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Peatland Initiation During the Holocene in Continental Western Canada   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Today, the southern limit of peatlands in continental western Canada is largely limited by thermal seasonal aridity, although physiographic parameters of substrate texture, topography, and salinity also exsert important controls on the presence and absence of peatlands. Factors that control peatland distribution today also operated in the past, thus the initiation of peatlands during the Holocene was mainly limited by aridity and physiography. Calibrated radiocarbon dates of basal peat deposits from 90 locations across continental western Canada indicate that peat formation began approximately 8,000 to 9,000 years BP in nucleation zones along the upper elevations of the Montane region of Alberta and in northern Alberta uplands after an initial deglacial lag. Predictions of maximum early Holocene summer insolation by climate simulations provide a mechanism for limiting peatland establishment during the early Holocene. From 6,000 to 8,000 years ago, peat formation in continental western Canada expanded eastwards into Manitoba responding to decreases in summer insolation. Peatland expansion during the early Holocene was more extensive in Alberta than in Manitoba in response to a southwesterly shift in the Arctic front. The displacement of the Arctic front allowed for more frequent incursions of moist Pacific air into Alberta while limiting it in Manitoba. After 6,000 years BP, the trend of southeasterly peatland expansion continued. Peatlands are youngest in the southern Boreal Forest and Aspen Parkland Region as well as in the lower elevations of the Peace-Wapiti River drainage basin, forming over the last 3,000 to 4,000 years. Peatlands are also young in the lower elevations of the Hudson Bay Lowlands where peat initiation has been limited by timing of emergence from glacial rebound. The spatial and temporal distribution of peatland initiation during the Holocene is verified by existing pollen records and corroborates some simulated climate models.  相似文献   

近50 a来,西北地区气温呈显著的上升趋势,降水变化空间差异突出,西北地区整体暖干化趋势明显,局部出现暖湿现象。气候变暖使冰川退缩,雪线上升,冻土消融,湿地退化,湖泊萎缩,河流流量减少,水资源越来越短缺,出现生态环境恶化问题。根据IPCC预测结果分析,未来西北地区气候变暖趋势会更加明显。从保护西北地区生态环境、完善气候变化综合监测系统以及开展重点区域气候变化过程专项研究等方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

【目的】分析滇西北横断山脉2020年5月24—27日持续性强降水天气过程特征和成因。【方法】利用ERA5再分析资料和怒江州气象观测站雨量数据,基于HYSPLIT模式及天气学诊断分析。【结果】(1)中高纬环流的调整使南支槽稳定在青藏高原南部,上游风速增大使中高层形成西风急流,低层西南气流辐合,93~98°E、26~28°N区域维持大于20 m·s-1的纬向风且扩大东移。(2)贡山站过程累积雨量历史排行第二,暴雨持续日数达历年最高,具有一定的极端性。最大小时雨量9.9 mm,长时间降水的维持是引起此次过程的重要条件。(3)过程期间大气低层强辐合、中高层强辐散,抽吸作用明显,降水强盛期前97~99°E区域低层强辐合中层强辐散中心与强降水落区相对应,中高层上升气流加强时期与降水集中时段对应较好,物理量的变化对降水趋势变化有指示意义。(4)低层水汽辐合强且向中高层输送,大于90%的相对湿度伸展至高层。水汽主要来源于孟加拉湾及阿拉伯海,部分水汽来自喇叭口地形作用及天气系统。【结论】加深对此类过程的了解和认识,为开展预报预警服务提供参考。  相似文献   

我国西北地区气候变化与北极涛动的交叉小波分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用交叉小波方法分析了近56 a来我国西北地区气候变化与北极涛动指数(AOI)、欧亚纬向环流指数之间的联系,讨论了西北地区冬季气温和夏季降水变化与同期AOI之间的多时间尺度相关。结果表明,AOI、西北地区降水和气温变化都存在着不同尺度的周期振荡,西北地区降水与AOI之间存在准3 a尺度的显著共振周期,而AOI与西北地区气温变化的多时间尺度相关表现为准2a、3-5 a和8-11 a左右的显著相关振荡且以8-11 a共振周期的凝聚性最强;AO对西北地区气温变化的影响比对降水的影响更显著,与其年代际尺度的相互作用有关。当冬季北极涛动处于正相位时,欧亚纬向环流偏强,西北地区冬季气温偏高。夏季西北地区降水变化与前期北极涛动指数异常密切相关,这对于西北地区夏季降水变化预测具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

