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An extensive rhyolitic dyke swarm has intruded subaqueous pyroclastic deposits, iron-formations, hyaloclastite breccias and lava flows of the 2730 Ma Hunter Mine Group (HMG) in the south-central part of the Archean Abitibi belt, Quebec. The dyke swarm has a minimum width of 500 m and can be traced perpendicular to the section for 2.4 km. Based on crosscutting relationships, chilled margins, quartz content and colour, five distinct dyke generations have been established. Each dyke generation has several magmatic pulses as indicated by parallel rows of columnar joints. Absence of brecciation between parallel rows suggests extremely brief intervals between magma pulses. The central parts of most dykes display inverted V-shaped patterns of columnar-joint convergence, inferred to indicate differential cooling during the late stages of dyke propagation. The dykes commonly display delicate spherulites suggesting rapid cooling, solidification temperatures between 400 and 600°C and penecontemporaneous devitrification. Quartz-feldspar aggregates in the groundmass have locally developed microgranophyric textures. Large spherulites near the chilled margins probably formed at temperatures below 400°C. Percolation of abundant water throughout the dyke complex is suggested by ubiquitous prominent chilled dyke margins. Development of a chilled margin 500 m along one dyke suggests that water percolated at least 500 m below the water/rock interface. Because the dykes intruded subaqueous pyroclastic deposits of similar composition, dyke emplacement below the sea floor is inferred. Interstratification of pillowed flows and brecciated pillowed flows containing rhyolite fragments at the top of the 4–5-km-thick sequence indicates that the central felsic complex probably never emerged during its evolutionary history, supporting the contention that the felsic dyke complex was emplaced beneath the Archean sea floor.  相似文献   

The lapilli tuff breccias (LTB-1 and LTB-2) of the Archean Hunter Mine Group in the south-central part of the Abitibi greenstone belt are inferred to be the product of subaqueous lava fountaining. Intercalated sub-wave base iron-formations, interstratified turbiditic tuffs, the absence of wave-induced sedimentary structures, and the stratigraphic position of lapilli tuff breccias beneath basaltic komatiites, support this contention. A complete eruptive sequence shows a tripartite division into (a) massive breccia, (b) stratified lapilli tuff, and (c) turbiditic tuff-lapilli tuff division. The massive breccia division is characterized by clusters of isolated and compressed irregular-shaped clasts inferred to be deposited directly from the hot magmatic lava fountain. Abundant vesicular pyroclasts with a vesicle content of up to 60% exhibit locally coalescing vesicles indicating bubble nucleation prior to eruption. The prevalence of irregular to amoeboid clast shapes suggests transport from the vent in a steamy-rich, high-density current to the site under a self-generated steam cupola. Ubiquitous subequant lapilli-size pyroclasts of the stratified lapilli tuff division suggest that significant ingress of water into the fountain changed the prevalent fragmentation process from magmatic to hydrovolcanic. The turbiditic tuff-lapilli tuff division composed of pumice, lithic fragments and vitric ash is envisaged to have formed by gravitational collapse of a subaqueous turbulent eruptive plume. This type of eruptive mechanism constituted a minor but important process of volcanic construction on the ocean floor during the Archean, and possibly during incipient arc and backarc formation in modern day settings.  相似文献   

