks.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution radio continuum and 6.67-GHz methanol spectral line data are presented for methanol masers previously detected by Walsh et al. (1997). Methanol maser and/or radio continuum emission is found in 364 cases towards IRAS -selected regions. For those sources with methanol maser emission, relative positions have been obtained to an accuracy of typically 0.05 arcsec, with absolute positions accurate to around 1 arcsec. Maps of selected sources are provided. The intensity of the maser emission does not seem to depend on the presence of a continuum source. The coincidence of water and methanol maser positions in some regions suggests there is overlap in the requirements for methanol and water maser emission to be observable. However, there is a striking difference between the general proximity of methanol and water masers to both cometary and irregularly shaped ultracompact (UC) H  ii regions, indicating that, in other cases, there must be differing environments conducive to stimulating their emission. We show that the methanol maser is most likely present before an observable UC H  ii region is formed around a massive star and is quickly destroyed as the UC H  ii region evolves. There are 36 out of 97 maser sites that are linearly extended. The hypothesis that the maser emission is found in a circumstellar disc is not inconsistent with these 36 maser sites, but is unlikely. It cannot, however, account for all other maser sites. An alternative model which uses shocks to create the masing spots can more readily reproduce the maser spot distributions.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive near-infrared study of two molecular bow shocks in two protostellar outflows, HH 99 in R Coronae Australis and VLA 1623A (HH 313) in Rho Ophiuchi. New, high-resolution, narrow-band images reveal the well-defined bow shock morphologies of both sources. These are compared with two-dimensional MHD modelling of molecular bows from which we infer flow inclination angles, shock speeds and the magnetic field in the pre-shock gas in each system. With combined echelle spectroscopy and low-resolution K -band spectra we further examine the kinematics and excitation of each source. Bow shock models are used to interpret excitation (CDR) diagrams and estimate the extinction and, in the case of VLA 1623, the ortho–para ratio associated with the observed H2 population. For the first time, morphology, excitation and kinematics are fitted with a single bow shock model.
Specifically, we find that HH 99 is best fitted by a C-type bow shock model (although a J-type cap is probably responsible for the [Fe  ii ] emission). The bow is flowing away from the observer (at an angle to the line of sight of ∼45°) at a speed of roughly 100 km s−1. VLA 1623A is interpreted in terms of a C-type bow moving towards the observer (at an angle to the line of sight of ∼75°) at a speed of ∼80 km s−1. The magnetic field associated with HH 99 is thought to be orientated parallel to the flow axis; in VLA 1623A the field is probably oblique to the flow axis, since this source is clearly asymmetric in our H2 images.  相似文献   

We present Australia Telescope Compact Array observations towards six massive star formation regions, which, from their strong 24 GHz continuum emission but no compact 8 GHz continuum emission, appeared good candidates for hypercompact H  ii regions. However, the properties of the ionized gas derived from the 19 to 93 GHz continuum emission and  H70α+ H57α  radio recombination line data show the majority of these sources are, in fact, regions of spatially extended, optically thin free–free emission. These extended sources were missed in the previous 8 GHz observations due to a combination of spatial filtering, poor surface brightness sensitivity and primary beam attenuation.
We consider the implications that a significant number of these extended H  ii regions may have been missed by previous surveys of massive star formation regions. If the original sample of 21 sources is representative of the population as a whole, the fact that six contain previously undetected extended free–free emission suggests a large number of regions have been mis-classified. Rather than being very young objects prior to UCH  ii region formation, they are, in fact, associated with extended H  ii regions and thus significantly older. In addition, inadvertently ignoring a potentially substantial flux contribution (up to ∼0.5 Jy) from free–free emission has implications for dust masses derived from sub-mm flux densities. The large spatial scales probed by single-dish telescopes, which do not suffer from spatial filtering, are particularly susceptible and dust masses may be overestimated by up to a factor of ∼2.  相似文献   

Research into star-forming regions, evolved HII regions, late-type stars with circumstellar dust shells and comet Halley using spectroscopic observations made with the Hartebeesthoek radio telescope is reviewed.  相似文献   

