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《Gondwana Research》2002,5(3):649-665
The Mandla lobe in the eastern part of the Deccan volcanic province represents an isolated lava pile having a thickness of ∼900 m. The large thickness of this lava pile and its spatial detachment from the western Deccan outcrop points to a plausible second source. The stratigraphic configuration of the central and eastern Deccan lava sequences and their possible stratigraphic correlation are primarily based on geology and chemical signatures of the lava flows. Based on variations in the incompatible element ratios, the lava sequences of Chindwara, Jabalpur-Seoni and Jabalpur-Piparia sections were classified into four informal formations showing similarity with the southwestern formations. Major and trace element abundances in fifteen lava flows of Jabalpur area are similar to that of the southwestern Deccan lava flows. It has been found that the Ambenali Fm. and a few Khandala and Bushe Fm. flows are present in the northeastern Deccan. The regional mapping and detailed petrographic studies coupled with the lateral tracing have enabled the recognition of thirty-seven physically distinct lava flows and is justified by their major-elemental chemistry. The ‘intraflow variations’ studied in some of the flows is very low for most of the major oxides. These thirty-seven lava flows are grouped into eight chemical types. The order of superposition in this sequence reflects that the older flows occur in the west of the outlier at the Seoni-Jabalpur-Sahapura sector whereas, the younger flows are confined to the Dindori-Amarkantak sector in the east. The spatial disposition of the lava flows suggests that the structural complexity in the lava flow sequence in the Mandla lobe lies between Jabalpur and Dindori. The juxtaposition of distinct groups of lava flows are observed near Deori (flows 1 to 4 abeted aginst flows 5 to 14) and Dindori areas. At Dindori and towards its south the distinct lava packages (flows 15 to 27 and flows 28 to 37) are juxtaposed along the course of Narmada river. The possible explanation for this could be the presence of four post-Deccan faults at Nagapahar, Kundam, Deori and Dindori areas. The vertical shift of chemically distinct lava packages at different sectors in the outlier contravenes the idea of small regional dip and favours the presence of four NE-SW trending post-Deccan faults. Major geochemical breaks, when traced out from section to section, exhibit shifting in heights by approximately 150 m near Nagapahar and 300 m near Deori and Dindori areas. The field, petrographic and major-oxide data sets considered in conjuction with the magnetic chron reversal heights, support the inference that four faults trending NE-SW are present in the Mandla lobe.A commonality in the mineralo-chemical attributes of the infra (Lametas)-/inter-trappean as well as weathered Deccan basalt further favours their derivation from Deccan basalt, implying the availability of Deccan basalt during the Maastrichtian Lameta sedimentation. This observation does not match with the models suggesting an extremely short duration of Deccan volcanism (<0.5 Ma) at the KTB, but is congruent with the models advocating a more prolonged Deccan volcanism.  相似文献   

Olivine Compositions in Picrite Basalts and the Deccan Volcanic Cycle   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Olivine phenocryst compositions and whole-rock chemical compositionsare used to identify primitive picrite basalts from widely separatedparts of the Deccan flood basalt province. Overall, primitivepicrites constitute a significant volume of rocks within theprovince. Most were probably emplaced along deep faults in theCambay graben and Narmada rift regions. We combine mineral compositiondata on previously described samples from boreholes at Dhandhuka,Wadhwan and Botad with information on new finds of picriticbasalts at Paliad, Anila, Pawagarh, Kawant and Ambadongar tohelp delineate the petrogenesis of these mafic rocks, and wealso examine the nature and probable origin of picrite basaltsfrom other regions of the Deccan, such as the Western Ghats.The combined data suggest that the incidence of high-MgO lavasdecreased with time during the Deccan volcanic cycle. KEY WORDS: Deccan Traps; olivine composition; picrite basalts; volcanic cycle  相似文献   

A gravimetric survey on the sea-bottom was performed on the Erimo Seamount by the French submersible “Nautile”. It took place during the second phase of the Kaiko French-Japanese Program. The reference station was established on the Erimo submarine observatory at a depth of 3942 m and from this point the survey of four stations was carried out. The obtained accuracy of the gravity field measurements was about 0.1 mGal.