Spinifex-textured sills (i.e., veins) characterized by komatiitic magmas that have intruded their own volcanic-piles have long been recognized. For instance, in the early 1970s, Pyke and coworkers, in their classic work at Pyke Hill in Munro Township, noted that not all spinifex-bearing ultramafic rocks formed as lava flows, rather some were clearly emplaced as small dikes and sills. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain spinifex-textured sills: intrusion into a cold host, filter pressing, or drainage of residual liquid. However, these do not satisfactorily explain the phenomenon. Field and petrographic observations at Pyke Hill and Serpentine Mountain demonstrate that spinifex-bearing komatiite sills and dikes were emplaced during channel inflation processes when new magma was intruded into a cooler, semi-consolidated but permeable cumulate material. Komatiitic liquids were intruded into the olivine cumulate rocks near the boundary between the spinifex and the cumulate zones of well-organized to organized komatiite flows. Spinifex-textured sills are generally tabular in morphology, stacked one above another, with curviplanar contacts sub-parallel to stratigraphy. Some sills exhibit complex digitated apophyses. Thinner sills typically have a random olivine spinifex texture similar, though generally composed of coarser crystals, to that of komatiite lava flows. Thicker sills exhibit more complex organization of their constituent crystals characterized by zones of random olivine spinifex, overlying zones of organized coarse spinifex crystals similar to those found in lava flows. They have striking coarse dendritic spinifex zones composed of very large olivine crystals, up to several centimetres long and up to 1 cm wide that are not observed in lava flows. Typically, at the sill margins, the cumulate material of the host flow is composed of euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals that are larger than those distal to the contact. Many of these margin-crystals have either concentric overgrowth shells or dendritic olivine overgrowths that grew from the cumulate-sill contact toward the sill interior. The dendrites grew on pre-existing olivine cumulate at the contact in response to a sharp temperature gradient imposed by the intrusion of hot material, whereas the concentric overgrowths formed as new melt percolated into the unconsolidated groundmass of the host-flow cumulate material. Spinifex-textured sills and dikes occur in well-organized to organized flows that are interpreted to have formed by “breakouts” above and peripheral to lava pathways (channels/conduits) as a result of inflation that accompanied voluminous komatiitic eruptions responsible for the construction and channelization of komatiitic flow fields. The spinifex-textured dikes and sills represent komatiitic lava that was originally emplaced into the channel roof during periods of episodic inflation that resulted in lava breakouts and was subsequently trapped in the “roof rocks” during periods of channel deflation. Accordingly, the occurrence of spinifex-textured sills and dikes may indicate proximity to, and aid in the identification and delineation of lava channel-ways that could potentially host Ni–Cu–(PGE) mineralization within komatiitic lava flow-fields.  相似文献   

Well-preserved pillow lavas in the uppermost part of the Early Archean volcanic sequence of the Hooggenoeg Formation in the Barberton Greenstone Belt exhibit pronounced flow banding. The banding is defined by mm to several cm thick alternations of pale green and a dark green, conspicuously variolitic variety of aphyric metabasalt. Concentrations of relatively immobile TiO2, Al2O3 and Cr in both varieties of lava are basaltic. Compositional differences between bands and variations in the lavas in general have been modified by alteration, but indicate mingling of two different basalts, one richer in TiO2, Al2O3, MgO, FeOt and probably Ni and Cr than the other, as the cause of the banding. The occurrence in certain pillows of blebs of dark metabasalt enclosed in pale green metabasalt, as well as cores of faintly banded or massive dark metabasalt, suggest that breakup into drops and slugs in the feeder channel to the lava flow initiated mingling. The inhomogeneous mixture was subsequently stretched and folded together during laminar shear flow through tubular pillows, while diffusion between bands led to partial homogenisation. The most common internal pattern defined by the flow banding in pillows is concentric. In some pillows the banding defines curious mushroom-like structures, commonly cored by dark, variolitic metabasalt, which we interpret as the result of secondary lateral flow due to counter-rotating, transverse (Dean) vortices induced by the axial flow of lava towards the flow front through bends, generally downward, in the tubular pillows. Other pillows exhibit weakly-banded or massive, dark, variolitic cores that are continuous with wedge-shaped apophyses and veins that intrude the flow banded carapace. These cores represent the flow of hotter and less viscous slugs of the dark lava type into cooled and stiffened pillows.  相似文献   

Osamu  Ujike  Alan M.  Goodwin  Tomoyuki  Shibata 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):191-208
Abstract   Volcanic rocks from the Upper Keewatin assemblage ( ca 2720 Ma) were geochemically classified into five groups; komatiites, tholeiitic rocks having near-flat primitive mantle-normalized abundance patterns, Nb-enriched basalts and andesites (NEBA) plus normal calc-alkaline (NCA) rocks, adakites and shoshonites. The adakites having [La/Yb]N >30 and <30 were probably derived from felsic magmas formed by partial melting of a subducted slab at relatively greater and smaller depths, respectively. Ascending adakite magmas, by interaction with the overlying mantle wedge, decreased in Al2O3 / Y ratio and selectively lost high-field strength elements, thereby forming mantle sources for both NEBA + NCA and shoshonite magmas. Under the influence of a mantle plume, the source of komatiites, the NEBA + NCA magmas were generated from that part of the mantle wedge metasomatized by adakite magmas having [La / Yb]N <30, and tholeiitic magmas from unmetasomatized part of the same mantle wedge. Magmas of both adakites having [La / Yb]N >30 and shoshonites were generated in a normal Archean Arc system setting.  相似文献   