We present a model for empirically reproducing line profiles of molecular hydrogen emission in bow shocks. The model takes into account bow velocity, dissociation limit, a cooling function, viewing angle, bow shape and a limited form of extinction. Our results show that both geometrical factors and shock physics can significantly affect the profile morphology. In a companion paper we will apply this model to Fabry–Perot observations of bow shocks in the Orion BN–KL outflow.  相似文献   

The first mapping observations of the bipolar HII region S106 in HCN J = 3 - 2 line were made by KOSMA submillimeter telescope in April, 2004. The results show that there is a bipolar outflow centered on the high-mass star S106 IRS4 and that the flat structure of molecular cloud core is perpendicular to the axis of the outflow. This image roughly corresponds to the optical image where a dark lane bisects the bipolar HII region. Together with the optical, infrared and radio data, we conclude that the central UC HII region and molecular outflow formed before the  相似文献   

Class II methanol masers are believed to be associated with high-mass star formation. Recent observations by Walsh et al. and Phillips et al. reported a very low detection rate of radio continuum emission toward a large sample of 6.7-GHz methanol masers. These results raise questions about the evolutionary phase and/or the mass range of the exciting stars of the masers. Here we report the results of a VLA search for 8.4-GHz continuum emission from the area around five Class II methanol masers, four of which were not detected by Walsh et al. at 8.6 GHz. Radio continuum emission was detected in all five fields although only two of the nine maser spot groups in the five fields were found to be superimposed on radio continuum sources that appear to be ultra-compact H  ii (UCH  ii ) regions. This suggests that continuum counterparts for some masers might be found in further surveys for which the sensitivity level is lower than  1 mJy beam−1  . Considering our results as well as observations from other studies of methanol masers we conclude that masers without radio continuum counterparts are most likely associated with high-mass stars in a very early evolutionary stage, either prior to the formation of a UCH  ii region or when the H  ii region is still optically thick at centimetre wavelengths. With one exception all maser spot groups in the five fields were found to be associated with mid-infrared objects detected in the Midcourse Space Experiment survey.  相似文献   

N -band (10.5 μm) and/or Q -band (20.0 μm) images taken with MANIAC on the ESO/MPI 2.2-m telescope are presented for 31 methanol maser sites and 19 ultracompact (UC) H  ii regions. Most of the maser sites and UC H  ii regions are coincident with mid-infrared (MIR) sources to within the positional uncertainties of ∼ 3 arcsec, consistent with the maser emission being powered by the MIR source. The IRAS source positions, however, do not always coincide with the MIR sources.
Based on an average infrared spectral energy distribution, we deduce that the MIR objects are luminous enough that they should also produce a strong ionizing radiation. Some sources are consistent with stars of later spectral type, but not all can be. A number of maser sites show no detectable radio continuum emission associated with MIR emission, despite a powering source luminous enough potentially to produce an UC H  ii region. Since no signs of an UC H  ii region are detected here, these maser sites might be produced during a very early stage of stellar evolution.
We present objects that show evidence of outflow activity stemming from a maser site, exhibiting CO and/or CS line profiles indicative of outflows coincident with the MIR source. These cases are promising examples of maser sites signposting the earliest stages of high-mass star formation.  相似文献   

We present Very Large Array images of a 'double–double radio galaxy', a class of objects in which two pairs of lobes are aligned either side of the nucleus. In this object, B0 925+420, we discover a third pair of lobes, close to the core and again in alignment with the other lobes. This first-known 'triple–double' object strongly increases the likelihood that these lobes represent multiple episodes of jet activity, as opposed to knots in an underlying jet. We model the lobes in terms of their dynamical evolution. We find that the inner pair of lobes are consistent with the outer pair having been displaced buoyantly by the ambient medium. The middle pair of lobes are more problematic – to the extent where an alternative model interpreting the middle and inner 'lobes' as additional bow shocks within the outer lobes may be more appropriate – and we discuss the implications of this on our understanding of the density of the ambient medium.  相似文献   

