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农村居民点耕作距离空间分布特征估测分析 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
基于探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)思想,提出一种耕作距离空间估测方法,定量分析农村居民点耕作距离的分布格局与分异特征。以广东省阳山县为案例,研究表明:① 耕作距离与耕地质量及地形等别存在一定的相关性,耕作半径愈小,地形愈低平的地区,居民点与较优的耕地愈集中;② 耕作距离在空间上呈现不均衡状态,随着距离尺度的增加,耕作距离的变化由低值聚类转为高值聚类状态,表明研究区耕地格局随耕作距离尺度上升变得更加分散;③ 估测方法考虑了农村居民点与耕地之间的关系,可以有效分析耕地与居民点之间的空间分布随耕作距离变化的规律,对农村居民点调整、高标准农田建设等工作的合理开展具有参照和一定指导意义。 相似文献
In this article, we examine the use of an unconventional procedure, PETRIMES, to estimate mineral resources of mercury deposits in California. The study, which is based on the nonparametric discovery process model and Q-Q plots, suggests that a lognormal distribution is appropriate for the mercury deposits in California. The results of the assessment are summarized as follows: (1) the total number of mercury deposits in the population is approximately 165; (2) the median value of the largest undiscovered deposit size is 487 flasks; (3) the mean of the remaining mercury potential is 2,500 flasks; and (4) the population resource ranges from 1,040,000 to 4,300,000 flasks (at a 0.9 probability level). 相似文献
Zhang Shuai Carranza Emmanuel John M. Xiao Keyan Wei Hantao Yang Fan Chen Zhenghui Li Nan Xiang Jie 《Natural Resources Research》2022,31(4):1981-1999
Natural Resources Research - Known mineralized locations and randomly chosen non-mineralized locations are used traditionally as training samples in data-driven mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM).... 相似文献
气候变暖影响着生态系统碳循环,碳循环的变化反馈于气候变化。这两者的相互作用影响着未来气候变化的方向和强度。野外增温试验有助于了解生态系统碳循环对气候变化的响应及其机制,因此成为近年来的研究热点。生态系统所处的地理位置及相应的气候背景影响着碳循环对增温的响应。增温后不同生态系统的碳释放和碳固定均可表现为增加、减小或者无显著变化,因而生态系统净碳收支对气候变化响应多样。增温后土壤氮矿化速率、物候、生态系统物种组成和结构的变化间接影响着生态系统净碳收支。多年冻土区储存了大量的土壤有机碳,冻土融化后冻土有机碳分解将释放大量的CO2到大气中,正反馈于气候变暖,因而是目前野外增温试验对碳循环影响研究的焦点。 相似文献
应用常规气象观测资料估算塔里木盆地水面蒸发量 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
根据阿克苏水平衡站1999年至2002年非冻结期(4月至10月)20m^2蒸发池的蒸发量及常规气象观测资料,采用斜率关联度分析法分析了各气象要素对水而蒸发的影响程度,建立了计算水而蒸发量的经验公式,结果表明:(1)气象要素对20m^2蒸发池月平均蒸发量的影响程度从大到小的排列顺序为饱和水汽压差、气温、水面温度、空气饱和差、风速、实际水汽压、大气压、相对湿度;(2)20m^2蒸发池蒸发量与饱和水汽压差、空气湿度饱和差、气温、水面温度、风速、水汽压成正比关系;而与气压、相对湿度成反比关系;(3)所有回归方程都达到极显著水平,可供塔里木盆地缺测资料地区选用。 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):358-367
Abstract To meet national geography standards, instructional materials using issues-based inquiry are needed. This paper reports on national classroom trials of drafts of Geographic Inquiry into Global Issues (GIGI), a set of inquiry modules for secondary geography. The analysis focuses on three modules about environmental issues, tried by 480 students in 18 schools. Students made significant gains in learning the modules' cognitive and skills objectives, but they showed no change in interest toward studying geography or these environmental issues. Student comments about the modules underscored the necessity of connecting classroom materials about global issues more closely to local experiences. These findings support current models in environmental education. Reflecting this analysis, the published modules now include activities emphasizing inquiry into local issues, to complement the study of global environmental problems. The improved GIGI materials can better meet the goals of both geography and environmental education. 相似文献
Summary In this paper we use the example of Singapore to make two theoretical contributions to the geographical literature on local labour markets. Firstly, we suggest that the local labour market should be conceived of as an extended 'network space' that is constituted by extra-local linkages and flows as well as local interactions. The importance of certain kinds of foreign 'workers' and 'talent' in Singapore can be used to illustrate this argument. Secondly, we contend that locally constructed discourses can actively shape labour market dynamics, exemplified here by the rise of 'knowledge-based economy' rhetoric in Singapore. 相似文献