The Baguio Mineral District exposes rock formations that evince the geological and tectonic evolution of this district from a subduction‐related marginal basin to an island arc setting. Available onshore and offshore data are consistent with an Early (onset phase) to Middle (developed phase) Miocene arc polarity reversal from the east (termination of subduction along the proto‐East Luzon Trough) to the west (initiation of subduction along the Manila Trench). Geophysical modeling and geochemical data calculation showed a 30 ± 5 km crustal thickness for the mineral district. Subduction‐related multiple arc magmatism and ophiolite accretion contributed to crustal thickening. Recent information on the Oligo–Miocene Zigzag and Klondyke formations in the mineral district reveal that the marginal basin, where these rocks were deposited, has received eroded materials from adjacent terrains characterized by siliceous lithologies. Furthermore, adakitic rocks, high permeable zones and extensional zones which are exploration markers applied to identify possible mineralization targets, are prevalent in the mineral district. The geological evolution that the district had undergone mimics the evolution of island arcs worldwide in general and northern Luzon in particular.  相似文献   

Abstract   Fusulinoidean faunal succession from Paleo–Tethyan seamount-type carbonates of the Yutangzhai section in the Central zone of the Changning–Menglian Belt of West Yunnan, Southwest China, is presented for the first time. The Changning–Menglian Belt is one of the orogenic belts that represent the closed main Paleo–Tethys in East Asia. The Yutangzhai section is represented by basalts and overlying carbonates, about 1100 m thick. It exhibits a continuous faunal succession composed of 17 fusulinoidean assemblages ranging from the Serpukhovian (late Mississippian/late Early Carboniferous) to Midian/Capitanian (late Middle Permian/late Guadalupian). No significant faunal break can be recognized in this section. The generic and some specific composition of the Yutangzhai assemblages indicates that the faunal succession is similar to those observed in Tethyan and Panthalassan areas and is of tropical Tethyan type although their generic diversity is definitely lower than those of Paleo–Tethyan shelves, such as South China, Indochina, and Central Asia. Throughout the Yutangzhai section, the carbonate rocks are essentially massive, very pure in composition, and devoid of terrigenous siliciclastic inputs. These lithologic characters are identical to those observed in accreted shallow-marine carbonate successions of seamount origin in Permian and Jurassic accretionary complexes of Japan, for example the Akiyoshi Limestone. This evidence further demonstrates the seamount origin of the basalt–limestone succession in the Central zone of the Changning–Menglian Belt from the viewpoint of lithofacies. In middle Mississippian (middle Early Carboniferous) time, oceanic submarine volcanism that was probably related to hot spot activities formed a number of seamounts and oceanic plateaus. It was active not only in the Panthalassa, but also in the Paleo–Tethys.  相似文献   