江治波  杨戟 《天文学进展》2000,18(4):320-335
分子氢的红外振动发射线是显现年轻星质量外流的重要谱线之一。自Gautier等人1976年在猎户座发现年轻星质量外流的分子氢发射开始,人们在银河系内几乎所有的恒星形成区都发现了这种线发射。研究表明,分子氢发射与年轻星周围的其它活动现象(如分子外流和光学喷流)之间有着非常密切的联系。红外和光学喷流代表了年轻星剧烈活动的两个侧面,是喷流与周围介质相互作用强弱不同的表现,这种作用还拖带周围介质,产生分子外流,光学、红外喷流和分子外流组成了恒星形成区壮观的景象,它们是恒星形成活动的重要标志。随着红外探测技术的飞速发展,对年轻星外流活动现象的观测越来越丰富的详细,使人们对这种现象的本质越来越了解。在20世纪90年代NICMOS等大阵列红外探测器投入使用后,红外成像观测有了长足的进步。目前已在70个左右的区域里发现了H2发射,这一数字还在迅速增加,今后的研究主要可能向两个方向发展。其一是高分辨观测,进一步了解H2发射的结构以及与光学喷流和分子外流之间的关系;其二是天观测,了解银河系内的恒星形成H2区发射的大尺度结构和恒星形成的统计分布规律。  相似文献   

Magnetic fields are observed everywhere in the universe. In this review, we concentrate on the observational aspects of the magnetic fields of Galactic and extragalactic objects. Readers can follow the milestones in the observations of cosmic magnetic fields obtained from the most important tracers of magnetic fields, namely, the star-light polarization, the Zeeman effect, the rotation measures (RMs, hereafter) of extragalactic radio sources, the pulsar RMs, radio polarization observations, as well as the newly implemented sub-mm and mm polarization capabilities. The magnetic field of the Galaxy was first discovered in 1949 by optical polarization observations. The local magnetic fields within one or two kpc have been well delineated by starlight polarization data. The polarization observations of diffuse Galactic radio background emission in 1962 confirmed unequivocally the existence of a Galactic magnetic field. The bulk of the present information about the magnetic fields in the Galaxy comes from anal  相似文献   

Using a time-dependent multifluid, magnetohydrodynamic code, we calculated the structure of steady perpendicular and oblique C-type shocks in dusty plasmas. We included relevant processes to describe mass transfer between the different fluids, radiative cooling by emission lines and grain charging, and studied the effect of single- and multiple-sized grains on the shock structure. Our models are the first of oblique fast-mode molecular shocks in which such a rigorous treatment of the dust grain dynamics has been combined with a self-consistent calculation of the thermal and ionization structures including appropriate microphysics. At low densities, the grains do not play any significant rôle in the shock dynamics. At high densities, the ionization fraction is sufficiently low that dust grains are important charge and current carriers and, thus, determine the shock structure. We find that the magnetic field in the shock front has a significant rotation out of the initial upstream plane. This is most pronounced for single-sized grains and small angles of the shock normal with the magnetic field. Our results are similar to previous studies of steady C-type shocks showing that our method is efficient, rigorous and robust. Unlike the method employed in the previous most detailed treatment of dust in steady oblique fast-mode shocks, ours allow a reliable calculation even when chemical or other conditions deviate from local statistical equilibrium. We are also able to model transient phenomena.  相似文献   

We collected almost all Highly Processed Data Products(HPDP)of ISO SWS01 spectra for the Galactic visual carbon stars,infrared carbon stars,extreme carbon stars and carbon-rich proto-planetary nebulae(PPNs).Those infrared spectra are primarily analyzed and discussed.It is shown that either spectral shapes/peaks,or main molecular/dust features are evidenced to change in the sequence of visual carbon stars,infrared carbon stars,extreme carbon stars and carbon-rich PPNs.Statistically,in this sequence,continua are gradually changed from blue to red and locations of spectral peaks of continua are also gradually changed from short wavelengths to long wavelengths.In addition,in this sequence,intensifies of main molecular/dust features are also gradually changed from prominent in the short wavelengths to prominent in the long wavelengths.Furthermore,from 2MASS and IRAS photometric data,the sequence is also proved.Results in this paper strongly support the previous suggestion for the evolution sequence of carbon-rich objects in our Galaxy,that is the sequence of visual carbon stars→infrared carbon stars→extreme carbon stars→carbon-rich PPNs.  相似文献   

