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在进行大气环境质量的评价和预测时,对大气扩散规律的分析是十分重要的.目前普遍采用的方法之一是用观测平衡气球轨迹的方法计算扩散参数.本文对1989年冬季,在玛纳斯电厂用平衡气球轨迹法进行的大气湍流扩散试验资料作了分析计算,并与P-G(帕斯圭尔一吉福德)结果进行了比较,提出了厂区不同稳定度条件下的大气湍流扩散参数σ_y和σ_z,为研究和摸清该区大气污染物的扩散能力提供了依据.  相似文献   

利用牙克石电厂野外平衡球观测资料分别计算了不同稳定度下的大气扩散参数,并与其他结果进行了比较,揭示了牙克石地区大气湍流扩散特征。试验结果仅适用于远距离的高架源排烟计算。  相似文献   

利用无界大气瞬时点源扩散的高斯模式。对飞机线性播撒的催化剂进行了扩散模拟试验,为飞机人工增雨作业提供了1种简单、易于使用的催化剂扩散模拟方法。  相似文献   

利用无界大气瞬时点源扩散的高斯模式 ,对飞机线性播撒的催化剂进行了扩散模拟试验 ,为飞机人工增雨作业提供了 1种简单、易于使用的催化剂扩散模拟方法。  相似文献   

据1983年南京北郊等容球扩散试验资料,估算得该地区的大气扩散参数,并与国外其他示踪扩散试验得的结果、国内江苏仪征试验结果作比较分析。  相似文献   

公路和城市街渠机动车大气污染物扩散模式发展综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市机动车数量的增加,机动车尾气污染已经成为城市污染物的重要来源。研究机动车尾气扩散规律,可为公路建设,车流量控制,街道大气污染的监测、评价与防治提供科学依据。对公路机动车污染物扩散模型的发展进行了回顾,详细论述了高斯模式、数值模式、统计模式等模式的发展历程及其目前存在的问题,并比较了几种典型模式的性能优劣及其各种条件下的适用性。随后对城市街渠峡谷机动车污染物扩散模型进行专述,指出了街渠峡谷模式研究的难点在于街渠流场模拟,介绍了国外最新街渠流场研究方法。最后提出了当前机动车大气污染物扩散模型存在的主要困难,展望了其解决途径和发展的方向。  相似文献   

本文根据宁波北仑地区的大气扩散试验研究,分别提出了适合本地区高架源扩散模式和低矮源或地面源扩散模式使用的大气湍流扩散参数。为该地区的大气环境影响评价及大气环境质量总量控制的数学模型的建立提供了实用参数。  相似文献   

等容气球试验研究包钢地区大气扩散规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文简述了在中国内蒙古包头市包钢地区进行等容气球试验的概况.文中用单个等容气球轨迹和双等容气球组两种方法估算扩散参数,并将此结果与国内外大气扩散试验结果进行了比较分析,同时利用等容气球飞行轨迹对该地区的流场特征进行了分析,并对可能造成的污染情况提出了看法.  相似文献   

伊春市浩良河化肥厂“改造工程”大气扩散参数的监测和计算,填补了黑龙江省半山区环境评价研究的空白。研究结果表明,半山区的大气扩散参数与平原和山区的大气扩散参数差异很大。这对本省未来的工业布局和环境污染研究都具有参考价值。  相似文献   

采用一个基于流体静力平衡的动力学诊断模式对大亚湾核电站厂址区域的气象场进行实际模拟,研究了复杂地形和下垫面对流场的动力和热力作用。数值实验表明:模式能很好地模拟中尺度局地环流的基本特征和变化规律。在模拟气象场的基础上,利用Monte Carlo多源模式计算了污染物的时空分布和干湿沉积量。模拟结果显示:模式很好地反映在海陆风和山谷风环流及排牙山影响下大气参数的非均匀性和非平稳性。  相似文献   