A new multidisciplinary study, combining geology, petrography, and geochemistry, on the rocks of the isolated hill of Mount Calanna (Mount Etna, Italy) has provided evidence for the existence of a dyke swarm, formed by more than 200 dykes distributed over an area of ~0.7 km2, with an intensity of intrusion up to 40%. All bodies are deeply altered, and the geological and mesostructural surveying of 132 dykes revealed that they intruded in E–W direction, with an average dip of 60°. The faults affecting the outcrop have in general an E–W strike and dip of ~55°: these have all normal motion and have been interpreted as coeval with the dykes. This interpretation contrasts with the previous hypothesis that considered Mount Calanna as a thrust resulting from compressive deformation resulting from the gravitational spreading of the volcanic edifice. Mount Calanna is here interpreted as the uppermost portion of a vertically extensive magmatic plexus that fed the eruptive activity of one (or more) eruptive center/s sited in the Valle del Bove area. Measurements of the apparent densities on 23 dykes and host rock samples give an average value of 2,420 kg/m3 for the entire complex, ~15% lower than the density expected for hawaiitic magma, placing an important constraint on the geophysical identification of similar structures. Considering that Mount Etna is not an old eroded edifice but an active and growing volcano, the exposure of this subvolcanic structure can be regarded as exceptional. Its geometry and physical characteristics can be thus regarded as an interesting example of the present-day shallow plumbing system of Mount Etna as well as of other basaltic volcanoes.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe dating of zircon from meta‐igneous samples of the Hitachi metamorphic terrane of eastern Japan yields Cambrian magmatic ages. Tuffaceous schist from the Nishidohira Formation contains ca 510 Ma zircon, overlapping in age with hornblende gneiss from the Tamadare Formation (ca 507 Ma), and meta‐andesite (ca 507 Ma) and metaporphyry (ca 505 Ma) from the Akazawa Formation. The latter is unconformably overlain by the Carboniferous Daioin Formation, in which a granite boulder from metaconglomerate yields a magmatic age of ca 500 Ma. This date overlaps a previous estimate for granite that intrudes the Akazawa Formation. Intrusive, volcanic, and volcaniclastic lithologies are products of a Cambrian volcanic arc associated with a continental shelf, as demonstrated by the presence of arkose and conglomerate in the lowermost Nishidohira Formation. Granitic magmatism of Cambrian age is unknown elsewhere in Japan, except for a single locality in far western Japan with a similar geological context. Such magmatism is also unknown on the adjacent Asian continental margin, with the exception of the Khanka block in far northeastern China. A ‘great hiatus’ in the Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Sino–Korean block also exists in the Hitachi terrane between Cambrian volcanic arc rocks and Early Carboniferous conglomerate, and may indicate a common paleogeographic provenance.  相似文献   

The opening of the Japan Sea led to the separation of southwest Japan from the Eurasian continent. Subsequent to this event, a diverse range of igneous activities occurred in southwest Japan. On the back-arc side of the region, igneous activity commenced at approximately 22 Ma and persisted for an extended period. In the trench-proximal region of southwest Japan, magmatism initiated around 15.6 Ma, immediately following the cessation of the Japan Sea opening, in correlation with the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath southwest Japan. The Amakusa Islands in western Kyushu host felsic to intermediate igneous rocks with Miocene radiometric ages. There has been a debate regarding the attribution of the igneous rocks in Amakusa Island among the Miocene igneous rocks in southwest Japan. To address this issue, we conducted zircon U–Pb dating and analyzed the major- and trace-element compositions of felsic igneous rocks in the Amakusa Islands to elucidate their characteristics. The obtained U–Pb ages range from 14.5 to 14.8 Ma, suggesting contemporaneity between magmatism in the Amakusa Islands and the Setouchi Volcanic Rocks in the trench-proximal region of southwest Japan. The major and trace element compositions of the felsic igneous rocks exhibit similarities to the dacites of the Setouchi Volcanic Rocks. These findings support previous suggestions that the magmatism in the Amakusa Islands can be correlated with the Setouchi Volcanic Rocks, based on the discovery of a high-Mg andesite dike and paleo-stress analysis utilizing the direction of dikes and sills. Therefore, the Setouchi Volcanic Belt is proposed to extend further west than the previously identified Ohno volcanic rocks in eastern Kyushu. The subduction of the Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea plate toward western Kyushu supports the hypothesis that the Kyushu-Palau Ridge was positioned west of Kyushu at ~15 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract   The Lower Sorachi Group of the Sorachi–Yezo Belt in central Hokkaido, Japan is a peculiar accretionary complex characterized by numerous occurrences of greenstones (metabasalts and diabases), which are mostly composed of aphyric basalts. Clinopyroxene-rich phenocryst assemblage in phyric basalts is different from olivine–plagioclase assemblage in mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB). The greenstones are geochemically uniform, and show a lower-Ti trend than MORB in an FeO*/MgO-TiO2 diagram, mostly plotting on the island arc tholeiite (IAT) field in a TiO2−10MnO−10P2O5 diagram. In a MORB-normalized spider diagram, the greenstones show a flat pattern from P to Y, which are lower than those of normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt (N-MORB). These indicate that the greenstones were derived by a higher degree of partial melting from a depleted mantle similar to a N-MORB source, and experienced olivine–clinopyroxene fractional crystallization. However, a positive spike of Nb in the spider diagram cannot be explained, and may be attributed to mantle heterogeneity. These characteristics are analogous to those of oceanic plateau basalts (OPB) such as in Ontong Java Plateau, Manihiki Plateau and Nauru Basin, suggesting that the greenstones in the Lower Sorachi Group are of oceanic plateau origin. The present study proposes new field divisions to distinguish OPB from MORB in the conventional FeO*/MgO–TiO2 and TiO2−10MnO−10P2O5 diagrams.  相似文献   