Eakta Jain Susan K. Jacobson Pallavi Raiturkar Nia A. Morales Archana Nagarajan Beida Chen 《社会与自然资源》2019,32(10):1092-1098
AbstractWe used heart rate change as a tool to study how positive and negative wildlife conservation messaging impacts a viewer, and which types of animal images stimulate greatest reaction. We used scenes from five wildlife conservation videos available from environmental organization websites and YouTube, with positive and negative messaging. We found both very positive and very negative messaging in videos may be similarly effective in engaging viewers. A trend in greater changes in heart rate when insects, mammals, and birds appear on the screen suggests generally high human interest in these taxa, potentially due to avoidance and attraction responses. The number of scenes (N?=?54) in which various taxa appear reflects bias toward mammals (65%) and birds (17%) to capture viewers’ attention. Arousal is a primary step in engaging an audience to attend to a message. Physiological research offers innovative new techniques to evaluate public responses to communications about biodiversity conservation. 相似文献
Pip Wallace 《New Zealand geographer》2005,61(2):124-130
Abstract: The focus of this article is on examining how resource management plans prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991 can be used to control the effects of activities for the purpose of preserving the integrity of an organic farm. The article examines effects that can potentially threaten an organic farm and identifies methods that could be employed in a District or Regional Plan to avoid or mitigate those effects. It concludes that the use of resource management plans represents a substantial opportunity to secure the position of the organic farm in New Zealand. 相似文献
Iain R. Lake Andrew A. Lovett Ian J. Bateman Brett Day 《International journal of geographical information science》2013,27(6):521-541
This paper describes how a standard GIS package can be used to convert large-scale vector digital data (point, line and annotation features) into polygons using standardised and replicable methods. Building area, garden and land use polygons are all derived from such data (Ordnance Survey LandLine.Plus). These entities are then combined with further sources of digital data to derive more refined information such as property types. Finally, complex DEMs are developed for use in visibility studies. The variables calculated are subsequently employed in a property valuation study where many are found to be significant determinants of property price. The main exception is variables relating to viewsheds, although it is argued that this does not invalidate the techniques used in their deviation but highlights the difficulties involved in modelling a large number of variables in a property price analysis. 相似文献
J.F. Conley 《International journal of geographical information science》2013,27(4):657-680
Although there are many algorithms and statistical tests to detect clustering of geographical phenomena, such as disease cases, the follow-up task of analyzing the cluster to explain its existence and mitigate the cluster is generally left to the researcher. These cluster detection methods are useful only for part of the process of identifying, understanding, and mitigating disease clusters. This research develops and presents a computer program that uses the information about the shape of the cluster to evaluate the hypotheses about potential causes. To achieve this, the shapes of the clusters are represented by image moment invariant statistics developed in the field of computer vision, and these shape statistics are compared against a database of moment invariants of shapes representative of several geographical processes, such as diffusion along roads and wind diffusion. Experiments using simulated data of different types of disease transmission were carried out, and the ability of the program to accurately classify the different types of diffusion demonstrates the viability of this approach to automated cluster analysis. 相似文献
