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In order to study the characteristics of ground vibrations caused by production blasts in an open pit gold mine and to evaluate the impact of the vibrations to buildings, a seismic survey was conducted at an open pit mine. Two monitoring lines with multiple seismic stations were surveyed. The first line had a length of 4,492 m and the second line runs approximately perpendicular to the first line with a length of 823 m. The seismographs recorded the particle acceleration, velocity, and displacement in longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions. The magnitudes of peak particle motions were calculated and compared with several established damage criteria used in mining and geotechnical/structure engineering. Empirical equations were established based on the field measurements. Analyses were also performed to exam the effects of geological structures on the attenuation of individual vibration components as well as the peak vector sum of the particle velocity.  相似文献   

根据探地雷达的探测原理及技术参数影响因素,提出了工作频率的选择方法。以广州和商丘两地的两个探测实例,介绍了如何根据管径、埋深确定天线频率、天线距、采样点距、时窗等探地雷达技术参数;并选择已知埋深的管线,对波速进行实地测定,以便在探地雷达剖面上对目标体的埋深作出精确解释。  相似文献   

卢尚春 《探矿工程》2019,46(6):31-35
北京大安山煤矿地表只有少数钻孔控制到+550 m水平,为探明下部煤层赋存条件,提高资源储量级别,应用ZDY1000G型全液压坑道钻机、S75绳索取心钻进工艺进行了硐内深孔钻探,完成了坑道内试验钻探孔深505.17 m。随之在2012-2014年共计钻探进尺8237 m,勘探增加资源储量1877.7万t。深孔钻探技术不仅加快了对深部水平煤层的勘探,探明了深部水平煤层赋存条件。为开拓工程部署提供了可靠的地质资料,而且减少了巷探成本,提高了工程效率。本文对井下硐内深孔钻探进行了介绍。  相似文献   

A database of ground vibration due to blasting at 27 limestone quarries, located in various parts of India, has been created. The database contains peak particle velocity (PPV), frequency, other vibration related and blast design parameters. Regression analysis of the data is carried out to derive site constants of the USBM predictor equation for individual quarries. It is found that these site constants are correlated with each other. By combining all the data, a generalised predictor equation is developed to assess and control ground vibration. In addition, mean zone of attenuation has been delineated using the predictor equations of the individual quarries. The dominant frequency of ground vibration with respect to distance and the possibility of modifying it by changing delay intervals in production blasts are also examined.  相似文献   

南京地铁应用人工地层冻结法的可行性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人工地层冻结技术用于采矿凿井在国外有100余年的历史,在中国也有40余年,然而,它在其它岩土工程中的应用尚处于起步阶段。本文以南京地铁珠江路—鼓楼区间为例,探讨了冻结法施工的可行性、设计方法、技术要点及其可能遇到的环境岩土工程问题。  相似文献   

Blasting is often a necessary part of mining and construction operations, and is the most cost-effective way to break rock, but blasting generates both noise and ground vibration. In urban areas, noise and vibration have an environmental impact, and cause structural damage to nearby structures. Various wave-screening methods have been used for many years to reduce blast-induced ground vibration. However, these methods have not been quantitatively studied for their reduction effect of ground vibration. The present study focused on the quantitative assessment of the effectiveness in vibration reduction of line-drilling as a screening method using a numerical method. Two numerical methods were used to analyze the reduction effect toward ground vibration, namely, the “distinct element method” and the “non-linear hydrocode.” The distinct element method, by particle flow code in two dimensions (PFC 2D), was used for two-dimensional parametric analyses, and some cases of two-dimensional analyses were analyzed three-dimensionally using AUTODYN 3D, the program of the non-linear hydrocode. To analyze the screening effectiveness of line-drilling, parametric analyses were carried out under various conditions, with the spacing, diameter of drill holes, distance between the blasthole and line-drilling, and the number of rows of drill holes, including their arrangement, used as parameters. The screening effectiveness was assessed via a comparison of the vibration amplitude between cases both with and without screening. Also, the frequency distribution of ground motion of the two cases was investigated through fast Fourier transform (FFT), with the differences also examined. From our study, it was concluded that line-drilling as a screening method of blast-induced waves was considerably effective under certain design conditions. The design details for field application have also been proposed.  相似文献   

基于井下放水试验的矿井疏降量预测评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
井下放水试验作为特殊的水文地质试验,克服了地面抽水试验存在的不利条件,有着十分重要的实践和理论意义。为了探查双柳煤矿太原组灰岩含水层的水文地质条件,通过两次井下放水试验取得的相关水文地质参数,控制了太灰含水层的动态流场。基于井下放水试验取得的水文地质条件信息,利用Visual MODFLOW三维数值模拟软件,建立放水试验期间反映模拟区太灰地下水分布、储存及其时空变化规律的参数模型;根据拟定的预测方案,对太灰含水层的疏降涌水量进行预测。通过本次工作,对双柳井田下一阶段进行疏干降压,减少太灰含水层对上组煤(4#煤层)开采的威胁,同时为下组煤(8+9#煤)开采提供疏降方式和水文地质依据。  相似文献   