Long-slit spectra of the molecular outflow Herbig–Haro (HH) 46/47 have been taken in the J and K near-infrared bands. The observed H2 line emission confirms the existence of a bright and extended redshifted counter-jet outflow south-west of HH 46. In contrast with the optical appearance of this object, we show that this outflow seems to be composed of two different emission regions characterized by distinct heliocentric velocities. This implies an acceleration of the counter-jet.
The observed [Fe  ii ] emission suggests an average extinction of 7–9 visual magnitudes for the region associated with the counter-jet.
Through position–velocity diagrams, we show the existence of different morphologies for the H2 and [Fe  ii ] emission regions in the northern part of the HH 46/47 outflow. We have detected for the first time high-velocity (−250 km s−1) [Fe  ii ] emission in the region bridging HH 46 to HH 47A. The two strong peaks detected can be identified with the optical positions B8 and HH 47B.
The H2 excitation diagrams for the counter-jet shock suggest an excitation temperature for the gas of T ex≈2600 K . The lack of emission from the higher energy H2 lines, such as the 4–3 S(3) transition, suggests a thermal excitation scenario for the origin of the observed emission. Comparison of the H2 line ratios with various shock models yielded useful constraints about the geometry and type of these shocks. Planar shocks can be ruled out whereas curved or bow shocks (both J- and C-type) can be parametrized to fit our data.  相似文献   

Class 0 objects, which are thought to be the youngest protostars, are identified in terms of NIR or radio emission and/or the presence of molecular outflows. We present combined hydrodynamic and radiative transfer simulations of the collapse of a star‐forming molecular core, which suggest two criteria for identifying dense cores with deeply embedded very young protostars that may not be observable in the NIR or radio with current telescopes. We find that cores with protostars are relatively warm (T > 15 K) with their SEDs peaking at wavelengths <170 µm, and they tend to appear circular. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have obtained wide-field thermal infrared (IR) images of the Carina nebula, using the SPIREX/Abu telescope at the South Pole. Emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at 3.29 μm, a tracer of photodissociation regions (PDRs), reveals many interesting well-defined clumps and diffuse regions throughout the complex. Near-IR images  (1–2 μm)  , along with images from the Midcourse Space Experiment ( MSX ) satellite  (8–21 μm)  have been incorporated to study the interactions between the young stars and the surrounding molecular cloud in more detail. Two new PAH emission clumps have been identified in the Keyhole nebula, and have been mapped in  12CO(2–1)  and  (1–0)  using the Swedish–ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST). Analysis of their physical properties reveals that they are dense molecular clumps, externally heated with PDRs on their surfaces and supported by external pressure in a similar manner to the other clumps in the region. A previously identified externally heated globule containing IRAS 10430−5931 in the southern molecular cloud shows strong 3.29-, 8- and 21-μm emission, the spectral energy distribution (SED) revealing the location of an ultracompact (UC) H  ii region. The northern part of the nebula is complicated, with PAH emission intermixed with mid-IR dust continuum emission. Several point sources are located here, and through a two-component blackbody fit to their SEDs we have identified three possible UC H  ii regions as well as a young star surrounded by a circumstellar disc. This implies that star formation in this region is ongoing and not halted by the intense radiation from the surrounding young massive stars.  相似文献   

We report the results of a blind search for 22-GHz water masers in two regions, covering approximately half a square degree, within the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106. The complete search of the two regions was carried out with the 26-m Mount Pleasant radio telescope and resulted in the detection of nine water masers, five of which are new detections. Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these detections have allowed us to obtain positions with arcsecond accuracy, allowing meaningful comparison with infrared and molecular data for the region. We find that for the regions surveyed there are more water masers than either 6.7-GHz methanol, or main-line OH masers. The water masers are concentrated towards the central axis of the star formation region, in contrast to the 6.7-GHz methanol masers which tend to be located near the periphery. The colours of the GLIMPSE point sources associated with the water masers are similar to those of 6.7-GHz methanol masers, but slightly less red. We have made a statistical investigation of the properties of the 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps with and without associated water masers. We find that the water masers are associated with the more massive, denser and brighter 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps. We present statistical models that are able to predict those 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps that are likely to have associated water masers, with a low misclassification rate.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the observation of star-forming regions at visual, infrared and radio wavelengths have demonstrated that disks or rings of dust and molecules are suspected or even seen to exist around newly borne stars. They might be the prestage of a planetary system. Typical objects of this kind which are discussed in some detail are the bipolar nebula S 106 and the molecular cloud surrounding it as well as the CO outflow source in the dark cloud L 1551 with its central infrared star IRS 5.  相似文献   

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