Abstract The Himeji–Yamasaki region in the Inner Zone of southwest Japan is underlain mainly by Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks called the Ikuno Group or the Hiromine and Aioi Groups. A new stratigraphic and geochronological study shows that the volcanic rocks in this area consist of 15 eroded caldera volcanoes between 82 and 65 Ma; they are, in order of decreasing age, the Hiromine, Hoden, Ibo, Okawachi, Seppikosan, Hayashida, Shinokubi, Fukusaki, Kurooyama, Ise, Fukadanigawa, Nagusayama, Matobayama, Yumesaki and Mineyama Formations. These calderas vary in diameter from 1 to 20 km and are bounded by steep unconformities; they coalesce and overlap each other. The individual caldera fills are composed mainly of single voluminous pyroclastic flow deposits, which are often interleaved with debris avalanche deposits and occasionally underlie lacustrine deposits. The intracaldera pyroclastic flow deposits are made up of massive, welded or non‐welded tuff breccia to lapilli tuff, and are characterized by their great thickness. The debris avalanche deposits are ill‐sorted breccia, generated by the collapse of the caldera wall toward the caldera floor during the pyroclastic‐flow eruption. The large calderas that are more than 10 km in diameter contain original values of approximately 100 km3 of intracaldera pyroclastic flow deposits. These large calderas are similar to the well‐known Valles‐type calderas in their dimensions, although it is uncertain whether their caldera floors are coherent plates or incoherent pieces. Conversely, the small calderas have diatreme‐like subsurface structures. The variety of the caldera volcanoes in this area is caused by the difference in the volume of caldera‐forming pyroclastic eruptions, as the large and small calderas coexisted. The caldera‐forming eruption rates in Late Cretaceous southwest Japan, including the studied area, were similar to those in late Cenozoic central Andes and northeast Honshu arc, Japan, but obviously smaller than those of late Cenozoic intracratonic caldera clusters in western North America and the Quaternary extensional volcanic arcs in Taupo, New Zealand. The widespread Late Cretaceous felsic igneous rocks in southwest Japan were generated by a long‐term accumulation of low‐rate granitic magmatism at the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

