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This paper deals with the dynamic response of buildings due to traffic induced wave fields. The response of a two-storey single family dwelling due to the passage of a two-axle truck on a traffic plateau is computed with a model that fully accounts for the dynamic interaction between the soil and the structure. The results of three cases where the structure is founded on a slab foundation, a strip foundation and a box foundation are calculated and a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic structural response is performed. A methodology is also proposed to calculate the structural response, neglecting the effects of dynamic soil–structure interaction. A comparison with the results of calculations where dynamic soil–structure interaction is accounted for shows that a good approximation is obtained in the case of a rigid structure resting on a soft soil.  相似文献   

The paper describes a case history where during two rock music concerts the audience at the large outdoor stadium Nya Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden, started to jump in time to the music. Violent vibration levels occurred in the ground and a part of the audience observed considerable motion in the structure. Based on finite element analysis, it is concluded that the underlying soft clay of the structure was excited with the same frequency as the beat of the music. The whole clay deposit under the stadium started, therefore, to vibrate with great variations in amplitudes over the field due to the complex geometry. Through interaction with the basement of the structure as well as its deep foundation the waves were transmitted to the superstructure. Parts of the structure framework have natural frequencies close to those of the beat. Consequently they started to vibrate violently.  相似文献   

This paper compares the use of local and global shape functions in a boundary element method that is used in a prediction model for traffic induced vibrations. The boundary element formulation describes the interaction problem between a linear elastic layered half-space and a longitudinally invariant structure representing a road or a railway track. The boundary element formulation in the frequency–wavenumber domain is obtained by means of a weighted residual method. Constant element shape functions, as well as Legendre and Chebyshev shape functions are considered. Their effect on both accuracy and computational effort is investigated. The presence of a singularity in the Chebyshev based shape functions allows to obtain a better approximation for the soil tractions. The theory is applied to road traffic induced vibrations where the response is calculated in a large number of output points.  相似文献   

Following a comprehensive review of the subject of man-made ground vibrations, measurements of ground vibration caused by vibratory sheetpile driving in recent soil deposits are reported in terms of particle velocities vs. distance from the source of vibration. The measurements were conducted on paved surfaces and sidewalks in the inner urban environment. Reconstructed particle displacement paths indicated, predominantly, vertical vibrations of the Rayleigh type. The attenuation rate of vibrations with distance was compared to published results of other studies and satisfactory agreement was found to exist. Values of particle velocity measured in this study, however, were lower than corresponding values of other studies under comparable values of rated vibratory kinetic energy. This is possibly due to different soil conditions. Average and upper bound linear log–log attenuation relationships are proposed, which fit the results of measurements and are representative of the conditions likely to be encountered in the urban environment. Measurement of vibrations on higher floors of multistory reinforced concrete buildings indicated a significant amplification of vertical vibration and an average curve for amplification magnitude vs. floor level was fitted to the results of measurements. A comparison of measured values of vibration with the observed performance of buildings and with damage threshold values suggested by existing codes and standards indicated that the latter do not provide safety against damage caused by vibratory densification of loose sandy soils. On the other hand, the existing criteria for human exposure to vibrations in buildings, according to the results of this study, seem to adequately define the degrees of human discomfort.  相似文献   