以城市人口规模、城市间距离为指标,通过多元回归模型,定量分析辽宁中部城市群中城市规模与空间距离的关系,以及城市与“最近城市”的距离和“距离位序”之间是否存在类似“城市位序-规模律”的定量关系。研究发现:① 城市i的规模Pi与“最近城市”n的规模Pn、距离Di-n以及区域中心城市c的距离Di-c有关,与首位城市的规模和距离无关,其中Pn、Di-n为正向影响,Di-c为负向影响。就影响力而言,区域中心城市c的影响大于“最近城市”n,这一点区别于国内其他城市群。② 城市群中存在“城市距离-位序律”的定量关系。③ 利用城市规模与距离的定量关系可以测算理论人口规模和影响范围,为辽宁中部城市群的人口预测和空间结构划分提供有益参考。 相似文献
遥感与GIS支持下的榆林地区土地利用动态变化研究 总被引:15,自引:9,他引:15
利用1986、1996和2000年人机交互解译的遥感影像资料,采用GIS空间分析技术,通过叠加3个不同时期的土地利用图,分析了榆林地区1986~2000年期间土地利用时空变化特征,同时还分析了榆林地区14年间沙地逆转恢复的情况。结果表明:1986~1996年期间土地利用变化主要表现为:沙地减少了22.25%,草地、林地和城乡居住建设用地分别增加了6.51%、4.63%和3.55%。1996~2000期间,沼泽地、盐碱地分别减少了26.11%、24.39%,沙地仅减少0.79%,草地减少了2.86%,林地仅增加了0.17%,而旱地增加了3.28%。城乡居住建设用地增加了14.13%。14年间沙地面积减少了128684.17hm^2,沙地净逆转为草地118872.99h^2、旱地3605.07hm^2、林地4049.52hm^2。 相似文献
Natural Resources Research - This study proposes an extension of a visualization approach common in biochemistry (the clustered heat maps—CHMs) to geochemical data with the main objective of... 相似文献
Vanessa M. Adams Katie Moon Jorge G. Álvarez-Romero Örjan Bodin Michaela Spencer Deborah Blackman 《社会与自然资源》2018,31(7):755-772
Effective natural resource management (NRM) often depends on collaboration through formal and informal relationships. Social network analysis (SNA) provides a framework for studying social relationships; however, a deeper understanding of the nature of these relationships is often missing. By integrating multiple analytical methods (including SNA, evidence ratings, and perception matrices), we were able to investigate the nature of relationships in NRM social networks across five service types (e.g., technical advice, on-ground support) in our case study region, Daly catchment Australia. Only one service type was rated as highly associated with free choice in establishing relationships: technical advice/knowledge. Beneficial characteristics of NRM organizations, such as collaborative and transparent, were associated with the presence of freely chosen relationships between organizations. Our results suggest a need to improve our understanding of organizational roles and characteristics, in particular for use in applied NRM contexts, such as network weaving or disseminating information. 相似文献
一、日本林业基本情况1 森林覆盖率高,分布均匀。日本森林(不含经济林)全部是乔木林,从南到北分布均匀,面积为2 5 15万公顷,覆盖率为6 7%,居世界前列。平均每公顷蓄积为15 6 .3立方米,是我国的两倍多。2 林种的划分具有明显的国情特征。林种划分为循环利用林(类似于我国的用材林)占总面积的30 %、共生林(类似于休闲风景林)占2 0 %、安全林(防护林)占5 0 %。这种划分既体现了日本珍视自然资源的理念,也体现了森林防护自然灾害的重要作用,同时也反映了国民对森林的需求。3 森林地位独特。在二战后的五年间,曾因前期滥伐森林导致山洪泥石流爆… 相似文献
Kashiri Razieh Kalantariasl Azim Parsaei Rafat Zeinijahromi Abbas 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(5):3695-3716
Natural Resources Research - Low salinity water flooding (LSWF) has been recognized as one of the promising methods for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in sandstone reservoirs. Both the positive... 相似文献
中国民用运输机场的可达性溢出效应研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
交通基础设施投资的“利己利人”甚至“损己利人”现象使得空间溢出效应一直是研究的热点。我国民用运输机场经过属地化改革之后,地方政府在机场投资和运营中的作用越来越突出,机场的空间溢出效应逐步受到地方政府和研究者的关注。针对机场所在地辖区和机场服务范围存在空间错位,本文定义某辖区的机场可达性溢出效应为该辖区范围内的机场对周边地区到机场可达性的改善程度,并基于潜力模型和网络分析方法设计了机场可达性溢出效应的计算方法;进而以我国民用运输机场为例,在机场属地化背景下确定了省级和市级两种研究尺度,采用县级数据分别定量计算了我国民用运输机场的可达性溢出效应。结果发现,我国省级尺度的机场可达性溢出较小;市级尺度的可达性溢出差异较大,部分城市机场可达性溢出显著,但空间分布较为复杂。本文还进一步讨论了计算结果对我国机场投资和运营成本空间分担制度设计的启示。 相似文献