The Gangdese magmatic belt is located in the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane, south Tibet. Here zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic data, as well as whole‐rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopes on andesites from the Bima Formation with a view to evaluating the history of the Gangdese magmatism and the evolution of the Neotethys Ocean. Zircon U–Pb dating yields an age of ca 170 Ma from six samples, representing the eruptive time of these volcanic rocks. Zircon Hf isotopes show highly positive εHf(t) values of +13 to +16 with a mean of +15.2. Whole‐rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic results suggest that the magma source of these andesites was controlled by partial melting of a depleted mantle source with addition of continental‐derived sediments, similar to those in the southern arcs of the Lesser Antilles arc belt. In combination with published data, the volcanic rocks of the Bima Formation are proposed to have been generated in an intra‐oceanic arc system, closely associated with northward subduction of the Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent geological investigations of the Isua Supracrustal Belt (3.8 Ga), southern West Greenland, have suggested that it is the oldest accretionary complex on earth, defined by an oceanic plate‐type stratigraphy and a duplex structure. Plate history from mid‐oceanic ridge through plume magmatism to subduction zone has been postulated from analysis of the reconstructed oceanic plate stratigraphy in the accretionary complex. Comparison between field occurrence of greenstones in modern and ancient accretionary complexes reveals that two types of tholeiitic basalt from different tectonic settings, mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) and oceanic island basalt (OIB), occur. This work presents major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of greenstones derived from Isua MORB and OIB, and of extremely rare relict igneous clinopyroxene in Isua MORB. The Isua clinopyroxenes (Cpx) have compositional variations equivalent to those of Cpx in modern MORB; in particular, low TiO2 and Na2O contents. The Isua Cpx show slightly light (L)REE‐depleted REE patterns, and the calculated REE pattern of the host magma is in agreement with that of Isua MORB. Analyses of 49 least‐altered greenstones carefully selected from approximately 1200 samples indicate that Isua MORB are enriched in Al2O3, and depleted in TiO2, FeO*, Y and Zr at the given MgO content, compared with Isua OIB. In addition, Isua MORB show an LREE‐depleted pattern, whereas Isua OIB forms a flat REE pattern. Such differences suggest that the Early Archean mantle had already become heterogeneous, depending on the tectonic environment. Isua MORB are enriched in FeO compared with modern MORB. Comparison of Isua MORB with recent melting experiments shows that the source mantle had 85–87 in Mg? and was enriched in FeO. Potential mantle temperature is estimated to be approximately 1480°C, indicating that the Early Archean mantle was hotter by at most approximately 150°C than the modern mantle.  相似文献   

The distribution of diamonds within individual kimberlite pipes is poorly documented in the public domain due to the proprietary nature of the data. The study of the diamond distribution within two pipes, Fox and Koala, from the EKATI Diamond Mine, NWT, Canada, in conjunction with detailed facies models has shown several distinct relationships of deposit type and grade distribution. In both pipes, the lithological facies represent grade units which can be distinguished from each other in terms of relative size and abundance of diamonds. A positive relationship between olivine grain size and abundance with diamond size and abundance is observed, indicating that sorting of fragmental kimberlites influences diamond distribution. Though surface geological processes do not control the diamond potential of the erupting magma, they can be responsible for concentrating diamonds into economically significant proportions. A good understanding of the eruption, transport and depositional processes responsible for the individual lithological units and the diamond distribution within them is important for successful resource estimation. This may lead to recognition of areas suitable for selective mining, making a marginal deposit economic.  相似文献   

Consideration of published anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies on welded ignimbrites suggests that AMS fabrics are controlled by groundmass microlites distributed within the existing tuff fabric, the sum result of directional fabrics imposed by primary flow lineation, welding, and (if relevant) rheomorphism. AMS is a more sensitive indicator of fabric elements within welded tuffs than conventional methods, and usually yields primary flow azimuth estimates. Detailed study of a single densely welded tuff sample demonstrates that the overall AMS fabric is insensitive to the relative abundances of fiamme, matrix and lithics within individual drilled cores. AMS determinations on a welded-tuff dyke occurring in a choked vent in the Trans-Pecos Texas volcanic field reveals a consistent fabric with a prolate element imbricated with respect to one wall of the dyke, while total magnetic susceptibility and density exhibit axially symmetric variations across the dyke width. The dyke is interpreted to have formed as a result of agglutination of the erupting mixture on a portion of the conduit wall as it failed and slid into the conduit, followed by residual squeezing between the failed block and in situ wallrock. Irrespective of the precise mechanism, widespread occurrence of both welded-tuff dykes and point-welded, aggregate pumices in pyroclastic deposits may imply that lining of conduit walls by agglutionation during explosive volcanic eruptions is a common process.  相似文献   

The age of the Taowan Group is still a hot topic in the Northern Qinling Orogenic Belt, because of limited fossil evidence from these strata and different ideals on the Cambrian fossils of the conglomerate beds and limestone blocks. Early Ordovician acritarchs, chitinozoa and scolecodonts occur in the siltstone and muddy slate beds of the Guoling, Sanchakou, Fengmaimiao and Goushenmiao Formations of the Taowan Group, indicating the age of the Taowan Group should be the Ordovician. These fossil assemblages consist of 7 genera and 13 species of acritarchs, 7 genera and 9 species of chitinozoa, and 2 genera and 2 species of scolecodonts.  相似文献   

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