A three-dimensional model of the seamount and its surroundings was constrained by the free-air anomaly values from the sea surface and from the sea bottom and by the perfect Seabeam topography survey of the whole area. The model which fitted the observed values best, allowed us to identify a low-density layer of coral limestones and volcaniclastics capping the seamount and to define the geometry of the interface between basalts and coral rocks.  相似文献   

In 1984–1985, the Kaiko consortium collected Seabeam, single-channel seismic and submersible sampling data in the vicinity of the Daiichi-Kashima seamount and the southern Japan trench. We performed a prestack migration of a Shell multichannel seismic profile, that crosses this area, and examined it in the light of this unusually diverse Kaiko dataset. Unlike the frontal structure of the northern Japan trench, where mass-wasting appears to be the dominant tectonic process, the margin in front of the Daiichi-Kashima shows indentation, imbrication, uplift and erosion. Emplacement of the front one-third of the seamount beneath the margin front occurs without accretion. We conclude that the Daiichi-Kashima seamount exemplifies an intermediate stage between the initial collision and subduction of a seamount at a continental margin.  相似文献   

Most Large igneous provinces (LIPs) are emplaced within <10 Ma, with a main pulse of the magmatism in<1 Ma[1]. For example, the Siberian Traps [2] and the Deccan Traps [3] were probably erupted within one million years. Many events, such as the Columbia River event, feature a single pulse of magmatism, followed by a protrac-ted period of magmatism at a much lower rate that is linked to a plume tail[4].  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Semi-quantitative and qualitative analyses of the overlapping (postvolcanic) ore mineralization of the main volcanic rock types that compose submarine rises in the Sea of...  相似文献   

Jurassic age volcanic rocks of the Stonyford volcanic complex(SFVC) comprise three distinct petrological groups based ontheir whole-rock geochemistry: (1) oceanic tholeiites; (2) transitionalalkali basalts and glasses; (3) high-Al, low-Ti tholeiites.Major and trace element, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic dataindicate that the oceanic tholeiites formed as low-degree partialmelts of normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB)-source asthenospheresimilar in isotope composition to the East Pacific Rise today;the alkalic lavas were derived from an enriched source similarto that of E-MORB. The high-Al, low-Ti lavas resemble second-stagemelts of a depleted MORB-source asthenosphere that formed bymelting spinel lherzolite at low pressures. Trace element systematicsof the high-Al, low-Ti basalts show the influence of an enrichedcomponent, which overprints generally depleted trace elementcharacteristics. Tectonic discrimination diagrams show thatthe oceanic tholeiite and alkali suites are similar to present-daybasalts generated at mid-oceanic ridges. The high-Al, low-Tisuite resembles primitive arc basalts with an enriched, alkalibasalt-like overprint. Isotopic data show the influence of recycledcomponents in all three suites. The SFVC was constructed ona substrate of normal Coast Range ophiolite in an extensionalforearc setting. The close juxtaposition of the MORB-like olivinetholeiites with alkali and high-Al, low-Ti basalts suggestsderivation from a hybrid mantle source region that includedMORB-source asthenosphere, enriched oceanic asthenosphere, andthe depleted supra-subduction zone mantle wedge. We proposethat the SFVC formed in response to collision of a mid-oceanridge spreading center with the Coast Range ophiolite subductionzone. Formation of a slab window beneath the forearc duringcollision allowed the influx of ridge-derived magmas or themantle source of these magmas. Continued melting of the previouslydepleted mantle wedge above the now defunct subduction zoneproduced strongly depleted high-Al, low-Ti basalts that werepartially fertilized with enriched, alkali basalt-type meltsand slab-derived fluids. KEY WORDS: CRO; oceanic basalts; California  相似文献   