Investigating the propagation and attenuation of blast vibration in rock slopes is the key point to assess the influence of underground mine blasting on overlaying open pit slopes stability and determining the potential risk. In this paper, Daye Iron Mine in China has been chosen as the case to study the effect of blast vibrations on overlaying open pit slopes due to underground mine blast. Firstly, the characteristics of blast loadings are analyzed by the dynamic finite element method. Then, a three dimensional (3D) numerical model of the open pit and the underground mine is made, which is verified by the field monitoring data to prove its reliability. The effect of blast vibration on overlaying open pit slope due to underground mine blasting are discussed based on the peak particle velocity (PPV) and the peak effective tensile stress (PETS) distribution characteristics which are calculated and analyzed by inputting the obtained blast vibration data into the numerical model. The results show that the effect of present mining blasting on the stability of pit slopes are limited because the simulated maximum PPV and PETS of monitoring point on slopes are all < 0.747 cm/s and 0.738 MPa. At last, according to numerical simulations of the underground mine blasting, the PPV predicting formulas for the slopes in Daye Open Pit Iron Mine is proposed based on the classic Sadaovsk formula.  相似文献   

随着社会化进程的推进,顶管法在各类城市地下管线的施工中得到广泛应用。超浅层顶管施工。绝大多数是在已建道路下进行的,施工时,易发生地表沉降,且沉降量很大,易破坏路面。为此,超浅层顶管施工对周围环境的影响已引起人们足够的重视,其施工及控制技术是目前迫切需要掌握的。利用有限差分软件FLAC3D对顶管施工过程中地表沉降进行模拟,旨在了解超浅层顶管施工引起的力学效应。对超浅层顶管施工引起的地表沉降作出预测,为采取措施减小地表沉降提供依据。  相似文献   

Empirical approaches for predicting fragmentation from blasting continue to play a significant role in the mining industry in spite of a number of inherent limitations associated with such methods. These methods can be successfully applied provided the users understand or recognize their limitations. Arguably, the most successful empirical based fragmentation models have been those applicable to surface blasting (e.g., Kuz-Ram/Kuznetsov based models). With widespread adoption of fragmentation assessment technologies in underground operations, an opportunity has arisen to extend and further develop these type approaches to underground production blasting.

This paper discusses the development of a new fragmentation modelling framework for underground ring blasting applications. The approach is based on the back-analysis of geotechnical, blasting and fragmentation data gathered at the Ridgeway sub level caving (SLC) operation in conjunction with experiences from a number of surface blasting operations.

The basis of the model are, relating a peak particle velocity (PPV) breakage threshold to a breakage uniformity index; modelling of the coarse end of the size distribution with the Rosin-Rammler distribution; and modelling the generation of fines with a newly developed approach that allows the prediction of the volume of crushing around blastholes.

Preliminary validations of the proposed model have shown encouraging results. Further testing and validation of the proposed model framework continues and the approach is currently being incorporated into an underground blast design and analysis software to facilitate its application.  相似文献   

井下定向钻进是实现煤矿瓦斯高效抽采和防治底板突水的重要途径,多采用回转钻进的方法,钻遇硬岩地层时,钻进效率低、钻孔周期长、成本高,严重影响了井下瓦斯抽放钻孔等的工程进度及成孔质量。赵固一矿井下灰岩地层钻进试验结果表明,使用SC86H型高能射流式液动锤实施冲击回转钻进,通过合理控制泵压、转速和钻压,钻进效率较常规PDC钻头回转钻进提高了3倍,节约了钻进成本。  相似文献   

One of the most critical lessons of the recent earthquakes is the need for seismic planning for lifelines, with appropriate supplies and back up systems for emergency repair and restoration. Seismic planning, however requires physical loss estimations before the earthquakes occur. Buried pipeline damage correlations are critical part of loss estimation procedures applied to lifelines for future earthquakes. We review the existing pipeline damage relationships only for ground shaking (transient ground deformations) in the light of recent developments and evaluate them with Denizli City, Turkey water supply system. Eight scenario earthquakes with four different earthquake magnitudes between M6 and M7 caused by two different fault ruptures (Pamukkale and Karakova-Akhan Faults) were used. Analyses were performed by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). This high number of different scenario earthquakes made it possible to compare the pipeline damage relationships at different ground shaking levels. Pipeline damage estimations for Denizli City were calculated for each damage relationship and earthquake scenario. Relative effects of damage relationships and scenario earthquakes on the results were compared and discussed. The results were presented separately for brittle, ductile, and all pipelines. It was shown that the variation in ductile pipeline damage estimations by various relationships was higher than the variation in brittle pipeline damage estimations for a particular scenario earthquake.  相似文献   