This paper studies the response of pipelines to vibrations induced by the operation of a pavement breaker during the rehabilitation of concrete pavements. An efficient two-and-a-half-dimensional (2.5D) formulation is employed, where the geometry of the structure and the soil is assumed to be invariant in the longitudinal direction, allowing for a Fourier transform of the longitudinal coordinate y along the structure to the wavenumber ky. The dynamic soil–structure interaction problem is solved by means of a 2.5D coupled finite element–boundary element (FE–BE) method using a subdomain formulation. The numerical model is verified by means of results available in the literature for a buried pipeline subjected to incident P- and SV-waves with an arbitrary angle of incidence. The presented methodology is capable to incorporate any type of incident wave field induced by earthquakes, construction activities, traffic, explosions or industrial activities. The risk of damage to a high pressure steel natural gas pipeline and a concrete sewer pipe due to the operation of a pavement breaker is assessed by means of the 2.5D coupled FE–BE methodology. It is observed that the stresses in the steel pipeline due to the operation of the pavement breaker are much lower than those induced by the operating internal pressure. The steel pipeline behaves in the linear elastic range under the combined effect of the loadings, indicating that damage to steel pipelines close to the road due to the operation of a pavement breaker is unlikely. The maximum principal stress in the concrete pipe, on the other hand, remains only slightly lower than the specified tensile strength. The decision to use a pavement breaker should hence be taken with care, as its operation may induce tensile stresses in concrete sewer pipes which are of the same order of magnitude as the tensile strength of the concrete. Assessing the risk of damage by means of vibration guidelines based on the peak particle velocity (PPV) gives, for the particular cases considered, qualitatively similar results.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of in situ measurements during dynamic pile testing at a construction site in Louvain-la-Neuve. Main objectives are the investigation of the pile response and the free field vibrations due to low strain dynamic loading on a single cast in situ pile with a 5.5 kg hammer impact on the pile head. Whereas low strain testing is usually performed to assess the integrity of the pile as a structural member, this study focuses on both pile and ground vibrations. The pile head response and ground motions are measured with accelerometers during different blows with the impact hammer. The dynamic characteristics of the soil are determined with a SASW test. Experimental results are compared with predictions obtained with a coupled finite element–boundary element model. The computed pile head and free field response show a good correspondence with the measured response. In addition, the static stiffness of the pile estimated by means of the mobility function shows a very good agreement with the value calculated by an analytical formulation.  相似文献   

Train viaduct behavior and nearby ground motion under the high-speed train passage have been studied in this paper. First, the findings from the field measurement alongside the high-speed Shinkansen railway in Japan are interpreted. Then, the computer simulation is made based on the soil-foundation-viaduct interaction analysis under moving axle loads. The solution method is to apply the dynamic substructure method in the frequency domain. The viaduct girders including track structure and pier supports are modeled by the three-dimensional beam-column elements. The supporting pile foundation and nearby field are discretized by the axisymmetric three-dimensional finite elements and analyzed in a semi-analytical way, with a transmitting boundary replacing the far field based on the thin layer element method. Nearby ground motion during train passage on a viaduct have been calculated by superimposing the effects from neighboring pile foundations.The main parameters affecting viaduct vibrations are discussed by taking environmental vibration into consideration. The nearby ground motion along the viaduct is recomputed by applying the above determined forces to the foundation tops. The results from numerical studies are compared with the field test data, thus proving the present simulation to be effective and reliable.  相似文献   

The dynamic characteristics of two representative R/C bridges on Egnatia Odos motorway in Greece are estimated based on low amplitude ambient and earthquake-induced vibrations. The present work outlines the instrumentation details, algorithms for computing modal characteristics (modal frequencies, damping ratios and modeshapes), modal-based finite element model (FEM) updating methods for estimating structural parameters, and numerical results for the modal and structural dynamic characteristics of the two bridges based on ambient and earthquake induced vibrations. Transverse, bending and longitudinal modes are reliably identified and stiffness-related properties of the piers, deck and elastomeric bearings of the FEMs of the two bridges are estimated. Results provide qualitative and quantitative information on the dynamic behavior of the bridge systems and their components under low-amplitude vibrations. Modeling assumptions are discussed based on the differences in the characteristics identified from ambient and earthquake vibration measurements. The sources of the differences observed between the identified modal and structural characteristics of the bridges and those predicted by FEMs used for design are investigated and properly justified.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical model for the prediction of free field vibrations due to vibratory and impact pile driving. As the focus is on the response in the far field where deformations are relatively small, a linear elastic constitutive behaviour is assumed for the soil. The free field vibrations are calculated by means of a coupled FE–BE model based on a subdomain formulation. First, the case of vibratory pile driving is considered, where the contributions of different types of waves are investigated for several penetration depths. In the near field, the soil response is dominated by a vertically polarized shear wave, whereas in the far field, body waves are importantly attenuated and Rayleigh waves dominate the ground vibration. Second, the case of impact pile driving is considered. A linear wave equation model is used to estimate the impact force during the driving process. Apart from the response of a homogeneous halfspace, it is also investigated how the soil stratification influences the ground vibration for the case of a soft layer on a stiffer halfspace. When the penetration depth is smaller than the layer thickness, the layered medium has no significant influence on ground vibrations. However, when the penetration depth is larger than the layer thickness, the influence of the layered medium becomes more significant. The computed ground vibrations are finally compared with field measurements reported in the literature.  相似文献   