The Shiribeshi Seamount off northwestern Hokkaido, the Sea of Japan, is a rear-arc volcano in the Northeast Japan arc. This seamount is composed of calc-alkaline and high-K basaltic to andesitic lavas containing magnesian olivine phenocrysts and mantle peridotite xenoliths. Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the andesite lavas indicate evidence for the reaction with the mantle peridotite xenoliths and magma mixing between mafic and felsic magmas. Geochemical modelling shows that the felsic end-member was possibly derived from melting of an amphibolitic mafic crust. Chemical compositions of the olivine phenocrysts and their chromian spinel inclusions indicate that the Shiribeshi Seamount basalts in this study was derived from a primary magma in equilibrium with relatively fertile mantle peridotites, which possibly represents the mafic end-member of the magma mixing. Trace-element and REE data indicate that the basalts were produced by low degree of partial melting of garnet-bearing lherzolitic source. Preliminary results from the mantle peridotite xenoliths indicate that they were probably originated from the mantle beneath the Sea of Japan rather than beneath the Northeast Japan arc.  相似文献   

<正>Objective The development of continental rifting and seafloor spreading can be predominated by magmatic upwelling(magma-rich)or tectonic stretching(magma-poor).Located in the terminal portion of propagating seafloor spreading of the South China Sea(SCS),the southwestern mid-ridge of the southwest sub-basin(SWSB)of the SCS  相似文献   

南海新生代碱性玄武岩中发育有角闪石捕虏晶。本文以南海新生代碱性玄武岩中的钛闪石为研究对象,对钛闪石的地球化学特征以及形成条件进行了研究,并探讨其地质意义。研究表明钛闪石是岩浆早期高压结晶的产物,其高Ti富Al,Mg#平均为0.68,形成于幔源岩浆中,成分相对于寄主岩为捕虏晶,其主微量元素的成分范围以及微量元素的配分形式与碱性玄武岩中的巨晶角闪石以及捕虏体中的脉状角闪石一致。根据其主量元素的含量,我们计算出了钛闪石形成的温压条件以及结晶深度。按结晶深度钛闪石可分为两期,一期结晶深度较大(35.09~43.74 km),位于岩石圈底部,形成压力在1019~1305 MPa,温度在1049~1066℃;另一期结晶深度相对较小(27.20~27.29 km),位于岩石圈中下部,形成压力在759~771MPa,温度在1031~1078℃。钛闪石是岩浆形成早期在不同深度发生分离结晶的结果,可能记录了导致南海新生代玄武岩由拉斑玄武岩向碱性玄武岩转变的岩石圈变厚的趋势。  相似文献   

The Ueno Basalts of central Japan comprise a monogenetic volcaniccone complex that was active between 2·76 and 1·34Ma. Basalts were erupted at more than 14 centers scattered overa region 40 km in diameter. Alkali basalt was erupted first,followed by sub-alkaline basalt. Quasi-concentric expansionof eruption centers coinciding with uplift and with decreasingalkalinity of the lavas suggests that Ueno magmatism originatedfrom a mantle diapir as it mushroomed at the base of the lithosphere.Depleted asthenospheric mantle (alkali basalt), enriched lithosphericmantle (sub-alkaline basalt), and crustal components are identifiedas chemical end-members in the petrogenesis of the Ueno Basalts.Incompatible trace element abundances indicate that the Uenoalkali basalts are typical within-plate basalts, whereas thesub-alkaline basalts show strong affinities with normal arclavas. Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions indicate thatthe mantle source of the alkali basalts was more depleted thanthat of the sub-alkaline basalts. About 7% melting of asthenosphericmantle in the garnet-lherzolite stability field produced theprimitive alkali basalts and 12% melting of spinel lherzolitewithin the subcontinental lithosphere produced the primitivesub-alkaline basalts. Isotopic compositions and fluid mobile/immobileelement ratios broadly covary with SiO2 contents in the sub-alkalinesuite, and increasing silica content is associated with strongerEMII (Enriched Mantle II) isotope affinities and fluid mobileelement abundances. A progressive AFC (assimilation–fractionalcrystallization) model assuming assimilation of a low-K silicicmelt reproduces the chemical variations observed in the sub-alkalinesuite. Melting of a flattening mantle diapir at the base ofthe lithosphere is the dominant cause of Ueno magmatism, accompaniedby the assimilation of older arc crust. KEY WORDS: arc basalt; crustal assimilation; mantle heterogeneity; Ueno Basalts  相似文献   