回顾了“十五”期间中国西北地区干旱气侯学的进展。就遥感监测、西北干旱形成机制、西北地区年代际的气候变化、西北干旱新的强讯号、高原干旱气候生态作物适应性和西北干旱监测预测业务服务综合系统等方面所取得重要研究进展和学术成就,作了系统的回顾;并对21世纪初干旱气侯学的主要科学问题作了展望。  相似文献   

TraCE-21ka是全球首个利用全耦合模式针对末次盛冰期(LGM)至今气候演变的瞬变模拟。利用现代再分析资料和历史特征时期重建的连续冻土边界对TraCE-21ka模拟做了评估。结果表明TraCE-21ka能够较好地模拟现代半球尺度环流和降水的空间形态,对东亚地区的模拟冬季较好而夏季欠佳。TraCE-21ka模拟的现代时期与再分析资料相比偏冷,北半球年平均表面温度比再分析资料低3~4 ℃,基于现代温度误差的分析表明TraCE-21ka对东亚地区气候演变的模拟欠佳。对于历史特征时期,重建的连续冻土边界线指示TraCE-21ka模拟的亚欧大陆在LGM偏暖,全新世中期偏冷,即低估了LGM以来的变温幅度。利用连续冻土边界线的年均表面温度约为-7 ℃这一特性,进一步定量评估出TraCE-21ka模拟的亚欧大陆中纬地区从LGM至今的升温幅度约为真实气候的40%。通过分析近百年全球升温速率证实TraCE-21ka的气候敏感性显著偏低,由此产生的误差在瞬变模拟中会不断累积。  相似文献   

西北地区东部一次连阴雨过程等熵位涡分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用等熵位涡原理,对2005年5月中旬西北地区东部的一次连阴雨过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:影响这次连阴雨过程的大环流背景是乌拉尔山附近存在一高压脊,同时在巴尔喀什湖附近存在一不断加深的槽;这次连阴雨过程是由高原不断生成的低涡与北边分裂下来的冷空气所共同造成的;由于青藏高原大地形的作用,等熵面上高位涡沿高原北侧向下游输送;等熵位涡高值区与降水区有较好的对应关系,IPV正值区能够反应冷空气的移动,具有较好的预报指示意义。  相似文献   

中国西北区西部土壤湿度及其气候响应   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
利用中国西北区西部7个农业试验站1981—2001年0~40 cm的土壤湿度、降水、气温、水面蒸发和相对湿度观测资料,分析了逐站土壤湿度的月变化、年际特征及其气候响应。结果表明:(1)7站土壤湿度月变化分为平稳型和波动型;新疆各站土壤湿度沿垂直方向年际变化比较一致,但青海2个测站上下层趋势基本相反;新疆各站整层年际变化相对较大,而青海2个测站年际变化相对稳定;土壤湿度年际变化总体趋势随深度增加而减小。(2)进入20世纪90年代,多数站点土壤明显干化,个别站还存在突变现象,土壤湿度与气温有着显著的负相关。(3)土壤湿度和气候因子之间存在相互响应,土壤湿度与气温普遍存在负相关,土壤湿度与降水之间总体响应不明显。  相似文献   

Future climate change is expected to have many impacts on forest ecosystems. It is important to have some understanding of these impacts in order to make informed forest management decisions. A major consideration in making forest management decisions is the productivity of a site, as measured by site index. In this study, I relate Douglas-fir site index to accumulated growing degree-days greater than 5°C (DD5), as well as to soil moisture and nutrient regime. This allows the impact of climate change on forest productivity to be estimated. A two step approach was followed. The first step derived models to estimate various climate variables to latitude, longitude, and elevation using data from climate stations. Then, these climate variables were used along with soil moisture and nutrient data to predict site index for the site index plots. A two step approach was taken because climatic data were not available for the site index plots. The trend was for site index to increase with both increasing soil moisture and nutrients, although the site index decreased on the wetter sites. Site index also increased with DD5 at the rate of 1.2 m for every increase of 100 units in DD5. These models can be used together to evaluate the impact of various climate change scenarios on site index.  相似文献   

利用陕、甘、宁、青四省(区)141个气象站1961-2008年的气象要素值计算和分析得出,暖干化是西北四省(区)现代气候变化的基本特征。年平均气温表现为一致的增温趋势,每10年增温0.27℃,1996年是突变年。年降水量自1961年以来呈持续下降趋势,1986年是转折年,1987-2008年年平均降水量比1961-1986年平均减少20~40mm。以黄河为界,黄河以东降水量呈减少趋势,每10年减少10~40mm;黄河以西呈增多趋势,每10年增加10mm左右,减少的幅度明显高于增加的幅度。进入21世纪,气候暖干化的势头有所减缓。在分析不同区域自然资源特点和气候暖干化及其对农作物影响特征的基础上,运用系统规划理论,采用气候生态相似原理,提出了陕、甘、宁、青四省(区)13个不同地域农业种植结构调整方案。为了加快农业结构调整进程,使农业结构调整方案收到明显的生态、社会和经济效益,提出了四个方面的保障措施。  相似文献   