推导了便于工程应用的底边界同时入射三向地震波时地基底边界和四个侧边界相应于黏弹性边界的地震动输入公式;对目前静动力分析中边界条件不统一的解决方法进行了综述,分析了其合理性;由工程实例可以看出,由基本方法求得的结构最大主应力较直接用黏弹性动力边界求解静力问题的方法更加接近实际,而最大主应力往往控制着材料的损伤破坏,因此,虽然操作过程比较麻烦,但仍建议用基本方法求解结构的静动综合响应。  相似文献   

In this paper, a numerical approach for the prediction of vibrations induced in buildings due to railway traffic in tunnel is proposed. The numerical method is based on a sub-structuring approach, where the train is simulated by a multi-body model; the track–tunnel–ground system is modeled by a 2.5D FEM–PML approach; and the building by resource to a 3D FEM method. The coupling of the building to the ground is established taking into account the soil–structure-interaction (SSI). The methodology proposed allows dealing with the three-dimensional characteristics of the problem with a reasonable computational effort. Using the proposed model, a numerical study is developed in order to better discern the impact of the use of floating slabs systems for the isolation of vibrations in the tunnel on the dynamic response of a building located in the surrounding of the tunnel. The comparison between isolated and non-isolated scenarios allowed concluding that the mats stiffness is a key parameter on the efficiency of floating slab systems. Furthermore, it was found that the selection of the stiffness of the mats should be performed carefully in order to avoid amplification of vertical vibrations of the slabs of the building.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the validation of a numerical model for traffic induced vibrations. Road unevenness subjects the vehicle to vertical oscillations that cause dynamic axle loads, which generate waves propagating in the subsoil. A 2D vehicle model is used for the calculation of the axle loads from the longitudinal road profile. The free field soil response is calculated with the dynamic Betti–Rayleigh reciprocity theorem, using a transfer function between the road and the receiver that accounts for dynamic road–soil interaction. The validation relies on the measured response of the vehicle's axles and the soil during the passage of a truck on an artificial unevenness with speeds varying from 30 to 70 km/h. The agreement between the numerical and the experimental results is good: the influence of the vehicle speed and the distance from the road is well predicted, while the ratio of the predicted and the measured PPV is less than two.  相似文献   

Stress distribution in the vicinity of a permeable cylindrical cavity surface (borehole wall) arising due to modal vibrations of an internal cylindrical radiator of infinite extent is studied. Biot phenomenological model is used to represent the behavior of sound in the fluid-saturated elastic porous medium and closed-form solution in the form of an infinite series is developed. A numerical example for the infinite cylindrical surface excited in vibrational modes of zeroth and first order while immersed in a water-filled cavity embedded within a water-saturated Ridgefield Sandstone environment is presented and several limiting cases are examined. Effects of axial and radial vibration frequencies, porosity, frame stiffness, and interface permeability condition on stress distribution at the borehole surface are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The crucial role of stone pavements in arid environments for aeolian or alluvial processes and as numerical dating tools is increasingly acknowledged. This role is based on the assumption that stone pavements are stable landforms, formed gradually over time and predominantly by vertical processes. However, this is challenged by evidence of stone‐pavement clast reworking or burial. Bimodal, mostly slope aspect‐symmetrical clast orientation is a frequent phenomenon in various study areas. It implies that stone pavements may be influenced by unidirectional lateral processes besides vertical ones. Here, the finding of lateral processes contributing to stone‐pavement evolution is supported by numerical modelling and physical experiments. These unequivocally show that unconcentrated overland flow can transport clasts to form a closely packed stone mosaic with characteristics similar to those of natural stone pavements. The commonly observed length‐axes orientation angle of 40 ± 14° for natural stone‐pavement clasts is consistently reproduced by angle‐dependent force equilibrium. Monte Carlo runs confirm the natural scatter and allow characterization of the control parameters of clast orientation. The model explains up to 70% of the natural variance. It is further validated by flume experiments, which confirm model predictions of single object orientation angles. Experiments with multiple objects yield artificial stone pavements with properties similar to those found in the field. The unidirectional lateral process acting on natural stone pavements requires the presence of a vesicular horizon. This underlines the tight genetic coupling of this common epipedon feature and the clast cover. The presented findings highlight the role of stone pavements as process and environment proxies. However, stone pavements represent information since the last surface disturbance only. This has to be considered when using them as age indicators. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地铁交通引起的环境振动的实测与分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文根据现场实测数据,对某地铁交通1号线沿线典型区段引起的环境振动实况和振动特性及传播规律等进行了分析研究。结果表明,地面振动Z振级主要由测点到轨道中心的水平距离决定,并且在离开地铁隧道中心线一定距离范围内,地面振动Z振级存在振动放大区。此外,本文还根据实测资料和现有研究成果提出了该地铁1号线引起环境振动Z振级的统计回归公式。该式从数学表达式的角度反映了振动信号的放大效应,可为预测或估计地铁运营诱发的环境振动提供参考。  相似文献   