Type I (Cr-diopside group) peridotite xenoliths occur abundantlyat four volcanic vents (Szentb?k?lla, Szigliget, Bondor?-hegy,G?rce) in the Transdanubian Volcanic Region of Hungary (TVR).They comprise four-phase spinel Iherzolites and spinel harzburgites.The only additional phase a brown amphibole in some of the nodulesfrom Szigliget. Protogranular and equigranular textures prevailexcept at G?rce where porphyroclastic textures predominate.Attention has been focused however, on a rarer textural typedisplaying spherical, subhedral, or rarely even euhedral spinelinclusions in silicate phases (special group xenoliths). Major and trace element data permit the reconstruction of severalmantle events and provide indications of the nature and dimensionsof heterogeneities in the lithospheric mantle beneath the TVR.The most important events in their supposed order of time aresummarized as follows: (A) An old depletion event evidencedby LREE abundances in diopside (Type IA xenoliths) (B) laterenrichment in LREE and other LIL elements (Type IB xenoliths);(C) hydrous metasomatism bringing about the formation of amphibole;(D) magmatic introduction of Type II (Al-augite group) materialand related chemical exchange reactions with cool mantle rocks;and (E) veining of the uppcr mantle by plagioclase-free amphibolite(probably slightly prior to the volcanic eruptions). In addition,in our interpretation special group xenoliths indicate an ancientmagmatic event. As evidence we can mention: (1) textural featureswhich may be connected with generation of cumulates and whichare associated with (2) anomalous bulk rock and phase chemistry(as compared with most published data) such as: (a) a generallow abundance of Al; (b) high Cr in the spinel phase; (c) unusuallyhigh contents of Fe3+ in spinel; (d) anomalous distributionof Al between enstatite and diopside; and (e) other disequilibriumfeatures such as the lack of the expected correlation of majorelements with mg-value or important departures from the correlationlines. These peculiarities suggest that the special group xenolithsprobably reflect crystal accumulation rather than an equilibriumpartial melting process.  相似文献   

Fluids or melts derived from a subducting plate are often citedas a mechanism for the oxidation of arc magmas. What remainsunclear is the link between the fluid, oxygen fugacity, andother major and trace components, as well as the spatial distributionof the impact of those fluids. To test the potential effectsof addition of a subduction-derived fluid or melt to the sub-arcmantle, olivine-hosted melt inclusions from primitive basalticlavas sampled from across the central Oregon Cascades (43°–45°N)have been analyzed for major, trace and volatile elements andfO2. Oxygen fugacity was determined in melt inclusions fromsulfur speciation determined by electron microprobe and fromolivine–chromite oxygen geobarometry. The overall rangein fO2 based on sulfur speciation measurements is from <–0·25log units to + 1·9 log units (FMQ, where FMQ is fayalite–magnetite–quartzbuffer). Oxygen fugacity is positively correlated with fluid-mobiletrace element and light rare earth element contents in basaltsgenerated by relatively low-degree partial melting. Establishinga further correlation between fO2 and fluid-mobile trace elementabundances with position along the arc requires the basaltsto be subdivided into shoshonitic, calc-alkaline, low-K tholeiiteand enriched intraplate basalt groups. Melt inclusions fromenriched intraplate and shoshonitic lavas show increasing fO2and trace element abundances closer to the trench, whereas calc-alkalinemelt inclusions exhibit no significant across-arc variations.Low-K tholeiitic melt inclusions record an increase in incompatibletrace elements closer to the trench; however, there is no correlatedincrease in fO2. The correlation observed in enriched intraplateand shoshonitic melt inclusions is interpreted to reflect aprogressively greater proportion of a fluid-rich, oxidized subductioncomponent in magmas generated nearer the subduction zone. Significantly,calc-alkaline melt inclusions with high ratios of large ionlithophile elements to high field strength elements, characteristicof ‘typical’ arc magmas, have oxidation states indistinguishablefrom low-K tholeiite and enriched intraplate basalt melt inclusions.The lack of across-arc geochemical variation in calc-alkalinemelt inclusions may suggest that these basalts are not necessarilythe most appropriate magmas for examining recent addition ofa subduction component to the sub-arc mantle. Flux and batchmelt model results produce a wide range of predicted amountsof melting and subduction component added to the mantle source;however, general trends characterized by increased melting andproportion of the subduction component from enriched intraplate,to low-K tholeiite, to calc-alkaline are robust. The model resultsdo not require enriched intraplate, low-K tholeiite and calc-alkalinemagmas to be produced from the same more fertile mantle source.However, enriched intraplate magmas, in contrast to calc-alkalineand low-K tholeiite magmas, cannot be generated from a depletedmantle source. Flux or batch melting of either the more fertileor depleted mantle sources used to generate the low-K tholeiite,calc-alkaline, and enriched intraplate magmas cannot reproduceshoshonitic compositions, which require a significantly depletedmantle source strongly metasomatized by a subduction component.The potential mantle source for shoshonitic basalts has a predictedfO2 (after oxidation) from + 0·3 to + 2·4 logunits (FMQ) whereas the mantle source for low-K tholeiite, calc-alkaline,and enriched intraplate magmas may range from –1·1to + 0·7 log units (FMQ). KEY WORDS: basalt; Cascades; melt inclusions; oxidation state; volatiles  相似文献   