The turbulent exchange of momentum between a two-dimensional cavity and the overlying boundary layer has been studied experimentally, using hot-wire anemometry and particle image velocimetry (PIV). Conditions within the boundary layer were varied by changing the width of the canyons upstream of the test canyon, whilst maintaining the square geometry of the test canyon. The results show that turbulent transfer is due to the coupling between the instabilities generated in the shear layer above the canyons and the turbulent structures in the oncoming boundary layer. As a result, there is no single, unique velocity scale that correctly characterizes all the processes involved in the turbulent exchange of momentum across the boundary layer. Similarly, there is no single velocity scale that can characterize the different properties of the turbulent flow within the canyon, which depends strongly on the way in which turbulence from the outer flow is entrained into the cavity and carried round by the mean flow. The results from this study will be useful in developing simple parametrizations for momentum exchange in the urban canopy, in situations where the street geometry consists principally of relatively long, uniform streets arranged in grid-like patterns; they are unlikely to be applicable to sparse geometries composed of isolated three-dimensional obstacles.  相似文献   

沈鹰 《气象》1997,23(7):29-31
利用三向风标探测资料,分析了安宁县辐射雾中的扩散参数,结果表明:平均风速对水平风向脉动标准差起着重要作用,是影响水平湍流扩散的关键因子;雾中的横向和铅直方向扩散参数分别相当于PasquillB类和D类稳定度下的扩散参数,表明在辐射雾出现期间,虽然铅直方向上的扩散能力不强,但有较强的水平扩散能力。  相似文献   

Using a computational fluid dynamics(CFD)model,the effects of street-bottom and building-roof heating on flow in three-dimensional street canyons are investigated.The building and street-canyon aspect ratios are one.In the presence of street-bottom heating,as the street-bottom heating intensity increases,the mean kinetic energy increases in the spanwise street canyon formed by the upwind and downwind buildings but decreases in the lower region of the streamwise street canyon.The increase in momentum due to buoyancy force intensifies mechanically induced flow in the spanwise street canyon.The vorticity in the spanwise street canyon strengthens.The temperature increase is not large because relatively cold above-roof-level air comes into the spanwise street canyon.In the presence of both street-bottom and building-roof heating,the mean kinetic energy rather decreases in the spanwise street canyon.This is caused by the decrease in horizontal flow speed at the roof level,which results in the weakening of the mean flow circulation in the spanwise street canyon.It is found that the vorticity in the spanwise street canyon weakens.The temperature increase is relatively large compared with that in the street-bottom heating case,because relatively warm above-roof-level air comes into the spanwise street canyon.  相似文献   

二维街谷地面加热引起的流场特征的水槽实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用拖曳式水槽,采用激光粒子成像速度场测量系统(PIV),模拟了街谷存在地面加热时流场特征;讨论了环境风场对其的影响。我们发现在静风条件下,街谷中环流完全由热力驱动,对流活动可伸展至街谷上方;在建筑物层顶以上,也可发现水平和垂直方向的运动。这些对流活动有助于基本风场为零时,街谷内外动量和物质的交换。当街谷较宽时,对流形成的涡旋可能为两个以上,形态较为复杂并随时间变化,当街谷变窄时,涡旋蜕化成只有一个。当有弱环境风场存在时,街谷中的对流呈现为一个主涡旋,随着风速增加,涡旋形状更加规则,其中心并向下风向移动。  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel studies of dispersion processes of traffic exhaust in urban street canyons with tree planting were performed and tracer gas concentrations using electron capture detection (ECD) and flow fields using laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) were measured. It was found that tree planting reduces the air exchange between street canyons and the ambience. In comparison to treeless street canyons, higher overall pollutant concentrations and lower flow velocities were measured. In particular, for perpendicular approaching wind, markedly higher concentrations at the leeward canyon wall and slightly lower concentrations at the windward canyon wall were observed. Furthermore, a new approach is suggested to model porous vegetative structures such as tree crowns for small-scale wind-tunnel applications. The approach is based on creating different model tree crown porosities by incorporating a certain amount of wadding material into a specified volume. A significant influence of the crown porosity on pollutant concentrations was found for high degrees of porosity, however, when it falls below a certain threshold, no further changes in pollutant concentrations were observed.  相似文献   