时移地震勘探作为储层动态监测的有效手段, 对获取地下介质的弹性或物性参数变化起到了至关重要的作用.由于多期地震勘探之间介质的传播速度存在差异, 同时环境条件、采集方式及处理手段等方面的不同, 都会使地震记录产生走时差异.而这种走时差异对时移地震反演存在着严重的影响, 尤其是基于波动方程的反演方法.为了消除时移差异, 我们引入动态时间规整(DTW)方法实现角道集优化匹配, 以获取地震记录的有效变化信息.此外, 本文提出根据散射理论, 通过弹性波动方程进行时移地震差异反演, 得到地层的差异弹性参数, 实现储层差异定量表征.该方法采用WKBJ近似模拟非均匀背景, 具有更高的反演精度, 尤其是在复杂地质构造条件下优势更加明显.本文对所提出的方法进行了数值模拟实验与实际数据应用, 证明该方法得到的反演结果优于传统方法, 可以实现对地层时移差异的准确刻画.


2015年4月25日尼泊尔发生的8.1级地震,造成重大人员伤亡与经济损失。在地震前、后灾区高分遥感影像分析处理基础上,结合现场实地调查,对灾区房屋建筑及其震害程度进行了遥感解译,编制了地震灾区房屋建筑震害分布图。结果分析表明:尼泊尔地震灾区影像上显示的建筑物震害分布与该区域房屋结构类型、主余震位置和区域活动构造分布密切相关。其中,房屋较为严重倒塌区域主要分布在8.1级主震和7.5级余震震中附近,但这两个区域并没有相连;居民点建筑物个别倒塌的居民地则连成一个区域。影像上显示的建筑物倒塌区域,与多数8级巨大地震比较,总体上极震区震害偏轻,但在南南西(垂直于破裂方向)上展布较宽。这一特征与引发该地震的印度与欧亚大陆板块边缘活动断裂在深部呈近似于平行地表的低角度断层面破裂引起的地震动能量在地表相对较宽而低的分布特征是一致的。  相似文献   

动力机器运行和车辆行驶等会产生振动污染,危及邻近建筑物安全和干扰精密仪器设备正常运行等。这些振动污染可通过在地基中设置空沟的方式来降低或消除。针对饱和地基上明置动力机器基础的环境振动影响及空沟近场隔振问题,进行了饱和地基上空沟近场隔振的现场试验,并对试验结果进行了无量纲化分析;基于饱和土半解析边界元法,分别推导了动力机器基础环境振动影响和空沟近场隔振的边界元方程;在此基础上,详细研究了空沟对动力机器基础振动影响的隔振效果,分析了空沟深度、宽度和距振源距离对其隔振效果的影响。结果表明:空沟能够有效的降低动力机器基础的环境振动影响;空沟宽度对其隔振效果影响相对较小,而空沟深度对其隔振效果影响较大,为获得较好的隔振效果,空沟深度建议取1倍Rayleigh波波长;空沟距振源距离对其隔振效果也有较大影响,距离越远则隔振效果也越好,当被保护建筑距振源较远时,建议空沟在被保护建筑附近设置。此外,在某些特殊情况下,空沟隔振系统会由于共振现象而出现隔振效果劣化的现象,在工程设计中应予以注意。  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal evolution patterns of complete Coulomb stress changes caused by 1988 Ms7.6 earthquake in Lancang-Gengma,Yunnan,are calculated and studied.And the triggering problems of Ms7.2 Gengma shock occurring 13 minutes after the main shock and of Ms5.0―6.9 aftershocks within 24 days after the main shock are discussed.The results show that the spatial distribution patterns of complete Coulomb stress changes of the Ms7.6 main shock are strongly asymmetric.The areas of positive dynamic and static Coulomb stress are both coincident well with the strong aftershocks' locations.The Ms7.2 Gengma shock and most of strong aftershocks are subjected to the triggering effect of dynamic and static Coulomb stresses induced by the Ms7.6 Lancang earthquake.  相似文献   

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