Although barite nodules are extremely rare in the World Ocean, they are rather widespread in the Japan Sea. They were first discovered by Japanese scientists in the Honshu Island borderland (Okada et al., 1971; Sakai, 1971). They were later reported from the North Yamato Rise (Lipkina and Tsoi, 1980) and Okushiri Ridge (Astakhova et al., 1990) (Fig. 1, Table 1). All barite nodules in the Japan Sea are confined to Miocene marine sediments.  相似文献   

南海新生代玄武岩中发育有大量的单斜辉石斑晶,与橄榄石、角闪石等斑晶共存,多数被熔蚀,呈浑圆状,部分发育有很窄的反应边。研究表明单斜辉石具有巨晶的特征,是在高压下在与寄主岩同源的岩浆中形成,没有经历长时间的沉淀生长而直接向上运移被带到地表,因而具有巨晶的主量及微量元素的特征却不具有巨晶的形态。单斜辉石稀土元素含量不高,HREE及LREE亏损,而MREE富集;大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、Sr均出现明显的亏损,高场强元素Nb、Zr出现亏损而Hf略富集。Nb、Ta与Zr、Hf分馏明显。Th较为富集,而Pb强烈亏损,U的变化范围较大。研究发现南海新生代玄武岩中的单斜辉石的来源较为简单,为地幔柱的直接产物,并没有受到洋中脊—地幔柱相互作用的影响,由于岩浆上升速度较快压力迅速下降,橄榄石大量晶出,引起了岩浆成分的变化,致使单斜辉石与寄主岩成分和结构上没有达到平衡。  相似文献   

Deep mantle processes and the dynamic mechanism of magmatism in the Japan Sea Basin are important processes that have not been studied in detail. In this paper, systematic evaluation of basalt samples from the ocean drilling program Site 794 in the Japan Sea was performed, which included petrography, whole-rock major- and trace-element analysis, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic composition, and electron microprobe analysis of plagioclase and clinopyroxene. These basalts belong to the tholeiitic series with porphyritic texture and massive Ca-rich plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and minor olivine phenocrysts. The basalts are characterized as flat rare earth elements and high-field-strength elements with remarkably low ratios of(La/Yb)N(0.75–2.51), significant positive anomalies of Ba, Sr, and Rb and no Eu anomaly(δEu = 0.99–1.36). The samples showed relatively high 87Sr/86Sr(0.70425–0.70522), 207Pb/204Pb(15.511–15.610), and 208Pb/204Pb(38.064–38.557) values and a low 143Nd/144 Nd ratio(0.51271–0.51295). The basalts from Site 794 can be divided into upper, middle, and lower volcanic rocks(UVR, MVR, and LVR) on the basis of their stratigraphic level. The MVR was geochemically derived from the depleted mantle, whereas the UVR and LVR originated from a nondepleted and relatively enriched mantle source with contributions from subducted Pacific plate fluid and sediments. Use of geothermobarometers indicates that the crystallization pressure for the UVR and LVR(6.25–11.19 kbar) was significantly higher than that of the MVR(3.48–5.84 kbar). The UVR and LVR may have been derived from the low-degree(5%–10%) partial melting of spinel lherzolite, while the MVR originated from a shallower mantle source with a high degree(10%–20%) of partial melting. In addition, the geochemical characteristics of the samples are consistent with a younger age(13–17 Ma) and the depleted composition of the MVR and an older age(17–23 Ma) and slightly enriched composition of the UVR and LVR. Therefore, temporal changes in the mantle source from old and enriched to young and depleted and subsequently to old and nondepleted may have been associated with progressive lithospheric extension and thinning, as well as at least two episodes of diverse asthenospheric upwelling and pull-apart tectonic motion in the Yamato Basin.  相似文献   