This paper reviews regional climate knowledge and vulnerability in the northern Mexico San Pedro River Basin, with a focus on water quality, quantity, and management issues on the Mexican side of the border. A discussion based on the available literature is supplemented by a survey assessing concerns about water and the quality and usability of climate and hydrologic information available to water managers and communities. The surveys indicate that the central concern for urban residents is the lack of reliable potable water due to frequent service breakdowns–with climate change and variability, specifically drought and high temperatures, as contributing factors. Water managers desire appropriate meteorological and hydrologic information to improve planning strategies, but access to this information remains limited. Considerable disagreement exists about who should pay for previously free or low-cost water and wastewater treatment. Urban users have little incentive to conserve because of the present flat, low rate and frustration with service. In rural areas, while a majority of ranchers recognize that variable climate and water loss could increasingly jeopardize their lifestyle, they seldom use meteorological information in planning or modify their water consumption. Climate vulnerability also includes potential for serious environmental health issues due to the presence of heavy metals and organic contaminants in the San Pedro.  相似文献   

中亚和中国西北干旱气候变化特征及其对产业结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用近百年年降水量资料,分析了亚洲大陆干旱、半干旱地带的主体部分,即中亚和中国西北地区的年降水量变化特征和产业结构。分析结果表明,中亚和中国西北地区年降水量在空间分布和时间演变上,既表现出某些相似性,又呈现出独特性。并且根据降水特征分析,提出了半干旱地区产业结构调整的成功事例。  相似文献   

西北干旱区夏半年深厚的混合层与干旱气候形成   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了更好地理解西北干旱区大气混合层(ML)厚度的变化特征及其对当地干旱气候形成的影响,我们利用张掖和民勤站夏季及相关月的实测探空资料及T-log P图解法,首先计算了该两地逐日ML厚度,然后分析并讨论了它的时空间变化特征、与干湿天气气候的关系,以及夏半年的深厚ML,对加剧当地干旱气候的影响.结果表明:(1)河西中东部ML厚度的年变化及地区差异明显.冬季最浅薄,夏半年深厚(特别是5、6月),4月及10月分别是ML急剧增厚及变薄的过渡期;同时,更靠近西北干旱区中心的河西西部及北部的ML更深厚.(2)夏季干(湿)天气通过加强(减弱)地气间的感热交换和干对流,而明显影响当地的ML厚度.平均而言,以高温日最深厚,千日次之,小雨日再次之,而中强雨日最浅薄.千年夏季的ML厚度平均比湿年的对应值增厚300 m左右.夏季典型千日的ML厚度比雨日厚3000 m,典型干日的ML厚度昼宿变化不大.(3)反过来夏半年深厚的ML也通过增加雨滴蒸发损耗,减少了干旱区的降水,加剧了当地干旱的程度,因此夏半年深厚的ML也是形成干旱气候背景的成因之一.  相似文献   

本文综述了中国西北干旱区陆—气相互作用及其对气候影响研究的最近进展。文中不仅回顾了“中国西北干旱区陆—气相互作用观测试验”经过连续12年的观测和多次加强期观测所取得的干旱区陆面过程参数的分析以及边界层和陆—气相互作用特征等的分析和研究,而且综述了应用这些参数来优化有关陆面过程模式的参数化方案和改进有关陆面过程模式的研究;并且,本文还综述了关于中国西北干旱区感热输送特征以及西北干旱区陆—气相互作用对中国东部气候的影响及其机理,并揭示了中国西北干旱区春、夏季具有高感热输送特征,此高感热对中国东部夏季气候变异有重要影响。此外,本文还指出今后在此方面应进一步观测和深入研究的科学问题。  相似文献   