李勇 《探矿工程》2016,43(11):48-51
郑州地区煤矿水文观测孔以前均在地面施工,由于施工和维护成本较高,近年来逐渐推广在井下施工。2013年国家煤矿安全监察局将《高压水探放技术与装备》列入《水害防治关键技术与装备研究课题》。随着井下钻探技术和装备日趋成熟,特别是井下专用探放水钻机、孔口防喷装置、松软破碎地层跟管钻进技术、硬岩层高效定向钻进技术等方面的难题相继被攻克,煤矿井下钻探已实现了安全型作业。针对井下钻探施工的特殊性,主要从水文观测孔施工难点和解决方法进行了详细阐述,包括设备选型、钻孔定位、破碎地层潜孔锤跟管钻进、固井和井控防喷以及成孔后酸化洗井等方面。  相似文献   

本文对北京戒台寺滑坡坡体内部采空区做了较为详细的论述,并进一步分析了地下采空区和坡体变形的关系。调查结果表明,采矿形成的采空区是产生滑坡的主要诱发因素。对分析由地下采空区所引发的地质灾害具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

江西萍乡素有"江南煤都"之称,曾是近代中国十大矿厂之一,为国家的社会经济发展做出过突出贡献,同时也在采煤区造成了严重的地面塌陷灾害,形成了6个相对独立的地面塌陷"盆地" ,分别为:安源-髙坑塌陷区、青山塌陷区、白源塌陷区、巨源塌陷区、黄冲-焦源塌陷区和杨桥塌陷区,塌陷总面积79.7 km2 .塌陷区内房屋、道路、市政设施、农田、水利等设施遭受了较严重的破坏.本文较全面地阐述和分析了研究区地面塌陷灾害的现状和成因,对地面塌陷灾害的发展趋势作了初步预测,并提出了地面塌陷灾害的综合治理建议.  相似文献   

冯达晖 《探矿工程》2018,45(3):33-36,41
针对钱营孜煤矿西三轨道上山精准对穿巷道疏放水钻孔施工距离长、精度要求高、地层断层成孔性差等技术难点,通过对大功率定向钻进装备优选、钻孔轨迹精确设计、钻孔轨迹精准控制、复合定向钻进强排渣等方面的技术研究,实现疏放水孔钻进至443 m从目标巷道预定区域精确对穿贯通,上下误差0.19 m,水平位移误差1.72 m,自2017年10月28日巷道贯通后,截止2017年12月1日总出水量3200 m3,有效保障西三轨道上山和西三回风上山的掘进安全。  相似文献   

采用解析法研究穿越地表建筑物浅埋隧道开挖引起的地表沉降。由无建筑物时岩土体开挖引起的地表沉降公式及半无限平面在均布荷载下的相对沉陷,推导出了穿越地表建筑物浅埋隧道施工引起的地表沉降公式,并通过实例验证了此方法的可行性。采用上述方法研究了地表建筑物的重量及其与浅埋隧道位置关系对地表沉降的影响,研究结果表明:浅埋隧道开挖引起的地表沉降随建筑物重量的增大而增大;建筑物中心到隧道轴线的水平距离是对地表沉降的一个重要影响因素,超过一定范围时建筑物的存在对地表沉降的影响可以忽略不计。研究结果可为类似隧道工程提供一定参考。  相似文献   

姚桥矿地下水化学特征及在矿井水源判别中的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚桥矿地下水系统包含四个子系统:新生界孔隙含水层组,煤系砂岩裂隙含水层组,太原群石灰岩溶隙含水层组及奥陶系灰岩岩溶含水层组。通过对这四个子系统水文地球化学特征的系统研究,提出了各子系统所特有的水质模型,并确定出能作为矿井水源判别依据的水溶组分,为矿井防治水提供水化学特征依据。  相似文献   

根据实际的地基结构,在Terzaghi一维固结理论的基础上,建立粉喷桩复合地基桩间土的固结模型并求解;结合高等级公路粉喷桩加固路基工程实例,将理论计算值与现场试验结果进行沉降计算对比分析。  相似文献   

基坑降水引起地面沉降计算方法研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论述了基坑降水引起粘性土地基沉降计算理论公式应以给水度 (μ)进行修正的原因 ,提出了基坑边不同距离的建筑物及其不同部位沉降计算的具体方法和相应的理论公式  相似文献   

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