Detailed studies by submersible were carried out in the axialzone of the Red Sea Rift near 18?N during the Soviet Red Seaexpedition of the Oceanological Institute of the Academy ofSciences (December 1979–March 1980). The initial bathymetric,magnetic and seismic surveys established the general organizationof the symmetric tectonic steps (1–3) descending towardsthe axial rift. The 4–5 km wide inner floor of the riftwas explored during 21 dives. It is occupied by 100–300m high, young pillowed volcanoes, isolated or grouped to formelongated hills, frequently cut by open fissures except in thezone of most recent extrusion. The 42 samples collected are typical plagioclase ? olivine ?clinopyroxene ? spinel, more or less porphyritic mid-ocean ridgebasalts whose compositions were mainly controlled by polybaricfractionation of plagioclase, olivine and minor clinopyroxene.They have been separated into porphyritic and sub-aphyric groupsusing modes and mineralogical criteria. Mineral-liquid equilibria,crystal zonation, and modal proportions indicate some magmamixing but probably only of closely related magma batches withineach described group, as can occur inside a single magma chamber.Crystal accumulation is believed to have played a significantrole in only a few porphyritic samples. Three sub-groups (from less to more evolved; (a) FeO*/MgO<1?22;(b) 1?16<FeO*/MgO < 1?48; and (c)FeO*/MgO>1?49) weredistinguished on the basis of glass and whole-rock major elementchemistry. Glass compositions follow the multisaturated cotectic-likecurve for MORB-type basalts and show a general evolution verycomparable to what is observed on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near36?N, but arc less diverse than in the FAMOUS area. 87Sr/86Sr,143Nd/144Nd, and 206Pb/204Pb data for 4 samples show strongsimilarities to those from the Mid-Atlantic and East PacificRidges, and indicate no continental contamination despite thefact that they have been produced during recent continentalbreak-up and ocean opening. 206Pb/204Pb values, Th/Ta vs. Th/Tbcorrelations, and rare earth element patterns allow recognitionof three different groups of samples, indicating that the RedSea Rift near 18?N is fed by a heterogeneous mantle source.The chondrite-normalized LREE.  相似文献   

宁芜火山岩盆地边缘主要由北东和北西向边界断裂构成。西界为长江破碎带,发育早,属张扭性,切割较浅;东界为方山—小丹阳断裂,属压扭性,切割较深;南、北边界均属扭性,发育最晚。新生代玄武岩喷发受边界断裂性质及其构造演化控制,分三期:早期始于早第三纪,沿长江破碎带分布,属高铝拉斑玄武岩,生成较浅;中期喷发于晚第三纪,主要沿方山—小丹阳断裂分布,先后为响碧玄岩—碱性橄榄玄武岩,多幔源二辉橄榄岩包体、捕虏晶及下伏岩层碎块,生成很深;晚期喷发属早更新世,以富钛响碧空岩为主,受北西及东西向断裂交叉点控制。经计算比较,本区玄武岩不具备找金刚石矿产的前景,但从一些岩筒中深部地层碎块看,盆缘地带仍可能是寻找宁芜盆地本身深部铁矿的目标区。  相似文献   

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