A box model to simulate mass transfer inside deep street canyons and with atmospheric flow above is introduced and discussed. Two ideal deep street canyons with aspect ratios of 3 and 5 (the aspect ratio being the ratio between building height and street width H/W) are considered. This range of aspect ratios, found in many densely populated historical centres in Mediterranean cities as well as in other cities around the world, potentially creates high air pollutant concentration levels. Our model is based on a combination of analytical solutions and computation fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using carbon monoxide (CO) as a tracer pollutant. The analytical part of the model is based on mass transfer velocity concepts while CFD simulations are used both for a preliminary validation of the physical hypothesis underlying the model (steady-state simulations) and to evaluate the concentration pattern with time (transient or wash-out simulations). Wash-out simulation curves were fitted by model curves, and mass transfer velocities were evaluated through a best-fitting procedure. Upon introducing into the model the contribution of traffic-produced turbulence, the modelled CO concentration levels became comparable with those obtained in real-world monitoring campaigns. The mass transfer rate between the canyon and the above atmosphere was then expressed in terms of an overall mass transfer velocity, which directly allows the evaluation of the mass transfer rate between the bottom volume of the canyon (pedestrian level) with the above atmosphere. Overall mass transfer velocities are reported as a function of the operating conditions studied (H/W = 3–5 and wind speeds = 2–8 ms−1). Finally, a simple expression is reported for determining pollutant concentrations at the pedestrian level based on the overall mass transfer velocity defined.  相似文献   

Our study employed large-eddy simulation (LES) based on a one-equation subgrid-scale model to investigate the flow field and pollutant dispersion characteristics inside urban street canyons. Unstable thermal stratification was produced by heating the ground of the street canyon. Using the Boussinesq approximation, thermal buoyancy forces were taken into account in both the Navier–Stokes equations and the transport equation for subgrid-scale turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). The LESs were validated against experimental data obtained in wind-tunnel studies before the model was applied to study the detailed turbulence, temperature, and pollutant dispersion characteristics in the street canyon of aspect ratio 1. The effects of different Richardson numbers (Ri) were investigated. The ground heating significantly enhanced mean flow, turbulence, and pollutant flux inside the street canyon, but weakened the shear at the roof level. The mean flow was observed to be no longer isolated from the free stream and fresh air could be entrained into the street canyon at the roof-level leeward corner. Weighed against higher temperature, the ground heating facilitated pollutant removal from the street canyon.  相似文献   

Flow resistance, ventilation, and pollutant removal for idealized two-dimensional (2D) street canyons of different building-height to street-width (aspect) ratios $AR$ are examined using the friction factor $f$ , air exchange rate (ACH), and pollutant exchange rate (PCH), respectively, calculated by large-eddy simulation (LES). The flows are basically classified into three characteristic regimes, namely isolated roughness, wake interference, and skimming flow, as functions of the aspect ratios. The LES results are validated by various experimental and numerical datasets available in the literature. The friction factor increases with decreasing aspect ratio and reaches a peak at $AR = 0.1$ in the isolated roughness regime and decreases thereafter. As with the friction factor, the ACH increases with decreasing aspect ratio in the wake interference and skimming flow regimes, signifying the improved aged air removal for a wider street canyon. The PCH exhibits a behaviour different from its ACH counterpart in the range of aspect ratios tested. Pollutants are most effectively removed from the street canyon with $AR = 0.5$ . However, a minimum of PCH is found nearby at $AR = 0.3$ , at which the pollutant removal is sharply weakened. Besides, the ACH and PCH are partitioned into the mean and turbulent components to compare their relative contributions. In line with our earlier Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes calculations (Liu et al., Atmos Environ 45:4763–4769, 2011), the current LES shows that the turbulent components contribute more to both ACH and PCH, consistently demonstrating the importance of atmospheric turbulence in the ventilation and pollutant removal for urban areas.  相似文献   

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