使用各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组(WG1)2001年科学评估报告中给出的7个全球气候系统模式(CCC、CCSR、CSIRO、DKRZ、GFDL、HADL、NCAR),对20世纪中国西北地区气候变化作检测表明,从观测计算得到的近百年中国西北地区气候变暖0.75℃和近50年气候变暖0.88℃,很可能与人类活动造成大气中温室气体浓度增加以及硫化物气溶胶增加有联系.所有模式的控制试验没有表现出明显的增暖趋势,但是,根据20世纪的排放,所有模式模拟出温室气体增加或温室气体与硫化物气溶胶增加,造成西北地区变暖平均为0.34~1.57℃/100 a和0.90~1.86℃/50 a.所有模式对21世纪中国西北地区气候变化的计算表明,21世纪由于人类活动排放温室气体增加,以及温室气体和硫化物气溶胶增加,西北地区气温将可能平均升高2.79~4.50℃/100a.对21世纪未来降水变化的分析表明,由于温室气体增加,以及由于温室气体和硫化物气溶胶增加,未来西北地区降水将可能增加48~60 mm/100a.由于全球气候模式在模拟区域尺度气候变化上存在较大的不确定性,以及人类活动排放的多样性,因此,对未来的预测展望存在不确定性.  相似文献   

In this study, the CERES(Crop Estimation through Resource and Environment Synthesis) crop model was coupled with CLM3.5, the land module of the regional climate model RegCM4. The new coupled model was named RegCM4_CERES; and in this model, crop type was further divided into winter wheat, spring wheat, spring maize, summer maize, early rice, late rice,single rice, and other crop types based on each distribution fraction. The development of each crop sub-type was simulated by the corresponding crop model separately, with each planting and harvesting date. A simulation test using RegCM4_CERES was conducted across China from 1999 to 2008; a control test was also performed using the original RegCM4. Data on crop LAI(leaf area index), soil moisture at 10 cm depth, precipitation, and 2 m air temperature were collected to evaluate the performance of RegCM4_CERES. The evaluation provided comparison of single-station time series, regional distributions,seasonal variations, and statistical indices for RegCM4_CERES. The results revealed that the coupled model had an excellent ability to simulate the phonological changes and spatial variations in crops. The consideration of dynamic crop development in RegCM4_CERES corrected the wet bias of the original RegCM4 over North China and the cold bias over South China.However, the degree of improvement was minimal and the statistical indices for RegCM4_CERES were roughly the same as the original RegCM4.  相似文献   

This modeling study addresses the potential impacts of climate change and changing climate variability due to increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) yields in theMidwestern Great Lakes Region. Nine representative farm locations and six future climate scenarios were analyzed using the crop growth model SOYGRO. Under the future climate scenarios earlierplanting dates produced soybean yield increases of up to 120% above current levels in the central and northern areas of the study region. In the southern areas, comparatively small increases (0.1 to 20%) and small decreases (–0.1 to–25%) in yield are found. The decreases in yield occurred under the Hadley Center greenhouse gas run (HadCM2-GHG), representing a greater warming, and the doubled climate variability scenario – a more extreme and variableclimate. Optimum planting dates become later in the southern regions. CO2fertilization effects (555 ppmv) are found to be significant for soybean, increasing yields around 20% under future climate scenarios.For the study region as a whole the climate changes modeled in this research would have an overall beneficial effect, with mean soybean yield increases of 40% over current levels.  相似文献   

We downscaled atmospheric reanalysis data using linear regression and Bayesian neural network (BNN) ensembles to obtain daily maximum and minimum temperatures at ten weather stations in southern Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Performance of the linear and non-linear downscaling models was evaluated using four different sets of predictors, not only in terms of their ability to reproduce the magnitude of day-to-day variability (i.e., “weather,” mean absolute error between the daily values of the predictand(s) and the downscaled data) but also in terms of their ability to reproduce longer time scale variability (i.e., “climate,” indices of agreement between the predictand's observed annual climate indices and the corresponding downscaled values). The climate indices used were the 90th percentile of the daily maximum temperature, 10th percentile of the daily minimum temperature, number of frost days, heat wave duration, growing season length, and intra-annual temperature range.

Our results show that the non-linear models usually outperform their linear counterparts in the magnitude of daily variability and, to a greater extent, in annual climate variability. In particular, the best model simulating weather and climate was a BNN ensemble using stepwise selection from 20 reanalysis predictors, followed by a BNN ensemble using the three leading principal components from the aforementioned predictors. Finally, we showed that, on average, the first three indices presented higher skills than the growing season length, number of frost days, and the heat wave duration.  相似文献   

气候变化危险水平与可持续发展的适应能力建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
气候变化的关键脆弱性及其影响的危险水平研究是目前国际上十分关注的问题。文章首先介绍气候变化危险水平的概念,并讨论其不确定性;然后,简要分析对定量确定气候系统"危险的人为干扰"的可能性;文章还讨论了适应措施与危险水平的关系,并为中国制定合理的区域可持续发展适应措施提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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